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We consider the trajectories in the neighborhood of a 2: 1 resonance (in periods of osculating motions of the outer and inner binaries) in the plane equal-mass three-body problem. We identified the zones of motions that are stable on limited time intervals. All of them correspond to the retrograde motions of the outer and inner subsystems. The prograde motions are unstable: the triple system breaks up into a final binary and an escaping component. In the barycentric nonrotating coordinate system, the trajectories occasionally form symmetric structures composed of several leaves. These structures persist for a long time, and, subsequently, the trajectories of the bodies fill compact regions in coordinate space.  相似文献   

The rectilinear equal-mass and unequal-mass three-body problems are considered. The first part of the paper is a review that covers the following items: regularization of the equations of motion, integrable cases, triple collisions and their vicinities, escapes, periodic orbits and their stability, chaos and regularity of motions. The second part contains the results of our numerical simulations in this problem. A classification of orbits in correspondence with the following evolution scenarios is suggested: ejections, escapes, conditional escapes (long ejections), periodic orbits, quasi-stable long-lived systems in the vicinity of stable periodic orbits, and triple collisions. Homothetic solutions ending by triple collisions and their dependence on initial parameters are found. We study how the ejection length changes in response to the variation of the triple approach parameters. Regions of initial conditions are outlined in which escapes occur after a definite number of triple approaches or a definite time. In the vicinity of a stable Schubart periodic orbit, we reveal a region of initial parameters that corresponds to trajectories with finite motions. The regular and chaotic structure of the manifold of orbits is mostly defined by this periodic orbit. We have studied the phase space structure via Poincaré sections. Using these sections and symbolic dynamics, we study the fine structure of the region of initial conditions, in particular the chaotic scattering region.  相似文献   

We study the regions of finite motions in the vicinity of three simple stable periodic orbits in the general problem of three equal-mass bodies with a zero angular momentum. Their distinctive feature is that one of the moving bodies periodically passes through the center of mass of the triple system. We consider the dynamical evolution of plane nonrotating triple systems for which the initial conditions are specified in such a way that one of the bodies is located at the center of mass of the triple system. The initial conditions can then be specified by three parameters: the virial coefficient k and the two angles, φ1 and φ2, that characterize the orientation of the velocity vectors for the bodies. We scanned the region of variation in these parameters k∈(0, 1); φ1, φ2∈(0, π) at steps of δk=0.01; δφ1=δφ2=1° and identified the regions of finite motions surrounding the periodic orbits. These regions are isolated from one another in the space of parameters (k, φ1, φ2). There are bridges that correspond to unstable orbits with long lifetimes between the regions. During the evolution of these metastable systems, the phase trajectory can “stick” to the vicinity of one of the periodic orbits or move from one vicinity to another. The evolution of metastable systems ends with their breakup.  相似文献   

We consider the evolution of the structure of the velocity field formed by the loops of the trajectory in a generalized Hénon-Heiles model potential. Box-shaped orbits alternating with periodic trajectories are shown to dominate at low values of the energy integral. Signatures of shell-and tube-shaped structures appear as the energy increases. Tube-shaped orbits are associated with stable periodic trajectories with small resonance ratios. Zones of stochastic orbits appear at values of the energy integral close to its critical value, which corresponds to the opening of the zero-velocity contour.  相似文献   

We show by a general argument that periodic solutions of the planar problem of three bodies (with given masses) form one-parameter families. This result is confirmed by numerical investigations: two orbits found earlier by Standish and Szebehely are shown to belong to continuous one-parameter families of periodic orbits. In general these orbits have a non-zero angular momentum, and the configuration after one period is rotated with respect to the initial configuration. Similar general arguments whow that in the three-dimensional problem, periodic orbits form also one-parameter families; in the one-dimensional problem, periodic orbits are isolated.  相似文献   

Stability of interplay motions   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
A family of rectilinear periodic solutions of the three-body problem, in which the central body collides alternately with each of the two other bodies, is investigated numerically for all values of the three masses. It is found that for every mass combination there exists just one solution of this kind. The linear stability of the orbits with respect to arbitrary three-dimensional perturbations is also investigated. Domains of stability and instability are displayed in a triangular mass diagram. Their boundaries form one-parameter families of critical orbits, which are tabulated. Limiting cases where one or two masses vanish are studied in detail. The domains of stability cover nearly one half of the total area in the mass diagram: this reinforces the conclusion that real triple stars might have motions of a kind entirely different from the usual hierarchical arrangement.  相似文献   

We study the multiple periodic orbits of Hill’s problem with oblate secondary. In particular, the network of families of double and triple symmetric periodic orbits is determined numerically for an arbitrary value of the oblateness coefficient of the secondary. The stability of the families is computed and critical orbits are determined. Attention is paid to the critical orbits at which families of non-symmetric periodic orbits bifurcate from the families of symmetric periodic orbits. Six such bifurcations are found, one for double-periodic and five for triple-periodic orbits. Critical orbits at which families of sub-multiple symmetric periodic orbits bifurcate are also discussed. Finally, we present the full network of families of multiple periodic orbits (up to multiplicity 12) together with the parts of the space of initial conditions corresponding to escape and collision orbits, obtaining a global view of the orbital behavior of this model problem.  相似文献   

In this paper, distant quasi-periodic orbits around Mercury are studied for future Mercury missions. All of these orbits have relatively large sizes, with their altitudes near or above the Mercury sphere of influence. The research is carried out in the framework of the elliptic restricted three-body problem (ER3BP) to account for the planet’s non-negligible orbital eccentricity. Retrograde and prograde quasi-periodic trajectories in the planar ER3BP are generalized from periodic orbits in the CR3BP by the homotopy algorithm, and the shape evolution of such quasi-periodic trajectories around Mercury is investigated. Numerical simulations are performed to evaluate the stability of these distant orbits in the long term. These two classes of orbits present different characteristics: retrograde orbits can maintain shape stability with a large size, although the trajectories in some regions may oscillate with larger amplitudes; for prograde orbits, the range of existence is much smaller, and their trajectories easily move away from the vicinity of Mercury when the orbits become larger. Distant orbits can be used to explore the space environment in the vicinity of Mercury, and some orbits can be taken as transfer orbits for low-cost Mercury return missions or other programs for their high maneuverability.  相似文献   

The outer region of the jovian system between ∼50 and 300 jovian radii from the planet is found to be the host of a previously unknown dust population. We used the data from the dust detector aboard the Galileo spacecraft collected from December 1995 to April 2001 during Galileo's numerous traverses of the outer jovian system. Analyzing the ion amplitudes, calibrated masses and speeds of grains, and impact directions, we found about 100 individual events fully compatible with impacts of grains moving around Jupiter in bound orbits. These grains have moderate eccentricities and a wide range of inclinations—from prograde to retrograde ones. The radial number density profile of the micrometer-sized dust is nearly flat between about 50 and 300 jovian radii. The absolute number density level (∼10 km−3 with a factor of 2 or 3 uncertainty) surpasses by an order of magnitude that of the interplanetary background. We identify the sources of the bound grains with outer irregular satellites of Jupiter. Six outer tiny moons are orbiting the planet in prograde and fourteen in retrograde orbits. These moons are subject to continuous bombardment by interplanetary micrometeoroids. Hypervelocity impacts create ejecta, nearly all of which get injected into circumjovian space. Our analytic and numerical study of the ejecta dynamics shows that micrometer-sized particles from both satellite families, although strongly perturbed by solar tidal gravity and radiation pressure, would stay in bound orbits for hundreds of thousands of years as do a fraction of smaller grains, several tenths of a micrometer in radius, ejected from the prograde moons. Different-sized ejecta remain confined to spheroidal clouds embracing the orbits of the parent moons, with appreciable asymmetries created by the radiation pressure and solar gravity perturbations. Spatial location of the impacts, mass distribution, speeds, orbital inclinations, and number density of dust derived from the data are all consistent with the dynamical model.  相似文献   

We consider the motions of particles in the one-dimensional Newtonian three-body problem as a function of initial values. Using a mapping of orbits to symbol sequences we locate the initial values leading to triple collisions. These turn out to form curves which give clear structure to the region in which the motions depend sensitively on initial conditions. In addition to finding the triple collision orbits we also locate orbits which end up to a triple collision in both directions of time, that is, orbits which are finite both in space and time. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We study symmetric relative periodic orbits in the isosceles three-body problem using theoretical and numerical approaches. We first prove that another family of symmetric relative periodic orbits is born from the circular Euler solution besides the elliptic Euler solutions. Previous studies also showed that there exist infinitely many families of symmetric relative periodic orbits which are born from heteroclinic connections between triple collisions as well as planar periodic orbits with binary collisions. We carry out numerical continuation analyses of symmetric relative periodic orbits, and observe abundant families of symmetric relative periodic orbits bifurcating from the two families born from the circular Euler solution. As the angular momentum tends to zero, many of the numerically observed families converge to heteroclinic connections between triple collisions or planar periodic orbits with binary collisions described in the previous results, while some of them converge to “previously unknown” periodic orbits in the planar problem.  相似文献   

A systematic numerical exploration of the families of asymmetric periodic orbits of the restricted three-body problem when a) the primary bodies are equal and b) for the Earth-Moon mass ratio, is presented. Decades families of asymmetric periodic solutions were found and three of the simplest ones, in the first case, and ten of the second one are illustrated. All of these families consist of periodic orbits which are asymmetric with respect to x-axis while are simple symmetric periodic orbits with respect to y-axis (i.e. the orbit has only one perpendicular intersection at half period with y-axis). Many asymmetric periodic orbits, members of these families, are calculated and plotted. We studied the stability of all the asymmetric periodic orbits we found. These families consist, mainly, of unstable periodic solutions but there exist very small, with respect to x, intervals where these families have stable periodic orbits. We also found, using appropriate Poincaré surface of sections, that a relatively large region of phase space extended around all these stable asymmetric periodic orbits shows chaotic motion.  相似文献   

Hirayama (1927) studied secular perturbations between a retrograde body and a prograde body by considering that the mean motion of the retrograde body is negative. In this paper we discuss the same problem by measuring angle variables from the departure point and keeping the mean motions positive for both the retrograde body and the prograde body, and compare the analytical solutions with numerically integrated orbits.  相似文献   

We have numerically investigated the stability of retrograde orbits/trajectories around Jupiter and the smaller of the primaries in binary systems RW-Monocerotis (RW-Mon) and Krüger-60 in the presence of radiation. A trajectory is considered as stable if it remains around the smaller mass for at least few hundred binary periods. In case of circular binary orbit, we find that the third order resonance provides the basis for reduction of stability region of retrograde motion of particle in RW-Mon and Sun-Jupiter system both in the presence and absence of radiation. Considering finite ellipticity in Sun-Jupiter system we find that for distant retrograde orbits, radiation from the Sun increases the width of the stable region and covers a significant portion of the region obtained in the absence of solar radiation. Further, due to solar radiation pressure, the stable region in the neighborhood of Jupiter has been found to shift much below the characteristic asymptotic line for the periodic retrograde orbits. In case of Krüger-60 we observe the distant retrograde orbits around the smaller of the primaries get affected considerably with increase in radiation parameter β1. Further the range of velocities for which stable motion may persist narrows down for distant retrograde orbits in this system.  相似文献   

We present an improved grid search method for the global computation of periodic orbits in model problems of Dynamics, and the classification of these orbits into families. The method concerns symmetric periodic orbits in problems of two degrees of freedom with a conserved quantity, and is applied here to problems of Celestial Mechanics. It consists of two main phases; a global sampling technique in a two-dimensional space of initial conditions and a data processing procedure for the classification (clustering) of the periodic orbits into families characterized by continuous evolution of the orbital parameters of member orbits. The method is tested by using it to recompute known results. It is then applied with advantage to the determination of the branch families of the family f of retrograde satellites in Hill’s Lunar problem, and to the determination of irregular families of periodic orbits in a perturbed Hill problem, a species of families which are difficult to find by continuation methods.   相似文献   

We report on the different results concerning the stability of the hierarchical triple systems where a close binary is accompanied by a third star. There are different possible approaches to answer the question of the stability limits for such triple stars: the most direct investigations can be undertaken in integrating numerically the respective equations of motion for many different initial conditions. It is then difficult to take into account all the important parameters like eccentricities, inclination, phases and masses. Analytical approaches and qualitative methods are more approriate to deal with this problem; the respective results confirm the numerically found results that: 1. for prograde orbits the ratio semimajor axis of the inner orbits to the periastron position of the outer orbit is approximately 3.2 2. for retrograde orbits this ratio is just some 10 percents smaller 3. the results are not sensitive in what concerns the masses involved 4. There is a tendency that the inclinations and eccentricities change slightly the stability limits mentioned above. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the Sitnikov family of straight-line motions of the circular restricted three-body problem, viewed as generator of families of three-dimensional periodic orbits. We study the linear stability of the family, determine several new critical orbits at which families of three dimensional periodic orbits of the same or double period bifurcate and present an extensive numerical exploration of the bifurcating families. In the case of the same period bifurcations, 44 families are determined. All these families are computed for equal as well as for nearly equal primaries (μ = 0.5, μ = 0.4995). Some of the bifurcating families are determined for all values of the mass parameter μ for which they exist. Examples of families of three dimensional periodic orbits bifurcating from the Sitnikov family at double period bifurcations are also given. These are the only families of three-dimensional periodic orbits presented in the paper which do not terminate with coplanar orbits and some of them contain stable parts. By contrast, all families bifurcating at single-period bifurcations consist entirely of unstable orbits and terminate with coplanar orbits.  相似文献   

The present research was motivated by the recent discovery of planets around binary stars. Our initial intention was thus to investigate the 3-dimensional nearly circular periodic orbits of the circular restricted problem of three bodies; more precisely Stromgren's class L, (direct) and class m, (retrograde). We started by extending several of Hénon's vertical critical orbits of these 2 classes to three dimensions, looking especially for orbits which are near circular and have stable characteristic exponents.We discovered early on that the periodic orbits with the above two qualifications are fairly rare and we decided thus to undertake a systematic exploration, limiting ourselves to symmetric periodic orbits. However, we examined all 16 possible symmetry cases, trying 10000 sets of initial values for periodicity in each case, thus 160000 integrations, all with z o or o equal to 0.1 This gave us a preliminary collection of 171 periodic orbits, all fairly near the xy-plane, thus with rather low inclinations. Next, we integrated a second similar set of 160000 cases with z o or o equal to 0.5, in order to get a better representation of the large inclinations. This time, we found 167 periodic orbits, but it was later discovered that at least 152 of them belong to the same families as the first set with 0.1Our paper quickly describes the definition of the problem, with special emphasis on the symmetry properties, especially for the case of masses with equal primaries. We also allow a section to describe our approach to stability and characteristic exponents, following our paper on this subject, (Broucke, 1969). Then we describe our numerical results, as much as space permits in the present paper.We found basically only about a dozen families with sizeable segments of simple stable periodic orbits. Some of them are around one of the two stars only but we do not describe them here because of a lack of space. We extended about 170 periodic orbits to families of up to 500 members, (by steps of 0.005 in the parameter), although, in many cases, we do not know the real end of the families. We also give an overview of the different types of periodic orbits that are most often encountered. We describe some of the rather strange orbits, (some of which are actually stable).  相似文献   

Within the context of the restricted problem of three bodies, we wish to show the effects, caused by varying the mass ratio of the primaries and the eccentricity of their orbits, upon periodic orbits of the infinitesimal mass that are numerical continuations of circular orbits in the ordinary problem of two bodies. A recursive-power-series technique is used to integrate numerically the equations of motion as well as the first variational equations to generate a two-parameter family of periodic orbits and to identify the linear stability characteristics thereof. Seven such families (comprised of a total of more than 2000 orbits) with equally spaced mass ratios from 0.0 to 1.0 and eccentricities of the orbits of the primaries in a range 0.0 to 0.6 are investigated. Stable orbits are associated with large distances of the infinitesimal mass from the perturbing primary, with nearly circular motion of the primaries, and, to a slightly lesser extent, with small mass ratios of the primaries.Conversely, unstable orbits for the infinitesimal mass are associated with small distances from the perturbing primary, with highly elliptic orbits of the primaries, and with large mass ratios.  相似文献   

This work studies a special type of cislunar periodic orbits in the circular restricted three-body problem called resonance transition periodic orbits, which switch between different resonances and revolve about the secondary with multiple loops during one period. In the practical computation, families of multiple periodic orbits are identified first, and then the invariant manifolds emanating from the unstable multiple periodic orbits are taken to generate resonant homoclinic connections, which are used to determine the initial guesses for computing the desired periodic orbits by means of multiple-shooting scheme. The obtained periodic orbits have potential applications for the missions requiring long-term continuous observation of the secondary and tour missions in a multi-body environment.  相似文献   

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