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The effects of plant species richness on both above‐ and belowground plant biomass, plant nitrogen (N) pool size, and substrate N concentrations were studied in a full‐scale subsurface vertical‐flow constructed wetland (CW). Results showed that (i) plant species richness increased belowground plant biomass and its N pool size but had no effect on aboveground plant biomass and its N pool size; (ii) plant species richness increased substrate N removal, especially ammonium N removal; and (iii) plant species richness had no effect on plant N use efficiency, suggesting that the N pool size increased with increasing plant species richness. More N accumulation could be removed through harvesting plant biomass. We concluded that the N removal performance of the CW improved by plant species richness through increasing belowground biomass and relevant N pool size.  相似文献   

We have developed a new numerical method to determine the shape (shape factor), depth, polarization angle, and electric dipole moment of a buried structure from residual self-potential (SP) anomalies. The method is based on defining the anomaly value at the origin and four characteristic points and their corresponding distances on the anomaly profile. The problem of shape determination from residual SP anomaly has been transformed into the problem of finding a solution to a nonlinear equation of the form q = f (q). Knowing the shape, the depth, polarization angle and the electric dipole moment are determined individually using three linear equations. Formulas have been derived for spheres and cylinders. By using all possible combinations of the four characteristic points and their corresponding distances, a procedure is developed for automated determination of the best-fit-model parameters of the buried structure from SP anomalies. The method was applied to synthetic data with 5% random errors and tested on a field example from Colorado. In both cases, the model parameters obtained by the present method, particularly the shape and depth of the buried structures are found in good agreement with the actual ones. The present method has the capability of avoiding highly noisy data points and enforcing the incorporation of points of the least random errors to enhance the interpretation results.  相似文献   

Slug tests are a widely used technique to estimate aquifer hydraulic parameters and the test data are generally interpreted with analytical solutions under various assumptions. However, these solutions are not convenient when slug tests are required to be analyzed in a three‐dimensional model for complex aquifer‐aquitard systems. In this study, equivalent well blocks (EWB) are proposed in numerical modeling of slug test data with MODFLOW. Multi‐well slug tests in partially penetrating wells with skin zones can be simulated. Accuracy of the numerical method is demonstrated by benchmarking with analytical solutions. The EWB method is applied in a case study on slug tests in aquitards in the Pearl River Delta, China.  相似文献   

The retention of particulate matter of the Odra River in flooded areas was estimated by determining suspended particulate matter (SPM) elimination and particle-bound nutrient retention in a polder area of the Lower Odra Valley national park. Water and suspended matter samples collected before, during, and after the 1997 summer flood at the inlet and the outlet of the investigated polder (Polder A/B close to Schwedt) offer the opportunity to balance the matter retention inside the floodplain. The maximum level of retained SPM (more than 80%) was calculated for the record flood of summer 1997, while in ordinary winter floods retention differs between 33% and 70%. Basic properties of the flowing particles like settling velocity, density, loss on ignition etc. change on their way through the polder area. In the investigated Polder A/B a retention of at least 50% of particle-bound phosphorus which was independent of the incoming suspended matter load from the Odra River was observed. The retention of particle-bound nitrogen and carbon varied seasonally to different extents. The presented balance demonstrates that particle-bound nutrient retention in polders is an important factor in the self-purification process of the river system. Some additional effort was done to study changes of plankton composition: during a joint field experiment in spring 1998, the authors determined biological parameters (abundance and biomass of phytoplankton and zooplankton) of water samples at polder inflow and outflow points.  相似文献   

Trivalent chromium in the form of basic chromium sulfate (BCS) is used for tanning hides/skins and is a strong pollutant of the soil and water bodies. Significant quantities of unutilized chemicals, such as sulfates, chlorides, are also discharged, contributing to high levels of total dissolved solids (TDS), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), etc. Though many treatment techniques are being practiced, biotechnological methods are gaining importance. Biosorption is recognized as a cost‐effective technology worldwide; one potential sorbent being blue–green algae (BGA), for treating metal‐bearing effluents. This work studies the feasibility of using a species each of Spirulina, Oscillatoria, and Synechocystis, individually and as a consortium, as sorbents to remove Cr3+ from a segregated stream, viz. exhaust chrome liquor (ECL) and synthetic BCS solution. The species studied were found to be effective in removing Cr3+ considerably at varying concentrations, besides reducing sulfates, BOD, COD, etc. The results of ECL experiments were more encouraging than those for BCS solution. The kinetic data on Cr3+ sorption onto algal biomass fit well into the pseudo‐second order model. The equilibrium data were analyzed using the classic Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models, yielding good fits. The results of the experiments indicate that algal consortia could be good alternatives to the conventional treatment methods for leather and other industrial wastewaters containing chromium.  相似文献   

本文报道了我院连续六只X-CT球管的使用情况。寿命最长的曝光达358300秒,而最短的只有135000秒,其主要原因是缺乏正确地使用和维护知识,要想延长球管使用寿命,首先需加强对使用人员的专业素质训练,其次,在保证图像质量的前提下,降低mAs;第三,保持扫描室恒业的温湿度;第四,定期检查球管的冷却散热系统。  相似文献   

In order to study the pollution gradient in the vicinity of a large aluminium production facility in Patagonia (Argentina), a passive biomonitoring was performed employing foliage from three tree species. Primary scope was to identify pollution gradients and to select suitable tree species which can be used as biomonitor plants in the study area. Therefore, leaves of Eucalyptus rostrata, Populus hybridus and different needle ages of Pinus radiata were collected at different distances from the industry and the fluoride concentration was analysed in washed and unwashed samples in order to determine the amount of external fluoride. Washing reduced the F‐concentrations by 24, 39 and 51% on average in E. rostrata, P. hybridus and P. radiata, respectively, indicating that species‐specific characteristics determine the accumulation and wash‐off of dust‐associated fluorine. F‐concentrations varied from 6 to 3652 ppm F in unwashed samples indicating a steep pollution gradient in the study area. The influence of F‐emissions was discernible in all samples up to a distance of 3500 m from the smelter. E. rostrata accumulated more fluorine than the other species at equal distance from the emission source. The present study confirms that aluminium smelting results in high F deposition in the study area. Establishing a biomonitor network around large emitters is suitable and feasible to evaluate the efficiency of air control measures.  相似文献   

光合细菌对盐碱地池塘浮游生物的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
初步研究了在低洼盐碱地池塘中光合细菌(PSB)施用后对浮游生物的影响。研究结果表明:(1)光合细菌的施入,促进了浮游植物中蓝藻门、绿藻门、隐藻门、裸藻门的数量和生物量的增长;硅藻门总体上有所下降,但小型种属增加;(2)光合细菌的施入,促进了浮游生物中枝角类、轮虫,尤其小型轮虫的增长,而桡足类和原生动物却表现出下降趋势;(3)浮游生物总体上表现为数量增加而生物量下降,但绝大部分种属均有不同程度的增加,而且浮游生物种类趋向于小型化,从而增加了鱼类有效的天然饵料,因而光合细菌的施入,可以调整并优化盐碱地池塘的浮游生物的群落结构。  相似文献   

Smirnova  L. L.  Mironova  N. V. 《Water Resources》2004,31(4):470-473
The use of semiaquatic plants (Pistia stratiotes and frogbit) for afterpurification of domestic wastewater is shown to improve water quality. Planting pleistophytes in watercourses and biological ponds, into which pretreated wastewater is discharged, is especially efficient in summer and autumn, when the load on treatment facilities increases.  相似文献   

提出一种基于Bootstrap重抽样技术的岩土参数标准值确定方法,将置信概率为95%对应的重抽样均值作为标准值,并通过一组实测土体的抗剪强度参数阐述标准值的确定方法和过程。对两个实例进行研究,分别探讨Bootstrap重抽样次数(即Bootstrap样本集大小)和原始数据的变异性对标准值精度和收敛性的影响。结果表明,基于Bootstrap方法确定的岩土参数标准值具有较好的收敛性和精度,当重抽样次数不小于100时,Bootstrap重抽样次数和原始样本的变异性对标准值的收敛性和精度不会产生显著影响。该方法能够有效地处理岩土参数的不确定性问题。  相似文献   

The main goal of this study was to research the answer to two important questions in flow modeling; i) how to optimally design the cross‐section of an open channel for a given flow, and ii) in the case of selecting the fuzzy method for modeling, how to construct the membership functions (MFs) and fuzzy rules (FRs) such that the system yields the best results. The first question is answered in order to minimize difficulties in excavation and related costs by using the appropriate flow velocity. To provide the best answer researchers use several methods. The second question is answered in order to minimize model error. For this aim, there are many algorithms proposed by researchers in the literature. In this paper, the fuzzy logic method was used for open canal flow modeling. Furthermore, a simple membership function and fuzzy rule generation technique (SMRGT) is introduced, and used for fuzzy modeling. Two fuzzy models, each for different cross‐sectional shape, are presented in this study as an application of SMRGT. The comparison depends on various statistics, mean absolute relative error, and contour maps showed that the fuzzy models were successful in open channel flow modeling and SMRGT is useful for MF (membership function) and FR (fuzzy rule) generation.  相似文献   

低洼盐碱地鱼虾混养塘中的浮游生物   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1997年5~9月低洼盐碱地鱼虾混养塘中的浮游生物数量与生物量的月变化特点为:浮游植物中隐藻,裸藻与硅藻生物量在实验期间较高,蓝藻与绿藻在数量上占优势,进入秋季后蓝灌数量逐渐超过绿藻,浮游动物中原生动物,桡足类数量分别在5、6月份占优势;桡足类生物量这两个月占绝对优势,轮虫,原生动物的数量分别在7、8月份优势明显,结果表明实验期间小型浮游生物数量增加,分析表明,低洼盐碱地池塘水体浮游生物的变化与水体营养盐的含量,水产经济活动(鱼虾),水温等因素密切相关。  相似文献   

A method for the determination of di- and tetrachlorinated ethers (haloethers) in aqueous samples using solid-phase microextraction (SPME) combined with capillary GC has been developed. Using 100-μm polydimethylsiloxane fibers, the influence of several parameters on the SPME procedure like the exposure time of the fiber in the aqueous sample, the desorption temperature, and the salt content of the sample have been studied. Salt addition has a strong effect on the extraction efficiency of the haloethers investigated. Working with saturated salt solutions, the factor increase of the peak areas was in the range from 5 to 12. These improvements are accompanied by decreased precision and increased equilibration times. The SPME method combined with several detectors (FID, ECD, MS in SIM mode) was evaluated with respect to detection limits, linearities, and precisions. Working with salt addition and FID, detection limits of all compounds investigated were in the range of 0.3 to 1.2 μg/L. Using ECD, the LOD values (limits of detection) were only improved for the tetrachlorinated bis(propyl) ethers (<10 ng/L). Employing mass-spectrometric detection in SIM mode for all chlorinated ethers, detection limits lower than 100 ng/L could be reached. Working with saturated salt solutions, the coefficients of variation were <9% RSD. However, without salt addition, the precision is better than 2.5% RSD for all analytes. Investigations showed that the analysis of the haloethers with SPME is not influenced significantly by the matrix Elbe water. The results of two series of samples demonstrate that SPME-GC-MS allows the sensitive determination of the di- and tetrahalogenated ethers in Elbe river water.  相似文献   

For the 33 species of Hirudinea in the fresh waters of Central Europe the following saprobiological data are given: saprobic valency, indicative weight and specific saprobic index. A detailed key is established for determining the 33 species, with a large number of pictures. All the species have a relatively wide range of ecological valency, so that their application for determining the degree of saprobity is meaningful only in connection with different types of indicators.  相似文献   

The classical aim of the application of super absorbent polyacrylate (SAPs) hydrogels is the prolonging of plant survival under water stress. Their effect on plant growth during non‐water stress conditions is not known. This study examined the root and shoot biomass of seedlings of nine tree species; Eucalyptus grandis, Eucalyptus citriodora, Pinus caribaea, Araucaria cunninghamii, Melia volkensii, Grevillea robusta, Azadirachta indica, Maesopsis eminii and Terminalia superba. The seedlings were potted in five soil types; sand, sandy loam, loam, silt loam and clay. These were amended at two hydrogel levels: 0.2 and 0.4% w/w and grown under controlled conditions in a green house. Root and shoot growth responses of the seedlings were determined by measuring the dry weight of the roots, stems, leaves and twigs. The addition of either 0.2 or 0.4% hydrogel to the five soil types resulted in a significant increase of the root dry weight (p < 0.001) in eight tree species compared to the controls after 8 wk of routine watering. Also, the dry weight of stems and leaves and twigs were significantly (p < 0.001) higher in the nine tree species potted in hydrogel amended soil types than in the hydrogel free controls. These results suggested that hydrogel amendment enhances the efficiency of water uptake and utilization of photosynthates of plants grown in soils which have water contents close to field capacity.  相似文献   

介绍了差分干涉测量的原理、差分干涉数据对的选取方法,以及三轨法差分干涉测量数据处理的流程.利用星载合成孔径雷达差分干涉(D-InSAR)测量技术和ENVISAT ASAR雷达数据对2003年12月26日伊朗Bam 6.5级地震引起的地表形变场进行了测量试验,成功地获取了Bam地震的蝴蝶状的同震形变场生成了地表形变的等值线图,并且根据相干图确定了地震造成破坏最严重的区域的位置、分布及面积.试验证明D-InSAR技术是地表形变测量和地震研究的一个强大和有效的工具.  相似文献   

Survival of Pathogenic and Indicator Organisms in Ground Water   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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