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提出了一种依据海洋伴随资料同化达到改进海洋观测方案的客观分析方法.针对一个"真实的海洋"进行不同空间断面(或对不同层次)的假设采样,分别将这些"不完备的观测"应用于Byran-Cox海洋环流模式的伴随系统,可以计算"不完备观测"同化以后的模式环流与"完备观测"资料同化(控制试验)得到的环流之间的距离--反演距离.由于海洋伴随资料同化所具有的局地修正效应和邻域修正效应,不同观测方案所对应的反演距离有着明显的差异.采用上述方法在一定观测代价下可以对大洋风生环流进行观测方案的优化分析.  相似文献   

多孔介质结构的复杂性使其内部的流动非常复杂,通常不加简化就难以求解。格子Boltzmann方法以其无需简化就能处理复杂孔隙结构的优势,成为研究多孔介质流动的一种有效的数值计算方法。从现场采集的彩色铸体剖面图中提取孔隙信息重构了一种接近真实岩石的3D孔隙介质数字岩心。在此基础上,使用格子Boltzmann方法进一步得到能准确求解多孔介质中流动问题的Navier-Stokes方程,用以研究孔隙岩石的渗流特性。该方法对简单模型渗透率的模拟结果与相应的解析解或实验测量结果吻合良好,对某油田6个样品的模拟结果与实验结果的误差不大,说明格子Boltzrnann方法可以用来计算实际问题的渗透率。  相似文献   

Lattice Boltzmann simulations of the transient shallow water flows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A two-dimensional lattice Boltzmann model (LBM) is presented for transient shallow water flows. The model is based on the shallow water equations coupled with the large eddy simulation model. In order to obtain accurate results efficiently, a multi-block lattice scheme is applied at the area where a local finer grid is needed for strong change in physical variables. The model is verified by applying to five cases with transient processes: (a) a tidal wave over steps; (b) a perturbation over a submerged hump; (c) partial dam break flow; (d) circular dam break flow; (e) interaction between a dam break surge and four square cylinders. The objectives of this study are to validate the two-dimensional LBM in transient flow simulation and provide the detailed transient processes in shallow water flows.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe a lattice Boltzmann model to simulate chemical reactions taking place at the interface between two immiscible fluids. The phase-field approach is used to identify the interface and its orientation, the concentration of reactant at the interface is then calculated iteratively to impose the correct reactive flux condition. The main advantages of the model is that interfaces are considered part of the bulk dynamics with the corrective reactive flux introduced as a source/sink term in the collision step, and, as a consequence, the model’s implementation and performance is independent of the interface geometry and orientation. Results obtained with the proposed model are compared to analytical solution for three different benchmark tests (stationary flat boundary, moving flat boundary and dissolving droplet). We find an excellent agreement between analytical and numerical solutions in all cases. Finally, we present a simulation coupling the Shan Chen multiphase model and the interface reactive model to simulate the dissolution of a collection of immiscible droplets with different sizes rising by buoyancy in a stagnant fluid.  相似文献   

This study develops a lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) with a two-relaxation-time collision operator (LTRT) to solve saltwater intrusion problems. A directional-speed-of-sound (DSS) technique is introduced to take into account the hydraulic conductivity heterogeneity and discontinuity, as well as the velocity-dependent dispersion coefficient. The forcing terms in the LTRT model are customized in order to recover the density-dependent groundwater flow and mass transport equations. Using the LTRT with the squared DSS achieves at least second-order accuracy. The LTRT results are verified with Henry’s analytical solution as well as compared with several numerical examples and modified Henry problems that consider heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity and velocity-dependent dispersion. The numerical results show good agreement with the Henry analytical solution and with the numerical solutions obtained by other numerical methods.  相似文献   

水压瞬态致裂液化在地应力测量、 地震破坏评估和机理研究、 油气(天然气、 页岩气)及地热资源开发等地学领域都具有重要的理论和应用价值。 自20世纪60年代至今在理论和实际应用方面取得了一些奠基性和开创性成果, 但鉴于问题复杂性, 瞬态致裂液化机理至今尚不清楚。 本研究应用格子波尔兹曼及有限元多孔介质流固耦合物理模型, 对地震波载荷作用下致密砂岩水压瞬态致裂液化过程进行数值模拟研究。 首先, 以鄂尔多斯盆地某油田延长组致密砂岩为例, 利用X射线CT断层成像技术, 应用基于量子力学第一性原理格子波尔兹曼方法, 建立致密砂岩数字岩芯模型。 进而, 推导格子波尔兹曼及有限元多孔介质流固耦合数值模型公式, 建立致密砂岩水压致裂液化物理模型。 最后, 应用地震波载荷边界和初始条件, 模拟瞬态致裂液化流固耦合过程, 讨论了地震波载荷幅值、 频率及作用时间对致密砂岩孔隙结构(孔隙度大小及连通性)、 致密砂岩破裂最大主应力之间关系, 得到了地震波作用下致密砂岩致裂液化准则。  相似文献   

Global ocean circulation models usually lack an adequate consideration of high-latitude processes due to a limited model domain or insufficient resolution. Without the processes in key areas of the global thermohaline circulation, the characteristics and flow of deep and bottom waters cannot be modeled realistically. In this study, a high-resolution (~20 km) ocean model focused on the Weddell Sea sector of the Southern Ocean is combined with a low-resolution (2° × 2°) global ocean model applying the state estimation technique. Temperature, salinity, and velocity data on two Weddell Sea sections from the regional model are used as constraints for the large-scale model in addition to satellite altimetry and sea-surface temperatures. The differences between the model with additional constraints and without document that the Weddell Sea circulation exerts significant influence on the course of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current with consequences for Southern Ocean water mass characteristics and the spreading of deep and bottom waters in the South Atlantic. Furthermore, a warming trend in the period 1993–2001 was found in the Weddell Sea and adjacent basins in agreement with float measurements in the upper Southern Ocean. Teleconnections to the North Atlantic are suggested but need further studies to demonstrate their statistical significance.  相似文献   

In the framework of the eddy dynamic model developed in two previous papers (Dubovikov, M.S., Dynamical model of mesoscale eddies, Geophys. Astophys. Fluid Dyn., 2003, 97, 311–358; Canuto, V.M. and Dubovikov, M.S., Modeling mesoscale eddies, Ocean Modelling, 2004, 8, 1–30 referred as I–II), we compute the contribution of unresolved mesoscale eddies to the large-scale dynamic equations of the ocean. In isopycnal coordinates, in addition to the bolus velocity discussed in I–II, the mesoscale contribution to the large scale momentum equation is derived. Its form is quite different from the traditional down-gradient parameterization. The model solutions in isopycnal coordinates are transformed to level coordinates to parameterize the eddy contributions to the corresponding large scale density and momentum equations. In the former, the contributions due to the eddy induced velocity and to the residual density flux across mean isopycnals (so called Σ-term) are derived, both contributions being shown to be of the same order. As for the large scale momentum equation, as well as in isopycnal coordinates, the eddy contribution has a form which is quite different from the down-gradient expression.  相似文献   

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