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A gravity survey was conducted in a 94-square-mile area of northeastern Hanson County, South Dakota. The 340 measured gravity values, together with test-hole data, were used to approximately delineate a buried valley eroded into the Sioux Quartzite of Precambrian age. This valley contains, in places, an aquifer composed of quartzose sand of pre-Cretaceous age derived from the Sioux Quartzite. The bottom of the valley is approximately 450–600 ft below land surface. Simple Bouguer values were determined from measured gravity data, referenced to a local base station, and interpolated to a 0.5- by 0.5-mile grid. The interpolated simple Bouguer values of residual gravity were determined using a five-ring, inverse-weighted filtering method. The second derivative of the interpolated gravity values, as well as their downward continuation, did not delineate the buried valley as well. Subsequent drilling of nine test holes showed that the gravity method can be used for approximately delineating subsurface features  相似文献   

Hawkins JW 《Ground water》2004,42(1):119-125
Prevention of acid mine drainage at surface coal mines in the Appalachian region relies to an extent on minimizing ground water contact with acid-forming materials, and maximizing ground water contact with alkalinity-yielding materials. Acid-forming materials are often selectively handled to minimize or prevent contact with ground water. Controlling ground water contact with acidic or alkaline materials depends on forecasting the level and range of fluctuation of the postmining water table within the mine backfill. Physical measurements and aquifer testing of more than 120 wells from 18 reclaimed mines in Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia have led to improved forecasting of the postmining ground water system. Factors that influence the ground water regime include spoil lithology and particle size, age of reclamation, spoil thickness, distance from the final highwall, and pit floor dip angle and direction. Spoil hydraulic conductivity (K) exhibits a 95% confidence interval range of six orders of magnitude about a mean K of 1.7 x 10(-5) m/sec. Spoil aquifer saturated thickness is related to the overall thickness of the spoil, the lithology of the spoil, dip of the pit floor, and distance to the highwall. Saturated spoil thickness has a 95% confidence interval of 2.2 to 3.6 m about the mean of 2.9 m. The predicted saturated zone averages 19% of the total spoil thickness.  相似文献   

Marked differences in bedrock meander dimensions in the Appalachian Valley and Ridge province, at times in adjacent reaches of a single stream, are related to differences in relative erodability of the bedrock. Meanders cut in thick-bedded to massive lithologies, typically carbonates, are distinctly smaller overall than meanders cut into shaly lithologies. Other factors that could affect bedrock meander dimensions were considered and none appeared to offer any help in explaining the dimensional differences observed above. In plateau regions underlain by essentially horizontal strata, the meander form characteristic of one lithology may become superimposed upon another as incision progresses, producing anomalous relationships between bedrock meander dimensions and lithology. Empirical relations developed from meander geometry measurements and estimated bedrock erodability for 78 bedrock meander reaches, containing a total of 1089 individual meander loops, show that meanders cut in shaly lithologies (ML = 105 Q0.50f, where ML = meander length and Qf = most probable annual flood) are about twice the length of meanders cut in non-shaly lithologies (ML = 39.30.56f). The valley floor width of the meanders cut in shaly bedrock (VF = 28 Q0.43f) is two to three times wider than the valley floor width of the meanders cut in the more resistant non-shaly bedrock (VF = 8 Q0.43f). The mean and median meander length values for individual reaches typically differ by less than 10 per cent.  相似文献   

Human‐induced changes to the channel and 18·6 km2 catchment of Second Creek, in Knox County, Tennessee (USA), have included deliberate channel realignment, channelization of some reaches in culverts or cement‐lined channels, the addition of coarse particles, and intentional and unintentional changes in catchment hydrology. Field observations and measurements made between 1997 and 2001 showed active adjustment of the stream channel. Channel bank erosion is the dominant adjustment, but aggradation also occurs. One change following urbanization is an increase in bed particle size due to the addition of particles of anthropogenic origin. Such particles constitute 2–21 per cent of particles sampled at eight sites along the stream, and their D50 exceeds the D50 of natural particles at five of the sites. The downstream portion of the catchment has been urbanized for more than 150 years, but urbanizing activity has continued throughout the catchment, occurring not as a discrete perturbation, but as a set of disturbances with varying spatial and temporal scales. Spatial patterns of erosion and deposition in the channel are complex and do not show an upstream–downstream trend. Effective, although unintended, decoupling of the most manipulated reaches has hindered the propagation of changes in channel morphology and channel materials in this urbanized stream system. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper introduces the steps and methods of multi-approach,multi-level exploration of buried faults in thick Quaternary sediment regions by taking the test exploration of the Yinchuan active fault as example.Based on the comprehensive analyses of previous data,we choose the Xinqushao Village of Xingqing District of Yinchuan City as the test site for the comprehensive exploration.Firstly,we adopted shallow seismic investigation with group intervals of 10m,5m and 1m to gradually trace layer by layer the master fault of the Yinchuan buried fault from a deep depth to a shallow depth where drilling could be used.Then,with composite geological profile drilling,we determined the precise location and dip angle of the fault.The drilling show the buried depth of the upper offset point is 8.3m.Finally,large-scale trenching revealed that the actual buried depth of the upper offset point of the fault is 1.5m from the ground surface and there are paleoearthquake events of 5 stages.Combined with the preliminary result of corresponding sample age,we conclude the Yinchuan buried fault is a mid to late Holocene active fault.  相似文献   

Heavily compacted lands, typical of traditional surface mine reclamation techniques, have been shown to hinder tree growth, increase levels of flooding, and produce suboptimal water quality. Utilizing loose‐dumped spoil, in accordance with the Forestry Reclamation Approach (FRA), has demonstrated success with regards to promoting tree growth and survival; however, additional information is needed to assess the potential of FRA to ameliorate other environmental concerns related to water quantity. To better understand the hydrologic characteristics of loose‐dumped spoil, key hydrograph parameters (discharge volume, peak discharge, discharge duration, lag time, and response time) were monitored for three common spoil types: (1) predominately brown weathered sandstone, (2) predominately gray weathered sandstone, and (3) a mixture of both sandstones and shale. Although spoil types were found to differ hydrologically, these differences were relatively minor. Measured discharge volumes were low (averaging 12% of rainfall for all events and treatments), peak discharge rates were small (between 2·5 × 10?5 and 3 × 10?3 m3/s), and the duration of discharge was long (6 days on average). From a hydrologic perspective, the results of this study indicate that mine spoils need not be segregated for reclamation as long as the spoil is placed in accordance with the loose‐dumped techniques as outlined in the FRA. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

利用经过去相关滤波处理的GRACE时变重力场模型获得了青藏高原东缘2003—2012年的卫星年重力变化图像,并针对该区域近年发生的三次特大地震,结合震前及震后月重力场变化图像,分析与强震有关的卫星重力场变化特征。从区域年重力变化图像可以看出,三次大震均发生在年重力变化较低的时段内,震前小幅值变化可能是地震发生的中短期前兆;从汶川地震和玉树地震发生前后的月重力场变化图像可以发现,发震前后断层附近的重力变化模式发生变化,这可能印证了震后位场变化恢复理论;从汶川地震前后的龙门山断层附近点上的周重力变化趋势可以明显发现,汶川地震发生(第20周)后近9周的时间,断层东西侧呈现了相反的重力变化特征,这可能是对震后壳幔物质调整过程的反映。  相似文献   

21世纪重力与磁法勘探的展望   总被引:21,自引:18,他引:21  
对21世纪重力与磁法勘探的仪器,数据处理技术,解释理论与方法,应用领域等方面的发展方向进行了分析与展望,发展航空标量,矢量,梯度重力测量和航空全梯度磁力测量,三分量磁力测量,提高综合信息采集能力;开展卫星重磁测量,综合卫星,航空,地面重磁测量资料研究地球结构与构造;发展高精度数据处理技术;重磁异常弱信号的提取,不同深度重磁异常的划分,低纬底变倾角化磁极以及位场面延拓;发展复杂条件下三维重磁场多参数综合反演可视化技术以及快速自动反演技术;探索磁性多参数的应用新领域,充分发挥磁法在环境污染调查中的作用并开拓应用新领域。  相似文献   

利用青藏高原地区2015—2020年期间流动重力观测资料,研究2021年3月19日比如6.1级地震前重力变化特征,结果表明:①本次地震前约3年的重力图像中出现穿过震中区的SN向重力变化梯度带,其形态和持续时间与现有典型指标一致,表明重力变化较为清晰地反映了本次地震孕育过程中所引起的重力异常信号;②实测重力场变化与正断型断层位错引起的重力变化在形态上基本一致,结合本次比如6.1级地震的震源机制以正断为主,推测羌塘块体EW向拉伸运动为本次地震的发震背景。  相似文献   

青藏高原重力场与壳幔结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张健  陈石 《地震》2013,33(4):11-18
本文基于重力资料, 分析了青藏高原壳幔结构模型、 高原陆内形变动力学条件、 高原深部物质运动特征及动力学机制。 研究表明, 重力布格异常和自由空间异常除了分别反映大地水准面之下的“剩余”密度信息和大地水准面之上的“附加”密度信息之外, 还可以组合在一起反映壳幔结构的流变学信息。 在整体处于Airy 重力均衡状态下, 如果局部布格异常与空间异常同向减小, 则是弱地壳强地幔的反映; 如果布格异常减小空间异常增大, 则是强地壳弱地幔的反映。 笔者认为, 青藏高原南部多为强地壳弱地幔地段, 东部既有强地壳弱地幔地段, 也有下地壳柔性-上地幔脆性地段, 北部多为弱地壳强地幔地段。 高原南北两侧板块边界的挤压力对高原做功, 重力位能使高原物质向低位势转移, 产生流变变形, 导致南区和北区主要为挤压变形区, 东区主要为构造伸展-侧向挤出区。 由于壳幔结构的差异, 不同地区驱动变形所需位能大小不同。 相同位能条件下, 南部更易于隆升, 东部更易于流变伸展。  相似文献   

从超长电磁波法的工作原理、解释原理、应用效果分析等方面介绍了超长电磁波法在隐伏断裂探测中的应用。认为.超长电磁波法在确定新生界覆盖层厚度、隐伏断裂的位置等方面可解释度高。超长电磁波法工作效率高.勘探费用低.在隐伏断裂探测中可推广应用。  相似文献   

陈兆辉  陈石  张双喜  刘金钊 《地震》2021,41(1):25-39
本文基于EGM2008重力场模型研究了青藏高原东南缘均衡重力异常和多尺度的布格重力异常特征,以鲁甸和景谷地震为例,认识其深部构造环境和动力学过程,为该区域的构造运动和地震孕育环境研究提供依据。结果表明,研究区布格重力异常和均衡重力异常与地质构造格局相关性较好,川滇地块剧烈的区域布格重力异常和非均衡状态与其强烈的地壳变形、断裂及地震活动密切相关。强震多分布在断裂带两侧重力异常的过渡地带和高梯度带,断裂带两侧横向和垂向的显著介质密度差异是强震孕育的深部构造背景。布格重力异常和均衡重力异常揭示的鲁甸、景谷震源区深浅差异性的重力异常特征,暗示鲁甸和景谷地震孕震环境的不同。  相似文献   

介绍了青藏高原东缘地区相对重力与绝对重力的观测情况,系统分析了该区域2010以来的区域重力场变化及其与2013年4月20日四川芦山7.0级地震发生的关系。结果表明:(1)芦山7.0级地震前青藏高原东缘重力变化剧烈,芦山地震发生在沿龙门山断裂带南段的重力变化高梯度带的转弯部位;(2)芦山地震距2008年汶川地震不到100km,芦山震中及汶川地震震中均处于重力变化四象限中心,表明汶川地震震后恢复调整变化对芦山地震具有促进作用;(3)基于流动重力异常变化在芦山7.0级地震前做过一定程度的中期预测,尤其是地点预测。  相似文献   

We model the source inflation of the Long Valley Caldera, California, using a genetic algorithm technique and micro-gravity data. While there have been numerous attempts to model the magma injection at Long Valley Caldera from deformation data, this has proven difficult given the complicated spatial and temporal nature of the volcanic source. Recent work illustrates the effectiveness of considering micro-gravity measurements in volcanic areas. A genetic algorithm is a problem-solving technique which combines genetic and prescribed random information exchange. We perform two inversions, one for a single spherical point source and another for two-sources that might represent a more spatially distributed source. The forward model we use to interpret the results is the elastic-gravitational Earth model which takes into account the source mass and its interaction with the gravity field. The results demonstrate the need to incorporate more variations in the model, including another source geometry and the faulting mechanism. In order to provide better constraints on intrusion volumes, future work should include the joint inversion of gravity and deformation data during the same epoch.  相似文献   

青藏高原东北缘强震前兆特征研究——流动重力方法   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
通过整理和解剖青藏高原东北缘地震重力观测资料,分析研究了青藏高原东北缘重力场时空变化及其与地震活动的关系,研究了强震孕育发生过程重力异常特征及震后异常效应。  相似文献   

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