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Rational function model-based image matching for digital elevation models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents an image matching technique for IKONOS satellite imagery based on rational function models (RFMs). This algorithm adopts the object-space approach and reduces the search space to within the confined line-shaped area called the piecewise matching line (PML). Also, the detailed procedure of generating 3D surface information using the RFM coefficients (RFCs) is introduced to illustrate an end-user's point of view. The final digital elevation model (DEM) generated using the proposed scheme shows a mean error of 2·2 m and rmse of 3·8 m compared with that from a 1:5000 scale digital map.  相似文献   

Measures for the accuracy assessment of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) are discussed and characteristics of DEMs derived from laser scanning and automated photogrammetry are presented. Such DEMs are very dense and relatively accurate in open terrain. Built-up and wooded areas, however, need automated filtering and classification in order to generate terrain (bare earth) data when Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) have to be produced. Automated processing of the raw data is not always successful. Systematic errors and many outliers at both methods (laser scanning and digital photogrammetry) may therefore be present in the data sets. We discuss requirements for the reference data with respect to accuracy and propose robust statistical methods as accuracy measures. Their use is illustrated by application at four practical examples. It is concluded that measures such as median, normalized median absolute deviation, and sample quantiles should be used in the accuracy assessment of such DEMs. Furthermore, the question is discussed how large a sample size is needed in order to obtain sufficiently precise estimates of the new accuracy measures and relevant formulae are presented.  相似文献   

Data refinement refers to the processes by which a dataset’s resolution, in particular, the spatial one, is refined, and is thus synonymous to spatial downscaling. Spatial resolution indicates measurement scale and can be seen as an index for regular data support. As a type of change of scale, data refinement is useful for many scenarios where spatial scales of existing data, desired analyses, or specific applications need to be made commensurate and refined. As spatial data are related to certain data support, they can be conceived of as support-specific realizations of random fields, suggesting that multivariate geostatistics should be explored for refining datasets from their coarser-resolution versions to the finer-resolution ones. In this paper, geostatistical methods for downscaling are described, and were implemented using GTOPO30 data and sampled Shuttle Radar Topography Mission data at a site in northwest China, with the latter’s majority grid cells used as surrogate reference data. It was found that proper structural modeling is important for achieving increased accuracy in data refinement; here, structural modeling can be done through proper decomposition of elevation fields into trends and residuals and thereafter. It was confirmed that effects of semantic differences on data refinement can be reduced through properly estimating and incorporating biases in local means.  相似文献   

IntroductionWith sophistication of information technologysuch as global positioning system and remotesensing,anincreasing quantity of digital terraindata is produced fromvarious sources ,contribu-tingto accurate mapping and dynamic monitoringof the natural and built landscapes[1-3]. The val-ue of spatial information, however , dependsheavily on a good understanding and proper han-dling of uncertainty , which occurs due to the in-ability of any information systems to representthe real world as …  相似文献   

The frequency of coastal flood damages is expected to increase significantly during the twenty-first century as sea level rises in the coastal floodplain. Coastal digital elevation model (DEM) data describing coastal topography are essential for assessing future flood-related damages and understanding the impacts of sea-level rise. The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer Global Digital Elevation Model (ASTER GDEM) are currently the most accurate and freely available DEM data. However, an accuracy assessment specifically targeted at DEMs over low elevation coastal plains is lacking. The present study focuses on these areas to assess the vertical accuracy of SRTM and ASTER GDEM using Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite, Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (ICESat/GLAS) and Real Time Kinematic (RTK) Global Positioning System (GPS) field survey data. The findings show that DEM accuracy is much better than the mission specifications over coastal plains. In addition, optical remote sensing image analysis further reveals the relationship between DEM vertical accuracy and land cover in these areas. This study provides a systematic approach to assess the accuracy of DEMs in coastal zones, and the results highlight the limitations and potential of these DEMs in coastal applications.  相似文献   

For areas of the world that do not have access to lidar, fine-scale digital elevation models (DEMs) can be photogrammetrically created using globally available high-spatial resolution stereo satellite imagery. The resultant DEM is best termed a digital surface model (DSM) because it includes heights of surface features. In densely vegetated conditions, this inclusion can limit its usefulness in applications requiring a bare-earth DEM. This study explores the use of techniques designed for filtering lidar point clouds to mitigate the elevation artifacts caused by above ground features, within the context of a case study of Prince William Forest Park, Virginia, USA. The influences of land cover and leaf-on vs. leaf-off conditions are investigated, and the accuracy of the raw photogrammetric DSM extracted from leaf-on imagery was between that of a lidar bare-earth DEM and the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission DEM. Although the filtered leaf-on photogrammetric DEM retains some artifacts of the vegetation canopy and may not be useful for some applications, filtering procedures significantly improved the accuracy of the modeled terrain. The accuracy of the DSM extracted in leaf-off conditions was comparable in most areas to the lidar bare-earth DEM and filtering procedures resulted in accuracy comparable of that to the lidar DEM.  相似文献   

High-resolution digital elevation models (DEMs) generated by airborne remote sensing are frequently used to analyze landform structures (monotemporal) and geomorphological processes (multitemporal) in remote areas or areas of extreme terrain. In order to assess and quantify such structures and processes it is necessary to know the absolute accuracy of the available DEMs. This study assesses the absolute vertical accuracy of DEMs generated by the High Resolution Stereo Camera-Airborne (HRSC-A), the Leica Airborne Digital Sensors 40/80 (ADS40 and ADS80) and the analogue camera system RC30. The study area is located in the Turtmann valley, Valais, Switzerland, a glacially and periglacially formed hanging valley stretching from 2400 m to 3300 m a.s.l. The photogrammetrically derived DEMs are evaluated against geodetic field measurements and an airborne laser scan (ALS). Traditional and robust global and local accuracy measurements are used to describe the vertical quality of the DEMs, which show a non Gaussian distribution of errors. The results show that all four sensor systems produce DEMs with similar accuracy despite their different setups and generations. The ADS40 and ADS80 (both with a ground sampling distance of 0.50 m) generate the most accurate DEMs in complex high mountain areas with a RMSE of 0.8 m and NMAD of 0.6 m They also show the highest accuracy relating to flying height (0.14‰). The pushbroom scanning system HRSC-A produces a RMSE of 1.03 m and a NMAD of 0.83 m (0.21‰ accuracy of the flying height and 10 times the ground sampling distance). The analogue camera system RC30 produces DEMs with a vertical accuracy of 1.30 m RMSE and 0.83 m NMAD (0.17‰ accuracy of the flying height and two times the ground sampling distance). It is also shown that the performance of the DEMs strongly depends on the inclination of the terrain. The RMSE of areas up to an inclination <40° is better than 1 m. In more inclined areas the error and outlier occurrence increase for all DEMs. This study shows the level of detail to which airborne stereoscopically derived DEMs can reliably be used in high mountain environments. All four sensor systems perform similarly in flat terrain.  相似文献   

This paper presents a component object model (COM) based framework for managing, analyzing and visualizing massive multi-scale digital elevation models (DEMs). The framework consists of a data manage-ment component (DMC), which is based on RDBMS/ORDBMS, a data a-nalysis component (DAC) and a data render component (DRC). DMC can manage massive multi-scale data ex-pressed at various reference frames within a pyramid database and can support fast access to data at variable resolution. DAC integrates many use-ful applied analytic functions whose re-sults can be overlaid with the 3D scene rendered by DRC. DRC provides view-dependent data paging with the sup-port of the underlying DMC and or-ganizes the potential visible data at dif-ferent levels into rendering.  相似文献   

This study reports results from evaluation of the quality of digital elevation model (DEM) from four sources viz. topographic map (1:50,000), Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) (90 m), optical stereo pair from ASTER (15 m) and CARTOSAT (2.5 m) and their use in derivation of hydrological response units (HRUs) in Sitla Rao watershed (North India). The HRUs were derived using water storage capacity and slope to produce surface runoff zones. The DEMs were evaluated on elevation accuracy and representation of morphometric features. The DEM derived from optical stereo pairs (ASTER and CARTOSAT) provided higher vertical accuracies than the SRTM and topographic map-based DEM. The SRTM with a coarse resolution of 90 m provided vertical accuracy but better morphometry compared to topographic map. The HRU maps derived from the fine resolution DEM (ASTER and CARTOSAT) were more detailed but did not provide much advantage for hydrological studies at the scale of Sitla Rao watershed (5800 ha).  相似文献   

This paper presents a component object model (COM) based framework for managing, analyzing and visualizing massive multi-scale digital elevation models (DEMs). The framework consists of a data management component (DMC), which is based on RDBMS/ORDBMS, a data analysis component (DAC) and a data render component (DRC). DMC can manage massive multi-scale data expressed at various reference frames within a pyramid database and can support fast access to data at variable resolution. DAC integrates many use-ful applied analytic functions whose results can be overlaid with the 3D scene rendered by DRC, DRC provides view-dependent data paging with the support of the underlying DMC and organizes the potential visible data at different levels into rendering.  相似文献   

A reference digital elevation model (DEM), produced from contour lines digitization, from topographic maps at scale 1:250.000 is used in order to assess the vertical accuracy of the SRTM DTED level 1 in Crete Island in Southern Greece. The error image interpretation revealed three types of systematic errors: (a) stripping, (b) large voids and (c) those errors resulted from the mis-registration of the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) imagery to the local datum. Terrain was segmented to plane regions and sloping regions. Sloping regions were segmented to aspect regions (aspect being standardized to the eight geographic directions defined in a raster/grid image). Error statistics was computed for the study area as well as the individual terrain classes. Vertical accuracy was found to be terrain class dependent. Sloping regions present greater mean error than the plane ones. Statistical tests verified that the difference in mean error between aspect regions that slope in opposite geographic directions is statistically significant. The greater mean error is observed for SW, W and NW aspect regions. The additional finishing steps applied to the SRTM dataset were not sufficient enough for the systematic errors and the terrain class dependency of the error to be corrected. The observed root-mean-square error (RMSE) for the SRTM DTED-1 of Crete do not fulfil the 16 m RMSE specification for the SRTM mission while the USA national map accuracy standards for the scale 1:250.000 are satisfied.  相似文献   

OpenStreetMap (OSM) currently represents the most popular project of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI): geodata are collected by common people and made available for public use. Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) enables the acquisition of high-resolution digital elevation models that are used for many applications. This study combines the advantages of both ALS and OSM, offering a promising new approach that enhances data quality and allows change detection: the mainly up-to-date 2D data of OSM can be combined with the high-resolution – but rarely updated – elevation information provided by ALS. This case study investigates building objects of OSM and ALS data of the city of Bregenz, Austria. Data quality of OSM is discerned by the comparison of building footprints using different true positive definitions (e.g. overlapping area). High quality of OSM data is revealed, yet also limitations of each method with respect to heterogeneous regions and building outlines are identified. For the first time, an up-to-date Digital Surface Model (DSM) combining 2D OSM and ALS data is achieved. A multitude of applications such as flood simulations and solar potential assessments can directly benefit from this data combination, since their value and reliability strongly depend on an up-to-date DSM.  相似文献   

Optical and microwave remote sensing data are used in conjunction with a digital elevation model to map lineaments in the central parts of the Aravalli region, Rajasthan, western India. Lineament maps interpreted from each data-set are subsequently combined to derive a composite lineament map of the area. Rose plots are used to identify the prominent trends of the lineaments and compared with published structural map of the study area. Three major trends are identified, namely, the NE–SW, NNE–SSW and EW, which are interpreted to be, related to the DF1, DF2 and DF4 deformation phases identified by the previous workers through field studies. The lineaments are classified as fold axes or faults, and a total of 10-fold axes and 30 faults mapped in the area.  相似文献   

The accuracy of topographic correction of Landsat data based on a Digital Surface Model (DSM) depends on the quality, scale and spatial resolution of the DSM data used and the co-registration between the DSM and the satellite image. A physics-based bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) and atmospheric correction model in conjunction with a 1-second DSM was used to conduct the analysis in this paper. The results show that for the examples used from Australia, the 1-second DSM, can provide an effective product for this task. However, it was found that some remaining artefacts in the DSM data, originally due to radar shadow, can still cause significant local errors in the correction. Where they occur, false shadows and over-corrected surface reflectance factors can be observed. More generally, accurate co-registration between satellite images and DSM data was found to be critical for effective correction. Mis-registration by one or two pixels could lead to large errors of retrieved surface reflectance factors in gully and ridge areas. Using low-resolution DSM data in conjunction with high-resolution satellite images will also fail to correct significant terrain components where they occur at the finer scales of the satellite images. DSM resolution appropriate to the resolution of satellite image and the roughness of the terrain is needed for effective results, and the rougher the terrain, the more critical will be the accurate registration.  相似文献   

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