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Summary The propagation of small-amplitude plane waves through a homogeneous, isotropic elastic medium, with a particular form of strain-energy function and subjected to a large primary deformation, produced by a homogeneous biaxial stress, is considered in detail. The properties of such waves in an unbounded medium, the conditions for their existence, their speeds and their polarisations are investigated and similar results are also obtained for Rayleigh surface waves.  相似文献   

In seismic exploration, elastic waves are sent to investigate subsurface geology. However, the transmission and interpretation of the elastic wave propagation is complicated by various factors. One major reason is that the earth can be a very complex medium. Nevertheless, in this paper, we model some terrestrial material as an elastic medium consisting of randomly distributed inclusions with a considerable concentration. The waves incident on such an inhomogeneous medium undergo multiple scattering due to the presence of inclusions. Consequently, the wave energy is redistributed thereby reducing the amplitude of the coherent wave.The coherent or average wave is assumed to be propagating in a homogeneous continuum characterized by a bulk complex wavenumber. This wavenumber depends on the frequency of the probing waves; and on the physical properties and the concentration of discrete scatterers, causing the effective medium to be dispersive. With the help of multiple scattering theory, we are able to analytically predict the attenuation of the transmitted wave intensity as well as the dispersion of the phase velocity. These two sets of data are valuable to the study of the inverse scattering problems in seismology. Some numerical results are presented and also compared, if possible, with experimental measurements.  相似文献   

Summary On the basis of Alsop's method (1966), approximated reflection and transmission coefficients are obtained for surface waves obliquely incident at a vertical discontinuity. Rayleigh and Love waves are arranged in such a way that they form a homogeneous eigenfunction system and their mutual conversion into each other is compatible with this theory. The structure of the eigenvalue equation is responsible for the mathematical complications in many surface wave problems. On the basis of a computer routine, first result concerning the angular dependence of the reflection and transmission coefficients including mode conversion are presented. The problem of phase jump is discussed. A comparison of theoretical and experimental results shows the applicability of Alsop's method for 90°-corners, too.  相似文献   

Analytical results are presented for the dynamic interaction of an elastic flexural plate and an elastic half-space subjected to harmonic seismic waves. Displacements and contact stresses are presented for square, massless plates having a practical range of flexural stiffness and subjected to incident waves oriented parallel to either an edge or a diagonal of the plate. The behaviour of massive plates is also briefly discussed; such plates exhibit additional resonances higher than those normally associated with the motion of a rigid mass.  相似文献   

Summary Two different viewpoints of the phase velocities of the elastic surface waves in isotropic, laterally inhomogeneous media have led to inconsistent results. Arguments in terms of surface wave modes give the conclusion that the phase velocity is independent of the propagation direction, while the outcome of calculations based on a constructive interference of body waves in a surface layer is that the phase velocity is dependent on the propagation direction. Both arguments are summarized and an error in the calculations giving dependence is pointed out. The calculations and observations of surface wave amplitude changes in laterally inhomogeneous media are also summarized.  相似文献   

Summary The object of the present paper is to investigate the magneto-elastic surface waves in an initially stressed conducting medium. The theory of magneto-elastic surface waves in an initially stressed conducting medium has firstly been deduced and then it has been employed in investigating the particular cases of surface waves such as (i) Rayleigh waves (ii) Love waves and (iii) Stoneley waves. The wave-velocity equations obtained in different cases are in agreement with the corresponding classical results when the solid is initially unstressed and the magnetic field is absent or the material is non-magnetic.  相似文献   


借助Christoffel方程可求解出各向异性介质弹性波精确频散关系.利用近似方法进行处理,再通过傅里叶逆变换将频率波数域算子变换为时空域算子,可导出解耦的qP波或qS波波动方程.本文在TTI介质弹性波精确频散关系的基础上,利用近似配方法推导了qP波和qSV波近似频散关系,通过傅里叶逆变换推导了TTI介质qP波和qSV波解耦的波动方程.为了验证近似频散关系的有效性,利用两组模型参数对其进行数值计算,分析了相对误差在不同传播方向上的分布.随后使用有限差分方法分别对均匀、层状及复杂TTI介质弹性波近似解耦波动方程进行数值模拟,结果显示qP波和qSV波完全解耦,并且在各向异性参数η < 0以及介质对称轴倾角变化较大的情况下,纯qP波和纯qSV波近似波动方程依然可以保持稳定.


The present paper investigates the effect of voids on the propagation of surface waves in a homogeneous micropolar elastic solid medium which contains a distribution of vacuous pores (voids). The general theory for surface wave propagation in micropolar elastic media containing voids has been presented. Particular cases of surface waves (Rayleigh’s, Love’s and Stoneley’s) in micropolar media which contain vacuous pores have been deduced from the above general theory. Discussions have been made in each case to highlight the effect of voids and micropolar character of the material medium separately. Their joint effect has also been studied in details. Modulation of Rayleigh wave velocity has been studied numerically. It is observed that Love waves are not affected by the presence of voids.  相似文献   

Summary The present paper is concerned with the transmission of elastic waves through a second-order fluid layer sandwiched between homogeneous elastic media having identical properties. It is concluded that the transmission ratio increases with the increasing absolute values of visco-elastic co-efficient and also with the wavelength of the wave transmitted.  相似文献   

在弹性波数值模拟中,为了压制人工边界反射,需要使用边界条件.本文从三维各向异性介质中弹性渡方程出发,在边界入射波为平面波的假设前提下,利用特征值分解以及坐标系旋转,导出人工边界处质点位移矢量计算公式,实现了在边界处为任意倾斜入射时的透射边界条件.并显示了边界条件的使用效果.  相似文献   

IntroductionItiswellknownthatanisotropylieswidelyintheundergroundmedia.Anisotropicmediawhicharemetintheseismicengineeringandseismicexplorationofenergyaremainlycausedbytheperiodicthinlayers(PTL)andextensivedilatancyanisotropy(EDA).Insuchmedia,anisotropyleadstomorecomplicatepropagationofseismicwave,thesignificantfeatureinanisotropicmediaisvelocityanisotropy.Infact,undergroundstrataareverycomplicated,whichareusuallycomposedofsolidframeandfluid(suchasoil,gasesorwater)inpores.Inordertostudyseism…  相似文献   

Summary Surface waves in an isotropic nonhomogeneous elastic semi-space (plane strain) are studied. It is assumed that the Poisson's ratio and the density of the medium are constant but shear modulus is a monotonic function of the depth. Use of the stress equation of motion is made to reduce the problem to an eigenvalue problem for a differential equation of fourth order with polynomial coefficients. A series solution of the problem is obtained and dependence of the Rayleigh velocityC R on the wavelength and the nonhomogeneity of the medium, is studied. Group velocity period curves are also obtained.
Zusammenfassung Oberflächenwellen in einem isotropen Nicht-homogenen elastischen Halbraum (Für den ebenen Verzerungszustand) werden untersucht. Die Poissonsche Querzahl und die Dichte werden als konstant vorausgesetzt während der Schubmodul ein monotone Funktion der Tiefe ist. Unter Benutzung der Spannungstensorsbewegungsgleichungen reduziert sich das problem zu einem Eigenwertproblem einer Differentialgleichung der vierten Ordnung mit Polynomkoeffizienten. Eine Reihenentwicklung wird als Lösung des problems erhalten und die Abhängigkeit der RayleighgeschwindigkeitC R von der Wellenlänge und die Nicht-homogeneität des mediums werden untersucht. Ausserdem werden Gruppengeschwindigkeit und Perioden kurven erhalten.

双相介质分界面上弹性波的反射与透射   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文基于Biot理论,推导出Zoeppritz形式的双相介质分界面上弹性波的反射与透射公式,对单相Zoeppritz公式与双相反射系数公式进行了比较,对双相介质含油、水、气不同流体时的反射规律以及孔隙度、渗透率、饱和度等储层参数对纵波反射的影响进行了研究.数值模拟分析表明,双相与单相反射公式的主要差异在于双相介质反射公式中考虑了液相、固液耦合相弹性模量的影响;油砂、水砂、气砂岩的慢P波反射差异明显;快P波反射对孔隙度的变化敏感,饱和度次之,对渗透率和频率的变化不敏感.  相似文献   

This paper presents a simple, flexible way of introducing stress-free boundary conditions for including cracks and cavities in 2D elastic media by a finite difference method (FDM). The surfaces of cracks and cavities are discretized in a staircase on a rectangular grid scheme. When zero-stress is applied to free surfaces, the resulting finite difference schemes require a set of adjacent fictitious points. These points are classified based on the geometry of the free surface and their displacement is computed as a prior step to later calculation of motion on the crack surface. The use of this extra line of points does not involve a significant drain on computational resources. However, it does provide explicit finite difference schemes and the construction of displacement on the free surfaces by using the correct physical boundary conditions. An accuracy analysis compares the results to an analytical solution. This quantitative analysis uses envelope and phase misfits. It estimates the minimum number of points per wavelength necessary to achieve suitable results. Finally, the method is employed to compute displacement in various models with cavities in the P-SV formulation. The results show suitable construction of the reflected P and S waves from the free surface as well as diffraction produced by these cavities.  相似文献   

Summary Cauchy theory of initial stress has been applied to investigate the problem of SH waves in an initialy stressed elastic plate. The initial stress is assumed to be a uniform tension or compression along the thickness of the plate. It is found that the initial stress influences the velocities of the dispersive modes only but, it has no influence on the velocity of the non-dispersive wave.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations of dilatational waves in an elastic porous medium containing two immiscible viscous compressible fluids indicate that three types of wave occur, but the modes of dilatory motion corresponding to the three waves remain uncharacterized as functions of relative saturation. In the present paper, we address this problem by deriving normal coordinates for the three dilatational waves based on the general poroelasticity equations of Lo et al. 2005 [13]. The normal coordinates provide a theoretical foundation with which to characterize the motional modes in terms of six connecting coefficients that depend in a well defined way on inertial drag, viscous drag, and elasticity properties. Using numerical calculations of the connecting coefficients in the seismic frequency range for an unconsolidated sand containing water and air as a representative example relevant to hydrologic applications, we confirm that the dilatational wave whose speed is greatest corresponds to the motional mode in which the solid framework and the two pore fluids always move in phase, regardless of water saturation, in agreement with the classic Biot theory of the fast compressional wave in a water-saturated porous medium. For the wave which propagates second fastest, we show, apparently for the first time, that the solid framework moves in phase with water, but out of phase with air [Mode (III)], if the water saturation is below about 0.8, whereas the solid framework moves out of phase with both pore fluids [Mode (IV)] above this water saturation. The transition from Mode (III) to Mode (IV) corresponds to that between the capillarity-dominated region of the water retention curve and the region reflecting air-entry conditions near full water saturation. The second of the two modes corresponds exactly to the slow compressional wave in classic Biot theory, whereas the first mode is possible only in a two-fluid system undergoing capillary pressure fluctuations. For the wave which has the smallest speed, the dilatational mode is dominated by the motions of the two pore fluids, which are always out of phase, a result that is consistent with the proposition that this wave is caused by capillary pressure fluctuations.  相似文献   

A numerical procedure for the analysis of Rayleigh waves in saturated porous elastic media is proposed by use of the finite element method. The layer stiffness matrix, the layer mass matrix and the layer damping matrix in a layered system are presented for the discretized form of the solid-fluid equilibrium equation proposed by Biot. In order to consider the influence of the permeability coefficient on the behavior of Rayleigh waves, attention is focused on the following states: ‘drained’ state, ‘undrained’ state and the states between two extremes of ‘drained’ and ‘undrained’ states. It is found from computed results that the permeability coefficient exerts a significant effect on dispersion curves and displacement distributions of Rayleigh waves in saturated porous media.  相似文献   

Summary The problems of Cagniard and Abramovici-Alterman, regarding propagation of seismic pulses in horizontally layered media, are solved by a direct method without involving integral transforms.  相似文献   

The steady-state response is determined of elastic layered media to buried moving normal point loads. The exact solution appears as a superposition of infinitely many rays, each of them given in closed form, in terms of algebraic functions. The solution obtained yields a local behaviour corresponding to the unbounded-space solution. The unbounded-space problem was previously solved byEason, Fulton andSneddon [8] and their solution is utilized for the present solution by superposing it on secondary fields so as to satisfy the boundary conditions. The secondary fields are obtained by the method of the differential transferm described below.  相似文献   

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