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Madoi-Gadê fault is an active fault in the Bayan Har block.According to field investigation,there is an earthquake surface rupture fairly well preserved on the Gadê segment of the Madoi-Gadê fault zone.The length of the rupture is approximately 50km,with a general strike of NW.The maximum horizontal sinistral displacement is about 7.6m and the maximum vertical displacement is about 4m.A large number of earthquake traces are to be found along the rupture zone,and the phenomena on the surface rupture are also...  相似文献   

Xu Jie 《中国地震研究》2006,20(1):101-107
The Indonesian region is one of the most seismically active zones on the earth. On December 26, 2004, an Ms 8.7 earthquake (as measured by the China Seismograph Network, or Mw = 9.3 as measured by USGS) struck the west coast of northern Sumatra, Indonesia. By its magnitude it is classified as the world's fourth largest earthquake since 1900 and the largest one since the 1964 Alaska earthquake. The spatial distribution of the relocation of larger aftershocks ( M 〉 4.5) following the main shock suggests a length and width of the rupture of about 1200km and 200km, respectively. The shock triggered massive tsunamis that affected several countries throughout South and Southeast Asia. It is a shallow interplate event of thrust type in the trench. Its epicenter is located at the northwestern end of the Indonesia-Melanesia plate boundary tectonic zone. In 2004, eight shocks of M≥ 7.0 occurred in this area, showing a migration from east to west. It implies that these shocks represent a correlated and consistent dynamic process along this subduction zone. These interplate events are associated with convergence of several plates and their fast motion in this region, which result in strong and complex structures and deformation. The India-Australia plate is underthrusting toward the Sunda continental block or Burma plate at a low angle, producing a great locked area on the shallow portion of the subduction zone where enormous strain is accumulated. Interseismic uplift recorded by coral growth and horizontal velocities measured by GPS show the geometry of the locked portion of the Sumatra subduction zone. The vertical and horizontal data reasonably match with a model in which the plate interface is fully locked over a significant width. This locked fault zone extends to a horizontal distance of 132km from the trench, which corresponds to a depth of 50km. The sudden ruptures and large-scale slip of this locked area as a release of stress occurred, are the direct cause of the M8.7 earthquake near Indonesia in 2004.  相似文献   

The East Kunlun active fault zone, which lies in the valley of the Kunlun Mountains above an elevation of 4,000 meters, is an important active fault zone in the Northeast Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau. The 1937, the Tosonhu lake M_S7.5 earthquake occurred in the eastern segment of the East Kunlun active fault zone. Four field investigations were launched on this seism in 1963, 1971, 1980, and between 1986 and 1990. However, due to different extents of the investigations, four different conclusions have been gained. Concerning the length aspect of the surface rupture zone of this earthquake, the unanimous consensus is that its eastern end lies in the west side of the main Ridge of the A'nyêmaqên Mountains, but opinions about the western end and the location of the macro-epicenter are different. Based on investigation and comprehensive study, a series of scientific problems like geometric and kinetic characteristics, the length of the rupture zone, the maximum sinistral horizontal displacement and the macro-epicenter were re-evaluated. We believe that the total length of this earthquake's surface deformation zone is at least 240km; the western end of the zone is at the west of Wusuwuwoguole; the maximum sinistral horizontal displacement is 8m to the west of Baerhalasha gully on the east side of Sanchakou; the maximum vertical displacement is 3.5m in the south of Sanchakou and the macro-epicenter is in Sanchakou.  相似文献   

Introduction Haiyuan fault is a major seismogenic fault in north-central China. One of the most devastat-ing great earthquake in the 20th century occurred near Haiyuan in northwestern China on Decem-ber 16, 1920. More than 220 000 people were killed and thousands of towns and villages weredestroyed during the devastating earthquake. A 230 km long left-lateral surface rupture zone wasformed along the Haiyuan fault during the earthquake with maximum left-lateral displacement of10 m. Pale…  相似文献   

An earthquake of Mw6.4 occurred in Pishan County in Xinjiang Province, northwestern Tibetan Plateau, on July 3,2015. The epicenter was located on an active blind thrust system located at the northern margin of the Western Kunlun Mountain Orogenic Belt southwest of the Tarim Basin. We constructed a shovel-shaped fault model based on the layered-crust model with reference to the seismic reflection profile, and obtained the rupture process of the earthquake from the joint inversion of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar(InSAR) measurements, far-field waveform data, and Global Positioning System(GPS) data. The results show that the seismic fault dips southward with a strike of 109°, and the rupture direction was essentially northward. The fault plane rupture distribution is concentrated, with a maximum recorded slip of 73 cm. The main features of the fault are as follows: low inclination angle(25°–10°), thrust slip at a depth of 9–13 km, rupture propagation time of about 12 s, no significant slip in soft or hard sedimentary layers at 0–4 km depth and propagation from the initial rupture point to the surrounding area with no obvious directionality. The InSAR time-series analysis method is used to determine the deformation rate in the source region within 2 years after the earthquake, and the maximum value is ~17 mm yr-1 in the radar line-of-sight direction. Obvious post-earthquake deformation is evident in the hanging wall, with a similar trend to the coseismic displacement field. These results suggest that the Pishan earthquake has not completely released the accumulated energy of the region, given that the multilayer fold structure above the blind fault is still in a process of slow uplift since the earthquake. Post-earthquake adjustment models and aftershock risk analysis require further study using more independent data.  相似文献   

The East Kunlun fault zone is located in the northern margin of the Bayan Har block. The study of earthquake rupture behavior in the fault zone is of importance for understanding the future seismic risk in northwest Sichuan. A number of geological field investigations, typical micro topography DGPS measurements and sample dating show that the earthquake activity of the East Kunlun fault zone extends to the north boundary of Zoige basin, a segment known as the Luocha segment of Tazang fault. In the satellite image, the segment is seen clearly as gray and yellow strips. The earthquake deformation zone mainly features fault scarp, valleys on the slope, offset gullies and terraces, linear distribution of plants, waterfall, fault spring, fault sag pond, and landslide, collapse and talus associated with surface rupturing. These phenomena are distributed intermittently along the re-existing fault and form a ~50km-long inverse L-shaped deformation zone. Fault activities caused left-lateral offset of gullies and terraces, with horizontal displacement concentrated at 5.5m~6m, 18m~23m, 68m~75m, and 200m~220m, respectively. The recent earthquake occurred between 340±30~500±30BP. The macro epicenter is located 5km~7km northwest of Benduo village, with magnitude of MW7.3~7.4, maximum coseismic displacement of 6m, horizontal displacement 5.5m~6m and vertical displacement 0.2m~0.5m, being in a proportion of 5∶1~10∶1. These phenomena show that the Tazang fault is the causative fault of this earthquake. The fault is a Holocene active fault and was dominated recently by left-lateral movement with a small amount of thrust component under compressive shear stress. This characteristic is similar to the movement in other segments of the East Kunlun fault zone. The results of this study support the "continental escape" model.  相似文献   

Xue Yan 《中国地震研究》2006,20(2):118-126
The characteristics of seismic activity in different time-spatial domain before the Mw9.0 earthquake were studied. The results are as follows : ① The activity of the deep earthquakes in the north boundary zone of the Australian plate had been evidently strengthened since 1994, showing an increased frequency, magnitude and depth, especially in regards to the heterogeneous distribution of the earthquake depth (namely between 500km and 689km). Meanwhile the shallow earthquakes of M ≥ 7.0 in the Sumatra island and its vicinity had been obviously strengthened too, and formed a strengthening area with a length of about 1000 km and width 300 km. ②The time distribution of global strong earthquakes with M≥ 7.0 shows that the character of anomalous seismic quiescence-activity one year before the Mw9.0 earthquake and during its active period, the strong earthquakes formed a seismic belt striking in NWW direction. At the same time, there is a seismic gap formed by earthquakes of M ≥ 5.0 in the epicenter and its neighboring region. ③ Two deep earthquakes of M ≥ 7.0 occurred in the west and in the east of the north boundary zone of the Australian plate half year ago. It is notable that one of them occurred in the Sumatra island where no deep earthquake with M ③ 6.0 has occurred in the past thirty years. ④The space distribution of moderate shocks occurring three days ago exhibited a NWW-strike seismic belt along the north boundary zone of the Australian plate. ⑤The activity of volcanoes distributed in the north boundary zone of the Australian plate had been strengthened in the past 4 years, especially several months before the occurrence of the Mw9.0 earthquake.  相似文献   

It has always been a difficult problem to extract horizontal and vertical displacement components from the InSAR LOS (Line of Sight) displacement since the advent of monitoring ground surface deformation with InSAR technique. Having tried to fit the firsthand field investigation data with a least squares model and obtained a preliminary result, this paper, based on the previous field data and the InSAR data, presents a linear cubic interpolation model which well fits the feature of earthquake fracture zone. This model inherits the precision of investigation data; moreover make use of some advantages of the InSAR technique, such as quasi-real time observation, continuous recording and all-weather measurement. Accordingly, by means of the model this paper presents a method to decompose the InSAR slant range co-seismic displacement (i.e. LOS change) into horizontal and vertical displacement components. Approaching the real motion step by step, finally a serial of curves representing the co-seismic horizontal and vertical displacement component along the main earthquake fracture zone are approximately obtained.  相似文献   

Focal Fault of the 1999 Datong Ms5.6 Earthquake in Shanxi Province   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several earthquakes with Ms≥5.0 occurred in the Datong seismic region in 1989,1991 and 1999,The precise focus location of the earthquake sequence was made by the records of the remote sensing seismic station network in Datong.Using that data together with macro-intensity distribution and focal mechanism solutions,we analyze the difference among three subsequences.The results show that the focal fault of the 1999 Ms 5.6 earthquake was a NWW-trending left-lateral strike-slip fault.It is 16km long and 12km wide.It developed at the depth of 5km and is nearly vertical in dip.The two previous earthquake subsequences,however,were generated by activity along NNE-trending right-lateral strike-slip fault.It can be found that the rupture directioin of the 1999 earthquake has changed.It is generally found that a rupture zone has more than two directions and has different strength along these two directions.The complicate degree of focal circumstance is related to the type of earthquake sequences.There is the NE-trending Dawangcun fault and the NW-trending Tuanbu fault in the seismic region,but no proof indicates a connection between focal faults and these two tectonic faults.The feature that focal faults of three subsequences are strike-slip is different from that of the two tectonic faults.It is suggested that the 1999 earthquake subsequence was possibly generated by a new rupture.  相似文献   

The coseismic surface rupture zone of the seismogenic fault of the MS7.1 Yushu earthquake includes three left-stepping main ruptures, striking 300°~320°, in general. An approximately 2km-long en echelon tension fissure zone was found at Longbao town. The main rupture in the northern part is about 16km long, about 9km long in the middle part, and about 7km long in the southern part, with a total length of 34km. Each of the main ruptures consists of a series of en echelon sub-ruptures represented by a series of compression bulges alternating with tension fissures or by en echelon fissures. The rupture at Changusi, the southernmost of the ruptures, is characterized by vertical displacement, with a value of 50cm. The rupture zone shows left-lateral strike-slip characteristics. The maximal horizontal slip is on the northern main rupture, with a value of 1.8m.  相似文献   

Using broadband seismic records from regional networks, we determined the focal mechanisms and depths of 37 earthquakes in the 2013 M7.0 Lushan earthquake sequence(3.4≤Mw≤5.1) by fitting the three-component waveform data. The results show that the earthquakes are predominantly thrust events, with occasional strike-slip mechanisms. Most earthquakes occurred at depths of 10–20 km. We derived the regional distribution of the average stress field in this area using the damped linear inversion method and the focal mechanisms obtained in this study. The inversion results suggest that the Lushan region and the adjacent area are mostly under compression. The orientations of the maximum principal axes trend NW-SE, with some local differences in the stress distribution at different depths. Compared with the distribution of the stress field in the Wenchuan earthquake area, the stress field in the southwest section of the Longmenshan Fault zone(LFZ) share similar characteristics, predominantly thrust faulting with a few strike-slip events and the maximum compression axes being perpendicular to the LFZ.  相似文献   

An earthquake of M=8 occurred in the Linfen Basin of the Shanxi graben system in 1303,producing a surface rupture zone about 45km long.Compiling a geological map at 1:10,000 and studying in detail the rupture zone,its dextral strike-slip displacement is determined to be 4-8.6 m,and normal dip-slip displacement up to 3.5-5 m.In this paper the geochronological evidence for the formation of the surface rupture zone is provided and the Huoshan fault is confirmed to be the seismogenic structure for the M=8 earthquake.Field trenching enables us to identify two paleoseismic events having occurred along the Huoshan fault since the middle Holocene before the M8 earthquake.A recurrence interval of these three events including 1303 Hongdong M 8 earthquake is determined to be up to 1500-2000 years.The result corresponds to the mean recurrence interval calculated from slip rate on the Huoshan fault during Holocene.  相似文献   

A three-component geomagnetic survey was carried out during the period from 2002 to 2004 in China including Jiujiang-Ruichang region. Comparing the "2005.0 surface spline model of China geomagnetic field" created on the basis of the survey data with the "1970.0 surface spline model of China geomagnetic field", we can see an obvious abnormity in the geomagnetic horizontal component within a range of about 100 km around the epicenter of the Ms=5.7 Jiujiang-Ruichang earthquake occurred on November 26, 2005. After the earthquake, we carded out a repeated geomagnetic survey at 21 stations in the Jiujiang-Ruichang region and created a corresponding "2005.0 partially revised surface spline model of China geomagnetic field". By comparing the above three models, analyzing the geomagnetic horizontal component at the profile in the Jiujiang-Ruichang region and quantitatively studying the geomagnetic data of every stations around the Ms=5.7 earthquake, we have obtained the geomagnetic abnormity associated with this earthquake. Then the geomagnetic abnormity and its relation with seismic activity are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

The Akto M_S6. 7 earthquake occurred near the western end of the Muji fault basin in the top of the Pamir syntaxis. The main shock of this earthquake is complicated and the focal mechanism solutions based on the seismic wave inversions are different. Based on the Sentinel-1 SAR data,the coseismal deformation field of the earthquake is obtained by In SAR technique. Based on the elastic half-space dislocation model,the geometrical parameters and the slip distribution model are determined by nonlinear and linear inversion algorithms. The results show that the distributed slip model can well explain the coseismic deformation field. The earthquake includes at least two rupture events,which are located at 7 km(74. 11°E,39. 25°N)and 33 km(74. 49°E,39. 16°N)east from the epicenter according to the CENC. The deformation field caused by the earthquake shows a symmetry distribution,with the maximum LOS deformation of 20 cm. The main seismic slip is concentrated in the 0-20 km depth,and the maximum slip is 0. 84 m. The seismic fault is the Muji fault,and this earthquake indicates that the northeastward push of the Indian plate is enhanced.  相似文献   

With co-seismic surface rupture slip displacements provided by the field observation for the 2001 MS8.1 West Kunlun Mountain Pass earthquake, this paper estimates the rupture speed on the main faulting segment with a long straight fault trace on the surface based on a simple slip-weakening rupture model, in which the frictional overshoot or undershoot are involved in consideration of energy partition during the earthquake faulting. In contrast to the study of Bouchon and Vallée, in which the rupture propaga...  相似文献   

We process the standard 30 s, static GPS data and the 1 s, high-rate GPS (HRGPS) data provided by the Crustal Movement Observation Network of China with GAMIT/GLOBK software package, and obtain the co- seismic displacements of near field and far field, and the epoch-by-epoch time series of HRGPS during Lushan earthquake. GPS data from about 20 sites in Sichuan province, which located between 40 and 450 km from the epicenter, are analyzed so as to study the characteristics of the static displacements and the dynamic crustal defor- mations, with periods ranging from several minutes to over a month. The result shows that: the static displacements caused by Lushan earthquake are limited to several centi- meters; the nearest station SCTQ at 43 km from the epi- center has the largest static displacement of about 2 cm, while the other stations generally have insignificant dis- placements of less than 5 mm. the stations in the east ofSichuan-Yunnan region shifts 5-10 mm toward the southwest, and the stations in the middle-west of Sichuan Basin moves indistinctively 1-2 mm toward the northwest; station SCTQ has the largest kinematic displacement of about 4 and 3 cm peak-to-peak on the north and east component, respectively, and is much greater than the static permanent displacement; for the stations located at a distance greater than 150 km from the epicenter, the kinematic motions are generally insignificant; exception- ally, station SCNC and station SCSN in central Sichuan Basin have significant kinematic motions although they are more than 200 km away from the epicenter.  相似文献   

The relation between the gravity variation features and Ms=8.1 earthquake in Qinghai-Xizang monitoring area is analyzed preliminarily,by using spatial dynamic variation results of regional gravity field from absolute gravity and relative gravity observation in 1998 and 2000.The results show that:1)Ms\8.1 earthquake in Kulun mountain pass westem occurred in the gravity variation high gradient near gravity‘s high negative variation;2)The Main tectonic deformation and emnergy accumulation before MS=8.1 earthquake are distributed at south side of the epicenter;3)The range of gravity‘s high negative variation at east of the MS=8.1 earthquake epicenter relatively coincides with that rupture region according to field geology investigation;4)Gravity variation distribution in high negative value region is just consistent with the second shear strain‘s high value region of strain field obtained from GPS observation.  相似文献   

Based on the latest displacement of Huoshan piedmont fault, Mianshan west-side fault and Taigu fault obtained from the beginning of 1990‘s up to the present, the characteristics of distribution and displacement of surface rupture zone of the 1303 Hongtong M = 8 earthquake, Shanxi Province are synthesized and discussed in the paper. If Taigu fault, Mianshan west-side fault and Huoshan piedmont fault were contemporarily active during the 1303 Hongtong M = 8 earthquake, the surface rupture zone would be 160 km long and could be divided into 3 segments, that is, the 50-km-long Huoshan piedmont fault segment, 35-km-long Mianshan west-side fault segment and 70-km-long Taigu fault segment, respectively. Among them, there exist 4 km and 8 km step regions. The surface rupture zone exhibits right-lateral features. The displacements of northern and central segments are respectively 6~7 m and the southern segment has the maximum displacement of 10 m. The single basin-boundary fault of Shanxi fault-depression system usually corresponds to M ≈ 7 earthquake, while this great earthquake (M = 8) broke through the obstacle between two basins. It shows that the surface rupture scale of great earthquake is changeable.  相似文献   

The great Haiyuan earthquake occurred at 20:06:09 on December 16,1920 in the south of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.The magnitude of this earthquake is 8.5,listed as one of the three greatest earthquakes to ever occur in Chinese continent.This devastating earthquake killed about 230,000 people according to previous reports.Recent studies show that total casualties may have reached 270,000.The study of this earthquake using modern scientific and technological methods is the first in the history of earthquake research in China.Significant breakthroughs took place in the middle of last century.The earthquake surface rupture,with 200km in length and prominent left-lateral strike-slip displacement,was discovered.The first monograph on the Haiyuan earthquake was published.In the 1980s,innovative large-scale geological mapping technology for active faults was developed during studies on the Haiyuan earthquake surface ruptures,with the publication of the first large-scale map of the Haiyuan active fault.Quantitative studies were carried out on the fine structure and geometry of the fault zone,Holocene slip rate,co-seismic displacement,paleoearthquake and recurrence intervals and future earthquake risk assessment.The innovative studies also included rupture propagation along the strike-slip fault,evolution of pull-apart basins,determination of total displacement of the strike-slip fault,transition equilibrium between strike-slip displacement along its major strand and crustal shortening at the end of the strike-slip fault,and the mechanism of deformation on Liupan Mountain.On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the Haiyuan earthquake,careful retrospect of scientific progress achieved during the recent 20 years would be helpful in providing further direction in the study of active faults and earthquake hazard reduction.While taking this occasion to remember those lost by the Haiyuan earthquake,we aim to make greater contributions to earthquake prediction and seismic hazard reduction.  相似文献   

A destructive shock with magnitude of 6.3 occurred on 2 June 2007 at 21h34min56s UT in Pu’er region (23.0°N, 101.1°E), Yunnan Province, China. The data from DEMETER satellite during the period from 23 May to 2 June, i.e., ten days before the earthquake and one day just on the day of earthquake occurrence, were analyzed. Among the 284 orbits of DEMETER during the period, 29 orbits with the trace passing through the region within 1 888 km from the epicenter were selected to be studied. Seven anomalous events were found on the dataset of the seven orbits among the 29 ones. There existed synchronous perturbations on the variations of the spectrogram of the electric field and the variations of the density and temperature of the ions and electron, in contrast with the variations of its surround- ing area. And five events appeared in the space within 1 888 km from the epicenter while the other two were out of the studied area. Electrostatic turbulences were also recorded with the synchronous perturbations with that in the electron density and ions density in plasma in the region near the epicenter in the five events, which seems to sug- gest that there be some physical relation between these events and the preparation processes of Pu’er earthquake.  相似文献   

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