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Analysis of Titan’s hemispheric brightness asymmetry from mapped Cassini images reveals an axis of symmetry that is tilted with respect to the rotational axis of the solid body. Twenty images taken from 2004 through 2007 show a mean axial offset of 3.8 ± 0.9° relative to the solid body’s pole, directed 79 ± 24° to the west of the sub-solar longitude. These values are consistent with recent measurements of an implied atmospheric spin axis determined from isothermal mapping by [Achterberg, R.K., Conrath, B.J., Gierasch, P.J., Flasar, F.M., Nixon, C.A., 2008. Icarus 197, 549-555].  相似文献   

Three weeks prior to the commencement of Cassini's 4 year tour of the saturnian system, the spacecraft executed a close flyby of the outer satellite Phoebe. The infrared channel of the Visual Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) obtained images of reflected light over the 0.83-5.1 μm spectral range with an average spectral resolution of 16.5 nm, spatial resolution up to 2 km, and over a range of solar phase angles not observed before. These images have been analyzed to derive fundamental photometric parameters including the phase curve and phase integral, spectral geometric albedo, bolometric Bond albedo, and the single scattering albedo. Physical properties of the surface, including macroscopic roughness and the single particle phase function, have also been characterized. Maps of normal reflectance show the existence of two major albedo regimes in the infrared, with gradations between the two regimes and much terrain with substantially higher albedos. The phase integral of Phoebe is 0.29±0.03, with no significant wavelength dependence. The bolometric Bond albedo is 0.023±007. We find that the surface of Phoebe is rough, with a mean slope angle of 33°. The satellite's surface has a substantial forward scattering component, suggesting that its surface is dusty, perhaps from a history of outgassing. The spectrum of Phoebe is best matched by a composition including water ice, amorphous carbon, iron-bearing minerals, carbon dioxide, and Triton tholin. The characteristics of Phoebe suggest that it originated outside the saturnian system, perhaps in the Kuiper Belt, and was captured on its journey inward, as suggested by Johnson and Lunine (2005).  相似文献   

We observed Phoebe for 13 nights over a period of 55 days before, during, and after the 2005 Saturn opposition with the New Mexico State University (NMSU) 1-m telescope at Apache Point Observatory (APO) in Sunspot, NM and characterized the width and magnitude of Phoebe’s opposition surge in BVRI filters. Our observations cover a phase angle range of 4.87° to 0.0509°. We use a Hapke reflectance model incorporating shadow hiding and coherent backscatter to investigate the wavelength dependence of Phoebe’s opposition surge. We find a significant opposition surge magnitude of 55-58% between phase angles of 5° and 0°. We find the strongest opposition surge for phase angles less than 2° in the I-band. The coherent backscatter angular width is on the order of 0.50°. We find Phoebe’s albedo to be spectrally flat within our error limits, with a B-band albedo of 0.0855 ± 0.0031, a V-band albedo of 0.0856 ± 0.0023, an R-band albedo of 0.0843 ± 0.0020, and an I-band albedo of 0.0839 ± 0.0023. We compare Phoebe’s albedo, color, and opposition surge magnitudes and slopes with those of other outer solar system bodies and find similarities to Centaurs, Nereid, Puck, and Comets 19P/Borrelly, 9P/Tempel 1, and 81P/Wild 2. We find that this comparison supports the idea that Phoebe originated in the Kuiper Belt. We also discuss the caveats of using results from a Hapke reflectance model to derive specific surface particle properties.  相似文献   

The Cassini Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS) acquired 377 high-resolution images (<1 km/pixel) during three close flybys of Enceladus in 2005 [Porco, C.C., et al., 2006. Cassini observes the active south pole of Enceladus. Science 311, 1393-1401.]. We combined these images with lower resolution Cassini images and four others taken by Voyager cameras to produce a high-resolution global controlled mosaic of Enceladus. This global mosaic is the baseline for a high-resolution Enceladus atlas that consists of 15 tiles mapped at a scale of 1:500,000. The nomenclature used in this atlas was proposed by the Cassini imaging team and was approved by the International Astronomical Union (IAU). The whole atlas is available to the public through the Imaging Team's website (http://ciclops.org/maps).  相似文献   

The so-called “Charming Ringlet” (R/2006 S3) is a low-optical-depth, dusty ringlet located in the Laplace gap in the Cassini Division, roughly 119,940 km from Saturn center. This ringlet is particularly interesting because its radial position varies systematically with longitude relative to the Sun in such a way that the ringlet’s geometric center appears to be displaced away from Saturn’s center in a direction roughly toward the Sun. In other words, the ringlet is always found at greater distances from the planet’s center at longitudes near the sub-solar longitude than it is at longitudes near Saturn’s shadow. This “heliotropic” behavior indicates that the dynamics of the particles in this ring are being influenced by solar radiation pressure. In order to investigate this phenomenon, which has been predicted theoretically but not observed this clearly, we analyze multiple image sequences of this ringlet obtained by the Cassini spacecraft in order to constrain its shape and orientation. These data can be fit reasonably well with a model in which both the eccentricity and the inclination of the ringlet have “forced” components (that maintain a fixed orientation relative to the Sun) as well as “free” components (that drift around the planet at steady rates determined by Saturn’s oblateness). The best-fit value for the eccentricity forced by the Sun is 0.000142 ± 0.000004, assuming this component of the eccentricity has its pericenter perfectly anti-aligned with the Sun. These data also place an upper limit on a forced inclination of 0.0007°. Assuming the forced inclination is zero and the forced eccentricity vector is aligned with the anti-solar direction, the best-fit values for the free components of the eccentricity and inclination are 0.000066 ± 0.000003 and 0.0014 ± 0.0001°, respectively. While the magnitude of the forced eccentricity is roughly consistent with theoretical expectations for radiation pressure acting on 10-to-100-μm-wide icy grains, the existence of significant free eccentricities and inclinations poses a significant challenge for models of low-optical-depth dusty rings.  相似文献   

Arecibo (2380 MHz, 12.6 cm) and Goldstone (8560 MHz, 3.5 cm) delay-Doppler radar images obtained in July and August of 2000 reveal that 4486 Mithra is an irregular, significantly bifurcated object, with a central valley ∼380 m deep and a long axis potentially exceeding 2 km. With its bimodal appearance, Mithra is a strong candidate for a contact binary asteroid. Sequences of Goldstone images spanning up to 3 h per day show very little rotation and establish that Mithra is an unusually slow rotator. We used Goldstone and Arecibo data to estimate Mithra’s 3D shape and spin state. We obtain prograde (λ = 337°, β = 19°) and retrograde (λ = 154°, β = −19°) models that give comparable fits, have very similar shapes roughly resembling an hourglass, and have a rotation period of 67.5 ± 6.0 h. The dimensions of these two models are very similar; for the prograde solution the maximum dimensions are X = 2.35 ± 0.15 km, Y = 1.65 ± 0.10 km, Z = 1.44 ± 0.10 km. Dynamical analysis of our models suggests that in the past, Mithra most likely went through a period of even slower rotation with its obliquity close to 90°. The spin rate is predicted to be increasing due to thermal torque (YORP), while the obliquity, which is currently +68° and +106° for the prograde and retrograde models, respectively, is predicted to move away from 90°.  相似文献   

We present results from the two radio occultations of the Cassini spacecraft by Titan in 2006, which probed mid-southern latitudes. Three of the ingress and egress soundings occurred within a narrow latitude range, 31-34°S near the surface, and the fourth at 52.8°S. Temperature-altitude profiles for all four occultation soundings are presented, and compared with the results of the Voyager 1 radio occultation (Lindal, G.F., Wood, G.E., Hotz, H.B., Sweetnam, D.N., Eshleman, V.R., Tyler, G.L. [1983]. Icarus 53, 348-363), the HASI instrument on the Huygens descent probe (Fulchignoni, M. et al. [2005]. Nature 438, 785-791), and Cassini CIRS results (Flasar, F.M. et al. [2005]. Science 308, 975-978; Achterberg, R.K., Conrath, B.J., Gierasch, P.J., Flasar, F.M., Nixon, C.A. [2008b]. Icarus 194, 263-277). Sources of error in the retrieved temperature-altitude profiles are also discussed, and a major contribution is from spacecraft velocity errors in the reconstructed ephemeris. These can be reduced by using CIRS data at 300 km to make along-track adjustments of the spacecraft timing. The occultation soundings indicate that the temperatures just above the surface at 31-34°S are about 93 K, while that at 53°S is about 1 K colder. At the tropopause, the temperatures at the lower latitudes are all about 70 K, while the 53°S profile is again 1 K colder. The temperature lapse rate in the lowest 2 km for the two ingress (dawn) profiles at 31 and 33°S lie along a dry adiabat except within ∼200 m of the surface, where a small stable inversion occurs. This could be explained by turbulent mixing with low viscosity near the surface. The egress profile near 34°S shows a more complex structure in the lowest 2 km, while the egress profile at 53°S is more stable.  相似文献   

The atmospheres of Mars and Titan are loaded with aerosols that impact remote sensing observations of their surface. Here we present the algorithm and the first applications of a radiative transfer model in spherical geometry designed for planetary data analysis. We first describe a fast Monte-Carlo code that takes advantage of symmetries and geometric redundancies. We then apply this model to observations of the surface of Mars and Titan at the terminator as acquired by OMEGA/Mars Express and VIMS/Cassini. These observations are used to probe the vertical distribution of aerosols down to the surface. On Mars, we find the scale height of dust particles to vary between 6 km and 12 km depending on season. Temporal variations in the vertical size distribution of aerosols are also highlighted. On Titan, an aerosols scale height of 80 ± 10 km is inferred, and the total optical depth is found to decrease with wavelength as a power-law with an exponent of −2.0 ± 0.4 from a value of 2.3 ± 0.5 at 1.08 μm. Once the aerosols properties have been constrained, the model is used to retrieve surface reflectance properties at high solar zenith angles and just after sunset.  相似文献   

We observed near-Earth Asteroid (8567) 1996 HW1 at the Arecibo Observatory on six dates in September 2008, obtaining radar images and spectra. By combining these data with an extensive set of new lightcurves taken during 2008-2009 and with previously published lightcurves from 2005, we were able to reconstruct the object’s shape and spin state. 1996 HW1 is an elongated, bifurcated object with maximum diameters of 3.8 × 1.6 × 1.5 km and a contact-binary shape. It is the most bifurcated near-Earth asteroid yet studied and one of the most elongated as well. The sidereal rotation period is 8.76243 ± 0.00004 h and the pole direction is within 5° of ecliptic longitude and latitude (281°, −31°). Radar astrometry has reduced the orbital element uncertainties by 27% relative to the a priori orbit solution that was based on a half-century of optical data. Simple dynamical arguments are used to demonstrate that this asteroid could have originated as a binary system that tidally decayed and merged.  相似文献   

Cassini observations of the surface of Titan offer unprecedented views of its surface through atmospheric windows in the 1-5 μm region. Images obtained in windows for which the haze opacity is low can be used to derive quantitative photometric parameters such as albedo and albedo distribution, and physical properties such as roughness and particle characteristics. Images from the early Titan flybys, particularly T0, Ta, and T5 have been analyzed to create albedo maps in the 2.01 and 2.73 μm windows. We find the average normal reflectance at these two wavelengths to be 0.15±0.02 and 0.035±0.003, respectively. Titan's surface is bifurcated into two albedo regimes, particularly at 2.01 μm. Analysis of these two regimes to understand the physical character of the surface was accomplished with a macroscopic roughness model. We find that the two types of surface have substantially different roughness, with the low-albedo surface exhibiting mean slope angles of ∼18°, and the high-albedo terrain having a much more substantial roughness with a mean slope angle of ∼34°. A single-scattering phase function approximated by a one-term Henyey-Greenstein equation was also fit to each unit. Titan's surface is back-scattering (g∼0.3-0.4), and does not exhibit substantially different backscattering behavior between the two terrains. Our results suggest that two distinct geophysical domains exist on Titan: a bright region cut by deep drainage channels and a relatively smooth surface. The two terrains are covered by a film or a coating of particles perhaps precipitated from the satellite's haze layer and transported by eolian processes. Our results are preliminary: more accurate values for the surface albedo and physical parameters will be derived as more data is gathered by the Cassini spacecraft and as a more complete radiative transfer model is developed from both Cassini orbiter and Huygens Lander measurements.  相似文献   

Resolution of Voyager 1 and 2 images of the mid-sized, icy saturnian satellites was generally not much better than 1 km per line pair, except for a few, isolated higher resolution images. Therefore, analyses of impact crater distributions were generally limited to diameters (D) of tens of kilometers. Even with the limitation, however, these analyses demonstrated that studying impact crater distributions could expand understanding of the geology of the saturnian satellites and impact cratering in the outer Solar System. Thus to gain further insight into Saturn’s mid-sized satellites and impact cratering in the outer Solar System, we have compiled cratering records of these satellites using higher resolution CassiniISS images. Images from Cassini of the satellites range in resolution from tens m/pixel to hundreds m/pixel. These high-resolution images provide a look at the impact cratering records of these satellites never seen before, expanding the observable craters down to diameters of hundreds of meters. The diameters and locations of all observable craters are recorded for regions of Mimas, Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Iapetus, and Phoebe. These impact crater data are then analyzed and compared using cumulative, differential and relative (R) size-frequency distributions. Results indicate that the heavily cratered terrains on Rhea and Iapetus have similar distributions implying one common impactor population bombarded these two satellites. The distributions for Mimas and Dione, however, are different from Rhea and Iapetus, but are similar to one another, possibly implying another impactor population common to those two satellites. The difference between these two populations is a relative increase of craters with diameters between 10 and 30 km and a relative deficiency of craters with diameters between 30 and 80 km for Mimas and Dione compared with Rhea and Iapetus. This may support the result from Voyager images of two distinct impactor populations. One population was suggested to have a greater number of large impactors, most likely heliocentric comets (Saturn Population I in the Voyager literature), and the other a relative deficiency of large impactors and a greater number of small impactors, most likely planetocentric debris (Saturn Population II). Meanwhile, Tethys’ impact crater size-frequency distribution, which has some similarity to the distributions of Mimas, Dione, Rhea, and Iapetus, may be transitional between the two populations. Furthermore, when the impact crater distributions from these older cratered terrains are compared to younger ones like Dione’s smooth plains, the distributions have some similarities and differences. Therefore, it is uncertain whether the size-frequency distribution of the impactor population(s) changed over time. Finally, we find that Phoebe has a unique impact crater distribution. Phoebe appears to be lacking craters in a narrow diameter range around 1 km. The explanation for this confined “dip” at D = 1 km is not yet clear, but may have something to do with the interaction of Saturn’s irregular satellites or the capture of Phoebe.  相似文献   

We present a total of 289 new astrometric observations of the inner jovian satellites, Amalthea and Thebe, obtained using the Cassini ISS narrow angle camera. Observations were made using image sequences from 2000 December 11-12 (inbound) and 2001 January 15-16 (outbound), at phase angles of approximately 2° and 122°, respectively. Target distances were of order 284 RJ, giving a maximum resolution of approximately 100 km/pixel. Centroided line and sample values for 239 observations of Amalthea and 50 of Thebe are provided, together with estimated camera pointing information for each image. Orbit fitting using a uniformly precessing Keplerian ellipse model, taking into account the oblateness of Jupiter up to terms in J6, gave RMS fit residuals of 0.364 and 0.443 pixel for Amalthea and Thebe, respectively (equivalent to 0.450 and 0.547 arcsec). RMS residuals relative to the JPL JUP230 ephemeris were 0.306 and 0.604 pixel (equivalent to 0.378 and 0.746 arcsec), for Amalthea and Thebe. The fitted orbital parameters confirm the relatively high inclinations of these satellites (0.374°±0.002° and 1.076°±0.003°, respectively), equivalent to maximum vertical displacements above Jupiter's equatorial plane of 1188±6 and 4240±12 km, respectively, consistent with current estimates of the half-thicknesses of the Amalthea and Thebe gossamer rings [Ockert-Bell, M.E., Burns, J.A., Dauber, I.J., Thomas, P.C., Veverka, J., Belton, M.J.S., Klaasen, K.P., 1999. Icarus 138, 188-213].  相似文献   

We have investigated the abundances of Titan's stratospheric oxygen compounds using 0.5 cm−1 resolution spectra from the Composite Infrared Spectrometer on the Cassini orbiter. The CO abundance was derived for several observations of far-infrared nadir spectra, taken at a range of latitudes (75° S-35° N) and emission angles (0°-60°), using rotational lines that have not been analysed before the arrival of Cassini at Saturn. The derived volume mixing ratios for the different observations are mutually consistent regardless of latitude. The weighted mean CO volume mixing ratio is 47±8 ppm if CO is assumed to be uniform with latitude. H2O could not be detected and an upper limit of 0.9 ppb was determined. CO2 abundances derived from mid-infrared nadir spectra show no significant latitudinal variations, with typical values of 16±2 ppb. Mid-infrared limb spectra at 55° S were used to constrain the vertical profile of CO2 for the first time. A vertical CO2 profile that is constant above the condensation level at a volume mixing ratio of 15 ppb reproduces the limb spectra very well below 200 km. This is consistent with the long chemical lifetime of CO2 in Titan's stratosphere. Above 200 km the CO2 volume mixing ratio is not well constrained and an increase with altitude cannot be ruled out there.  相似文献   

In this work we analyze and compare the vertical cloud structure of Saturn's Equatorial Zone in two different epochs: the first one close to the Voyagers flybys (1979-1981) and the second one in 2004, when the Cassini spacecraft entered its orbit around the planet. Our goal is to retrieve the altitude of cloud features used as zonal wind tracers in both epochs. We reanalyze three different sets of photometrically calibrated published data: ground-based in 1979, Voyager 2 PPS and ISS observations in 1981, and we analyze a new set of Hubble Space Telescope images for 2004. For all situations we reproduced the observed reflectivity by means of a similar vertical model with three layers. The results indicate the presence of a changing tropospheric haze in 1979-1981 (Ptop∼100 mbar, τ∼10) and in 2004 (Ptop∼50 mbar, τ∼15) where the tracers are embedded. According to this model the Voyager 2 ISS images locate cloud tracers moving with zonal velocities of 455 to 465 (±2) m/s at a pressure level of 360 ± 140 mbar. For HST observations, our previous works had showed cloud tracers moving with zonal wind speeds of 280±10 m/s at a pressure level of about 50±10 mbar. All these values are calculated in the same region (3°±2° N). This speed difference, if interpreted as a vertical wind shear, requires a change of per scale height, two times greater than that estimated from temperature observations. We also perform an initial guess on Cassini ISS vertical sounding levels, retrieving values compatible with HST ones and Cassini CIRS derived vertical wind shear, but not with Voyager wind measurements. We conclude that the wind speed velocity differences measured between 1979-1981 and 2004 cannot be explained as a wind shear effect alone and demand dynamical processes.  相似文献   

We report an improved measurement of the rotational axis orientation of Asteroid (4) Vesta. By analyzing and combining all previous measurements using a limb-fitting technique from ground/HST data collected from 1983 to 2006, we derive a pole solution of (RA = 304.5°, Dec = 41.5°). Images of Vesta acquired with the Wide Field Camera 3 onboard the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) in February 2010 are combined with images from the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 on HST obtained in 1994, 1996, and 2007 at similar spatial resolution and wavelengths to perform new measurements. Control point stereogrammetry returns a pole solution of (305.1°, 43.4°). An alternate method tracks surface features and fits their projected paths with ellipses to determine a great circle containing the pole for each HST observation. Combined, the four great circles yield a pole solution of (309.3°, 41.9°). These three solutions obtained with almost independent methods are within 3.5° of each other, suggesting a robust solution. Combining the results from all three techniques, we propose an improved value of the rotational axis of Vesta as RA = 305.8° ± 3.1°, Dec = 41.4° ± 1.5° (1-σ error). This new solution changes from (301°, 41°) reported by Thomas et al. (Thomas, P.C., Binzel, R.P., Gaffey, M.J., Zellner, B.H., Storrs, A.D., Wells, E. [1997a]. Icarus 128, 88-94) by 3.6°, and from (306°, 38°) reported by Drummond and Christou (Drummond, J.D., Christou, J. [2008]. Icarus 197, 480-496) by 3.4°. It changes the obliquity of Vesta by up to ∼3°, but increases the Sun-centered RA of Vesta at equinox by ∼8°, and postpones the date of equinox by ∼35 days. The change of the pole position is less than the resolution of all previous images of Vesta, and should not change the main science conclusions of previous research about Vesta.  相似文献   

We performed a complete wavelet analysis of Saturn’s C ring on 62 stellar occultation profiles. These profiles were obtained by Cassini’s Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph High Speed Photometer. We used a WWZ wavelet power transform to analyze them. With a co-adding process, we found evidence of 40 wavelike structures, 18 of which are reported here for the first time. Seventeen of these appear to be propagating waves (wavelength changing systematically with distance from Saturn). The longest new wavetrain in the C ring is a 52-km-long wave in a plateau at 86,397 km. We produced a complete map of resonances with external satellites and possible structures rotating with Saturn’s rotation period up to the eighth order, allowing us to associate a previously observed wave with the Atlas 2:1 inner Lindblad resonance (ILR) and newly detected waves with the Mimas 6:2 ILR and the Pandora 4:2 ILR. We derived surface mass densities and mass extinction coefficients, finding σ = 0.22(±0.03) g cm−2 for the Atlas 2:1 ILR, σ = 1.31(±0.20) g cm−2 for the Mimas 6:2 ILR, and σ = 1.42(±0.21) g cm−2 for the Pandora 4:2 ILR. We determined a range of mass extinction coefficients (κ = τ/σ) for the waves associated with resonances with κ = 0.13 (±0.03) to 0.28(±0.06) cm2 g−1, where τ is the optical depth. These values are higher than the reported values for the A ring (0.01-0.02 cm2 g−1) and the Cassini Division (0.07-0.12 cm2 g−1 from Colwell et al. (Colwell, J.E., Cooney, J.H., Esposito, L.W., Srem?evi?, M. [2009]. Icarus 200, 574-580)). We also note that the mass extinction coefficient is probably not constant across the C ring (in contrast to the A ring and the Cassini Division): it is systematically higher in the plateaus than elsewhere, suggesting smaller particles in the plateaus. We present the results of our analysis of these waves in the C ring and estimate the mass of the C ring to be between3.7(±0.9) × 1016 kg and 7.9(±2.0) × 1016 kg (equivalent to an icy satellite of radius between 28.0(±2.3) km and 36.2(±3.0) km with a density of 400 kg m−3, close to that of Pan or Atlas). Using the ring viscosity derived from the wave damping length, we also estimate the vertical thickness of the C ring between 1.9(±0.4) m and 5.6(±1.4) m, comparable to the vertical thickness of the Cassini Division.  相似文献   

Ground-based high angular-resolution images of asteroid (2) Pallas at near-infrared wavelengths have been used to determine its physical properties (shape, dimensions, spatial orientation and albedo distribution).We acquired and analyzed adaptive optics (AO) J/H/K-band observations from Keck II and the Very Large Telescope taken during four Pallas oppositions between 2003 and 2007, with spatial resolution spanning 32-88 km (image scales 13-20 km/pixel). We improve our determination of the size, shape, and pole by a novel method that combines our AO data with 51 visual light-curves spanning 34 years of observations as well as archived occultation data.The shape model of Pallas derived here reproduces well both the projected shape of Pallas on the sky (average deviation of edge profile of 0.4 pixel) and light-curve behavior (average deviation of 0.019 mag) at all the epochs considered. We resolved the pole ambiguity and found the spin-vector coordinates to be within 5° of [longitude, latitude] = [30°, −16°] in the Ecliptic J2000.0 reference frame, indicating a high obliquity of about 84°, leading to high seasonal contrast. The best triaxial-ellipsoid fit returns ellipsoidal radii of , and . From the mass of Pallas determined by gravitational perturbation on other minor bodies , [Michalak, G., 2000. Astron. Astrophys. 360, 363-374], we derive a density of significantly different from the density of C-type (1) Ceres of [Carry, B., Dumas, C., Fulchignoni, M., Merline, W.J., Berthier, J., Hestroffer, D., Fusco, T., Tamblyn, P., 2008. Astron. Astrophys. 478 (4), 235-244]. Considering the spectral similarities of Pallas and Ceres at visible and near-infrared wavelengths, this may point to fundamental differences in the interior composition or structure of these two bodies.We define a planetocentric longitude system for Pallas, following IAU guidelines. We also present the first albedo maps of Pallas covering ∼80% of the surface in K-band. These maps reveal features with diameters in the 70-180 km range and an albedo contrast of about 6% with respect to the mean surface albedo.  相似文献   

The difference in brightness between shadowed and sunlit regions in space images of Mars is a measure of the optical depth of the atmosphere. The translation of this difference into optical depth is what we name the “shadow method”. Our analysis of two HRSC data-sets and a HiRISE data-set indicates that it is possible to estimate the optical depth with the shadow method. In colors between yellow and red the accuracy may be around ±15%, and in some cases ±8-10%. In other colors we found larger errors.We came to these results in two steps. First, we investigated in how far shadow method retrievals are proportional to the true optical depth. To this end we analyzed about 150 locations in Valles Marineris that were imaged by HRSC. Whereas the studied region spans about 8 km in altitude we were able to study the relation between altitude and shadow-method retrievals. Retrievals from five HRSC panchromatic (675 ± 90 nm) stereo images yielded scale-heights with an average of 12.2 ± 0.7 km, which is very close to the expected local pressure scale height. Many studies have shown that the scale-height of optical depth and pressure commonly are similar. This indicates that the shadow method retrievals are on average close to proportional to the optical depth, because otherwise these would probably not yield a correct scale-height. HRSC’s red image yielded very similar results, but the blue, green, and NIR images did not.Next, we compared optical depth measurements by the two MER rovers with shadow method retrievals from orbiter images of the rover exploration sites. Retrievals with the shadow method appear systematically smaller than the rover measurements; dividing the retrievals by a “correction factor” yields an estimate of the real optical depth. Retrievals from three HRSC panchromatic stereo images of a region near the Spirit rover yielded a correction factor of 0.63 ± 0.09 when the sunlit comparison regions were at varying and more or less arbitrary distances from the shadows and 0.71 ± 0.06 when these were close together. Twenty retrievals from a HiRISE red (650 ± 100 nm) image of the Opportunity exploration site similarly yielded 0.68 ± 0.09. The results from these two case studies suggest that the shadow method has an accuracy of about ±15% or around ±8-10% in the best cases.  相似文献   

Keck near-infrared images of Neptune from UT 26 July 2007 show that the cloud feature typically observed within a few degrees of Neptune’s south pole had split into a pair of bright spots. A careful determination of disk center places the cloud centers at −89.07 ± 0.06° and −87.84 ± 0.06° planetocentric latitude. If modeled as optically thick, perfectly reflecting layers, we find the pair of features to be constrained to the troposphere, at pressures greater than 0.4 bar. By UT 28 July 2007, images with comparable resolution reveal only a single feature near the south pole. The changing morphology of these circumpolar clouds suggests they may form in a region of strong convection surrounding a neptunian south polar vortex.  相似文献   

Up to now, there has been no corroboration from Cassini CIRS of the Voyager IRIS-discovery of cyanoacetylene (HC3N) ice in Titan’s thermal infrared spectrum. We report the first compelling spectral evidence from CIRS for the ν6 HC3N ice feature at 506 cm−1 at latitudes 62°N and 70°N, from which we derive particle sizes and column abundances in Titan’s lower stratosphere. We find mean particle radii of 3.0 μm and 2.3 μm for condensed HC3N at 62°N and 70°N, respectively, and corresponding ice phase molecular column abundances in the range 1-10 × 1016 mol cm−2. Only upper limits for cloud abundances can be established at latitudes of 85°N, 55°N, 30°N, 10°N, and 15°S. Under the assumption that cloud tops coincide with the uppermost levels at which HC3N vapor saturates, we infer geometric thicknesses for the clouds equivalent to 10-20 km or so, with tops at 165 km and 150 km at 70°N and 62°N, respectively.  相似文献   

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