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Slip rate on the Dead Sea transform fault in northern Araba valley (Jordan)   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The Araba valley lies between the southern tip of the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba. This depression, blanketed with alluvial and lacustrine deposits, is cut along its entire length by the Dead Sea fault. In many places the fault is well defined by scarps, and evidence for left-lateral strike-slip faulting is abundant. The slip rate on the fault can be constrained from dated geomorphic features displaced by the fault. A large fan at the mouth of Wadi Dahal has been displaced by about 500 m since the bulk of the fanglomerates were deposited 77–140 kyr ago, as dated from cosmogenic isotope analysis (10Be in chert) of pebbles collected on the fan surface and from the age of transgressive lacustrine sediments capping the fan. Holocene alluvial surfaces are also clearly offset. By correlation with similar surfaces along the Dead Sea lake margin, we propose a chronology for their emplacement. Taken together, our observations suggest an average slip rate over the Late Pleistocene of between 2 and 6 mm yr−1, with a preferred value of 4 mm yr−1. This slip rate is shown to be consistent with other constraints on the kinematics of the Arabian plate, assuming a rotation rate of about 0.396° Myr−1 around a pole at 31.1°N, 26.7°E relative to Africa.  相似文献   

We present a study on the impact of litho-structural setting and neotectonic activity on meso- and macro-scale relief production in Alpine areas. The topography of the high alpine Triglav Lakes Valley, NW Slovenia, was studied by means of detailed mapping and stratigraphic study of the valley. The Triglav Lakes Valley is characterised by a generally asymmetric transverse (E–W) profile: a very steep eastern slope, a relatively flat valley and a relatively gentle western slope. On the transverse profile the valley floor is essentially flat, gently dipping towards the east. In the longitudinal cross-section, however, the valley floor is marked by sharply-defined fault blocks extending in a W–E to NW–SE direction. Additionally, the highest block (elevations  2100 m) is in the northern part of the valley, the lowest (elevations  1600 m) in the southern part of the valley. Our research shows that the Triglav Lakes Valley directly represents the topographic expression of Paleogene–Neogene thrusting and faulting, having recorded the following geomorphologic evolutionary stages: 1. an Oligocene to early Miocene W-vergent thrusting phase, with steep W-facing slopes of the eastern part of the valley directly representing the thrusting front; and 2. a Neogene-to-present strike–slip faulting in NNE–SSW direction with two bifurcating right-lateral strike–slip systems. We show that the Triglav Lakes Valley almost perfectly mimics the wedge-shaped damage zone located between these faults.  相似文献   

《Basin Research》2018,30(1):35-58
This study focuses on the Cenozoic provenance and tectonic evolution of the southwestern Qaidam Basin through geochemical analysis of detrital garnet, tourmaline and rutile. The variation of detrital mineral compositions indicates that the Cenozoic evolution can be divided into three stages: (i) before the deposition of the upper Xiaganchaigou Formation (before 37.8 Ma); (ii) between the deposition of the upper Xiaganchaigou Formation and the Shangganchaigou Formation (from 37.8 to 22 Ma); (iii) since the deposition of the Xiayoushashan Formation (since 22 Ma). In the first stage, abundant garnets from high‐grade meta‐basic and ultramafic rocks in the sediments from the Ganchaigou area support a provenance from the South Altyn Tagh HP/UHP metamorphic zone. The low percentage of tourmalines from granitoid rocks in the sediments in the Kunbei‐Lücaotan area suggests a provenance from the East Kunlun fault zone, indicating that the Qimen Tagh Shan was not high enough to prevent the transport of sediments from the southern Qaidam Basin. The sediments in the Qigequan area were derived from both the Altyn Tagh fault zone and the East Kunlun fault zone. In the second stage, the tectonic activity consisted in the rapid uplift of the Altyn Shan. Changes in garnet composition indicate a lower detrital contribution from high‐grade metamorphic rocks. In the third stage, the disappearance of garnets from high‐grade metamorphic rocks and scattered temperatures of rutiles in the Ganchaigou area suggest that the source area shifted from the South Altyn Tagh HP/UHP metamorphic rocks to weakly metamorphosed Meso‐Neoproterozoic sedimentary rocks. The increase in granitoid‐derived tourmalines in the Kunbei‐Lücaotan area is indicative of the rapid uplift of the Qimen Tagh Shan. The provenance evolution in the southwestern Qaidam Basin indicates that the tectonic activity along the Altyn Tagh fault zone can be divided into an early stage of Altyn Shan uplift and a later stage of left‐lateral slip. At the same time, tectonic movement along the East Kunlun fault zone initiated.  相似文献   

The northeast-trending Pallatanga right-lateral strike-slip fault runs across the Western Cordillera connecting N50E-N70E trending normal faults in the Gulf of Guayaquil with N-S reverse faults in the Interandean Depression. Over most of its length, the fault trace has been partly obscured by erosional processes and can be inferred in the topography only at the large scale. Only the northern fault segment, which follows the upper Rio Pangor valley at elevations above 3600 m, is prominent in the morphology. Valleys and ridges cut and offset by the fault provide an outstanding record of right-lateral cumulative fault displacement. The fault geometry and kinematics of this particular fault segment can be determined from detailed topographic levellings. The fault strikes N30E and dips 75 to the NW. Depending on their size and nature, transverse morphological features such as tributaries of the Rio Pangor and intervening ridges, reveal right-lateral offsets which cluster around 27 ± 11m, 41.5 ± 4 m, 590 ± 65 m and 960 ± 70 m. The slip vector deduced from the short-term offsets shows a slight reverse component with a pitch of about 11.5 SW. The 41.5 ± 4 m displacements are assumed to be coeval with the last glacial termination, yielding a mean Holocene slip-rate of 2.9- 4.6 mm yr−1. Assuming a uniform slip rate on the fault in the long term, the 27 m offset appears to correlate with an identified middle Holocene morphoclimatic event, and the long term offsets of 590 m and 960 m coincide with the glacial terminations at the beginning of the last two interglacial periods.  相似文献   

Sediment provenance studies have proven to be an effective method to extract the sediment provenance and tectonic process information recorded by detrital minerals. In this contribution, we conducted detrital monazite and zircon U‐Pb geochronology and detrital Cr‐spinel major element chemistry analyses on samples from the Qaidam Basin to reconstruct the spatial and temporal evolution of the Altyn Tagh Range and the Qimen Tagh Range in the northern Tibetan Plateau. Based on the significant variation in [Th/U]N, [Gd/Lu]N and [Eu/Eu*]N and the U‐Pb ages of the monazite and zircon, the South Altyn Tagh subduction‐collision belt and the North Qimen Tagh Range were, respectively, the main provenances of the Ganchaigou section and the Dongchaishan‐Weitai section in the Qaidam Basin in the Cenozoic. Paleozoic peak metamorphism, retrograde granulite‐facies metamorphism and amphibolite‐facies metamorphism in the South Altyn Tagh subduction‐collision belt were well recorded by the detrital monazite. In comparison, the detrital zircon is a better indicator of igneous events than detrital monazite. Synthesizing the detrital monazite, zircon and Cr‐spinel data, we concluded that the South Altyn Tagh Ocean and Qimen Tagh Ocean existed in the early Paleozoic and that the Altyn Tagh terrane and Qimen Tagh terrane experienced different Paleozoic tectonothermal histories. The collision between the Qaidam terrane and the Azhong terrane occurred at ca. 500 Ma. The Middle Ordovician was the key period of transformation from the collision‐induced compressional environment to an extensional environment in the area of the South Altyn Tagh Range. In the early Paleozoic, the Qimen Tagh area was characterized by the subduction of oceanic crust.  相似文献   

Large historical earthquakes in Italy define a prominent gap in the Pollino region of the southern Apennines. Geomorphic and palaeoseismological investigations in this region show that the Castrovillari fault (CF) is a major seismogenic source that could potentially fill the southern part of this gap. The surface expression of the CF is a complex, 10–13 km long set of prominent scarps. Trenches across one scarp indicate that at least four surface-faulting earthquakes have occurred along the CF since Late Pleistocene time, each producing at least 1 m of vertical displacement. The length of the fault and the slip per event suggest M =6.5-7.0 for the palaeoearthquakes. Preliminary radiocarbon dating coupled with historical considerations imply that the most recent of these earthquakes occurred between 380 BC and 1200 AD, and probably soon after 760 AD; no evidence for this event has been found in the historical record. We estimate a minimum recurrence interval of 1170 years and a vertical slip rate of 0.2-0.5 mm yr-1 for the CF, which indicates that the seismic behaviour of this fault is comparable to other major seismogenic faults of the central-southern Apennines. The lack of mention or the mislocation of the most recent event in the historical seismic memory of the Pollino region clearly shows that even in Italy, which has one of the longest historical records of seismicity, a seismic hazard assessment based solely on the historical record may not be completely reliable, and shows that geological investigations are critical for filling possible information gaps.  相似文献   

Along‐strike structural linkage and interaction between faults is common in various compressional settings worldwide. Understanding the kinematic history of fault interaction processes can provide important constraints on the geometry and evolution of the lateral growth of segmented faults in the fold‐and‐thrust belts, which are important to seismic hazard assessment and hydrocarbon trap development. In this study, we study lateral structural geometry (fault displacement and horizon shortening) of thrust fault linkages and interactions along the Qiongxi anticline in the western Sichuan foreland basin, China, using a high‐resolution 3D seismic reflection dataset. Seismic interpretation suggests that the Qiongxi anticline can be related to three west‐dipping, hard‐linked thrust fault segments that sole onto a regional shallow detachment. Results reveal that the lateral linkage of fault segments limited their development, affecting the along‐strike fault displacement distributions. A deficit between shortening and displacement is observed to increase in linkage zones where complex structural processes occur, such as fault surface bifurcation and secondary faulting, demonstrating the effect of fault linkage process on structural deformation within a thrust array. The distribution of the geometrical characteristics shows that thrust fault development in the area can be described by both the isolated fault model and the coherent fault model. Our measurements show that new fault surfaces bifurcate from the main thrust ramp, which influences both strain distribution in the relay zone and along‐strike fault slip distribution. This work fully describes the geometric and kinematic characteristics of lateral thrust fault linkage, and may provide insights into seismic interpretation strategies in other complex fault transfer zones.  相似文献   

The Zambapala Fault Zone (ZFZ) is located at the link between the offshore structures of the Gulf of Guayaquil and the Guayaquil Caracas Megashear (GCM) that accommodates the northeastward motion of the North Andean Block. We use morphological observations of drainage offset to assess the active motion of the Zambapala Fault. The relation between the horizontal offset amount D of the stream channel and the upstream length L from the offset segment, and offset of beach morphology provide a measurement of the average slip rate of the motion of the fault to an accuracy of a fraction of millimeters per year. The drainage network is short, running down the southeastern slopes of the Zambapala Cordillera (297 m), a Quaternary dome uplifted along a positive flower structure. We measure the D (drainage offset along the fault)/L (drainage length from the fault) relation for the upper and more recent part of the drainage network. The relation suggests that the fault is active at present. Capture occurs along the middle slopes and channel straightening near the littoral plain, hiding part or most of the fault offset. The fault trace crosses the littoral plain, showing 35–40 m offset of the inner beach ridge, and delimiting variations of the beach morphology. The attribution of a maximum age of 5000–6000 years to the oldest beach ridge (the postglacial transgression) allows us to calculate a minimal mean slip rate of 5.8–8 mm year−1. This result confirms that the Guayaquil Caracas Megashear extends to the Gulf of Guayaquil through the Zambapala Fault Zone, which accommodate at least 60–80% of the slip motion of the Guayaquil Carcas Megashear.  相似文献   

The Southern Andes differ significantly from the Central Andes with respect to topography and crustal structures and are, from a geophysical point of view, less well known. In order to provide insight into the along-strike segmentation of the Andean mountain belt, an integrated 3-D density model was developed for the area between latitudes 36°S and 42°S. The model is based on geophysical and geological data acquired in the region over the past years and was constructed using forward density modelling. In general, the gravity field of the South American margin is characterized by a relatively continuous positive anomaly along the coastline and the forearc region, and by negative anomalies along the trench and the volcanic arc. However, in the forearc region of the central part of the study area, located just to the south of the epicentre of the largest ever recorded earthquake (Valdivia, 1960), the trench-parallel positive anomaly is disrupted. The forearc gravity anomaly differences thus allow the study area to be divided into three segments, the northern Arauco-Lonquimay, the middle Valdivia-Liquiñe, and the southern Bahía-Mansa-Osorno segment, which are also evident in geology. In the proposed model, the observed negative gravity anomaly in the middle segment is reproduced by an approximately 5 km greater depth to the top of the slab beneath the forearc region. The depth to the slab is, however, dependent upon the density of the upper plate structures. Therefore, both the upper and lower plates and their interaction have a significant impact on the subduction-zone gravity field.  相似文献   

The Southeastern portion of the East African Rift System reactivates Mesozoic transform faults marking the separation of Madagascar from Africa in the Western Indian Ocean. Earlier studies noted the reactivation of the Davie Fracture Zone in oceanic lithosphere as a seismically active extensional fault, and new 3D seismic reflection data and exploration wells provide unprecedented detail on the kinematics of the sub-parallel Seagap fault zone in continental/transitional crust landward of the ocean-continent transition. We reconstruct the evolution of the seismically active Seagap fault zone, a 400-km-long crustal structure affecting the Tanzania margin, from the late Eocene to the present day. The Seagap fault zone is represented by large-scale localized structures affecting the seafloor and displaying growth geometries across most of the Miocene sediments. The continuous tectonic activity evident by our seismic mapping, as well as 2D deep seismic data from literature, suggests that from the Middle-Late Jurassic until 125 Ma, the Seagap fault acted as a regional structure parallel to, and coeval with, the dextral Davie Fracture Zone. The Seagap fault then remained active after the cessation of both seafloor spreading in the Somali basin and strike-slip activity on the Davie Fracture Zone, till nowaday. Its architecture is structurally expressed through the sequence of releasing and restraining bends dating back at least to the early Neogene. Seismic sections and horizon maps indicate that those restraining bends are generated by strike-slip reactivation of Cretaceous structures till the Miocene. Finally based on the interpretation of edge-enhanced reflection seismic surfaces and seafloor data, we shows that, by the late Neogene, the Seagap fault zone switched to normal fault behaviour. We discuss the Seagap fault's geological and kinematic significance through time and its current role within the microplate system in the framework of the East African rift, as well as implications for the evolution and re-activation of structures along sheared margins. The newly integrated datasets reveal the polyphase deformation of this margin, highlighting its complex evolution and the implications for depositional fairways and structural trap and seal changes through time, as well as potential hazards.  相似文献   

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