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刘超  张勇  许力生  陈运泰 《地震学报》2008,30(4):329-339
本文利用全球地震台网(GSN)的宽频带与长周期地震波形资料,采用矩张量反演的新方法,反演得到了2008年5月12日四川省汶川县MS8.0地震及其7个较大余震(MS5.0-6.0)的矩张量解与震源时间函数等震源参数.文章首先简要叙述矩张量反演新方法的理论背景和技术途径,并以汶川大地震的一个余震为例阐述了具体的实现过程;然后给出包括主震在内的8次地震的矩张量解和震源时间函数;最后分析探讨这些结果的构造意义.本文提出的矩张量反演新方法,不但与全球矩心矩张量(GCMT)一样,可以给出点源矩张量解,而且还可以给出点源的震源时间函数. 反演得到的汶川大地震的7个较大余震的震源时间函数表明,即使是中等强度的地震也可能有复杂的震源过程;汶川大地震的多数余震发生在以逆冲为主、兼具小量走滑分量的龙门山断裂带的主断裂上,但很可能有些余震则发生在主断裂附近的次级走滑断裂上.   相似文献   

A MS8.0 earthquake occurred in Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province, China, on May 12, 2008, and subsequently, numerous aftershocks followed. We obtained the moment tensor solutions and source time functions (STFs) for the Wenchuan earthquake and its seven larger aftershocks (MS5.0~6.0) by a new technique of moment tensor inversion using the broadband and long-period seismic waveform data from the Global Seismic Network (GSN). Firstly, the theoretical background and technical flow of the new technique was briefly introduced, and an aftershock of the Wenchuan earthquake sequence was employed to illustrate the real procedure for inverting the moment tensor; secondly, the moment tensor solutions and STFs of the eight events, including the main shock, were presented, and finally, the interpretation of the results was made. The agreement of our results with the GCMT results indicates the new approach is efficient and feasible. By using this approach, not only the moment tensor solution can be obtained but also the STF can be retrieved; the inverted STFs indicate that the source rupture process may be com-plicated even for the moderate earthquakes. The inverted focal mechanisms of the Wenchuan earthquake sequence show that the most of the aftershocks occurred in the main faults of the Longmenshan fault zone with predomi-nantly thrustingwith minor right-lateral strike-slip component, but some of them may have occurred in the sub-faults with strike-slip faulting in the vicinity of the main faults.  相似文献   

IntroductionAfteramoderateorstronger(Ms25.0)earthquake,themosturgentworkofthedivisionforearthquakemonitoringandpredictionistodetermineitstimeoforigin,hypocentrallocation(longitude,latitudeanddepth)andmagnitudeandtojudgethetrendofseismicregimedevelopmentassoonaspossible.Ingeneralcases,whenanearthquakewithMS25.0insideChinaoraonewithMS26.0inneighboringareasofChinahasoccurred,theEarthquakeBulletinofChineseSeismologicalNetworkcanprovidedeterminationoftheorigintime,hypocentrallocation(longitude,…  相似文献   

Source inversion of small-magnitude events such as aftershocks or mine collapses requires use of relatively high frequency seismic waveforms which are strongly affected by small-scale heterogeneities in the crust. In this study, we developed a new inversion method called gCAP3D for determining general moment tensor of a seismic source using Green's functions of 3D models. It inherits the advantageous features of the “Cut-and-Paste” (CAP) method to break a full seismogram into the Pnl and surface-wave segments and to allow time shift between observed and predicted waveforms. It uses grid search for 5 source parameters (relative strengths of the isotropic and compensated-linear-vector-dipole components and the strike, dip, and rake of the double-couple component) that minimize the waveform misfit. The scalar moment is estimated using the ratio of L2 norms of the data and synthetics. Focal depth can also be determined by repeating the inversion at different depths. We applied gCAP3D to the 2013 Ms 7.0 Lushan earthquake and its aftershocks using a 3D crustal-upper mantle velocity model derived from ambient noise tomography in the region. We first relocated the events using the double-difference method. We then used the finite-differences method and reciprocity principle to calculate Green's functions of the 3D model for 20 permanent broadband seismic stations within 200 km from the source region. We obtained moment tensors of the mainshock and 74 aftershocks ranging from Mw 5.2 to 3.4. The results show that the Lushan earthquake is a reverse faulting at a depth of 13–15 km on a plane dipping 40–47° to N46° W. Most of the aftershocks occurred off the main rupture plane and have similar focal mechanisms to the mainshock's, except in the proximity of the mainshock where the aftershocks' focal mechanisms display some variations.  相似文献   

IntroductionOnJanuary4,1992,twoearthquakesoccurredconsecutivelyaroundtheGancheng-BanqiaoatDongfangCounty,HainanProvince.Theirorigintimeandmagnitudewere23:01:24,ML=3.4and23:01:54,ML=3.7,respectively.Theepicentrallocationoftwoearthquakeswere18°46′N,108°42′Eand18°45′N,108°42′E,respectively.Thefocaldepthswereabout10kin.Followingthesetwoearthquakes,alotofsmallearthquakesoccurredinthisregion.ThebiggestearthquakeoccurredonMay26,1992.Itsorigintimewas18f43f25andthemagnitudewasML=4.5.Ac…  相似文献   

刘超  许力生  陈运泰 《地震学报》2010,32(1):127-129
2009年12月19日13点2分16秒协调世界时(UTC),在台湾花莲海域发生了MW6.7地震.作者利用矩张量快速反演技术,通过反演全球地震台网的宽频带P波波形资料得到了这次地震的矩张量解,并判断走向4°、倾角75°、滑动角76°的节面是本次地震的发震断层面.  相似文献   

刘超  许力生  陈运泰 《地震学报》2010,32(1):130-132
2010年1月12日21点53分9秒协调世界时(UTC),在加勒比海域的海地发生了MW7.2地震.作者利用矩张量快速反演技术,通过反演全球地震台网的宽频带P波波形资料得到了这次地震的矩张量解,并判断走向253°、倾角74°、滑动角17°的节面是本次地震的发震断层面.  相似文献   

2009年4月6日意大利拉奎拉(L'Aquila)地震快速矩张量解.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
刘超  许力生  陈运泰 《地震学报》2009,31(4):464-465
2009年4月6日1点32分42秒协调世界时(UTC),在意大利中部地区发生了MW6.4地震.作者利用矩张量快速反演技术,通过反演全球台网的宽频带P波波形得到了这次地震的矩张量解,并判断走向132deg;、倾角53deg;、滑动角——103deg;的节面是地震发生的断层面.   相似文献   

2010年4月14日青海玉树地震快速矩张量解   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
刘超  许力生  陈运泰 《地震学报》2010,32(3):366-368
北京时间2010年4月14日7时49分37秒,在中国青海省玉树县发生了MW7.0地震.作者利用矩张量快速反演技术,通过反演全球台网的宽频带P波波形资料得到了这次地震的矩张量解,并判断走向119°、倾角83°、滑动角-2°的节面是本次地震的发震断层面.  相似文献   

IntroductionOnDecember31,1994andJanuary10,1995,twoearthquakesoccurredconsecutivelyinBeibuwanarea,China.TheirmagnitudewereMs=6.0andMs=6.1respectively.ThehypocentralparametersoftheseearthquakesarelistedinTable1.Thetimeintervalofthetwoewthquakesis10dandtheirepicentrallocationsareneartoeachotherTheyarethestrongestewthquakesinBeibuwanregiononrecord.Since1980,just12earthquakeshadoccurredinthe50kmrangearoundtheepicentresofthesetwoearthquakes(Wu,etal,1996).Thelargestearthquakeamongthe12earthquake…  相似文献   

基于青海和甘肃区域地震台网记录的宽频带地震波形和震相观测数据,利用近震全波形反演方法和双差定位方法分别对2022年1月23日青海德令哈MS5.8地震进行全矩张量反演和地震序列重定位研究。矩张量反演结果表明主震为一次典型走滑型地震,最佳断层面节面Ⅰ走向78°、倾角88°、滑动角-22°,节面Ⅱ走向169°、倾角68°、滑动角-177°,矩心深度为9 km,矩震级为MW=5.5。定位结果显示余震优势展布方向为NNW-SSE,长度约16 km,余震震源深度优势分布在7~12 km之间。综合分析表明,节面Ⅱ与余震精定位所勾勒出的断层面走向和倾向较为一致,推断NNW走向的断层面为可能发震断层面,认为德令哈地震是发生在祁连山断裂带的向W倾、倾角约为68°的右旋走滑断裂上。在印度板块向欧亚板块俯冲挤压作用下,青藏高原东北部构造块体应力不断积累,造成祁连山断裂带内断层失稳而发生此次青海德令哈MS5.8地震。  相似文献   

A MW6.4 earthquake occurred in L'Aquila, central Italy at 1:32:42 (UTC), April 6, 2009. We quickly obtained the moment tensor solution of the earthquake by inverting the P waveforms of broadband recordings from the global seismographic network (GSN) stations using the quick technique of moment tensor inversion, and further inferred that the nodal plane of strike 132°, dip 53° and rake ?103° is the seismogenic fault.  相似文献   

郑建常  陈运泰 《地震学报》2012,34(2):171-190
本文基于Langston的震源机制分解方法以及Minson和Dreger修正后的近场位移的解析解表达式,给出了一种区域纯偏量矩张量的求解方法,方法使用基于Hilbert变换的波形包络作为增强约束.对该方法进行了数值试验. 试验结果表明,定位准确且速度结构已知的情况下,背景高斯噪声水平达30%时,该方法仍可以得到较稳定的解;使用0.01——0.1 Hz的中长周期频段进行反演,在随机震相到时误差最大plusmn;3 s的情况下,近90%的情况可以得到相对准确的解. 速度结构模型的干扰试验表明,平均模型接近真实地壳结构时,可以得到接近真实的解;模型与真实的地壳结构的误差在10%以内时,得到的解与真实解比较接近;误差接近20%时,矩张量解会出现很大的偏差;地震的定位误差主要影响震源深度的判定,从而导致最终解中出现虚假的非双力偶成分,但在约束为偏量矩张量的情况下,反演得到的断层面参数与真实解偏差不大;在台站方位角覆盖较差(<60deg;)的情况下,使用平均模型仍可以得到较为准确的解.使用该方法研究了2010年10月24日河南周口太康MW4.7地震的震源机制,结果显示矩张量解与初动符号解较为一致.   相似文献   

Breakthrough point source model, extended earthquake source model is used to calculate more seismic source parameters in this paper. We express seismic source using higher degree moment tensors, to reduce a large number terms originally presenting in higher degree moment tensor representation, Haskell rupture model is used. We inverted the source parameters of Mani earthquake in Tibet using broad-band body wave of 32 stations of Global Seismograph Network (GSN), the results show that it is a strike-slip fault, rupture direction is 75° , rupture duration is 19 s, the fault plan is f =77° , d =88° , l =0° , the auxiliary plane is f =347° , d =90° , l =178° , and the fault dimension is 47 km′ 28 km. These results will give new quantitative data for earth dynamics and have practical meaning for seismic source tomography research.  相似文献   

地震矩张量反演在地震观测报告中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对我国地震工作的实际需要,从1995年起,《中国地震台网目录和地震矩张量解》刊登了国内较大地震和全球大震的地震矩张量解和震源机制解。同时在《中国地震年报》上也刊登国内及邻区较大地震的地震长张量解和震源机制解。为了方便用户使用,本文对有关参数进行了说明。  相似文献   

Moment tensor inversion was carried out to invert the source mechanism and source time function of the MS=7.6 November 6, 1988, Lancang-Gengma, Yunnan Province, China, earthquake. Waveforms of long-period body-waves recorded by China Digital Seismograph Network (CDSN) were used in the inversion. The inverted result shows one nodal plane of right-lateralstrike-slip faulting and another of left-lateral strike-slip faulting and a simple source time function of a duration of about 15 s and scalar seismic moment of 6.4(1020 N(m. From the geological dataand tectonic settings and also from field observations and epicentral distribution of aftershocks, the nodal plane striking in the azimuth of 313( is preferred as the fault plane. The pressure axis lies almosthorizontally in north-south direction.  相似文献   

Ruichang-Yangxin earthquake is another moderate earthquake in Yangxin-Jiujiang area since 2005 Jiujiang-Ruichang M5.7 earthquake. In order to more understand the seismic activities in this area, we study the moment tensor solution and the seismogenic structure of the Ruichang-Yangxin earthquake. Precise earthquake relocation shows that the mainshock occurred on the southwestern part of the NE-trending fault and aftershocks are distributed not only along the NE-trending fault but also along its conjugated NW-trending fault. By comprehensive analysis on the earthquake distribution, characteristics of isoseismal curve, focal mechanism, and regional structure characteristics, it is inferred that this earthquake is caused by the NE-trending Tanlu fault. In addition, it has close relationship with the conjugated NW-trending fault as well. Many researches have shown that the junction area is the earthquake-prone area, and should be paid more attention to. And our study also proves this viewpoint.  相似文献   

Based on abundant aftershock sequence data of the Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake on May 12, 2008, we studied the spatio-temporal variation process and segmentation rupture characteristic.Dense aftershocks distribute along Longmenshan central fault zone of NE direction and form a narrow strip with the length of 325 km and the depth between several and 40 km.The depth profile(section of NW direction) vertical to the strike of aftershock zone(NE direction) shows anisomer-ous wedgy distribution characteristic of aft...  相似文献   

汶川大地震汉源县城建筑物震害调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
汶川地震中,距离震中约200公里的汉源县出现了明显烈度异常现象,汉源县城建筑物震害表现尤为明显.为了解释这一现象,在汶川大地震第一阶段科学考察中,相关调查小组对汉源县城建筑物震害开展了相应的调查.调查结果表明,该处烈度异常现象确实存在,烈度异常与该处局部场地条件有一定的联系.  相似文献   

根据张北地震序列的地震活动特征,利用张北震区1998年1月~1999年3月间145个3 级左右地震的震源机制解资料,应用Gephart(1990)的应力张量反演方法,研究张北地震序列构造应力张量的总体变化特征和时序变化特征;研究发现强余震发生前,应力张量的波动幅度不是很大,震源及附近地区的构造应力作用较强,强余震发生后,应力因发生破裂而重新分布。而且震源区的构造应力场方向与华北地区的构造应力场方向基本一致,说明张北主震和强余震都是在华北统一构造应力场的作用下发生的。  相似文献   

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