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分析了 1998年夏季嫩江流域、松花江干流流域大洪水期间的环流场、水汽来源等 ,发现造成降水异常偏多的环流特征是 :鄂海高压偏强并稳定少动 ,形成阻塞形势 ,阻挡西部低槽稳定停留在110°~ 12 0°E处。当热带、副热带气流源源不断向北输送时 ,保证了强降水天气的充沛水汽。  相似文献   

根据海河流域测站降水资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和日本气象厅JRA-25资料,分析了1951—2008年夏季海河流域大气水汽含量的变化以及不同环流形势下的水汽输送特征,结果表明:海河流域大气水汽含量存在显著的年代际变化特征,与降水量存在显著统计相关;海河流域上空纬向水汽输送主要发生在850~700 hPa之间,经向水汽输送在850 hPa以下存在强的水汽输送带,它是海河流域水汽的主要贡献者,也是影响海河流域降水的最主要因素之一。气旋型环流和南风型环流对海河流域水汽输送有较大影响。  相似文献   

使用丹江口水库流域1970~1998年9~10月降水量、气温及环流特征资料,对该流域1998年9—10月异常干旱与历年同期干旱进行了对比分析。分析结果表明:亚洲地区(45~65°N60~150°E)盛行纬向环流,冷空气势力偏北,西太平洋副热带高压偏强,是导致当年9~10月丹江口水库流域异常干旱的主要原因。  相似文献   

2013年5月26~28日和6月15~18日南疆连续出现了2场罕见的暴雨过程,利用常规地面和高空探测资料、NCEP/NCAR每日4时次 1°×1°再分析资料和欧洲ECWMF 0.25°×0.25°细网格数值预报产品,对比分析了这2场暴雨的落区和强度差异的成因。2场暴雨均在有利的环流背景下产生,较强暴雨的高空环流经向度更大、中亚低槽与北支槽打通并南伸更南,低层700hPa以下水汽输送较中高层更为重要,日常预报更应注重低层的水汽输入。对比暴雨强度,低层水汽输送越强(更多水汽路径、更多边界的水汽输入、更强水汽通量和水汽输入量)、低层水汽输送时间越长、低层切变线持续时间长且伸展至中高层,暴雨强度均可能更强。中尺度切变线和涌线在暴雨落区预报中具有一定的指示意义。  相似文献   

利用常规气象观测资料、NCEP/NCAR 1°×1° 6 h分析资料和2.5°×2.5°日平均再分析资料、自动雨量站资料,采用统计对比分析、诊断分析等方法,对三门峡市2014年9月7—18日连阴雨过程的环流形势、物理量场进行分析,找出此次连阴雨天气的主要成因,结果表明:1)南亚高压的异常偏北偏强为连阴雨天气提供了有利的大尺度环流背景。2)副热带高压的长时间稳定维持,对减缓低槽和切变线移速、促使暖湿气流向北输送十分有利。3)乌拉尔山高压脊较常年同期偏弱,与常见连阴雨天气乌拉尔山高压脊异常偏强的形势有所不同。4)稳定的副热带高空西风急流与副高外围的西南低空急流耦合,为连阴雨提供了持续的上升运动和水汽辐合。5)强降水的产生只有充足的水汽供给是不够的,还必须在水汽的输送区有明显的水汽辐合。6)低层强烈的垂直上升运动为此次连阴雨期间暴雨的形成提供了有利的动力条件。  相似文献   

每年六、七月间,在湖北宜昌以东26°N-34°N之间的江淮流域,下雨的日子多,空气湿度大,物品极易受潮霉烂,而且常常是阴雨绵绵,连续的大晴天很难见到,这一时期就称为梅雨期.又因为这一时期正是江南梅子黄熟季节,因而人们称之为"黄梅天".冷暖空气在江淮流域的交汇和"拉锯"是导致梅雨天的主要原因.每年初夏,南方的暖湿空气已经变得很强大,常常向北伸展到长江流域和长江以北地区,但在这个时期,北方的冷空气仍旧有相当的力量,试图仍然控制江淮地区.于是冷暖两种空气就这样交汇在江淮流域一带.因为暖空气比冷空气轻,沿着冷空气向北滑升,暖空气带来的大量水汽在滑升  相似文献   

利用那曲市色尼区常规气象观测资料,结合NCEP(1°×1°)、Era5(0.25°×0.25°)再分析资料,从天气学角度对2019年4月10日藏北一次浓雾天气的形成机制、物理结构特征以及局地性爆发的成因进行诊断分析。结果表明:此次浓雾具有局地爆发性特征;前期积雪融化的水汽蒸发配合风场辐合作用,为此次大雾的形成提供了水汽条件;500 hPa环流背景及边界层内上层暖平流与下层冷平流配置,为大雾的形成提供了弱风与稳定层结条件,从而雾得以发展且维持;夜间少云,地表净辐射加强,降温冷却作用导致水汽达到饱和状态,利于水汽凝结形成无数悬浮于空气里的小雾滴;近地层风速小、逆温及下沉运动使水汽不易向高空扩散,在相对有限的空间内水汽大量汇聚,导致大雾爆发性发展;大雾的局地性与特殊地形关系密切。  相似文献   

江淮流域2003年强梅雨期的水汽输送特征分析   总被引:39,自引:22,他引:17  
周玉淑  高守亭  邓国 《大气科学》2005,29(2):195-204
在分析2003年6月21日到7月11日江淮流域强梅雨期间降水概况和大气环流基本特征的基础上,通过对水汽输送流函数及非辐散分量、势函数及辐散分量及江淮地区水汽收支的分析,表明江淮流域是该时期全球范围内水汽汇的一个高值中心,且水汽通量大值区和水汽辐合区与降水大值区基本一致.从水汽的输送来看,夏季印度风环流和南海夏季风是向江淮流域输送水汽的主要通道.梅雨期内,中层大气中的水汽主要是垂直上升运动对低层水汽的抬升作用,同时,低纬大洋上的水汽也可途经青藏高原后再从西边界向东输入到江淮地区,它的输送有可能增大江淮流域上空对流层中层大气中的水汽含量,从而有利于强梅雨在江淮流域的发生.计算分析还表明2003年强降水从前期的长江流域移到后期的淮河流域,是与大范围的水汽输送和辐合中心北移相联系的,较小空间范围的强暴雨洪涝的发生在有利的大尺度环境下,还与其他条件有关.  相似文献   

本文在文献数值试验的基础上,利用P-σ混合坐标系五层原始方程模式,在不同水汽含量和地形条件下对1979年7月一次实际季风环流转变过程进一步进行了对比数值试验。讨论了与水汽条件有关的大气湿过程和山脉对印度西南季风中断向活跃转变过程的影响。试验范围是0°—180°E、22.5°—57.5°N,初始场取自FGGE—Ⅲ_b网格点资料。 试验结果表明:在非绝热因子中湿空气的非绝热过程起主要作用,它是西南季风中断结束后迅速出现季风活跃环流的主要机制。山脉的存在也有利于出现季风活跃环流和增加印度地区的季风降水。若在数值试验中削减大气里的水份含量或去掉山脉地形后,模拟结果与正常水汽和有山情况下的非绝热试验结果(接近实况)差异较大,尤其是削减水汽含量后,印度季风环流继续保持初始场中季风中断时的主要特征。  相似文献   

利用国家气候中心提供的88项环流指数资料、 陕西省101个气象站逐日降水资料、NCEP/NCAR 25°×25°逐日再分析资料,分析了2021年陕西极端秋雨期间的大气环流特征及成因,结果表明:持续受冷暖气流共同影响,陕西出现了长达52 d的秋雨事件,秋雨出现早、结束晚,呈现自北向南增多的空间分布特征,较气候态降水量异常偏大;500 hPa高度场距平在中高纬“东高西低”的环流分布形态和巴尔喀什湖到贝加尔湖地区的显著负异常区,有利于引导高空槽底部分裂冷空气南下;低纬度异常偏强、偏西、偏大的副热带高压有利于外围暖湿气流向西北地区东部输送水汽和能量;850 hPa风场上东北地区东部存在的异常反气旋环流引导偏东路径的冷湿气流与来自孟加拉湾、南海及西北太平洋的充沛暖湿气流在西北地区形成水汽汇,造成陕西降水偏多;陕西持续位于40°N的高空急流入口区南侧,具备高空辐散、低层辐合的有利动力条件;稳定维持在105°E~110°E的θse能量锋区,多次受弱冷空气侵入,是导致秋雨中出现暴雨的主要原因。  相似文献   

利用黑龙江(漠河江段)的1971~2004年开、封江日期资料,分析黑龙江开、封江日期的变化趋势及影响因子。通过分析表明,黑龙江开江日期1971~1987年呈偏晚趋势,1987~2000年呈偏早趋势,并存在3~5年的周期;黑龙江封江日期1971~1982年呈偏早趋势,1982~2000年呈偏晚趋势,并存在5~7年的周期。由影响因子分析知,3月欧亚纬向环流平直时,开江日期易偏早;10月副高西伸脊点偏东、副高面积小、副高脊线位置偏北时,封江日期易偏早。反之亦然。  相似文献   

Results of investigations of the winter river runoff formation in the Northern Dvina River basin (without the Vychegda River basin) are under consideration. The peculiarities of the winter runoff formation are revealed from the analysis of the conditions of the runoff reduction in different parts of the river basin. A regulatory effect of the upper links of the river net on the lower links is established.  相似文献   

Influence of air temperature and ice cover thickness on the Aldan catchment rivers runoff in the wintertime is analysed. It was revealed, that decrease in the river ice cover thickness in warm winters leads to increasing discharge capacity of river channels, which causes increasing river runoff. A regional relationship which describes correlation between the runoff depletion rate and the air temperature sums in the first half of winter and the ice cover accumulation intensity was obtained.  相似文献   


Micrometeorological data collected over pasture in the Peace River area of British Columbia during the wet summer of 1977 were used to test the Priestley and Taylor (1972) model for potential evaporation. The model performed very well. RMSE was less than 10% of the mean evaporation rate on a daytime basis using an alpha value of 1.26. Since the model is mainly dependent on net radiation, which is rarely measured in such remote areas, this quantity was also estimated from more readily available meteorological data and used to calculate evaporation. Results were encouraging; calculated values were generally within 20 and 10% of energy balance estimates on daily and 5‐day mean bases.  相似文献   

In this study observed precipitation, temperature, and discharge records from the Meuse basin for the period 1911–2003 are analysed. The primary aim is to establish which meteorological conditions generate (critical) low-flows of the Meuse. This is achieved by examining the relationships between observed seasonal precipitation and temperature anomalies, and low-flow indices. Secondly, the possible impact of climate change on the (joint) occurrence of these low-flow generating meteorological conditions is addressed. This is based on the outcomes of recently reported RCM climate simulations for Europe given a scenario with increased atmospheric greenhouse-gas concentrations. The observed record (1911–2003) hints at the importance of multi-seasonal droughts in the generation of critical low-flows of the river Meuse. The RCM simulations point to a future with wetter winters and drier summers in Northwest Europe. No increase in the likelihood of multi-seasonal droughts is simulated. However, the RCM scenario runs produce multi-seasonal precipitation and temperature anomalies that are out of the range of the observed record for the period 1911–2003. The impact of climate change on low-flows has also been simulated with a hydrological model. This simulation indicates that climate change will lead to a decrease in the average discharge of the Meuse during the low-flow season. However, the model has difficulties to simulate critical low-flow conditions of the Meuse.  相似文献   

查明地下水与河水之间的水力联系,是研究浑河污染水体对地下水环境影响的前提。采用环境同位素技术研究浑河沿岸地下水演化规律,沿浑河冲洪积扇地下水流动方向取地下水样13个、河水样3个。结果表明:通过对水样进行D(氘)、18O分析,查明了浑河与地下水之间的水力联系,确定了河水对地下水的补给宽度,定量计算了河水对沿岸地下水的贡献比例。从浑河的上游至下游,河水对地下水的贡献比例由大变小,平均约为50%;河水对地下水强补给带位于浑河以南约1 km的范围内,二者的水力联系密切。  相似文献   

Zou  Mijun  Zhong  Lei  Ma  Yaoming  Hu  Yuanyuan  Feng  Lu 《Theoretical and Applied Climatology》2018,132(3-4):1039-1047
Theoretical and Applied Climatology - As a critical component of the energy and water cycle, terrestrial actual evapotranspiration (ET) can be influenced by many factors. This study was mainly...  相似文献   

江淮流域年降水量和温度的均一性检验   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
田红  江双五  鲁俊 《气象科学》2008,28(2):227-231
采用SNHT方法对江淮流域内苏皖两省41个代表站1961-2003年逐年降水量和平均温度序列进行均一性检验,结果表明绝大部分台站年降水和温度资料质量基本可靠,站址迁移是引起年降水和年平均温度非均一性的主要原因.  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of the measurements of hydrometeorological characteristics, the identification is corroborated of the Neva River flood waves as the baroclinic topographic waves. It is demonstrated that during the formation and maximum development of the most significant sea level rises in the Neva Bay, the stratification in the Gulf of Finland still remains pronounced despite the storm conditions. The baroclinic nature of the flood wave is indicated by the significant changes in the dispersion of currents with depth with their direction changing to the reverse one as it occurs in the first baroclinic mode wave. Directions of major axes of the standard deviation ellipses are oriented not along the isobaths as it should be in case of long gravity waves (being the longitudinal ones) but are extended across the bottom topography contours that is typical of gradient-vorticity waves assigned to the class of horizontal transverse waves.  相似文献   

The underground waters in small river basins in central Russia are recharged as a result of the atmospheric precipitation infiltration on the catchment and river water inflow to the horizons hydraulically connected with the river. In the first case, the atmospheric precipitation on its way of transit is being enriched in elements of water-bearing rocks, in the second case, of the surface runoff and domestic wastes waters. Both fluxes get mixed at the coastal water withdrawals of underground water. Some regularities in the drinking water quality formation connected with climatic conditions and water use regime were established based on geochemical and hydrodynamic studies of underground waters of the Protva River basin deposits.  相似文献   

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