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Ground-based FTIR measurements have been performed in the Arctic summer in July 1993 and June 1994 at 79° N to study the zenith column densities of several trace gases in the undisturbed Arctic summer atmosphere. Zenith column densities of H2O, N2O, HNO3, NO2, NO, ClONO2, ClO, HCl, HF, COF2, OCS, SF6, HCN, CH4, C2H6, C2H2, CO, O3, CFC-12, CFC-22, and CO2 were retrieved by line-by-line calculations. The results are compared with winter and springtime observations measured at the same site, with column densities obtained in the Antarctic summer atmosphere, and with measurements at midlatitudes. For HCl the spectra give lower total zenith columns than expected, but the ratio HF/HCl agrees well with midlatitude literature data. Measurements of ClONO2 give low total columns in agreement with observations at midlatitudes. In the undisturbed atmosphere HCl was found to be in excess of ClONO2. The total columns of HNO3, N2O and the sum of NO and NO2 agree with summer observations in Antarctica. Results for the tropospheric trace gas C2H6 are higher by 250% when compared with Antarctic observations. Contrary to N2O and CH4 the seasonal cycle of C2H6 and C2H2 give much higher total columns in winter/spring compared to the summer observations. This is assigned to transport of polluted airmasses from mid-latitudes into the Arctic.  相似文献   

Infrared absorption features due to ClO in the lower stratosphere have been identified from groundbased solar absorption spectra taken from Aberdeen, U.K. (57° N, 2° W) on 20 January 1995. A vertical column abundance of 3.42 (±0.47)×1015 molec cm-2 has been derived from 13 independent absorption features in the P and R branches of the (0–1) vibration-rotation band of 35ClO, spanning the spectral region 817–855 cm-1. The observed absorption features are consistent with very high levels of ClO (approximately 2.6 parts per billion by volume (ppbv)) in the altitude range 16–22 km. A comparison of this profile with a 3D chemical transport model profile indicates the observation was made inside the polar vortex and shows good qualitative agreement but the model underestimates the concentrations of ClO. Simultaneous measurements of other species were made including HCl, HF and ClONO2. These columns yield a value for HCl+ClONO2+ClO of 7.02±0.65×1015 molec cm-2. This is lower than the total inorganic chlorine (ClO y ) column of 10.7±1.6×1015 molec cm-2 estimated from mean measured (HCl+ClONO2)/HF ratios together with in-vortex HF measurements. The discrepancy is probably due to significant amounts of the ClO dimer (Cl2O2) in the lower part of the stratosphere. The measurements of highly elevated levels of ClO are used to estimate O3 loss rates at the 400, 475 and 550 K levels making assumptions about the probable distribution of ClO and Cl2O2. These are compared with loss rates derived from ozone sonde data.  相似文献   

A one-dimensional photochemical model was used to explore the role of chlorine atoms in oxidizing methane and other nonmethane hydrocarbons (NMHCs) in the marine troposphere and lower stratosphere. Where appropriate, the model predictions were compared with available measurements. Cl atoms are predicted to be present in the marine troposphere at concentrations of approximately 103 cm-3, mostly as a consequence of the reaction of OH with HCl released from sea spray. Despite this low abundance, our results indicate that 20 to 40% of NMHC oxidation in the troposphere (0–10 km) and 40 to 90% of NMHC oxidation in the lower stratosphere (10–20 km) is caused by Cl atoms. At 15 km, NMHC-Cl reactions account for nearly 80% of the PAN produced.The model was also used to test the longstanding hypothesis that NOCl is an intermediate to HCl formation from sea salt aerosols. It was found that the NOCl concentration required (10 ppt) would be incompatible with field observations of reactive nitrogen and ozone abundance. Chlorine nitrate (ClONO2) and methyl nitrate (CH3ONO2) were shown to be minor components of the total NO y abundance. Heterogeneous reactions that might enhance photolysis of halocarbons or convert ClONO2 to HOCl or Cl2 were determined to be relatively unimportant sources of Cl atoms. Specific and reliable measurements of HCl and other reactive chlorine species are needed to better assess their role in tropospheric chemistry.  相似文献   

Vertical column abundances of HCl, ClONO2, HF and HNO3 have been obtained from infrared solar absorption measurements made at Aberdeen, UK (57°N, 2°W) during the periods January 13 1994 - May 8 1994 and November 23 1994 - April 19 1995. The measurements reveal the partitioning of inorganic chlorine (Cly) inside and outside the polar vortex during these two winter and spring periods. Stratospheric temperatures within the northern polar vortex during 1993/94 were not cold throughout January and most of February. The measurements reported here suggest that following a brief period of chlorine activation in late February and early March, the active chlorine within the vortex recovered rapidly to form ClONO2 resulting in in-vortex ClONO2 columns of 7 × 1015 molecules cm-2. In contrast, measurements during January 1995 suggest extensive invortex activation with in-vortex HCl + ClONO2 as low as 3.6×1015 molecules cm-2. High day-to-day variability in the ClONO2 columns observed during February is evidence for the transport of ClONO2 rich air from high to mid latitudes during the late winter. The implications for mid latitude O3 loss are discussed. A preliminary comparison of the HCl, ClONO2, and HNO3 column data from winter 94/95 with a three-dimensional chemical transport model shows that the model generally reproduces well the day-to-day variability and absolute magnitude of the observed columns, especially for HNO3 outside of the vortex.  相似文献   

In the winter of 1994/95 the German Transall research aircraft performed 5 campaigns in the European Arctic with 22 flights altogether. An extensive dataset of HNO3, ClONO2 and O3 column amounts was obtained by MIPAS-FT (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding - Flugzeug Transall) onboard the aircraft. In this paper we present the variability of the ClONO2 reservoir gas in the course of the winter. We include groundbased FTIR measurements of HF, HCl and ClONO2 to discuss the airborne observations with regard to the partitioning of inorganic chlorine.From mid-December until the end of January, MIPAS measured a stable ClONO2 collar with constantly low column amounts inside the polar vortex and maxima at the edge. This observation reflected widespread conversion of ClONO2 to reactive chlorine inside the vortex for at least six weeks. In good accordance, the ground stations measured low in-vortex HCl and ClONO2 column amounts and conversion of HCl into ClONO2 in the region of the ClONO2 maxima. In the first week of February the ClONO2 amounts started to increase in the edge region as well as inside the vortex. Between March 21 and 27, just one week after the last cold period, MIPAS observed exclusively high ClONO2 column amounts inside the vortex, indicating fast deactivation of active chlorine. In the same period the ground stations measured an excess of ClONO2 over HCl. Further, the high ClONO2 implies that the polar vortex was renoxified in March. Lower ClONO2 values, observed inside the vortex on the flights of April 5 and 8, and an increased HCl/ClONO2 ratio, measured from ground, marked the starting redistribution within the chlorine reservoir species to the photochemically more stable HCl.In February, March and April, MIPAS observed mixing of ClONO2-rich air masses with midlatitude air at the vortex edge. A very clear event happened on March 27. On this flight a distinct ClONO2 minimum was measured at the vortex edge, which was closely correlated with a filament of midlatitude air observed by OLEX (Ozone Lidar EXperiment) onboard the Transall.  相似文献   

We call attention to the likely importance of the potential reaction OH+ClOHCl+O2. It may only be a minor channel for the reaction of OH with ClO, which is often ignored in models, but if it occurs it considerably increases the rate of recovery of HCl after an air parcel has encountered a polar stratospheric cloud (PSC). The net effect of this reaction on the ozone concentration depends on the relative HCl concentration and whether the air parcel is in a PSC. When an air parcel is in a PSC and the HCl concentration is less than the sum of the HOCl and ClONO2 concentrations, heterogeneous ClO x production is rate limited by the production of HCl. Under these conditions the reaction allows HCl to be reprocessed more rapidly by the heterogeneous reactions of HCl with HOCl and ClONO2. This allows high ClO x concentration to be maintained for longer, and at a slightly higher level, than would otherwise be possible which in turn leads to more ozone depletion. When there are PSCs but HCl is in excess, or outside of the PSC regions (i.e. during the recovery phase), the reaction will always reduce the ClO/HCl ratio and hence slightly reduce the ozone loss.  相似文献   

The photochemical activation of chlorine by dissolved iron in artificial sea-salt aerosol droplets and by highly dispersed iron oxide (Fe2O3) aerosol particles (mainly hematite, specific surface ~150 m2 g?1) exposed to gaseous HCl, was investigated in humidified air in a Teflon simulation chamber. Employing the radical-clock technique, we quantified the production of gaseous atomic chlorine (Cl) from the irradiated aerosol. When the salt aerosol contained Fe2O3 at pH 6, no significant Cl production was observed, even if the dissolution of iron was forced by “weathering” (repeatedly freezing and thawing for five times). Adjusting the pH in the stock suspension to 2.6, 2.2, and 1.9 and equilibrating for one week resulted in a quantifiable amount of dissolved iron (0.03, 0.2, and 0.6 mmol L?1, respectively) and in gaseous Cl production rates of ~1.6, 6, and 8?×?1021 atoms cm?2 h?1, respectively. In a further series of experiments, the pure Fe2O3 aerosol was exposed to various levels of gaseous hydrogen chloride (HCl). The resulting Cl production rates ranged from 8?×?1020 Cl atoms cm?2 h?1 (at ~4 ppb HCl) to 5?×?1022 Cl atoms cm?2 h?1 (at ~350 ppb HCl) and confirmed the uptake and conversion of HCl to atomic Cl (at HCl to Cl conversion yields of 2–5 %, depending on the relative humidity). The Fe2O3 experiments indicate that iron-induced Cl formation may be important for highly soluble combustion-aerosol particles in marine environments in the presence of gaseous HCl.  相似文献   

The set of high-resolution infrared solar observations made with the Atmospheric Trace Molecule Spectroscopy (ATMOS)-Fourier transform spectrometer from onboard Spacelab 3 (30 April-1 May 1985) has been used to evaluate the total budgets of the odd chlorine and fluorine chemical families in the stratosphere. These budgets are based on volume mixing ratio profiles measured for HCl, HF, CH3Cl, ClONO2, CCl4, CCl2F2, CCl3F, CHClF2, CF4, COF2, and SF6 near 30° north latitude. When including realistic concentrations for species not measured by ATMOS, i.e., the source gases CH3CCl3 and C2F3Cl3 below 25 km, and the reservoirs ClO, HOCl and COFCl between 15 and 40 km (five gases actually measured by other techniques), the 30° N zonal 1985 mean total mixing ratio of chlorine, Cl, was found to be equal to (2.58±0.10) ppbv (parts per billion by volume) throughout the stratosphere, with no significant decrease near the stratopause. The results for total fluorine indicate a slight, but steady, decrease of its volume mixing ratio with increasing altitude, around a mean stratospheric value of (1.15±0.12) ppbv. Both uncertainties correspond to one standard deviation. These mean springtime 1985 stratospheric budgets are commensurate with values reported for the tropospheric Cl and F concentrations in the early 1980s, when allowance is made for the growth rates of their source gases at the ground and the time required for tropospheric air to be transported into the stratosphere. The results are discussed with emphasis on conservation of fluorine and chlorine and the partitioning among source, sink, and reservoir gases throughout the stratosphere.  相似文献   

Two cases of simultaneous nighttime measurements of NO2 and OClO in the winter polar stratosphere are analyzed in order to test our present knowledge of halogen chemistry in the presence of high amount of NO2 at low temperature. Comparisons with Lagrangian model calculations using several hypotheses are performed. First simulations, using the admitted constant rates of chemical reaction, strongly underestimate the measured OClO while the NO2 profiles are correctly reproduced. If uncertainties in actinic fluxes calculations are taken into account, simulation results do not show a significant reduction of the underestimation. A better agreement can be achieved if the formation of unstable isomers of ClONO2 and of BrONO2 occurs in the cold conditions of the polar stratosphere. An approximate value of the branching ratios of the channels leading to ClONO2 and ClOONO, and to BrONO2 and BrOONO, necessary to reproduce both OClO and NO2 is given and discussed.  相似文献   

Formic and acetic acid measured as daily averages in 1993–1994show equal and highly correlated concentrations up to 3 ppb in the summer(May–August). In the winter (October–March) the formicacid/acetic acid ratio was 0.6 and the formic acid concentrations wereusually below 1 ppb. In winter the carboxylic acids correlate withOx, NOy, SO2 and particulatesulphur. The main sources are suggested to be ozonolysis of anthropogenicalkenes and reactions between peroxyacetyl radicals and RO2radicals. In spring–summer the carboxylic acids correlate withO3, Ox, HNO3, PAN,NOy, SO2, particulate sulphur and temperature.In addition to the sources of the winter a contribution from ozonolysis ofbiogenic alkenes is likely. Quite similar formic acid/acetic acid ratios forall wind directions suggest that the source(s) are atmospheric oxidationprocesses distributed over large areas. The highest concentrations occurringfor winds from east to south and the correlation with e.g., particulatesulphur indicate chemical production in polluted air masses during longrange transport.  相似文献   

《Atmospheric Research》2007,83(3-4):688-697
Intensive measurements of gas and aerosol for 2 weeks were carried out at Qingdao (gas and aerosol in 2000, 2001 and 2002), Fenghuangshan (gas and aerosol in 2000 and 2001), and Dalian (aerosol in 2002) in the winter–spring period. High SO2 episodes were observed on 18 January 2000 at both Qingdao and Fenghuangshan. According to back trajectory calculations and analysis of gaseous species, high SO2 episodes were caused by local pollution and transport.Nitrate, sulfate and ammonium were the major species in PM2.5. Mass fractions of NO3, nss-SO42− and NH4+ at Qingdao in 2002 were 10%, 12% and 5.5% for PM2.5, respectively, which were higher than that of nss-Ca2+ (1%). Chemical compositions observed at Dalian and Fenghuangshan were similar to those at Qingdao. The mass ratio of nss-SO42−/SO2 at Qingdao in winter was low (< 1.2), indicating that sulfate was probably produced by the slow oxidation of SO2 in the gas phase and/or was transported from outside of Qingdao in winter. The equivalent ratio of NH4+ to nss-SO42− was 1.39, suggesting that ammonium sulfate was one of the major chemical compositions in PM2.5. The NO3/SO42− ratio at Qingdao was higher than that at remote places in East Asia. Gas and aerosol data obtained at Fenghuangshan were similar to data at Qingdao, suggesting that emissions from small cities may have a great influence on pollution in northern China.  相似文献   

Simultaneous observations of several chlorine source gases, as well asHCl and ClO, have been performed in the Arctic stratosphere on 1 and 9February 1994, using balloon-borne instrumentation as a contribution toSESAME (Second European Stratospheric Arctic and Mid latitude Experiment).The observed mixing ratios of HCl and N2O show a clearanticorrelation. No severe loss of HCl was observed inside the vortex duringour measurement. These measurements showed that during this period at 20 kmand above, HCl was either in excess, or at least as abundant, asClONO2 and comprised between 50 and 70% of theavailable chlorine, Cly. On 1 February, measurements were madeinside the polar vortex. The air mass sampled on this day showed a clearsignature of diabatic descent, and also enhanced levels of ClO with amaximum of 230 pptv at 22.5 km. A 10 day backward trajectory analysis showedthat these air masses had passed a large region of low temperatures a fewhours prior to the measurement. Temperatures along the back trajectory atthe 475 K and 550 K levels (20.1 and 23.7 km respectively) were cold enoughfor heterogeneous chlorine activation to occur, in agreement with theobserved elevated ClO mixing ratios.  相似文献   

Using satellite data, the variability of a large number of stratospheric trace constituents can be estimated. These constituents need not themselves be measured by the satellite; their concentrations can be derived using photochemical steady-state relationships. The global coverage provided by the satellite over a long time period means that, for example, monthly zonal mean profiles can be derived. This has been done for H, OH, HO2, H2O2, Cl, ClO, HCl, HOCl, ClONO2, NO and O. The standard deviation of these quantities is a measure of their variability. We argue that comparing theoretical variability estimates with measurements is a better test of a photochemical theory than simply the comparison of single modelled and observed profiles.  相似文献   

基于极端随机树方法的WRF-CMAQ-MOS模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着城市化、工业化的快速发展,空气污染已经成为了公众最关注的问题之一。为了提高空气质量预报的准确度,以多尺度空气质量模型(Community Multi-Scale Air Quality,CMAQ)为工具,结合中尺度WRF(Weather Research and Forecast Model)气象预报数据、气象观测数据、污染物浓度观测数据,基于极端随机树方法建立了WRF-CMAQ-MOS(Weather Research and Forecast Model-Community Multi-Scale Air Quality-Model Output Statistics)统计修正模型。结果表明,结合WRF气象预报的CMAQ-MOS方法明显修正了由于模型非客观性产生的模式预报偏差,提高了预报效果。使用线性回归方法不能获得较好的优化效果,选取极端随机树方法和梯度提升回归树方法对模型进行改进和比较,发现极端随机树方法对结合WRF气象要素的CMAQ-MOS模型有较大的提升。针对徐州地区空气质量预报,进一步使用基于极端随机树方法的WRF-CMAQ-MOS模型对2016年1、2、3月的空气质量指数(AQI)及PM2.5、PM10、NO2、SO2、O3、CO六种污染物优化试验进行验证,发现优化效果最为明显的两种污染物分别是NO2及O3,2016年1、2、3月整体相关系数NO2由0.35升至0.63,O3由0.39升至0.79,均方根误差NO2由0.0346减至0.0243 mg/m3,O3由0.0447减至0.0367 mg/m3。文中发展的WRF-CMAQ-MOS统计修正模型可以有效提升预报精度,在空气质量预报中具有很好的应用前景。   相似文献   

Precipitation samples were collected by filtrating bulk sampler in Kitakyushu City, Japan, from January 1988 to December 1990. Volume weighted annual mean of pH was 4.93, but the pH distribution indicated that most probable value lay in the range pH 6.0–6.4. Volume weighted annual mean concentrations of major ionic components were as follows; SO 4 2– : 84.2, NO 3 : 28.1, Cl: 86.3, NH 4 + : 45.5, Ca2+: 63.3, Mg2+: 27.0, K+: 3.4, Na+: 69.0 µ eq l–1. The highest concentrations of these ionic components were observed in winter and the lowest occurred in the rainy season. The ratio of ex-SO 4 2– /NO 3 exhibited the lowest ratio in summer, and the highest ratio in winter. Good correlations were obtained between Cl and Na+, ex-SO 4 2+ and ex-Ca2+, NO 3 and ex-Ca2+, and NH 4 + and ex-SO 4 2– , respectively. However, no correlation between Cl and Na+ with Ca2+ was observed. The relationship of H+ with (ex-SO 4 2– + NO 3 ) - (ex-Ca2+ + NH 4 + ) indicated positive correlation.  相似文献   

Industrial pollution has a significant effect on aerosol properties in Changsha City, a typical city of central China.Therefore, year-round measurements of aerosol optical, radiative and chemical properties from 2012 to 2014 at an urban site in Changsha were analyzed. During the observation period, the energy structure was continuously optimized, which was characterized by the reduction of coal combustion. The aerosol properties have obvious seasonal variations. The seasonal average aerosol opti...  相似文献   

Ozone loss rates from ozonesonde data reported in the Match experiments of winters 1994/95 and 1995/96 inside the Arctic polar vortex are compared with simulations of the same winters performed using the SLIMCAT 3D chemistry and transport model. For 1994/95 SLIMCAT reproduces the location and timing of the diagnosed ozone destruction, reaching 10 ppbv/sunlit hour in late January as observed. SLIMCAT underestimates the loss rates observed in February and March by 1–3 ppbv/sunlit hour. By the end of March, SLIMCAT ozone exceeds the observations by 25–35%. In January 1995 the ozonesonde-derived loss rates at levels above 525 K are not chemical in origin but due to poor conservation of air parcels. Correcting temperature biases in the model forcing data significantly improved the agreement between the model and observed ozone at the end of winter 1994/95, increasing ozone destruction in SLIMCAT in February and March. The SLIMCAT simulation of winter 1995/96 does not reproduce the maximum ozone loss rates diagnosed by Match of 13 ppbv/sunlit hour. Comparing the data for the two winters reveals that the SLIMCAT photochemistry is least able to reproduce observed losses at low temperatures or when low temperatures coincide with high solar zenith angles (SZA). When cold (T = 192 K), high SZA (90°)matches are excluded from the 1995/96 analysis, agreement between the diagnoses and SLIMCAT is better with ozone loss rates of up to 6 ppbv/sunlit hour. For the rest of the winter SLIMCAT consistently underestimates the Match rates of ozone loss by 1–3 ppbv/sunlit hour. In March 1996 the monthly mean SLIMCAT ozone is 50% greater than observations at 430–540 K. In both winters, ozone destruction rates peaked more rapidly and declined more slowly in the Match observations than in the SLIMCAT simulations. The differences between the observed and modelled cumulative ozone losses demonstrate that the total ozone destruction by the end of the winter is sensitive to errors in the instantaneous ozone loss rates of 1–3 ppbv/sunlit hour.  相似文献   

Intensive measurements of gas and aerosol for 2 weeks were carried out at Qingdao (gas and aerosol in 2000, 2001 and 2002), Fenghuangshan (gas and aerosol in 2000 and 2001), and Dalian (aerosol in 2002) in the winter–spring period. High SO2 episodes were observed on 18 January 2000 at both Qingdao and Fenghuangshan. According to back trajectory calculations and analysis of gaseous species, high SO2 episodes were caused by local pollution and transport.Nitrate, sulfate and ammonium were the major species in PM2.5. Mass fractions of NO3, nss-SO42− and NH4+ at Qingdao in 2002 were 10%, 12% and 5.5% for PM2.5, respectively, which were higher than that of nss-Ca2+ (1%). Chemical compositions observed at Dalian and Fenghuangshan were similar to those at Qingdao. The mass ratio of nss-SO42−/SO2 at Qingdao in winter was low (< 1.2), indicating that sulfate was probably produced by the slow oxidation of SO2 in the gas phase and/or was transported from outside of Qingdao in winter. The equivalent ratio of NH4+ to nss-SO42− was 1.39, suggesting that ammonium sulfate was one of the major chemical compositions in PM2.5. The NO3/SO42− ratio at Qingdao was higher than that at remote places in East Asia. Gas and aerosol data obtained at Fenghuangshan were similar to data at Qingdao, suggesting that emissions from small cities may have a great influence on pollution in northern China.  相似文献   

In the present study, the wet and dry depositions of particulate NO3, SO42−, Cl and NH4+ were measured using a wet/dry sampler as a surrogate surface. Gas phase compounds of nitrogen, sulfur and chloride (HNO3, NH3, SO2 and HCl) were measured by an annular denuder system (ADS) equipped with a back up filter for the collection of particles with diameter ≤ 5 μm. Ambient concentrations of NO, NO2 and SO2 were also taken into consideration. Sampling was conducted at an urban site in the center of the city of Thessaloniki, northern Greece. The presence of the aerosol species was examined by cold/warm period and the possible compounds in dry deposits were also considered. Dry deposition fluxes were found to be well correlated with ambient particle concentrations in order to be used for the calculation of particle deposition velocity. Average particulate deposition velocities calculated were 0.36, 0.20, 0.20 and 0.10 cm s− 1 for Cl, NO3, SO42− and NH4+, respectively. Total dry deposition fluxes (gas and particles) were estimated at 3.24 kg ha− 1 year− 1 for chloride (HCl + p-Cl), 9.97 kg ha− 1 year− 1 for nitrogen oxidized (NO + NO2 + HNO3 + p-NO3), 5.32 kg ha− 1 year− 1 for nitrogen reduced (NH3 + p-NH4) and 15.77 kg ha− 1 year− 1 for sulfur (SO2 + p-SO4). 70–90% total dry deposition was due to gaseous species deposition. The contribution of dry deposition to the total (wet + dry) was at the level of 60–70% for sulfur and nitrogen (oxidized and reduced), whereas dry chloride deposition contributed 35% to the total. The dry-to-wet deposition ratio of all the studied species was found to be significantly associated with the precipitation amount, with nitrogen species being better and higher correlated. Wet, dry and total depositions measured in Thessaloniki, were compared with other countries of Europe, US and Asia.  相似文献   

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