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Feldspar phenocrysts of silicic volcanic rocks are commonly in Sr-isotopic disequilibrium with groundmass. In some cases the feldspar is more radiogenic, and in others it is less radiogenic. Several explanations have been published previously, but none of these is able to accommodate both senses of disequilibrium. We present a model by which either more- or less-radiogenic feldspar (or even both within a single eruptive unit) can originate. The model requires a magma body open to interaction with biotite- and feldspar-bearing wall rock. Magma is incrementally contaminated as wall rock melts incongruently. Biotite preferentially melts first, followed by feldspar. Such melting behavior, which is supported by both field and experimental studies, first contaminates magma with a relatively radiogenic addition, followed by a less-radiogenic addition. Feldspar phenocrysts lag behind melt (groundmass of volcanic rock) in incorporating the influx of contaminant, thus resulting in Sr-isotopic disequilibrium between the crystals and melt. The sense of disequilibrium recorded in a volcanic rock depends on when eruption quenches the contamination process. This model is testable by isotopic fingerprinting of individual feldspar crystals. For a given set of geologic boundary conditions, specific core-to-rim Sr-isotopic profiles are expectable. Moreover, phenocrysts that nucleate at different times during the contamination process should record different and predictable parts of the history. Initial results of Sr-isotopic fingerprinting of sanidine phenocrysts from the Taylor Creek Rhyolite are consistent with the model. More tests of the model are desirable.  相似文献   

The Hasan Dagi volcano is one of the two large Plio-Quaternary volcanoes in Cappadocia (Central Anatolia, Turkey). Three stages of edifice construction have been identified for this volcano: Paleovolcano, Mesovolcano and Neovolcano. Most samples from Hasan Dagi volcano are calc-alkaline and define an almost complete trend from basaltic andesite to rhyolite. However, the more recent (Neovolcano) mafic samples are alkaline basalts. The mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of the oldest lavas (Keçikalesi (13 Ma) and Paleo-Hasan Dagi (7 Ma)) are significantly different from those of the younger lavas (Meso- and Neo-Hasan Dagi (<1 Ma)). Calcic plagioclase and pigeonite are typically observed in these older lavas. The Paleovolcano basalts are depleted in alkalis and display a tholeiitic tendency whereas the differentiated lavas are depleted in Na2O but enriched in K2O compared to younger lavas. There is an evolution through time towards higher TiO2, Fe2O3*, MgO, Na2O and K2O and lower Al2O3 and SiO2 which is reflected in the basalt compositions. All the basalts display multi-element patterns typical of continental margin magmas with a significant enrichment in LILE (K, Rb, Ba and Th) and LREE and strong (Paleovolcano) to moderate (Meso- and Neovolcano) negative Nb, Zr and Ti anomalies. However, the younger basalts are the most enriched in incompatible elements, in agreement with their alkaline affinities and do not systematically display negative HFSE anomalies. REE data suggest an hydrous amphibole-bearing crystallization history for both Meso- and Neovolcano lavas. The distinction between the older and younger lavas is also apparent in trace element ratios such as Nb/Y, Ti/Y and Th/Y. These ratios indicate the role of a subducted component±crustal contamination in the genesis of the Hasan Dagi lavas, particularly for the oldest lavas (Keçikalesi and Paleo-Hasan Dagi). The decreasing influence of this component through time, over the last 6–7 m.y., has been accompanied by an increasing contribution of melt-enriched lithosphere. Although the range of variation of Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic ratios is small (0.70457–0.70515; 0.51262–0.51273; 18.80–18.94; 15.64–15.69; 38.87–39.10), it also reflects the evolution of the magma sources through time. Indeed, the youngest (Neovolcano) and most primitive basalts display significantly lower 87Sr/86Sr than the Paleo- and Mesovolcano basalts, whereas the Mesovolcano basalts display more radiogenic Pb than Paleovolcano samples. Magma mixing processes between initially heterogeneous and/or variably contaminated magmas may account for the genesis of the less differentiated and intermediate lavas (48–57% SiO2). Meso- and Neovolcano differentiated lavas (60–68% SiO2) are either derived from the analyzed basalts or from more primitive and more depleted magmas by fractional crystallization±some crustal contamination (AFC). Furthermore, the highly differentiated samples (72–75% SiO2) are not strongly contaminated. The strong calc-alkaline character of Hasan Dagi lavas, in the absence of contemporaneous subduction, must reflect the heritage of the early subduction of the Afro–Arabian plate under the Eurasian plate. The evolution towards alkaline compositions through time is clearly related to the development of extensional tectonics in Central Anatolia in the Late Miocene.  相似文献   

A low aspect ratio, decimeter-thick ash deposit, axisymmetrically distributed around the Latera Caldera (Western Vulsini Volcanoes, central Italy) has been studied by means of field and laboratory investigations. Field studies comprise facies analysis at centimeter scale and maximum clast size and deposit thickness measurements. Grain size and component distribution, chemical composition and particle morphoscopic features have been determined on selected samples. We discuss the co-ignimbrite ash fall vs. pyroclastic surge origin of the deposit and the hydrovolcanic vs. magmatic eruption nature. Complex facies association, textural features and grain size data rule out an ash fall origin for the whole deposit. The hydrovolcanic nature of the eruption has been discarded on the grounds of componentry and morphoscopic features of vitric fragments. We propose that the main body of the ash deposit formed from a radially expanding, dilute, turbulent pyroclastic density current, originated by a continuous collapse of a low-altitude (a few kilometers) eruptive column with a possible radial jet component.  相似文献   

In order to define the risk from explosive eruptions, one must constrain both the probability of explosive events and the effects, or consequences, of those events. This paper focuses on the effects of pyroclastic flows and surges (here termed ‘pyroclastic density currents', or PDCs) on buildings, infrastructure elements, and to some extent on vehicles. PDCs impart a lateral force to such structures in the form of dynamic pressure, which depends on the bulk density of the PDC (which in turn depends mainly on particle concentration) and its velocity. For reasonable ranges of particle concentration (10−3 to 0.5) and velocities (10 to 300 m/s), dynamic pressure on the upstream face of a structure ranges from 0.1 kPa to 104 kPa. Lateral loads ranging up to about 100 kPa were produced during nuclear weapons tests in the 1940s and 1950s that were designed to study the effects of such loading on a variety of structures for civil defense and emergency response purposes in the event of nuclear war. Although considerable simplifications are involved, the data from these weapon tests provide useful analog information for understanding the effects of PDCs. I reviewed data from the nuclear tests, describing the expected damage from different loadings. Tables are provided that define the response of different structural elements (e.g., windows, framing, walls) and whole structures to loading in probabilistic terms, which in principle account for variations in construction quality, orientation, and other factors. Finally, damage documented from historical eruptions at Mt. Lamington (1951), Herculaneum (AD 79 Vesuvius eruption), and St. Pierre (1902 Mt. Pelee eruption) is reviewed. Damage patterns, combined with estimates of velocity, provide an independent estimate of particle concentration in the PDCs. Details of structural damage should be recorded and mapped around future eruptions in order to help refine this aspect of consequence analysis. Another fruitful approach would be to combine numerical simulations of eruption scenarios, which can produce simulated maps of dynamic pressure, with GIS-based data on structures for a given region; the result would be predictions of consequences that could be used for planning and emergency response training.  相似文献   

Previously undescribed debris-avalanche deposits occur in two locations downslope from the open end of the Valle del Bove. These outcrops comprise unstratified, ungraded deposits of metre-scale lava blocks in a matrix of weathered and fractured lava clasts. The avalanche deposits are unconformably overlain by matrix- to clast-supported conglomerates, representing debris-flow and interbedded fluvial deposits, that constitute most of the Milo Lahar sequence. We present evidence that the Milo Lahar sequence, which crops out just at the exit of the Valle del Bove, formed during the opening and enlargement of this depression. The presence of the avalanche deposits at the base of the Milo Lahar sequence indicates that catastrophic landslides were involved in the formation of the Valle del Bove. The composition of lavas in the debris avalanche deposits is similar to that of most of the Ellittico volcanic sequence exposed along the northern wall of the Valle del Bove. Radiocarbon dates of 8400 and 5300 years BP from the base and top, respectively, of the debris-flow sequence indicate that the Milo Lahars are correlative with the exposed part of the Chiancone deposit. The basal lahars of the Chiancone, which contain lava blocks whose compositions partially overlap that of blocks in the avalanche deposits, may have formed by water concentration in the distal end of the avalanche causing transformation to debris, or alternatively by reworking of the avalanche deposit.  相似文献   

Small euhedral chromite crystals are found in olivine macrophenocrysts (Fo80–84) from the basaltic andesites (150 ppm Cr) erupted in 1943–1947, and in orthopyroxene macrophenocrysts of the andesites (75 ppm Cr) erupted in 1947–1952. The majority of the chromite octahedra are 5–20 μm in diameter, and some are found in clusters and linear chains of three or more oriented chromite crystals. The composition of the majority of the chromite grains within olivine and orthopyroxene macrophenocrysts is Fe2+/(Fe2++Mg)=0.5–0.6, Cr/(Cr+Al)=0.5–0.6 and Fe3+/(Fe3++Al+Cr)=0.2–0.3. The chromite crystals in contact with the groundmass are larger, subhedral, and grade in composition from chromite cores to magnetite rims. Comparison of the composition of chromite with those of other volcanic rocks shows that the most primitive Paricutin chromite is richer in total iron and higher in Fe3+/(Fe3++Al+Cr) than primary chromite in most lavas. The linear chains of oriented chromite octahedra are found in olivine and orthopyroxene macrophenocrysts, and in the groundmass. These chromite chains are thought to result from diffusion-controlled crystallization because of the very high partition coefficient (1000) of Cr between chromite and melt. We conclude that chromite was a primary phase in the lavas at the time of extrusion and that magnetite only crystallized after extrusion during cooling of the lava flows. The presence of chromite microphenocrysts in andesitic lavas containing as little as 70 ppm Cr can be explained by dissolved H2O in the melt depressing the liquidus temperature for orthopyroxene such that chromite becomes a liquidus phase. The influence of dissolved H2O can also explain the lack of plagioclase macrophenocrysts in most of the lavas and the relatively high partition coefficient (20) of Ni between olivine and melt and the high partition coefficient (40) of Cr between orthopyroxene and melt. The liquidus temperature of the basaltic andesite is estimated to have been less than 1140°C, assuming H2O>1 wt.%, and the log fO2 to have been above that of the QFM buffer. The chromite and orthopyroxene liquidus temperature of the andesites, assuming H2O>1 wt.%, is estimated to have been 1100°C or less. The derivation of the later andesites from the earlier basaltic andesites has been explained by a combination of fractional crystallization of olivine, orthopyroxene and plagioclase, and assimilation of xenoliths. The significantly lower Cr, Ni and Mg of the andesites may have been in part due to the separation of olivine macrophenocrysts plus enclosed chromite crystals from the earlier basaltic andesites.  相似文献   

 The role of carbon dioxide in the dynamics of magma ascent in explosive eruptions is investigated by means of numerical modeling. The model is steady, one-dimensional, and isothermal; it calculates the separated flow of gas and a homogeneous mixture of liquid magma and crystals. The magma properties are calculated on the basis of magma composition and crystal content and are allowed to change along the conduit due to pressure decrease and gas exsolution. The effect of the presence of a two-component (water + carbon dioxide) exsolving gas phase is investigated by performing a parametric study on the CO2/(H2O+CO2) ratio, which is allowed to vary from 0 to 0.5 at either constant total volatile or constant water content. The relatively insoluble carbon dioxide component plays an important role in the location of the volatile-saturation and magma-fragmentation levels and in the distribution of the flow variables in the volcanic conduit. In detail, the results show that an increase of the proportion of carbon dioxide produces a decrease of the mass flow rate, pressure, and exit mixture density, and an increase of the exit gas volume fraction and depth of the fragmentation level. A relevant result is the different role played by water and carbon dioxide in the eruption dynamics; an increasing amount of water produces an increase of the mass flow rate, and an increasing amount of carbon dioxide produces a decrease. Even small amounts of carbon dioxide have major consequences on the eruption dynamics, implying that the multicomponent nature of the volcanic gas must be taken into account in the prediction of the eruption scenario and the forecasting of volcanic hazard. Received: 6 March 1998 / Accepted: 28 October 1998  相似文献   

During an explosive volcanic eruption, tephra fall out from the umbrella region of the eruption cloud to the ground surface. We investigated the effect of the intensity of turbulence in the umbrella cloud on dispersion and sedimentation of tephra by performing a series of laboratory experiments and three dimensional (3-D) numerical simulations. In the laboratory experiments, spherical glass-bead particles are mixed in stirred water with various intensities of turbulence, and the spatial distribution and the temporal evolution of the particle concentration are measured. The experimental results show that, when the root-mean-square of velocity fluctuation in the fluid (Wrms) is much greater than the particle terminal velocity (vt), the particles are homogeneously distributed in the fluid, and settle at their terminal velocities at the base of the fluid where turbulence diminishes. On the other hand, when Wrms is as small as or smaller than vt, the particle concentration increases toward the base of the fluid during settling, which substantially increases the rate of particle settling. The results of the 3-D simulations of eruption cloud indicate that Wrms is up to 40 m/s in most of the umbrella cloud even during a large scale plinian eruption with a magma discharge rate of 109 kg/s. These results suggest that relatively coarse pyroclasts (more than a few mm in diameter) tend to concentrate around the base of the umbrella cloud, whereas fine pyroclasts (less than 1/8 mm in diameter) may be distributed homogeneously throughout the umbrella cloud during tephra dispersion. The effect of the gradient of particle concentration in the umbrella cloud explains the granulometric data of the Pinatubo 1991 plinian deposits.  相似文献   

 New and detailed petrographic observations, mineral compositional data, and whole-rock vs glass compositional trends document magma mixing in lavas erupted from Kilauea's lower east rift zone in 1960. Evidence includes the occurrence of heterogeneous phenocryst assemblages, including resorbed and reversely zoned minerals in the lavas inferred to be hybrids. Calculations suggest that this mixing, which is shown to have taken place within magma reservoirs recharged at the end of the 1955 eruption, involved introduction of four different magmas. These magmas originated beneath Kilauea's summit and moved into the rift reservoirs beginning 10 days after the eruption began. We used microprobe analyses of glass to calculate temperatures of liquids erupted in 1955 and 1960. We then used the calculated proportions of stored and recharge components to estimate the temperature of the recharge components, and found those temperatures to be consistent with the temperature of the same magmas as they appeared at Kilauea's summit. Our studies reinforce conclusions reached in previous studies of Kilauea's magmatic plumbing. We infer that magma enters shallow storage beneath Kilauea's summit and also moves laterally into the fluid core of the East rift zone. During this process, if magmas of distinctive chemistry are present, they retain their chemical identity and the amount of cooling is comparable for magma transported either upward or laterally to eruption sites. Intrusions within a few kilometers of the surface cool and crystallize to produce fractionated magma. Magma mixing occurs both within bodies of previously fractionated magma and when new magma intersects a preexisting reservoir. Magma is otherwise prevented from mixing, either by wall-rock septa or by differing thermal and density characteristics of the successive magma batches. Received: July 10, 1995 / Accepted: October 10, 1995  相似文献   

The explosive behavior and the rheology of lavas in basaltic volcanoes, usually driven by differentiation, can also be significantly affected by the kinetics of magma degassing in the upper portion of the feeding system. The complex eruption of 2001 at Mt. Etna, Italy, was marked by two crucial phenomena that occurred at the Laghetto vent on the southern flank of the volcano: 1) intense explosive activity and 2) at the end of the eruption, emission of a lava flow with higher viscosity than flows previously emitted from the same vent. Here, we investigate the hypothesis that these events were driven by the injection of volatile-rich magma into the feeding system. The input and mixing of this magma into a reservoir containing more evolved magma had the twofold effect of increasing 1) the overall concentration of volatiles and 2) their exsolution with consequent efficient vesiculation and degassing. This led to an explosive stage of the eruption, which produced a ~75-m-high cinder cone. Efficient volatile loss and the consequent increase of the liquidus temperature brought about the nucleation of Fe-oxides and other anhydrous crystalline phases, which significantly increased the magma viscosity in the upper part of the conduit, leading to the emission of a high viscosity lava flow that ended the eruption. The 2001 eruption has offered the opportunity to investigate the important role that input of volatile-rich magma may exert in controlling not only the geochemical features of erupted lavas but also the eruption dynamics. These results present a new idea for interpreting similar eruptions in other basaltic volcanoes and explaining eruptions with uncommonly high explosivity when only basic magmas are involved.  相似文献   

Stable isotopes, 2Hwater, 18Owater as well as 18Osulphate and 34Ssulphate, were used to study the flow system of shallow groundwater and soil water at the base area of a former leaching heap at the uranium mining area of Ronneburg, Germany. The flow paths and water‐retention times were estimated by comparison of δ2H and δ18O values in groundwater and soil water to the δ2H and δ18O signature of precipitation, giving distinctive inputs of summer or winter precipitation. The points of measuring the groundwater were divided into three categories with different flow conditions: rapid flow, stagnant conditions and a transition zone by hierarchical cluster analysis of δ2H and δ18O values of groundwater. The transit time of groundwater in the rapid flow area is less than 6 months, whereas water in the stagnant zone is stored for at least 1 year. In soil water, a clear response to different input signals is detectable only in the 30‐cm horizon (retention time is about 6 months), whereas at deeper levels a mixing with older water is taking place. The isotopic composition of the dissolved sulphate was used to identify oxidation of sulphides as the source of sulphate. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Water level fluctuations due to reservoir operations often cause spatial and temporal differences in water chemistry, which in turn can have considerable biological effects. Nonetheless, few studies have investigated the effects of fluctuating water levels on water quality and benthic macroinvertebrates in reservoirs in tropical countries, and none in the Philippine archipelago. We investigated the littoral zone of a Philippine reservoir subject to strong water level fluctuations and determined whether (i) water quality and macroinvertebrate community health is reduced when water levels are low, (ii) water quality declines with increasing water depth regardless of the overall water level, and (iii) water quality and community health decrease more strongly with water depth during low water level periods. Our study included five sites and four depths at each site, with three collections each during high and low water levels. Low water levels may have negatively affected four water quality and 10 biological metrics, whereas depth may have negatively affected two water quality and five biological metrics. Significant overall water levels by depth interactions were detected for four common taxa but none for water physicochemistry. Our findings show that tropical reservoirs may experience reduced water quality at low water levels, which can affect their biodiversity and potentially their ecological functioning.  相似文献   

Lowry's method, adapted to the analysis of small amounts of fresh-water plankton, was selected for the basic evaluation of the published methods of determination of proteins in algae. The protein contents were studied by this method in aqueous, alcohol and sodium hydroxide extract from green algae of the types Ankistrodesmus falcatus, Haematococcus pluvialis, Chlorella vulgaris, Scenedesmus obliquus, Pediastrum boryanum, Chlorococcus spec. and from blue-green algae Microcystis pulverea, M. aeruginosa and Anacystis nidulans. These organisms were cultivated in artificial media under standard conditions and the analysis of proteins was carried out during the growth and stagnation phases. The largest amount of proteins was ascertained in extracts of 2N NaOH, amounting to 7 … 44% according to the dry substance (aqueous extract 1 … 48%, alcohol extract 1 … 23%). As the ageing of the cultures of green algae proceeded, the amount of dry substance increased, but the protein contents decreased. In the samples of blue-green algae there were in all cases the protein contents higher in the stationary phase than in the growth phase.  相似文献   

After having estimated the patterns of flow to the ocean and found some seasonal and tidal differences, mainly with regard to the relative importance of dissolved and particulate fractions, mercury partitioning at the interface between a contaminated lagoon and the Atlantic Ocean was investigated during four tidal cycles in contrasting season and tidal regimes. Mercury was found to be located predominantely in the particulate fraction throughout the year, contributing to its retention within the system. Seasonal conditions, variations in marine and fluvial signals and processes affecting bed sediment resuspension influenced the character and concentration of suspended particulate matter in the water column. Variation in the nature, levels and partitioning of organic carbon in the particulate fraction affected levels of particulate mercury as well as mercury partitioning. These results highlight the dominant role of suspended particulate matter in the distribution of anthropogenic mercury and reinforce the importance of competitive behavior related to organic carbon in mercury scavenging.  相似文献   

The troctolites and olivine‐gabbros from the Dive 6 K‐1147 represent the most primitive gabbroic rocks collected at the Godzilla Megamullion, a giant oceanic core complex formed at an extinct spreading segment of the Parece Vela back‐arc basin (Philippine Sea). Previous investigations have shown that these rocks have textural and major elements mineral compositions consistent with a formation through multistage interaction between mantle‐derived melts and a pre‐existing ultramafic matrix. New investigations on trace element mineral compositions basically agree with this hypothesis. Clinopyroxenes and plagioclase have incompatible element signatures similar to that of typical‐MORB. However, the clinopyroxenes show very high Cr contents (similar to those of mantle clinopyroxene) and rim having sharply higher Zr/REE ratios with respect to the core. These features are in contrast with an evolution constrained by fractional crystallization processes, and suggest that the clinopyroxene compositions are controlled by melt‐rock interaction processes. The plagioclase anorthite versus clinopyroxene Mg#[Mg/(Mg + FeTot)] correlation of the Dive 6 K‐1147 rocks shows a trend much steeper than those depicted by other oceanic gabbroic sections. Using a thermodynamic model, we show that this trend is reproducible by fractionation of melts assimilating 1 g of mantle peridotite per 1 °C of cooling. This model predicts the early crystallization of high Mg# clinopyroxene, consistent with our petrological observation. The melt‐peridotite interaction process produces Na‐rich melts causing the crystallization of plagioclase with low anorthite component, typically characterizing the evolved gabbros from Godzilla Megamullion.  相似文献   


The scientific literature has focused on uncertainty as randomness, while limited credit has been given to what we call here the “seventh facet of uncertainty”, i.e. lack of knowledge. This paper identifies three types of lack of understanding: (i) known unknowns, which are things we know we don’t know; (ii) unknown unknowns, which are things we don’t know we don’t know; and (iii) wrong assumptions, things we think we know, but we actually don’t know. Here we discuss each of these with reference to the study of the dynamics of human–water systems, which is one of the main topics of Panta Rhei, the current scientific decade of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), focusing on changes in hydrology and society. In the paper, we argue that interdisciplinary studies of socio-hydrological dynamics leading to a better understanding of human–water interactions can help in coping with wrong assumptions and known unknowns. Also, being aware of the existence of unknown unknowns, and their potential capability to generate surprises or black swans, suggests the need to complement top-down approaches, based on quantitative predictions of water-related hazards, with bottom-up approaches, based on societal vulnerabilities and possibilities of failure.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor S. Weijs  相似文献   

A new approach is presented for the numerical solution of the complete 1D Saint-Venant equations. At each time step, the governing system of partial differential equations (PDEs) is split, using a fractional time step methodology, into a convective prediction system and a diffusive correction system. Convective prediction system is further split into a convective prediction and a convective correction system, according to a specified approximated potential. If a scalar exact potential of the flow field exists, correction vanishes and the solution of the convective correction system is the same solution of the prediction system. Both convective prediction and correction systems are shown to have at each x − t point a single characteristic line, and a corresponding eigenvalue equal to the local velocity. A marching in space and time (MAST) technique is used for the solution of the two systems. MAST solves a system of two ordinary differential equations (ODEs) in each computational cell, using for the time discretization a self-adjusting fraction of the original time step. The computational cells are ordered and solved according to the decreasing value of the potential in the convective prediction step and to the increasing value of the same potential in the convective correction step. The diffusive correction system is solved using an implicit scheme, that leads to the solution of a large linear system, with the same order of the cell number, but sparse, symmetric and well conditioned. The numerical model shows unconditional stability with regard of the Courant–Friedrichs–Levi (CFL) number, requires no special treatment of the source terms and a computational effort almost proportional to the cell number. Several tests have been carried out and results of the proposed scheme are in good agreement with analytical solutions, as well as with experimental data.  相似文献   

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