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球坐标系下MASNUM海浪数值模式的建立及其应用   总被引:24,自引:5,他引:24  
为开展海浪对海洋上混合层的搅拌混合作用及其对海气界面通量的影响等研究,在LAGFD WAM区域海浪数值模式基础上建立了球坐标系下的全球海浪数值模式.重点导出了球坐标系下的海浪能量谱平衡方程及其复杂特征线方程,该组方程包含了背景流场对波动传播的调整、波动沿大圆传播的折射等.数值积分则采用复杂特征线嵌入计算格式.初步数值模拟结果表明,该海浪全球数值模式能够较为精确地刻画海浪的动力过程.  相似文献   

An efficient focusing model for generation of freak waves   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Based on the Longuet-Higgins wave model theory, the previews studies have shown that freak waves can be generated in finite space and time successfully. However, as to generating high nonlinear freak waves, the simulation results will be unrealistic. Therefore, a modified phase modulation method for simulating high nonlinear freak waves was developed. The surface elevations of some wave components at certain time and place are positive by modulating the corresponding random initial phases, then the total surface elevation at the focused point is enhanced and furthermore a freak wave event is generated. The new method can not only make the freak wave occur at certain time and place, but also make the simulated wave surface time series satisfy statistical properties of the realistic sea state and keep identical with the target wave spectrum. This numerical approach is of good precision and high efficiency by the comparisons of the simulated freak waves and the recorded freak waves.  相似文献   

本文利用第三代海浪模式(WAVEWATCH III)分析了2002-2011年太平洋风速和海浪场的时空变化特征。首先,使用浮标观测数据对模式模拟的有效波高结果进行验证。结果表明模式可以有效地后报太平洋的有效波高。模式偏差较大的区域为中低纬度地区。随后将太平洋分为多个子区域,分别讨论了其风速和有效波高的时空变化特征。多年平均太平洋风速和有效波高存在类似的纬向分布特征,各子区域之间风速和有效波高的季节变化存在差别。模式刻画的太平洋有效波高年际变化最大的区域为南半球中高纬区域。进一步,我们研究了波浪能量的输入与耗散。相应的源函数项的各区域平均值显示了量化的表面波的变化。最后,对日平均的风速与有效波高值进行功率谱分析寻找序列的显著周期。结果表明有效波高时间变化对应的频谱和风速谱具有一定的差异。  相似文献   

Wave-induced currents may drive nearshore mixing and transport processes, including coastal pollutant dispersion, littoral drift, and long-term morphological changes through beach erosion and accretion. In this study, a numerical model is newly developed to simulate wave climate and localized currents in complicated coastal environments. The model developed is based on a quadtree grid system. The two-dimensional hydrodynamic governing equations are solved by using an explicit Adams-Bashforth finite difference scheme. Effects of wave breaking, shoaling, refraction, diffraction, wave-current interaction, set-up and set-down, turbulent mixing, bed friction, and shoreline movement are incorporated in the model. Results are presented for set-up at a beach in a flume due to normally incident waves, and longshore currents generated by oblique waves on a plane beach.  相似文献   

A limitation of many global climate models with explicit finite-difference numerics is the timestep restriction caused by the decrease in cell size associated with the convergence of meridians near the poles. To keep the longitudinal width of model cells as uniform as possible, we apply a “reduced” grid to a three-dimensional primitive equation ocean-climate model. With this grid the number of cells in the longitudinal direction is reduced at high latitudes. The grid consists of subgrids which interact at interfaces along their northern and southern boundaries, where the resolution changes by a factor of three. We extend the finite-difference techniques to these interfaces, focusing on the conservation required to perform long time integrations, while preserving the staggered spatial arrangement of variables and the numerics used on subgrids. The common alternative used to reduce the timestep restriction caused by the spherical grid is the filtering of high-frequency modes from the high-latitude solution. The reduced grid allows an increased timestep while eliminating the need for filtering and reduces execution time per model step by roughly 20%. We implement the reduced grid model for parallel computer architectures with two-dimensional domain decomposition and message passing, with speedup results similar to those of the original model. We present results of model runs showing small effects on the solution and sizable improvements to the execution time.  相似文献   

张青  邓小玖  张启兴  李耀东  张永明 《海洋学报》2010,32(10):7442-7446

基于WAVEWATCH III,在输入相同的风场条件下,评估了三个输入耗散项WAM3,WAM4以及TC96在是否考虑大气稳定性时的模拟能力。通过5组实验,用南海的测波雷达数据以及研究区域内HY-2高度计的有效波高数据对不同源项的模拟结果进行了比较分析,研究区域为100-135°E,0-35°N。对TC96中的风速校正参数进行了敏感性分析。结果表明,这几种源项在涌浪占主导时的模拟效果都不太理想;考虑大气不稳定性的TC96源项模拟的效果最好;大气不稳定性的影响是以一种所谓的“高效风速”的策略来反映的,其中最重要的一个参数为风速转换参数,这个参数非常敏感,在对特定区域进行模拟之前,应先分析出这个参数的最优值。  相似文献   

唐军  李巧生  沈永明 《海洋学报》2013,35(5):162-168
波浪是近岸海域关键的水动力因素之一。考虑到近岸地形复杂、波浪演化显著的特点,建立了四叉树网格体系下的椭圆型缓坡方程数值模型,采用有限体积法对模型进行数值离散,应用GPBiCG(m, n)算法求解离散后的控制方程。模型中根据波浪波长布局计算网格,生成多层次四叉树网格,对复杂计算域有较好的适应性,并且在离散和方程求解中无需引入形函数、不产生复杂的交叉项,节约了存储空间和计算时间。将模型成功应用于物理模型实验及Acapulco海湾的波浪场数值模拟,结果表明该模型能够准确、高效地模拟近岸波浪场,可为近岸波浪场的模拟提供一定的理论和技术支持。  相似文献   

S.R. Masterton  C. Swan   《Ocean Engineering》2008,35(8-9):763-773
This paper describes the calibration procedure adopted for the new 3D wave basin located in the Hydrodynamics Laboratory at Imperial College London. Unlike traditional calibrations, based on observations of regular wave trains, the method described herein uses a focused wave approach. Such waves, produced by the constructive interference of freely propagating wave components, have led to a number of recent advances in theoretical wave modelling in which it was essential to know the underlying linear components. In the context of a laboratory study, similar advantages can be realised provided the linear wave components generated by the wave paddles are well defined. This, in turn, can only be achieved if the calibration is sufficiently accurate. The current study provides a calibration based upon a realistic JONSWAP spectrum, describes the details of the methodology employed, and highlights how the application of focused wave techniques eliminates spurious calibration effects due to unwanted reflections from the boundaries of the basin. The final calibration is verified through the generation of test cases, involving linear and nonlinear, unidirectional and directionally spread waves. These confirm both the accuracy of the calibration and the suitability of the methods employed.  相似文献   

在波浪水槽中采用格栅振动的方式产生湍流,研究振动格栅产生湍流的特征。本文开展了4类实验,调节测量点到格栅平均位置的距离、格栅振动频率、振动冲程,采用ADV测量水体中单点的脉动速度。实验结果显示,湍流强度在一定范围内随离格栅距离的增大而逐渐减小,随着振动频率的增大而呈幂指数增大,随着振动冲程的增大而呈幂指数增大。同时还比较了两个不同格栅产生湍流的不同。结果显示,在波浪水槽中,振动格栅产生湍流的强度还与格栅的长度尺寸有关,这与在水箱中振动格栅产生湍流的特征不同。  相似文献   

椭圆型缓坡方程的一个有效的有限元解   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
赵明  滕斌 《海洋学报》2002,24(1):117-123
将海绵层消波的方法用于有限元方法中,提出了缓坡方程的一种有效的有限元求解方法.在应用有限元法求解椭圆型缓坡方程时,通过在方程中加摩阻项,并在入射边界(波浪由此边界进入计算域)处使用不连续单元,将绕射势从总势中分离出来,在边界上利用海绵层进行消波处理,有效地消除了由于引用放射边界条件引起的误差和数值反射现象.  相似文献   

A mode-splitting method is applied to the quasi-3D nearshore circulation equations in generalized curvilinear coordinates. The gravity wave mode and the vorticity wave mode of the equations are derived using the two-step projection method. Using an implicit algorithm for the gravity mode and an explicit algorithm for the vorticity mode, we combine the two modes to derive a mixed difference–differential equation with respect to surface elevation. McKee et al.'s [McKee, S., Wall, D.P., and Wilson, S.K., 1996. An alternating direction implicit scheme for parabolic equations with mixed derivative and convective terms. J. Comput. Phys., 126, 64–76.] ADI scheme is then used to solve the parabolic-type equation in dealing with the mixed derivative and convective terms from the curvilinear coordinate transformation. Good convergence rates are found in two typical cases which represent respectively the motions dominated by the gravity mode and the vorticity mode. Time step limitations imposed by the vorticity convective Courant number in vorticity-mode-dominant cases are discussed. Model efficiency and accuracy are verified in model application to tidal current simulations in San Francisco Bight.  相似文献   

非静压波浪模型是一种近年来得到迅速发展且有望在工程计算中获得广泛应用的波浪模型。为了在非静压波浪模型中实现无反射造波,在连续性方程中添加了质量源项进行域内源造波,并采用阻尼消波方法进行数值消波。数值算例结果表明,所建立的无反射造波方法可以较好地避免非静压波浪数学模型中的二次反射,实现长时间稳定波浪模拟。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONIt is well-known that a typhoon has a strong wind zone and very steep pressure gradient. Thespatial and temPOral variations of the meteorological quantities within a typhoon are much largerthan that in a common synOPtic system and it involves strong convective activities. The details ofthe structures and physical processes of typhoons need to be properly resolved when we do the numerical simulation. When designing a typhoon model, however, the effect of large scale synopticsy…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONBeingoneofthemestdisastrousweathersystemsinfluencingthesoutheaStcoastofChinainsurnmerandautumn,typhoonsalsocausestrongstormsUrgeSandseawavesI'eSultinginsevereoceandisasters,whichthreaten~theasternChina'sagriculture,navigation,offshoreoila...  相似文献   

在快速模拟波浪运动的谱方法基础上,引入造波边界,建立了模拟波浪产生和运动的二阶计算模型。采用摄动展开方法简化了带有造波边界的水波运动问题,将速度势分解,得到了满足造波边界和自由面边界的速度势的一般解,运用快速Fourier变换和时间积分,建立了模拟波浪产生和运动的数学模型。基于该模型,采用不同的数值造波条件,模拟了波浪的产生问题;考虑了波浪的初始运动问题;通过把数值结果与物理实验的比较,验证了波浪计算模型的有效性。  相似文献   

The flow mechanism of contractive and dilative motion was numerically investigated to obtain a propulsive force in a highly viscous fluid. The computing program for the analysis of complicated motions was numerically developed with a cell-centered, unstructured grid scheme. The developed program was validated by the well-known equation of an oscillating plane below viscous fluid for an unsteady problem, which is known as Stokes’ second problem. Validation has continued through comparison with the experimental results.In this case, sinusoidal motion was applied to the validation, instead of trochoidal motion, because it was very difficult to actually simulate trochoidal motion in this experiment. Finally, the validation and comparison with the nodal-point scheme was accomplished by Stokes’ problem, which is the famous problem at a low Reynolds number. The validated code was applied to contractive and dilative motion in a narrow tube, whose motion was embodied by trochoidal movement. In a highly viscous fluid, such as a very sticky honey or a swamp, the computed results show that a viscous force can be used for propulsion instead of a dynamic force.From the present results, it was found that a propulsive force can be obtained by contractive and dilative motion at a low Reynolds number, which can be applied to the propulsion of micro-robots in a highly viscous fluid such as a blood vessel or a swamp. This research could also be considered fundamental research for the propulsion of micro-hydro robots, which are expected to be actively studied in the future in accord with further development of nanotechnology.  相似文献   

缓波型立管由于设计参数较多且优化目标之间相互影响,设计结果具有很大的不确定性。随着代理模型和智能优化算法的发展,针对缓波型立管的优化可以提出更好的解决方案。以提高力学性能和经济效益为优化目标,采用基于Kriging插值模型和NSGA-II算法的多目标优化策略,对考虑顶部浮体影响的深水缓波型立管进行动力响应分析,并开展线型—截面双目标优化集成设计和线型—浮筒三目标优化集成设计。将处于不同几何尺度的设计变量进行集成,旨在各目标存在相互竞争的情况下,与截面、浮筒设计形成有效互动以提高线型设计的总体性能。结果表明,Pareto最优解集可提供多个选择方案,以满足工程实际需要。将所选最优方案与初始设计进行对比,并以疲劳性能和成本估算作为优化的校核指标,取得了理想的优化效果。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to evaluate the accuracy, stability and efficiency of the overset grid approach coupled with the RANS (Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes) model via the benchmark computations of flows around a stationary smooth circular cylinder. Two dimensional numerical results are presented within a wide range of Reynolds numbers (6.31 × 104  7.57 × 105) including the critical flow regime. All the simulations are carried out using the RANS solver pimpleFoam provided by OpenFOAM, an open source CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) toolkit. Firstly, a grid convergence study is performed. The results of the time-averaged drag and lift force coefficients, root-mean square value of lift force coefficient and Strouhal number (St number) are then compared with the experimental data. The velocity, vorticity fields and pressure distribution are also given. One main conclusion is that the numerical solutions in regard to a fixed cylinderare not deteriorated due to the implementation of the overset grid. Furthermore, it can be an appealing approach to facilitate simulations of Vortex Induced Vibrations (VIV), which involves grid deformation. The present study is a good start to implement the overset grid to solve VIV problems in the future.  相似文献   

使用序列化和不规则矩形划分的方法,开发了基于消息传递接口(MPI)的环流数值模式并行算法,并通过邻近点交换策略(NPES)进一步提升了计算效率。在HP C7000刀片系统上设计了两个实验,数值结果表明,使用了NPES的并行版本(PVN)的计算效率要高于原并行版本(PV)。在第二个实验中当进程数为100时PVN的计算效率仍可达到0.9以上,然而此时PV的计算效率已迅速下降至0.39。并用环流模式的PVN版本对一个高分辨率的区域进行了模拟,效果较好。该算法具备普适性,可用于其它环流模式的高效并行。  相似文献   

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