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To understand the processes transporting nitrate to the surface layer of the western and central equatorial Pacific, we measured the nitrogen isotopic ratio of nitrate (δ 15NO 3 ), which is a very useful tracer of the source of nitrate, above 200 m depth in this region in December 1999. δ 15NO 3 is higher (about 13.0‰) in the surface water than in the subsurface water (where it is about 6.5‰) due to isotopic fractionation during nitrate uptake by phytoplankton. The δ 15NO 3 value has a roughly linear relationship with the natural logarithm of nitrate concentration (ln[NO 3 ]). However, for values above 150 m depth, the intercept of this linear relationship varies with position from east to west. On the other hand, the data at 200 m depth at all observation stations are concentrated around a single point (ln[NO 3 ] = 2.5 and δ 15NO 3 = 6.5‰) and do not fit the linear relationships for the shallower values. To examine the meaning of the observed distributions of δ 15NO 3 and nitrate concentration we developed a box model including nitrogen and nitrogen isotopic cycles. By reproducing the observed relationship between δ 15NO 3 and nitrate concentration using this model we found that most nitrate is transported horizontally from the eastern equatorial Pacific. We also conducted case studies and investigated the effects of differences in pathways of nitrate transport on the distributions of δ 15NO 3 and nitrate concentration. From these studies we concluded that the observed linear relationships between δ 15NO 3 and ln[NO 3 ], having a common slope around 6‰ but different intercepts at each station, are evidence of the significant horizontal transport of nitrate to the surface water in this area.  相似文献   

Using manganese-impregnated fiber extraction and high-efficiency gamma counting techniques, we measured the distribution of 228Ra and 226Ra in surface waters near the coast of Japan and in the western North Pacific. There is no evidence in our data that any significant amount of 228Ra is added to open ocean surface waters from the coastal waters around Tokyo Bay. High 228Ra concentrations (> 10 dpm/103 kg), were observed along the Kuroshio Current as compared to < 2.5 dpm/103 kg between 10° and 30°N of the central gyre, and hence the major source of 228Ra in the surface water is likely to be the East Asian continental shelf zones. A simple one-dimensional eddy diffusion and advection model is used to explain the observed decrease of 228Ra from coast to the open ocean. The model results indicate two mixing regimes across the Kuroshio Current System with apparent eddy diffusion coefficients of Ky = 4 × 105 cm2 s−1 at distance y < 200 km from the coast, and Ky = 4 × 107 cm2 s−1 at y > 200 km. Along 40°N where an eastward flow of the ‘Kuroshio Extension’ prevails, an advective flow of > 0.1 knot is consistent with the observation of nearly constant 228Ra along the track.The geographical distribution pattern of 228Ra is clearly different from that of atmospherically derived 210Pb. Thus the 228Ra in surface water serves as a useful tracer that accompanies fluvially and coastally derived elements during their subsequent lateral transport toward the central gyre.  相似文献   

Observations were made of time variations of the carbon dioxide partial pressures (Pco2) of the atmosphere and surface sea waters in the Pacific subarctic region. Data were obtained on a cruise of the USC & GSSSURVEYOR in October, 1968 and on the TRANSPAC expedition of the CNAVENDEAVOUR in March–April, 1969. A rise in surface water Pco2 of 18×10–6 atm occurred in a period of 30–45 days in March–April due principally to spring warming of surface waters. An average increase of 60×10–6 atm occurred between October, 1968 and March, 1969 as a result mainly of cessation of summer phytoplankton production and the onset of winter-storm-driven vertical mixing. Because the air-sea Pco2 gradient not only changed appreciably in magnitude but also changed sign, there are important implications for calculations of air-sea exchange of carbon dioxide on the ocean wide scale.Data contained in this paper comprise part of a dissertation to be submitted by Louis I. Gordon in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph. D. at Oregon State University.  相似文献   

The volume scattering function and size distribution of suspended particles in the surface water were determined in the North Pacific. The relationship between the scattering coefficient estimated from observed volume scattering function and cross-section concentration of the particles greater than 2.4m in diameter was found to be linear in both northern and southern regions of central North Pacific. Difference in the constant of proportionality between two regions, however, was very great. Moreover the constant in the southern region was too large compared with the values obtained by the Mie theory. This is considered to be due to the fact that particles smaller than 2.4m which were not measureable by the Coulter Counter, were neglected in the calculation of cross-section concentration. If small particles are taken into consideration, total cross-section concentration and scattering coefficient in the two regions tend to follow a linear relation. From the correlation between the scattering coefficient computed from size distribution and the volume scattering function, the refractive index of particles was estimated to be 1.03–1.05. By the same procedure, the refractive index of particles in Tateyama Harbour where the water was very turbid, was estimated to be also 1.03–1.05. This is in contrast to the result for the refractive index of particles originating from the river which flows into the harbour. This index was found to be 1.10–1.20.  相似文献   

The composition and distribution of helium and oxygen isotopes in samples of seawater obtained at depths from surface to 300 m in the western Pacific(7°-26°N,122°-130°E) were discussed in detail.The results show that both δ18O and δ3He isoline extend eastward in the Pacific side of the Bashi Channel, which may suggest that the South China Sea water intrudes into the western Pacific by the Bashi Channel.  相似文献   

《Marine Chemistry》2007,103(1-2):112-121
Several operationally defined fractions of phosphorus (P) were measured along a surface water transect in the North Pacific. The P content in all fractions was found to increase northward from the edge of the subtropical to the subarctic region. Particulate organic P (POP) concentrations increased from 9 to 110 nmol L 1, whereas the particulate inorganic P (PIP) concentrations increased from 1 to 13 nmol L 1. A significant correlation between POP, PIP and chlorophyll a suggested that these P pools are associated directly or indirectly with phytoplankton cells. PIP comprised 10–20% of the total particulate P pool across the transect, indicating it is an important component of the marine P cycle in this region. Dissolved non-reactive P (assumed to consist predominantly of non-reactive organic P compounds, thus referred to as DOP) concentration increased from 0.10 to 0.22 μmol L 1, whereas soluble reactive P (SRP) concentration increased from 0.01 to 1.42 μmol L 1 along the transect. The proportion of DOP and SRP varied widely, with a large proportion of DOP in areas with low total dissolved P concentrations in lower latitudes and a large proportion of SRP in areas with high total dissolved P concentrations in higher latitudes. High demand for DOP in the lower latitudinal region would diminish the concentration of this pool relative to higher latitudinal regions where SRP is more abundant and would be preferentially utilized. The availability of SRP could have a significant impact on the concentration and probably on the composition of DOP. We show that P fractionation provides an important insight for discussing the marine P cycle.  相似文献   

Particulate combined amino acids (PCAA) are the most abundant identified constituents of particulate organic matter (POM) in Pacific Ocean surface waters, but their chemical forms are unclear. In the present study, chemical characterization of amino acid-containing materials in surface POM from subarctic to subtropical waters along 165 °E in the Pacific was carried out by one- and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. At least four chemical forms of amino acid-containing POM were distinguished: proteins, acidic materials containing peptides, protein/peptide-specific dye-stainable low-molecular-mass materials (stainable materials) and non-stainable materials, all of which were considered to be major components of detrital POM. Seventeen distinct protein containing components were distinguished in samples across the transect. A majority of stainable materials was estimated to comprise 6–8 amino acid residues, while less than six amino acid residues made up the non-stainable materials. Among the four chemical forms, acidic materials and non-stainable materials were major components, accounting for 31–42% and 49–63% of PCAA, respectively, along the transect. Proteins were common, but they were quantitatively less than 2% of PCAA. Stainable materials were regionally variable and more abundant in subarctic waters than in subtropical waters. The mechanistic processes by which such amino acid-containing POM occurs as detrital POM are discussed.  相似文献   

《Marine Chemistry》2007,103(1-2):1-14
We succeeded in determining the Ce isotopic composition (138Ce/142Ce) in seawater with an error of 2σm = 0.3–0.7 of ε unit. In this study, 1000–3000 L of seawater samples were passed through MnO2 fibers to concentrate Ce and Nd for precise measurement of their isotope ratios. Four surface seawater samples of the northwestern Pacific and a coastal sample in Tokyo Bay were analyzed. Most Ce isotope ratios in the surface water showed positive εCe values (+ 0.8 to + 1.4) in the northwestern Pacific Ocean. These values indicate that Ce in the surface water originates from the continental crust preferentially over mantle-derived materials. We examined binary mixing model between the continental crust and mid-ocean ridge basalt. However the model could not explain both isotopic compositions and concentrations, which implies that the atmospheric input was a possible pathway for Ce into the ocean. A negative εCe value was observed in Tokyo Bay, suggesting mantle-derived sources.  相似文献   

太平洋中部表层沉积物镁铝含量比的变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张士三 《台湾海峡》1990,9(3):244-250
本文根据中、日调查资料,研究了太平洋中部表层沉积物镁铝含量比的变化,并探讨其影响因素。  相似文献   

Multidisciplinary oceanic investigation was undertaken in Aug–Sep. 2003 along a transect from Northwestern (Busan, Korea) to Southeastern Pacific (Talcahuano, Chile) to understand the physical, chemical and biological features in the surface water, and to depict their interaction with the atmosphere. Among the twenty parameters measured, we describe the physical, chemical and biological features. Physico-chemical data were analyzed in conjunction with the geographic position and yielded 7 peculiar surface water masses. The first water mass (28.4°N, 130.8°E to 21.5°N, 139.5°E) was warm and low in phosphate and nitrate content, and high in silicate. The concentration of phytoplankton pigment was one of the lowest. The second (20.4°N, 140.7°E to 2.2°S, 162.9°E) was the warmest and the least saline. Nitrate and phosphate concentration were one of the lowest. Chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentration was the lowest among the surface waters. The third (3.4°S, 164.0°E to 14.5°S, 173.3°E) was warm. Nitrate concentration was the lowest. CHL-a, peridinin (Perid), violaxanthin (Viola), zeaxanthin (Zea), chlorophyll-b (Chl b) and β-CAR were abundant. The fourth (18.6°S, 177.5°E to 31.8°S, 123.9°W) was saline and poor in nutrient concentration. The contributions of 19′-butanoyloxyfucoxanthin (But-fuco), 19′-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin (Hex-fuco), and CHL b to CHL a were non-negligible. The fifth (32.4°S, 122.1°W to 33.8°S, 117.2°W) was relatively cold and well oxygenated. Concentration of Fuco, But-fuco, Hex-fuco and Chl b was high. The sixth (34.2°S, 115.4°W to 37.4°S, 92.1°W) was cold, well oxygenated and enriched with phosphate and nitrate. Concentration of phytoplankton pigment was, however, one of the lowest. The seventh, located off the Chilean coast, from 37.2°S, 87.2°W to 36.1°S, 74.1°W was well oxygenated and highly enriched with nitrate and phosphate. Phytoplankton pigments such as Fuco, Perid, But-fico, and Hex-fuco were rich. The 7 surface water masses are partially attributed to Kuroshio Current, North Equatorial Current and North Equatorial Countercurrent, South Equatorial current, South Pacific Subtropical Gyre, South Pacific Current, Subtropical Front and Chilean coastal water. The differences in physicochemical characteristics and the history of the surface water resulted in difference in quantity and composition of the phytoplankton pigment.  相似文献   

Observations of the equilibrium partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the surface waters of the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea indicate conditions of local upwelling or vertical mixing near the Aleutian Island passes, seasonal depletion of CO2 in the sea surface by photosynthesis, and conditions of CO2 supersaturation in the surface waters off the mouths of large rivers. Horizontal mixing has a large effect on the PCO2 distribution. The area distribution of carbon dioxide in the surface waters of the Pacific Ocean from 19°N to 55°N latitude and in the Bering Sea is presented.  相似文献   

The subtropical and tropical regions of the Pacific Ocean are less productive than other oceanic regions. Although particle association should be an important strategy for heterotrophic prokaryotes to survive in such environments, we have little information on particle-associated (PA) prokaryotes in these regions. The specific aim of this study was to determine bacterial and archaeal community structures in the PA assemblage in comparison to the free-living (FL) assemblage in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre, the South Pacific Subtropical Gyre, and an eastern equatorial region of the Pacific Ocean. Community profiles and phylogenetic identities were obtained by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, 454-pyrosequencing, and cloning followed by Sanger sequencing of 16Sr RNA gene amplicons. The distribution patterns of some abundant groups in three regions and two lifestyles (PA and FL) are shown in this study. Also, the PA community structures of bacteria differed from the FL ones and exhibited higher diversity than the FL ones, while the archaeal community structures did not show significant differences between PA and FL assemblages. We found that specific phylotypes of Gammaproteobacteria and Flavobacteria were abundant in PA bacterial assemblages, suggesting that they prefer to attach and consume particulate organic matter. In summary, the surface seawater PA assemblages represent very different bacterial and archaeal community structures between three different oceanic regions, each of which had distinct PA and FL community structures. These results imply that environmental factors determine microbial community structures.  相似文献   

Settling particles and surface sediments collected from the western region of the Sea of Okhotsk were analyzed for total organic carbon (TOC), long-chain n-alkanes and their stable carbon isotope ratio (δ13C) to investigate sources and transport of total and terrestrial organic matter in the western region of the sea. The δ13C measurements of TOC in time-series sediment traps indicate lateral transport of resuspended organic matter from the northwestern continental shelf to the area off Sakhalin via the dense shelf water (DSW) flow at intermediate depth. The n-alkanes in the surface sediments showed strong odd carbon number predominance with relatively lighter δ13C values (from −33‰ to −30‰). They fall within the typical values of C3-angiosperms, which is the main vegetation in east Russia, including the Amur River basin. On the other hand, the molecular distributions and δ13C values of n-alkanes in the settling particles clearly showed two different sources: terrestrial plant and petroleum in the Sea of Okhotsk. We reconstructed seasonal change in the fluxes of terrestrial n-alkanes in settling particles using the mixing model proposed by Lichtfouse and Eglinton [1995. 13C and 14C evidence of a soil by fossil fuel and reconstruction of the composition of the pollutant. Organic Geochemistry 23, 969–973]. Results of the terrestrial n-alkane fluxes indicate that there are two transport pathways of terrestrial plant n-alkanes to sediments off Sakhalin, the Sea of Okhotsk. One is lateral transport of resuspended particles with lithogenic material from the northwestern continental shelf by the DSW flow. Another is the vertical transport of terrestrial plant n-alkanes, which is independent of transport of lithogenic material. The latter may include dry/wet deposition of aerosol particles derived from terrestrial higher plants possibly associated with forest fires in Siberia.  相似文献   

The plate culture method using the two formulae for non-nitrogenous media was adopted in this investigation for the purpose of counting and isolating nitrogen-fixing bacteria distributed in the open sea. Sea water samples were collected at eighteen different stations in the region of Lat. 50°N–15°S along Long. 155°W and two other stations in the Pacific Ocean. In order to compare with those samples from the open sea, water samples were also obtained at four stations in Suruga and Sagami Bays. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria appear to be widely but very unevenly distributed at all depths in sea water, in numbers approximately ranging from nil to 104 per 100 ml of sea water, and denser vertical populations have been found in the area of Lat. 40°N and 5°N along Long. 155°W, even at depths from 2,000 to 3,000m. A conparatively denser population of bacteria was found in sea water from Suruga Bay and Sagami Bay. The bacteria associated with plankton were abundantly demonstrated, in numbers ranging from 106 to 108 per 1 ml settling volume of plankton, in many plankton samples collected at four stations in the southern parts of the Pacific Ocean. Almost all the bacteria isolated from the samples of blue green algal colonies,Trichodesmium, sp., were able to grow on nonnitrogeneous media.  相似文献   

对北太平洋西部海域、苏禄海及印尼海、中国南海、印度洋东部海域、孟加拉湾及安达曼海等表层水体中放射性核素137Cs的活度进行了测定。结果表明,上述海域表层水体中137Cs活度显示了较大的变化范围,最低值出现在南极附近的南大洋(1.1Bqm-3),较高的活度值则出现在北太平洋西部海域及中国南海(3Bqm-3)。在所研究水域范围内,137Cs活度的纬度分布特征并没有完全有效地反映出137Cs的全球理论大气沉降趋势及其纬度效应。综合本研究及Miyake等人(1988)的测定结果,我们计算出137Cs自表层海水中的析出速率在苏禄海及印尼海约为0.016/a,在孟加拉湾及安达曼海约为0.033/a,在中国南海约为0.029/a,这一结果明显低于西北太平洋日本沿海表层水体中137Cs的析出速率。这可能是因为在这些海域,横向及纵向的水体混合过程相对都较慢,而且颗粒物对137Cs的吸附析出过程也比较弱所致。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONBystudyingchlorophyllandprimaryproductivityinocean ,eitherinthebig scaleorinthesmallscale ,theproductivitydistributionandvariationofmarineorganicmaterialinthetempo ralandspatialcanbeunderstood .Theseaareas ,situatinginthewesterntropicalPacific…  相似文献   

热带太平洋西部及赤道暖水区的初级生产力   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
描述了对热带太平洋西部(1991年11月WOCE调查)及赤道暖水区(1992年11月至1993年2月的TOGA-COARE调查)的叶绿素a分布和初级生产力(C),及其与理化环境的关系.西部海域叶绿素a平均总量达19.79mg/m2,暖水区为2.168mg/m2;暖水区的潜在初级生产量高于西部海域,量值分别为228mg/(m2·d)和171mg/(m2·d),次表层最大值成为调查海域水体叶绿素a分布的一个明显特点.叶绿素a总量平面分布趋向表明:高生物量主要位于巴士海峡邻近、菲律宾以及伊里安岛的近岸站位,此外,在2°~4°N之间的观测区.低生物量主要位于外洋海域.生物量的分布与不同海域的物理过程变化有关,而海水涌升可能是导致温度、盐度和营养盐分布产生变化,并因而导致高生物量的一个重要的物理过程.  相似文献   

We present and assess the distribution of neon in South Atlantic and South Pacific waters, on the basis of more than 3000 mostly new neon data which were obtained primarily under the hydrographic program of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (predominantly southern summer to fall cruises). Data precision is better than±0.5%, and the set is internally consistent within±0.3% and partly better, and compatible with reported high-quality neon values. Using suitably averaged data (precision 0.1–0.3%), we find that the total range of neon anomalies relative to a solubility equilibrium with atmospheric neon at the observed potential temperature and salinity (using the solubilities of Weiss, J. Chem. Eng. Data 16 (1971) 235) is approximately 0–4%, and below 2000 m depth, 3–4% only. We consistently observe two types of neon depth profiles, one for the temperate-latitudes ocean, which is characterized by a near-surface maximum and a minimum in Antarctic Intermediate Water, and one for the Southern Ocean that essentially displays a steady increase with depth. The neon distribution reflects the influence of air injected by submerged air bubbles, the areal distribution of atmospheric pressure, seasonal temperature changes in the mixed layer and solar heating below it, and interaction with sea ice and glacial ice, largely in keeping with previous work. However, it appears that interaction with sea ice reduces neon anomalies distinctly less than the literature suggests. The temperate-ocean shallow maxima point to widespread subsurface heating in the course of the summer season by roughly 1 K. Among the major source water masses of the deep waters, the neon anomalies are lowest in Antarctic Intermediate Water (∼1.5%), intermediate in North Atlantic Deep Water (∼3%, confirming previous work) and similarly in Circumpolar Deep Water, and highest in Antarctic Bottom Water (∼3.8%). The anomalies in Southeast Pacific deep waters (>2500 m) are comparatively less (only∼3.3%), as a result of the contribution of Antarctic Intermediate Water. The present study is the first attempt to deal with the oceanic distribution of neon in a systematic fashion. The results can serve to assist assessments of the oceanic distributions of other dissolved gases.  相似文献   

Accurate and precise measurements of stable lead isotopic compositions in seawater are critically dependent upon the ultra-clean techniques developed for accurate measurements of low (0.1 ng kg−1) lead concentrations in seawater by thermal ionization mass spectrometry. These include both limiting and measuring lead contamination during all phases of sampling, storage and analysis. Essential to this are samplers and shipboard facilities for collecting uncontaminated samples, and laboratory facilities for cleaning containers, purifying reagents and processing samples and standards. Techniques are also required to compensate for the absence of an internal standard, refractory hydrocarbon contaminants and the limited sensitivity of the detectors. Adaptation of those techniques has lowered the lead analytical detection limit for seawater analyses to 0.02 ng kg−1. While the precision of these analyses (0.1–0.4%) is less than that of high precision isotope ratio measurements (0.001%), it is sufficient to identify sources of lead inputs to the ocean and to trace biogeochemical cycles of lead within the ocean. The accuracy of these initial data is currently being established with interlaboratory calibrations and evaluated in terms of its oceanographic consistency.  相似文献   

对北太平洋亚热带环流区表层水中溶解态(<0.2 μm)和颗粒态(≥0.2 μm)210 Po、210pb的含量、分布、停留时间及其在颗粒物清除迁出过程中的分馏效应开展了研究,结果表明,研究海域表层水中溶解态210Po、210Pb的比活度分别介于0.14 ~3.75和1.41 ~6.87 Bq/m3之间;颗粒态210Po、210Pb的比活度分别介于0.35 ~ 2.49和0.18 ~3.18 Bq/m3之间.溶解相和颗粒相中的210Po/210Pb不平衡状态呈现截然不同的特征,溶解相中210Po相对于210Pb呈亏损状态,而在颗粒相中则呈过剩状态,反映出210Po与210Pb生物地球化学行为的差异,210Po具有更强的颗粒(生物)活性.由稳态不可逆模型计算出溶解态和颗粒态210Po的平均停留时间分别为0.28、0.27 a;溶解态和颗粒态210Pb的平均停留时间分别为0.88、0.15 a.由清除速率常数法计算得到的溶解态210Po、210Pb在颗粒清除过程中的平均分馏因子为4.73,且该分馏因子随颗粒氮含量的增加呈增加的趋势.停留时间的差异以及明显大于1的分馏因子均表明,210Po、210Pb在颗粒清除过程中发生了明显的分馏,而分馏因子与颗粒氮(PN)之间存在的正相关关系则显示含氮组分对210 Po、210Pb的分馏起着一定的作用.  相似文献   

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