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Automatic and continuously recording samplers are deployed in a Hertfordshire gravel-bed stream to show that bedload transport is related to stream power. The pattern is similar to that already established for North American channels but, because the record is so detailed, it is possible to identify the cause of the considerable scatter that is normal in such relationships. A major factor is the occurrence of rhythmic pulses in bedload discharge that are not matched by similar fluctuations in hydraulic variables. It is suggested that these pulses reflect downstream differences in the concentration of mobile particles in a slow-moving traction carpet, and that they may be likened to kinematic waves. The record also reveals that the threshold of sediment transport—always presumed hithero to be associated with incipient motion—is related to the cessation of bedload transport in a river flood. Indeed, the mean value of stream power at the finish of bedload transport is only 20 percent of that prevailing at the moment of incipient sediment motion. Because of this, there is an inevitably poor correlation between actual bedload transport rates and those predicted by bedload equations which rely upon a single traction threshold. These new data show that the general inverse relationship between bedload discharge and water-depth : grain-size ratio proposed by Bagnold (1977, 1980) is not universal. Transport efficiency for this gravel-bed stream is typically 0.05 per cent of available stream power, which compares with 1.6 per cent for a river moving both gravel and sand, and 5 per cent for another channel where bedload is composed predominantly of sand-sized particles. It is argued that coarse and fine-grained alluvial channels may need to be considered separately. By allowing for differences in traction threshold at the beginning and end of bedload events, and by averaging bedload discharge flood by flood in order to smooth out the effect of pulses, it is possible to achieve a reasonably good prediction of average bedload transport rate in terms of stream power.  相似文献   

The behaviour and form of, and bedload sediment transport through, a 3.5 m wide forest stream have been monitored for nearly three years. Bedload transport is highly episodic and spatially variable, and is controlled less by water discharge than by sediment availability. Organic debris in the channel creates temporary base levels and sites at which coarse sediment may remain stored for long periods; collapse or disruption of log and debris jams makes sediment available for transport in only a small proportion of the runoff events that are actually competent to move the material. Even then, sediment travels only a short distance before being redeposited, frequently behind debris accumulations further downstream. Rates of sediment transport during a given runoff event can vary markedly over short distances along the stream, again depending on whether sediment was made available for transport by log jam collapse upstream. Organic debris is therefore a major constraint on the application of physical laws and theories to explaining sediment movement in, and the morphology of, this stream.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the dynamics of bedload transport from two different perspectives. They are the analytical perspective and the turbulence phenomenological perspective. In bedload transport from the analytical perspective, we highlight the systematic advances in the analytical modelling of bedload transport over the decades. These advances are principally classified into three broad foundations, namely, the deterministic foundation, that includes the bed shear stress concept, stream power concept, force balance concept and bedform concept, and the probabilistic foundation and the turbulence phenomenological foundation of bedload transport. The bedload transport from the turbulence phenomenological perspective brings into focus the bedload-induced turbulence phenomenology, including the hydrodynamics of mobile-bed and water-worked bed flows. We also discuss the recent advances in the biofilm-coated bedload transport. Finally, conclusion is drawn, highlighting the major research challenges.  相似文献   

The grain-size distributions of bedload gravels in Oak Creek, Oregon, follow the ideal Rosin distribution at flow stages which exceed that necessary to initiate breakup of the pavement in the bed material. The distributions systematically vary with flow discharge and bed stress, such that at higher flow stages the grain sizes are coarser while the spread of the distribution decreases. A differential bedload transport function for individual grain-size fractions is formulated utilizing the dependence of the two parameters in the Rosin distribution on the flow stress. The total transport rate, which is also a function of the flow stress, is apportioned within the Rosin grain-size distribution to yield the fractional transport rates. The derived bedload function has the advantage of yielding smooth, continuous frequency distributions of transport rates for the grain-size fractions, in contrast to the discrete transport functions which predict rates for specified sieve fractions. Successful reproduction of the measured fractional transport rates and bedload grain-size distributions in Oak Creek by this approach demonstrates its potential for evaluations of transport rates of size fractions in gravel-bed streams. The approach will be useful in investigations of downstream changes in bed material grain-size distributions.  相似文献   

It is important to understand the effects of ice cover on sediment transport in cold climates, where sub-freezing temperatures affect water bodies for a significant part of the year. The literature contains many studies on sediment transport in open channel flow, and several studies on sediment transport in completely ice-covered flow. There has been little or no research on sediment transport in partially ice-covered channels. In the current study, laboratory experiments were done in a rectangular flume to quantify the impact of border ice presence on the sediment transport rate. The effects of ice cover extent and changing flow strengths on sediment transport distribution also were investigated, and the results were compared to those for fully ice-covered and open channel flow. The ice coverage ratios considered were 0 (representing the open water condition), 0.25, 0.50, 0.67, and 1 (representing fully ice-covered flow). The partial ice cover was found to impact the sediment transport distribution within the channel. The effect of ice coverage extent on sediment transport distribution was more significant at lower flow strengths and became negligible at higher flow strengths. The conventional equations for sediment transport in open channel flow and fully ice-covered flow that relate the dimensionless bedload transport rate to the flow strength were found to be applicable to estimate the total cross-section-averaged bedload transport for partially ice-covered flow when modified appropriately. Empirical coefficients for these equations were determined using the experimental data.  相似文献   

In a mountain environment, the transport of coarse material is a key factor for many fields such as geomorphology, ecology, hazard assessment, and reservoir management. Despite this, there have been only a few field investigations of bedload, in particular using multiple monitoring methods. In this sense, attention has frequently focused on the effects of “high magnitude/low frequency floods” rather than on “ordinary events”. This study aims to analyze the sediment dynamics triggered by three high-frequency floods (recurrence interval “RI” between 1.1 and 1.7 yr) that occurred in the Rio Cordon basin during 2014. The flood events were investigated in terms of both sediment mobility and bedload magnitude. The Rio Cordon is an Alpine basin located in northeastern Italy. The catchment has a surface area of 5 km2, ranging between 1763 and 2763 m above sea level. The Rio Cordon flows on an armored streambed layer, with a stable step-pool configuration and large boulders. Since 1986, the basin has been equipped with a permanent station to continuously monitor water discharge and sediment flux. To investigate sediment mobility, 250 PIT-tags were installed in the streambed in 2012. The 2014 floods showed a clear difference in terms of tracer displacement. The near-bankfull events showed equal mobility conditions, with mean travel distance one order of magnitude higher than the below-bankfull event. Furthermore, only the near-bankfull events transported coarse material to the monitoring station. Both events had a peak discharge up to 2.06 m3 s-1, but the bedload transport rates differed by more than one order of magnitude, proving that under the current supply-limited condition, the bedload appears more related to the sediment supply than to the magnitude of the hydrological features. In this sense, the results demonstrated that near-bankfull events can mobilize large amounts of material for long distances, and that floods of apparently similar magnitude may lead to different sediment dynamics, depending on the type and amount of sediment supply.  相似文献   

The quantitative bedload transport data that are presently available confirm that the generalized bedload transport rate-stream power relationship is applicable to natural streams. However, the bedload transport rate is not solely dependent upon hydraulic parameters, but also upon the inter-relationship between bed material characteristics and flow properties. Segregation of the surficial bed material, as expressed through the development of an armour coat, limits the availability of transportable material. Under such circumstances observed bedload transport rates are less than the predicted values. The effect which the development of an armoured surface has upon the bedload transport rate is described with reference to bedload and bed material sampling in the Borgne d'Arolla, Valais, Switzerland. The data refer to two periods when the resumption of baseflow conditions following flood events which were of a sufficient magnitude to transport all but the coarsest (0·3–0·5 m) particles on the streambed, provided the opportunity for the bed to adjust to a comparatively stable flow regime. Observed and predicted bedload transport rate-stream power relationships are compared. The theoretical relationship does not adequately describe conditions in some gravel-bed channels, since it fails to take into account the effect which armouring may have upon the supply of transportable material.  相似文献   

Temporal variations in bedload transport rates that occur at a variety of timescales, even under steady flow conditions, are accepted as an inherent component of the bedload transport process. Rarely, however, has the cause of such variations been explained clearly. We consider three data sets, obtained from laboratory experiments, that refer to measurements of bedload transport made with continuously recording bedload traps. Each data set is characterized by a predominant low-frequency oscillation, on which additional higher-frequency oscillations generally are superimposed. The period of these oscillations, as isolated through the use of spectral analysts, ranged between 0·47 and 168 minutes, and was associated unequivocally with the migration of bedforms such as ripples, dunes, and bars. The extent to which such oscillatory behaviour may be recognized in a data set depends on the duration of sampling and the length of the sampling time, with respect to the period of a given bedform. Several theoretical probability distribution functions have been developed to describe the frequency distributions of (relative) bedload transport rates that are associated with the migration of bedforms (Einstein, 1937b; Hamamori, 1962; Carey and Hubbell, 1986). These distribution functions were derived without reference to a sampling interval. We present a modification of Hamamori's (1962) probability distribution function, generated by Monte Carlo simulation, which permits one to specify the sampling interval, in relation to the length of a bedform. Comparisons between the simulated and observed frequency distributions, that were undertaken on the basis of the data described herein, are good (significant at the 90 per cent confidence level). Finally, the implications that temporal variability, which is associated with the migration of bedforms, have for the accurate determination of bedload transport rates are considered.  相似文献   

Accurate evaluation and prediction of bedload transport are crucial in studies of fluvial hydrodynamic characteristics and river morphology.This paper presents a one-dimensional numerical model based on the one-dimensional lateral distribution method(1 D-LDM) and six classic bedload transport formulae that can be used to simulate hydrodynamic characteristics and bedload transport discharge in cross sections.Two gravel-bed rivers,i.e.the Danube River located approximately 70 km downstream from Br...  相似文献   

This paper investigates variability in bedload transport and channel morphology for 11 replicate experimental runs in an approximately 1:50 braided river model. The experiments, each of 90 h duration, were carried out in a 20 × 3m tilting flume. All the experiments started with the same initial conditions. Bedload transport was measured at 5 min intervals in a collection drum at the exit from the flume. The model showed reasonable hydraulic similarity when compared to prototype rivers. Results show that mean bedload transport rates for the 11 runs vary in the range 0·98 to 1·49gs?1 (mean + 1·21, coefficient of variation 11 per cent). Within-run transport rates commonly vary from close to zero, to two and occasionally three or four times the mean rate. Within the bedload series, several irregular phases of transport intensity can be observed, but time series analysis of the data show little underlying serial structure (an AR(2) autoregressive model is appropriate). Channel patterns are narrow/braided, are established quickly and remain relatively stable throughout the runs, although channel widths increase between 20 and 103 per cent over the 11 runs. Channel behaviour varies from aggradational to transitional between aggradation and degradation. Time-averaged bedload transport rate is weakly correlated with braiding intensity. In general, these results demonstrate that for a given set of controlling variables, bedload transport and channel morphology can be approximately replicated.  相似文献   

Relative bedload transport rate and hydraulic parameters were measured on two occasions in a reach of the braided, gravel-bedded Ohau River. Each reach contained a deep, fast-flowing chute leading to an area of diverging, shallow flow which contained a middle bar. The measurements are self-consistent, and indicate that, where flow is concentrated in a deep chute, shear stress is high, but where flow diverges, depth, slope and shear stress decrease. In the first survey, the bed was scoured in the chute and sediment transport rates were high, but where flow diverged sediment transport rate decreased. It appears that deposition leads to bar growth, bar growth in turn reduces slope and depth, deposition is encouraged, and the bar continues to grow vertically, laterally and upstream. In the second survey no sediment transport was observed, despite hydraulic conditions very similar to the first survey. The absence of sediment transport is attributed to the cessation of sediment supply to the river channel.  相似文献   

A circuit design is reported which is demonstrated to be capable of receiving and recording the underwater sound of inter-particle collisions on natural stream beds during the process of bedload transport. Field trials were undertaken in a natural stream with sand-sized bedload particles. The results obtained, for a constant stream stage, give support to the idea of the occurrence of short period oscillations in the rate of bedload transport.  相似文献   

Developments in theoretical and empirical modelling of bedload transport processes are hindered by the lack of an adequate data base for testing or establishing the models. Conventional methods of measuring bedload transport rates fail to provide the necessary continuous or frequent record of variations at a single section. Acoustic techniques have the potential to overcome this deficiency, but their application has been very limited. Some of the problems of calibrating an acoustic device in the field and in a laboratory flume are discussed, and a possible circuit design described which might minimize calibration difficulties by automatically subtracting the noise generated by flow turbulence.  相似文献   

A knowledge of the quantity of the sand fraction in the sediments deposited in reservoirs makes it easier to determine the bedload transport, which is a rarely measured parameter. The current study discusses the results of investigations into the siltation and physical properties of sediment in two small reservoirs located in the southeastern part of Poland. Also, the quantity of the bedload sand fraction was estimated.The estimation of the reservoir capacity loss after t years of operation was based on hydroacoustic measurements. The sediment density, organic matter content, and granulometric composition were evaluated by means of investigations and analyses of bottom sediment core samples. The interpolation of the parameters describing the sediment properties was done using the Kriging method. The analyses indicate that 10.80 thousand m~3 of sediment were deposited into the Zalew Kielecki Reservoir in the years 2004-2015. Their overall mass was 7320 t, of which sand fraction sediments constituted 39.7%.Between the years 2004 and 2014, the Umer Reservoir retained 11.79 thousand m~3 of sediment having a mass of 7200 t, of which sand fraction constituted 34.6%.  相似文献   


This paper aims at initiating a fundamental understanding of the suspended load transport of river sediment in unsteady flow. Laboratory erosion tests as well as artificial flood experiments are used to evaluate the influence of the transient regime on the transport efficiency of the flow. The erosion experiments reveal that the transport capacity is augmented when the unsteadiness of the flow increases. However, the influence of the transient regime is counteracted by the cohesive properties of the river bed. Field experiments with artificial floods released from a reservoir into a small canal confirm these findings and show a relationship between the friction velocity and the suspended load transport. An appropriate parameter β is proposed to evaluate the impact of the transient regime on the transport of suspended sediment.  相似文献   

H. Leenaers 《水文研究》1989,3(4):325-338
For a specific flood on the polluted River Geul in March 1988, the relationships between river discharge, sediment concentration, and associated metal levels have been investigated. It was found that river discharge has only a limited influence on the transport of sediment and Pb, Zn, and Cd. During flood peaks its role is prominent, but at the intermediate stages between peaks, the quantity and quality of transported sediment depend on the variable activity of various sediment sources upstream. Nevertheless, when data from more floods are assembled, sediment and metal rating curves are obtained, which provide correlation coefficients of 0-63-0-92. Using these curves, mass transport calculations were carried out which demonstrate that the bulk of the annual transport of sediments and heavy metals occurs during a limited number of major floods.  相似文献   

Current metre deployments, suspended sediment measurements and surface sediment samples were collected from three locations within distributary channels of the tidally dominated Fly River delta in southern Papua New Guinea. Net bedload transport vectors and the occurrence of elongate tidal bars indicate that mutually evasive ebb- and flood-dominant transport zones occur in each of the distributary channels. Suspended sediment experiments at two locations show a phase relationship between tidal velocity and sediment concentration such that the net suspended sediment flux is directed seaward. Processes that control the export of fluid muds with concentrations up to 10 g l−1 from the distributary channels across the delta front and onto the pro-delta are assessed in relation to the available data. Peak spring tidal current speeds (measured at 100 cm above the bed) drop off from around 100 cm s−1 within the distributary channels to <50 cm s−1 on the delta front. Gravity-driven, 2-m thick, fluid mud layers generated in the distributary channels are estimated to require at least 35 h to traverse the 20-km-wide, low-gradient (2×10−3 degrees) delta front. The velocities of such currents are well below those required for autosuspension. A 1-month time series of suspended sediment concentration and current velocity from the delta front indicates that tidal currents alone are unable to cause significant cross-delta mud transport. Wave-induced resuspension together with tides, storm surge and barotropic return-flow may play a role in maintaining the transport of fine sediment across the delta front, but insufficient data are available at present to make any reliable estimates.  相似文献   

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