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We obtain the chemical abundances of six barium stars and two CH subgiant stars based on the high signal-to-noise ratio and high resolution Echelle spectra. The neu- tron capture process elements Y, Zr, Ba, La and Eu show obvious overabundances relative to the Sun, for example, their [Ba/Fe] values are from 0.45 to 1.27. Other elements, in- cluding Na, Mg, A1, Si, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn and Ni, show comparable abundances to the Solar ones, and their [Fe/H] covers a range from -0.40 to 0.21, which means they belong to the Galactic disk. The predictions of the theoretical model of wind accretion for bi- nary systems can explain the observed abundance patterns of the neutron capture process elements in these stars, which means that their overabundant heavy-elements could be caused by accreting the ejecta of AGB stars, the progenitors of present-day white dwarf companions in binary systems.  相似文献   

Light curves of the long period RS CVn type eclipsing binary RZ Eri, obtained during the period 1976–1979 with the 1.2 m telescope of the Japal-Rangapur Observatory are analysed, using Wilson-Devinney method, by fixing the two parametersT h (7400°K) andq(0.963), resulting in the following absolute elements:A = 72.5 ± 1.4R ,R h = 2.84 ± 0.12R ,R c = 6.94 ± 0.20R ,M bol,h = 1.35 ± 0.28,M bol ,c= 1.41 ± 0.28,m h = 1.69 ± 0.6m andmc= 1.63 ± 0.13m . The presence of humps and dips of varying amplitudes at a few phases in the normal UBV light curves is explained as due to residual distortion wave. The derived (B-V) and (U-B) colours of both the components appear to have been reddened to an extent of 0 m .20 in (B-V) and 0 m .16 in (U-B) colours. This reddening is attributed to the presence of an envelope around the system, the material of which might have come from the loss of mass experienced by the evolving cooler component. Taking into consideration the dereddened colours and temperatures of the components, spectral types ofF0 IV for the primary and G 5–8 III–IV for the secondary component were derived. The fractional radii of 0.039 and 0.096 of the two components, when compared with the radii of their critical Roche lobes of 0.378 and 0.372 suggest that these components are well within their critical sizes. From the position of the components on the. isochrones and the evolutionary tracks of stars of Pop I composition computed by Maeder & Meynet, it is concluded that the evolution of the components of RZ Eri is abnormal. This system is found to be situated at a distance of 185 pc, with an age of about 2.5 × 109 yrs.  相似文献   

Abundance analysis of the cool extreme helium (EHe) star LSS 3378 is presented. The abundance analysis is done using local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) line formation and LTE model atmospheres constructed for EHe stars.
The atmosphere of LSS 3378 shows evidence of H-burning, He-burning, and s -process nucleosynthesis. The derived abundances of iron peak and α-elements indicate the absence of selective fractionation or any other processes that can distort chemical composition of these elements. Hence, the Fe abundance [log ε(Fe) = 6.1] is adopted as an initial metallicity indicator. The measured abundances of LSS 3378 are compared with those of R Coronae Borealis (RCB) stars and with rest of the EHe stars as a group.  相似文献   

Places of formation have been derived for a sample of 23 Cepheids with well-determined atmospheric abundances in an attempt to study the chemical inhomogeneities in the local interstellar medium. The abundance data available for the sample Cepheids is compiled and critically reviewed to adopt the most reliable esimates. We find that the most conspicuous irregularity in the metallicity is exhibited by stars that are born in the local arm or in the interarm region. We propose a scenario to explain these local variations in terms of supernova-induced star formation in interstellar gas enriched by massive stars formed in the density wave.  相似文献   

We performed an extensive non-LTE analysis of the neutral sodium lines of Na I 5683/5688, 5890/5896, 6154/6161, and 8183/8195 in disk/halo stars of types F-K covering a wide metallicity range (-4 (?) [Fe/H] (?) +0.4), using our own data as well as data collected from the literature. For comparatively metal-rich disk stars (-1(?) [Fe/H] (?) +0.4) where the weaker 6154/6161 lines are the best abundance indicators, we confirmed [Na/Fe]- 0 with an "upturn" (i.e., a shallow/broad dip around -0.5 (?) [Fe/H](?) 0) as already reported in previous studies. For the metal-deficient halo stars, where the much stronger 5890/5896 or 8183/8195 lines subject to considerable (negative) non-LTE corrections amounting to 0.5 dex have to be used, our analysis suggests mildly "subsolar" [Na/Fe] values down to--0.4 (with a somewhat large scatter of-±0.2 dex) on the average at the typical halo metallicity of [Fe/H] --2, followed by a rise again to a near-solar ratio of [Na/Fe] - 0 at the very metal-poor regime [Fe/H]--3 to -4  相似文献   

基于对9颗类太阳色球活动恒星高信噪比的高色散光谱观测, 测量了这些恒星锂线(入 = 6707.8 A'')的等值宽度, 计算了这些恒星表层锂元素丰度. 通过研究这些类太阳色球活动恒星锂丰度和X射线光度之间的关系, 发现X射线光度 强的类太阳色球活动恒星锂丰度值大于X射线较弱的恒星. 也就是说活动性较强的类太阳色球活动恒星其锂丰度较高, 活动性较弱的类太阳色球活动恒星其锂丰度较低. 考虑到主序的类太阳恒星锂元素和恒星自转速度随着恒星年龄的增加逐渐减少, 以及随着类太阳色球活动恒星自转速度的减小, 色球活动又逐渐变弱. 因此类似于锂丰度, 类太阳色球活动恒星自转速度的大小和恒星的 活动水平也同样可以表明恒星的年龄.  相似文献   

Based on a large amount of observed data of element abundances in metal-poor stars, taking the abundance distribution of heavy elements in the solar system as a standard, and selecting Sr, Ba and Eu as the typical elements of the three nucleosynthetic processes in metal-poor stars, namely the weak sprocess, main s-process and r-process, we have studied the contributions of the three kinds of neutron-capture processes to the abundance distribution of heavy elements in metal-poor stars, with the parameterization method. It is found that the higher the metal abundance, the greater the contributions of the weak s-process and the chief s-process to the abundances of lighter neutron-capture elements. The heavier neutron-capture elements are mainly produced by the r-process and the chief s-process; and that at low metallicity, the abundances of heavy neutron-capture elements are mainly produced by the r-process. In the early Galaxy, the weak s-process has almost no contribution to the element abundance.  相似文献   

We performed an extensive non-LTE analysis of the neutral sodiumlines of Na I 5683/5688, 5890/5896, 6154/6161, and 8183/8195 in disk/halo starsof types F-K covering a wide metallicity range (-4 [Fe/H] +0.4), using ourown data as well as data collected from the literature. For comparatively metal-rich disk stars (-1 [Fe/H] +0.4) where the weaker 6154/6161 lines are thebest abundance indicators, we confirmed [Na/Fe] ~ 0 with an "upturn" (i.e., ashallow/broad dip around -0.5 [Fe/H] 0) as already reported in previousstudies. For the metal-deficient halo stars, where the much stronger 5890/5896 or8183/8195 lines subject to considerable (negative) non-LTE corrections amountingto 0.5 dex have to be used, our analysis suggests mildly "subsolar" [Na/Fe] valuesdown to ~ -0.4 (with a somewhat large scatter of ~±0.2 dex) on the average at thetypical halo metallicity of [Fe/H] ~ -2, followed by a rise again to a near-solar ratioof [Na/Fe] ~ 0 at the very metal-poor regime [Fe/H] ~ -3 to -4. These resultsare discussed in comparison with the previous observational studies along with thetheoretical predictions from the available chemical evolution models.  相似文献   

We have collected nearly all the available observed data of the elements from Ba to Dy in halo and disk stars in the metallicity range -4.0 <[Fe/H]< 0.5. Based on the observed data of Ba and Eu, we evaluated the least-squares regressions of [Ba/Fe] on [Fe/H], and [Eu/H] on [Ba/H]. Assuming that the heavy elements (heavier than Ba) are produced by a combination of the main components of s- and r-processes in metal-poor stars, and choosing Ba and Eu as respective representative elements of the main s- and the main r-processes, a statistical model for predicting the Galactic chemical evolution of the heavy elements is presented. With this model, we calculate the mean abundance trends of the heavy elements La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, and Dy with the metallicity. We compare our results with the observed data at various metallicities, showing that the predicted trends are in good agreement with the observed trends, at least for the metallicity range [Fe/H]> -2.5. Finally, we discuss our results and deduce some importa  相似文献   

Low frequency oscillation, typical for γ Doradus g‐mode type stellar core sensitive pulsation, as well as higher frequency δ Scuti type pulsation typical for p ‐modes, sensitive to the envelope, make HD 8801 a remarkable hybrid pulsator with the potential to probe a stellar structure over a wide range of radius. In addition HD 8801 is a rare pulsating metallic line (Am) star. We determined the astro‐physical fundamental parameters to locate HD 8801 in the H‐R diagram. We analyzed the element abundances, paying close attention to the errors involved, and confirm the nature of HD 8801 as a metallic line (Am) star. We also determined an upper limit on the magnetic field strength. Our abundance analysis is based on classical techniques, but uses for the final step a model atmosphere calculated with the abundances determined by us. We also discuss spectropolarimetric observations obtained for HD 8801. This object is remarkable in several respects. It is a nonmagnetic metallic line (Am) star, pulsating simultaneously in p‐ and g‐modes, but also shows oscillations with periods in between these two domains, whose excitation requires explanation. Overall, the pulsational incidence in unevolved classical Am stars is believed to be quite low; HD 8801 does not conform to this picture. Finally, about 75 % of Am stars are located in short‐period binaries, but there is no evidence that HD 8801 has a companion. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

熊大闰  邓李才 《天文学报》2005,46(2):125-135
发展了一种简单的双温模型用于研究黑子对活动星的视星等、颜色和视Li丰度的影响.在适当的黑子覆盖因子下,恒星黑子能产生可观的活动星的视星等(V星等约±0.2星等)、颜色(B-V颜色约-0.1星等)和Li I λ6708 (?)谱线等值宽度(约-0.2-0.3 dex)的变化.与非活动的正常恒星相比,表面被黑子覆盖的活动星有更蓝的B-V颜色,它们的Li I λ6708 (?)谱线的等值宽度也变窄.根据观测到的活动星黑子引起的光变变幅,估计视圆面黑子覆盖率的变化范围△Fs从百分之几到约0.2.视圆面黑子覆盖率不太可能超过0.3.  相似文献   

钡星系统轨道根数分布及丰度的Monte-Carlo模拟计算   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用星风质量吸积的角动量守恒模型,用Monte—Carlo方法研究了普通红巨星双星系统和钡星的轨道根数的变化规律,由于钡星系统是由普通红巨星双星系统演化而来,因此钡星系统的轨道偏心率及周期的分布显示了经过质量吸积后双星系统的最终轨道特征。计算结果表明,随着星风吸积过程的进行,在星风质量损失阶段系统轨道半长轴将增大,导致轨道周期增大,而偏心率变化不大,由此可以解释普通红巨星双星系统和钡星系统的轨道根数的分布规律和变化情况以及钡星重元素丰度分布特征。  相似文献   

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