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海冰在极地海洋中是个较为独特的生境,海冰卤道系统中的光照强度、温度、盐度和生存空间随着季节更替发生显著变化[1].春天,在北极新冰和多年冰的底部冰藻旺发,随后浮游植物生产力上升[2,3].  相似文献   

利用美国冰雪中心(NSIDC)高分辨率海冰密集度等多种数据,定义了北极高密集度冰区(High concentration ice region:HCIR)海冰变化指数,在此基础上研究了1989—2017年HCIR海冰多尺度变化特征及其极端低值事件的可能形成原因。结果表明:北极HCIR海冰密集度具有显著的单峰型季节变化特征,4月密集度最高,9月密集度最低,年较差达17.70%,兼有夏季融冰期短、冬季结冰期长且持续稳定的特点。HCIR海冰存在显著的年际年代际变化,在2007年发生了年代际转折以后,海冰变化指数的年际变化幅度和频次明显加强,且在2016、2012、2007、2011、2008和2010年依次出现海冰密集度极端降低事件;2016年9月初HCIR海冰密集度达到历史最低值,接近50%。对HCIR海冰密集度极端低值事件的统计研究表明,29年间共出现874天(次)极端低值事件,约占总频次的8%;空间上海冰密集度的降低主要出现在沿HCIR边界线一带,存在巴伦支海-喀拉海北缘的斯瓦尔巴群岛-北地群岛和东西伯利亚-波弗特海两个中心区域,该空间分布与气旋式大气环流引起的北冰洋Ekman漂流的辐散分布相一致。这表明HCIR海冰密集度的极端降低与极涡的动力作用有关,同时风场对海冰的动力辐散作用还会引起HCIR开阔水域的扩大,进一步加强海冰反照率的正反馈机制,使得热力和动力作用耦合起来共同影响HCIR海冰的加速融化。  相似文献   

冰藻是南北极海冰生物群落中最主要的组成部分,通过固定和输出碳、吸收养分、生产释放氧气和有机化合物,推动高纬度生态系统的生物地球化学循环,在南北极海洋生态系统中发挥着重要作用.从宏观到微观综述了近年来在海冰栖息环境特征、冰藻种类组成和群落结构、冰藻对极端环境的适应机制以及气候变化对海冰环境和冰藻的影响等方面的研究进展,并...  相似文献   

2007与2008年夏季北极海冰变化特征及原因的对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年进行的中国第三次北极科学考察是我国响应国际极地年(IPY)计划的一个重要组成部分.通过本次考察我们在物理海洋、海洋化学、生物海洋学、地质及地球物理等领域取得丰富的数据.国家海洋环境预报中心承担航线保障及海冰观测任务,预报和观测的同时,积累了大量现场气象和海冰观测数据及卫星云图资料.本文利用这些数据,结合极地共享数据及历史观测资料和再分析数据,对2008年夏季北极地区大气、海冰的特征进行综合分析,同时,通过对2008年与2007年夏季北极大气环流的比较分析,研究在全球变暖的背景下,影响北极夏季海冰分布的主导因素.  相似文献   

2017年夏季中国第八次北极科学考察期间,"雪龙"号极地考察船首次成功穿越北极中央航道,期间全程开展了海冰要素的人工观测。中央航道走航期间的平均海冰密集度和平均冰厚分别为0.64和1.5 m,海冰密集度时空变化大且以厚当年冰为主,高纬密集冰区的浮冰大小显著高于海冰边缘区。基于"雪龙"号的船基走航观测海冰密集度评估比较了国际上常用的5种常用的微波遥感反演海冰密集度产品,同走航目测海冰密集度点对点的比较,误差最大的为德国不来梅大学AMSR2基于Bootstrap算法的产品,平均误差和均方根误差分别为0.19和0.28;误差最小的为欧洲气象卫星应用组织基于AMSR2数据和OSHD和TUD两种不同算法的产品,平均误差分别为-0.02和0.01,均方根误差均为0.20。从日平均比较来看,AMSR2基于Bootstrap算法的误差最大,平均误差和均方根误差分别为0.15和0.20;AMSR2/OSI SAF(TUD)的误差最小,平均误差和均方根误差分别为0.0和0.11,OSI SAF产品更接近人工观测结果。  相似文献   

柯长青  李海丽  沈校熠 《海洋学报》2023,45(12):121-132
海冰区反照率会影响辐射收支平衡,对全球气候变化有着重要影响。利用遥感反演的反照率数据产品分析了1983–2022年南极及其6个海域夏季海冰区反照率的时空变化,探讨了海冰密集度、气温和大气环流与海冰区反照率的关系。结果表明,卫星反演的南极夏季海冰区反照率与实测反照率结果一致。西威德尔海海冰区多年平均反照率最高(0.61),罗斯海最低(0.45)。南极夏季海冰区反照率经历了先上升(1983–2015年)后快速下降(2015–2022年)的变化。除了别林斯高晋海–阿蒙森海海冰区反照率前后两个时段均下降外,其余5个海域和南极一样出现了变化趋势的反转。南极海冰区反照率与海冰密集度显著正相关,而与气温显著负相关。1983–2015年夏季气温降低,海冰消融减弱,海冰密集度微弱上升(0.03%/a),海冰面积平均每10年增加2.07 × 105 km2,导致反射的太阳辐射增多,反照率也微弱上升。2015–2022年夏季气温升高,海冰消融加剧,冰间水道和开阔水域增多,海冰密集度下降,海冰区吸收更多的太阳辐射,造成反射辐射减小,因而海冰区反照率快速下降。此外,南极环状模也是影响罗斯海和威德尔海海冰区反照率变化的因素之一。  相似文献   

渤海冬季海冰气候变异的成因分析   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:10  
选取渤海冰情等级资料和大气环流74个指数逐月资料,分别建立不同尺度(年、半年、季和月)的累积值变量作为因子,研究该地区冰情年代际变化及冰情的气候成因,结果发现以1972年为分界把1932~2000年时期冰情的变化分为两个时段,前一时段为重冰情多发阶段,1972年以后转为轻冰情时段.影响渤海海冰冰情变化主要因子是太平洋副高.  相似文献   

2018年北极太平洋区域夏季海冰物理及光学性质的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The reduction in Arctic sea ice in summer has been reported to have a significant impact on the global climate. In this study, Arctic sea ice/snow at the end of the melting season in 2018 was investigated during CHINARE-2018, in terms of its temperature, salinity, density and textural structure, the snow density, water content and albedo, as well as morphology and albedo of the refreezing melt pond. The interior melting of sea ice caused a strong stratification of temperature, salinity and density. The temperature of sea ice ranged from –0.8℃ to 0℃, and exhibited linear cooling with depth. The average salinity and density of sea ice were approximately 1.3 psu and 825 kg/m~3, respectively, and increased slightly with depth. The first-year sea ice was dominated by columnar grained ice. Snow cover over all the investigated floes was in the melt phase, and the average water content and density were 0.74% and 241 kg/m~3, respectively. The thickness of the thin ice lid ranged from 2.2 cm to 7.0 cm, and the depth of the pond ranged from 1.8 cm to 26.8 cm. The integrated albedo of the refreezing melt pond was in the range of 0.28–0.57. Because of the thin ice lid, the albedo of the melt pond improved to twice as high as that of the mature melt pond. These results provide a reference for the current state of Arctic sea ice and the mechanism of its reduction.  相似文献   

海冰运动是影响北极海冰平流输运和物质平衡空间重新分布的重要因素。本研究基于2018年9月至2019年8月期间北冰洋66个冰基浮标位置记录数据,结合大气再分析数据,计算得到了海冰运动速度、冰速与风速的比值和海冰运动惯性强度,以刻画北极海冰运动学特征参数在一个冰季的时空变化,并讨论了不同区域冰速与风速比与海冰密集度的关联性。海冰漂移速度在波弗特–楚科奇海、东北极中央区和西北极中央区呈秋冬降低春夏升高的季节变化特征。格陵兰海月均海冰漂移速度((0.32±0.06)m/s)最大,其次是弗拉姆海峡((0.17±0.07)m/s)和波弗特–楚科奇海((0.14±0.05)m/s),而东北极中央区((0.09±0.02)m/s)和西北极中央区((0.07±0.03)m/s)较低。在月尺度上,冰漂移速度与风速的比值主要受海冰漂移速度支配。弗拉姆海峡和格陵兰海受较强的表层海流影响,冰速与风速比值较大,西北极中央区、东北极中央区和波弗特–楚科奇海的冰速与风速比值随着海冰密集度的增加趋近,并分布在0~0.02之间。所有浮标的月平均惯性运动指数为0.158±0.144,秋冬季过渡期间,海冰对风的响应以及海冰运...  相似文献   

The Chukchi and Beaufort Seas include several important hydrological features: inflow of the Pacific water, Alaska coast current ( ACC ), the seasonal to perennial sea ice cover, and landfast ice 'along the Alaskan coast. The dynamics of this coupled ice-ocean system is important for both regional scale oceanography and large-scale global climate change research. A mumber of moorings were deployed in the area by JAMSTEC since 1992, and the data revealed highly variable characteristics of the hydrological environment. A regional high-resolution coupled ice-ocean model of the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas was established to simulate the ice-ocean environment and unique seasonal landfast ice in the coastal Beaufort Sea. The model results reproduced the Beaufort gyre and the ACC. The depthaveraged annual mean ocean currents along the Beaufort Sea coast and shelf hreak compared well with data from four moored ADCPs, but the simulated velocity had smaller standard deviations, which indicate small-scale eddies were frequent in the region. The model resuits captured the sea,real variations of sea ice area as compared with remote sensing data, and the simulated sea ice velocity showed an ahnost stationary area along the Beaufort Sea coast that was similar to the observed landfast ice extent. It is the combined effects of the weak oceanic current near the coast, a prevailing wind with an onshore component, the opposite direction of the ocean current, and the blocking hy the coastline that make the Beaufort Sea coastal areas prone to the formation of landfast ice.  相似文献   

渤海及黄海北部冰情长期变化趋势分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
统计分析上世纪50年代—2010年渤海及黄海北部海冰资料,对其年代际变化特征进行分析。上世纪50年代—90年代冰情总体呈缓解的趋势,2000年以来冰情略有加重。研究发现太阳活动与渤海及黄海北部冰情变化关系密切,太阳活动可能是渤海及黄海北部冰情长期变化重要影响因素。如果太阳黑子的周期长度比上一个周期长,那么周期内冰情较上一个周期严重。反之亦然。  相似文献   

Previous studies have highlighted reversals in the Beaufort Gyre on regional scales during summer months, and more recently, throughout the annual cycle. In this study we investigate coherent ice drift features associated with individual ice beacons during winter 2008 that may be a signature of ice–coast interactions, atmospheric and/or oceanic forcing. Examined in particular are three case studies associated with reversals in ice beacon trajectories in January and April of 2008; case I corresponds to a meander reversal event in January, case II to a loop reversal event in April, and case III to a meander reversal event located to the northeast of the Mackenzie Canyon in April. An assessment of atmospheric and oceanic conditions during these reversal events shows enhanced ocean–sea-ice–atmosphere dynamical coupling during the Case I meander reversal event in January and comparatively weak coupling during the Case II loop and Case III meander reversal event in April. Absolute (single-particle/beacon) and relative (two-particle/beacon) dispersion results demonstrate dominant meridional ice drift displacement and inter-beacon separation for Case I relative to Cases II and III indicative of ice–ice and ice–coast interactions in January. The results from this investigation provide an ice drift case study analysis relevant to, and template for, high-resolution sea ice dynamic modeling studies essential for safety and hazard assessments of transportation routes and shipping lanes, ice forecasting, and nutrient and contaminant transport by sea ice in the Arctic.  相似文献   

本文采用1900—2010年ECMWF海冰密集度、海面温度、风场和NCAR北极涛动等长序列资料,运用EOF分解、线性回归和相关分析等统计方法,分析了巴伦支海海冰年际变化特征及其与影响因子之间的关系。结果表明:巴伦支海海冰面积4月最大,9月最小,每年减少约1653km^2;面积距平正负位相交替出现,1969年后以负距平为主,冰情先重后轻;密集度逐月不同,明显降低的区域呈现“中部偏东—中部—东北部—西北部—中部偏东”转移特点,部分区域每年减少0.006以上;密集度变化的空间特征可由密集度EOF第一主模态表示,与温度的相关系数高于风场;海冰面积与AO呈负相关。我国以往单独针对巴伦支海海冰变化的研究较少,本文丰富了这方面的资料,对浮式平台开发冰区油气资源提供初步参考。  相似文献   

Phytoplankton pigments and size-fractionated biomass in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas showed spatial and temporal variation during the spring and summer of 2002. Cluster analysis of pigment ratios revealed different assemblages over the shelf, slope and basin regions. In spring, phytoplankton with particle sizes greater than 5 μm, identified as diatoms and/or haptophytes, dominated over the shelf. Smaller (<5 μm) phytoplankton containing chlorophyll b, most likely prasinophytes, were more abundant over the slope and basin. Due to extensive ice cover at this time, phytoplankton experienced low irradiance, but nutrients were near maximal for the year. By summer, small prasinophytes and larger haptophytes and diatoms co-dominated in near-surface assemblages in largely ice-free waters when nitrate was mostly depleted. Deeper in the water column at 1–15% of the surface irradiance larger sized diatoms were still abundant in the upper nutricline. Phytoplankton from the shelf appeared to be advected through Barrow Canyon to the adjacent basin, explaining similar composition between the two areas in spring and summer. Off-shelf advection was much less pronounced for other slope and basin areas, which are influenced by the low-nutrient Beaufort gyre circulation, leading to a dominance of smaller prasinophytes and chlorophytes. The correlation of large-sized fucoxanthin containing phytoplankton with the higher primary production measurements shows promise for trophic status to be estimated using accessory pigment ratios.  相似文献   

渤海海冰对于大尺度气候变化比较敏感,基于CLARA-A1-SAL数据分析了1992~2008年冬季(12、1、2月)渤海海冰区域反照率的时空变化,同时分析了海冰密集度、海冰外延线面积和海水表面温度的变化与海冰反照率的相互关系。渤海海冰区域反照率随时间波动变化且变化趋势不明显,趋势线斜率仅为0.0388%。年际变化在9.93%~14.5%之间,平均值为11.79%。海冰反照率在1999,2000和2005等重冰年的值明显高于其他年份,在1994,1998,2001和2006等轻冰年的值较低。从单个月份反照率来看,12月海冰反照率的增加趋势(趋势线斜率0.0988%)明显高于1月和2月,1月的海冰反照率平均值(12.9%)高于另外两个月份。海冰反照率和海冰密集度呈明显的正相关关系;和海表面温度呈负相关关系(显著性水平90%)。  相似文献   

北极楚科奇海海冰面积多年变化的研究   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
北极气候系统正在发生显著变化,其中,海冰面积和厚度的减小是其最主要的特征.楚科奇海是海冰面积变化最有代表性的区域.文章利用积累了9a的高分辨率海冰分布数据研究海冰面积的多年变化特征.结果表明,各年的冰情有显著的季节内变化,海冰面积距平曲线体现了不同时期海冰面积变化的动态过程.在1997~2005年间,楚科奇海海冰面积经历了轻(1997年)-重(2000~2001年)-轻(2002~2005年)的变化过程.9a的数据总体上体现了海冰面积减小的趋势,2005年的冰情呈现了历史新低.每年融冰期的长短与冰情轻重有密切的关系,冰轻年份融冰开始时间早,冻结结束时间晚.各年海冰面积最小值发生在9月下旬至10月初,各个年份海冰最小面积差别很大.有的年份只有4%,而重冰年可以大于50%.文章采用4个重要参数表达海冰多年变化.其中海冰面积指数反映了当年总体平均的海冰面积距平;海冰最小面积反映了融冰期海冰的极限情况;上一个冬季的气温积温也与翌年海冰面积有良好的关联;分析了风场对海冰的影响,表明风场在融冰期能够在短时间内改变海冰的覆盖面积.  相似文献   

The research on sea ice resources is the academic base of sea ice exploitation in the Bohai Sea. According to the ice-water spectrum differences and the correlation between ice thickness and albedo, this paper comes up with a sea ice thickness inversion model based on the NOAA/AVHRR data. And then a sea ice resources quantity (SIQ) time series of Bohai Sea is established from 1987 to 2009. The results indicate that the average error of inversion sea ice thickness is below 30%. The maximum sea ice resources quantity is about 6 × 10 9 m 3 and the minimum is 1.3 × 10 9 m 3 . And a preliminary analysis has been made on the errors of the estimate of sea ice resources quantity (SIQ).  相似文献   

首先利用中国第八次北极考察队期间获取的走航观测数据分析了环北极考察的海雾特征。接下来利用在北冰洋密集浮冰区海雾加密观测实验期间获取的GPS探空观测数据和NCEP再分析资料,研究了北冰洋浮冰区海雾生成的气象要素特征、边界层特征和大气环流形势特征,发现浮冰区冰雪面之上的冷空气穹丘使得大气易于达到饱和,为北冰洋不同种类海雾的出现造了有利条件。平流雾、辐射雾和蒸汽雾生消的机理和影响期间边界层气象特征各不相同,并且根据特定环流形势对3种海雾进行预报是可行的。  相似文献   

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