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We present the results of a CCD monitoring campaign of the continuum emission from the central region of the Crab nebula, amounting to 17 epochs spread over 3.5 years. The data provide clear evidence that the brightest wisps move outward from the pulsar at mildly relativistic velocities. This motion, combined with the shape of the wisps, supports the idea that they arise at a standing shock in an equatorial wind. The deprojected velocity of the wisps in the equatorial plane is c/3. We see only small changes in the so-called ‘thin wisps’ which leads us to suggest that these wisps may be the result of a back-flow from the shock in a toroidal cavity around the pulsar.  相似文献   

Dependencies of galactic planetary nebula chemical abundances and their central star masses on the distance from the galactic plane are discussed.Z-dependencies of He/H, N/H, N/O and Ar/H and dependencies of He/H, N/H, N/O, Ne/H and Ar/H on central star mass are found. Three galactic planetary nebula distance scale samples are used and it is shown that the distance scale system (where distances of each planetary nebula mass class are determined with the separate scale) is the most reliable. The correlations obtained for the Magellanic Cloud planetary nebulae are used for comparison.  相似文献   

The fast-spinning Crab pulsar (∼30 turn s−1), which powers the massive expansion and synchrotron emission of the entire Crab nebula, is surrounded by quasi-stationary features such as fibrous arc-like wisps and bright polar knots in the radial range of 2×1016≲ r ≲2×1017 cm, as revealed by high-resolution (∼0.1 arcsec) images from the Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) on board the Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ). The spin-down energy flux (∼5×1038 erg s−1) from the pulsar to the luminous outer nebula, which occupies the radial range 0.1≲ r ≲2 pc, is generally believed to be transported by a magnetized relativistic outflow of an electron–positron e± pair plasma. It is then puzzling that mysterious structures like wisps and knots, although intrinsically dynamic in synchrotron emission, remain quasi-stationary on time-scales of a few days to a week in the relativistic pulsar wind. Here we demonstrate that, as a result of slightly inhomogeneous wind streams emanating from the rotating pulsar, fast magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) shock waves are expected to appear in the pulsar wind at relevant radial distances in the forms of wisps and knots. While forward fast MHD shocks move outward with a speed close to the speed of light c , reverse fast MHD shocks may appear quasi-stationary in space under appropriate conditions. In addition, Alfvénic fluctuations in the shocked magnetized pulsar wind can effectively scatter synchrotron beams from gyrating relativistic electrons and positrons.  相似文献   

We present echelle spectroscopy in the 3500- to 7060-... range for two positions of the Orion nebula. The data were obtained using the 2.1-m telescope at Observatorio Astronómico Nacional in San Pedro Mártir, Baja California. We have measured the intensities of about 220 emission lines, in particular 81 permitted lines of C+, N+, N++, O0, O+, Ne0, Si+, Si++ and S+, some of them produced by recombination only and others mainly by fluorescence. We have determined electron temperatures, electron densities and ionic abundances using different continuum and line intensity ratios. We derived the He, C and O abundances from recombination lines and find that the C/H and O/H values are very similar to those derived from B stars of the Orion association, and that these nebular values are independent of the temperature structure. We have also derived abundances from collisionally excited lines. These abundances depend on the temperature structure; accurate t 2 values have been derived comparing the O II recombination lines with the [O III ] collisionally excited lines. The gaseous abundances of Mg, Si and Fe show significant depletions, implying that a substantial fraction of these atoms is tied up in dust grains. The derived depletions are similar to those found in warm clouds of the Galactic disc, but are not as large as those found in cold clouds. A comparison of the solar and Orion chemical abundances is made.  相似文献   

The X-ray spectrum of the Crab nebula has been determined in the energy range 0.5 10 keV using thin window proportional counters carried aboard a Centaur IIA rocket launched from TERLS, India. The spectrum can be well represented by a power law with an exponent?2.1 beyond 2 keV. The absorption of the soft X-ray component below 2 keV is clearly seen in the experiment. Attempts to understand quantitatively the spectral features in terms of interstellar absorption lead to a column density of hydrogen in the iirection of the Crab nebula of 3.5×1021 H atoms cm?2, if we adopt a revised version of the interstellar absorption coefficients of Brown and Gould to include the contributions of heavier elements, especially of iron. This value of density is a factor of 2 higher than the density obtained from 21 cm radio observations, but falls well within the range of values for atomic and total hydrogen deducible from UV measurements with satellites and the measured visual extinction coefficients for the Crab nebula. It is concluded that it is not necessary to consider anomalous abundance of elements like carbon or neon either in the source or in the interstellar medium as suggested by some authors. The absorption of X-rays in the interstellar dust in the light of current dust models is presented.  相似文献   

We present high-quality optical spectroscopic observations of the planetary nebula (PN) Hf 2-2. The spectrum exhibits many prominent optical recombination lines (ORLs) from heavy-element ions. Analysis of the H  i and He  i recombination spectrum yields an electron temperature of ∼900 K, a factor of 10 lower than given by the collisionally excited [O  iii ] forbidden lines. The ionic abundances of heavy elements relative to hydrogen derived from ORLs are about a factor of 70 higher than those deduced from collisionally excited lines (CELs) from the same ions, the largest abundance discrepancy factor (adf) ever measured for a PN. By comparing the observed O  ii λ4089/λ4649 ORL ratio to theoretical value as a function of electron temperature, we show that the O  ii ORLs arise from ionized regions with an electron temperature of only ∼630 K. The current observations thus provide the strongest evidence that the nebula contains another previously unknown component of cold, high-metallicity gas, which is too cool to excite any significant optical or ultraviolet CELs and is thus invisible via such lines. The existence of such a plasma component in PNe provides a natural solution to the long-standing dichotomy between nebular plasma diagnostics and abundance determinations using CELs on the one hand and ORLs on the other.  相似文献   

The Crab nebula is a prominent pulsar wind nebula detected in multiband observations ranging from radio to very high-energy γ-rays.Recently,γ-rays with energies...  相似文献   

Abstract— Relative chemical abundances of 13 meteoroids were determined by averaging the composition of the radiating gas along the fireball path that originated during their penetration into the Earth's atmosphere. Mg, Fe, Ni, Cr, Mn, and Co abundances, relative to Si, are similar to those reported for CI and CM carbonaceous chondrites and interplanetary dust particles. In contrast, relative abundances of Ca and Ti in meteor spectra indicate that these elements suffer incomplete evaporation processes. The chemical composition of all meteoroids studied in this work differs from that of 1P/Halley dust.  相似文献   

An axisymmetric model for the Crab nebula is constructed to examine the flow dynamics in the nebula. The model is based on that of Kennel & Coroniti, although we assume that the kinetic-energy-dominant wind is confined to an equatorial region. The evolution of the distribution function of the electron–positron plasma flowing out in the nebula is calculated. Given viewing angles, we reproduce an image of the nebula and compare it with the Chandra observation.
The reproduced image is not ring-like, but is rather 'lip-shaped'. It is found that the assumption of a toroidal field does not reproduce the Chandra image. We must assume that there is a disordered magnetic field with an amplitude as large as the mean toroidal field. In addition, the brightness contrast between the front and back sides of the ring cannot be reproduced if we assume that the magnetization parameter σ is as small as ∼10−3. The brightness profile along the semimajor axis of the torus is also examined. The non-dissipative, ideal-magnetohydrodynamic approximation in the nebula appears to break down.
We speculate that if the magnetic energy is released by some process that produces a turbulent field in the nebula flow and causes heating and acceleration – for example, by magnetic reconnection – then the present difficulties may be resolved (i.e. we can reproduce a ring image and a higher brightness contrast). Thus, the magnetization parameter σ can be larger than previously expected.  相似文献   

Abstract. We have constructed a chemical reaction system in a contracting interstellar cloud. In paper (I) we have presented the details of the physical and chemical scheme and the method of solution. The results of our chemical model produce fractional abundances of H2CO, CO, OH, H2O, SO and OCS which are in good agreement with the results of observations. On the other hand, the results of chlorine-bearing species are not in agreement with those of the observations. The calculated abundances of H2CO, CO, OH, H2O, SO, OCS and Cl+ are in agreement with the results of previous theoretical studies.  相似文献   

In the framework of study of the evolutionary status of galaxies in the nearby Lynx-Cancer void, we present the results of the SAO RAS 6-m telescope spectroscopy for 20 objects in this region. The principal faint line [Oiii]λ4363 Å, used to determine the electron temperature and oxygen abundance (O/H) by the classicalmethod, is clearly detected in only about 2/3 of the studied objects. For the remaining galaxies this line is either faint or undetected. To obtain the oxygen abundances in these galaxies we as well apply the semi-empirical method by Izotov and Thuan, and/or the empirical methods of Pilyugin et al., which are only employing the intensities of sufficiently strong lines. We also present our O/H measurements for 22 Lynx-Cancer void galaxies, for which the suitable Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) spectra are available. In total, we present the combined O/H data for 48 Lynx-Cancer void galaxies, including the data adopted from the literature and our own earlier results. We make a comparison of their locations on the (O/H)-MB diagram with those of the dwarf galaxies of the Local Volume in the regions with denser environment. We infer that the majority of galaxies from this void on the average reveal an about 30% lower metallicity. In addition, a substantial fraction (not less than 10%) of the void dwarf galaxies have a much larger O/H deficiency (up to a factor of 5). Most of them belong to the tiny group of objects with the gas metallicity Z ⊙/20 or 12+log(O/H)?7.35. The surface density of very metal-poor galaxies (Z ⊙/10) in this region of the sky is 2–2.5 times higher than that, derived from the emission-line galaxy samples in the Hamburg-SAO and the SDSS surveys. We discuss possible implications of these results for the galaxy evolution models.  相似文献   

Comets seem to be composed of matter, which is supposed to have the same molecular composition as protosolar nebula. Although there are no unbiased evidence that cometary nuclei retain the molecular composition inherited from the protosolar cloud, the observed properties of comets indicate that there is at least a resemblance between cometary composition and the material properties of dense interstellar clouds. Therefore the origin of comets could be searched in the cold stages of the protosolar nebula and molecular abundances of grain mantles in this nebula may be similar to those in the cometary dust. It is suggested that comets may contain pristine, virtually unaltered protosolar material and their study might be very relevant way to more information about processes in early stages of the solar nebula. Our knowledge about composition of the cometary nucleus is still relatively scarce, but we can partly deduce it from data obtained either by ground-based spectroscopy or by in situ mass spectrometry from space experiments. Most important were the discovery of fluffy CHON particles composed partly or even completely from compounds containing light elements. No consensus concerning the presence of interstellar pristine matter in comet has been reached from various approaches to determine the relationship between comets and interstellar grains. Most of these studies are based on infrared spectroscopy. Another method is the comparison on the chemical models of the protosolar nebula with the volatile compounds of the cometary nuclei. Both gas-phase and grain-surface chemistry are considered and initial gas-phase atomic abundances are assumed to be protosolar. The cometary matter is certainly not identical with the typical material of dense interstellar cool dense clouds, but it is closer to it than any other type of matter in solar system so far accessible to us. The data from comets combined with models of chemical evolution of matter in environment similar as prevailed the early stage of presolar nebula may at least impose constrains on the condition for comet formation. Here presented study is a preliminary contribution to such studies.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to search for a consistent model to explain the electromagnetic spectrum of the Crab nebula (Tau A). It is assumed that there is a continuous injection of electrons at the centre of the nebula with an energy spectrumE –1.54 as evidenced by radio data. This spectrum must steepen to a slope larger than 2 at some energyE i in order to ensure that the energy input into electrons remains finite. The spectrum must also steepen beyond an energyE c depending on the magnetic field because of synchrotron energy losses. Two types of models are considered: Class I, in which the whole nebula is characterised by a uniform magnetic field, and Class II, in which besides the general fieldH 0, small filamentary regions of strong fieldH s are postulated.In models of Class I, the best fit to the observed data is obtained whenE t >E c andH 05×10–4 gauss. However, this predicts a decrease in X-ray source size beyond 40 KeV. There are two possibilities of Class II model depending on the residence time of electrons in strong field regions being small or large. The former case explains the flattening in the optical spectrum.Experiments to distinguish between the various models are indicated.Presented at the International Conference on Cosmic Rays, Budapest, 1969.  相似文献   

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