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We model the cratering of the Moon and terrestrial planets from the present knowledge of the orbital and size distribution of asteroids and comets in the inner Solar System, in order to refine the crater chronology method. Impact occurrences, locations, velocities and incidence angles are calculated semi-analytically, and scaling laws are used to convert impactor sizes into crater sizes. Our approach is generalizable to other moons or planets. The lunar cratering rate varies with both latitude and longitude: with respect to the global average, it is about 25% lower at (±65°N, 90°E) and larger by the same amount at the apex of motion (0°N, 90°W) for the present Earth-Moon separation. The measured size-frequency distributions of lunar craters are reconciled with the observed population of near-Earth objects under the assumption that craters smaller than a few kilometers in diameter form in a porous megaregolith. Varying depths of this megaregolith between the mare and highlands is a plausible partial explanation for differences in previously reported measured size-frequency distributions. We give a revised analytical relationship between the number of craters and the age of a lunar surface. For the inner planets, expected size-frequency crater distributions are calculated that account for differences in impact conditions, and the age of a few key geologic units is given. We estimate the Orientale and Caloris basins to be 3.73 Ga old, and the surface of Venus to be 240 Ma old. The terrestrial cratering record is consistent with the revised chronology and a constant impact rate over the last 400 Ma. Better knowledge of the orbital dynamics, crater scaling laws and megaregolith properties are needed to confidently assess the net uncertainty of the model ages that result from the combination of numerous steps, from the observation of asteroids to the formation of craters. Our model may be inaccurate for periods prior to 3.5 Ga because of a different impactor population, or for craters smaller than a few kilometers on Mars and Mercury, due to the presence of subsurface ice and to the abundance of large secondaries, respectively. Standard parameter values allow for the first time to naturally reproduce both the size distribution and absolute number of lunar craters up to 3.5 Ga ago, and give self-consistent estimates of the planetary cratering rates relative to the Moon.  相似文献   

High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) imagery and digital elevation models of the Candor Chasma region of Valles Marineris, Mars, reveal prominent and distinctive positive-relief knobs amidst light-toned layers. Three classifications of knobs, Types 1, 2, and 3, are distinguished from a combination of HiRISE and Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) images based on physical expressions (geometries, spatial relationships), and spectral data from Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM). Type 1 knobs are abundant, concentrated, topographically resistant features with their highest frequency in West Candor, which have consistent stratigraphic correlations of the peak altitude (height). These Type 1 knobs could be erosional remnants of a simple dissected terrain, possibly derived from a more continuous, resistant, capping layer of pre-existing material diagenetically altered through recrystallization or cementation. Types 2 and 3 knobs are not linked to a single stratigraphic layer and are generally solitary to isolated, with variable heights. Type 3 are the largest knobs at nearly an order of magnitude larger than Type 1 knobs. The variable sizes and occasional pits on the tops of Type 2 and 3 knobs suggest a different origin, possibly related to more developed erosion, preferential cementation, or textural differences from sediment/water injection or intrusion, or from a buried impact crater. Enhanced color HiRISE images show a brown coloration of the knob peak crests that is attributable to processing and photometric effects; CRISM data do not show any detectable spectral differences between the knobs and the host rock layers, other than albedo. These intriguing knobs hold important clues to deducing relative rock properties, timing of events, and weathering conditions of Mars history.  相似文献   

B.W. Denevi  M.S. Robinson 《Icarus》2008,197(1):239-246
Mariner 10 clear filter (490 nm) images of Mercury were recalibrated and photometrically normalized to produce a mosaic of nearly an entire hemisphere of the planet. Albedo contrasts are slightly larger than seen in the lunar highlands (excluding maria). Variegations indicative of compositional differences include diffuse low albedo units often overlain by smooth plains, the high albedo smooth plains of Borealis Planitia, and high-albedo enigmatic crater floor deposits. A higher level of contrast between immature crater ejecta and average mature material on Mercury compared to the Moon is consistent with a more intense space weathering environment on Mercury that results in a more mature regolith. Immature lunar highlands materials are ∼1.5 times higher in reflectance than analogous immature mercurian materials. Immature materials of the same composition would have the same reflectance on both bodies, thus this observation requires that Mercury's crust contains a significant darkening agent, either opaque minerals or ferrous iron bearing silicates, in abundances significantly higher than those of the lunar highlands. If the darkening agent is opaque minerals (e.g. ilmenite or ulvospinel) Mercury's crust may contain significant ferrous iron and yet not exhibit a 1-μm absorption band.  相似文献   

J.E. Chambers 《Icarus》2007,189(2):386-400
The stability of an additional planet between the orbit of Mars and the asteroid belt is examined in the context of the Planet V hypothesis. In this model, the Solar System initially contained a fifth terrestrial planet, “Planet V,” which was removed after ∼700 Myr, a possible trigger for the late heavy bombardment on the inner planets. The model is investigated using 96 N-body integrations of the 8 major planets with an additional body between Mars and the asteroid belt. In more than 1/4 of simulations, Planet V survives for 1000 Myr. In most other cases, Planet V collides with the Sun or hits another planet after several hundred Myr, leaving 4 surviving terrestrial planets. In 24/96 simulations, Planet V is lost by ejection or collision with the Sun while the other four terrestrial planets survive without undergoing a collision. In 18 cases, Planet V is removed at least 200 Myr after the beginning of the simulation. The endstate depends sensitively on the mass of Planet V. Collision with the Sun is likely when Planet V's mass is 0.25 Mars masses or less. When Planet V is more massive than this, collisions involving it and/or other terrestrial planets become commonplace. In unstable systems, the times of first encounter and first collision/ejection depend on the initial aphelion distance of Mars. Reducing Mars's aphelion distance increases these times and also increases the fraction of systems surviving for 1000 Myr. When Mars's current orbit is used, the stability of Planet V increases when these two planets are widely separated initially. Planet V's aphelion distance Q typically begins to cross the asteroid belt within a few tens to a few hundred Myr, and its orbit last leaves the belt several hundred Myr later in most cases. The total time spent with Q>2.1 AU is typically less than 200 Myr.  相似文献   

V.R. Eke  L.F.A. Teodoro 《Icarus》2009,200(1):12-18
A new analysis of the Lunar Prospector epithermal neutron data is presented, providing an improved map of the distribution of hydrogen near to the lunar poles. This is achieved using a specially developed pixon image reconstruction algorithm to deconvolve the instrumental response of the Lunar Prospector's neutron spectrometer from the observed data, while simultaneously suppressing the statistical noise. The results show that these data alone require the hydrogen to be concentrated into the cold traps at up to 1 wt% water-equivalent hydrogen. This combination of localisation and high concentration suggests that the hydrogen is present either in the form of a volatile compound or as solar wind protons implanted into small regolith grains.  相似文献   

F.W. Wagner  F. Sohl  M. Grott 《Icarus》2011,214(2):366-376
The detection of low-mass extrasolar planets has initiated growing interest in massive rocky bodies (super-Earths) for which no Solar System analogue does exist. Here, we present a new model approach to investigate their interior structure and thermal state. We improve and extend previous interior models mainly in two areas: the first improvement is due to the consequent application of equations of state (EoS) that are compliant with the thermodynamics of the high-pressure limit and facilitate reinvestigating mass-radius relations for terrestrial-type exoplanets. To quantify the uncertainty due to extrapolation, we compare a generalized Rydberg and a Keane EoS, which are both consistent with the high-pressure limit. Furthermore, we consider a reciprocal K′ EoS that fits the seismologically obtained Preliminary Reference Earth Model (PREM), thereby accounting for the mineralogical composition of the Earth. As a result, the predicted planetary radii of terrestrial-type exoplanets of up to 10 Earth masses would differ by less than 2% between all three EoS, well within current observational limits. The second extension arises from the adoption of a mixing length formulation instead of the commonly used, more simplified parameterized approach to model convective heat transport in planetary mantles. In comparison to parameterized convection models, our results indicate generally hotter interiors with increasing planetary mass and a cumulative tendency to extended regimes of sluggish convection in the lowermost mantle. The latter is attributed to less efficient convective heat transport with increasing mantle pressures. An improved knowledge of the present thermal state is prerequisite to gain a better understanding of the pathways of internal evolution of terrestrial-type exoplanets.  相似文献   

M. Ozima  Y.N. Miura 《Icarus》2004,170(1):17-23
Surface-correlated noble gases in lunar soils are primarily implanted SW (solar wind) noble gases. However, they also include apparently orphan radiogenic 40Ar, 129Xe, and 244Pu-derived fission Xe in excess of plausible primordial solar origin. These orphan radiogenic components are usually assigned a lunar origin, in a scenario in which radiogenic noble gases produced in the lunar interior were degassed into the transient atmosphere and then re-implanted to the lunar surface together with SW. There are some quantitative difficulties with this scenario, however, and it requires special constraints on the degassing history of the Moon that have not emerged from more general thermal history models. We therefore urge consideration of alternative hypotheses. As a possible source for the orphan radiogenic noble gases, we have examined planetary pollution of the Sun, as suggested by studies of extrasolar planetary systems (e.g., Murray et al., 2001, Astrophys. J. 555, 801-815; Israelian et al., 2001, Nature 411, 163-166). Pollution of the Sun by 2M (two Earth mass) planetary materials (Murray et al., 2001, Astrophys. J. 555, 801-815) is likely not significant for Ar but could be important to account for orphan Xe in the Moon.  相似文献   

Distinct competent layers are observed in the slopes of eastern Coprates Chasma, part of the Valles Marineris system on Mars. Our observations indicate that the stratigraphy of Coprates Chasma consists of alternating thin strong layers and thicker sequences of relatively weak layers. The strong, competent layers maintain steeper slopes and play a major role in controlling the overall shape and geomorphology of the chasmata slopes. The topmost competent layer in this area is well preserved and easy to identify in outcrops on the northern rim of Coprates Chasma less than 100 m below the southern Ophir Planum surface. The volume of the topmost emplaced layer is at least 70 km3 and may be greater than 2100 km3 if the unit underlies most of Ophir Planum. The broad extent of this layer allows us to measure elevation offsets within the north rim of the chasma and in a freestanding massif within Coprates Chasma where the layer is also observed. Rim outcrop morphology and elevation differences between Ophir and Aurorae Plana may be indicative of the easternmost extent of the topmost competent layer. These observations allow an insight into the depositional processes that formed the stratigraphic stack into which this portion of the Valles Marineris is carved, and they present a picture of some of the last volcanic activity in this area. Furthermore, the elevation offsets within the layer are evidence of significant subsidence of the massif and surrounding material.  相似文献   

We have used the Kaguya laser altimeter-derived topography to conduct a comprehensive study of the illumination conditions at the Moon’s south pole. We have determined, by comparing simulated and actual Clementine images, that the Kaguya topography can be used to generate realistic illumination conditions. We generated an average illumination map for the year 2020 for the lunar south pole region. From this we identified the areas that receive the most illumination. The place receiving the most illumination (86% of the year) is located close to the rim of Shackleton crater at 88.74°S 124.5°E. However two other areas, less than 10 km apart from each other, are collectively lit for 94% of the year. We found that sites exist near the south pole that are continuously lit for several months during summer. We were also able to map the locations and durations of eclipse periods for these areas. Finally we analyzed the seasonal variations in lighting conditions, from summer to winter, for key areas near the south pole. We conclude that areas exist near the south pole that have illumination conditions that make them ideal candidates as future outpost sites.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet spectral reflectance properties (200-400 nm) of a large number of minerals known or presumed to exist on the surfaces of Mars, the Moon, and asteroids, and in many meteorites, were investigated. Ultraviolet reflectance spectra (200-400 nm) of these minerals range from slightly blue-sloped (reflectance decreasing toward longer wavelengths) to strongly red-sloped (reflectance increasing toward longer wavelengths). Most exhibit one or two absorption features that are attributable to FeO charge transfers involving Fe3+ or Fe2+. The UV region is a very sensitive indicator of the presence of even trace amounts (<0.01 wt%) of Fe3+ and Fe2+. The major Fe3+O absorption band occurs at shorter wavelengths (∼210-230 nm), and is more intense than the major Fe2+O absorption band (∼250-270 nm). Ti-bearing minerals, such as ilmenite, rutile and anatase exhibit UV absorption bands attributable to Ti4+O charge transfers. While the positions of metal-O charge transfer bands sometimes differ for different minerals, the variation is often not diagnostic enough to permit unique mineral identification. However, iron oxides and oxyhydroxides can generally be distinguished from Fe-bearing silicates in the 200-400 nm region on the basis of absorption band positions. Within a given mineral group (e.g., low-calcium pyroxene, olivine, plagioclase feldspar), changes in Fe2+ or Fe3+ abundance do not appear to result in a measurable change in absorption band minima positions. Absorption band positions can vary as a function of grain size, however, and this variation is likely due to band saturation effects. The intensity of metal-O charge transfers means that some minerals will exhibit saturated UV absorption bands even for fine-grained (<45 μm) powders. In cases where absorption bands are not saturated (e.g., Fe2+O bands in some plagioclase feldspars and pyroxenes), changes in Fe2+ content do not appear to cause variations in band position. In other minerals (e.g., olivine), changes in band positions are correlated with compositional and/or grain size variations, but this is likely due to increasing band saturation rather than compositional variations. Overall, we find that the UV spectral region is sensitive to different mineral properties than longer wavelength regions, and thus offers the potential to provide complementary capabilities and unique opportunities for planetary remote sensing.  相似文献   

We investigate the possibility of measuring the heights and morphology of viscously emplaced domes using radar imagery. We accurately reproduce the known height and shape of a terrestrial salt dome, and estimate the heights of several venusian pancake domes to within a factor of two. The terrestrial salt dome is consistent with a Bingham flow, while the much larger venusian pancake domes are consistent with a Newtonian flow. Applying the same techniques to Ganesa Macula, a potential cryovolcanic dome on Titan, we estimate a height between 2.0-4.9 km. Additional factors such as variable roughness and composition might account for some of the discrepancies observed.  相似文献   

Cuk et al. (Cuk, M., Gladman, B.J., Stewart, S.T. [2010]. Icarus 207, 590-594) argue that the projectiles bombarding the Moon at the time of the so-called lunar cataclysm could not have been mainbelt asteroids ejected by purely gravitational means, in contradiction with a conclusion that was reached by Strom et al. (Strom, R.G., Malhotra, R., Ito, T., Yoshida, F., Kring, D.A. [2005]. Science 309, 1847-1850). We demonstrate that Cuk et al.’s argument is erroneous because, contrary to their arguments, the lunar highlands do register the cataclysm impacts, lunar class 1 craters do not represent the size distribution of the cataclysm craters, and the crater size distributions on the late-forming basins are quite similar to those of the highlands craters, albeit at a lower number density due to the rapid decline of the impact flux during the cataclysm.  相似文献   

Cristian Carli  Maria Sgavetti 《Icarus》2011,211(2):1034-1048
In spectroscopic remote sensing for the exploration of the surface compositions of Earth and terrestrial planets, reflectance spectra with very low spectral contrast and even devoid of diagnostic absorption bands can be observed, which make the interpretation of the component minerals ambiguous. Using selected examples of terrestrial rock samples from intrusive and effusive geologic systems, we discuss compositional and textural properties related to these particular spectral shapes. We show that: (1) this spectral behaviour is common for coarse grains of multimineral rocks, where the optical coupling is expected to occur between welded mineral particles; (2) it is emphasised by the presence of opaque minerals with various compositions, such as ulvospinel, magnetite and chromite in effusive rock groundmass and in intrusive rocks; (3) it is controlled by the number of silicate phases within which the FeO is distributed, irrespective of the total iron content in the rock: a rock composition with a high number of iron-bearing minerals producing this kind of low contrast, almost featureless spectra is indicated here as “critical mode”; (4) it is also strongly intensified by aqueous alteration of silicates.These observations suggest unpredictable combinations of several different petrographic variables affecting the spectra of some compact rocks, and stimulate both targeted studies to quantitatively relate spectral and petrographic parameters, and the development of appropriate methods of spectral decomposition. Our ongoing work is at present focused on the spectroscopic effects of the FeO concentration in transparent neutral plagioclase, the different compositions of the opaque neutral minerals, and the iron bearing amorphous phases.We also discuss the analogy between the rocks used in the analysis reported here and the crustal rock compositions observed on Mars and inferred for Mercury as well as the compatibility of the factors responsible for the low spectral contrast of terrestrial rock samples with the factors expected for the two planets. We observe that a coarse-grained surface and a composition approaching a critical mode could explain the featureless Acidalia spectra on Mars, and suggest that the still open questions about Mercury’s surface regolith characteristics and composition do not exclude a priori the contribution of some of the factors examined in this paper to the peculiar surface properties of this planet.  相似文献   

A 2-month series of quasi-simultaneous imaging photometric observations of the Moon and the Sun has been performed at Maidanak Observatory (Uzbekistan). New absolute values of lunar albedo have been obtained. Maps of lunar apparent albedo and equigonal albedo at phase angles 1.7-73° at wavelength 603 nm are presented. The standard deviation of our data from a best-fitted phase curve is 2%. The average ratio of the Clementine albedo to ours is 1.41. While the ratio of ROLO albedo to ours is 0.87, our data are in agreement with independent measurements of absolute albedo by Saiki et al. (Saiki, K., Saito, K., Okuno, H., Suzuki, A., Yamanoi, Y., Hirata N., Nakamura, R. [2008]. Earth Planets Space 60, 417-424) at a phase angle near 7°. A phase ratio imaging near opposition (1.6°/2.7°) shows almost the same ratio for maria and highlands, though bright craters (e.g., Tycho, Copernicus, Aristarchus) clearly reveal smaller slopes of phase function. This is an unexpected result, as the craters are bright and one could anticipate a manifestation of the coherent backscattering effect resulting in the opposition spike increasing at so small phase angles.  相似文献   

For planets with strong intrinsic magnetic fields such as Earth and Jupiter, an external magnetic field is unlikely to affect the internal dynamo, but for bodies with weak intrinsic fields in appropriate environments, such as Mercury and Ganymede, the interaction with nearby field sources may determine the internal dynamics and overall behavior of their liquid iron cores. On the basis of simulations of such interactions using numerical models for fluid flow and dynamo generation, the parameter regimes for stable dipolar and multipolar reversing dynamo magnetic fields established for isolated systems can be substantially changed by the action of external sources. Relatively weak external background fields (as low as 2% of the averaged undisturbed field at the core-mantle boundary) may change the energy balance and alter the regime over which natural isolated dynamos operate.  相似文献   

From photogrammetric analysis of stereo images of Mercury obtained during three MESSENGER flybys, we have produced three digital terrain models (DTMs) that have a grid spacing of 1 km and together cover 30% of the planet's surface. The terrain models provide a rich source of information on the morphology of Mercury's surface, including details of tectonic scarp systems as well as impact craters and basins. More than 400 craters larger than 15 km in diameter are included in the models. Additionally, the models provide important test cases for the analysis of stereo image data to be collected during MESSENGER's orbital mission phase. Small lateral offsets and differences in trends between stereo DTMs and laser altimeter profiles may be due to remaining errors in spacecraft position, instrument pointing, or Mercury coordinate knowledge. Such errors should be resolved during the orbital mission phase, when more joint analyses of data and detailed orbit modeling will be possible.  相似文献   

Apollo video photogrammetry estimation of plume impingement effects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Future missions to the Moon may require numerous landings at the same site. Since the top few centimeters are loosely packed regolith, plume impingement from the Lander ejects the granular material at high velocities. Much work is needed to understand the physics of plume impingement during landing to protect hardware surrounding the landing sites. While mostly qualitative in nature, the Apollo Lunar Module landing videos can provide a wealth of quantitative information using modern photogrammetry techniques. The authors have used the digitized videos to quantify plume impingement effects of the landing exhaust on the lunar surface. The dust ejection angle from the plume is estimated at 1°-3°. The lofted particle density is estimated at 108-1013 particles/m3. Additionally, evidence for ejection of large 10-15 cm sized objects and a dependence of ejection angle on thrust are presented. Further work is ongoing to continue quantitative analysis of the landing videos.  相似文献   

In this study we examine the spectral and morphometric properties of the four important lunar mare dome fields near Cauchy, Arago, Hortensius, and Milichius. We utilize Clementine UV-vis multispectral data to examine the soil composition of the mare domes while employing telescopic CCD imagery to compute digital elevation maps in order to determine their morphometric properties, especially flank slope, height, and edifice volume. After reviewing previous attempts to determine topographic data for lunar domes, we propose an image-based 3D reconstruction approach which is based on a combination of photoclinometry and shape from shading. Accordingly, we devise a classification scheme for lunar mare domes which is based on a principal component analysis of the determined spectral and morphometric features. For the effusive mare domes of the examined fields we establish four classes, two of which are further divided into two subclasses, respectively, where each class represents distinct combinations of spectral and morphometric dome properties. As a general trend, shallow and steep domes formed out of low-TiO2 basalts are observed in the Hortensius and Milichius dome fields, while the domes near Cauchy and Arago that consist of high-TiO2 basalts are all very shallow. The intrusive domes of our data set cover a wide continuous range of spectral and morphometric quantities, generally characterized by larger diameters and shallower flank slopes than effusive domes. A comparison to effusive and intrusive mare domes in other lunar regions, highland domes, and lunar cones has shown that the examined four mare dome fields display such a richness in spectral properties and 3D dome shape that the established representation remains valid in a more global context. Furthermore, we estimate the physical parameters of dome formation for the examined domes based on a rheologic model. Each class of effusive domes defined in terms of spectral and morphometric properties is characterized by its specific range of values for lava viscosity, effusion rate, and duration of the effusion process. For our data set we report lava viscosities between about 102 and , effusion rates between 25 and , and durations of the effusion process between three weeks and 18 years. Lava viscosity decreases with increasing R415/R750 spectral ratio and thus TiO2 content; however, the correlation is not strong, implying an important influence of further parameters like effusion temperature on lava viscosity.  相似文献   

During the few days centered about new Moon, the lunar surface is optically hidden from Earth-based observers. However, the Moon still offers an observable: an extended sodium tail. The lunar sodium tail is the escaping “hot” component of a coma-like exosphere of sodium generated by photon-stimulated desorption, solar wind sputtering and meteoroid impact. Neutral sodium atoms escaping lunar gravity experience solar radiation pressure that drives them into the anti-solar direction forming a comet-like tail. During new Moon time, the geometry of the Sun, Moon and Earth is such that the anti-sunward sodium flux is perturbed by the terrestrial gravitational field resulting in its focusing into a dense core that extends beyond the Earth. An all-sky camera situated at the El Leoncito Observatory (CASLEO) in Argentina has been successfully imaging this tail through a sodium filter at each lunation since April 2006. This paper reports on the results of the brightness of the lunar sodium tail spanning 31 lunations between April 2006 and September 2008. Brightness variability trends are compared with both sporadic and shower meteor activity, solar wind proton energy flux and solar near ultra violet (NUV) patterns for possible correlations. Results suggest minimal variability in the brightness of the observed lunar sodium tail, generally uncorrelated with any single source, yet consistent with a multi-year period of minimal solar activity and non-intense meteoric fluxes.  相似文献   

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