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How useful are county soil surveys for estimating floodplain storage in fluvial sediment budgets? This paper compares data about accelerated sedimentation collected from field corings with information derived from three county soil surveys in southeastern Minnesota. Two soil surveys proved to be unsatisfactory data sources about historical alluvium, but another survey was a more accurate source for one drainage basin. Even this third soil survey would require calibration for use in a geographic information system, because it was only the survey's maximum estimate that agreed with the field data.  相似文献   


Soil conservation programs and management of sediment pollution in streams are both concerned with land conservation and water quality, but specific management goals are usually governed by separate considerations. Geomorphic concepts, especially the fluvial sediment budget, can be used to examine the relationship between upland soil erosion and sediment pollution in waterways. An example of such an application is given for the upper Tar River basin of North Carolina, showing that achieving soil loss goals will not prevent continuing high stream sediment concentrations and water quality deterioration. The budget concept can also be used to determine whether direct control of sediment input to waterways is needed in addition to on-site erosion control. Usually such applications require assumptions of a constant qualitative character of the sediment budget.  相似文献   

The amount of the sediment deposition in the Yichan-Wuhan reach of the middle Yangtze River (also known as Changjiang River) has been determined using the concept of sediment budget at the channel-reach scale. The fill-scour processes of the middle Yangtze River were studied during the period 1956–1997 in response to the variation in sediment load and flow inputs. The results show that 13.3% of the net input of sediment was deposited in the studied river reach. Since 1956, the output sediment load of the studied reach increased with time to 1981, followed by a decline. The increase in output before 1981 can be related to the man-made bend neck-cutoff which caused a decrease in the sediment load diverted through the 'three outfalls' (i.e. the three distributaries from the Yangtze main stem to the Dongting Lake) and increased the sediment-carrying capacity of the river. Thereby, the river could transport more sediment to the outlet of the studied river reach. The decrease in the sediment load output after 1984 was directly due to the decreased sediment load at Yichang station. Multiple regression equations have been established to assess the contributions of influencing factors to the variation in sediment deposition amount in the studied river reach.  相似文献   

黄河下游泥沙淤积的经验统计关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
许炯心 《地理研究》1997,16(1):23-30
以黄河下游历年实测水文泥沙资料为基础,运用多元回归分析方法,建立了下游河道淤积量与淤积强度的经验统计关系。揭示了不同粒径组泥沙的来量和它们在全沙中所占的比率对下游河道淤积特征的影响。同时,研究了高含沙洪水及清水基流对下游河道淤积的影响。  相似文献   

黄河中下游水沙变化趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
齐璞 《地理研究》1989,8(2):74-81
本文论述由于黄河上游清水区水资源的优先开发,中上游地区工农业用水的增长,而黄河中游地区的水土保持和支流治理的减沙作用不甚明显,龙羊峡水库投入运用后,汛期进入河口镇的水量大幅度减少,使汛期进入黄河下游的基流减小含沙量增加,高含沙洪水出现的机会增多.面临水少沙多的不利情况,应加强宽浅河道的改造及利用窄深河道输送高含沙水流的研究.  相似文献   

在分析坡面泥沙输移现象的基础上,以室内沙堆模型实验量化其输沙特征,得出其在空间上具有自相似分形的动力学过程,从理论上应用水动力学弥散特性进一步证实,结果符合较好。  相似文献   

洛阳城市水污染控制系统研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文运用系统分析方法,对洛阳城市水污染控制系统进行全面的分析,并建立了包括该城市排污控制子系统的系统动力学(SD)模型和洛河动态水质模型的综合模型,反映了洛阳城市水污染控制系统的动态变化趋势。本研究为城市水污染控制系统提供了一种研究动态问题的方法;为决策者建立了一个战略和策略实验室。  相似文献   

The Yellow River is one of the largest riverine sediment routing system in the world. Like many other rivers, the sediment load of the Yellow River can not be regarded as constant in its long history due to changes in climate and human activities. This study determined sediment storage on the floodplains of the lower Yellow River in five historical periods after the year 602 bc mainly based on data of 93 boreholes, 182 radiocarbon dates in the Huang‐Huai‐Hai Plain and maps of historical changes of the lower Yellow River channel. Furthermore, the mean annual sediment outputs from the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River were calculated in the five periods through investigating the sediment delivery ratio of the lower Yellow River under different conditions of artificial levees. Our findings suggest that the sediment output from the upper and middle Yellow River increased slowly before the year around 1128, but was lower than half of the current value on average. It has been in the past about 1000 years that the sediment output from the upper and middle Yellow River escalated. The Loess Plateau is the principal sediment source of the Yellow River. The comparison of historical changes in sediment load of the lower Yellow River with those in the natural conditions and in human activities on the plateau reveals that the changes in sediment yield from the plateau could be attributed mainly to the variations of population, cultivating area, and climate changes on the plateau.  相似文献   

分析了岷江上游高山峡谷区的水土流失特征、危害、产生原因及发展趋势,当地水土保持工作中存在着一方治理多方破坏,边治理边破坏,破坏大于治理,管理监督机构不健全,法规不完善,政策不配套而又不稳定等问题。这些问题亟待上下共同来解决.  相似文献   

冬小麦能量平衡及蒸散分配的季节变化分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文分析了华北平原冬小麦生态系统辐射收支、热量平衡以及蒸散在冠层蒸腾和土壤蒸发之间的分配特征。结果发现,在冬小麦生长过程中,系统截获的太阳短波辐射随小麦的生长而变,它占太阳总辐射的比例,初期为0.8左右,尔后随叶面积的增加而逐渐下降,在孕穗期最小,约为0.75,之后,随叶片枯黄、麦穗的成长又上升,最后可达0.86。净辐射占太阳总辐射的比例,可分成如下3个阶段:拔节期比值较低,约为0.45;孕穗抽穗期约为0.5;灌浆期比值最大,约0.57。随着叶面积指数(LAI)的增加,土壤热通量与净辐射之比,由返青初期的0.13迅速下降,直至较为稳定的0.06。潜热通量消耗净辐射的大部分,且随LAI的增加而增大。从返青到乳熟的58天内(4月1日~5月28日),麦田总蒸散量约为250mm,其中土壤蒸发量约为50mm,冠层蒸腾约为200mm,分别占总蒸散量的20%和80%。  相似文献   

绿洲农田土壤水分平衡及变化特征   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
本文利用位于塔里木盆地西北部平原上的阿克苏水平衡站近几年的有关试验和监测资料,对绿洲农田和裸地的土壤水分动态变化规律进行了初步分析,并用水量平衡法计算和对比农田和裸地的蒸发量,最后分析了田间灌溉水的有效利用率及提高措施。  相似文献   

深港交界带经济开发过程中泥沙对生态环境的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
倪晋仁 《地理学报》1998,53(4):349-355
香港回归祖国后,我国将在相当长的时间内实行“一国两制”。作为连结内地与香港的纽带,深圳经济特区与香港交界的区域将成为最受关注的、最活跃的经济开发区之一。根据近年来深港交界地区的开发实践和作者在该地区进行的系统研究,伴随着该区域特定的经济快速增长过程,以泥沙为载体而造成的生态环境问题日益突出。本文将经济开发过程与泥沙侵蚀、搬运和沉积过程结合,对沿深港两地交界带区域经济开发过程中泥沙对生态环境的影响进行了初步分析,并对今后研究的重要问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

滇池草海底泥疏挖对水体水质及底泥影响分析研究   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
1998年 5月起 ,滇池草海经过近 1年的疏挖 ,清除底泥约 4 0 0× 10 4 m3,使内草海水体质量有明显改善。内湖底质的有机污染物及金属污染物得到有效去除 ,减少了泥层中污染物向水体的扩散 ;大部分水体透明度达到 0 .8m ,已超过沉水植物恢复的需补偿深度 ,为草海水生态恢复创造了条件 ;疏浚区水深增加 ,湖容扩大 ,提高了草海的调蓄能力。但与外草海及外滇池对照点底泥相比 ,草海底泥金属污染物含量仍处较高水平  相似文献   

In the period between 1800 and 1950, 42 authors wrote American regional novels and poetry popular enough to be tentatively labeled place defining. These books provide concise statements of perceived regional values. As a group they suggest that the West has been dominated by the single, enduring image of youthful self-reliance; the Northeast by a set of small-scale characterizations; and the Midwest and South by more complex depictions of egalitarian pastoralism and cavalier society, respectively, each modified and challenged over time.  相似文献   

在研究确定滇东北山区土地用途分区方案基础上,根据我国有关法规和政策,制定了各个用地区的土地用途管制规则。  相似文献   

滇池污染特征及治理对策   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
滇池是昆明市的母亲湖,是昆明市的主要水源和经济命脉。近二三十年来,昆明城市规模急剧膨胀,大量污水直接排入滇池,使久负盛名的滇池富营养化。通过深入分析滇池污染的现状和形成原因,提出滇池治理是一项综合性的系统工程,需要寻求新的治理思路和措施,通过改变水流方向和出水口、设立重污染软隔离带、控制农村面源污染、调整产业结构、发展生态农业、恢复流域生态系统等生物、工程措施和经济、政策、法律措施综合协调运用,以实现滇池污染的根本性治理。  相似文献   

I.Background1.NaturalconditionsTheirrigatedareaofnorthwestShandongProvincebychannelingYellowRiverisaveryimportantirrigatedregioninthelowerreachesofYellowRiver,including27countiesandcitieswithanareaof29,700km2,or19.3percentofthetotalofShandongProvince.Amongwhi…  相似文献   

The catchment of the River Partnach, a torrent situated in a glacial valley in the Northern Calcareous Alps of Bavaria/Germany, was affected by a high‐magnitude flood on 22/23 August 2005 with a peak discharge of more than 16 m3s‐1 at the spring and about 50 m3s‐1 at the catchment outlet. This flood was caused by a long period of intense rainfall with a maximum intensity of 230 mm per day. During this event, a landslide dam, which previously held a small lake, failed. The flood wave originating from the dam breach transported a large volume of sediment (more than 50 000 m3) derived from bank erosion and the massive undercutting of a talus cone. This caused a fundamental transformation of the downstream channel system including the redistribution of large woody debris and channel switching. Using terrestrial survey and aerial photography, erosional and depositional consequences of the event were mapped, pre‐ and post‐event surfaces were compared and the sediment budget of the event calculated for ten consecutive channel reaches downstream of the former lake. According to the calculations more than 100 000 tonnes of sediment were eroded, 75% of which was redeposited within the channel and the proximal floodplain. A previous large flood which occurred a few weeks prior to the August 2005 event had a significant effect on controlling the impact of this event.  相似文献   

黄河中游多沙粗沙区水沙变化原因分析   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
尹国康 《地理学报》1998,53(2):174-183
本文通过黄河中游多沙粗沙区21条面积逾1000km^2的独流入黄支流的实测资料,分别建立了精度较高的降水,径流,输沙统计模型,并对水沙变化数量进行了计算分析,揭示了气候波动和人为原因对水沙变化影响的相对权重。  相似文献   

白令海和楚科奇海表层沉积硅藻分布特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
对我国第二次和第三次北极科学考察在白令海和楚科奇海获取的部分表层沉积物样品进行了详细的硅藻分析,旨在了解白令海和楚科奇海表层沉积硅藻的主要分布情况。研究发现海冰对北极硅藻有着显著的影响,在最小冰边缘线以北海域,由于常年被海冰覆盖,表层沉积物中的硅藻数量极少甚至缺失,而在此范围以南海域,硅藻含量则甚为丰富。白令海和楚科奇海表层沉积物中最主要的硅藻种类及组合有:角毛藻休眠孢子(Chaetoceros resting spores),海冰硅藻组合(以Fragilariopsis oceanica和Fragilariopsis cylindrus为代表),极地硅藻组合(优势种有Bacterosira bathyomphla,Thalassiosira antarctic v. borealis及其休眠孢子),沿岸底栖硅藻组合(主要有Paralia sulcata和Delpheneis surirella),诺氏海链藻(Thalassiosira nordenskioeldii)和塞米新细齿藻(Neodenticula seminae)等。上述硅藻种类及组合具有显著的空间分布差异性,并与现代海洋环境因素密切相关,因此对于白令海和楚科奇海古海洋环境研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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