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Eivissa slides, western Mediterranean Sea: morphology and processes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
After obtaining full-coverage swath bathymetry data in 1995 and very high-resolution acoustic profiles in 2002, four slides at the Balearic Margin of the Eivissa Channel in the western Mediterranean Sea were revisited in 2004 when side-scan sonar data were collected using a MAK-1M deep-towed acoustic system. These new findings, higher in resolution than those for the swath bathymetry, show two main features previously undetected within these submarine landslides: (1) a series of step-forming inclined and detached slabs oriented perpendicular to the slide movement and located in the uppermost part of the slides, and (2) arcuate regular positive ridges oriented also normal to the slide movement and located in the depositional lobes of some of the slides. The former are interpreted as extensional ridges, suggesting a retrogressive post-failure evolution of the slides. The latter are interpreted as compression ridges, related to plastic deformation of the sediment before movement freezing. Moreover, the new data show that fluid escape features are even more widespread in the Eivissa Channel than previously thought, dozens of new pockmarks less than 20 m in diameter having been identified.  相似文献   

Cadmium, lead and copper have been determined in both dissolved and particulate phases for 130 surface-water samples from the coastal zone of Scotland and England in the western North Sea. The concentrations reported are, in general, lower than those published previously for the same area.The distribution of total metal concentration between the dissolved and particulate phases varies for the three elements. The lead distribution is dominated by its associations with particulate material while cadmium shows the reverse behaviour, existing almost totally in the dissolved phase. Copper is intermediate in behaviour, with the dissolved phase generally being dominant.An inverse relationship between salinity and dissolved copper concentration suggests a freshwater origin for this element. It is suggested that sedimentary and/or anthropogenic sources affect dissolved copper concentrations in coastal waters. The dissolved lead distribution reveals plumes of contaminated coastal water. The lead distribution is, however, dominated by associations with particulate material and sediments which produce a sharp concentration gradient close to the coast. The Humber estuary is identified as a significant source of cadmium to the North Sea.  相似文献   

Results of trace-metal analyses of water samples obtained during a cruise with the Soviet R.V. “Akademik Kurchatov” in the Indian Ocean are presented. The determinations were performed on board with atomic absorption spectrophotometry after a two-stage dithiocarbamate—Freon extraction procedure. Trace-metal concentrations found are in the same range as those found recently for similar open-ocean areas by other workers. The values for lead and zinc are probably high due to contamination. Vertical profiles indicate biogenic processes as controlling factors for the increase of cadmium, copper and nickel concentrations with depth. Iron shows an irregular depth distribution as a result of large random variations in concentration.  相似文献   

Ovarian tissue samples of Atlantic bluefin tuna (ABFT) spawners (n = 49) caught by purse seine in the Balearic Sea (western Mediterranean) were used to assess the stock reproductive characteristics. The frequency of spawning females estimated by the postovulatory follicle method was 84% and the spawning periodicity 1.2 days. Using an unbiased stereological method, the realized batch fecundity was estimated from counts of postovulatory follicles (POFs), whereas the batch fecundity of the subsequent spawn was estimated by quantification of the number of follicles containing oocytes at maturation stage (OMFs). The number of POFs was used as a reliable proxy of the realized batch fecundity, as it represents the actual number of eggs released in the last spawning event. The average relative realized batch fecundity was estimated to be approximately 48 eggs g 1 of total body mass. While the absolute batch fecundity was isometrically related to the fork length, the relative batch fecundity was not dependent on fish size, which leads to the assumption that all length classes contribute proportionally to their size, towards the total number of eggs spawned by the broodstock. Size-related variations in the sex ratio were observed in the study area and in other Mediterranean locations; females were more abundant in mid-size classes while males predominated in large-size classes.  相似文献   

During the Thetis-2/MAST-2 tomography experiment, T7-XBT calibrated (accuracy ∼0.05°C) probes were launched ∼28 km apart between France and Algeria, twice a month from Feb. to Sep. 1994. Combined with infrared images, altimetric data and ship drifts, they provide definite information on the structure, drift and role of the eddy-like mesoscale phenomena generated by the Algerian Current instability. When embedded in this alongslope current, these phenomena generally propagate downstream at a few km/day and are markedly asymmetrical. Because of the topography in the eastern part of the Algerian Basin, they separate from the current, become more symmetrical and follow an anticlockwise circuit in the open basin. These phenomena are deeper than ∼750 m and entrain seaward pieces of the Levantine Intermediate Water (LIW) vein flowing along the Sardinian slope, thus being responsible of the large spatial and temporal variability of the LIW distribution in the open basin. The non-existence of a LIW vein flowing westward across the Algerian Basin is definitely demonstrated. In the Gulf of Lions, new insights are provided into the formation and spreading of the Winter Intermediate Water (WIW), which is the Western Mediterranean counterpart of LIW. Considering the large amount of WIW formed during this mild winter, it is clear that this water has not received enough attention yet, and is certainly a major component of the Mediterranean outflow at Gibraltar. Finally, the XBT data account for the eastward flow of the Western Mediterranean Deep Water (WMDW) off Algeria.  相似文献   

Results of trace metal analyses performed on two species of Euphausiacea, Meganyctiphanes norvegica and Stylocheiron longicorne, and one species of Decapoda, Sergestes arcticus, collected off the east coast of Corsica, are reported. Analyses were carried out by atomic absorption spectrophotometry and by differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry.S. arcticus contained lower concentrations of phosphorus (which was also analysed as a biological indicator), cadmium (0.33 μg g−1), copper (17.7 μg g−1), lead (2.13 μg g−1) and zinc (51 μg g−1) than the two Euphausiacea (0.50 μg Cd g−1, 25.4 μg Cu g−1, 4.03 μg Pb g−1 and 59 μg Zn g−1). Moreover, manganese concentrations were low in all the samples.When the results presented here are compared with previous results on phytoplankton and mesozooplankton, there appears to be no trend of trace metal enrichment from phytoplankton to the Decapoda.  相似文献   

The chemical speciation of Cu and Zn was investigated by voltammetric titration methods in the surface waters (10 m) of the western Black Sea during an Istanbul–Sevastopol cruise conducted in November 1998. Supporting parameters (temperature (T), salinity (S), pH, alkalinity (Alk), suspended particulate matter (SPM) and dissolved and particulate 234Th) were obtained in order to distinguish hydrographic features against involvement of the metals in biogeochemical processes. In the Turkish continental slope region, the cruise track intersected a narrow vein of colder water originating on the western shelf. The core of this cold water vein was characterised by a relatively low salinity, higher specific alkalinity and higher metal (especially Cu) and metal-binding ligand concentrations.A very large portion of Cu (93–99.8%) and Zn (82–97%) was organically complexed. The degree of complexation was highest in shelf waters and lowest in the central gyre. Titration data for Cu were modelled by two classes of organic binding ligands characterised by (CL1=3–12 nM, log K1′=13.1–13.9) and (CL2=20–70 nM, log K2′=9.4–11.2). These ligands occurred mainly in the ‘dissolved’ phase, as defined by 0.4-μm filtration. The stronger Cu-binding ligand seemed to be produced in situ in response to Cu concentration, whereas the weaker Cu-binding ligand appeared to be derived from terrestrial sources and/or reducing shelf sediments. Titration results for Zn were generally represented by one class of ligands (CL1=8–23 nM, log K1′=9.4–10.2), which were almost uniformly distributed between the ‘dissolved’ (78±8%) and the particulate phase (22±8%). The concentration of these strong Zn-binding ligands showed a very good correlation with SPM (r2=0.64), which improved when the dissolved ligands alone were considered (r2=0.78). It is hypothesised that these ligands were produced in situ by the bacterial breakdown of particulate organic matter.  相似文献   

Recent progress in the knowledge of the Alboran region subaerial geology and the results of the Garcia del Cid seismic cruises stimulate a reexamination of the tectonic framework of the southwestern part of the Mediterranean. The subaerial geology is governed by a north-south stress field, whereas the marine structures indicate an east-west stress regime. This apparent contradiction results from a difference in age of the tectonics. The main marine extensional features are related to the opening of basins toward the southwest during Burdigalian-Langhian times, while the subaerial structures were developed during a compressional regime from the Tortonian period up to the present.  相似文献   

Meso-scale spatial variability of coastal suprabenthic communities inhabiting muddy bottoms at 50–80 m depth in three gulfs of northern Sicily (Western Mediterranean) was here investigated. Although similar as concerns the hydrological and oceanographic conditions, the three areas, that encompass a large portion of the continental shelf (135 km), are characterized by different geo-morphological features. In addition, they are subjected to different trawl fishery pressures. The Gulf of Castellammare is a semi-enclosed bay, where the trawling activity has been banned since 1990. The Gulf of Termini Imerese and the Gulf of Sant’Agata are open areas, subjected to high trawl fishing intensity. In terms of density, gammarid amphipods showed differences among the three gulfs; in terms of biomass, cumaceans and amphipods were more abundant in the Gulf of Castellammare than in the other two areas. Multivariate analyses provided evidence for separation of suprabenthic assemblages between the Gulf of Castellammare and the other two gulfs. The Gulf of Castellammare seemed to host the most diversified and stable community according to α- and β-diversity indices. In the same way the low value of δ13C vs. δ15N correlation found in the gulf of Castellammare, which evidences the occurrence of several food sources, supports the idea of a higher stability in the semi-enclosed, trawl-ban area. In the other two areas δ13C vs. δ15N correlations were high, suggesting the existence of a pelagic source sustaining the suprabenthic communities. This is also confirmed by the lower δ13C concentrations found in suprabenthic species. Taking into account the homogeneous oceanographic conditions among gulfs, other factors, such as geo-morphology and trawling pressure should be involved in the observed differences among the three areas in terms of assemblage structure, diversity, and trophodynamics of suprabenthic communities.  相似文献   

Several seamounts in the Ionian Sea, the largest unit in the eastern Mediterranean, have magnetic anomalies. The magnetization vectors of six of these seamounts have been calculated. These paleomagnetic data suggest that the Ionian Sea is composed of several crustal units which came to their present location from different directions. This implies that there has been relative motion in the past between various land masses around the Ionian Sea. The possibility that the Ionian Sea is composed of several crustal units is supported by observations of the magnetic field over the area which is of different character in the north and south. The major limitation in applying the paleomagnetic data into an evolutionary scheme is that all the seamounts in the Ionian Sea as well as its crust are undated.  相似文献   

Concentrations of dissolved Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb were measured in water samples collected during a cruise with R.V Pelagia (29-6/14-7-1993) in the northern North Sea and N.E. Atlantic Ocean. At least six depths (0–90 m) were sampled with modified Go-Flo samplers from a rubber zodiac. In the study area, the first 25 m were well mixed and stratification occurred below this depth. The local bloom of Emiliania huxleyi hardly affected the trace metals concentration, except for some removal of Cd as seen from its correlation with nitrate. The mean dissolved concentrations were for Ni (3.66 nM), Cu (1.61 nM), Zn (4.5 nM), Cd (48 pM) and Pb (108 pM). These concentrations are among the lowest reported for the North Sea and are of similar magnitude to those found in the eastern North Atlantic at the same latitude. Zn was the only exception with values 10 times higher compared to those in the Atlantic Ocean, suggesting external inputs, mainly atmospheric and possibly from surrounding land masses. The observed ratio Zn:Cd in the North Sea and estuaries is in between the high ratio 600–900 for continental sources and the low ratio 5–10 for oceanic waters. Latter low ratio is consistent with the 21-fold stronger inorganic complexation of Cd in seawater which, in combination with the preferential biological uptake of Zn, may lead to the observed about hundredfold fractionation of Zn versus Cd in the marine system. Other processes may play a role but would need further investigation. The dissolved Pb values tend to be lower than found before in the North Sea, indicating decreasing inventories due to reduced anthropogenic emissions.  相似文献   

The present-day basement depth of the seafloor in the absence of sediment loading was inferred along a traverse crossing the Southern Tyrrhenian Basin. A correction for sediment loading was proposed on the basis of density, seismic velocity and porosity data from selected deep boreholes. The empirical relation between sediment correction and seismic two-way travel time was extrapolated downward by applying the Nafe–Drake curve and a specific porosity–depth relation. The sediment loading response of the basement calculated for flexural isostasy is on average about one hundred meters lower than results for local isostasy. A pure lithosphere extensional model was then used to predict quantitatively the basement subsidence pattern on the margins of the basin. The basement depth is consistent with uniform extension model predictions only in some parts of the margins. The observed variability in the region of greatest thinning (transition from continental to oceanic crust) is attributable to the weakening effect caused by diffuse igneous intrusions. Subsidence of the volcanic Calabrian–Sicilian margin is partly accounted for by magmatic underplating. The comparison of the calculated subsidence with an oceanic lithosphere cooling model shows that subsidence is variable in some areas, particularly in the Marsili Basin. This argues for a typical back-arc origin for the Tyrrhenian Basin, as a result of subduction processes. By taking into account the geodynamic setting, stratigraphic data from the deepest hole and the terrestrial heat flow, we reconstructed the paleotemperatures of cover sediments. The results suggest that low temperatures generally have prevailed during sediment deposition and that the degree of maturation is expected not to be sufficient for oil generation processes.  相似文献   

地中海是太平洋之外弧后盆地较为发育的海区。巴利阿里海盆和第勒尼安海盆是西地中海两个位置相邻、互有成因联系的弧后盆地。海盆莫霍面埋深分别为 1 2~ 1 5km和 1 0 km,热流密度分别为 1 0 0 m W/m2和 2 0 0 m W/m2 ,发育有大洋型磁条带异常 ,大洋钻探和拖网取样均采到了拉斑玄武岩。较之巴利阿里海盆 ,第勒尼安海盆更富年青性。两弧后盆地的成生演化是与欧洲板块与非洲 -阿普利亚板块的相互作用息息相关的。中新世 ,随着非洲 -阿普利亚板块向西、西北俯冲 ,科西嘉、撒丁裂离欧洲大陆 ,巴利阿里海盆被打开 ;上新世 ,阿普利亚微板块进一步俯冲 ,导致亚平宁与科西嘉、撒丁之间的裂离 ,形成第勒尼安海盆。  相似文献   

In situ observations and numerical model simulations have been used to study the circulation of the western Mediterranean Sea during April–May 2005. A hydrological survey and direct current measurements carried out in the western Mediterranean Sea are analyzed with an inverse box model. The model result is a mean circulation of the region during spring 2005 along with simultaneous evaluation of water fluxes through eight transects and associated uncertainties. In order to evaluate the consistency of the results and the weight of currents at shorter temporal and spatial scales, an inter-comparison of differently achieved results is performed. The inverse solution is evaluated against both instantaneous current measurements and simulated velocity fields from a General Circulation Model. The results obtained and the general agreement between the three approaches are encouraging and confirms that the inverse box model is a powerful instrument to investigate flow fields in wide areas of the sea. The picture coming out confirms the previous qualitative knowledge on the mean circulation at all levels, providing, in addition, robust quantitative estimations of the water masses fluxes throughout the western Mediterranean basin.  相似文献   

最近在地中海东部海底发现了大量的泥火山。地质学家将顶部带有漏斗状火山口的并具有通向深部的管孔 ,并且可涌出混有泥质粘土质沉积物的水、气的大型圆锥形山丘称之为泥火山 ,有时伴有类同于一般火山的强烈的喷发。泥火山的产生是由于细粒岩石 (通常是富含死火山角砾岩和水的粘土 )受到强烈的挤压 ,粘土中还混有气态的硫化氢。这样的混合物形成半液态粥状物 ,以冒气泡的流质形态向上被压出。在多次重复的喷发过程中 ,海底形成了大量布满污泥、经常浸透了石油产物的地下圆丘和“烤饼”。我们发现 ,这种形成物经常可以在由俯冲作用产生的增生…  相似文献   

High-resolution shallow seismic-reflection profiles obtained from the western Mersin Bay have revealed the existence of the two distinct depositional sequences (C and B) lying on a narrow and relatively steeply-sloping continental shelf which mainly receives its sediments from the ephemeral rivers. The upper Holocene sedimentary sequence (C) is characterized by stratified (simple to complex) to chaotic reflection configurations produced by the development of a prograding wedge of terrigenous sediment. Particular occurrences of slope- and front-fill facies and the lack of a sharp boundary, which has, however, been observed on the western shelf of this bay, between the Early Holocene and latest Pleistocene deposits are related to possible movement of underlying deposits due to local gravity mass movements or synsedimentary tectonics due to adjustment of the underlying evaporites in adjacent basin. The maximum thickness of the topmost sequence C is associated with the Tarsus–Seyhan delta, which lies to the northeast of the area and is prograding along the shelf. Other variations in thickness (5–40 m) of this topmost sequence are related to the variable sediment discharge along the coast, and the distance from the coast. It is at a maximum (40 m) in the nearshore area just west of the Lamas river mouth and at a minimum (5–15 m) in the offshore area.

The lower depositional pre-Holocene sequence (B) is characterized by continuous to wavy reflection configurations and how some cyclicity, suggesting coarse, heterogeneous sediments deposited under high energy conditions (fan-deltas) of Plio-Pleistocene age.

The combined interpretation of seismic reflection profiles with the available bore-hole data reveals the existence of a widespread Miocene acoustic basement (A) off the Susanoğlu–Tırtar coasts and Karapınar–Gilindirez rivers mouths. Unusual features in some profiles suggest the escape of coastal freshwater into the accumulating sediment.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》2003,26(2):179-189
Respiration, excretion (NH4 and PO4) and feeding of zooplankton from the upper 200 m of the Almeria–Oran frontal region (western Mediterranean), were studied during winter 1997. Eight sites belonging to the three main hydrodynamic structures of the area (Mediterranean water, geostrophic Atlantic jet and associated anticyclonic gyre) were considered. Lowest values of respiration, PO4 excretion, O/P atomic ratio and particle ingestion were found in Mediterranean waters. At the frontal limit, respiration and ammonium excretion were enhanced compared to the adjacent structures (Mediterranean water and Atlantic jet). In the gyre water, lowest O/N and highest N/P values were observed and maximum faecal pellet production and reproduction activity (inferred from the proportion of nauplii in plankton) were recorded. Selectivity was observed for feeding with respect to particular spectra. At the front and in the jet, large particles (> 20 μm), were preferred, while medium- and small-sized particles were mainly used for food at the gyre and in Mediterranean water. As the bulk of zooplankton components was the same at all the stations, physiological variations were interpreted as adaptive processes to qualitative and quantitative changes in the food resource, i.e. Mediterranean scarcity and Atlantic water richness, “new production” of diatoms at the front limit, enhancement of the microbial food chain at the gyre and in Mediterranean waters. The maximum proportion of copepod nauplii observed at the gyre could result, either from an isopycnal transport from the front, of larvae issued from eggs produced at the frontal limit, or from a local enhancement of copepod reproductive activity induced by the favourable food conditions prevailing at the gyre, as suggested by the increase of faecal production.  相似文献   


Concentrations of cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn) were measured in adult barnacles (Elminius modestus Darwin) from Waitemata and Manukau Harbours in the Auckland area, New Zealand. As in studies on sediments reported in the literature, it was possible to identify areas of likely anthropogenic influence, e.g., around the Auckland Harbour Bridge for Pb, Cu, and Zn. Groups of individuals with highest concentrations for these metals showed 19.8–23.8 mg Pb kg?1, 198–266 mg Cu kg?1, and 4460–6530 mg Zn kg?1 (95% confidence limits, dry weight basis). Cd concentrations found for all barnacles from the Auckland area ranged from 0.8 to 3.1 mg kg?1. Two samples from Omaha Beach, 60 km north of Auckland, were used as a reference. Accordingly, groups of individuals with lowest concentrations for Pb, Cu, and Zn could be allocated to this site using the Student‐Newman‐Keuls Multiple Range Test (0.5–1.3 mg Pb kg?1, 8–10 mg Cu kg?1, and 144–214 mg Zn kg?1 ; 95% confidence limits). Only Cd concentrations were highest at Omaha Beach (8.6–12.1 mg Cd kg?1 ). This result may have arisen from “naturally” increased bio‐availabilities of certain metals in mangrove systems which are reported in the literature. Generally, metal concentrations in barnacles from the Auckland Harbour area and from Omaha Beach were within the wider range for E. modestus as well as other barnacle species reported in the international literature.  相似文献   

The Alboran Ridge is an anticlinorium structure trending N65°E bounded by two main right lateral strikeslip fault systems, one north and one south. These transpressional features connect westward to a pull-apart zone where massive diapirism occurs. The orientation of the diapiric zone is N150°E. That orientation and the right lateral motion along the Alboran Ridge fit a N150°E convergent motion between African and Iberian plates. We suggest that the southern Alboran Basin evolved as an extensional stage from Burdigalian to Langhian and as a transpressional stage during Tortonian to present time.  相似文献   

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