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The Sarliève marsh sediments (Massif Central, France) contain two tephras. The first tephra [, ca. 12 000 BP], regionally well known, enables to date the beginning of lacustrine infill to the Lateglacial. The second tephra, the ‘tephra de Sarliève’, the emitting volcano of which is unknown, would be dated to around the Early Subboreal from pollen data. This occurrence, after the discovery of the ‘tephra de Beaunit’, emphasizes that volcanic eruption(s) occurred in the ‘Chaîne des Puys’ or in the volcanic Cézallier more than 1000 years after the last known eruption (Pavin) in the ‘Chaîne des Puys’ at around 6.6/6.7 ka (5800/5900 BP). In the Sarliève piles, these tephras, well preserved in thick and more silicated deposits of deltas, were not observed in carbonated basin sediments where they were altered. The abundance of authigenic zeolites formed during the Lateglacial in restricted depocentre lacustrine waters allows us to detect initial CF1 tephra occurrence. To cite this article: A. Fourmont et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   

Data reported by laboratories contributing to the GeoPT proficiency testing programme for geochemical laboratories over the period from 2001 to 2011 have been assessed to identify the elements and concentration ranges over which analytical performance can be considered satisfactory. Criteria developed in the paper indicated that performance in the content determination of the elements/constituents SiO2, Al2O3, MnO, Cs, Dy, Er, Eu, Ga, Hf, Ho, Lu, Nd, Pr, Sm, Sr, Tb, Tl, Tm, U, Y, Yb and Zn was satisfactory over the full concentration range assessed. The elements/constituents TiO2, Fe2O3(T), MgO, CaO, Na2O, K2O, P2O5, Ba, Be, Cd, Ce, Co, Gd, La, Li, Nb, Rb, Sb, Sc, Sn, Ta, Th, V and Zr showed some degradation in performance at lower concentration levels (approaching the detection limit of some techniques). Performance in determining LOI, As, Bi, Cr, Cu, Ge, Mo, Ni, Pb and W was in general unsatisfactory over the full concentration range assessed. Other elements (especially Fe(II)O, H2O+, CO2, Ag, Au, B, Br, Cl, F, Hg, I, In, Ir, N, Os, Pd, Pt, Re, Rh, S, Se, Te) could not be evaluated as they were not routinely reported by laboratories participating in the GeoPT programme, often because they are present in silicate rocks at sufficiently low concentrations to require a pre‐concentration stage. Some suggestions are made for the causes of unsatisfactory performance, but further progress will require a detailed assessment of the methods used by participating laboratories, which will form the subject of a further paper.  相似文献   

The atmosphere and the ocean are subject to many dynamical instabilities, which limit the time during which their behaviour can be deterministically forecasted. At longer timescales, the atmosphere can be predicted at best using statistical methods, as a response to external forcing linked to sea- and land-surface anomalies. Climate being defined as the mean of atmospheric states, it appears that it can be predicted up to a few months in advance, which is the characteristic time of the so-called slow components of the climate system. Forecasting can sometimes be extended to longer time ranges, especially when the coupled ocean–atmosphere system exhibits internal variability modes, with characteristic times of a few years. Seasonal climate forecasting is most often based upon Monte-Carlo simulations, where the various realisations correspond to slightly different initial conditions. The present sate-of-the-art in Europe (ECMWF) and/or in the USA (IRI) allows to forecast such major phenomena, as El Niño, up to six months in advance. Finally, some parameters may exhibit predictability at still longer time-ranges (inter-annual to decadal), but only for certain regions. The example of electricity production is used to underline the potentially large economical benefit of seasonal climate forecasting. To cite this article: J.-C. André et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 1115–1127.


L'atmosphère et l'océan sont le siège d'instabilités dynamiques, qui limitent la durée pendant laquelle il est possible d'en prévoir l'évolution de façon déterministe. Au-delà, l'atmosphère n'est plus prévisible, au mieux, que de façon statistique, en fonction du forçage externe qu'exerce(nt) sur elle l'océan et/ou la surface des continents. Le climat (au sens d'une moyenne des états atmosphériques) se révèle ainsi prévisible jusqu'à des échéances temporelles de quelques mois, échelle de temps caractéristique des composantes dites « lentes » du système climatique. La prévision peut s'étendre à des échéances parfois plus longues, dans le cas où le système couplé océan–atmosphère posséderait des modes de variabilité temporelle de périodes caractéristiques de quelques années. La prévision climatique saisonnière est très souvent construite à partir de simulations de type Monte-Carlo, avec des ensembles de réalisations utilisant des conditions initiales légèrement différentes. Dans l'état actuel de ces prévisions, qu'elles soient réalisées en Europe (CEPMMT) ou aux États-Unis (IRI), il est possible de prévoir environ six mois à l'avance un certain nombre de phénomènes climatiques, en particulier ceux liés aux épisodes dits « El Niño », pour lesquels l'amplitude des variations est suffisamment importante. Il existe, par ailleurs, une prévisibilité à encore plus longue échéance (inter-annuelle à décennale), mais seulement pour certains paramètres et certaines régions. L'exemple de la production d'électricité montre l'importance économique potentielle très grande de la prévision climatique saisonnière. Pour citer cet article : J.-C. André et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 1115–1127.  相似文献   

Three types of periglacial deposits (breccias, stratified breccias and grèzes litées are described from Córdoba Province in southern Spain. Their physico-chemical properties, in particular clay mineralogy in relation to terra rossas in the area, indicate two different ages for these deposits. Younger terra rossas and younger periglacial deposits contain illite and kaolinite whereas older terra rossas and older periglacial deposits contain vermiculite and kaolinite. Geomorphological evidence (altitude and relationships to the surfaces described by earlier authors in southern Spain) indicate approximate ages for the deposits. Secondary carbonate from one of the younger breccias gave a uranium series date of 80 000 yr BP, suggesting that some of the younger breccias were deposited in a periglacial climate before 80 000 BP. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Alleret maar (Massif Central, France) provides a long lacustrine sequence (40.6 m) attributed to the early Middle Pleistocene. Sediment, pollen and diatoms analysis of its upper part (AL2 core, 14.6 m) indicates two temperate phases marked by high lake levels, forest development and vegetation expansion. They are separated by a cold period during which lake level drops, coarse sediment input increases and steppic and xerophilous plants develop. Pollen data suggests that this sequence belongs to the upper part of the Cromerian complex. These results are in agreement with the 557 ± 3 ka (±12 ka, including all errors) 40Ar/39Ar age obtained from an interbedded tephra layer emitted by the Mont-Dore/Sancy strato-volcano and establish that this sequence probably covers the MIS 15 substages.  相似文献   

We analysed the stable isotopes (18O and 2H) of rainwater and drip water within a cave (Nerja Cave) located in the unsaturated zone of a carbonate aquifer. Rainfall is more abundant and presents lower isotopic content in winter, while the volume of drip water is greater and its isotopic content is lower in summer. The flow analysis of 18O through the unsaturated zone confirms the seasonal lag between rainfall and the appearance of drip water in the cave and reveals that the unsaturated zone of the aquifer, in the sector of the cave, behaves like an inertial system with a strong capability to modulate the input signal. To cite this article: F. Carrasco et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   

A pore-scale network model based on spherical pore bodies and cylindrical pore throats was developed to describe the displacement of water by DNAPL. The pore body size and the pore throat size were given by statistical distributions with user-specified values for the minimum, mean and maximum sizes. The numerical model was applied to a laboratory experiment conducted on a sand-filled glass column. The parameters relative to pore body size and pore throat size that were used in the construction of the equivalent network were derived from the discrete grain-size distribution of the real porous medium. The calculated arrival times of the DNAPL front were compared with those measured using optic fibre sensors placed at different points on the control section of the experimental device. Furthermore, the model simulated DNAPL pressure measured at the entrance section of the system. In general, the numerical results obtained with the model were in good agreement with the actual measurements.  相似文献   

The historical stratotypes of the Aquitanian and Burdigalian in the Aquitaine Basin are studied here by using the tools of facies sedimentology and the concept of sequence stratigraphy. This analytical method combines recognition and sequential organization of facies, and several types of stratigraphic markers. This method allows identification of at least six depositional sequences within the Miocene of the Saucats area: the four lower ones belong to the Aquitanian, the fifth one to the whole Burdigalian, while the sixth sequence corresponds to the Serravallian. In addition, this method provides evidence of a period of emersion before each transgression, suggesting potential fluvial erosion. Nevertheless, these phases are of lower amplitude than those observed in the Rhodano-Provençal Basin.


Les stratotypes historiques de l’Aquitanien et du Burdigalien, en Aquitaine, sont étudiés ici en termes de sédimentologie de faciès et de stratigraphie séquentielle. Cette méthode d’analyse combine la reconnaissance et l’organisation séquentielle des faciès à plusieurs types de repères stratigraphiques. Elle permet d’identifier au moins six séquences de dépôt dans le Miocène de la région de Saucats : les quatre premières dans l’Aquitanien, la cinquième pour le Burdigalien et la dernière pour le Serravallien. Elle a également permis de mettre en évidence des phases d’émersion anté-transgression, suggérant de possibles érosions fluviatiles, mais d’ampleurs inférieures à celles reconnues dans le Bassin miocène rhodano-provençal.  相似文献   

The Selli Level is a marker-bed in the Umbria-Marche Apennines that represents the regional sedimentary expression of the Lower Aptain Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a. This one to three-metre-thick interval shows a remarkable uniformity on a regional scale, with a green to grey marly lower part overlain by black shales. Bulk geochemical studies and an examination of palynofacies were carried out on three sections in order to characterise the distribution and nature of the organic matter in the Selli Level which has been poorly known hitherto. The organic content is medium (0.5 to 2.9% TOC) in the basal part and higher (4.5% on average, and up to 18% TOC) in the black shales. Pyrolysis and palynological data indicate that the organic matter is mainly of marine origin. The geochemical characteristics of the Selli Level are compared to other, more or less organic-rich marker-beds in the Cretaceous succession of the Umbria-Marche Apennines.


Le Niveau Selli est un niveau-repère des Apennins d'Ombrie-Marches qui correspond à l'enregistrement régional de l'événement anoxique océanique 1a. Ce niveau, épais de un à trois mètres, présente une remarquable uniformité à l'échelle régionale avec une partie inférieure argileuse, verdâtre à grise, surmontée par des black shales. Des analyses géochimiques et l'examen des palynofacies ont été entreprises sur trois coupes afin de caractériser le contenu en matière organique du niveau Selli, jusqu'à présent mal connu. Les teneurs en carbone organique sont moyennes (0,5 à 2,9% COT) dans la partie basale et élevées (4,5% en moyenne et jusque 18% COT) dans les black shales. Les résultats de pyrolyse et des observations palynologiques indiquent que la matière organique est essentiellement d'origine marine. Les caractéristiques géochimiques du niveau Selli sont comparées aux autres niveaux repères, plus ou moins riches en carbone organique, qui émaillent la série du Crétacé du basin d'Ombrie-Marches.  相似文献   

We have identified a 50-km-long active fault scarp, called herewith the Lourdes Fault, between the city of Lourdes and Arette village in the French Pyrénées. This region was affected by large and moderate earthquakes in 1660 (Io = VIII–IX, MSK 64,), in 1750 (Io = VIII, MSK 64) and in 1967 (Md = 5.3, Io = VIII, MSK 64). Most earthquakes in this area are shallow and the few available focal mechanism solutions do not indicate a consistent pattern of active deformation. Field investigations in active tectonics indicate an East–West trending and up to 50-m-high fault scarp, in average, made of 3 contiguous linear fault sub-segments. To the north, the fault controls Quaternary basins and shows uplifted and tilted alluvial terraces. Deviated and abandoned stream channels of the southern block are likely due to the successive uplift of the northern block of the fault. Paleoseismic investigations coupled with geomorphic studies, georadar prospecting and trenching along the fault scarp illustrate the cumulative fault movements during the late Holocene. Trenches exhibit shear contacts with flexural slip faulting and thrust ruptures showing deformed alluvial units in buried channels. 14C dating of alluvial and colluvial units indicates a consistent age bracket from two different trenches and shows that the most recent fault movements occurred between 4221 BC and 2918 BC. Fault parameters and paleoseismic results imply that the Lourdes Fault and related sub-segments may produce a MW 6.5 to 7.1 earthquake. Fault parameters imply that the Lourdes Fault segment corresponds to a major seismic source in the western Pyrénées that may generate earthquakes possibly larger than the 1660 historical event.  相似文献   

Scattered ignimbritic mesas crop out in the Hermosillo region (Sonora, Mexico). These rocks that have been dated at 12.5 Ma (Middle Miocene) have the petrography and chemical characteristics of comendites. Such a flare-up of peralkaline acidic volcanism, after a long period of subduction-related arc volcanism, emphasises an important change in the source of volcanism. It corresponds to the latest stage of continental extension prior to the marine invasion and the development of spreading centres in the Gulf of California. To cite this article: J. Vidal Solano et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

The ‘Appropriate Sampling for Optimised Measurement’ (ASOM) approach considers measurement to be the focus of the sampling process, and sampling to be only the first part of the measurement process. To achieve ASOM, the uncertainty of measurements, including its contribution from sampling, needs to be estimated and optimised in order to achieve fitness‐for‐purpose. Such samples are then ‘sufficiently’ representative. The ‘Theory of Sampling’ (TOS) focuses on the processes of primary sampling and sample preparation and assumes that samples are ‘representative’ if they are correctly prepared by nominally ‘correct’ protocols. It defines around ten sampling ‘errors’, which are either modelled or minimised to improve sampling quality. It is argued that the ASOM approach is more effective in achieving appropriate measurement quality than in applying TOS to just the first part of the measurement process. The comparison is made less effective by the different objectives, scopes, terminology and assumptions of the two approaches. ASOM can be applied to in situ materials that are too variable to be modelled accurately, or where sources of uncertainty are unsuspected. The proposed integration of ASOM with TOS (Esbensen and Wagner 2014, Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 57, 93–106) is therefore effectively impossible. However, some TOS procedures can be useful within the ASOM approach.  相似文献   

A 2.5-m-thick sequence of lake sediments at the Étang de Grand-Case, Saint Martin (French West Indies) is studied here. Significant hydrological budget fluctuations allows distinction of three main climatic periods: (1) an overall dry period (4200 BP–2300 BP), characterised by carbonated mud, gypsum and storm sand layers; (2) a wet phase (2300 BP–1150 BP) dominated by organic mud; and (3) a more complex phase (1150 BP to present), with detrital inputs due to human activities. Comparison with other regional high-resolution records shows that similar climate modifications typify the whole Mesoamerican and Caribbean area. The climatic phenomena that are implicated in the variations of both precipitation and hurricane frequency over the Lesser Antilles are due to the latitudinal displacement of the inter-tropical convergence zone. These data give new support to the hypothesis of the existence of a correlation between peopling phases and climate variations in the Caribbean as previously proposed by some archaeologists. To cite this article: P. Bertran et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   

A general method for the evaluation of in situ heterogeneity of geochemical materials is described and the significance of the results discussed, by using three case studies and earlier data sets. The heterogeneity of Pb in soil (expressed as RSD due to sampling, RSDsamp) varies from < 5 to > 100% between different sites, in a way that relates to the mode of deposition of the element. The heterogeneity of an element also varies systematically as a function of the distance scale at some sites. This variation can be modelled using linear regression, accounting for over 90% of the experimental variance, at seven scales over three orders of magnitude. Variation in heterogeneity between elements at the same site, seems to be somewhat diagnostic of the origin of the element, lithogenic being less than anthropogenic, although the later is also being modified by the mode of deposition. Where the heterogeneity is large (RSD > 30%), it is proposed that it can be expressed more accurately as a heterogeneity factor (10GSDsamp), to reflect its frequency distribution, which is positively skewed towards higher concentration values.  相似文献   

Ice core from Greenland was melted, filtered, homogenised, loaded into glass ampoules, sealed, autoclaved to eliminate biological activity, and calibrated by dual‐inlet isotope‐ratio mass spectrometry. This isotopic reference material (RM), USGS46, is intended as one of two secondary isotopic reference waters for daily normalisation of stable hydrogen (δ2H) and stable oxygen (δ18O) isotopic analysis of water with a mass spectrometer or a laser absorption spectrometer. The measured δ2H and δ18O values of this reference water were ?235.8 ± 0.7‰ and ?29.80 ± 0.03‰, respectively, relative to VSMOW on scales normalised such that the δ2H and δ18O values of SLAP reference water are, respectively, ?428 and ?55.5‰. Each uncertainty is an estimated expanded uncertainty (= 2uc) about the reference value that provides an interval that has about a 95‐percent probability of encompassing the true value. This reference water is available in cases containing 144 glass ampoules that are filled with either 4 ml or 5 ml of water per ampoule.  相似文献   

The paper presents a synthesis of the approach recently developed to constrain the nature and the age of recent element mobility in weathering profiles. The approach relies on a comparison of variations of trace elements and U-series disequilibria in weathering profiles. It is exemplified in the case of old lateritic profiles from the Kaya toposequence, Burkina Faso. Trace elements and 238U---234U---230Th disequilibria have been analysed in whole rock samples from two pits located in very contrasted topographical positions. Trace element data show that the whole toposequence is marked by an intense chemical remobilization, including uranium, from the cap to the lower part of the profiles. 238U---234U---230Th disequilibrium data outline that all the levels of the profiles are affected by recent U---Th fractionations, and that each level of the toposequence is marked by U gains and losses. The chronological approach developed in this paper leads to an age of about 400 kyr for the dismantling of the iron cap, and ages ranging from 0 to 400 kyr for U accumulation in the pink clay horizon of the profiles. The depth repartition of U accumulation in the profile implies that the remobilisation processes in this toposequence varied through time, on time constants similar to those of climatic variations. To cite this article: F. Chabaux et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   

Functional relationships between erosion rates and topography are central to understanding controls on global sediment flux and interactions among tectonics, climate, and erosion in shaping topography. Based on such relations digital elevation models (DEMs) allow predicting landscape-scale erosion rates to the degree that process models can be calibrated and to the extent that such processes reflect elevation, drainage area, and aspect, or their derivatives such as slope and curvature. Digital elevation models allow investigating the influence of erosional processes on landscape form and evolution through generalized quantitative expressions often referred to as ‘erosion laws’. The analytical forms of such expressions are derived from physical principles, but only limited data are available to guide calibration to particular landscapes. In addition, few studies have addressed how different transport laws interact to set landscape-scale erosion rates in different environments. Conventionally, landscape-scale sediment flux is considered to be linearly related to slope or relief, but recent analyses point toward non-linear relations for steep terrain in which changes in the frequency of landsliding accommodate increased rates of rock uplift. In such situations, landscape-scale erosion rates are more closely tied to erosion potential predicted by models of bedrock river incision. Consequently, I propose that using DEMs to predict absolute or relative erosion rates at the landscape-scale counter-intuitively involves the rate of fluvial processes as governing the sediment flux from steep landscapes, and rates of hillslope processes as governing sediment flux from low-gradient landscapes. To cite this article: D.R. Montgomery, C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   

The natural river water certified reference material SLRS‐5 (NRC‐CNRC) was routinely analysed in this study for major and trace elements by ten French laboratories. Most of the measurements were made using ICP‐MS. Because no certified values are assigned by NRC‐CNRC for silicon and 35 trace element concentrations (rare earth elements, Ag, B, Bi, Cs, Ga, Ge, Li, Nb, P, Rb, Rh, Re, S, Sc, Sn, Th, Ti, Tl, W, Y and Zr), or for isotopic ratios, we provide a compilation of the concentrations and related uncertainties obtained by the participating laboratories. Strontium isotopic ratios are also given.  相似文献   

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