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From river water there were isolated 21 species (mainly coliform bacteria) in 914 strains. Of the pure cultures of coliform bacteria (E. coli, Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Citrobacter) 74.1 % of E. coli and 23.2 % of the Klebsiella strains showed lactose decomposition with gas formation at 44 °C. More than 90 % of the isolated Klebsiella did not form indole. Therefore, the temperature test and the indole formation (at 44 °C) (TI-test) made a very specific detection of E. coli in water possible. 94.7 % of the cultures grown initially on endoagar after a positive TI-test proved to be E. coli. The detection of E. coli showed a very good agreement with the standard method and the TI-test, the detection with the standard method being considerably dependent on the number of checked coliform colonies.  相似文献   

For the gas-chromatographic determination of thiocyanate in waters two enrichment processes were used: 1) the evaporation of the water sample on the water bath and 2) the adsorptive enrichment on Wofatit EA 60. As the example of the investigation of water samples from the Baltic Sea has shown, the less selective process 1 gave higher results of measurements than the adsorptive method 2. As compared with the GDR's coastal region of the Baltic (0.4 … 5.2 μg/l), the SCN? concentrations (1986) in the western offshore region (0.1 … 2.1 μg/l) are considerably lower. With increasing depth and growing salt content the SCN? concentration in the Baltic decreases. Anthropogenic influences, such as the input of residual products of sewage works effluents, can be inferred from the relatively increased SCN? concentrations in the coastal region.  相似文献   

The proposed analytical technique is another possibility for determining the inhibition of the biochemical decomposition of organic substances in surface waters by toxicants. The advantages and disadvantages of respective techniques having been published so far in literature and of the new method proposed are discussed. This method is based on the BOD analysis according to Vihl and peptone is used as the check substrate. Save exceptional cases with special statements of problems, the undiluted river water is tested. Examples of results on the degree of the occurrence of toxic inhibition in river waters are presented in tables.  相似文献   

In bioassays in aquaria, the dying of Escherichia coli was accelerated by Glyceria maxima, Schoenoplectus lacustris, Alisma plantago-aquatica as well as Mentha aquatia as compared with check tanks without any plants (initial concentration 15 × 103 colony-forming units per ml). As expected, by this the antibacterial effect of the limnic macrophytes attains its maximum effectivity within the first days of the period of investigation. The decimal time of reduction is shortened by one third to half, the centimal reduction time is shortened by one fourth to one third. Mean contact times of 7… 11 h are required for the decimation of bacteria by 90 %, and mean contact times of 16… 19 h are necessary for a 99 % reduction of the population. Possibly, the antibacterial effect in mixed stands of different plant species is increased additively or superadditively.  相似文献   

Investigation on the Pollution Potential of Waterworks Sludges Several contaminated sludges from water treatment plants with known or estimated concentrations of trace elements were investigated for their leaching characteristics and long-term stability using standard and advanced test procedures. Potentially hazardous elements in the sludge are zinc, nickel, and arsenic with concentrations of up to 1.2 g/kg dry matter (mass). Preliminary sorption tests with synthetic sludge components like iron hydroxide, manganese oxide, silicate clay minerals, and chitine powder as a model organic component showed that Cu is associated with the organic phase wheras arsenic is predominantly bound to the iron oxide minerals. The recently suggested pHstat test procedure was used to assess the leaching characteristics of metals at typical pH values. This procedure was compared with the DEV-S4 test, the current standard test in Germany, consisting of a simple lixiviation of the solids with water, without pH control. The pHstat test yields results which are much better to interprete than those obtained by the DEV-S4 procedure. The iron and manganese sludges are well buffered against changes in pH and redox potential so that low pH values and/or reducing conditions can hardly occur. Thus, in deposited material a sudden leaching of heavy metals is unlikely and due to the presence of iron and manganese oxides the pentavalent arsenic is protected against conversion into the highly mobile trivalent form at neutral to low pH. Co-deposition with reducing organic matter and alkaline stabilisation material or waste (like fly ash) could influence the binding properties and should be strictly avoided.  相似文献   

The examined oxydation pond treatment plant shows a good degradation (>95 %) of bacteriological pollution (colony count 20°, coliforms, enterococcae). In 55,6 % of raw waste water samples salmonella were detected but the effluent was free of salmonella. In total 10 sero-types were isolated and 91,1 % of all isolates were sensitive to all tested antibiotics.  相似文献   

Examination of the Degradation of Drugs in Municipal Sewage Plants Using Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray Mass Spectrometry Numerous drugs can be identified in the secondary effluent of municipal sewage plants. In order to obtain information about the degree of elimination (adsorption, aerobic degradation) of these compounds, a batch reactor containing different drugs in environmentally relevant concentrations and a suspension of activated sludge was coupled to a HPLC-MS-MS system. During a testing period of three days concentration-time-curves were recorded. For most of the examined drugs (acetamidoantipyrine, crotamiton, diclofenac, primidone, propyphenazone) solely a strong decrease of the initial concentration within the first 15 minutes was observed, which was interpreted primarily as adsorption to the activated sludge. For acetaminophenol and pentoxifyllin an additional slower decrease in concentration within several hours was observed. This slower elimination was interpreted to be caused mainly by primary degradation. It could be shown that dihydrocodeine is oxidized to hydrocodone in the batch reactor. The conjugate acetaminophen glucuronide was cleaved.  相似文献   

Loads along a river can be characterized and differentiated with the aid of the factor analysis after suitable normalization. The factor analysis as a multivariate-statistical evaluation allows the finding of sources of contamination, their objective assessment and quantification in relation to the conditions found in the river. The analysis of the river Saale shows a geogenic factor all the year round, which is composed of hardness elements, a seasonally fluctuating factor that can be represented in summer only, by which especially the processes of nitrogen conversion are recorded (nitrate, nitrite, organic load). An “industrial factor” contains the heavy metals Cu, Cr and Zn as well as temperature and sulphate, whereas cadmium, suspended matter and chloride result from municipal wastewaters.  相似文献   

Amounts of pesticide residues determined in drinking water and in food during the last decade are compared. Whereas in drinking water pesticides were determined in concentrations of about 0.1 μg/L, the pesticide contents of fruits and vegetables were higher by a factor of 100 to 10000. Even in the grease fraction of mother's milk pesticides were found in the mg/kg range. These results may help to do the classification of drinking water as a possible health hazard concerning pesticides.  相似文献   

An improved laboratory respiration fermentor construction for batchwise operations by which permeations of gases through connecting rubber tubings could be avoided is described. From the registration of curves for oxygen consumption during batchwise treatment of waste water from coal gasification at 37°C a decrease of the COD reduction rate is observed when the dissolved oxygen concentration decreased to below 0,7 mg/l. At dissolved oxygen concentrations above 0,7 mg/l, biokinetic data were determined which on account of the improved respiratory fermenter construction diverge strongly from the values formerly given \documentclass{article}\pagestyle{empty}\begin{document}$({\rm \mu = 0,24 h}^{{\rm - 1}};Y_{\frac{x}{{{\rm O}_2 }}} = 0,57{\rm g\; OBTSZ/g O}_{\rm 2};Y_{\frac{x}{s}} = 0,32{\rm g\; OBTSZ/g\; COD}) $\end{document}. Investigations performed in the thermophilic range (55°C) led at dissolved oxygen concentration of 1,5 mg/l to significant slower COD-reduction rates whereas at dissolved oxygen concentration of 1,5 mg/l the efficiency of COD-reduction was significantly higher than in the mesophilic range. The results obtained at different dissolved oxygen concentrations and different treating temperatures are discussed.  相似文献   

Does the Structural Quality of Running Waters Affect the Occurrence of Macrophytes? The morphological structure plays, besides e.g. nutrient concentration, an important role for the integrated assessment of running waters. This paper focuses on the relationship between structural quality and macrophyte vegetation. During summer 2000 structural quality according to LAWA, macrophyte vegetation, and selected habitat parameters were recorded in 135 mapping sections in running waters in Southern Germany. In streams of high structural diversity, generally higher species richness is expected than in rivers of low diversity of habitats. However, no significant differences in macrophyte species richness were detected between different classes of structural quality. In contrast, bryophytes alone showed a significant decrease in species richness with degradation of structural quality. The number of species of other macrophytes increased, respectively. The relationship between occurrence of macrophytes, structural quality, and other environmental variables was analysed using canonical correspondence analysis. Rivers of high structural quality mostly showed high flowing velocities and were heavily shaded. These environmental conditions, which characterize river types of mountainous regions, were predominantly tolerated by bryophytes. Vascular plants and charophytes generally prefer slowly flowing and unshaded habitats. River types exhibiting these environmental conditions often are more influenced by human activities and are more structurally degraded, respectively. With respect to these fundamental differences between river types, species richness of macrophytes and class of structural quality are not correlated when all types of rivers are taken into account. Type‐specific ecomorphological parameters, which conceal the differences in species richness caused by structural quality, are discussed. Structural degraded rivers can provide good environmental conditions for vascular plants and charophytes. To predict macrophyte species richness from structural quality, a differentiation of river types is essential.  相似文献   

The energy content from a batch culture ofPediastrum boryanum was measured in a Differential Scanning Calorimeter as combustion enthalpy. A clear linear relation exists between dry weight and energy content. The energy content in the exponential growth phase is constant, approx. 22.1 kJ/g dry weight (not ashfree). The proportion of various organic substances—documented by different peaks in the thermograms—change in time, apparently due to increasing growth-limitation by P and N.   相似文献   

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