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The Ohakune Craters form one of several parasitic centres surrounding Ruapehu volcano, at the southern end of the Taupo Volcanic Zone. An inner scoria cone and an outer, probably older, tuff ring are the principal structures in a nested cluster of four vents.The scoria cone consists of alternating lava flows and coarse, welded and unwelded, strombolian block and bomb beds. The strombolian beds consist of principally two discrete types of essential clast, vesicular bombs and dense angular blocks. Rare finer-grained beds are unusually block-rich. The tuff ring consists of alternating strombolian and phreatomagmatic units. Strombolian beds have similar grain size characteristics to scoria cone units, but contain more highly vesicular unoxidised bombs and few blocks. Phreatomagmatic deposits, which contain clasts with variable degrees of palagonitisation, consist of less well-sorted airfall deposits and very poorly sorted, crystal-rich pyroclastic surge deposits.Disruption by expanding magmatic gas bubbles was a major but relatively constant influence on both strombolian and phreatomagmatic eruptions at Ohakune. Instead, the nature of deposits was principally controlled by two other variables, vent geometry and the relative influence of external water during volcanism. During tuff-ring construction, magma is considered to have risen rapidly to the surface, and to have been ejected without sufficient residence time in the vent for non-explosive degassing. Availability of external water principally governed the eruption mechanism and hence the nature of the deposits. Essentials clasts of the scoria cone are, by comparison, dense, degassed and oxidised. It is suggested that a change in vent geometry, possibly the construction of the tuff ring itself, permitted lava ponding and degassing during scoria cone growth. During strombolian eruptions, magma remaining in the vent probably became depleted in gas, leading to the formation of an inert zone, or crust, above actively degassing magma. Subsequent explosions had therefore to disrupt both this passive crust and underlying, vesiculating magma “driving” the eruption. Cycles of strombolian eruption are thought to have stopped when the thickness of the inert crust precluded explosive eruption and only recommenced when some of this material was removed, either as a lava flow or during phreatomagmatic explosions when external water entered the vent. Such explosions probably formed the unusually fine-grained and block-rich beds in the strombolian sequence.The Ohakune deposits are an excellent example of the products of explosive eruption of fluid, gas-rich basic magma vesiculating under very near-surface conditions. A complex interplay of rate of magma rise, rate and depth of formation of gas bubbles, vent geometry, abundance of shallow external water, wind velocity and accumulation rate of ejecta determines the nature of deposits of such eruptions.  相似文献   

Field investigation and lab analysis on samples were carried out for Quaternary volcanoes, including Xiaoshan volcano, Dashan volcano and Bianzhuang hidden volcano, in Haixing area, east of North China. Results show that Xiaoshan volcano with the eruptive material of volcanic scoria, crystal fragments and volcanic ash is a maar volcano, the eruptive pattern is pheatomagmatic eruption, and the influence scope is near the crater. Dashan volcano exploded in the early stage, and then the magma intruded, forming the volcanic neck. The eruption strength and scale are limited, and the eruptive materials are scoria, volcanic agglomerate and dense lava neck. The volcanic rocks in Bianzhuang are porosity and dense volcanic rocks and volcanic breccia, reflecting the pattern of weak explosive eruption and lava flow, and the K-Ar age dating on volcanic rocks indicates that the eruption happened in early Pleistocene. Xiaoshan volcanic scoria and Bianzhuang hidden volcanic rocks are mainly basaltic, Dashan volcanic rocks with lower SiO2 content are nephelinite in composition. Their oxide contents have no linear relationship, indicating that there is no magma evolution relationship between these magmas from the three places. Three volcanic rocks all have enrichment of light rare earth. The Bianzhuang volcanic rocks are rich in large ion lithophile elements, and have no high field strength elements Zr and Hf, Ti losses. The volcanic materials from Xiaoshan and Dashan are intensively rich in Th, U, Nb and Ta, and significantly poor in K and Ti. Although the magmas from these three places in Haixing area may all come from asthenosphere, the volcanic materials have different petrological and geochemical features, and relatively independent volcanic structures, therefore, they experienced different magma processes.  相似文献   

The Igwisi Hills volcanoes (IHV), Tanzania, are unique and important in preserving extra-crater lavas and pyroclastic edifices. They provide critical insights into the eruptive behaviour of kimberlite magmas that are not available at other known kimberlite volcanoes. Cosmogenic 3He dating of olivine crystals from IHV lavas and palaeomagnetic analyses indicates that they are Upper Pleistocene to Holocene in age. This makes them the youngest known kimberlite bodies on Earth by >30?Ma and may indicate a new phase of kimberlite volcanism on the Tanzania craton. Geological mapping, Global Positioning System surveying and field investigations reveal that each volcano comprises partially eroded pyroclastic edifices, craters and lavas. The volcanoes stand <40?m above the surrounding ground and are comparable in size to small monogenetic basaltic volcanoes. Pyroclastic cones consist of diffusely layered pyroclastic fall deposits comprising scoriaceous, pelletal and dense juvenile pyroclasts. Pyroclasts are similar to those documented in many ancient kimberlite pipes, indicating overlap in magma fragmentation dynamics between the Igwisi eruptions and other kimberlite eruptions. Characteristics of the pyroclastic cone deposits, including an absence of ballistic clasts and dominantly poorly vesicular scoria lapillistones and lapilli tuffs, indicate relatively weak explosive activity. Lava flow features indicate unexpectedly high viscosities (estimated at >102 to 106?Pa?s) for kimberlite, attributed to degassing and in-vent cooling. Each volcano is inferred to be the result of a small-volume, short-lived (days to weeks) monogenetic eruption. The eruptive processes of each Igwisi volcano were broadly similar and developed through three phases: (1) fallout of lithic-bearing pyroclastic rocks during explosive excavation of craters and conduits; (2) fallout of juvenile lapilli from unsteady eruption columns and the construction of pyroclastic edifices around the vent; and (3) effusion of degassed viscous magma as lava flows. These processes are similar to those observed for other small-volume monogenetic eruptions (e.g. of basaltic magma).  相似文献   

A multidisciplinary geological and compositional investigation allowed us to reconstruct the occurrence of flank eruptions on the lower NE flank of Stromboli volcano since 15 ka. The oldest flank eruption recognised is Roisa, which occurred at ~15 ka during the Vancori period, and has transitional compositional characteristics between the Vancori and Neostromboli phases. Roisa was followed by the San Vincenzo eruption that took place at ~12 ka during the early stage of Neostromboli period. The eruptive fissure of San Vincenzo gave rise to a large scoria cone located below the village of Stromboli, and generated a lava flow, most of which lies below sea level. Most of the flank eruptions outside the barren Sciara del Fuoco occurred in a short time, between ~9 and 7 ka during the Neostromboli period, when six eruptive events produced scoria cones, spatter ramparts and lava flows. The Neostromboli products belong to a potassic series (KS), and cluster in two differently evolved groups. After an eruptive pause of ~5,000 years, the most recent flank eruption involving the NE sector of the island occurred during the Recent Stromboli period with the formation of the large, highly K calc-alkaline lava flow field, named San Bartolo. The trend of eruptive fissures since 15 ka ranges from N30°E to N55°E, and corresponds to the magma intrusions radiating from the main feeding system of the volcano.  相似文献   

Geological surveys, tephrostratigraphic study, and 40Ar/39Ar age determinations have allowed us to chronologically constrain the geological evolution of the lower NW flank of Etna volcano and to reconstruct the eruptive style of the Mt Barca flank eruption. This peripheral sector of the Mt Etna edifice, corresponding to the upper Simeto valley, was invaded by the Ellittico volcano lava flows between 41 and 29 ka ago when the Mt Barca eruption occurred. The vent of this flank eruption is located at about 15 km away from the summit craters, close to the town of Bronte. The Mt Barca eruption was characterized by a vigorous explosive activity that produced pyroclastic deposits dispersed eastward and minor effusive activity with the emission of a 1.1-km-long lava flow. Explosive activity was characterized by a phreatomagmatic phase followed by a magmatic one. The geological setting of this peripheral sector of the volcano favors the interaction between the rising magma and the shallow groundwater hosted in the volcanic pile resting on the impermeable sedimentary basement. This process produced phreatomagmatic activity in the first phase of the eruption, forming a pyroclastic fall deposit made of high-density, poorly vesicular scoria lapilli and lithic clasts. Conversely, during the second phase, a typical strombolian fall deposit formed. In terms of hazard assessment, the possible occurrence of this type of highly explosive flank eruption, at lower elevation in the densely inhabited areas, increases the volcanic risk in the Etnean region and widens the already known hazard scenario.  相似文献   

The Croscat pyroclastic succession has been analysed to investigate the transition between different eruptive styles in basaltic monogenetic volcanoes, with particular emphasis on the role of phreatomagmatism in triggering Violent Strombolian eruptions. Croscat volcano, an 11 ka basaltic complex scoria cone in the Quaternary Garrotxa Volcanic Field (GVF) shows pyroclastic deposits related both to magmatic and phreatomagmatic explosions.Lithofacies analysis, grain size distribution, chemical composition, glass shard morphologies, vesicularity, bubble-number density and crystallinity of the Croscat pyroclastic succession have been used to characterize the different eruptive styles. Eruptions at Croscat began with fissural Hawaiian-type fountaining that rapidly changed to eruption types transitional between Hawaiian and Strombolian from a central vent. A first phreatomagmatic phase occurred by the interaction between magma and water from a shallow aquifer system at the waning of the Hawaiian- and Strombolian-types stage. A Violent Strombolian explosion then occurred, producing a widespread (8 km2), voluminous tephra blanket. The related deposits are characterized by the presence of wood-shaped, highly vesicular scoriae. Glass-bearing xenoliths (buchites) are also present within the deposit. At the waning of the Violent Strombolian phase a second phreatomagmatic phase occurred, producing a second voluminous deposit dispersed over 8.4 km2. The eruption ended with a lava flow emission and consequent breaching of the western-side of the volcano. Our data suggest that the Croscat Violent Strombolian phase was related to the ascent of deeper, crystal-poor, highly vesicular magma under fast decompression rate. Particles and vesicles elongation and brittle failure observed in the wood-shaped clasts indicate that fragmentation during Violent Strombolian phase was enhanced by high strain-rate of the magma within the conduit.  相似文献   

The Pucón eruption was the largest Holocene explosive outburst of Volcán Villarrica, Chile. It discharged >1.0 km3 of basaltic-andesite magma and >0.8 km3 of pre-existing rock, forming a thin scoria-fall deposit overlain by voluminous ignimbrite intercalated with pyroclastic surge beds. The deposits are up to 70 m thick and are preserved up to 21 km from the present-day summit, post-eruptive lahar deposits extending farther. Two ignimbrite units are distinguished: a lower one (P1) in which all accidental lithic clasts are of volcanic origin and an upper unit (P2) in which basement granitoids also occur, both as free clasts and as xenoliths in scoria. P2 accounts for ∼80% of the erupted products. Following the initial scoria fallout phase, P1 pyroclastic flows swept down the northern and western flanks of the volcano, magma fragmentation during this phase being confined to within the volcanic edifice. Following a pause of at least a couple of days sufficient for wood devolatilization, eruption recommenced, the fragmentation level dropped to within the granitoid basement, and the pyroclastic flows of P2 were erupted. The first P2 flow had a highly turbulent front, laid down ignimbrite with large-scale cross-stratification and regressive bedforms, and sheared the ground; flow then waned and became confined to the southeastern flank. Following emplacement of pyroclastic surge deposits all across the volcano, the eruption terminated with pyroclastic flows down the northern flank. Multiple lahars were generated prior to the onset of a new eruptive cycle. Charcoal samples yield a probable eruption age of 3,510 ± 60 14C years BP.  相似文献   

Rothenberg scoria cone Eifel formed by an alternation of three Strombolian and three phreatomagmatic eruptive phases. Eruptions took place from up to six vents on a 600 m-long fissure, building an early tuff ring and then two coalescing scoria cones. Strombolian volcanism dominated volumetrically, as the supply of external water was severely limited. Magma/water interaction only occurred during the opening stages of eruption at any vent, when discharge rates were low and the fragmentation surface was below the water table. The phreatomagmatic deposits consist of relatively well-sorted fall beds and only minor surge deposits. They contain juvenile clasts with a wide range of vesicularity and grain size, implying considerable heterogeneity in the assemblage of material ejected by the phreatomagmatic explosions. the transition from phreatomagmatic to Strombolian eruption at any vent was rapid and irreversible, and Strombolian volcanism persisted even when eruption rates are inferred to have waned at the close of each eruptive phase as, by then, the fragmentation surfaces were high in the growing cones and water was denied access to the magma. The Strombolian deposits are relatively homogenous, consisting of alternating coarser- and finer-grained, well-sorted fall beds erupted during periods of open-vent eruption and partial blockage of the vent respectively. The intervals of Strombolian eruption were always a delicate balance between discharge of freely degassing magma and processes such as ponding of degassed magma in the vent, collapse of the growing cones, and repeated recycling of clasts through the vent. Clear evidence of the instability of the Rothenberg cones is preserved in numerous unconformities within deposits of the inner walls of the cones. The close of Strombolian phases was probably marked by a decreasing supply of magma to the vents accompanied by ponding and stagnation of lava in the craters.  相似文献   

The 3-month long eruption of Asama volcano in 1783 produced andesitic pumice falls, pyroclastic flows, lava flows, and constructed a cone. It is divided into six episodes on the basis of waxing and waning inferred from records made during the eruption. Episodes 1 to 4 were intermittent Vulcanian or Plinian eruptions, which generated several pumice fall deposits. The frequency and intensity of the eruption increased dramatically in episode 5, which started on 2 August, and culminated in a final phase that began on the night of 4 August, lasting for 15 h. This climactic phase is further divided into two subphases. The first subphase is characterized by generation of a pumice fall, whereas the second one is characterized by abundant pyroclastic flows. Stratigraphic relationships suggest that rapid growth of a cone and the generation of lava flows occurred simultaneously with the generation of both pumice falls and pyroclastic flows. The volumes of the ejecta during the first and second subphases are 0.21 km3 (DRE) and 0.27 km3 (DRE), respectively. The proportions of the different eruptive products are lava: cone: pumice fall=84:11:5 in the first subphase and lava: cone: pyroclastic flow=42:2:56 in the second subphase. The lava flows in this eruption consist of three flow units (L1, L2, and L3) and they characteristically possess abundant broken phenocrysts, and show extensive "welding" texture. These features, as well as ghost pyroclastic textures on the surface, indicate that the lava was a fountain-fed clastogenic lava. A high discharge rate for the lava flow (up to 106 kg/s) may also suggest that the lava was initially explosively ejected from the conduit. The petrology of the juvenile materials indicates binary mixing of an andesitic magma and a crystal-rich dacitic magma. The mixing ratio changed with time; the dacitic component is dominant in the pyroclasts of the first subphase of the climactic phase, while the proportion of the andesitic component increases in the pyroclasts of the second subphase. The compositions of the lava flows vary from one flow unit to another; L1 and L3 have almost identical compositions to those of pyroclasts of the first and second subphases, respectively, while L2 has an intermediate composition, suggesting that the pyroclasts of the first and second subphases were the source of the lava flows, and were partly homogenized during flow. The complex features of this eruption can be explained by rapid deposition of coarse pyroclasts near the vent and the subsequent flowage of clastogenic lavas which were accompanied by a high eruption plume generating pumice falls and/or pyroclastic flows.Editorial responsibility: T. Druitt  相似文献   

在野外地质资料基础上,利用火山形态学方法,探讨了大兴安岭焰山、高山火山的喷发型式。结果表明,大兴安岭哈拉哈河-绰尔河火山群中的焰山和高山火山不同于斯通博利式喷发形成的火山,其早期爆破喷发的火山碎屑形成火山渣锥、空降火山碎屑席和小型火山碎屑流,晚期溢出大量熔岩。两火山具有较高大的锥体(标高200~300m以上),在结构上,松散火山砾、火山弹等构成下部的降落锥,熔结集块岩构成上部的溅落锥。由火山砾和火山灰组成的空降火山碎屑席分布在火山锥体周围。两火山溢出的熔岩经历了从结壳熔岩→翻花石→渣状熔岩的演变。根据喷发产物可推断焰山和高山火山具有以下喷发特征:爆破喷发形成持续的喷发柱→斯通博利式喷发→熔岩喷泉喷溢,其中以持续时间较长的喷发柱区别于典型的斯通博利式喷发。类似焰山、高山火山的喷发特征,在龙岗第四纪火山群、镜泊湖全新世火山群中也都有个例,这是中国大陆火山作用中一种新的喷发型式。  相似文献   

Mount Etna volcano was shaken during the summer 2001 by one of the most singular eruptive episodes of the last centuries. For about 3 weeks, several eruptive fractures developed, emitting lava flows and tephra that significantly modified the landscape of the southern flank of the volcano. This event stimulated the attention of the scientific community especially for the simultaneous emission of petrologically distinct magmas, recognized as coming from different segments of the plumbing system. A stratigraphically controlled sampling of tephra layers was performed at the most active vents of the eruption, in particular at the 2,100 m (CAL) and at the 2,550 m (LAG) scoria cones. Detailed scanning electron microscope and energy dispersive x-ray spectrometer (SEM-EDS) analyses performed on glasses found in tephra and comparison with lava whole rock compositions indicate an anomalous increase in Ti, Fe, P, and particularly of K and Cl in the upper layers of the LAG sequence. Mass balance and thermodynamic calculations have shown that this enrichment cannot be accounted for by “classical” differentiation processes, such as crystal fractionation and magma mixing. The analysis of petrological features of the magmas involved in the event, integrated with the volcanological evolution, has evidenced the role played by volatiles in controlling the magmatic evolution within the crustal portion of the plumbing system. Volatiles, constituted of H2O, CO2, and Cl-complexes, originated from a deeply seated magma body (DBM). Their upward migration occurred through a fracture network possibly developed by the seismic swarms during the period preceding the event. In the upper portion of the plumbing system, a shallower residing magma body (ABT) had chemical and physical conditions to receive migrating volatiles, which hence dissolved the mobilized elements producing the observed selective enrichment. This volatile-induced differentiation involved exclusively the lowest erupted portion of the ABT magma due to the low velocity of volatiles diffusion within a crystallizing magma body and/or to the short time between volatiles migration and the onset of the eruption. Furthermore, the increased amount of volatiles in this level of the chamber strongly affected the eruptive behavior. In fact, the emission of these products at the LAG vent, towards the end of the eruption, modified the eruptive style from classical strombolian to strongly explosive.  相似文献   

We present precise geodetic and satellite observation-based estimations of the erupted volume and discharge rate of magma during the 2011 eruptions of Kirishima-Shinmoe-dake volcano, Japan. During these events, the type and intensity of eruption drastically changed within a week, with three major sub-Plinian eruptions on January 26 and 27, and a continuous lava extrusion from January 29 to 31. In response to each eruptive event, borehole-type tiltmeters detected deflation of a magma chamber caused by migration of magma to the surface. These measurements enabled us to estimate the geodetic volume change in the magma chamber caused by each eruptive event. Erupted volumes and discharge rates were constrained during lava extrusion using synthetic aperture radar satellite imaging of lava accumulation inside the summit crater. Combining the geodetic volume change and the volume of lava extrusion enabled the determination of the erupted volume and discharge rate during each sub-Plinian event. These precise estimates provide important information about magma storage conditions in magma chambers and eruption column dynamics, and indicate that the Shinmoe-dake eruptions occurred in a critical state between explosive and effusive eruption.  相似文献   

The Atexcac maar is located in the central part of the Serdán–Oriental lacustrine/playa basin in the eastern Mexican Volcanic Belt. It is part of a dispersed and isolated monogenetic field consisting of maar volcanoes, basaltic cinder cones and rhyolitic domes. Atexac is a maar volcano excavated into pyroclastic deposits, basaltic lava flows and the flanks of a cinder cone cluster, which itself was built on a topographic high consisting of limestone. It has an ENE-trending elliptical shape with beds, mostly unconsolidated deposits that dip outward at 16–22°. The Atexcac crater was formed from vigorous phreatomagmatic explosions in which fluctuations in the availability of external water, temporal migration of the locus of the explosion, and periodic injection of new magma were important controls on the evolution of the maar crater. Variations in grain sizes and component proportions of correlated deposits from the different sections suggest a migration of the locus of explosions, producing different eruptive conditions with fluctuating water–magma interactions. Deposits rich in large intrusive and limestone blocks are associated with a matrix enriched in small andesitic lapilli. This could suggest differential degrees of fragmentation due to inherited (previously acquired) fragmentation and/or relative distance to the locus of explosions. Initial short-lived phreatic explosions started at the southwest part of the crater and were followed by an ephemeral vertical column and the influx of external water that led to relatively shallow explosive interactions with the ascending basaltic magma. Drier explosions progressed downward and/or laterally northward, sampling subsurface rock types, particularly intrusive, limestone and andesitic zones as well as localized altered zones (N-NE), caused by repetitive injection of basaltic magma. A final explosive phase involved a new injection of magma and a new influx of external water producing wetter conditions at the end of the maar formation. We infer the aquifer was formed by fractured rocks, predominantly andesitic lava flows and limestone rocks. Andesitic accessory clasts dominate in all stratigraphic levels but these rocks are not exposed in the nearby area. These local hydrogeological conditions contrast with those at nearby maar volcanoes, where the water for the magma/water interactions apparently mostly came from a dominantly unconsolidated tuffaceous aquifer, producing tuff rings with a much lower profile than Atexcac.  相似文献   

Volcanic gas samples were collected from July to November 1985 from a lava pond in the main eruptive conduit of Pu'u O'o from a 2-week-long fissure eruption and from a minor flank eruption of Pu'u O'o. The molecular composition of these gases is consistent with thermodynamic equilibrium at a temperature slightly less than measured lava temperatures. Comparison of these samples with previous gas samples shows that the composition of volatiles in the magma has remained constant over the 3-year course of this episodic east rift eruption of Kilauea volcano. The uniformly carbon depleted nature of these gases is consistent with previous suggestions that all east rift eruptive magmas degas during prior storage in the shallow summit reservoir of Kilauea. Minor compositional variations within these gas collections are attributed to the kinetics of the magma degassing process.  相似文献   

La Soufrière of Guadeloupe is a dangerous volcano characterized over the last decade by moderate seismic and fumarolic unrest. In the last 15,000 years it has experienced phreatic and magmatic eruptions and unusually numerous flank collapse events sometimes associated with a magmatic eruption. We propose a new age of 1530 A.D. and a new eruptive scenario for the last magmatic eruption on the basis of a novel statistical analysis of radiocarbon age dates, and new field and geochemical data. This eruption is the only magmatic eruption likely to have occurred in Guadeloupe during the last 1400 years. The eruption mainly involved an andesitic magma which, in the first phase of the eruption, partially mixed with a slightly more differentiated magma stored in a small and shallow magma chamber. Ascent of magma to the surface generated a partial collapse of the hydrothermally altered edifice that increased the magma discharge and led to a sub-plinian phase with scoria fallout and column-collapse pyroclastic flows followed by near-vent pyroclastic scoria fountains. The eruption ended with growth of a lava dome. Our revised interpretation of the last magmatic eruption of La Soufrière constitutes the most likely key to a future magmatic eruption scenario for this volcano which displays strong evidence of unrest since 1992.  相似文献   

The small- to moderate-volume, Quaternary, Siwi pyroclastic sequence was erupted during formation of a 4 km-wide caldera on the eastern margin of Tanna, an island arc volcano in southern Vanuatu. This high-potassium, andesitic eruption followed a period of effusive basaltic andesite volcanism and represents the most felsic magma erupted from the volcano. The sequence is up to 13 m thick and can be traced in near-continuous outcrop over 11 km. Facies grade laterally from lithic-rich, partly welded spatter agglomerate along the caldera rim to two medial, pumiceous, non-welded ignimbrites that are separated by a layer of lithic-rich, spatter agglomerate. Juvenile clasts comprise a wide range of densities and grain sizes. They vary between black, incipiently vesicular, highly elongate spatter clasts that have breadcrusted pumiceous rinds and reach several metres across to silky, grey pumice lapilli. The pumice lapilli range from highly vesicular clasts with tube or coalesced spherical vesicles to denser finely vesicular clasts that include lithic fragments.Textural and lithofacies characteristics of the Siwi pyroclastic sequence suggest that the first phase of the eruption produced a base surge deposit and spatter-poor pumiceous ignimbrite. A voluminous eruption of spatter and lithic pyroclasts coincided with a relatively deep withdrawal of magma presumably driven by a catastrophic collapse of the magma chamber roof. During this phase, spatter clasts rapidly accumulated in the proximal zone largely as fallout, creating a variably welded and lithic-rich agglomerate. This phase was followed by the eruption of moderately to highly vesiculated magma that generated the most widespread, upper pumiceous ignimbrite. The combination of spatter and pumice in pyroclastic deposits from a single eruption appears to be related to highly explosive, magmatic eruptions involving low-viscosity magmas. The combination also indicates the coexistence of a spatter fountain and explosive eruption plume for much of the eruption.Editorial responsibility: R. Cioni  相似文献   

Relatively homogeneous trachytes have been erupted for approximately 3800 years at la Fossa di Vulcano. From the Punte Nere eruptive cycle up to the Palizzi cycle the products varied little, while after the Palizzi cycle (1600 + 1000 a B.P.) to the latest eruption, 1888–1890 AD, a spectrum of compositions, with rhyolite dominating, characterized the erupted products.A stratigraphic sequence, starting with the Palizzi lava flow, has been studied, focussing the attention on lavas and volcanic bombs, to define the role that magma mixing processes have played in the recent history of La Fossa di Vulcano. Textural and chemical analyses of whole rocks, glass, groundmass, and mineral phases indicate that only the breadcrust bombs, erupted during the 1888–1890, show evidence of mixing between trachytic and rhyolitic end-members. Interestingly, in the deposits of the same eruption, trachytic bombs also occur.The lava flows erupted before 1888–1890 display general features suggesting that they entrained crystals and lava fragments during magma ascent. During the 1888–1890 eruption the trachytic bombs were erupted before the breadcrust bombs, which have a more evolved and hybrid composition. These characteristics, together with the change of the nature of the products after the Palizzi cycle, require a complex volcanological model for the recent history of la Fossa di Vulcano.  相似文献   

Transitions in eruptive style—explosive to effusive, sustained to pulsatory—are a common aspect of volcanic activity and present a major challenge to volcano monitoring efforts. A classic example of such transitions is provided by the activity of Mount St. Helens, WA, during 1980, where a climactic Plinian event on May 18 was followed by subplinian and vulcanian eruptions that became increasing pulsatory with time throughout the summer, finally progressing to episodic growth of a lava dome. Here we use variations in the textures, glass compositions and volatile contents of melt inclusions preserved in pyroclasts produced by the summer 1980 eruptions to determine conditions of magma ascent and storage that may have led to observed changes in eruptive activity. Five different pyroclast types identified in pyroclastic flow and fall deposits produced by eruptions in June 12, July 22 and August 7, 1980, provide evidence for multiple levels of magma storage prior to each event. Highly vesicular clasts have H2O-rich (4.5–5.5 wt%) melt inclusions and lack groundmass microlites or hornblende reaction rims, characteristics that require magma storage at P≥160 MPa until shortly prior to eruption. All other clast types have groundmass microlites; PH20 estimated from both H2O-bearing melt inclusions and textural constraints provided by decompression experiments suggest pre-eruptive storage pressures of ∼75, 40, and 10 MPa. The distribution of pyroclast types within and between eruptive deposits can be used to place important constraints on eruption mechanisms. Fall and flow deposits from June 12, 1980, lack highly vesicular, microlite-free pyroclasts. This eruption was also preceded by a shallow intrusion on June 3, as evidenced by a seismic crisis and enhanced SO2 emissions. Our constraints suggest that magma intruded to a depth of ≤4 km beneath the crater floor fed the June eruption. In contrast, eruptions of July and August, although shorter in duration and smaller in volume, erupted deep volatile-rich magma. If modeled as a simple cylinder, these data require a step-wise decrease in effective conduit diameter from 40–50 m in May and June to 8–12 m in July and August. The abundance of vesicular (intermediate to deep) clast types in July and August further suggests that this change was effected by narrowing the shallower part of the conduit, perhaps in response to solidification of intruded magma remaining in the shallow system after the June eruption. Eruptions from July to October were distinctly pulsatory, transitioning between subplinian and vulcanian in character. As originally suggested by Scandone and Malone (1985), a growing mismatch between the rate of magma ascent and magma disruption explains the increasingly pulsatory nature of the eruptions through time. Recent fragmentation experiments Spieler et al. (2004) suggest this mismatch may have been aided by the multiple levels at which magma was stored (and degassed) prior to these events.Editorial responsibility: J Stix  相似文献   

The 1963–65 eruption of Irazú, like all others of this volcano during the historic period, produced only ash and other fragmental ejecta without lava. The initial outbreak on March 13, 1963 started with a series of great explosions that hurled out much ash, blocks, and bombs, but the activity soon settled down to alternating periods of explosive cruptions and quiet emission of steam. Ash was deposited mostly along a zone that extended westward from the summit to and beyond the city of San Jose, 24 km away. The prolonged ashfall severely damaged dairy, vegetable, and coffee farms, and for a while made daily life in the affected cities extremely difficult. Accelerated runoff of rainwater from the ash-covered slopes of the volcano caused destructive floods, mudflows, and landslides. The climax of the cruption probably occurred during December 1963 and January 1964, when ash and incandescent scoria were erupted voluminously and the magma rose to within 100 meters of the lip of the vent. Precise levelling along the highway to the summit in May 1964 by the Geographic Institute revealed the upper part of the volcano upheaved as much as 11 cm above levels determined in 1949. A repetition of the levelling in September 1964 showed a subsidence to approximately the 1949 configuration, indicating a distinct reduction of pressure in the magma chamber. Substantial amounts of pulverized wallrock were present in the ash along with fragments of scoria and pumice. Progressive caving of the vent walls, which enlarged the diameter of the vent from 200 meters to 525 meters, kept dropping wallrock down onto the exploding magma, and at times stopped the eruption for a day or two by plugging the vent. The scoriaceous and pumiceous bombs were porphyritic two-pyroxene olivine basaltic andesite, and their composition remained remarkably constant throughout the eruption. The ash section was about 2 meters thick, 800 meters downwind from the vent in June 1964. In the section, deposits of the rainy season could be distinguished by their well developed stratification from those of the dry season. A zone containing three persistent pumice horizons represents the climactic period of December 1963 to January 1964. The cloudburst of December 10, 1963 is recorded by a highly rilled surface, and the strong winds of the dry season of 1964 are indicated by a rippled lag deposit.  相似文献   

Scoria cones are common volcanic features and are thought to most commonly develop through the deposition of ballistics produced by gentle Strombolian eruptions and the outward sliding of talus. However, some historic scoria cones have been observed to form with phases of more energetic violent Strombolian eruptions (e.g., the 1943–1952 eruption of Parícutin, central Mexico; the 1975 eruption of Tolbachik, Kamchatka), maintaining volcanic plumes several kilometers in height, sometimes simultaneous with active effusive lava flows. Geologic evidence shows that violent Strombolian eruptions during cone formation may be more common than is generally perceived, and therefore it is important to obtain additional insights about such eruptions to better assess volcanic hazards. We studied Irao Volcano, the largest basaltic monogenetic volcano in the Abu Monogenetic Volcano Group, SW Japan. The geologic features of this volcano are consistent with a violent Strombolian eruption, including voluminous ash and fine lapilli beds (on order of 10?1 km3 DRE) with simultaneous scoria cone formation and lava effusion from the base of the cone. The characteristics of the volcanic products suggest that the rate of magma ascent decreased gradually throughout the eruption and that less explosive Strombolian eruptions increased in frequency during the later stages of activity. During the eruption sequence, the chemical composition of the magma became more differentiated. A new K–Ar age determination for phlogopite crystallized within basalt dates the formation of Irao Volcano at 0.4?±?0.05 Ma.  相似文献   

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