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J. Lang D.H. Brooks M.G. O'Mullane C.D. Pike H.P. Summers W.T. Thompson 《Solar physics》2001,201(1):37-55
New measurements of line intensity ratios in the Be-like ion Si xi are presented for observations of the quiet Sun, active regions, coronal holes and above-limb regions obtained using the Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer on the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory. A model ion, constructed using the best available atomic data, is used to predict the line intensity ratios for a wide range of electron temperatures and densities. Comparisons of the theoretical ratios with the new intensity ratios as well as with those from previous solar observations and laboratory measurements are given. The usefulness of the ratios for electron temperature and density diagnostics, as well as for spectrometer calibration, is discussed. 相似文献
We use an innovative research technique to analyze combined images from the Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS) on the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) and the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE). We produce a high spatial and temporal resolution simulated CDS raster or “composite” map from TRACE data and use
this composite map to jointly analyze data from both instruments. We show some of the advantages of using the “composite”
map method for coronal loop studies. We investigate two postflare loop structures. We find cool material (250 000 K) concentrated
at the tips or apex of the loops. This material is found to be above its scale height and therefore not in hydrostatic equilibrium.
The exposure times of the composite map and TRACE images are used to give an estimate of another loop’s cooling time. The
contribution to the emission in the TRACE images for the spectral lines present in its narrow passband is estimated by using
the CDS spectral data and CHIANTI to derive synthetic spectra. We obtain cospatial and cotemporal data collected by both instruments
in SOHO Joint Observations Program (JOP) 146 and show how the combination of these data can be utilized to obtain more accurate
measurements of coronal plasmas than if analyzed individually.
Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this article () contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. 相似文献
J. C. Raymond J. L. Kohl G. Noci E. Antonucci G. Tondello M. C. E. Huber L. D. Gardner P. Nicolosi S. Fineschi M. Romoli D. Spadaro O. H. W. Siegmund C. Benna A. Ciaravella S. Cranmer S. Giordano M. Karovska R. Martin J. Michels A. Modigliani G. Naletto A. Panasyuk C. Pernechele G. Poletto Peter L. Smith R. M. Suleiman L. Strachan 《Solar physics》1997,175(2):645-665
The Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer on the SOHO satellite covers the 940–1350 Å range as well as the 470–630 Å range in second order. It has detected coronal emission lines of H, N, O, Mg, Al, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, and Ni, particularly in coronal streamers. Resonance scattering of emission lines from the solar disk dominates the intensities of a few lines, but electron collisional excitation produces most of the lines observed. Resonance, intercombination and forbidden lines are seen, and their relative line intensities are diagnostics for the ionization state and elemental abundances of the coronal gas. The elemental composition of the solar corona and solar wind vary, with the abundance of each element related to the ionization potential of its neutral atom (First Ionization Potential–FIP). It is often difficult to obtain absolute abundances, rather than abundances relative to O or Si. In this paper, we study the ionization state of the gas in two coronal streamers, and we determine the absolute abundances of oxygen and other elements in the streamers. The ionization state is close to that of a log T = 6.2 plasma. The abundances vary among, and even within, streamers. The helium abundance is lower than photospheric, and the FIP effect is present. In the core of a quiescent equatorial streamer, oxygen and other high-FIP elements are depleted by an order of magnitude compared with photospheric abundances, while they are depleted by only a factor of 3 along the edges of the streamer. The abundances along the edges of the streamer (‘legs’) resemble elemental abundances measured in the slow solar wind, supporting the identification of streamers as the source of that wind component. 相似文献
The Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS) aboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) carries out a regular program of measuring the full-disk irradiance using the Normal Incidence Spectrograph (NIS). The full-disk solar spectrum is returned in the wavelength bands 308–379 Å and 513–633 Å, with a spectral resolution between 0.3 and 0.6 Å. A recent modification to the CDS on-board software allows simultaneous moderate resolution monochromatic images to be made of the stronger lines in these wavelength ranges. We report on observations made 23 April 1998, 21 May 1998, and 22 June 1998. A total of 69 monochromatic full-Sun images are extracted from the spectral line data. For the first time, spectrally resolved images of the full Sun in Heii 303.8 Å and Sixi 303.3 Å are presented and compared. Velocity maps of the Sun in singly ionized helium are presented. Correlations of intensity to velocity over a wide range of transition region and coronal temperatures are shown. Lines from Hei to Fexiv show statistical red shifts of 1–7 km s–1 between active regions and quiet Sun areas. Velocity maps of Mgix andx are presented, showing strong upflow and downflow regions associated with active regions, but not correlated with the brightest emission. Changes in line width are also presented in Hei, with discussion of similar features in other lines of comparable temperature. Corrections which need to be applied to CDS/NIS data to extract meaningful velocities and line widths are presented and discussed. The identifications of the lines in the CDS spectrum are examined. The spatial and spectral variation of the background component of the CDS spectrum is examined. 相似文献
Strong evidence has been found from SOHO-CDS (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory – Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer) observations to support the hypothesis that rotation plays a major role in the dynamics of transition region features. A comprehensive survey of the CDS daily synoptic rasters has been carried out to select dynamic events by searching for spectral line shifts in the Ov emission line at 629.73 Å (formed at a temperature of 2.5×105 K). Unique CDS observations of a macrospicule were reported by Pike and Harrison (1997), and several more macrospicule-like solar features have now been identified in the polar regions both on the limb and disk. These show blue- and red-shifted emission on either side of an axis stretching above the limb from a footpoint region on the disk. These observations are interpreted as indicating the presence of a rotating plasma, a sort of solar tornado. In the examples studied, the rotation velocities increase with height. The implications for coronal heating models are discussed. 相似文献
Although the field of view of the Normal Incidence Spectrometer (NIS) of the Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS) is 4×4 arc min, it is possible to observe the full solar disk by forming a mosaic of images taken in succession. This paper describes just such a study which has been used to collect images of the Sun simultaneously in six wavelengths between 304 Ú and 630 Ú, and with a temperature coverage between 5×104 K and 2.5×106 K. A representative sample of the resulting images is presented. These data can be used to explore the origin of solar EUV variability, and examine large-scale solar features. Another use of these data is to calibrate the pointing of the CDS Offset Pointing System (OPS), by comparing them against the SOHO Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) full-disk images taken at the same time. Many joint observations are made with CDS and other SOHO instruments, and calibration of the pointing is crucial to the co-pointing of the instruments, and to the analyses of these data. Coalignment is done by fitting to a cross-correlation function, using an IDL procedure which can be applied to any CDS/NIS data set. The accuracy of an individual coalignment can be demonstrated to be in the range 1–2 arc sec. The overall accuracy of the OPS calibration is ±5 arc sec, mainly attributable to measurement error in the actuator positions. An onboard Spartan Intermediate Sun Sensor of the Lockheed design, which was intended to provide greater pointing accuracy, exhibits a time-varying calibration, possibly due to a gradual loss of sensitivity. 相似文献
Mason H. E. Young P. R. Pike C. D. Harrison R. A. Fludra A. Bromage B. J. I. Del Zanna G. 《Solar physics》1997,170(1):143-161
The Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS) has as a scientific goal the determination of the physical parameters of the solar plasma using spectroscopic diagnostic techniques. Absolute intensities and intensity ratios of the EUV spectral emission lines can be used to obtain information on the electron density and temperature structure, element abundances, and dynamic nature of different features in the solar atmosphere. To ensure that these techniques are accurate it is necessary to interface solar analysis programs with the best available atomic data calculations. Progress is reported on this work in relation to CDS observations. 相似文献
M. Dominique J.-F. Hochedez W. Schmutz I. E. Dammasch A. I. Shapiro M. Kretzschmar A. N. Zhukov D. Gillotay Y. Stockman A. BenMoussa 《Solar physics》2013,286(1):21-42
The Large Yield Radiometer (LYRA) is an XUV–EUV–MUV (soft X-ray to mid-ultraviolet) solar radiometer onboard the European Space Agency Project for On-Board Autonomy 2 (PROBA2) mission, which was launched in November 2009. LYRA acquires solar-irradiance measurements at a high cadence (nominally 20?Hz) in four broad spectral channels, from soft X-ray to MUV, which have been chosen for their relevance to solar physics, space weather, and aeronomy. We briefly review the design of the instrument, give an overview of the data products distributed through the instrument website, and describe how the data are calibrated. We also briefly present a summary of the main fields of research currently under investigation by the LYRA consortium. 相似文献
The Grazing Incidence Solar Telescope (GRIST) as it is being studied by the European Space Agency (ESA) is described: A soft X-ray and extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) facility for solar observations with 1 arc sec spatial resolution in a wavelength range extending from 9 to beyond 100 nm. The telescope, a 35° sector of a Wolter, type-II, configuration, will have a focal length of 4 m and a collection area of 280 cm2.It is planned that GRIST be flown on joint Spacelab flights with the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT), a NASA facility for the wavelength range, 110 nm to 1 m, which affords a 0.1 arc sec spatial resolution. This would render possible synoptic observations of the solar atmosphere with the highest ever achieved spatial resolution at wavelengths between 9 nm and 1 m.Possible focal-plane instruments and the most important research goals are briefly described.Proceedings of the 14th ESLAB Symposium on Physics of Solar Variations, 16–19 September 1980, Scheveningen, The Netherlands.On behalf of the ESA Consultants for the Phase-A Study of GRIST: A. H. Gabriel, U. Grossmann-Doerth, M.C.E.H., M. Malinovsky-Arduini, G. Tondello, and H. F. van Beek. 相似文献
Jarken Esimbek 《中国天文和天体物理学报》2007,7(2):297-303
Injecting phase calibration (PCAL) signals to the feed horn of the observation sys- tem and analyzing the output response signals of the spectrometer, we measured the working performance of a 4096-channel digital autocalibration spectrometer. The results demonstrate that the spectrometer has a fine working performance: (1) the channels are distributed uni- formly in the spectrometer; (2) line drift produces little effect on the observation results; (3) spectral resolution shows little changes with observation time. The distribution of the fre- quency resolution in an 80 MHz bandwidth was measured. A trial observation on the two molecular spectral lines of H2CO and H110α taken with this spectrometer is described. 相似文献
W. Curdt D. Germerott K. Wilhelm U. Schühle L. Teriaca D. Innes K. Bocchialini P. Lemaire 《Solar physics》2014,289(6):2345-2376
We have released an archive of all observational data of the VUV spectrometer Solar Ultraviolet Measurements of Emitted Radiation (SUMER) on SOHO that have been acquired until now. The operational phase started with ‘first light’ observations on 27 January 1996 and will end in 2014. Future data will be added to the archive when they become available. The archive consists of a set of raw data (Level 0) and a set of data that are processed and calibrated to the best knowledge we have today (Level 1). This communication describes step by step the data acquisition and processing that has been applied in an automated manner to build the archive. It summarizes the expertise and insights into the scientific use of SUMER spectra that has accumulated over the years. It also indicates possibilities for further enhancement of the data quality. With this article we intend to convey our own understanding of the instrument performance to the scientific community and to introduce the new, standard FITS-format database. 相似文献
Shutter noise induces a small random shift of the zero point in full-disk magnetograms obtained by the Michelson Doppler Imager
(MDI) instrument aboard SOHO. In this paper, we develop a method to remove this offset by fitting the distribution of the
magnetic field strength with a Gaussian function (Ulrich et al., 2002). We also discover a systematic error in the five-minute magnetograms that are the sum of five individual magnetograms
computed on-board; this error can be removed together with the offset. The mean solar magnetic field and synoptic frames derived
from corrected magnetograms show significant improvement. Standard synoptic charts benefit from reduced noise and elimination
of systematic errors in the individual magnetograms. This indicates that this correction is effective and necessary. 相似文献
E.E. Benevolenskaya 《Astronomische Nachrichten》2010,331(1):63-72
The investigation of the dynamics of magnetic fields from small scales to the large scales is very important for the understanding of the nature of solar activity. It is also the base for producing adequate models of the solar cycle with the purpose to predict the level of solar activity. Since December 1995 the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) on board of the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) provides full disk magnetograms and synoptic maps which cover the period of solar cycle 23 and the current minimum. In this paper, I review the following important topics with a focus on the dynamics of the solar magnetic field. The synoptic structure of the solar cycle; the birth of the solar cycle (overlapping cycles 23 and 24); the relationship of the photospheric magnetic activity and the EUV solar corona, polar magnetic fields and dynamo theory (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) 相似文献
We processed magnetograms that were obtained with the Michaelson Doppler Imager onboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO/MDI). The results confirm the basic properties of long-period oscillations of sunspots that have previously been established and also reveal new properties. We show that the limiting (lowest) eigenmode of low-frequency oscillations of a sunspot as a whole is the mode with a period of 10?–?12 up to 32?–?35 hours (depending on the sunspot’s magnetic-field strength). This mode is observed consistently throughout an observation period of 5?–?7 days, but its amplitude is subject to quasi-cyclic changes, which are separated by about 1.5?–?2 days. As a result, the lower mode with a period of about 35?–?48 hours appears in the power spectrum of sunspot oscillations. But this lowest mode is apparently not an eigenmode of a sunspot because its period does not depend on the magnetic field of the sunspot. Perhaps the mode reflects the quasi-periodic sunspot perturbations caused by supergranulation cells that surround it. We also analyzed SOHO/MDI artifacts, which may affect the low-frequency power spectra of sunspots. 相似文献
A type of saturation is sometimes seen in sunspot umbrae in MDI/SOHO magnetograms. In this paper, we present the underlying
cause of such saturation. By using a set of MDI circular polarization filtergrams taken during an MDI line profile campaign
observation, we derive the MDI magnetograms using two different approaches: the on-board data processing and the ground data processing, respectively. The algorithms for processing the data are the same, but the former is limited by a 15-bit lookup table. Saturation
is clearly seen in the magnetogram from the on-board processing simulation, which is comparable to an observed MDI magnetogram taken one and a half hours before the campaign data. We analyze
the saturated pixels and examine the on-board numerical calculation method. We conclude that very low intensity in sunspot
umbrae leads to a very low depth of the spectral line that becomes problematic when limited to the 15-bit on-board numerical
treatment. This 15-bit on-board treatment of the values is the reason for the saturation seen in sunspot umbrae in the MDI
magnetogram. Although it is possible for a different type of saturation to occur when the combination of a strong magnetic
field and high velocity moves the spectral line out of the effective sampling range, this saturation is not observed. 相似文献
用势场方法和格林函数解构造了三维日冕磁场.相关的边界条件是所观测的光球磁场以及光球上2.6个太阳半径的开放场(源表面).所用的光球数据来自高精度的MDI/SOHO观测(2″/像素,1桢/98min).这种外推方法可以用来分析太阳大事件在大尺度上的可能触发机制.作为一个例子,我们分析了活动区NOAA9077的外推日冕场,发现它们的形态与EIT/SOHO的日冕观测相符很好.结合全日面Hα演化,我们推测来自活动区9082的一次激波扰动应该是导致2000年7月14日大耀斑和日冕物质抛射的触发原因,该扰动沿着外推所得到的一个磁环系统直接传到大耀斑爆发位置. 相似文献
《Planetary and Space Science》2007,55(9):1021-1030
In the last 10 years more than 1000 sungrazing comets have been discovered by the LASCO coronagraphs aboard SOHO the spacecraft; from this huge amount of data it has been possible to study the common origin of these comets and to explain some of the main peculiarities observed in their lightcurves. Moreover, the UV Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) aboard SOHO allowed EUV spectroscopy of sungrazers in the final stage of their trajectory (i.e. between 1.4 and 10 solar radii), but a few sungrazers have been observed with this instrument. In this paper we review the main results from the UVCS observation of sungrazers C/1996 Y1, C/2000 C6 and C/2001 C2, discussing also the first possible detection of two fragments and the determination of the pyroxene dust grain number density in the latter one. Preliminary results on the UVCS data interpretation of a sungrazer observed in 2002 (C/2002 S2) are also presented here. 相似文献