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沉箱防波堤兼作岸式波力发电装置是1种新型的港工建筑物,它是集合了防波堤与岸式振荡水柱波力发电装置的共性特点设计而成.本文主要是在物理模型的基础上,研究沉箱气室捕能效果.试验中主要采集了沉箱气室内的波高、气压以及输气管的空气流速等数据.  相似文献   

本文研究了随机波作用下吸能沉箱防波堤的各水动力特性。喷嘴负荷用最小二乘法进行线性处理。用局部有限元法求解流场。理论表明吸能沉箱防堤的吸能效率在不同的有效波周期处均较高,作用在其上的波力亦比传统直立堤的小。  相似文献   

沉箱式防波堤静力与动力稳定性设计体型分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将沉箱式防波堤滑移和倾覆稳定性设计方法分为三类:静力设计方法、不允许沉箱出现滑移和摇摆角的动力设计方法、控制沉箱滑移量和摇摆角的动力设计方法。建立了满足给定抗滑和抗倾安全系数条件下,按静力设计方法确定沉箱尺度的控制方程,研究了波浪条件和安全系数取值对沉箱长宽比的影响。通过动力数值计算分析了沉箱长宽比对沉箱滑移量和摇摆角的影响,并与传统静力设计理论进行了比较,讨论了控制沉箱滑移量和摇摆角的动力设计方法的可行性。  相似文献   

通过断面物理模型试验,获得了圆形沉箱结构直立堤在各种工况组合下,承受水平波压力、底部浮托力的大量数据信息。对这些数据进行了分析总结,得出了有关圆形沉箱直立堤波浪力的分布规律。  相似文献   

波能装置-浮式防波堤是将浮式防波堤与波能转换装置集成,兼具防波消浪和捕获波浪能的集成装置,能够有效降低单一功能波能转换装置的成本。研究者们提出了许多波能装置-浮式防波堤的结构型式,其中非对称式浮体结构相比于对称式浮体结构,在单向入射波的水动力性能方面拥有一定的优势。本文针对导桩锚泊的非对称式方箱-三角形挡浪板和方箱-垂直挡浪板两种浮体结构型式,通过数值模拟的方式,对比分析其水动力特性和波能俘获特性。数值模型基于黏性流体理论,以Navier-Stokes方程为控制方程,并采用VOF方法和浸没边界法求解自由面边界和流固耦合作用,探究不同入射波周期、水深和浮体排水条件下集成装置水动力性能(消波特性、能量耗散特性和波能俘获特性)变化趋势。结果表明,在近岸波浪条件下(5~8 s),垂直挡板型式集成装置适用于较小周期波浪(5~6 s),而三角挡板型式集成装置适用于较大周期波浪(6~7.5 s)。随着水深增大,波能俘获比总体上呈现缓慢增长的趋势。在主浮体吃水相同的情况下(排水量不同),两种结构的透射系数基本一致;而在排水量相同(主浮体吃水不同)的情况下,垂直挡板结构型式的防波效果更好,三角挡板结构型...  相似文献   

复杂地形下岸式波能装置的水动力学计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从线性势流理论出发,用格林函数法对带前港的岸式波能装置(下简称岸式装置)作三维水动力分析,分析时考虑了岸式装置附近的复杂地形的影响。计算结果表明,复杂地形的影响是相当大的,不可忽略。  相似文献   

本文对振荡水柱波能装置的水柱做了时域计算,研究了内水柱在气室处于封闭状态、有阻尼状态和无阻尼状态下的动力响应。得出了相应的波浪载荷,并对波能装置的几种保护措施作了探讨。数值结果表明,带有阻尼的气室不能有效地阻止内水柱的运动,将使结构承受危险载荷的打击;全封闭的气室能有效地阻止内水柱的运动,但可能使气室里产生高压;收缩口与破浪锥联合作用,可以消耗水柱的动能,大大地减少载荷,是一种有前途的保护措施。  相似文献   

波浪作用下曲面防波堤水力特性及波能损耗研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
执行了一系列规则波与曲面防波堤相互作用实验。采用π定理确定了两种曲面防波堤(半圆堤和圆弧堤)反射透射水力特性的三个主要影响因素,包括入射波陡、相对水深和堤顶相对超高。基于实验数据对比分析了两种曲面防波堤的反射和透射特性,从能量守恒角度计算了波浪与曲面防波堤相互作用过程中的能量损耗率,并利用数值模拟探讨了波浪越堤过程中两种曲面防波堤波能损耗差异的机理,表明圆弧堤背浪面更强的尾涡区使得其局部能耗总体上高于半圆堤。  相似文献   

针对现阶段深水软黏土地基防波堤建设的设计理论和稳定性分析方法尚不成熟,结合实际工程,采用三维弹塑性有限元数值分析方法,研究在水平或竖直单一方向荷载以及复合加载条件下软黏土地基上沉箱防波堤的失稳模式,提出破坏包络线的稳定性判别方法。在波浪水平荷载作用下,深水软基上沉箱防波堤发生倾覆失稳破坏,失稳转动点为沉箱底面以下中轴线偏右的某点,不同于规范中规定的岩石或砂质地基沉箱倾覆转动点为其后踵点;在重力等竖向荷载作用下,沉箱的失稳模式为结构整体下陷,抛石基床及地基形成连贯的塑性区域,呈现较明显地冲剪破坏形式;在水平、竖向复合荷载作用下,软基上沉箱防波堤的破坏包络线由结构倾覆破坏线和地基承载力破坏线组成,包络线将荷载组合区分成稳定区、仅发生水平承载力不足倾覆破坏区、仅发生地基竖向承载力不足破坏区、同时发生水平承载力和地基竖向承载力不足破坏区4个区域。研究成果为深水软基沉箱防波堤建设提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

针对波浪能转换装置(WEC)研究重点主要集中在能量捕获效率方面,而忽略其附带的消波功能的问题。基于Open FOAM程序,建立垂荡浮子式波浪能发电装置与桩式约束的浮式防波堤的集成系统(OBC-FB)。主要研究WEC中的重要组件动力输出系统(PTO)对集成系统波能捕获效率及消波性能的影响。分析流体黏性影响下线性PTO系统的最优PTO阻尼特性。开发非线性电磁阻尼模型与线性PTO系统性能进行比较。结果显示,考虑黏性影响下线性的最优PTO阻尼系数略大于无黏的理论值;适当增大PTO阻尼系数可以获得更大的波能捕获宽度比(CWR),从而可以保证装置单位特征尺寸的波能转换效率更高,同时可以在更宽波况范围保证消波性能;相较于线性PTO阻尼系统,非线性电磁PTO阻尼系统可以更好地兼顾波能捕获效率和消波性能。因此,在OBC-FB集成系统的优化设计中,PTO阻尼系统是一个重要的优化参数。  相似文献   

基于VOF模型的OWC气室波浪场数值分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,振荡水柱形式在波能转换装置中得到了广泛应用,由于波况不同,需对气室加以研究并对其形状参量进行优化,从而使空气流速和能量转换达到最大值.利用基于VOF模型建立二维数值波浪水槽,将数值计算的振荡水柱在气室内的升沉运动与物理模型试验进行比较,验证其正确性,并将OWC气室的研究手段予以推广.  相似文献   

空气透平的压降作用及由其带来的空气流速变化,是串联2次能量转换过程、实现两转换过程耦合的核心要素.试验主要是在物理模型的基础上,对带有冲击式透平的OWC装置能量转换影响因素进行研究.试验主要考察2次能量转换耦合作用下,气室内自由水面变换、气室内压强变化、输气管内空气流速变换及三者耦合与相互作用.  相似文献   

In recent years, the oscillating water column (OWC) wave energy converter, which can capture wave energy from the ocean, has been widely applied all over the world. As the essential part of the OWC system, the impulse and Wells turbines are capable of converting the low pressure pneumatic energy into the mechanical shaft power. As an enhanced technique, the design of endplate or ring attached to the blade tip is investigated numerically in this paper. 3D numerical models based on a CFD-software FLUENT 12.0 are established and validated by the corresponding experimental results from the reports of Setoguchi et al. (2004) and Takao et al. (2001). Then the flow fields and non-dimensional evaluating coefficients are calculated and analyzed under steady conditions. Results show that the efficiency of impulse turbine with ring can reach up to 0.49 when φ=1, which is 4% higher than that in the cases for the endplate-type and the original one. And the ring-type Wells turbine with fixed guide vanes shows the best performance with the maximal efficiency of 0.55, which is 22% higher than that of the original one. In addition, the quasi-steady analysis is used to calculate the mean efficiency and output-work of a wave cycle under sinusoidal flow condition. Taking all together, this study provides support for structural optimization of impulse turbine and Wells turbine in the future.  相似文献   

A structure scheme of a pile-based breakwater with integrated oscillating water column(OWC) energy conversion chamber was proposed, and four structure forms had been designed. Based on the physical test, the variations of the reflected wave height, the transmitted wave height, the air velocity at the outlet of the chamber, the air pressure and the wave height in the air chamber were studied under the conditions of different wave heights, periods, with or without elliptical front wall and the baffles on both sides of the chamber. Moreover, based on the results, the changes and relationship between the wave-eliminating effect and energy conversion effect of the scheme were analyzed. In general, it turns out, the transmission coefficients of the four structure forms are kept below 0.5. Furthermore, the transmission coefficients of the structural forms G2, G3, and G4 were all smaller than 0.4, and it is only 0.1 at its smallest. Thereinto, in general, the structure form G4 has the best wave-eliminating and energy conversion performance. At the same time, when the wave steepness is 0.066, the energy conversion and wave dissipation effect of the four structure forms is the best. The research results could be provided as the reference for the design structure selection of pile-based breakwater with integrated OWC energy conversion chamber.  相似文献   

Li  Meng  Wu  Ru-kang  Wu  Bi-jun  Zhang  Yun-qiu 《中国海洋工程》2019,33(3):297-308
Wave tank tests were carried out to evaluate the total efficiency of a floating OWC Pentagonal Backward Bent Duct Buoy (PBBDB). Two kinds of turbine generators were used in tests. The incident wave power, pneumatic power and electricity were measured. The test results show that the primary efficiency can reach up to 185.98% in regular waves and 85.86% in irregular waves. The total efficiency from wave to wire with Wells turbine-generator set is 33.43% in regular waves and 15.82% in irregular waves. The peak total efficiency of the PBBDB with check valves equipped with the impulse turbine-generator set is 41.68% in regular waves and 27.10% in irregular waves. The efficiency of the turbine-generator set is about 30% in the tests. Obviously, the total efficiency can be further improved with the increasing of turbine efficiency.  相似文献   

The motion and the drift force of a floating OWC (oscillating water column) wave energy device in regular waves are studied taking account of the oscillating surface-pressure due to the pressure drop across the duct of the air chamber. The potential problem inside the chamber is formulated by making use of the Green integral equation associated with the Rankine-type Green function while the outer problem with the Kelvin-type Green function. The added mass, wave damping and excitation coefficients as well as the motion and drift force of the OWC device are calculated for various values of parameter related to the pressure drop.  相似文献   

Understanding the hydrodynamic interactions between ocean waves and the oscillating water column (OWC) wave energy converter is crucial for improving the device performance. Most previous relevant studies have focused on testing onshore and offshore OWCs using 2D models and wave flumes. Conversely, this paper provides experimental results for a 3D offshore stationary OWC device subjected to regular waves of different heights and periods under a constant power take–off (PTO) damping simulated by an orifice plate of fixed diameter. In addition, a 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model based on the RANS equations and volume of fluid (VOF) surface capturing scheme was developed and validated against the experimental data. Following the validation stage, an extensive campaign of computational tests was performed to (1) discover the impact of testing such an offshore OWC in a 2D domain or a wave flume on device efficiency and (2) investigate the correlation between the incoming wave height and the OWC front wall draught for a maximum efficiency via testing several front lip draughts for two different rear lip draughts under two wave heights and a constant PTO damping. It is found that the 2D and wave flume modelling of an offshore OWC significantly overestimate the overall power extraction efficiency, especially for wave frequencies higher than the chamber resonant frequency. Furthermore, a front lip submergence equal to the wave amplitude affords maximum efficiency whilst preventing air leakage, hence it is recommended that the front lip draught is minimized.  相似文献   

Wang  Ke  Shi  Peng-fei  Chen  Yu-chao  Cheng  Xiao-ming 《中国海洋工程》2019,33(2):219-225
Based on the wave radiation and diffraction theory, this paper investigates a new type breakwater with upper arcshaped plate by using the boundary element method(BEM). By comparing with other three designs of plate type breakwater(lower arc-shaped plate, single horizontal plate and double horizontal plate), this new type breakwater has been proved more effective. The wave exiting force, transmission and reflection coefficients are analyzed and discussed. In order to reveal the wave elimination mechanism of this type of breakwater, the velocity field around the breakwater is obtained. It is shown that:(1) The sway exciting force is minimal.(2) When the ratio of the submergence and wave amplitude is 0.05, the wave elimination effect will increase by 50% compared with other three types of breakwater.(3) The obvious backflow is found above the plate in the velocity field analysis.  相似文献   

This paper describes the design of a perforated caisson breakwater and presents the results of model test. Tests with regular and irregular waves have demonstrated that the perforated caisson breakwater has the advantages of low reflection coefficient, good wave-absorbing performance, relatively small wave height in front of the breakwater, and small amount of overtopping. Analyses have been made of the coefficient of reflection, wave height in front of the breakwater, and wave overtopping. Relevant figures and tables are presented for reference.  相似文献   

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