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针对浅埋盾构隧道开挖渗流对开挖面支护压力和地层失稳模式的影响问题,考虑盾构机开挖仓渣土孔隙水压力和面板及开口率的作用,设计制作了水下地层浅埋盾构隧道的开挖渗流模型并建立了附近地层沉降的量测采集系统。在不同的稳态渗流条件下,逐渐加大盾构隧道开挖仓的进土量,量测开挖面水土压力和孔隙水压力以及附近地层沉降,并配合进行了数值模拟和极限平衡计算分析。研究发现:开挖面有效土压力随开挖体积损失的增加而降低,达到极限值后保持不变;维持开挖面稳定的必要支护压力与可以容许的地层失稳范围有关,开挖面的极限有效土压力与地层的极限失稳范围相对应,是最小的必要支护压力。渗流会使开挖面的极限有效土压力增大,与开挖面-地表之间的水头差大致呈线性关系。渗流会使开挖面前方地层的极限失稳范围增大,但对后方地层极限失稳范围的影响不大;对于开挖面-地表相对水头差较小(小于或等于0.33)的情况,渗流主要起到增大地层沉降量的作用,地层的极限失稳范围只是略有增大;对于相对水头差较大(大于0.33并小于1.00)的情况,渗流主要起到增大地层极限失稳范围的作用,而地层最大沉降量有所减小;对于相对水头差很大(大于或等于1.00)的情况,... 相似文献
针对边坡工程中岩土体连续-非连续渐进破坏的特点,提出一种新的变形体离散元方法(DEM)。与传统有限单元法(FEM)不同,弹簧元法(SEM)通过构建一组广义弹簧系统描述单元的力学行为。弹簧元法中的一个广义弹簧可以具有多个方向的刚度系数,确定广义弹簧系统的构造形式及其各刚度系数表达式是弹簧元法的核心。以三角形单元为例,介绍平面弹簧元的基本理论。对任何二维正交广义弹簧系统,通过定义广义弹簧变形与单元应变之间的关系,直接对比单元的应变能与弹簧系统的弹性势能即可得到广义弹簧刚度系数的表达形式。定义泊松刚度系数和纯剪刚度系数两个系统参数,描述正交广义弹簧之间的联系。对任意泊松比的材料,该方法都可准确地描述泊松效应的影响,计算结果与传统有限元法一致。该方法不需要求得有限元单元刚度矩阵的具体形式,具有直接方便、物理意义明确的优点,应用该方法给出任意4节点单元弹簧系统的构造形式及其各刚度系数的表达式。基于SEM的可变形块体离散元法,用弹簧元中的广义弹簧求解块体变形,用离散元中的接触弹簧计算块体间作用力,在单元节点的控制方程中实现弹簧元-离散元耦合计算,通过接触弹簧的状态实现材料由连续到非连续的破坏过程。在基于连续介质离散元法(CDEM)程序的基础上实现弹簧元-离散元耦合程序,应用耦合程序计算均质土坡在重力作用下的弹塑性变形和基覆边坡在重力作用下的破坏,初步证明该方法用于边坡变形渐进破坏分析的可行性。 相似文献
采用?800 mm模型土压盾构开展室内掘进试验,以探究砂卵石中土压盾构隧道掌子面失稳诱发地层变形特征。同时,补充开展三维离散元仿真以挖掘室内试验难以获取的掌子面失稳信息,并研究隧道埋深对掌子面稳定性的影响规律。研究结果表明:砂卵石地层中盾构隧道掌子面失稳发展到地表后,沉降曲面呈上大下小逐步收缩的沙漏状,影响范围小于砂土地层。考虑盾构动态掘进过程后,卵石颗粒接触关系变化十分剧烈,掌子面稳定性被削弱,极限支护压力随之增大。掌子面极限支护压力随隧道埋深基本呈线性增加,极限支护压力与初始支护压力之比则随埋深增大而减小。掌子面失稳机制可根据隧道埋深划分为3种模式。与既有研究相比,考虑了盾构动态掘进过程与实际工程更加接近,可为确保砂卵石地层土压盾构隧道施工掌子面稳定提供参考。 相似文献
Breakage of particles will have greatly influence on mechanical behavior of granular material(GM)under external loads,such as ballast,rockfill and sand.The discrete element method(DEM)is one of the most popular methods for simulating GM as each particle is represented on its own.To study breakage mechanism of particle breakage,a cohesive contact mode is developed based on the GPU accelerated DEM code-Blaze-DEM.A database of the 3D geometry model of rock blocks is established based on the 3D scanning method.And an agglomerate describing the rock block with a series of non-overlapping spherical particles is used to build the DEM numerical model of a railway ballast sample,which is used to the DEM oedometric test to study the particles’breakage characteristics of the sample under external load.Furthermore,to obtain the meso-mechanical parameters used in DEM,a black-analysis method is used based on the laboratory tests of the rock sample.Based on the DEM numerical tests,the particle breakage process and mechanisms of the railway ballast are studied.All results show that the developed code can better used for large scale simulation of the particle breakage analysis of granular material. 相似文献
盾构施工穿越断层破碎带具有普遍性,而现有的黏聚力沿深度线性变化模型不能充分反应断层破碎带的倾斜性和非均质性,针对这一问题,引入非均质方向角和非均质系数角分别描述断层破碎带的倾斜性、非均质性和非均质系数大小,提出空间非均质分布函数模型。将模型应用于极限分析上限法,推导了盾构穿越断层破碎带隧道开挖面极限支护压力的计算公式,通过算例和工程实例验证了空间非均质分布函数模型的合理性,分析了在不同非均质方向下内摩擦角、黏聚力、埋深比、非均质系数对开挖面稳定性的影响。结果表明:非均质系数角α=90°时,非均质方向角μ的变化对隧道开挖面支护压力无影响;非均质方向角μ≠0°且非均质系数ρ>0时,开挖面支护压力随非均质方向角、内摩擦角、黏聚力、埋深比、非均质系数的增加而减小;非均质方向角μ=0°且H/D≥1时,开挖面支护压力不受埋深比变化影响。非均质方向角对破坏模式形状的影响大于对破坏范围的影响,内摩擦角对破坏模式的形状和范围均有较大影响,非均质方向角和内摩擦角的增大使得开挖面前方塌落体由拱顶往下滑的趋势转变为由前方滑落,针对不同非均质方向角和内摩擦角的断层破碎带的加固侧重点应有所不同。研究结果为确定断层破碎带中盾构开挖面极限支护压力提供了一种可行的计算方法。 相似文献
泥水盾构工法被广泛应用于高压富水复杂地质环境中修筑隧道,其中开挖面稳定控制是工程成败的关键,在盾构掘进时,由于刀盘不断旋转切削地层,开挖面上的泥膜处于“形成―破坏―再形成”的动态循环过程,泥膜透水性增强,这种动态泥膜作用下开挖面的稳定如何评价有待于进一步探索。对此,对泥水盾构掘进过程中的动态泥膜进行了分类,提出了考虑盾构运动和泥浆渗滤特征的动态泥膜理论。在此基础上,采用空间离散法将泥水压力引入旋转体模型,建立了考虑动态泥膜效应的开挖面稳定力学模型,提出了泥水盾构动态掘进过程中开挖面临界泥浆压力及泥浆支护效率评估方法,研究指出:当盾构在强渗透性地层中掘进时,在尽量提高泥浆成膜率的同时,应注重泥浆黏度调节,充分发挥渗透力支护作用,同时可适当提高盾构掘进速度并降低刀盘转速,有利于开挖面稳定控制。以泥浆成膜率、等效渗透系数为依据给出了泥浆支护效率设计图,研究工作对盾构掘进支护压力控制和泥浆配置有一定的借鉴意义。 相似文献
考虑到颗粒形状对粗粒料的力学特性有重大影响,提出了一种新的表征颗粒形状的方法,即在椭圆上随机选取一系列点连接成多边形颗粒,表征狭长扁平的颗粒。新方法较圆上取点的方法能代表更多类型的颗粒形状,适用范围更广。提出了一种新的粗粒料投放算法,即先缩小颗粒,然采用随机算法将缩小的颗粒投放至给定区域,对颗粒划分好网格后,将颗粒放大到原来的大小,然后采用有限元-离散元(FEM/DEM)方法计算稳定后即生成了相应的试样。通过将上述颗粒生成及投放算法与FEM/DEM结合,应用于粗粒料的数值模拟。分析表明,FEM/DEM是研究粗粒料力学性质的较好方法,对复杂的颗粒形状也可简单建模,且因在颗粒内部划分了有限元网格,复杂的接触判断及接触力计算转化为标准统一的三角形和三角形之间的接触判断及接触力计算,所有的计算均可标准化、统一化。同时因为颗粒是可以变形的,依然保留了连续介质力学中应力和应变的概念,无须像PFC那样需通过测量圆来间接表示某点的应力、应变。最后,通过粗粒料的侧限压缩试验的数值模拟,展现了文中提出的一整套解决方案在模拟粗粒料方面的巨大潜力。 相似文献
Rotational failure mechanisms for the face stability analysis of tunnels driven by a pressurized shield 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The aim of this paper is to determine the collapse and blow‐out face pressures of a circular tunnel driven by a pressurized shield. The analysis is performed in the framework of the kinematical approach of the limit analysis theory. Two rotational failure mechanisms are proposed for the active and passive cases. These mechanisms have two significant advantages with respect to the available ones: (i) they take into account the entire circular tunnel face instead of an inscribed ellipse to this circular area, and (ii) they are more consistent with the rotational rigid‐block movement observed in the experimental tests. For both the active and passive cases, the three‐dimensional failure surface was generated ‘point by point’ instead of simple use of the existing standard geometric shapes such as cones or cylinders. This was achieved by employing a spatial discretization technique. The numerical results have shown that the present rotational mechanisms provide, in the case of frictional soils (with or without cohesion), a significant improvement with respect to the translational mechanisms. Finally, an extension of the proposed collapse mechanism to include a tension cut‐off in the classical Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion is presented and discussed. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
This contribution considers the critical time increment (Δtcrit) to achieve stable simulations using particulate discrete element method (DEM) codes that adopt a Verlet-type time integration scheme. The Δtcrit is determined by considering the maximum vibration frequency of the system. Based on a series of parametric studies, Δtcrit is shown to depend on the particle mass (m), the maximum contact stiffness (Kmax), and the maximum particle coordination number (CN,max). Empirical expressions relating Δtcrit to m, Kmax, and CN,max are presented; while strictly only valid within the range of simulation scenarios considered here, these can inform DEM analysts selecting appropriate Δtcrit values. 相似文献
采用三维离散元法(DEM)对不同初始孔隙比的粒状土进行一维压缩 试验模拟。对比了传统定义静止土压力系数 以及增量型定义静止土压力系数 ,分析了静止土压力系数的影响因素(初始应力状态、初始孔隙比和应力历史),检验了Jaky公式及Mayne和Kulhawy公式的适用性。结果表明,对于初始等向围压试样,随着竖向压力的增大, 减小,则 先增大到峰值后再减小;对于初始 状态试样, 、 随着竖向压力的增大均减小。 、 分别在竖向压力达到初始等向围压6~10倍及4倍左右达到稳定值,即真实的 值; 、 随孔隙比减小而明显减小。应力历史对 有显著影响,对于相同应力状态的加载和卸载阶段 差别很大。Jaky公式及Mayne和Kulhawy公式计算结果与数值模拟结果有一定差 异,采用峰值摩擦角比采用残余摩擦角的公式计算结果更接近数值模拟结果。 相似文献
A calibration procedure, in which coupled effects of microscopic parameters are considered, is proposed to determine the values of the microscopic parameters in the Discrete Element Method (DEM) for Fujian quartz sand. Laboratory tri-axial tests are conducted to be compared with the DEM simulations and the effects of end restraint in the laboratory tests are eliminated through a digital image measurement system. Sensitivities of the macroscopic behaviour of the specimen to the microscopic parameters are analyzed through DEM simulations. Four coupled effects of the microscopic parameters on the macroscopic behaviour are investigated through a graphic method and then considered in the calibration procedure. 相似文献
N. Abdoulaye Hama T. Ouahbi S. Taibi H. Souli J.M. Fleureau A. Pantet 《国际地质力学数值与分析法杂志》2016,40(12):1712-1729
Granular materials like sand are widely used in civil engineering. They are composed of different sizes of grains, which generate a complex behaviour, difficult to assess experimentally. Internal instability of a granular material is its inability to prevent the loss of its fine particles under flow effect. It is geometrically possible if the fine particles can migrate through the pores of the coarse soil matrix and results in a change in its mechanical properties. This paper uses the three‐dimensional Particle Flow Code (PFC3D/DEM) to study the stability/instability of granular materials and their mechanical behaviour after suffusion. Stability properties of widely graded materials are analysed by simulating the transport of smaller particles through the constrictions formed by the coarse particles under the effect of a downward flow with uniform pressure gradient. A sample made by an initially stable material according to the Kenney & Lau geometrical criterion was divided into five equal layers. The classification of these layers by this criterion before and after the test shows that even stable granular materials can lose fine particles and present local instability. The failure criterion of eroded samples, in which erosion is simulated by progressive removal of fine particles, evolves in an unexpected way. Internal friction angle increases with the initial porosity, the rate of lost fine particles and the average diameter D50. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Although the potential contact force proposed by Munjiza overcomes the difficulties inherent in the traditional discrete element methods, the physical meaning of the potential is not clear and the contact force derived from the original potential function is strongly dependent on the mesh configuration. In this study, we redefine a potential function and propose a new contact force calculation method based on a unified standard. Moreover, the new potential function retains all the advantages of the original potential function but has less mesh dependency. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
相对于盾构隧道施工的大量需求与快速发展的状况,国内在盾构工法特别是大型深埋盾构隧道施工技术和理论研究方面还存在不足,特别是水压条件下深埋盾构隧道开挖面稳定问题。基于极限分析上限法和水土压力统一参数,对考虑水压影响的均质土深埋隧道开挖面稳定性计算方法进行研究,建立了考虑水压影响的深埋盾构隧道开挖面三维对数螺旋破坏模式模型,并推导了其极限支护压力计算公式。然后利用土层厚度加权平均法,可将上述方法应用于多层土深埋盾构隧道开挖面稳定性的评价中。最后,以上海长江盾构隧道实际工程为例,采用本文推导的极限分析上限三维对数螺旋破坏模式方法计算并分析其极限支护压力,并将计算结果与前人研究和规范方法计算的结果进行对比分析。通过该研究可改进与完善水压条件下深埋盾构隧道极限支护压力确定方法,从而为考虑水压条件下盾构隧道施工支护压力的合理确定提供理论依据。 相似文献
The construction of shield tunnels under riverbeds and seabeds has considerably increased over the past decades. Due to the ultra‐high water head, water leakage through tunnel joints is a major concern during a tunnel's service life. One practical solution to prevent groundwater penetration is to implement ethylene‐propylene‐diene‐monomer gaskets at the segmental joints. However, numerical simulation of fluid pressure penetration into rubber materials remains a challenging problem in computational mechanics. Severe mesh distortions can occur due to large deformation. Consequently, a convergent solution is difficult to achieve. This paper presents an Abaqus‐based numerical framework to solve the previously mentioned problem using the implicit finite element solver. The key aspects of this framework are twofold: (1) a remesh and re‐map algorithm to overcome the excessive mesh distortion, and (2) simulation of fluid penetration into the contact interface of the gaskets to reproduce the water‐leakage process at the tunnel joints. The proposed framework is first tested to simulate the gasket‐in‐groove mechanical behavior and is then validated using experimental data and the solution produced by an explicit finite element solver. The developed framework is then adopted to predict the water‐leakage pressure at gasketed tunnel joints to illustrate the practical applications. Finally, the numerical results are compared with experimental data to demonstrate the accuracy and robustness of the proposed method and confirm its superiority and effectiveness over existing methods. This novel method can be used by tunnel designers to analyze and estimate the waterproof behavior of gasketed joints in shield tunnels without performing extensive experimental testing works. 相似文献
基于离散元的冻结砂土三轴力学特性研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用离散元软件中的平行黏结模型模拟冻土中冰-土颗粒间相互作用。通过调整模型细观参数,模拟了特定围压不同试验温度和应变速率条件下冻结砂土的三轴试验规律。进一步对比分析计算和试验结果表明,模型的细观参数中的刚度系数和黏结强度对材料的宏观力学行为影响较大,设定的黏结强度参数与温度成反比而和应变速率成正比。在宏观上,峰值强度随温度降低而增大,随应变速率的增大而增大。进一步分析离散元中颗粒的运动产生的剪切带倾角表明:剪切带倾角与温度成反比,而应变速率对其的影响较小;根据已有数据结果,剪切带与内摩擦角间的统计关系符合经典土力学中的摩尔-库伦解。 相似文献
A lower bound limit analysis approach based on the block element method is proposed to analyze wedge stability problem. The search for the maximum value of the factor of safety is set up as a nonlinear programming problem. Sequential quadratic programming (SQP) algorithm from a reasonable initial value is applied to obtain the optimal solution. This approach provides a strict lower bound solution considering the sliding mode and rotation effect simultaneously. The deviations of the factor of safety between the present and traditional limit equilibrium methods are positively correlated with both the friction angle and the dip of the discontinuity surface. 相似文献
隧道围岩结构地震动稳定性分析的动力有限元强度折减法 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
为了得到隧道围岩结构的地震动安全系数,借助通用有限元软件ANSYS,首先对水平地震作用下的模型进行模态分析,得到质量阻尼系数和刚度阻尼系数;其次由静力分析模型得到竖向边界上的水平向支座反力,然后将结构自重转化为温度边界条件,通过热分析得到模型各节点的温度,从而实现在动力分析中考虑重力的影响;最后采用悬臂梁动力分析模型,导入热分析获得的模型各节点的温度,并在竖向边界上施加水平向支座反力,通过不断折减围岩塑性区的凝聚力c和内摩擦角?,直到计算不收敛为止,从而得到隧道围岩结构的地震动安全系数。数值算例结果表明:采用的方法是可行的,将围岩结构自重转化为节点温度的措施解决了以往动力分析不能考虑结构自重的难点,进而为以后地震作用下隧道动力安全系数的计算及其工程应用提供了理论依据。 相似文献
A micromechanical model is proposed for studying the stability and failure process of slopes based on the gravity increase method (GIM). In this numerical model the heterogeneity of rock at a mesoscopic level is considered by assuming that the material properties conform to the Weibull distribution. Elastic damage mechanics is a method used for describing the constitutive law of the meso-level element, the finite element method (FEM) is employed as the basic stress analysis tool, and the maximum tensile strain criterion and the Mohr–Coulomb criterion are utilised as the damage threshold. The numerical model is implemented into the Realistic Failure Process Analysis (RFPA) code using finite element programming, and an extended version of RFPA, i.e., RFPA-GIM, is developed to analyse the failure process and stability of slopes. In the numerical modelling with RFPA-GIM, the critical failure surface of slopes is obtained by increasing the gravity gradually but keeping material properties constant. The acoustic emission (AE) event rate is employed as the criterion for slope failure. The salient feature of the RFPA-GIM in stability analysis of slopes is that the critical failure surface as well as the safety factor can be obtained without any presumption for the shape and location of the failure surface. Several numerical tests have been conducted to demonstrate the feasibility of RFPA-GIM. Numerical results agree well with experimental results and those predicted using the FEM strength reduction method and conventional limit equilibrium analysis. Furthermore it is shown that selection of the AE rate as the criterion for slope failure is reasonable and effective. Finally, the RFPA-GIM is applied to several more complex cases, including slopes in jointed rock masses and layered rock formations. The results indicate that the RFPA-GIM is capable of capturing the mechanism of slope failure and has the potential for application in a larger range of geo-engineering. 相似文献
平行小净距盾构与CRD法黄土地铁隧道施工力学研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
西安轨道交通工程是目前首例在我国黄土地区修建的地铁隧道,一号线枣园北路站至汉城路站K12+792.744~K12+889.899区间隧道为同时满足双线正常行车和右线停车线扩大断面的功能需要,选取了左线小断面隧道为盾构法与右线大断面隧道为CRD法相结合的施工方案。针对该地铁隧道的施工过程,进行了三维动态数值模拟和施工力学分析,通过分析施工引起的地表变形、中间土体应力和围岩塑性区的特征和规律,从而研究得出CRD法与盾构法隧道先后施工相互影响的规律性成果:先行大断面隧道采取CRD法施工对后行小断面盾构隧道上方地表沉降的影响较后者对前者的影响大;后行隧道的贯通使得先行隧道开挖形成的地表变形轴线向后行隧道侧偏移了约0.5倍净距,并且地表变形的横向影响范围和地表沉降量均有增大,主要表现在靠后行隧道一侧;先行大断面隧道的开挖较后者对中间土体应力影响大,对相邻洞土体的影响在同掌子面处最为显著。结合西安地铁隧道工程实践开展的数值模拟分析研究,可为今后在黄土地区修建地铁隧道提供具有指导意义的研究成果和宝贵的工程实践经验。 相似文献