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The calculations made by Fahret al. (1976) have been subjected to a re-examination, the results of which are described in this letter.  相似文献   

Periods of very low solar wind velocity at 1 AU, during the interval from 1977 to 1983, are identified and mapped back to the coronal source surface at 2.5 R . In total 25 such low-velocity events were found. Inferred source locations were characterized with respect to their position relative to the coronal neutral line. The study showed that in 17 out of 25 cases the slow solar wind originated across a coronal neutral line. In the remaining cases the source was either along the neutral line or insides a warp. A prediction of the IMF polarity to be expected at Earth, from the computed coronal magnetic field, was also done. It failed clearly only in four cases out of 25 events. In three cases the prediction was uncertain because of missing data. Possible explanations of why the potential model sometimes predicts a wrong polarity are discussed.  相似文献   

Cross-correlation functions have been computed between green-line intensity (Kislovodsk) and Vela solar wind velocity January–June 1967. They are calculated separately for east and west limb observations in 5° latitude increments, and the solar wind velocites are correlated at their estimated emission times by correcting for the plasma Earth-Sun transit time using the observed velocities. The cross-correlation patterns appear to be dominated by two competing effects: a tendency of quasi-stationary green-line emission and solar wind velocity to anti-correlate; and a tendency of transient green-line emission and solar wind velocity enhancements to correlate positively. We also find evidence for simultaneous (same-day) emission brightenings over 2 to 4 limb quadrants. It is therefore recommended that, following a well-known practice in solar terrestrial studies, recurrent and transient events in both solar wind and green-line emissions should be studied separately.  相似文献   

The relationship between two classes of coronal holes and high-speed quasi-stationary streams of solar wind at the Earth’s orbit is investigated. “Open” coronal holes, whose area is invariable or increases with the height over the solar surface, are rated in the first class, and “closed” coronal holes with areas decreasing with the height are referred to as second-class holes. The parameters of the coronal holes are determined from IR and EUV images and spectroheliograms. It is shown that most open coronal holes can be associated with high-speed solar-wind streams, while most closed coronal holes exhibit a much lower correlation with such streams.  相似文献   

We investigate the possibility of an additional acceleration of the high speed solar wind by whistler waves propagating outward from a coronal hole. We consider a stationary, spherically symmetric model and assume a radial wind flow as well as a radial magnetic field. The energy equation consists of (a) energy transfer of the electron beam which excites the whistler waves, and (b) energy transfer of the whistler waves described by conservation of wave action density. The momentum conservation equation includes the momentum transfer of two gases (a thermal gas and an electron beam). The variation of the temperature is described by a polytropic law. The variation of solar wind velocity with the radial distance is calculated for different values of energy density of the whistler waves. It is shown that the acceleration of high speed solar wind in the coronal hole due to the whistler waves is very important. We have calculated that the solar wind velocity at the earth's orbit is about equal to 670 km/sec (for wave energy density about 10?4 erg cm?3 at 1.1R⊙). It is in approximate agreement with the observed values.  相似文献   

When solar wind plasma in the trailing (eastern) edge of a high-speed stream is mapped back to its estimated source in the high corona using the constant radial velocity (EQRH) approximation, a large range of velocities appears to come from a restricted range in longitude, often only a few degrees. This actually constitutes a sharp eastern coronal boundary for the solar wind stream source, and demands that the boundary have a three-dimensional structure. Using interplanetary data, we infer a systematic variation in source altitude (identified approximately with the Alfvén point), with faster solar wind attaining its interplanetary characteristics at lower altitudes. This also affects the accuracy of the source longitude estimates, so that we infer a width in the high corona of 4–6° for the source of the trailing edges of streams which appear to originate from a single longitude. We demonstrate that the possible systematic interplanetary effects (in at least some cases) are not large ( 2° in heliocentric longitude). The relatively sharp boundaries imply that high-speed streams are well-defined structures all the way down to their low coronal sources, and that the magnetic field structure controls the propagation of the plasma through the corona out to the vicinity of the Alfvén point ( 20 R ).  相似文献   

P. N. Pathak 《Solar physics》1971,20(2):462-473
Using solar wind velocity data obtained by Mariner-2 and IMP-1 spacecrafts, an attempt has been made to study its correlation with 5303 coronal intensity. It is shown that the long-lasting regions of enhanced 5303 intensity in the solar corona are well correlated with recurrent streams of solar wind having high velocity. The time-lag between the central meridian passage (CMP) of the coronal features and the detection of the solar wind streams at the spacecraft is found to be smaller than that implied by a radial solar wind. Significant positive correlations for Mariner-2 data are obtained for coronal intensity at heliolatitudes 5°S–10°N with a time-lag of + 2 days while for IMP-1 data, high positive correlations are obtained for the southern heliolatitudes (10°–25°S) without any time-lag. It should be noted that the average heliographic latitudes for Mariner-2 and IMP-1 were 4°N and 4°S respectively during the periods covered by the present analysis. The implications of the results are discussed.Presented at IUCSTP Symposium on Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Leningrad, May 1970.  相似文献   

The dependence of the position of the solar wind sonic point on the magnetic field in the solar corona during cycle 23 is studied. This dependence is shown to be rather strong in the rising phase and at the cycle maximum. As the coronal magnetic field grows, the distance to the sonic point decreases. Since the distance to the sonic point has been shown previously to anticorrelate with the solar wind speed, the result obtained suggests a strong positive correlation between the later and the coronal magnetic field. The situation changed dramatically two years after the calendar date of the cycle maximum. Beginning in 2004 the solar wind speed ceased to depend on the magnetic field up until the cycle minimum in December 2008. In 2009 a strong dependence of the wind speed on the coronal magnetic field was restored. It is hypothesized that this effect is associated with two different coronal heating mechanisms whose relative efficiency, in turn, depends on the contribution from magnetic fields of different scales.  相似文献   

Numerous mass ejections from the Sun have been detected with orbiting coronagraphs. Here for the first time we document and discuss the direct association of a coronagraph observed mass ejection, which followed a 2B flare, with a large interplanetary shock wave disturbance observed at 1 AU. Estimates of the mass (2.4 × 1016 g) and energy content (1.1 × 1032 erg) of the coronal disturbance are in reasonably good agreement with estimates of the mass and energy content of the solar wind disturbance at 1 AU. The energy estimates as well as the transit time of the disturbance are also in good agreement with numerical models of shock wave propagation in the solar wind.  相似文献   

The cells of photospheric background magnetic fields during Carrington rotation 2009 in October–November 2003 are considered. The small number of large sunspots and the high activity on the Sun in this period allow the correspondence between the activity of background field cells (flares) and the appearance of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) observed with the LASCO coronagraphs to be established without statistical analyses. The sunspots of opposite polarities in one background field cell are shown to serve as the legs of the same CME. The separation between them is close to 30°.  相似文献   

Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) Observations were made during the period 1984–1990 using a single radio telescope at 103 MHz situated at Thaltej (Ahmedabad), India. Solar wind speeds were estimated using a recently developed method based on matching the observed IPS spectra with model solar wind spectra for Kolmogorov turbulence. The best-fit speeds derived are traced back to a source surface, and average velocity maps are made for each year, averaging over a number of Carrington rotations. It is found that the resulting single-site, large-scale IPS speed structure agrees well with that derived from 3-site observations from earlier workers. The IPS speed structure during this period was compared with other coronal features. Nearly 85% of the observed high-speed regions were associated with coronal holes. At solar minimum, in 1986, a quasi-sinusoidal, narrow belt of slow solar wind was observed which matched well with the neutral line structure of the solar magnetic field and the belt of active centers. Near solar maximum, in 1990, the speed structure was chaotic, similar to that of the neutral line, with low speed regions appearing all over the source surface.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy》2007,12(6):490-496
To explore the dynamics of a test particle in the near-Mercury’s environment, the orbital motion of an orbiter around Mercury is considered. Different perturbing forces, namely the Mercurian gravity field, the solar radiation pressure, the solar wind and the coronal mass ejections, are taken into account. The order of magnitude of each perturbing term is assessed. The equations of motion in canonical representation are obtained. The Hamiltonian in terms of Hansen coefficients is expressed. A procedure for solution is presented. The short and long periodic terms are removed from the Hamiltonian and the solution is obtained. Long periodic perturbations on the orbital dynamics of an orbiter around Mercury due to the solar events are found as revealed by Eq. (26) in the text. Resonance cases are discussed and the different resonant inclinations are obtained. A procedure for the computation of the position and velocity is presented.  相似文献   

Maps of the coronal magnetic field before and after several proton flares were examined. There are indications that large scale changes occur in both the photospheric and coronal magnetic field as a consequence of large proton flares.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The influence on the rate of angular momentum loss from the Sun of magnetic geometries which are not spherically symmetric is estimated. Departures from spherical symmetry are expected to influence significantly the loss rate by two effects - the presence of closed magnetic field regions with no loss and also the variability in the radial distance to the Alfvénic point, as stressed by Mestel (1968).The loss rate is calculated for an MHD solar wind model with a solar magnetic field whose normal component at the surface is that of a north-south dipole. In contrast to Mestel's work, where the field was assumed dipolar within a certain surface and radial outside, the coupling between the solar wind and magnetic field is here taken into account exactly. For equivalent boundary conditions at the surface, the resulting field configuration yields an angular momentum loss rate which is only 15% of that for the monopole field normally used in angular momentum loss estimates. If, instead of equating boundary conditions at the Sun, one equates the two losses at the equator to that observed at 1 AU by spacecraft, then the ratio of the total loss for the distended dipole to that for the monopole is about 40%.On Leave from the Department of Applied Mathematics, The University, St. Andrews, Scotland.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The evolution of azimuthal modulation of the solar wind is examined by numerical integration of the basic equations governing supersonic, super-Alfvénic, polytropic one fluid flow in the equatorial plane of the Sun with radial as well as azumuthal magnetic fields. The computations are started by introducing various sets of finite amplitude perturbations stationary with respect to the Sun. It is shown that for a properly chosen set of simultaneous perturbations of the radial velocity and temperature, quantitative agreement with the averaged observational results at 1 AU can be obtained, including the advance of the density modulation with respect to those of velocity and temperature. It is further shown that modulations at 1 AU depend on the relative azimuthal positions between the Sun and the Earth.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

In this paper we give an explanation for a control mechanism for velocityV of solar wind (SW) streams for coronal holes (CHs) based on the idea suggested by Rudenko and Fainshtein (1993). In accordance with that idea, the difference of values ofV in high-speed SW streams from different CHs is due to the spread in magnitude of magnetic fieldB a in the region of acceleration of such streams near the Sun. In this case, with increasing magnitude ofB a, there is an increase in velocity of the high-speed stream.Through calculations of the coronal magnetic field (potential-field approximation) it is shown that on the source surface the magnetic field B s, averaged over the cross-section of the magnetic tube from a CH, can vary for different tubes over a wide range and correlates quite well with the area of this tube's base as well as depending on the radial component of the magnetic field at the base of the tube on the source surface B or.It is found that the value of superradial divergence of the magnetic tube from a CH depends not only on the area of its base (as shown in prior work) but also on B or. A positive correlation at the Earth's orbit between velocityV of the high-speed SW and the radial component of the magnetic field in the region of this stream is detected, which agrees indirectly with theV-control mechanism under discussion.  相似文献   

To gain insight into the relationships between solar activity, the occurrence and variability of coronal holes, and the association of such holes with solar wind features such as high-velocity streams, a study of the period 1963–1974 was made. This period corresponds approximately with sunspot cycle 20. The primary data used for this work consisted of X-ray and XUV solar images obtained from rockets. The investigation revealed that:
  1. The polar coronal holes prominent at solar minimum, decreased in area as solar activity increased and were small or absent at maximum phase. This evolution exhibited the same phase difference between the two hemispheres that was observed in other indicators of activity.
  2. During maximum, coronal holes occurred poleward of the sunspot belts and in the equatorial region between them. The observed equatorial holes were small and persisted for one or two solar rotations only; some high latitude holes had lifetimes exceeding two solar rotations.
  3. During 1963–74 whenever XUV or X-ray images were available, nearly all recurrent solar wind streams of speed ?500 km s?1 were found associated with coronal holes at less than 40° latitude; however some coronal holes appeared to have no associated wind streams at the Earth.

X-ray images of the solar corona, taken on November 24, 1970, showed a magnetically open structure in the low corona which extended from N20W20 to the south pole. Analysis of the measured X-ray intensities shows the density scale height within the structure to be typically a factor of two less than that in the surrounding large scale magnetically closed regions. The structure is identified as a coronal hole.Since there have been several predictions that such a region should be the source of a high velocity stream in the solar wind, wind measurements for the appropriate period were traced back to the Sun by the method of instantaneous ideal spirals. A striking agreement was found between the Carrington longitude of the solar source of a recurrent high velocity solar wind stream and the position of the hole.Solar wind bulk velocity and photospheric magnetic field data from the period 1962–1970 indicate the possible extension of the result to the interpretation of long term variations in the wind pattern.  相似文献   

For the 2.5 year period from January 1, 1977 to June 30, 1979, we have correlated the positions of high latitude coronal holes, obtained from the He 10830 Å synoptic maps, with the velocities of solar wind streams, determined from interplanetary scintillation, that would have originated from these coronal holes. From 24 cases analyzed we find that these high latitude coronal holes are often, but not always, correlated with high speed solar wind streams. The lack of a much stronger correlation may be due to uncertainties in the boundaries of the coronal holes and in the velocities of the solar wind streams. It might also be due to the deflection or attenuation of relatively weak solar wind streams in interplanetary space.  相似文献   

Effects of solar wind parameters on the development of substorms during the events of southward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) lasting more than one hour were studied. Analysis on 175 events with average magnitude of the southward component of IMF larger than l·5γ as observed in July–December 1965 lead to the following results: (1) The total auroral electrojet (AEJ) current associated with the southward IMF event is approximately proportional to the time integral of the magnitude of the southward component. (2) The azimuthal component of IMF also affects the AEJ development. AEJ about twice as intense were observed when IMF was directed duskward than when IMF was directed dawnward. (3) AEJ intensity is strongly affected by the solar wind velocity during the southward IMF events, the intensity being approximately proportional to the square of the velocity. (4) No indication was found that the angle between the Sun-Earth line and the Earth's dipole axis plays any role on the development of substorms if effects of the solar wind parameters as described above are eliminated.  相似文献   

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