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在Hamilton型拟变分原理体系下,建立了一种时间子域以三次和五次B样条函数插值的时间子域法,并将这种新方法用于单锚腿系泊系统的动力响应分析中。算例表明,新方法比传统的动力计算方法Wilson-θ法,在计算精度上有明显的优势,表明本方法能够用于计算单锚腿系泊系统的动力响应。  相似文献   

法向承力锚是一种新型的拖曳嵌入式系泊基础.这种锚的工程应用仅有10 a时间.国内在此项技术上尚属空白.通过实验系统的设计,介绍了针对这种新型拖曳锚展开模型实验研究的实验平台.利用一些新型传感器和巧妙的机件设计,不仅实现了实验量测方法的创新,而且达到了经济实用的目的.实验结果也验证了整个系统设计的可靠性.  相似文献   

单立柱张力腿平台水动力性能试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过耐波性水池进行单立柱张力腿平台(简称SCTLP)在系泊状态下的运动特性,以及张力筋键受力情况的试验研究。试验分别在规则波和不规则波(长峰波和短峰波)中进行,浪向选取180°。根据水池深度,模型试验采用1∶87.5的缩尺比进行全水深模拟,并对风力和流速进行了模拟。通过试验,获得较为丰富的试验数据,能很好地分析SCTLP的运动特性。  相似文献   

法向承力锚(VLA)--一种适用于深海工程的新型系泊基础   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
深水系泊基础是深水系泊系统的重要组成,随着海洋油气资源开发的加速发展,深水系泊系统的关键技术成为国际海洋油气资源开发的重要研究领域.法向承力锚(VLA)是一种崭新的适用于深海油气资源开发的系泊基础形式,论文对其应用、性能特点、工作原理、安装与回收以及计算分析方法等进行了全面介绍,以期对科研人员进一步认识深水系泊系统的关键技术有所帮助,并对国内深水系泊系统的研发起到一定的借鉴作用.  相似文献   

探究合成纤维系缆损伤对绷紧式系泊系统响应的影响,具有重要的工程意义。通过高强聚乙烯(HMPE)缆绳损伤动刚度实验,获得其动刚度随损伤的演变规律。在数值计算上,借鉴并合理简化了前人提出的动刚度经验公式,通过处理实验结果确定动刚度经验公式的参数并进行验证。在此基础上,以一座采用高强聚乙烯缆绳为主体系缆的FPSO为例,将所得动刚度经验公式导入系泊分析软件,结合水动力分析,计算得到在相同海洋环境中,系缆发生不同程度损伤时,各系缆张力和平台偏移响应的结果。通过处理、分析所得的计算结果,获得合成纤维缆绳损伤演变对绷紧式系泊系统响应的影响规律,并据此为系缆更换提供了建议。这些成果既有利于把握绷紧式系泊系统的非线性动力响应,也对安全、经济、合理地运用合成纤维系缆具有重要意义。  相似文献   

在复杂的风浪流海洋环境中,Spar及其系泊系统的耦合作用受多方面的影响。对极限海况下的某Classic-Spar平台及其系泊缆索的动力响应做了时域非线性耦合研究。重点分析了极限海况下一根或者多根系泊缆索断裂时平台运动及其缆索张力动力响应的统计特性。分析结果表明,在风浪流同向且共线的极限海况下,不同位置处的系泊缆索发生断裂,对整个平台系泊系统安全的影响程度不尽相同,尤其以迎浪方向系泊缆索的断裂影响显著。  相似文献   

由于聚酯缆绳具备优异的力学性能,促使以其为主体系缆的绷紧式系泊系统得以广泛应用和发展。但聚酯系缆具有复杂的黏弹性和黏塑性,且由于在安装和使用过程中可能产生不同程度的损伤,使得聚酯系缆的动刚度特性发生演变,从而对系泊系统的动力响应产生直接影响。以一系泊于1 020 m水深的Spar平台为例,运用ABAQUS软件建立了由聚酯缆绳组成的系泊系统有限元模型,并利用ABAQUS子程序将损伤缆绳动刚度经验公式进行导入计算,以更好地反映系缆真实的动刚度变化。基于该有限元模型,计算了在相同水流、波浪工况下,不同损伤度、不同损伤系缆的系缆张力历程和平台的横荡、纵荡位移响应,分析了不同损伤度、不同损伤系缆对系缆张力及平台位移的影响。这些成果对把握绷紧式系泊系统在聚酯系缆有损伤情况下的非线性动力响应及其安全应用具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

本文以一种新型波浪能发电平台为研究对象,分别采用基于三维势流理论的软件Sesam和基于有限体积法的Flow3D软件,对平台和发电浮子进行水动力分析。应用Sesam-HydroD模块计算了平台和发电浮子在频域内的运动响应,将平台和发电浮子的垂荡运动响应进行对比分析,结果表明,在正常海况下,平台与发电浮子垂荡运动相对幅值满足捕能系统的发电需求。应用Flow3D软件对平台整体进行水动力分析,结果表明,平台与发电浮子相对运动振幅在0.3~0.4m间,可满足发电需求。在此基础之上,应用Orcaflex软件,通过时域耦合动力分析的方法,计算了平台在自存工况和作业工况下的运动响应和系泊缆动张力响应,结果表明:在自存工况下,平台锚泊线的安全系数符合规范要求,平台具有良好的安全性能,能够适应恶劣的海洋环境;在作业工况下,平台的垂荡运动响应对波浪方向变化并不敏感,捕能系统不受波浪方向变化的影响,满足发电需求。另外,本文的研究结果能为类似的海洋平台的研究提供建议和参考。  相似文献   

本文用配点法对流体——重力式锥状单腿平台结构——土相互作用体系在地震作用下的动力响应问题进行了研究。采用频域分析法,将锥柱体N等分,利用运动方程和边界条件联立解方程组,继而求出平台结构顶端弹性位移和腿柱所受的动水压力、基础平移和基础转角的频响函数。分析不同锥角下体系的动力响应的影响,并分析研究了刚性地基和考虑土——结构相互作用时结构体系的动力响应情况,得到一些很有益的结果。  相似文献   

单铁兵 《海洋工程》2020,38(5):1-11
系泊系统是半潜式支持平台抵抗恶劣海洋环境作用、限制平台偏移、实现海上定位的重要设备,辐射状多点系泊是常用的布置方式。针对该平台系泊系统开展了设计方法和分析流程研究,阐述了系泊系统配置设计,包括系泊缆的数量、抛出长度、单根系泊缆的刚度、直径、破断负荷、定位锚的型式、最大抓力等;系泊系统的布置设计,包括系泊缆之间的水平夹角、系泊绞车、导缆器、定位锚的位置等;同时归纳风载荷、流载荷以及波浪慢漂载荷的常用估算方法;总结适用于该类平台系泊系统设计的规范要求。将上述方法和流程应用于某型半潜式支持平台系泊系统的开发和设计,采用系泊定位分析程序MIMOSA对该系统的定位能力进行分析,研究了系泊缆形状、夹角等参数随张力的变化特征,同时系泊缆按照船级社的规范要求进行衡准,反复调整和优化系泊系统的配置和布置方式,直至系泊系统满足要求,最终设计出较合适的系泊系统。相关方法、流程和结论为实际工程项目提供重要的设计思路。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new approximation to energy dissipation in time domain simulation of sloshing waves by use of a linear potential theory.The boundary value problem is solved by the NURBS(non-uniform rational B-spline) higher-order panel method,in which a time-domain Green function is employed.The energy dissipation is modeled by changing the boundary condition on solid boundaries.Model experiments are carried out in a partially filled rectangular tank with forced horizontal motion.Sloshing-induced internal pressures and horizontal force obtained numerically and experimentally are compared with each other.It is observed that the present energy dissipation approximation can help produce a fair agreement between experimental forces and those of numerical simulations.  相似文献   

Short-term wave design approach of marine structures, using nonlinear time domain simulations, is a design procedure that is recognized by various modern standard codes. One of the most challenging points of this approach is the evaluation of the characteristic extreme values for response parameters used in the design check equations. The most straightforward and recommended way to evaluate a response characteristic value is by fitting an extreme value probability distribution to the N-sample of extreme values extracted from N independent time domain simulations with duration equal to the short-term period indicated by the code, which is usually taken as 3 h. However, this procedure would not be practical for some types of marine structures, such as risers and mooring lines, under numerous design load cases and demanding huge finite element models. A more feasible approach would be to assess the response extreme value distribution using only a single short-term time domain simulation with duration shorter than 3 h. But reduced time simulations always introduce some additional statistical uncertainty into the extreme values estimates. This paper discusses a workable way of properly taking into account the statistical uncertainty associated with the simulation length in the assessment of a characteristic short-term extreme response value based on a single time series.  相似文献   

The blade frequency noise of non-cavitation propeller in a uniform flow is analyzed in time domain. The unsteady loading (dipole source) on the blade surface is calculated by a potential-based surface panel method. Then the time- dependent pressure data is used as the input for Ffowcs Williams-Hawkings formulation to predict the acoustics pressure. The integration of noise source is performed over the true blade surface rather than the nothickness blade surface, and the effect of hub can be considered. The noise characteristics of the non-cavitation propeller and the numerical discretization forms are discussed.  相似文献   

The coupled system of two side-by-side fixed and/or floating bodies interacting with a large amplitude nonlinear wave is studied using a direct time domain solution method. The numerical model is based on a three-dimensional mixed Eulerian–Lagrangian (MEL) method under certain simplifying approximations permitting Rankine panel scheme to be implemented over a time-invariant boundary surface to solve the boundary value problem for the unknown velocity potentials. A 4th order Adams–Bashforth–Moulton scheme is used for time marching of rigid-body motion histories of the individual bodies and evolution of the free-surface including the gap region in which large resonant fluid motions occur. A systematic study has been carried out to evaluate the performance of the developed time domain method in simulating the forces and motions as well as the fluid motion in the gap region for the two body system under various arrangements and in different wave-headings. At first, the computed numerical results have been validated and verified with computational and experimental results available in literature for standard geometries such as vertical truncated cylinders and rectangular boxes. Secondly, effectiveness of the damping lid model which is introduced to suppress wave resonance in the gap region is investigated including its influence on maximum sway forces on fixed and floating rectangular barges in side-by-side configurations. Thirdly, comparative studies on absolute and relative motion response for two cases (two rectangular barges, and a FLNG-FPSO + shuttle tanker) in side-by-side arrangement are detailed to bring out the importance of nonlinearities arising due to steep nonlinear incident waves. Finally, coupled motions of the two-body system of an FPSO and a shuttle tanker floating in side-by-side configuration in a steep nonlinear wave field are studied in which the two bodies are connected through hawsers, and also the FPSO is moored to the ground. Additionally there is a fender between the two bodies.  相似文献   

为研究S型铺管船铺管工况下的动力定位系统性能,进行了船体-托管架-管道的耦合作用下的动力定位模拟。采用广义弹性面接触法模拟托管架上托辊,莫里森杆构建托管架模型,集中质量法计算管道受力,并应用PID和Kalman滤波相结合的控制系统和序列二次规划法进行分配的推力系统,进行了全耦合S型铺管动力定位时域分析;研究了船体波频运动对于管道-托管架耦合作用力和动力定位系统的影响;比较分析了铺管工况和非铺管工况下的定位精度影响;同时应用API规范对管道应力进行校核,验证了该耦合模拟的正确性。结果表明,垂荡和艏摇对于管道-托管架-船体之间的耦合作用力对动力定位系统影响很大,在动力定位系统设计时,需要着重考虑。减小纵摇和迎浪铺管是使铺管作业和动力定位系统安全有效的重要方法。  相似文献   

王洪超  王磊  张峰 《海洋工程》2013,31(1):26-31
锚泊辅助动力定位是将锚泊定位和动力定位相结合的一种新型位置控制系统。以某深水半潜式钻井平台为例,通过时域模拟分析了两个推力器失效模式对平台锚泊辅助动力定位系统定位精度、功率消耗及缆绳张力的影响。分析结果可以看出,深水作业时平台同一配电板上两推力器失效对平台水平偏移有很大影响,可通过减小或取消失效推力器相邻推力器的禁止角及拉紧迎风缆并松弛背风缆的方法来减小平台偏移,节约功耗,为动力定位系统的故障模式与影响分析提供了参考。  相似文献   

锚泊辅助动力定位系统单缆失效影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张峰  王磊  李勇跃 《海洋工程》2012,30(3):29-34
针对半潜式钻井平台锚泊辅助动力定位系统在海上作业时可能会出现的单缆失效情况。以一艘半潜式平台为例,设计锚泊辅助动力定位系统。通过全动态时域模拟,研究不同的单缆失效模式对半潜式平台锚泊辅助动力定位系统功率消耗、定位精度、缆绳张力等的影响。根据分析结果,在极端海况下,松弛锚泊辅助动力定位系统的背风缆有助于降低定位系统的功率消耗,提高定位精度和系统的安全性,从而为锚泊辅助动力定位系统的工程应用提供一些参考。  相似文献   

—Most terminals for tankers are piers and sea islands,while other types include single pointmoorings and multiple-buoy moorings.The LNG and LPG carrier moored to the jetty is a very commonterminal for transfer of gas in open seas.It is important to estimate the motions and line tensions of theLNG carrier when it moors to a jetty in metocean environment.Normally,the motions of the LNG carrierwould be restricted by the loading arm,which is connected to LNG carrier's manifold.An example of125,000m~3 LNG carrier moored to a jetty exposed to a set of environment conditions is given.Amathematical model which is based on the equations of motion in the time domain is used to the analysisof LNG moored to an offshore jetty exposed to waves,swell,wind and current.By means of a time do-main computer program TERMSIM computations are carried out to determine and optimize the lay-outand/or orientation of the jetty and mooring gear in terms of forces in mooring lines and fenders and theenvelope of motions of the loadi  相似文献   

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