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《Marine Geology》2005,216(3):101-106
A multibeam bathymetric crossing of Bounty Channel, east of South Island New Zealand fortuitously imaged a large recent slump that partially dammed the channel. Together with a later, adjacent multibeam crossing, these bathymetric data show the average gradient for this section of the channel to be 15 m per km, steeper than the general average for the whole channel (∼3 m per km). In the immediate vicinity of the slump, there is a negative gradient followed downstream by a maximum gradient of 1450 m/km for a 70 m section of the channel. Typical riverine erosional features are seen in this section of the channel including an over-deepened basin at the bottom of the greatest slope as well as additional major slump features.  相似文献   

Considerable effort has been expended in studying the Izu-Bonin Arc over the past 15 years. In particular, 43 dives of the Shinkai 2000 have been undertaken there to discover and evaluate the extent of submarine hydrothermal activity and mineraliza tion. Most effort has been focused on Myojin Knoll (23 dives), Suiyo Seamount (6 dives), and Kaikata Caldera (10 dives). The Izu-Bonin Arc is divided in two by the Sofugan Tectonic Line. Eight submarine caldera are located north of this line but only one is south of it. The physiography of the northern sector of the arc is quite different from that of the southern sector. Volcanic rocks from the northern sector are more acidic than those from the southern sector. Evidence for submarine hydrothermal mineralization has been observed at four seamounts along the Izu-Bonin Arc (Myojin Knoll, Myojinsho, Suiyo Seamount, and Kaikata Caldera), and submarine hydrothermal activity is evident at another three seamounts along the arc (Kurose Hole, Mokuyo Seamount, and Doyo Seamount). The most extensive submarine hydrothermal mineral deposit so far located on the Izu-Bonin Arc is the Sunrise deposit at Myojin Knoll. This deposit, at least 400 m in diameter and 30 m high, is associated with black smoker venting, inactive sulfide chimneys, massive sulfides, hydrothermal Mn crusts, and a hydrothermal vent fauna. The maximum recorded temperature of the hydrothermal vents there was 278°C. Some of the sulfide chimneys contained as much as 49 μg / g Au and 3,400 μg / g Ag. The sunrise deposit is one of the largest submarine volcanic massive sulfide deposits so far discovered in midocean ridge, backarc, or arc settings and has an estimated mass of 9 x 10 6 t. This deposit may be of the Kuroko-type. The discovery of the Sunrise deposit in 1997 gives hope that other, similarly large, sulfide deposits may be found in other caldera along the Izu-Bonin Arc. The geological variability along the arc, the high seismicity, the occurrence of active volcanism and submarine hydrothermal venting, and a proven submarine hydrothermal mineral potential coupled with the proximity of the region to Japan suggest that the Izu-Bonin Arc could profitably serve as a natural laboratory for the long-term monitoring of the seafloor.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal Mn-oxide deposits from the Tonga-Kermadec Ridge and the Valu Fa Ridge back-arc spreading center in the Lau Basin have been studied mineralogically and by bulk and partition geochemical techniques. The Mn-oxides are present as three main morphological types; of these, a dense, grey submetallic material is most common. Common lamination of this material suggests an intermittent rate of formation. Mineralogically, the crusts comprise variable proportions of 10Å and 7Å manganite. Concentrations of some trace elements, including Li, Mo, and Zn are generally significantly higher than those observed in Mn-crusts of hydrogenous origin, suggesting that the observed trace element enrichments are due to a hydrothermal source. Both temporal and geographical controls are seen to affect these trace element concentrations. Although most of the hydrothermally enriched elements are associated with the Mn-oxide phases, Li appears to reflect either a surficial adsorption or the presence of a separate Li-rich phase. Observed variations in deposit composition could reflect differences in the geochemistry of the basement rocks from which the elements have been leached, the proximity of high-temperature sulphide deposits and temporal variability in the hydrothermal systems.  相似文献   

北冰洋中脊海底热水活动研究及展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
海底热水活动是当前海洋地质研究的热点,北极是全球变化研究的理想地区,发生在北极地区的海底热水活动不仅对大洋矿产资源研究有着现实意义,而且对全球变化研究也有重要意义。在介绍北冰洋中脊的地质背景和北冰洋Gakkel海岭的海底热水活动特征的基础上,从地球物理、海洋矿产、海洋化学、海洋热结构、海洋生物研究等角度提出了一些研究展望,认为北极地区热水活动的发现和研究必将提升对海底热水活动研究的认识,而且对北冰洋乃至全球的热结构、气候变化以及极端环境下的生命活动的研究起到重要作用。  相似文献   

Discoasters occur commonly in Recent bottom sediments of the Southwest Pacific Ocean around New Zealand. In most samples they form less than one per cent of the total nannoplankton, but in two samples examined they are much more abundant, and include many species that have been reported as becoming extinct within the Tertiary Period. These discoasters are very well preserved and show no optically identifiable evidence of reworking. The only visible alteration consists of secondary deposits of calcite on the surfaces of some specimens in one sample only, possibly due to the particular physical and chemical conditions in the Recent sediments.  相似文献   


Submarine geology of trenches in the Northwest Pacific

Geological and geophysical surveys of active submarine volcanoes offshore and southeast of Epi Island, Vanuatu, New Hebrides Arc, have delineated details of the structure and acoustic stratigraphy of three volcanic cones. These submarine cones, named Epia, Epib, and Epic, are aligned east-west and spaced 3.5 km apart on the rim of a submerged caldera. At least three acoustic sequences, of presumed Quaternary age, can be identified on single-channel seismic-reflection profiles. Rocks dredged from these cones include basalt, dacite, and cognate gabbroic inclusions with magmatic affinities similar to those of the Karua (an active submarine volcano off the southeastern tip of Epi) lavas.  相似文献   

具有中等扩张速率的胡安·德富卡海岭因代沃段是为数不多的具有喷口场沿走向空间分布详细资料的海底环境之一 ( Haymon等 ,1 991 ;Delaney等 ,1 992 ;Von Damm等 ,1 998)。这些资料为我们提供了新的海底对流系统的几何形状。海底绘图和水柱调查表明 ,大约 90 km长的海岭的 1 / 3至少拥有 5个活动热液场。此外 ,在沿轴长 1 5km的距离上分布有数个不活动的硫化物矿床场所。在本文中 ,我们第 1次对在因代沃段上新发现的 Mothra热液场做了详细的描述。它位于已知热液场的最南端 ,对于因代沃系统的喷口矿床的分布和硫化物建造的形态起到独特的…  相似文献   

西太平洋典型弧后盆地的地质构造、岩浆作用与热液活动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了西太平洋典型弧后盆地冲绳海槽和马努斯海盆的区域地质背景、岩浆岩、喷口流体、热液柱、沉积物以及多金属硫化物。结果表明,冲绳海槽在构造和地球物理特征上南北分异,从北向南地壳厚度减薄,南部重力异常变化大,发育条带状磁异常,中部则具有最高的热流值。马努斯海盆的重力异常变化较小,磁力异常呈东西向展布,海底扩张中心附近出现磁异常条带。马努斯海盆已出现洋壳,冲绳海槽的地壳属于过渡性地壳,在中南部的地堑中可能已出现洋壳。 冲绳海槽与马努斯海盆玄武岩的岩浆是由地幔源区部分熔融产生的原始岩浆与板块俯冲组分混合构成。中酸性岩与基性岩具有相同的岩浆物质来源,是玄武质岩浆结晶分异的产物。与马努斯海盆火山岩相比,冲绳海槽火山岩存在不同程度的地壳混染。 冲绳海槽的喷口流体为富含金属元素(Mn、Fe、Zn、Pb)的酸性高温(高达320 °C)流体,其热液柱中的Zn2 、Cd2 、Pb2 、Cu2 离子浓度明显高于正常海水。马努斯海盆的热液柱呈现出CH4、Mn、Al、δ3He正异常及pH负异常的特征。与马努斯海盆PACMANUS热液区的喷口流体(220–276 °C、pH = 2.5–3.5)相比,DESMOS热液区的喷口流体温度(≥88–120 °C)相对较低,酸性更强(pH ≤ 2.1),二者较低的δ34SH2S和δD值表明岩浆演化过程中有酸性挥发分进入岩浆流体。冲绳海槽与马努斯海盆含金属沉积物的分布及其元素含量特征具有差异,相应地,两个弧后盆地含金属沉积物中的微生物群落也不同。冲绳海槽和马努斯海盆热液区均具富Zn型、Ba-Pb-Zn型、Si-硫化物型和Si-硫化物-硫酸盐型热液产物。与冲绳海槽的多金属硫化物相比,马努斯海盆中多金属硫化物的Pb和Au含量较低。  相似文献   

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