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印度共和国(Republic of India)位于亚洲南部,是南亚次大陆最大的国家.具有绚丽的多样性和丰富的文化遗产及旅游资源。她与孟加拉国、缅甸、中华人民共和国、不丹、尼泊尔和巴基斯坦等国家接壤,与斯里兰卡和马尔代夫等国隔海相望。古印度人创造了光辉灿烂的古代文明,她同时也是世界三大宗教之一——佛教的发源地。  相似文献   

林晖 《地球》2014,(8):82-86
紫阳街是浙江第二条中国历史文化名街。它南北走向横贯台州城,是国内现存街路最长、街区最完整、街道最本色、街史最悠久的“四最”合一的商贸街。用我国古建筑专家黄大树的话来说,是“江南第一,全国罕见”。紫阳街最早形成于唐初,它的发展与台州府的历史紧密相连,近1400年来见证了无数的落寞与繁华,无数莺歌燕舞、风花雪月的故事,多少旗亭酒楼、勾栏瓦肆的传说,都曾在这里演绎。  相似文献   

蓝颖春 《地球》2014,(7):52-53
水是生产之基、生态之要、生命之源。在人类文明史上,历朝历代莫不把治水作为兴邦富国的首选方略。浙江域内河网水系发达,河道交错,塘漾棋布。随着经济的发展,水环境却承受着极大的压力,江南水乡,为找到能游泳的河流寻寻觅觅,平原水网,不时为饮用水被污染的传闻困扰。治水对于浙江来说,既有历史意义,更有现实意义。  相似文献   

<正>为了加强中韩两国摄影文化交流,由中国平遥国际摄影大展组委会、中国北京摄影艺术协会、中国吉林省摄影家协会、韩国写真作家协会江原道协议会共同组织,在韩国江原道联合举办了"2015中国摄影家韩国摄影作品展览"。这次活动受到了中韩双方的高度认可,同时也进一步加深了两国摄影文化的交流。时值早春四月,朝鲜半岛正是春暖花盛的季节,韩国江原道宁越郡迎来了最有历史意义的庆典活动——端宗文化节。赴韩交流的中国摄影  相似文献   

正国土资源部近期公布了第四批国家矿山公园资格名单。其中,海南石碌铁矿矿山公园位列其中。石碌铁矿位于海南昌江石碌镇南约3公里的金牛岭山麓,矿区总面积60平方公里,铁矿储量约3亿吨。这里是我国铁矿石的重要基地之一,被称为"海南矿业界的老大"。海南石碌铁矿矿体北起石碌河,南至羊角岭,西起石碌岭,东至红山头,呈南北长,东西狭的长条形。主体矿分布在石碌镇正南一公里一带,以北一主矿体  相似文献   

孔佳仁 《地球》2019,(9):86-89
在青藏高原、黄土高原与秦岭山脉交汇处,有一座秘藏于茶马通道和汉藏走廊,如今被人遗忘的民族风情小镇——五彩卓尼,一个带有民族韵味的地名,一座遗落在人间的香巴拉。地域辽阔的卓尼历史悠久,人杰地灵,物华天宝,文化旅游资源得天独厚,集自然生态文化、觉乃民俗文化、土司历史文化、洮砚产业文化、藏传佛教文化之大成,兼惊、险、奇、秀之特征,以多样性、原始性、神秘性著称。  相似文献   

本文以图集《满韵风情 印象辽宁》编制为例,阐述了地图集编制的特点。结合地图制图学的理论,从艺术的角度对地图集的编制特点做了描述。  相似文献   

正盛开的宫粉紫荆花带香飘阵阵、万亩果林湿地风光旖旎、纵横交错的河网鱼跃鸟鸣……广州海珠国家湿地公园,是全国特大城市中心城区最大最美的湿地公园,是名副其实的广州城"绿心",保留了珠江三角洲自然河涌生态系统和万亩果园果基鱼塘生态农业,保持了生态系统的多种服务功能。不久前,2018年世界湿地日中国主场活动就在美丽的海珠湿地举办,以城央湿地典范诠释可持续发展城镇未来,彰显生态文明建设繁荣景象。  相似文献   

<正>4.5万年前的古牦牛化石、4000年前新石器时代的岩画、2000年前的金质野牦牛饰品、1000年前的合金铸造牦牛摆件、数百年历史的壁画和唐卡、清代手绘画牦牛哈达……西藏牦牛博物馆与首都博物馆近日共同主办了"牦牛走进北京——高原牦牛文化展",500余件与牦牛相关的艺术品让《地球》记者大开眼界。  相似文献   

谭廷栋 《地球物理学报》1989,32(03):356-360
随着勘探技术的进步,我国发现了许多深层天然气,它的埋藏深度大于3500m。然而,气层岩石孔隙度随着埋藏深度增加而减小,结果引起核测井读数分辨率降低。采用核测井读数解释深层天然气,识别气层的分辨率极差,有时候难以发现深层天然气。本文提出的核测井孔隙度差异法,用于解释我国某气田深层天然气,获得了令人满意的效果。  相似文献   

在华北盆地中西部的临城一巨鹿深地震反射剖面上,CDP叠加剖面在双程走时2.5-4.5s部分显示出一系列连续性好、能量强的低角度反射事件,在剖面上显示的延伸距离达40km.这些反射事件解释为滑脱断层,它自西向东倾角变缓,发育在深度为skin(剖面西端)至10km(东端)的结晶基岩中.在剖面的浅部显示出两个相似的单边断陷盆地,其主断裂以铲形归并到这一滑脱构造.上盘在伸展过程中向东滑移,拉张和重力滑动作用可能是形成这些断裂的主要原因.剖面东部的中下地壳内众多的反射事件具有叠层状的特征,并遭受强烈的变形,可能表示地幔物质上涌侵入至地壳内.岩浆侵入在地壳上部形成附加的伸展应力场,同时使下地壳增热,粘度下降,某些矿物发生脱水作用,脱出的水上移并储存于中地壳内.伸展应力场及热和水的作用促进滑脱构造的形成.邢台地震的震源深度分布表明,这一地区脆韧过渡带的深度为10-25km,滑脱面为过渡带的上界面.  相似文献   

In this study, we focused on full-region cruise survey data, near-bottom continuous mooring observations and sea surface wind products from the western South Yellow Sea in winter; after ensuring the data reliability and accuracy, we processed and analyzed the data. Image resolution experiments were carried out to determine the lowest recognition resolutions for all image types, which represent the resolution characteristics of the data. The existence of a warm water tongue originating from the Yellow Sea Warm Current(YSWC) that approached waters offshore Qingdao was confirmed. For the first time, a high salinity water tongue, corresponding to the warm water tongue, was described and found to be more representative of the YSWC branch path. This warm tongue is a sign of the branch originating from the YSWC, which we defined as the Yellow Sea Warm Current Branch approaching waters offshore Qingdao(YSWC-QDB). The pattern of the warm and salty water tongues showed remarkable rear, branching middle, shrinking neck and expanding top regions. These patterns showed a temporal feature of the tongues, and were the result of multi-temporal branches in front of the YSWC main section as well as the YSWC-QDB crossing the southwestward path of the extension of the North Shandong Coastal Current flowing along the southeast coast of the Shandong Peninsula(NSCC-SESE). Analysis using mooring data at a sensitive and representative station also showed the existence of the YSWC-QDB. It is a probabilistic event that manifests as a northwestward flow that decreases gradually from the bottom to the surface in the early cold air transit stage and consistent in the whole water column profile in the later stage. It varies quasi-periodically with weather processes. It also transports some of the YSWC water stored in the entrance area of the Bohai and Yellow seas under winter wind conditions to the western South Yellow Sea as a compensatory current. This current, caused by northerly winds, especially northwest winds and obstruction of the NSCC-SESE, was present, and strong water reduction and compensation caused significant residual sea level oscillations. The compensatory current, if caused by strong northwest wind,began to appear when its direction was opposite to the wind direction. In addition, confirmation of the YSWC-QDB provides an oceanographic basis for the short cooling time and rapid warming in the Qingdao area in winter. This research provides a basis for further studies of the YSWC-QDB at high spatial and temporal resolutions using large sea surface datasets. For monsoon basin dynamics, this study can also be extended to the whole Bohai and Yellow seas and closed or semi-closed basins on the continental margin.  相似文献   

This review paper summarizes the research of Mercury’s magnetosphere in the Post-MESSENGER era and compares its dynamics to those in other planetary magnetospheres,especially to those in Earth’s magnetosphere.This review starts by introducing the planet Mercury,including its interplanetary environment,magnetosphere,exosphere,and conducting core.The frequent and intense magnetic reconnection on the dayside magnetopause,which is represented by the flux transfer event"shower",is reviewed on how they depend on magnetosheath plasma β and magnetic shear angle across the magnetopause,followed by how it contributes to the flux circulation and magnetosphere-surface-exosphere coupling.In the next,Mercury’s magnetosphere under extreme solar events,including the core induction and the reconnection erosion on the dayside magnetosphere,as well as the responses of the nightside magnetosphere,are reviewed.Then,the dawn-dusk properties of the plasma sheet,including the features of the ions,the structure of the current sheet,and the dynamics of magnetic reconnection,are summarized.The last topic is devoted to the particle energization in Mercury’s magnetosphere,which includes the energization of the Kelvin-Helmholtz waves on the magnetopause boundaries,reconnection-generated magnetic structures,and the cross-tail electric field.In each chapter,the last section discusses the open questions related to each topic,which can be considered by the simulations and the future spacecraft mission.We end this paper by summarizing the future Bepi Colombo opportunities,which is a joint mission of ESA and JAXA and is en route to Mercury.  相似文献   

To study the seismic behavior of high strength concrete fi lled double-tube(CFDT) columns,each consisting of an external square steel tube and an internal circular steel tube,quasi-static tests on eight CFDT column specimens were conducted.The test variables included the width-to-thickness ratio(β1) and the area ratio(β2) of the square steel tube,the wall thickness of the circular steel tube,and the axial force(or the axial force ratio) applied to the CFDT columns.The test results indicate that for CFDT columns with a square steel tube with β1 of 50.1 and 24.5,local buckling of the specimen was found at a drift ratio of 1/150 and 1/50,respectively.The lateral force-displacement hysteretic loops of all specimens were plump and stable.Reducing the width-to-thickness ratio of the square steel tube,increasing its area ratio,or increasing the wall thickness of the internal circular steel tube,led to an increased fl exural strength and deformation capacity of the specimens.Increasing the design value of the axial force ratio from 0.8 to 1.0 may increase the fl exural strength of the specimens,while it may also decrease the ultimate deformation capacity of the specimen with β1 of 50.1.  相似文献   

Traditional modal parameter identifi cation methods have many disadvantages,especially when used for processing nonlinear and non-stationary signals.In addition,they are usually not able to accurately identify the damping ratio and damage.In this study,methods based on the Hilbert-Huang transform(HHT) are investigated for structural modal parameter identifi cation and damage diagnosis.First,mirror extension and prediction via a radial basis function(RBF) neural network are used to restrain the troublesome end-effect issue in empirical mode decomposition(EMD),which is a crucial part of HHT.Then,the approaches based on HHT combined with other techniques,such as the random decrement technique(RDT),natural excitation technique(NExT) and stochastic subspace identifi cation(SSI),are proposed to identify modal parameters of structures.Furthermore,a damage diagnosis method based on the HHT is also proposed.Time-varying instantaneous frequency and instantaneous energy are used to identify the damage evolution of the structure.The relative amplitude of the Hilbert marginal spectrum is used to identify the damage location of the structure.Finally,acceleration records at gauge points from shaking table testing of a 12-story reinforced concrete frame model are taken to validate the proposed approaches.The results show that the proposed approaches based on HHT for modal parameter identifi cation and damage diagnosis are reliable and practical.  相似文献   

The Sulawesi Sea and Sulawesi Island are located in the western Pacific area where volcanic activity,plate subduction,and seismic activity are very active.The Sulawesi basin formed during the Middle Eocene-Late Eocene and nearly half of the Eocene oceanic crust has subducted below the North Sulawesi Trench.The Sulawesi Island was spliced and finalized in the Early Pliocene-Pleistocene during volcanic activity and is recently very active.This area is an optimal location to study volcanic geothermal conditions and subduction initiation mechanisms in the southern part of the western Pacific plate margin,which are important in geothermal and geodynamic research.In this study,we combined 133 heat flow data with gravity and magnetic data to calculate the Moho structure and Curie point depth of the Sulawesi Sea and periphery of the Sulawesi Island,and analyze the distribution characteristics of the geothermal gradient and thermal conductivity.The results show that the average depths of the Moho and Curie surfaces in this area are 18.4 and 14.3 km,respectively,which is consistent with the crustal velocity layer structure in the Sulawesi Basin previously determined by seismic refraction.The average geothermal gradient is 4.96°C(100 m)-1.The oceanic area shows a high geothermal gradient and low thermal conductivity,whereas the land area shows a low geothermal gradient and high thermal conductivity,both of which are consistent with statistical results of the geothermal gradient at the measured heat flow points.The highest geothermal gradient zone occurs in the transition zone from the Sulawesi Sea to Sulawesi Island,corresponding to the spreading ridge of the southward-moving Sulawesi Basin.Comprehensive gravity,magnetic,and geothermal studies have shown a high crustal geothermal gradient in the study area,which is conducive to the subduction initiation.The northern part of the Palu-koro fault on the western side of Sulawesi is likely the location where subduction initiation is occurring.During the process of moving northwest,the northern and eastern branches of Sulawesi Island have different speeds;the former is slow and the latter is fast.These branches also show different deep tectonic dynamic directions;the northern branch tilts north-up and the eastern branch tilts north-down.  相似文献   

Based on arbitrarily wide-angle wave equations,a reverse-time propagation scheme is developed by substituting the partial derivatives of depth and time with central differences. The partial derivative of horizontal direction is replaced with high order difference. The imaging condition is computed by solving the eikonal equations. On the basis of above techniques,a prestack reverse-time depth migration algorithm is developed. The processing exam-ples of synthetic data show that the method can remove unwanted internal reflections and decrease the migration noise. The method also has the advantage of fidelity and is applicable of dip angle reflector imaging.  相似文献   

In the railway bridge analysis and design method,dynamic train loads are regarded as static loads enhanced by an impact factor(IF).The IF coefficients for various railway bridges have been reported as a function of span length or frequency of the bridges in Eurocode(2003).However,these IF coefficient values neglect the effects of very high speeds(>200 km/h)and soil-structure interaction(SSI).In this work,a comprehensive study to assess the impact factor coefficients of mid-span vertical displacements for continuous and integral railway bridges subjected to high-speed moving loads is reported.Three different configurations,each for the three-dimensional(3D)continuous and integral bridge,are considered.Also,single-track(1-T)and two-track(2-T)“real train”loading cases for both these bridge types are considered.Subsequently,finite element analysis of the full-scale 3D bridge models,to identify their IF values,considering the effects of SSI for three different soil conditions,is conducted.The IF values obtained from the study for both bridge types are comparable and are greater than the values recommended by Eurocode(2003).The results reveal that with a loss of soil stiffness,the IF value reduces;thus,it confirms the importance of SSI analysis.  相似文献   

The results of seismic deep reflection,high resolution refraction and shallow artificial seismic exploration indicate that the fault on the northern bank of the Weihe river is composed of two faults,one is the Yaodian-Zhangjiawan fault and the other is the Chuanzhang-Zuitou fault.The 22 km long Yaodian-Zhangjiawan fault of EW-striking starts from Chenjiagou via Yaodian town,Qianpai village,Bili village,Wujia town and Zhangjiawan to Jiajiatan.The 15 km long Chuanzhang-Zuitou fault striking near EW starts from Chuanzhang via Mabei to Zuitou.The Weihe fault offset the basement and upper crust,the reflecting layers of TQ,TN,TE and Tg are ruptured at depth of about 15 km.In the deep part,the Weihe fault and the secondary fault form a Y-shaped structure or a synthetic low angle intersection.The Weihe fault is a listric normal fault.The fault has obvious structural characteristics of a reversed-drag normal fault and a normal drag normal fault with the depth of 1 000 m,and also has the characteris-tics of syngenetic sediment.The Weihe fault is one of the faults which control the basin sediment,and it is the boundary fault of Xi’an depression and Xianyang salient.The depth of the fault decreases from the west to east gradually,the deep part intersects with the Lintong-Chang’an fault at the intersection part of Weihe River,Jinghe River and Bahe River and the shallow part connects with the Weinan-Jingyang fault.The seismic exploration re-sults indicate that no fault exists on southern bank of the Weihe River.  相似文献   

Using a new functional analysis tool, multiscale window transform(MWT), and the MWT-based localized multiscale energetics analysis and canonical transfer theory, this study reconstructs the Kuroshio system on three scale windows, namely,the mean flow window, the interannual-scale(low-frequency) window, and the transient eddy window, and investigates the climatological characteristics of the intricate nonlinear interactions among these windows. Significant upscale energy transfer is observed east of Taiwan, where the mean Kuroshio current extracts kinetic energy from both the interannual and eddy windows.It is found that the canonical transfer from the interannual variability is an intrinsic source that drives the eddy activities in this region. The multiscale variabilities of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea(ECS) are mainly controlled by the interaction between the mean flow and the eddies.The mean flow undergoes mixed instabilities(i.e., both barotropic and baroclinic instabilities) in the southern ECS, while it is barotropically stable but baroclinically unstable to the north. The multiscale interactions are found to be most intense south of Japan, where strong mixed instabilities occur; both the canonical transfers from the mean flow and the interannual scale are important mechanisms to fuel the eddies. It is also found that the interannual-scale energy mainly comes from the barotropically unstable jet, rather than the upscale energy transfer from the high frequency eddies.  相似文献   

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