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Abstract Peridotite xenoliths from the subarc mantle, which have been rarely documented, are described from Iraya volcano of the Luzon arc, the Philippines, and are discussed in the context of wedge-mantle processes. They are mainly harzburgite, with subordinate dunite, and show various textures from weakly porphyroclastic (C-type) to extremely fine-grained equigranular (F-type). Textural characteristics indicate a transition from the former to the latter by recrystallization. The F-type peridotite has inclusion-rich fine-grained olivine and radially aggregated orthopyroxene, being quite different in texture from ordinary mantle-derived peridotites previously documented. Despite their strong textural contrast, the two types do not show any systematic difference in modal composition. The harzburgite of C-type has ordinary mantle peridotite mineralogy; olivine is mostly Fo91–92 and chromian spinel mostly has Cr#s (= Cr/[Cr + Al] atomic ratios) from 0.3 to 0.6. Olivine is slightly more Fe-rich (Fo89–91) and spinel is more enriched in Cr (the Cr#, 0.4–0.8) and Fe3+ in F-type peridotites than in C-type harzburgite. Orthopyroxene in F-type peridotites is relatively low in CaO (<1 wt%), Al2O3 (<2 wt%) and Cr2O3 (<0.4 wt%). The F-type peridotite was possibly formed from the C-type one by recrystallization including local dissolution and precipitation of orthopyroxene assisted by fluid (or melt) of subduction origin. Textural characteristics, however, indicate a deserpentinization origin from abyssal serpentinite of which protolith was a C-type peridotite. In this scenario the initial abyssal serpentinite was possibly dehydrated due to an initiation of magmatic activity beneath an incipient oceanic arc like Batan Island. The F-type peridotite is characteristic of the upper mantle of island arc, especially of incipient arc.  相似文献   

Localized declines in coral condition are commonly linked to land-based sources of stressors that influence gradients of water quality, and the distance to sources of stressors is commonly used as a proxy for predicting the vulnerability and future status of reef resources. In this study, we evaluated explicitly whether proximity to shore and connections to coastal bays, two measures of potential land-based sources of disturbance, influence coral community and population structure, and the abundance, distribution, and condition of corals within patch reefs of the Florida Reef Tract. In the Florida Keys, long-term monitoring has documented significant differences in water quality along a cross-shelf gradient. Inshore habitats exhibit higher levels of nutrients (DIN and TP), TOC, turbidity, and light attenuation, and these levels decrease with increasing distance from shore and connections to tidal bays. In clear contrast to these patterns of water quality, corals on inshore patch reefs exhibited significantly higher coral cover, higher growth rates, and lower partial mortality rates than those documented in similar offshore habitats. Coral recruitment rates did not differ between inshore and offshore habitats. Corals on patch reefs closest to shore had well-spread population structures numerically dominated by intermediate to large colonies, while offshore populations showed narrower size-distributions that become increasingly positively skewed. Differences in size-structure of coral populations were attributed to faster growth and lower rates of partial mortality at inshore habitats. While the underlying causes for the favorable condition of inshore coral communities are not yet known, we hypothesize that the ability of corals to shift their trophic mode under adverse environmental conditions may be partly responsible for the observed patterns, as shown in other reef systems. This study, based on data collected from a uniform reef habitat type and coral species with diverse life-history and stress-response patterns from a heavily exploited reef system, showed that proximity to potential sources of stressors may not always prove an adequate proxy for assigning potential risks to reef health, and that hypothesized patterns of coral cover, population size-structure, growth, and mortality are not always directly related to water quality gradients.  相似文献   

Using hypocenter relocation, moment tensor inversion, stress field inversion, and fault slip tendency analysis, this study systematically investigated three M5.5–5.8 earthquake sequences that occurred after 2000 in the Yongning-Luguhu faulted basin in the middle of the Lijiang-Xiaojinhe fault zone within the Sichuan-Yunnan block, Southwest China. Our results show that since the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, the tectonic stress pattern in this area may have changed and that b-values estimated for the earthquake sequences show evidence of an increasing trend in stress in the study area. Seismicity in the small-scale faulted basin adjacent to the large-scale fault zone is a possible indicator of regional stress. We also note that the aftershocks of the M5.7 earthquake sequence in 2012 and the M5.5 earthquake sequence in 2022 show relatively clear fluid diffusion-triggering characteristics. Overpressure of deep fluids is still the main factor driving seismic activity in the region, and we propose that the background tectonic stresses have not yet reached critical levels.  相似文献   

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