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Modeling of groundwater flow for Mujib aquifer, Jordan   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Jordan is an arid country with very limited water resources. Groundwater is the main source for its water supply. Mujib aquifer is located in the central part of Jordan and is a major source of drinking water for Amman, Madaba and Karak cities. High abstraction rates from Mujib aquifer during the previous years lead to a major decline in water levels and deterioration in groundwater quality. Therefore, proper groundwater management of Mujib aquifer is necessary; and groundwater flow modeling is essential for proper management. For this purpose, Modflow was used to build a groundwater flow model to simulate the behavior of the flow system under different stresses. The model was calibrated for steady state condition by matching observed and simulated initial head counter lines. Drawdown data for the period 1985–1995 were used to calibrate the transient model by matching simulated drawdown with the observed one. Then, the transient model was validated by using drawdown data for the period 1996–2002. The results of the calibrated model showed that the horizontal hydraulic conductivity of the B2/A7 aquifer ranges between 0.001 and 40m/d. Calibrated specific yield ranges from 0.0001 to 0.15. The water balance for the steady state condition of Mujib aquifer indicated that the total annual direct recharge is 20.4 × 106m3, the total annual inflow is 13.0 × 106 m3, springs discharge is 15.3 × 106 m3, and total annual outflow is 18.7 × 106 m3. Different scenarios were considered to predict aquifer system response under different conditions. The results of the sensitivity analysis show that the model is highly sensitive to horizontal hydraulic conductivity and anisotropy and with lower level to the recharge rates. Also the model is sensitive to specific yield  相似文献   

Numerical simulation of groundwater flow used for the estimation of hydraulic and hydrologic parameters which is an important tool for the management of aquifers. This study presents the results of a mathematical model developed for the simulation of groundwater flow in Nahavand plain aquifer in the southwest Hamadan province. For this purpose Groundwater Modeling Software (GMS) was used which supports the MODFLOW-2000 code. After gathering required data such as the hydrological, hydrogeological and topography maps, a 3D hydrogeological model of plain was constructed with borehole and surface elevation data. Then MODFLOW was used for simulation of flow. After initial simulation of the flow, the model was calibrated in steady state with trial-and-error and parameter estimation methods the observed head of groundwater table monitoring data of 1997. Results of calibration show that error between observed head and computed head is in allowable range. Also results of computed head with model show that groundwater flow is in the direction of the dominate slope (southeast to northwest). Finally MODPATH code which simulates advective transport of particles was used for estimation of flow path and source of contaminants.  相似文献   

This study investigates the hydraulic conductivity field and the groundwater flow pattern as predicted by a calibrated steady state groundwater flow model for the Keta Strip, southeastern Ghana. The hydraulic conductivity field is an important parameter in evaluating aquifer properties in space, and in general basin-wide groundwater resources evaluation and management. This study finds that the general hydraulic conductivity of the unconsolidated unconfined aquifer system of the Keta Strip ranges between 2 m/d and 20 m/d, with an average of 15 m/d. The spatial variation in horizontal hydraulic conductivity appears to take the trend in the variations in the nature of the material in space. Calibrated groundwater recharge suggests that 6.9–34% of annual precipitation recharges the shallow aquifer system. This amount of recharge is significant and suggests high fortunes in terms of groundwater resources development for agriculture and industrial activities in the area. A spatial distribution of groundwater recharge from precipitation is presented in this study. The spatial pattern appears to take the form of the distribution in horizontal hydraulic conductivity, and suggests that the vertical hydraulic conductivity takes the same pattern of spatial variation as the horizontal hydraulic conductivity. This is consistent with observations in other areas. The resulting groundwater flow is dominated by local flow systems as the unconfined system is quite shallow. A general northeast – southwest flow pattern has been observed in the study area.  相似文献   

Trifa is the most productive agricultural plain of north-eastern Morocco. The development of agricultural activities during the last few decades has been mainly based on imported water for irrigation. However, irrigation requirements have become so large that groundwater is used as a secondary source to supply the agricultural and domestic water needs, causing a depletion of the groundwater resources, especially during dry periods. A hydrological and a hydrogeological model for the Trifa plain have been developed, which yield information on relevant parameters such as groundwater recharge, and estimate the amount of pumped groundwater needed to meet the irrigation needs. The models (MODFLOW and WetSpass) provide insight into the status and evolution of the groundwater reserves. The results of the study are useful to predict the sustainability of the groundwater resources in the Trifa plain and to evaluate possible management actions. A reduction in groundwater abstraction by at least 25% may be necessary to achieve sustainable conditions.
Resumen Trifa es la planicie agrícola más productiva del noreste de Marruecos. El desarrollo de las actividades agrícolas durante las últimas décadas se ha basado principalmente en agua importada para riego. Sin embargo, los requerimientos de riego han llegado a ser tan grandes ocasionando que se utilice el agua subterránea como una fuente secundaria para abastecer las necesidades de agua para uso doméstico y agrícola, lo que causa un agotamiento de los recursos de agua subterránea, especialmente durante periodos secos. Se ha desarrollado un modelo hidrogeológico e hidrológico para la planicie Trifa el cual aporta información de parámetros relevantes tal como recarga de agua subterránea y estima la cantidad de agua subterránea que necesita bombearse para satisfacer las necesidades de riego. Los modelos (MODFLOW y WetSpass) aportan una idea acerca del estado actual y la evolución de las reservas de agua subterránea. Los resultados de este estudio son útiles para predecir la sostenibilidad de los recursos de agua subterránea en la planicie Trifa y para evaluar posibles acciones de gestión. Puede ser necesario reducir la explotación de agua subterránea en por lo menos 25% para alcanzar condiciones sostenibles.

Résumé Trifa est la plaine agricole la plus productive du Nord-Est marocain. Le développement de l’activité agricole durant ces dernières décennies a essentiellement reposé sur l’irrigation. Néanmoins les besoins de l’irrigation sont devenus tels que l’eau souterraine est utilisée comme ressource secondaire, pour combler la demande en eau domestique et agricole, induisant un rabattement d’autant plus important durant les périodes sèches. Un modèle hydrologique et hydrogéologique de la plaine de Trifa a été développé sur base des paramètres les plus importants, tels la recharge, et permet d’estimer le pompage nécessaire des eaux souterraines pour combler les besoins de l’irrigation. Les modèles (MODFLOW et WetSpass) apportent une bonne connaissance de l’état et de l’évolution des réserves souterraines. Les résultats de l’étude sont utiles pour prédire la longévité des ressources et pour évaluer différents scénarios de gestion. Une réduction de l’extraction de 25% serait nécessaire pour atteindre un état durable.

The stable isotopic characteristics were used together with the total chloride to assess changes in groundwater from recharge zones into the carbonate aquifer in an arid environment. The aquifer under study represents a major source of groundwater and thermal springs in Al-Ain city, which are located at the northern part of Jabal Hafit in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The relationship between oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition of groundwater is established and is described by δD?=?2.2δ18O???9.96. The lower slope and y-intercept of groundwater samples relative to the local meteoric waterline suggests that the isotopic enrichment is due to the evaporation of shallow groundwater after recharge occurs. The majority of the shallow groundwater samples have a negative deuterium excess (d-excess) which might be ascribed to high a degree of evaporation, while most of the groundwater samples from deep wells, have a positive value of d-excess which may be related to a low degree of evaporation. The δ18O values of the thermal waters suggest enrichment towards δ18O of the carbonate rocks because of the exchange with oxygen at higher temperatures. A possible mixing between thermal or hot water and shallow groundwater is evident in some samples as reflected by δD vs. Cl and d-excess vs. δ18O plots.  相似文献   

To prevent environmental problems like water logging and increase in soil salinity which are responsible for the degradation of the top productive soils, an optimum ditch drainage design is required. For this purpose a knowledge of the spatio-temporal variation of the water table is essential. In this study the spatio-temporal variation of the water table in a sloping ditch drainage system has been modeled from a stochastic point of view, incorporating randomness in hydraulic conductivity to get the expression for the mean and the standard deviation of the water-table height. The hydraulic conductivity has been considered to be a realization of a log-normal distribution. Application of these expressions in the prediction of mean water-table variation with the associated error bounds has been demonstrated with the help of a ditch drainage problem of a sloping aquifer. The sensitivity analysis has also been carried out to see the effect of variability in the hydraulic conductivity on the water-table fluctuations. The error bounds quantified on the water-table height will thus help in the decision-making process for proper drainage design.  相似文献   

Sedimentological processes often result in complex three-dimensional subsurface heterogeneity of hydrogeological parameter values. Variogram-based stochastic approaches are often not able to describe heterogeneity in such complex geological environments. This work shows how multiple-point geostatistics can be applied in a realistic hydrogeological application to determine the impact of complex geological heterogeneity on groundwater flow and transport. The approach is applied to a real aquifer in Belgium that exhibits a complex sedimentary heterogeneity and anisotropy. A training image is constructed based on geological and hydrogeological field data. Multiple-point statistics are borrowed from this training image to simulate hydrofacies occurrence, while intrafacies permeability variability is simulated using conventional variogram-based geostatistical methods. The simulated hydraulic conductivity realizations are used as input to a groundwater flow and transport model to investigate the effect of small-scale sedimentary heterogeneity on contaminant plume migration. Results show that small-scale sedimentary heterogeneity has a significant effect on contaminant transport in the studied aquifer. The uncertainty on the spatial facies distribution and intrafacies hydraulic conductivity distribution results in a significant uncertainty on the calculated concentration distribution. Comparison with standard variogram-based techniques shows that multiple-point geostatistics allow better reproduction of irregularly shaped low-permeability clay drapes that influence solute transport.  相似文献   

The interactive influence between groundwater flow and salinization that occurs in an underground LPG cavern site in Korea was investigated using chemical analysis data and cross-correlation analysis between hydraulic head and operating pressure data. The concentration of the major cations and anions showed a large difference between rainy and dry seasons due to the seasonal intrusion of highly saline water into the cavern area. However, the Cl/Br ratio and '18O-Cl relationship showed that two types of saline water (seawater and halite-dissolved solution) influenced the groundwater salinization of the study area. The cross-correlation results revealed that a positive relationship between hydraulic head and cavern operating pressure was far more conspicuous in the propane cavern area (89-91% of correlation coefficients), and tidal change influenced the head variation in the butane cavern area. That is, continuous intrusion of seawater near the South Sea could bring about a high concentration of major cations and anions in the butane seepage waters and groundwaters near the coastal area, and seasonal variation in the operating pressure at the propane cavern played an important driving force in fast infiltration of halite-dissolved solution from surface halite stock and a subsequent increase in Na and Cl concentration during the dry season.  相似文献   

Numerical groundwater flow and contaminant transport modeling incorporating three alternative conceptual models was conducted in 2005 to assess remedial actions and predict contaminant concentrations in an unconfined glacial aquifer located in Milford, Michigan, USA. Three alternative conceptual models were constructed and independently calibrated to evaluate uncertainty in the geometry of an aquitard underlying the aquifer and the extent to which infiltration from two manmade surface water bodies influenced the groundwater flow field. Contaminant transport for benzene, cis-DCE, and MTBE was modeled for a 5-year period that included a 2-year history match from July 2003 to May 2005 and predictions for a 3-year period ending in July 2008. A postaudit of model performance indicates that predictions for pumping wells, which integrated the transport signal across multiple model layers, were reliable but unable to differentiate between alternative conceptual model responses. In contrast, predictions for individual monitoring wells with limited screened intervals were less consistent, but held promise for evaluating alternative hydrogeologic models. Results of this study suggest that model conceptualization can have important practical implications for the delineation of contaminant transport pathways using monitoring wells, but may exert less influence on integrated predictions for pumping wells screened over multiple numerical model layers.  相似文献   

Hydrogeology Journal - Fresh groundwater is a critical resource supporting coastal ecosystems that rely on low-salinity, nutrient-rich groundwater discharge. This resource, however, is subject to...  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to assess major ion chemistry of groundwater in parts of the Central Ganga Plain and observe seasonal variations in its chemical quality. Systematic sampling was carried out during November 2005 and June 2006. The major ion chemistry of groundwater shows large variations, so much so that at times the meteoric signature seems to be completely obliterated. In many samples the concentrations of SO4, NO3 and F are above the permissible limit for human consumption. The graphical treatment of major ion chemistry helps in identifying four types of groundwater. All possible ionic species such as NaCl, KCl, NaHCO3, NaSO4, KNO3, NaNO3, CaHCO3, MgHCO3, MgSO4 are likely to occur in groundwater system. The observed chemical variations may be attributed to sediment water interaction, ion exchange, dissolution mechanisms and anthropogenic influences such as application of fertilizers and effluents from sugar factories and paper mills. A general increase in TDS is observed in samples during June 2006. The increase in salinity is attributed to evaporation from water table, irrigation return flows, anthropogenic activities and below average rainfall in 2005 and 2006. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

苏锡常地区主采层地下水流数值模拟   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
本次数值模拟是从苏锡常整个大区域考虑,建立统一的主采层地下水流模拟模型,通过对水文地质概念模型的重新认识及边界条件的合理概化,较大程度地减少了人为因素引起的误差.利用已校正过的模型对该地区禁采后地下水水位恢复情况进行了预测,结果显示该模型较适用于实际.  相似文献   

Karst aquifers can have a complex flow as a result of the formation of large conduits from dissolution features. As a result, a three-dimensional finite-difference groundwater flow model (equivalent porous media) may not apply as the dual porosity nature of karst features and the effects of turbulent flow cannot be directly simulated. Statistical analysis of karst hydrographs of the Trifilia aquifer in Greece showed the existence of a slightly karstified mass with high primary porosity that regulates the flow. An equivalent porous media model was developed to simulate the Trifilia karst aquifer using MODFLOW. Steady state and transient state calibration gave encouraging results for the equivalent porous media approach, which does not consider pipe flow or turbulence. Detailed hydrogeological research conducted in the area helped define the aquifer hydraulic conductivity zones and extent; and flux to/from the aquifer. Only hydraulic conductivity and specific yield were adjusted during calibration, as the flux to/from the system was considered known and applied as boundary conditions. Small mean absolute and RMS piezometric head error of the model under both steady and transient state conditions were achieved.  相似文献   

When pumping is conducted in confined aquifer inside excavation pit(waterproof curtain),the direction of the groundwater seepage outside the excavation changes from horizontal to vertical owing to the existence of the curtain barrier.There is no analytical calculation method for the groundwater head distribution induced by dewatering inside excavation.This paper first analyses the mechanism of the blocking effects from a close barrier in confined aquifer.Then,a simple equation based on analytical solution is proposed to calculate groundwater heads inside and outside of the excavation pit with waterproof curtain(hereafter refer to close barrier)in a confined aquifer.The distribution of groundwater head is derived according to two conditions:(i)pumping with a constant water head,and(ii)pumping with a constant flow rate.The proposed calculation equation is verified by both numerical simulation and experimental results.The comparisons demonstrate that the proposed model can be applied in engineering practice of excavation.  相似文献   

生物降解作用下地下水中TCE、PCE迁移转化的数值模拟研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
根据室内三氯乙烯(TCE)、四氯乙烯(PCE)运移转化的土柱实验和研究区地下水化学特征,建立了研究区微生物作用下TCE、PCE迁移转化的数学模型,并进行了计算机数值模拟,模拟结果与实测值基本一致,表明本次研究建立的数学模型是正确的,研究区地下水中存在生物降解作用,为下一步有机污染的治理提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Scale aspects of groundwater flow and transport systems   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Flow-system analysis is based on the concept of hierarchical groundwater flow systems. The topography of the water table, which is strongly related to the topography of the land surface, is a major factor in the hierarchical nesting of gravity-driven groundwater flow, resulting in flow systems of different orders of magnitude in lateral extent and depth of penetration. The concept of flow systems is extremely useful in the analysis of spatial and temporal scales and their mutual relationships. Basic equations on the laboratory scale are extended to larger, regional scales. Making use of Fourier analysis further develops Tóth's original idea of topography-driven flow systems. In this way, the different spatial scales of the water table are separated in a natural way, leading to a simple expression for the penetration depth of a flow system. This decomposition leads also to the relationship between spatial and temporal scales. Analogous to flow systems, water bodies with different water quality may be called 'transport systems.' Field studies, numerical micro-scale modeling over macro-scale domains, and stochastic dispersion theory indicate that between systems with steady transport, the interfaces are relatively thin. The interfaces are much thinner than the relatively large mixing zones predicted by the conventional engineering approach to macrodispersion, in which relatively large, time-independent macrodispersion lengths are applied. A relatively simple alternative engineering approach is presented. For macrodispersion of propagating solute plumes, the alternative dispersion term gives the same results as the conventional engineering approach and gives correct results for steady-state transport.  相似文献   

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