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运用高频地波雷达测量表层海流矢量,一般均采用双站测量方案,因而,需要大量的人力和昂贵的设备投入。该项研究在分析双站测量原理的基础上,结合海洋学原理和合理的假设,推导并给出了利用单站地波雷达测量表层海流的原理和公式,从而使单站测量表层海流成为可能。可预期该方案虽然在一定程度上,适当降低了空间分辨率,但却可以大幅度降低观测成本,减少人力物力的投入,并显著提高现场观测效率。  相似文献   

高频地波雷达提取表层海流的计算方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高频地波雷达除其军事用途外,还可广泛用于海态遥感,如测量海流、风向、风速及海浪参数。本文提出了一种由高频地波雷达回波多普勒谱提取表层海流的计算方法,并对一组实验数据进行分析和计算,给出了雷达遥测海域海充场分布图。  相似文献   

高频地波雷达是海洋环境监测的重要手段,当前已经实现对海流的业务化观测,但是外部因素常引起海流空间探测的不连续性。为解决此问题,尽量保障区域数据的完整性和准确性,本文将BP神经网络技术与空间插值相结合,建立了海流的BP神经网络插值模型,并进行了针对实测数据的缺失插值仿真,通过与反距离权重法和线性插值法插值结果的对比,分析该模型在区域海流大面积缺失、流速整体较大和流速整体较小3个方面的性能。结果表明,BP神经网络插值模型的海流预测效果明显优于其他两种方法,且在流场数据大范围缺失下也取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

利用海南中东部近海海域高频地波雷达观测得到的2019年4月—2020年3月表层海流资料进行潮流调和分析和余流分析。结果表明: 海南中东部近海海域以不规则半日潮流为主, 半日分潮M2和S2以往复流为主, 全日分潮O1、K1以顺时针旋转流为主, M2、S2、O1、K1分潮最大潮流流速的比为1 : 0.51 : 0.60 : 0.65, M2为最主要分潮。最大可能潮流流速分布从西南方向向东北方向逐步增大, 最大值为35cm·s-1。余流受东亚季风影响较大, 季节变化特征显著, 呈夏季形态(6月—8月)、冬季形态(9月—次年2月)和过渡形态(3月—5月)。夏季形态流向东北, 平均流速29cm·s-1; 冬季形态持续时间最长, 流向西南, 平均流速36cm·s-1, 大于夏季形态; 过渡形态为冬季形态向夏季形态的转变期, 流向分布较复杂, 平均流速13cm·s-1, 明显小于夏季和冬季形态。从全年来看, 西南向流动的时间最长、流速最大, 海南中东部表层海水物质输运自东北向西南。  相似文献   

利用Matlab语言及其图形交互界面编程技术,将OSMAR高频地波雷达观测数据与现场测流数据的比对验证方法集成在软件中。利用该软件输入OSMAR地波雷达、海流计、ADP和美国CODAR雷达的试验海流数据得到了误差统计特征值,初步分析了不同比测站点和不同比测仪器对雷达数据验证工作的影响。  相似文献   

高频地波雷达具有高时空分辨率的特点,是一种有效的海态监测手段,目前已经服务于我国的海洋状态监测事业。受雷达站附近电磁环境的影响,海流反演结果中出现异常值是不可避免的。常规异常值识别方法主要从空间维度识别异常值,从空间上提取异常值的理论前提是大面积海域内海流缓慢变化,没有较大突变,小区域内具有空间相关性,本文算法提出海流流速在时间维度也具有缓慢变化的过程,同一点的海流在时间维度具有相关性。针对这一现象,本文同时考虑了海流在时间以及空间维度的变化特性,提出了基于向量自回归(VAR)模型的海流异常值识别算法,对于识别出的异常值可用该模型进行修正。  相似文献   

2013年1月29日至3月15日在台湾海峡西南部海域进行了OSMAR-S100便携式高频地波雷达与浮标观测海流数据的长周期对比试验,验证了雷达系统在探测海流方面的准确性、可靠性和稳定性.通过实测海流与雷达矢量流的复相关分析,选定3 m层的海流为对比代表层.试验期间实测流速为0.0~120.0 cm/s,雷达海流有效探测区内的矢量流流速、流向的观测误差较小,能够满足实时监测海洋表层流的需要,高精度区流速、流向的均方根误差分别为9.1 cm/s和24.8°,边缘区的均方根误差为13.3~24.8 cm/s和39.4°~39.6°,与国内外达到业务化运行要求的同类产品实际观测精度相当.  相似文献   

本文利用高频地波雷达获得的江苏如东海域大范围长期海流观测资料对苏北辐射沙洲南部烂沙洋海域夏季表层海流特征进行了分析。分析结果表明:研究海域表层海流靠近近岸一侧为往复流,流向总体上呈西北-东南向,靠近外海一侧为旋转流;海域潮流动力较为强劲,夏季表层海流实测最大流速达1.47 m/s,涨潮平均流速介于0.44~0.55 m/s,落潮平均流速介于0.38~0.52 m/s,海域西北部区域涨落潮平均流速明显大于其他区域;表层潮流为正规半日潮流,M2分潮为最主要分潮,其潮流椭圆长轴范围为0.57~0.71 m/s,远大于其他分潮,其次为S2分潮;该海域夏季表层余流呈现近岸大离岸小的分布趋势,余流流向基本指向近岸方向,从离岸到近岸余流流向呈现逆时针偏转。  相似文献   

高频地波雷达反演海浪的海上对比验证方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在介绍高频地波雷达反演海浪要素工作原理的基础上 ,利用 2 0 0 0年 10月在浙江舟山海域进行的 OSMAR2 0 0 0和 SZF1- 海上对比验证实验中所获取的资料进行系统比较分析 ,验证了OSMAR2 0 0 0探测海洋海浪要素的精度 ,并分析了 OSMAR2 0 0 0反演海浪时的误差成因  相似文献   

基于高频地波雷达长周期适用性比测试验数据,主要从以下3个方面系统分析国产阵列式高频地波雷达矢量流控测效果:(1)时间有效采样率和覆盖率的空间分布;(2)与反演的流速匹配的现场观测深度;(3)不同区域的探测精度.长周期的海流验证表明,雷达海流可以有效地反映有效探测区内表层海流及其时空变化,高精度区流速流向的均方根误差(RMS)分别为7.5~19.3cm/s和15.5°~33.7°,尤其是高精度区核心区域的RMS仅为7.5~10.1 cm/s和15.5°~28.5°.边缘区流速流向的RMS为16.1~25.8 cm/s和39.5°~40.7°,与国内外达到业务化运行要求的同类产品实际观测精度相当.  相似文献   

便携式高频地波雷达台湾海峡浪高观测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
As an important equipment for sea state remote sensing, high frequency surface wave radar(HFSWR) has received more and more attention. The conventional method for wave height inversion is based on the ratio of the integration of the second-order spectral continuum to that of the first-order region, where the strong external noise and the incorrect delineation of the first- and second-order Doppler spectral regions due to spectral aliasing are two major sources of errors in the wave height. To account for these factors, two more indices are introduced to the wave height estimation, i.e., the ratio of the maximum power of the second-order continuum to that of the Bragg spectral region(RSCB) and the ratio of the power of the second harmonic peak to that of the Bragg peak(RSHB). Both indices also have a strong correlation with the underlying wave height. On the basis of all these indices an empirical model is proposed to estimate the wave height. This method has been used in a three-months long experiment of the ocean state measuring and analyzing radar, type S(OSMAR-S), which is a portable HFSWR with compact cross-loop/monopole receive antennas developed by Wuhan University since 2006. During the experiment in the Taiwan Strait, the significant wave height varied from 0 to 5 m. The significant wave heights estimated by the OSMAR-S correlate well with the data provided by the Oceanweather Inc. for comparison, with a correlation coefficient of 0.74 and a root mean square error(RMSE) of 0.77 m. The proposed method has made an effective improvement to the wave height estimation and thus a further step toward operational use of the OSMAR-S in the wave height extraction.  相似文献   

蔡佳佳  曾玉明  周浩  文必洋 《海洋学报》2019,41(11):150-155
风速是重要的海洋状态参数之一,对海面风速的准确提取是实现海洋环境监测和沿海工程应用的重要保证。目前,作为新兴海洋环境监测设备,高频雷达在风速提取方面仍然存在挑战。本文提出了一种基于人工神经网络的风速提取方法,利用历史浮标测量海态数据训练风速提取网络,实现风速与有效波高、波周期、风向及时间因素之间的非线性映射。测试结果表明了这一网络在时间和空间上的稳定性;进而将已训练的网络应用到便携式高频地波雷达OSMAR-S的风速反演中,得到的风速与浮标测量风速间的相关系数达到0.849,均方根误差为2.11 m/s。这一结果明显优于常规由浪高反演风速的SMB方法,验证了该方法在高频雷达风速反演中的可行性。  相似文献   

为了证明雷达水位计波高测量的有效性,基于PY30-1石油平台上的雷达水位计海面高度变化观测数据,开展了雷达水位计海浪波高信息提取算法研究。基于所发展算法提取海浪波高信息,与同一平台上的C波段测波雷达观测数据及平台附近的浮标观测数据进行了比对分析。结果表明,雷达水位计数据提取的海面波高数据与C波段测波雷达及浮标测量数据一致性较好,二者标准偏差分别为0.006和0.008 m,均方根误差(RMS)分别为0.55和0.60 m。波高小于4 m时一致性优于波高大于4 m的一致性,波高大于4 m时水位计提取的波高偏小。因此,雷达水位计可作为波高观测的重要数据源之一。  相似文献   

Based on the quasi-harmonic analysis of 11 d vector ocean currents obtained from two high frequency sur- face wave radars located at Zhujiajian Island and Shengshan Island, the spatial distribution characteristics of surface tidal currents in the open sea area to the east of the Zhoushan Islands of Zhejiang Province, China are studied. The following conclusions are drawn from the analysis: the tidal current pattern in the open sea area to the east of Zhoushan Islands is primarily regular semidiurnal, which is significantly affected by the shallow water constituents. The directions of the major axes of tidal current ellipses of M2 lie approx- imately in the NW-SE direction. With the increasing of distance away from the coast, the directions of the tidal current ellipses gradually shift toward the E-W direction. The tidal currents are mainly reversing cur- rents. The spatial distribution of probable maximum current velocities decreases gradually from northeast to southwest which is basically in accordance with the spatial distribution of measured maximum current velocities. The residual currents near the coast are larger than those far away from the coast. The directions of the residual currents are basically north by east, and the angle to the due north increases gradually with the increasing distance away from the coast. The topography shows a certain impact on the spatial distri- bution of shallow water constituents, the rotation of tidal currents, the probable maximum currents and the residual currents.  相似文献   

The popular methods to estimate wave height with high-frequency(HF) radar depend on the integration over the second-order spectral region and thus may come under from even not strong external interference. To improve the accuracy and increase the valid detection range of the wave height measurement, particularly by the smallaperture radar, it is turned to singular peaks which often exceed the power of other frequency components. The power of three kinds of singular peaks, i.e., those around ±1,±2~(1/2) and ±1(2~(1/2)) times the Bragg frequency, are retrieved from a one-month-long radar data set collected by an ocean state monitoring and analyzing radar,model S(OSMAR-S), and in situ buoy records are used to make some comparisons. The power response to a wave height is found to be described with a new model quite well, by which obvious improvement on the wave height estimation is achieved. With the buoy measurements as reference, a correlation coefficient is increased to 0.90 and a root mean square error(RMSE) is decreased to 0.35 m at the range of 7.5 km compared with the results by the second-order method. The further analysis of the fitting performance across range suggests that the peak has the best fit and maintains a good performance as far as 40 km. The correlation coefficient is 0.78 and the RMSE is 0.62 m at 40 km. These results show the effectiveness of the new empirical method, which opens a new way for the wave height estimation with the HF radar.  相似文献   

山东半岛北部海洋动力环境的高频地波雷达观测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用两台高频地波雷达(ground wave radar,WERA)站对山东半岛北部雷达覆盖海区的浪、流场进行了观测,并且利用海洋-大气-波浪耦合沉积输运模型(coupled-ocean-atmosphere-wave-sediment transport modeling system,COAWST)对该区域的一个强风暴过程进行了数值模拟,对雷达观测数据、现场声学多普勒流速剖面仪(acoustic Doppler current profilers,ADCP)调查数据和数值模拟结果进行比对分析发现,模型模拟的水位变化与ADCP测量结果一致,WERA所观测到的有效波高和ADCP结果比较吻合,模型模拟的ADCP站位的流速相位、大小与雷达观测结果比较接近,与ADCP的结果有一定偏差。雷达观测的海区流场结果与模型反映趋势基本一致,但是在近岸方向上变化较大,其原因可能与ADCP的投放位置、模型的分辨率设置等因素有关。高频地波雷达系统是海岸带动力环境观测的一个有效工具,在实际应用中有着广泛的前景。  相似文献   

In conventional marine seismic exploration data processing, the sea surface is usually treated as a horizontal free boundary. However, the sea surface is affected by wind and waves and there often exists dynamic small-range fluctuations. These dynamic fluctuations will change the energy propagation path and affect the final imaging results. In theoretical research, different sea surface conditions need to be described, so it is necessary to study the modeling method of dynamic undulating sea surface. Starting from the commonly used sea surface mathematical simulation methods, this paper mainly studies the realization process of simple harmonic wave and Gerstner wave sea surface simulation methods based on ocean wave spectrum, and compares their advantages and disadvantages. Aiming at the shortcomings of the simple harmonic method and Gerstner method in calculational speed and sea surface simulation effect, a method based on wave equation and using dynamic boundary conditions for sea surface simulation is proposed. The calculational speed of this method is much faster than the commonly used simple harmonic method and Gerstner wave method. In addition, this paper also compares the new method with the more commonly used higher-order spectral methods to show the characteristics of the improved wave equation method.  相似文献   

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