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通过对我国31年124季降水距平图的分析发现1.全国性的特多(少)雨季中,在高原东侧(95—105°E间)总有一少(多)雨带出现。2.多(少)雨季之后仍为多(少)雨季的持续性以春一夏最好,秋冬最差。3.一年中出现多雨季的次数与黑潮海温和西太平洋副高强度呈正相关。  相似文献   

我国地形变场的统计特征及与地温场的相关   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
利用1986~1990年我国大陆42°N以南,97°E以东共41个站的地倾斜资料,内插到经纬度1°×1°的网格上,可求各月的地形变场由皮分析得到地凸区,地凹区,鞍形区,半鞍形区等形变特征场,结果表明:在逐月的地开变场上,一般有4~5个地凸区和地凹区,其平均水平尺度约400km,单体生命史大约3.5季,地凸/凹区中心与地震活动带基本一致,另外,地凸区与地热涡,地凹区与地冷涡有很好的对应,此结果支持了  相似文献   

我国东部季风区冬季气温的气候变暖特征   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
利用我国东部季风区375个测站1961-2006年平均地面气温资料, 采用线性趋势分析、EOF, REOF, MannKendall、小波分析等方法, 分析了季风区冬季气温异常变化规律。结果表明:我国东部季风区冬季气温增温明显, 近46年增温率为0.39 ℃/10a, 增温率从南向北增大, 黄河南部气温的稳定性高于北部, 增温不显著的区域主要在季风区的南部, 川东和云南局部有显著的下降趋势。根据REOF分析将该区冬季气温异常细分为南、中、北部区3个分区, 各区气温异常变化存在准5年和22年周期, 从20世纪70年代初期开始气温转为上升, 普遍在1986-1987年发生了突变, 在21世纪初气温开始回落。异常偏暖年大部分出现在1990年以后。  相似文献   

北半球大气活动中心的一些统计特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  

夏季季风区气候的模拟特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
用一个由大气模式、土壤模式和水域模式三个子模式组成的模式模拟了夏季风区的气候特征。模拟得到的平均气候特征,如温度场、风场、降水和蒸发场均与实际观测场接近;模式模拟出季风区的地面气候特征,表明其与大气状态和下垫面性质关系密切;对加热场的模拟则表明,积云对流凝结潜热加热对总加热率的贡献最大.  相似文献   

夏季季风区气候的模拟特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
用一个由大气模式、土壤模式和水域模式三个子模式组成的模式模拟了夏季风区的气候特征。模拟得到的平均气候特征,如温度场、风场、降水和蒸发场均与实际观测场接近;模式模拟出季风区的地面气候特征,表明其与大气状态和下垫面性质关系密切;对加热场的模拟则表明,积云对流凝结潜热加热对总加热率的贡献最大.  相似文献   

对务川县气象站1964~2003年温度观测资料进行分段统计,分析务川县40年来温度变化趋势.  相似文献   

利用ECMWF所分析的1980~1989年每日各层的水汽和风场资料分析了东亚季风区夏季风的水汽输送特征,并与印度季风区夏季水汽输送进行比较。分析结果表明了东亚季风区夏季水汽输送特征明显不同于印度季风区夏季水汽输送,东亚季风区夏季水汽输送经向输送要大于纬向输送,而印度季风区夏季水汽输送则以纬向输送为主。分析结果还表明东亚季风区由于夏季水汽分布是南边大、北边小,偏南季风气流所引起的水汽平流是湿平流。因此,水汽的辐合主要由季风气流所引起的水汽平流所造成,而印度季风区季风气流所引起的水汽平流是干平流,它利于水汽输送的辐散,水汽的辐合主要是由于风场的辐合所造成。  相似文献   

李宗美 《气象》1976,2(3):14-15
一般气象台站或气象哨都是用安置在百叶箱内的干、湿球两支温度表来观测和查算湿度的。这种方法简单可行,读数后只要经过查表或代入公式计算就可求得绝对湿度(水汽压)、相对湿度等一系列数据。如果操作正确,条件符合假定,那么结果是准确的。但如果操作不当或风速与原假设有很大差异时,仍然可能造成较大误差。 一、湿度计算公式的由来通过物理实验,求得水面的蒸发速率W为  相似文献   

中国东部季风区春季气候的变暖特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用中国东部375个测站1961—2006年地面气温资料,采用线性趋势分析、EOF、REOF、Mann-Kendall、小波分析等方法,分析了季风区春季的气候变暖特征。结果表明:季风区春季增温显著,近46 a增温率为0.25℃/(10 a)。从1989年开始增温,1996年有一次显著突变。以38°N为界,气温变化的稳定性是南部高于北部。增温率从南向北增大,增温不显著的区域主要在长江以南;根据EOF分析,该区春季气温异常可分为全区一致型、江南江北相反型、中原型3种常见分布模态。根据REOF又进一步将该区春季气温异常细分为中部、南部、北部3个区。全区性的前10个偏暖年,全部出现在1990年代以后。气温异常变化存在准4年和22年的周期,气温的转折北部比中、南部早,但北部从1990年代末期开始转为下降;北部区和中部区分别在1981、1997年发生了突变,南部突变不明显;蒙古高压是影响春季气温的主要大气活动中心,高压强度从1980年代后期以来有明显减弱趋势,造成入侵东部的偏北冷空气减弱,是春季气候变暖的可能机理。  相似文献   

利用1961-2013年中国地面台站长期观测资料和同期NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,以华北、江淮和华南为研究区,分析了中国中东部冬季霾日的形成与东亚冬季风以及大气湿度的关系。结果表明:(1)冬季霾日与东亚冬季风强度成显著的负相关。首先,东亚冬季风强度的减弱使得地面风速减小,进而导致冬季霾日增多。其中,华北7-8 m/s最大风速日数和江淮6-8 m/s最大风速日数的减少,及华南≤2 m/s最大风速日数的增多对各区冬季霾日的增多作用较大。其次,东亚冬季风减弱引起冬季气温的持续升高,易导致冬季霾日的增多,这在华北地区较之在江淮和华南更为明显。(2)由于气候变暖,冬季气温升高,使得近地面相对湿度减小。在江淮和华南地区,冬季霾日的增多与近地面相对湿度的减小显著相关,而在华北地区这种相关较弱。(3)冬季气温升高也有利于大气层结稳定度的增强,3个区域冬季霾日的增多均与大气层结稳定度的增强显著相关,特别是与对流层中低层(850-500 hPa)大气饱和度的降低显著相关。(4)冬季霾日数变化与区域水汽输送关系密切。其中,华北地区的冬季霾日数与水汽总收入成显著正相关,江淮地区与纬向水汽收入成显著正相关,与经向水汽收入成显著负相关,华南地区与经向水汽收入成显著负相关。  相似文献   

The space–time structure of the daily atmospheric variability in the South American monsoon system has been studied using multichannel singular spectrum analysis of daily outgoing longwave radiation. The three leading eigenmodes are found to have low-frequency variability while four other modes form higher frequency oscillations. The first mode has the same time variability as that of El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and exhibits strong correlation with the Pacific sea surface temperature (SST). The second mode varies on a decadal time scale with significant correlation with the Atlantic SST suggesting an association with the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation (AMO). The third mode also has decadal variability but shows an association with the SST of the Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO). The fourth and fifth modes describe an oscillation that has a period of about 165 days and is associated with the North Atlantic oscillation (NAO). The sixth and seventh modes describe an intraseasonal oscillation with a period of 52 days which shows strong relation with the Madden-Julian oscillation. There exists an important difference in the variability of convection between Amazon River Basin (ARB) and central-east South America (CESA). Both regions have similar variations due to ENSO though with higher magnitude in ARB. The AMO-related mode has almost identical variations in the two regions, whereas the PDO-related mode has opposite variations. The interseasonal NAO-related mode also has variations of opposite sign with comparable magnitudes in the two regions. The intraseasonal variability over the CESA is robust while it is very weak over the ARB region. The relative contributions from the low-frequency modes mainly determine the interannual variability of the seasonal mean monsoon although the interseasonal oscillation may contribute in a subtle way during certain years. The intraseasonal variability does not seem to influence the interannual variability in either region.  相似文献   

Temperature and humidity spectra have been measured at 3 and 12 m above the ground, together with profiles of wind, temperature and humidity, and flux measurements. Both temperature and humidity spectra appear to follow Monin-Obukov similarity as well as Kolmogorov's prediction for the inertial subrange. The standard deviations of temperature and humidity fluctuations support Monin-Obukov similarity and the predictions of local free convection. The spectral constants for the inertial subrange have been estimated as 0.8 for temperature and 0.6 for humidity.  相似文献   

A nine-member ensemble of simulations with a state-of-the-art atmospheric model forced only by the observed record of sea surface temperature (SST) over 1930–2000 is shown to capture the dominant patterns of variability of boreal summer African rainfall. One pattern represents variability along the Gulf of Guinea, between the equator and 10°N. It connects rainfall over Africa to the Atlantic marine Intertropical Convergence Zone, is controlled by local, i.e., eastern equatorial Atlantic, SSTs, and is interannual in time scale. The other represents variability in the semi-arid Sahel, between 10°N and 20°N. It is a continental pattern, capturing the essence of the African summer monsoon, while at the same time displaying high sensitivity to SSTs in the global tropics. A land–atmosphere feedback associated with this pattern translates precipitation anomalies into coherent surface temperature and evaporation anomalies, as highlighted by a simulation where soil moisture is held fixed to climatology. As a consequence of such feedback, it is shown that the recent positive trend in surface temperature is consistent with the ocean-forced negative trend in precipitation, without the need to invoke the direct effect of the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gases. We advance plausible mechanisms by which the balance between land–ocean temperature contrast and moisture availability that defines the monsoon could have been altered in recent decades, resulting in persistent drought. This discussion also serves to illustrate ways in which the monsoon may be perturbed, or may already have been perturbed, by anthropogenic climate change.  相似文献   

Summary To investigate the effect of atmospheric turbulence on microwave communication links, temperature and water vapor pressure have been measured and radio refractivity has been computed, during different meteorological conditions, in the atmospheric boundary layer of an urban site. The cospectra between temperature (T) and water vapor pressure (e) have been found to be either negative over the whole range of frequencies, or the low-frequency end of the cospectrum is of opposite sign relative to higher frequency end. In both cases cospectra follow a–5/3 law in the inertial subrange, in agreement with the theoretical predictions. The coherence spectra clearly show that the temperature and humidity fluctuations are highly coherent within the inertial subrange under both convective and stable conditions. The relative contribution ofC T 2 ,C eT andC e 2 to the real refractive index structure parameterC n 2 is examined and discussed.With 4 Figures  相似文献   

The atmospheric heat budget in summer over Asia monsoon area   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For better understanding the mechanism of monsoon formation and designing the numerical simulation of the general atmospheric circulation, a new approach of calculating atmospheric radiation is proposed to investigate the distribution of the atmospheric heat source, and the budget of heat component is recalculated. The results show that there is a tremendous atmospheric heat source region over central India, northeast of the Bay of Bengal, east of the South China Sea and about 10 °N at the west Pacific, among which the heating center with a maximum heating rate of 8 ℃/day is located over the Bay of Bengal and the average rate in the Plateau is about 1 ℃/day.  相似文献   

Summary Surface weather observations are analyzed to investigate the temporal and spatial distributions of dust loading associated with the southwest Indian summer monsoon region. The 1979 annual distribution of dust days for the region 10°N-37°N and 35°E-90°E are presented. Five year composites of dust loading for the months May, June and July are derived. Results are analyzed with respect to preferred wind direction and wind speed associated with dust loading, potential source regions and regions of deposition. A case study of the meteorological conditions of a dust outbreak that occurred over the Arabian Peninsula in June of 1979 is given. Rawinsonde temperature observations are analyzed to locate the top of the dust layer over the Rub al Khali desert. The top of the dust layer was found to vary from 400 mb during the summer to 600 mb in the late spring and early fall.With 9 Figures  相似文献   

This study aims at (1) exploring dominant atmospheric dynamical processes which are responsible for climate model-simulated land-use impacts on Asian monsoon; and (2) assessing uncertainty in such model simulations due to their skills in simulating detailed monsoon circulations in the region. Firstly, results from a series of the Australian Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre (BMRC) global model simulations of land-use vegetation changes (LUC) in China are analysed. The model showed consistent signals of changes in atmospheric low-level vertical profile and regional circulations responding to LUC. In northern winter, the model-simulated rainfall reduction and surface cooling are associated with an enhanced southward penetration of dry and cold air mass, which impedes warm and humid air reaching the region for generating cold-front rainfall. In its summer, an enhanced cyclonic circulation responding to LUC further blocks the northeast penetration of southwestly summer monsoon flow into the region and results in rainfall decreases and a surface warming. Secondly, we have explored uncertainties in the proposed mechanism operating in the global model. By comparing its results with a set of high-resolution regional model simulations using the same vegetation datasets, it reveals similar changes in winter rainfall but opposite features in summer rainfall responses. In the global model, there is a cyclonic low-level circulation pattern over the South China Sea and adjacent region, an unsatisfactory feature commonly seen in other global climate models. With the reduction in surface roughness following LUC, such a deficiency becomes more prominent which further results in a weakened south/southwestly summer monsoon flow and rainfall reduction. In contrast, in the regional model, its southwestly summer monsoon flow is further enhanced due to the same process as reduced surface roughness. The enhanced monsoon flow further pushes the East Asian monsoon rainfall belt more northward and increases summer rainfall in the Yangtze River region. This study highlights the need for better monsoon simulations in climate models to produce reliable climate change projections in the region.  相似文献   

The reproducibility of the interannual variability of the summertime East Asian circulation is examined using an atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM). An ensemble experiment is conducted using observed sea surface temperature (SST) of recent 20 years as a lower boundary condition. The spatial pattern associated with the first principal mode of observation of geopotential height at 500 hPa is characterized by a meridional wavy pattern extending over eastern Siberia, the vicinity of Japan and the subtropical western Pacific. The principal component (PC) time series of the leading mode is represented well by a high-resolution version of the AGCM with horizontal resolution T106 and with 56 vertical levels (T106L56), while with a lower resolution version, T42 and 20 vertical levels, the reproducibility is considerably degraded. The reproducibility by the AGCM suggests the importance of SST as a boundary condition. However, the simulated interannual variations show the alternating appearance of two distinct circulation regimes, a cold summer regime and a hot summer regime, exhibiting interesting bimodality in probability density distribution in PC phase space. This implies that the system’s response to the continuously varying boundary condition includes nonlinearity. The nature of this nonlinearity is suggested to be wave breaking in the westerly region of the high latitudes that requires high resolution for the reproduction. Using the T106L56 model, another ensemble experiment was carried out with doubled CO2. The climate change appears as an increase in residence frequency of the cold summer regime of the principal patterns of the present-day climate. This paper is a contribution to the AMIP-CMIP Diagnostic Sub-project on General Circulation Model Simulation of the East Asian Climate, coordinated by W.-C. Wang.  相似文献   

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