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Variscan geodynamic evolution of the Carnic Alps (Austria/Italy)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The South-Alpine Carnic Alps are part of the southern flank of the European Variscides and display a continuous sedimentary record from Late Ordovician to Devonian times followed by Carboniferous S-directed nappe stacking and Late Carboniferous to Early Permian post-collisional collapse. The tectonometamorphic and sedimentary evolution of the Carnic Alps resembles a continuous process where pre- and syn-orogenic volcanism, syn-orogenic flysch sedimentation, deformation including nappe stacking, metamorphism and tectonic collapse shift in age from internal zones in the N towards external zones in the S. New structural, petrological and sedimentological data are presented concerning the tectonometamorphic history of the Carnic Alps. We distinguish three thrust sheets or tectonic nappes differing in their stratigraphic, sedimentological, deformational and metamorphic histories which were thrust over each other in Carboniferous times. Our data lead to a new geodynamic model showing an evolution from rifting or back-arc spreading in the Late Ordovician to the establishment of a mature passive continental margin in the Late Devonian/Early Carboniferous, flysch sedimentation in an active continental margin setting during the Visean/Namurian and finally collision during the Late Carboniferous between the northern margin of Gondwana and a microcontinent to the N.  相似文献   

The structure and tectonics of the Aga Zone are considered. It is shown that this zone is a system of tectonic nappes thrust over the Argun microcontinent. The zone is composed of two rock complexes related to the Variscan and Kimmerian structural stages. The Variscan stage (Silurian(?)-Early Carboniferous) comprises structural elements that correspond to the continental slope; the oceanic basin proper; the active continental margin, including an accretionary wedge; and an island arc and backarc basin. The Devonian age of the ophiolites of the Shilka Belt is specified. The formation of this set of tectonic units is related to the Middle Paleozoic pulse of the opening of the Mongolia-Okhotsk paleobasin. The Kimmerian stage (Middle Carboniferous-Early Jurassic) is characterized by a different style of structural evolution. A system of separate troughs filled with flyschoid sequences was formed on the Variscan basement. The unstable setting related to shortening and closure of the paleobasin brought about the spatial migration of sedimentation zones and the development of intraformational breaks in sedimentation, as well as unconformities. This stage was completed in the Lias by the general uplift of the territory and the formation of Jurassic and Cretaceous mollase along its periphery. The Aga allochthonous mass was ultimately formed in the Middle Jurassic. This event is recorded in emplacement of Middle-Late Jurassic granitic plutons that blocked the nappes. The granitic-metamorphic layer was formed in the Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic at the margin of the Aga Zone upon its conjugation with the adjacent continental masses; this layer is related to crustal anatexis. The bulk of the granitic rocks of the Aga Zone were generated in the Middle and Late Jurassic due to the collision of the North Asian continent with the Argun microcontinent.  相似文献   

The thermotectonic evolution of the East Alpine Rhenodanubian flysch zone (RDFZ) and the collisional history along the orogenic front is reconstructed using apatite fission-track (FT) thermochronology. The apatite FT data provides evidence for a burial depth of at least 6 km for the samples, which were totally reset. Burial was not deeper than 11 km, since the zircon fission-track system was not reset. The RDFZ represents an accretionary wedge with a complex burial and cooling history due to successive and differential accretion and exhumation. The sedimentary sequences were deposited along a convergent margin, where accretion started before Maastrichtian and lasted until Miocene. Accretion propagated from a central area (Salzburg-Ybbsitz) both to the west and to the east. In the west, accretion lasted from Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene, reflecting underplating of the RDFZ by the European continental margin sediments. In the east, where three nappes (Greifenstein, Kahlenberg and Laab nappes) can be distinguished, the exhumation started between Late Oligocene and Early Miocene. The Kahlenberg and Laab nappes show total resetting of the apatite FT ages, while in the Greifenstein nappe there is only partial resetting. According to a new paleogeographic reconstruction, the Kahlenberg and Laab nappes were placed on top of the Greifenstein nappe by an out-of-sequence thrust.  相似文献   

The Uralian Fold Belt originated due to the East European-Kazakhstan continental collision in the Late Paleozoic-Early Triassic. The Uralian paleo-ocean existed from the Ordovician to Early Carboniferous. It evolved along the Western Pacific pattern with island arcs and subduction zones moving oceanwards from the East European margin and leaving newly opened back-arc basins behind from the Silurian to the Middle Devonian. A fossil spreading pattern similar to present one can be reconstructed for the Mugodjarian back-arc basin with the spreading rate of 5 cm/yr and depth of basaltic eruption of 3000 m. Since the Devonian, the closure of the Uralian paleo-ocean has begun. A subduction zone flipped over under the Kazakhstan continent, and remnants of an oceanic floor were completely consumed before the Late Carboniferous. After that the continental collision began which lasted nearly 90 Ma. As a result, the distinct linear shape and nappe structure of the Urals were formed.  相似文献   

The SW England Rhenohercynian passive margin initiated with rift-related non-marine sedimentation and bimodal magmatism (Late Lockhovian). Continued lithospheric extension resulted in the exhumation of mantle peridotites and limited seafloor spreading (Emsian-Eifelian). Variscan convergence commenced during the Late Eifelian and was coeval with rifting further north. Collision was marked by the Early Carboniferous emergence of deep marine sedimentary/volcanic rocks from the distal continental margin, oceanic lithosphere, pre-rift basement and upper plate gneisses (correlated with the Mid-German Crystalline High of the Saxothuringian Zone). Progressive inversion of the passive margin was strongly influenced by rift basin geometry. Convergence ceased in the Late Carboniferous and was replaced by an extensional regime that reactivated basin controlling/thrust faults and reorientated earlier fabrics (Start-Perranporth Zone). The resultant exhumation of the lower plate was accompanied by emplacement of the Early Permian SW England granites and was contemporaneous with upper plate sedimentary basin formation above the reactivated Rhenohercynian suture. The Rhenohercynian passive margin probably developed in a marginal basin north of the Rheic Ocean or, possibly, a successor basin following its closure. The Lizard ophiolite is unlikely to represent Rheic Ocean floor or associated forearc (SSZ) crust. The Rheic and Rhenohercynian sutures may be coincident or the Rheic suture may be located further south in the Léon Domain.  相似文献   

Packages of Late Paleozoic tectonic nappes and associated major NE-trending strike-slip faults are widely developed in the Altai–Sayan folded area. Fragments of early deformational phases are preserved within the Late Paleozoic allochthons and autochthons. Caledonian fold-nappe and strike-slip structures, as well as accompanying metamorphism and granitization in the region, are typical of the EW-trending suture-shear zone separating the composite Kazakhstan–Baikal continent and Siberia. In the Gorny Altai region, the Late Paleozoic nappes envelop the autochthon, which contains a fragment of the Vendian–Cambrian Kuznetsk–Altai island arc with accretionary wedges of the Biya–Katun’ and Kurai zones. The fold-nappe deformations within the latter zones occurred during the Late Cambrian (Salairian) and can thus be considered Salairian orogenic phases. The Salairian fold-nappe structure is stratigraphically overlain by a thick (up to 15 km) well-stratified rock unit of the Anyui–Chuya zone, which is composed of Middle Cambrian–Early Ordovician fore-arc basin rocks unconformably overlain by Ordovician–Early Devonian carbonate-terrigenous passive-margin sequences. These rocks are crosscut by intrusions and overlain by a volcanosedimentary unit of the Devonian active margin. The top of the section is marked by Famennian–Visean molasse deposits onlapping onto Devonian rocks. The molasse deposits accumulated above a major unconformity reflects a major Late Paleozoic phase of folding, which is most pronounced in deformations at the edges of the autochthon, nearby the Kaim, Charysh–Terekta, and Teletskoe–Kurai fault nappe zones. Upper Carboniferous coal-bearing molasse deposits are preserved as tectonic wedges within the Charysh–Terekta and Teletskoe–Kurai fault nappe zones.Detrital zircon ages from Middle Cambrian–Early Ordovician rocks of the Anyui–Chuya fore-arc zone indicate that they were primarily derived from Upper Neoproterozoic–Cambrian igneous rocks of the Kuznetsk–Altai island arc or, to a lesser extent, from an Ordovician–Early Devonian passive margin. A minor age population is represented by Paleoproterozoic grains, which was probably sourced from the Siberian craton. Zircons from the Late Carboniferous molasse deposits have much wider age spectra, ranging from Middle Devonian–Early Carboniferous to Late Ordovician–Early Silurian, Cambrian–Early Ordovician, Mesoproterozoic, Early–Middle Proterozoic, and early Paleoproterozoic. These ages are consistent with the ages of igneous and metamorphic rocks of the composite Kazakhstan–Baikal continent, which includes the Tuva-Mongolian island arc with accreted Gondwanan blocks, and a Caledonian suture-shear zone in the north. Our results suggest that the Altai–Sayan region is represented by a complex aggregate of units of different geodynamic affinity. On the one hand, these are continental margin rocks of western Siberia, containing only remnants of oceanic crust embedded in accretionary structures. On the other hand, they are represented by the Kazakhstan–Baikal continent composed of fragments of Gondwanan continental blocks. In the Early–Middle Paleozoic, they were separated by the Ob’–Zaisan oceanic basin, whose fragments are preserved in the Caledonian suture-shear zone. The movements during the Late Paleozoic occurred along older, reactivated structures and produced the large intracontinental Central Asian orogen, which is interpreted to be a far-field effect of the colliding East European, Siberian, and Kazakhstan–Baikal continents.  相似文献   

The Penninic oceanic sequence of the Glockner nappe and the foot-wall Penninic continental margin sequences exposed within the Tauern Window (eastern Alps) have been investigated in detail. Field data as well as structural and petrological data have been combined with data from the literature in order to constrain the geodynamic evolution of these units. Volcanic and sedimentary sequences document the evolution from a stable continent that was formed subsequent to the Variscan orogeny, to its disintegration associated with subsidence and rifting in the Triassic and Jurassic, the formation of the Glockner oceanic basin and its consumption during the Upper Cretaceous and the Paleogene. These units are incorporated into a nappe stack that was formed during the collision between a Penninic Zentralgneis block in the north and a southern Austroalpine block. The Venediger nappe and the Storz nappe are characterized by metamorphic Jurassic shelf deposits (Hochstegen group) and Cretaceous flysch sediments (Kaserer and Murtörl groups), the Eclogite Zone and the Rote Wand–Modereck nappe comprise Permian to Triassic clastic sequences (Wustkogel quartzite) and remnants of platform carbonates (Seidlwinkl group) as well as Jurassic volcanoclastic material and rift sediments (Brennkogel facies), covered by Cretaceous flyschoid sequences. Nappe stacking was contemporaneous to and postdated subduction-related (high-pressure) eclogite and blueschist facies metamorphism. Emplacement of the eclogite-bearing units of the Eclogite zone and the Glockner nappe onto Penninic continental units (Zentralgneis block) occurred subsequent to eclogite facies metamorphism. The Eclogite zone, a former extended continental margin, was subsequently overridden by a pile of basement-cover nappes (Rote Wand–Modereck nappe) along a ductile out-of-sequence thrust. Low-angle normal faults that have developed during the Jurassic extensional phase might have been inverted during nappe emplacement.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(1-2):71-97
Most of the tectonic units cropping out in Western Tuscany are fragments of the Jurassic oceanic crust, ophiolitic successions, overlaid diachronously by Upper Cretaceous-middle Eocene carbonate and siliciclastic flysch successions with their Cenomanian-lower Eocene shalycalcareous basal complexes. These units, so called Ligurian, have been emplaced during the closure of the Ligurian-Piedmont Ocean. Ophiolite bearing debris flows are common in the flysch basins and their relationship with ophiolitic tectonic slices points to a strong relation between tectonics and sedimentation from the early compressive events of the Late Cretaceous. The tectonic activity reflects in a rough morphology of the ocean floor. It progressively influences the distribution and sedimentology of the turbidites. During middle Eocene this relationship begun very important and a paleogeographic reconstruction with prominent linear ophiolitic reliefs that bounded some turbiditic basins can be done. In our reconstruction the sedimentary and structural evolution can be framed in the context of strain partitioning, developed during the ocean closure, between subduction processes and ancient weakness zones crosscutting both the ocean and the Adria continental margin and reactivated in compressive regime. These weakness zones can be interpreted as transform faults of the Ligurian-Piedmont Ocean with prolongations in the Adria passive margin.

The weakness zones crosscut the oceanic lithosphere and the Adria continental margin and interfered with the subduction processes. The activity of the weakness zones is reflected in the Ligurian Units architecture where two main structural strike trends of thrusts and folds axial planes occur. The first trend is WSW-ENE oriented and it is connected with the reactivation of the weaknesses zones. This first orientation developed progressively from Late Cretaceous to Pliocene, from oceanic to ensialic convergence (D1, D2, and D4 deformation phases). The second trend is NNE-SSW oriented and is related to the late Eocene continental collision and the subsequent translation to the NE of the oceanic units onto the Adria continental margin (D3 deformation phase).  相似文献   

U–Pb (SIMS) dating of zircons from granite of the Petrokamensk gabbro–granitoid complex, marking termination of the Devonian island–arc magmatism in the Verkhisetsk–Tura Zone of the Middle Urals, gave an age of 386 ± 3 Ma. Zircons from the West Verkhisetsk granitoids, the formation of which corresponds to the beginning stage of magmatism of the continental margin in the region, yielded ages of 386.6 ± 4.1 and 381.8 ± 6.0 Ma. This suggests that the change in the regime of the island–arc geodynamic mode to an active continental margin took place at the boundary of the Middle and Late Devonian. The upper boundary of existence of the continental margin subduction zone is determined by the closure of the Ural paleo-ocean and the beginning of continental collision processes, which resulted in accumulation of flysch in the Ural foreland trough from the second half of the Bashkirian Stage.  相似文献   

The evolution of the oceanic Maghrebian Flysch Basin and its continuation in the Southern Apennines was studied by reconstructing mainly representative stratigraphic successions. In all sectors a common evolution has been identified. Rifting and drifting phases are indicated by remnants of oceanic crust, Jurassic limestones, Cretaceous–Palaeogene turbiditic and pelagic deposits. The pre-orogenic sedimentation was mainly controlled by extensional tectonics and sea-level changes. The occurrence of a generalized foredeep stage since the Early Miocene is testified by thick siliciclastic and volcaniclastic syn-orogenic flysch successions. The deformation of the oceanic areas began in the Burdigalian and the resulting nappes were stacked in the growing chains. During the Middle Miocene, piggy-back basins developed and the building of the chains was accomplished in the Late Tortonian. Areal distribution and ages of flysch deposits represent an important tool for the study of the diachronous growth of the accretionary wedges.  相似文献   

The Late Caledonian to Early Hercynian North Qilian orogenic belt in northwestern China is an elongate tectonic unit situated between the North China plate in the north and the Qaidam plate in the south. North Qiilan started in the latest Proterozoic to Cambrian as a rift basin an the southern mar-gin of North China, and evolved later to an archipelagic ocean and active continental margin during the Ordovician and a fardand basin from Silurian to the Early and Middle Devonian. The Early Silurian fly-sch and sulmmrine alluvial fan, the Middle to Late Silurian shallow marine to tidal flat deposits and the Early and Middle Devonian terrestrial.molasse are developed along the corridor Nansimn. The shallo-wing-upward succession from subabyssal flysch, shallow marine, tidal flat to terrestrial molasse and its gradually narrowed regional distribution demonstrate that the foreland basin experienced the transition from flysch stake to molasse stake during the Silurian and Devonian time.  相似文献   

祁漫塔格造山带——青藏高原北部地壳演化窥探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
祁漫塔格是东昆仑造山带的一个分支,位于青藏高原中北部,夹持于柴达木盆地和库木库里盆地中间,向西被阿尔金走滑断裂错段。从元古代到早中生代,由于受到多期、多阶段大洋俯冲和关闭影响,导致不同地体间发生碰撞拼贴和大陆增生过程,并由此引发一系列的岩浆事件。祁漫塔格造山带内发育新元古代花岗岩(1000~820 Ma)是对Rodinia超大陆形成的响应。以阿达滩和白干湖逆冲断裂为界,划分为南、北祁漫塔格两地体。北祁漫塔格地体作为活动大陆边缘,发育大量的早古生代与俯冲有关的花岗岩和VA型蛇绿岩;南祁漫塔格地体最初为洋内俯冲形成的原始大洋岛弧,发育早古生代SSZ型蛇绿岩、岛弧拉斑玄武岩和钙碱性火山岩。随着持续俯冲,年轻岛弧伴伴随地壳加厚转变为成熟岛弧。南、北祁漫塔格地体间的碰撞(弧-陆碰撞)可能发生在晚志留世(422Ma),并持续到早泥盆世(398Ma)。在此期间(422~389Ma),南祁漫塔格地体内发育一系列同碰撞型花岗岩;北祁漫塔格地体内发育一系列的大洋岛弧花岗岩。南祁漫塔格作为外来地体,碰撞拼贴对于大陆边缘、大陆增生意义重大。之后,南、北祁漫塔格地体进入后碰撞环境并发育一系列板内花岗岩。此外,伸展导致造山带垮塌,发育中泥盆统磨拉石建造。碰撞使得海沟后退,海沟阻塞导致俯冲减弱甚至停止,因而产生了石炭-二叠纪(357~251 Ma)岩浆活动缺口。古特提斯祁漫塔格洋的最终关闭可能始于晚二叠世,使得库木库里微板块拼贴于大陆边缘;碰撞抬升导致缺失上二叠统-中三叠统地层。早中三叠世(251~237 Ma)由于碰撞,俯冲大洋板片回转,之后断离,软流圈地幔物质沿岩石圈地幔通道上涌,使得新生下地壳部分熔融;到了晚三叠世,大规模岩石圈地幔和下地壳物质拆沉,导致古老地壳物质发生熔融,形成了一系列后碰撞背景下的钙碱性和碱性花岗岩。  相似文献   

The Longmen Shan region includes, from west to east, the northeastern part of the Tibetan Plateau, the Sichuan Basin, and the eastern part of the eastern Sichuan fold-and-thrust belt. In the northeast, it merges with the Micang Shan, a part of the Qinling Mountains. The Longmen Shan region can be divided into two major tectonic elements: (1) an autochthon/parautochthon, which underlies the easternmost part of the Tibetan Plateau, the Sichuan Basin, and the eastern Sichuan fold-and-thrust belt; and (2) a complex allochthon, which underlies the eastern part of the Tibetan Plateau. The allochthon was emplaced toward the southeast during Late Triassic time, and it and the western part of the autochthon/parautochthon were modified by Cenozoic deformation.

The autochthon/parautochthon was formed from the western part of the Yangtze platform and consists of a Proterozoic basement covered by a thin, incomplete succession of Late Proterozoic to Middle Triassic shallow-marine and nonmarine sedimentary rocks interrupted by Permian extension and basic magmatism in the southwest. The platform is bounded by continental margins that formed in Silurian time to the west and in Late Proterozoic time to the north. Within the southwestern part of the platform is the narrow N-trending Kungdian high, a paleogeographic unit that was positive during part of Paleozoic time and whose crest is characterized by nonmarine Upper Triassic rocks unconformably overlying Proterozoic basement.

In the western part of the Longmen Shan region, the allochthon is composed mainly of a very thick succession of strongly folded Middle and Upper Triassic Songpan Ganzi flysch. Along the eastern side and at the base of the allochthon, pre-Upper Triassic rocks crop out, forming the only exposures of the western margin of the Yangtze platform. Here, Upper Proterozoic to Ordovician, mainly shallow-marine rocks unconformably overlie Yangtze-type Proterozic basement rocks, but in Silurian time a thick section of fine-grained clastic and carbonate rocks were deposited, marking the initial subsidence of the western Yangtze platform and formation of a continental margin. Similar deep-water rocks were deposited throughout Devonian to Middle Triassic time, when Songpan Ganzi flysch deposition began. Permian conglomerate and basic volcanic rocks in the southeastern part of the allochthon indicate a second period of extension along the continental margin. Evidence suggests that the deep-water region along and west of the Yangtze continental margin was underlain mostly by thin continental crust, but its westernmost part may have contained areas underlain by oceanic crust. In the northern part of the Longmen Shan allochthon, thick Devonian to Upper Triassic shallow-water deposits of the Xue Shan platform are flanked by deep-marine rocks and the platform is interpreted to be a fragment of the Qinling continental margin transported westward during early Mesozoic transpressive tectonism.

In the Longmen Shan region, the allochthon, carrying the western part of the Yangtze continental margin and Songpan Ganzi flysch, was emplaced to the southeast above rocks of the Yangtze platform autochthon. The eastern margin of the allochthon in the northern Longmen Shan is unconformably overlapped by both Lower and Middle Jurassic strata that are continuous with rocks of the autochthon. Folded rocks of the allochthon are unconformably overlapped by Lower and Middle Jurassic rocks in rare outcrops in the northern part of the region. They also are extensively intruded by a poorly dated, generally undeformed belt, of plutons whose ages (mostly K/Ar ages) range from Late Triassic to early Cenozoic, but most of the reliable ages are early Mesozoic. All evidence indicates that the major deformation within the allochthon is Late Triassic/Early Jurassic in age (Indosinian). The eastern front of the allochthon trends southwest across the present mountain front, so it lies along the mountain front in the northeast, but is located well to the west of the present mountain front on the south.

The Late Triassic deformation is characterized by upright to overturned folded and refolded Triassic flysch, with generally NW-trending axial traces in the western part of the region. Folds and thrust faults curve to the north when traced to the east, so that along the eastern front of the allochthon structures trend northeast, involve pre-Triassic rocks, and parallel the eastern boundary of the allochthon. The curvature of structural trends is interpreted as forming part of a left-lateral transpressive boundary developed during emplacement of the allochthon. Regionally, the Longmen Shan lies along a NE-trending transpressive margin of the Yangtze platform within a broad zone of generally N-S shortening. North of the Longmen Shan region, northward subduction led to collision of the South and North China continental fragments along the Qinling Mountains, but northwest of the Longmen Shan region, subduction led to shortening within the Songpan Ganzi flysch basin, forming a detached fold-and-thrust belt. South of the Longmen Shan region, the flysch basin is bounded by the Shaluli Shan/Chola Shan arc—an originally Sfacing arc that reversed polarity in Late Triassic time, leading to shortening along the southern margin of the Songpan Ganzi flysch belt. Shortening within the flysch belt was oblique to the Yangtze continental margin such that the allochthon in the Longmen Shan region was emplaced within a left-lateral transpressive environment. Possible clockwise rotation of the Yangtze platform (part of the South China continental fragment) also may have contributed to left-lateral transpression with SE-directed shortening. During left-lateral transpression, the Xue Shan platform was displaced southwestward from the Qinling orogen and incorporated into the Longmen Shan allochthon. Westward movement of the platform caused complex refolding in the northern part of the Longmen Shan region.

Emplacement of the allochthon flexurally loaded the western part of the Yangtze platform autochthon, forming a Late Triassic foredeep. Foredeep deposition, often involving thick conglomerate units derived from the west, continued from Middle Jurassic into Cretaceous time, although evidence for deformation of this age in the allochthon is generally lacking.

Folding in the eastern Sichuan fold-and-thrust belt along the eastern side of the Sichuan Basin can be dated as Late Jurassic or Early Cretaceous in age, but only in areas 100 km east of the westernmost folds. Folding and thrusting was related to convergent activity far to the east along the eastern margin of South China. The westernmost folds trend southwest and merge to the south with folds and locally form refolded folds that involve Upper Cretaceous and lower Cenozoic rocks. The boundary between Cenozoic and late Mesozoic folding on the eastern and southern margins of the Sichuan Basin remains poorly determined.

The present mountainous eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau in the Longmen Shan region is a consequence of Cenozoic deformation. It rises within 100 km from 500–600 m in the Sichuan Basin to peaks in the west reaching 5500 m and 7500 m in the north and south, respectively. West of these high peaks is the eastern part of the Tibetan Plateau, an area of low relief at an elevations of about 4000 m.

Cenozoic deformation can be demonstrated in the autochthon of the southern Longmen Shan, where the stratigraphic sequence is without an angular unconformity from Paleozoic to Eocene or Oligocene time. During Cenozoic deformation, the western part of the Yangtze platform (part of the autochthon for Late Triassic deformation) was deformed into a N- to NE-trending foldandthrust belt. In its eastern part the fold-thrust belt is detached near the base of the platform succession and affects rocks within and along the western and southern margin of the Sichuan Basin, but to the west and south the detachment is within Proterozoic basement rocks. The westernmost structures of the fold-thrust belt form a belt of exposed basement massifs. During the middle and later part of the Cenozoic deformation, strike-slip faulting became important; the fold-thrust belt became partly right-lateral transpressive in the central and northeastern Longmen Shan. The southern part of the fold-thrust belt has a more complex evolution. Early Nto NE-trending folds and thrust faults are deformed by NW-trending basementinvolved folds and thrust faults that intersect with the NE-trending right-lateral strike-slip faults. Youngest structures in this southern area are dominated by left-lateral transpression related to movement on the Xianshuihe fault system.

The extent of Cenozoic deformation within the area underlain by the early Mesozoic allochthon remains unknown, because of the absence of rocks of the appropriate age to date Cenozoic deformation. Klippen of the allochthon were emplaced above the Cenozoic fold-andthrust belt in the central part of the eastern Longmen Shan, indicating that the allochthon was at least partly reactivated during Cenozoic time. Only in the Min Shan in the northern part of the allochthon is Cenozoic deformation demonstrated along two active zones of E-W shortening and associated left-slip. These structures trend obliquely across early Mesozoic structures and are probably related to shortening transferred from a major zone of active left-slip faulting that trends through the western Qinling Mountains. Active deformation is along the left-slip transpressive NW-trending Xianshuihe fault zone in the south, right-slip transpression along several major NE-trending faults in the central and northeastern Longmen Shan, and E-W shortening with minor left-slip movement along the Min Jiang and Huya fault zones in the north.

Our estimates of Cenozoic shortening along the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau appear to be inadequate to account for the thick crust and high elevation of the plateau. We suggest here that the thick crust and high elevation is caused by lateral flow of the middle and lower crust eastward from the central part of the plateau and only minor crustal shortening in the upper crust. Upper crustal structure is largely controlled in the Longmen Shan region by older crustal anisotropics; thus shortening and eastward movement of upper crustal material is characterized by irregular deformation localized along older structural boundaries.  相似文献   

The Apennine-Maghrebian fold-and-thrust belt devel-oped from the latest Cretaceous to Early Pleistocene at the subduction-collisional boundary between the Euro-pean and the westward-subducted Ionian and Adria plates. Large parts of the Mesozoic oceanic lithosphere were subducted during an Alpine phase from the Late Cretaceous to Middle Eocene. The chain developed through the deformation of major paleogeographic internal domains (tectono-sedimentary sequences of the Ligurian-Piedmont Ocean) and external domains (sedi-mentary sequences derived from the deformation of the continental Adria-African passive mareinL The continu-ity of the Apennine chain is abruptly interrupted in the Calabrian Arc by the extensive klippe of Kabylo-Calabrian crystalline exotic terranes, derived from deformation of the European passive margin.Major complexities (sharp deflections in the arcuate configuration of the thrust belt, out-of-sequence propagation of the thrusts) are referred to contrasting rheology and differential buoyancy of the subducted lithosphere (transitional from conti-nental to oceanic) and consequent differential roll-back of the Adria plate margin, and to competence contrasts in the Mesozoic stratigraphic sequences,where multiple décollement horizons at different stratigraphic levels may have favored significant differential shortening.From the Late Miocene, the geometry of the thrust belt was strongly modified by extensional fault-ing, volcanic activity, crustal thinning and formation of oceanic crust correlated with the development of the Tyrrhenian Basin.  相似文献   

西秦岭礼岷前陆盆地构造演化及变形分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
张东旭  程彧 《矿产与地质》2002,16(5):273-276
礼岷盆地是晚古生代在扬子板块北缘被动陆缘之上发育起来的前陆盆地。该盆地经历了早期的深海—半深海复理石沉积和晚期的陆相磨拉石沉积 ,其演化过程中主要遭受了三期构造变形 ,即 :早期固态塑性变形 ,中期区域褶皱及走滑变形和晚期逆冲推覆、剪切机制下的复杂变形  相似文献   

楚雄中生代前陆盆地的构造沉降史研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
云南楚雄盆地位于场子陆块的西南边缘,为一典型的中生代周缘前陆盆地,盆地演化阶段明显,晚三叠世为前陆早期复理石沉积,侏罗纪则为前陆晚期磨拉石沉积。对盆地构造沉降史研究后笔者认为:①晚三叠世复理石沉积盆地构造沉降幅度巨大,沉降与沉积中心位于盆地最西部,紧邻古哀牢山造山带,沉积体呈形楔形展布;③侏罗纪磨拉石沉积盆地构造沉降和沉积中心以及前缘隆起向内陆方向迁移明显;③中生代构造快速沉降的沉积体的楔形展布表  相似文献   

Remnants of the Liguria-Piemont Ocean with its Jurassic ophiolitic basement are preserved in the South Pennine thrust nappes of eastern Switzerland. Analysis of South Pennine stratigraphy and comparison with sequences from the adjacent continental margin units suggest that South Pennine nappes are relics of a transform fault system. This interpretation is based on three arguments: (1) In the highly dismembered ophiolite suite preserved, Middle to Late Jurassic pelagic sediments are found in stratigraphic contact not only with pillow basalts but also with serpentinites indicating the occurrence of serpentinite protrusions along fracture zones. (2) Ophiolite breccias (»ophicalcites«) occurring along distinct zones within peridotite-serpentinite host rocks are comparable with breccias from present-day oceanic fracture zones. They originated from a combination of tectonic and sedimentary processes: i.e. the fragmentation of oceanic basement on the seafloor and the filling of a network of neptunian dikes by pelagic sediment with locally superimposed hydrothermal activity and gravitational collapse. (3) The overlying Middle to Late Jurassic radiolarian chert contains repeated intercalations of massflow conglomerates mainly comprising components of oceanic basement but clasts of acidic basement rocks and oolitic limestone also exist. This indicates a close proximity between continental and oceanic basement. The rugged morphology manifested in the mass-flow deposits intercalated with the radiolarites is draped by pelagic sediments of Early Cretaceous age.  相似文献   

The Schlinig fault at the western border of theÖtztal nappe (Eastern Alps), previously interpreted as a west-directed thrust, actually represents a Late Cretaceous, top-SE to -ESE normal fault, as indicated by sense-of-shear criteria found within cataclasites and greenschist-facies mylonites. Normal faulting postdated and offset an earlier, Cretaceous-age, west-directed thrust at the base of theÖtztal nappe. Shape fabric and crystallographic preferred orientation in completely recrystallized quartz layers in a mylonite from the Schlinig fault record a combination of (1) top-east-southeast simple shear during Late Cretaceous normal faulting, and (2) later north-northeast-directed shortening during the Early Tertiary, also recorded by open folds on the outcrop and map scale. Offset of the basal thrust of theÖtztal nappe across the Schlinig fault indicates a normal displacement of 17 km. The fault was initiated with a dip angle of 10° to 15° (low-angle normal fault). Domino-style extension of the competent Late Triassic Hauptdolomit in the footwall was kinematically linked to normal faulting.

The Schlinig fault belongs to a system of east- to southeast-dipping normal faults which accommodated severe stretching of the Alpine orogen during the Late Cretaceous. The slip direction of extensional faults often parallels the direction of earlier thrusting (top-W to top-NW), only the slip sense is reversed and the normal faults are slightly steeper than the thrusts. In the western Austroalpine nappes, extension started at about 80 Ma and was coeval with subduction of Piemont-Ligurian oceanic lithosphere and continental fragments farther west. The extensional episode led to the formation of Austroalpine Gosau basins with fluviatile to deep-marine sediments. West-directed rollback of an east-dipping Piemont-Ligurian subduction zone is proposed to have caused this stretching in the upper plate.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地塔中低凸起古构造演化与变形特征   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
通过区域地质和构造地震精细研究,提出了塔里木南缘早古生代板块构造控制塔南—塔中从伸展到挤压盆地演化:寒武纪—早奥陶世板缘拉张控制了塔中北斜坡断陷构造;中奥陶世北昆仑洋盆关闭后塔中前缘隆起;晚奥陶世—晚泥盆世塔中前陆冲断与走滑构造变形。晚奥陶世塔南前陆冲断构造由东南向西北方向传播,形成塘北—塔中南—塔中5号断裂带等弧形断裂体系和塔中低凸起中西段与Ⅰ号断裂带小角度斜交的走滑断裂体系。冲断构造位移的传播受控于两个滑脱层:其一是沿寒武系内部膏盐岩的滑脱,形成弧形冲断构造,终止于塔中南缘断裂带;另一个是沿中地壳韧性变形带的滑脱,形成塔中1号断裂带东端的弧形构造带。塔中1号断裂带东段的构造变形方式主要为向北传播水平位移的断层传播褶皱和向南反向冲断的楔形构造。塔中低凸起的中西段右行走滑构造导致了向东收敛的扫帚状走滑断裂体系的形成,剖面发育花状构造。塔中低凸起的古构造演化与变形特征、构造变形样式、构造变形成因和断裂体系,是克拉通盆地内部叠合盆地深层的主要构造地质特征。  相似文献   

A section across a major Tethyan suture in northwestern Turkey is described in detail. The suture of Early Tertiary age juxtaposes two continental blocks with distinct stratigraphic, structural, and metamorphic features. The Sakarya Zone in the north is represented by Permo-Triassic accretion-subduction complexes, which are unconformably overlain by Jurassic to Paleocene sedimentary rocks. The Anatolide-Tauride Block to the south of the suture consists of two tectonic zones. The Tavsanli Zone consists of a coherent blueschist sequence with Late Cretaceous isotopic ages. This blueschist sequence is tectonically overlain by Cretaceous oceanic accretionary complexes and peridotite slabs. The Bornova Flysch Zone consists of Triassic to Cretaceous limestone blocks in an uppermost Cretaceous to Paleocene flysch. The suture is represented by a N-vergent thrust fault separating lithologies from these two continental blocks.

The orogenic history of the region can be considered in two stages. In the Late Cretaceous, the northern margin of the Anatolide-Tauride Block was subducted under the Tethyan oceanic lithosphere and was metamorphosed in blueschist-facies conditions. Blueschists were largely exhumed by the latest Cretaceous or early Paleocene, prior to the continental collision. In the second stage, during the Paleocene, the continent-continent collision produced a doubly vergent orogen involving both S- and N-vergent thrusting, but did not lead to major crustal thickening.  相似文献   

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