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通过分析1961—2005年长江流域水汽收支的时空变化及环流特征,发现:1)长江流域春季、秋季、冬季和年均水汽收支下降,而夏季增加:长江上游除夏季外均变化显著,中下游则只有春季、夏季和秋季变化显著;2)长江中下游各季节及年水汽收支与降水的关系都通过了裎著性检验,其中夏季关系最好,而长江上游只有春季和秋季通过显著性检验;3)夏季长江流域水汽输送下降,但水汽收支却增加,可能与东亚夏季风减弱有关,而东亚夏季风的减弱可能与东亚大陆上空低层大气位势高度显著增强有关。  相似文献   

李育  王乃昂  李卓仑 《湖泊科学》2011,23(2):295-302
在石羊河终端湖猪野泽全新世探井剖面,对连续不同间距368组和74组样品,进行粒度测量与花粉分析.结果表明,沉积物不同粒度敏感组分与典型花粉组合有很好的相关性.花粉总浓度及麻黄(Ephedra)、白刺(Nitraria)、藜科(Che-nopodiaceae)、香蒲属(Typha)、云杉属(Picea)的花粉百分比与小于...  相似文献   

湖泊表层沉积物可溶性有机氮含量及分布特性   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
选择鄱阳湖、洞庭湖等6个湖泊的15个表层沉积物样品,用1mol/L KCl溶液提取沉积物中的可溶性有机氮(SON),并研究了SON的含量、分布状况及特性.结果表明,所研究的沉积物SON含量变异较大,在17.18-292.31mg/kg之间波动,平均为134.45 mg/kg,占可溶性总氮(TSN)的51.86%,沉积物总氮的7.14%.污染程度重的沉积物中SON含量均较污染程度轻的高,且SON含量与TN、TSN含量呈正相关,即与沉积物氮污染程度呈正相关,分布状况则与湖泊污染程度、人类活动干扰强度等紧密相关,所研究表层湖泊沉积物巾游离氨基酸(FAA)含量处于4.69-42.04mg/kg间,平均为23.27mg/kg,占SON的18.80%,TN的1.24%,FAA与SON含量呈显著正相关,在沉积物中的平均含骨及在SON中的比例均较土壤中高,说明湖泊沉积物SON有较大的易分解组分,SON与沉积物可溶忭无机氮、有机质、CEC等显著相关,因此,SON是湖泊沉积物氮的重要组成部分,对湖泊富营养化具有重要的影响,特别是对污染严重的沉积物而言,更应重视其SON在湖泊氮循环及富营养化中的作用.  相似文献   

建立现代孢粉-植被定量关系是第四纪孢粉学研究的热点和难点. R值计算简单、表征直接,是校正现代孢粉和植被非线性关系的一种传统指标.本文基于中国1987~2021年发表的花粉R值数据,经筛选、校正和标准化等处理,建立了中国花粉R值数据集,包含了898个现代花粉采样点和2115条花粉R值数据,涵盖了152个花粉类群,分属于65科、113属.集成分析中国花粉R值特征,结果表明:(1)在宏观空间尺度上证实了基于样点尺度的传统认知,中国花粉R值整体变异性大,约2/3呈低代表性,如杉科(Taxodiaceae)、榛属(Corylus)、白刺属(Nitraria)、柽柳属(Tamarix)、莎草科(Cyperaceae)、禾本科(Poaceae)、豆科(Fabaceae), 1/3呈超代表性,如松属(Pinus)、云杉属(Picea)、桦木属(Betula)、麻黄属(Ephedra)、藜科(Chenopodiaceae)、蒿属(Artemisia),且低代表性较强,超代表性较弱;而栗属(Castanea)、栎属(Quercus)、蓼科(Polygonaceae)、菊科(Asteraceae)花粉代表...  相似文献   

青藏高原中部错鄂全新世湖泊沉积物年代学研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
对青藏高原中部错鄂湖泊沉积物的137Cs和210Pb研究表明, Cs在碱性湖泊的沉积物中发生了明显的垂向迁移, 用于确定短尺度年代会带来误差; 利用210PbCRS模式可以满足近代测年的需要, 获取不同深度的质量累积速率, 这一累积速率的变化与器测降水资料有很好的一致性, 进一步证明了210PbCRS模式对错鄂近代湖泊定年的可靠性. 根据表层沉积物的14C日历校正年龄, 确定“老碳”影响的绝对年龄, 并假定“老碳”影响是持续、稳定的, 对所获14C年龄进行了二次校正, 消除了“老碳”对错鄂湖泊沉积物中总有机质和植物残体的14C结果产生的影响, 同时推断CE-2孔在40~35 cm段存在沉积间断. 根据湖泊沉积物的沉积规律, 建立了错鄂湖泊沉积物14C年代序列, 在这个年代序列的基础上, 沉积物环境指标对全新世主要气候事件有很好的反映, 从另一方面证明了该年代序列是可靠的.  相似文献   

湖泊沉积物是记录气候演化信息的重要载体之一,在探讨过去气候变化过程研究中发挥重要作用.然而,沉积物中的许多代用指标对气候的指示意义存在多解性,不同指标所反映的环境信息相互之间有时会存在矛盾.为了能够更准确地解读湖泊沉积物中指标所记录的环境变化信息,开展现代湖泊沉积物指标与环境之间的关系研究,深入探讨各指标对环境变化的响应机制尤为关键.本文选取青藏高原东南部巴松措湖泊表层沉积物作为研究对象,利用210Pb与137Cs比活度检测结果建立年代序列,对沉积物中粒度、磁化率、有机质含量等指标进行分析,揭示巴松措现代沉积过程.结合沉积物粒度端元组分分析结果,并将不同指标变化与林芝气象站所记录的数据资料进行对比,得出以下主要结论:该地区沉积物来源主要包括径流搬运的冰川碎屑物质和来自青藏高原南部、西南部上空悬浮于大气中的风成物质两部分;其中,通过风力搬运的物质输入主要集中在冬半年,受季节性风向及风速变化影响明显;径流受到冰雪融水与夏季降水的补给,因此通过径流搬运的物质输入量受到温度与降水综合影响;湖泊中磁性矿物碎屑的产生和输入主要受区域降水量影响的流域侵蚀速率变化控制,该湖泊沉积物磁化率波动可以有效的指示该地区降水量变化;沉积物中总有机碳含量和总氮含量变化主要反映湖泊自身初级生产力的变化,对区域温度变化的响应显著.  相似文献   

随着气候与生态问题的不断涌现,气候环境变化与生态系统响应研究的重要性日益凸显,而传统方法逐渐难以满足深入研究的需要.现代分子生物技术的快速发展使针对湖泊沉积物的DNA分析逐渐被引入相关研究中,有效弥补了传统研究方法的不足,为研究者提供了理解过去气候和环境变化、生态系统响应的新视角.湖泊沉积物中的DNA蕴藏着丰富的生物群...  相似文献   

万宏滨  周娟  罗端  杨浩  黄昌春  黄涛 《湖泊科学》2020,32(6):1632-1645
为明确长江中游地区湖泊沉积物中多环芳烃(PAHs)的分布特征、来源及其生态风险,于2018年7月采集了该地区12个湖泊的表层沉积物样品.采用气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)测定了沉积物中16种PAHs的含量.结果表明:12个湖泊沉积物中均检测出16种优控PAHs,PAHs的总含量在572.7~1766.2 ng/g (dw)之间(均值为976.5±285.0 ng/g (dw)).武汉市东湖沉积物中PAHs含量最高,达到1634.8±111.4 ng/g (dw).与国内外其他地区湖泊沉积物相比,长江中游地区湖泊沉积物中PAHs含量高于国内偏远地区的抚仙湖、青海湖及博斯腾湖,低于东部地区的巢湖、太湖及美国经济工业发达地区的湖泊.根据单体PAH的聚类分析结果,12个湖泊可以分成3种类型,类型1主要以低环为主,占比为64.04%±7.02%,类型2低环和中高环分布相对平均,分别为50.76%±5.17%和49.24%±5.17%,类型3低、中、高环分布相对平均,占比分别为35.35%±3.56%、26.17%±0.45%和38.48%±3.84%.综合该区域PAHs的分布特征及异构体比值法与主成分分析法的结果表明,类型1湖泊沉积物中PAHs主要来源为煤炭、木材等生物质的燃烧源;类型2和类型3湖泊沉积物中PAHs主要来源为煤炭、木材等生物质的低温燃烧以及机动车等燃烧汽油、柴油的尾气排放和工业炼焦等化石燃料的高温燃烧源.沉积物中PAHs与总有机碳(TOC)之间显著的相关性表明,沉积物中TOC含量是影响长江中游湖泊沉积物中PAHs归趋分布的主要因素.长江中游流域湖泊沉积物中PAHs的RQNCs值均小于800,且RQMPCs值大于1的风险商值法生态风险评价结果表明,长江中游流域湖泊表层沉积物中PAHs整体呈中等风险水平.  相似文献   

高山湖泊远离人类活动直接影响,通常具有面积小、寡营养、食物网单一等特点,对气候变化和营养输入具有较高的敏感性。我国青藏高原东南缘地区氮沉降通量较高、增温幅度显著,已有研究显示该地区可能受湖泊类型、流域特征等影响存在差异性的湖泊响应模式。本研究选择该区域位于树线以下、具有不同水深的3个小型湖泊(盖公错纳、沃迪错、碧沽天池)开展沉积物调查和对比研究,通过钻孔样品测年、理化特征和藻类(硅藻群落、藻类色素)等多指标分析,结合区域气候定量重建和氮沉降等数据收集,评价了过去300年来藻类演替模式的异同特征及湖泊水深的调节作用。结果显示,3个湖泊中硅藻的优势物种与群落组成差异明显。深水型湖泊盖公错纳(最大水深39.4 m)的硅藻群落以浮游种为主(占比达82%),优势种为眼斑小环藻(Pantocsekiolla ocellata)、科曼小环藻(Pantocsekiella comensis);深水型湖泊沃迪错(最大水深20.7 m)的硅藻群落中浮游种和底栖种约各占50%,优势种为眼斑小环藻(Pantocsekiella ocellata)、连结脆杆藻(Saurosira construens);浅水湖...  相似文献   

湖泊现代沉积物碳环境记录研究   总被引:37,自引:3,他引:37  
通过对云南程海现代沉积物的精细采样和分析, 研究了湖泊沉积物中有机碳与无机碳含量阶段性的正相关和负相关变化. 结果表明, 温度及其引起的相关变化是控制沉积物无机碳含量、碳酸盐δ 13C和有机碳含量变化关系的主要因素. 当温度及其引起的光合作用强度变化对湖泊自生碳酸钙沉淀起主导作用时, 沉积物有机碳含量与无机碳含量及碳酸盐δ 13C呈正相关变化; 当温度及其引起的蒸发速率等其他物理化学因素变化对湖泊自生碳酸钙沉淀起主导作用时, 沉积物有机碳含量与无机碳含量及碳酸盐δ 13C呈负相关变化. 程海沉积物无机碳含量和碳酸盐δ 13C是湖区气候冷暖变化的良好代用指标.  相似文献   

Modern pollen analysis is the basis for revealing the palaeovegetation and palaeoclimate changes from fossil pollen spectra. Many studies pertaining to the modern pollen assemblages on the Tibetan Plateau have been conducted, but little attention has been paid to pollen assemblages of surface lake sediments. In this study, modern pollen assemblages of surface lake sediments from 34 lakes in the steppe and desert zones of the Tibetan Plateau are investigated and results indicate that the two vegetation zones are dominated by non-arboreal pollen taxa and show distinctive characteristics. The pollen assemblages from the desert zone contain substantially high relative abundance of Chenopodiaceae while those from the steppe zone are dominated by Cyperaceae. Pollen ratios show great potential in terms of separating different vegetation zones and to indicate climate changes on the Tibetan Plateau. The Artemisia/Chenopodiaceae ratio and arboreal/non-arboreal pollen ratio could be used as proxies for winter precipitation. Artemisia/Cyperaceae ratio and the sum of relative abundance of xerophilous elements increase with enhanced warming and aridity. When considering the vegetation coverage around the lakes, hierarchical cluster analysis suggests that the studied sites can be divided into four clusters: meadow, steppe, desert-steppe, and desert. The pollen-based vegetation classification models are established using a random forest algorithm. The random forest model can effectively separate the modern pollen assemblages of the steppe zone from those of the desert zone on the Tibetan Plateau. The model for distinguishing the four vegetation clusters shows a weaker but still valid classifying power. It is expected that the random forest model can provide a powerful tool to reconstruct the palaeovegetation succession on the Tibetan Plateau when more pollen data from surface lake sediments are included.  相似文献   

The modern pollen assemblages of surface lake sediments and topsoils in northwestern China were studied to understand the relationship of modern pollen data with contemporary vegetation and climate, and the differences between the pollen assemblages of surface lake sediments and topsoils. The results show that Chenopodiaceae and Artemisia are dominant elements in the pollen assemblages of northwestern China. Additionally, Ephedra, Cyperaceae, Asteraceae, Poaceae, Picea, Pinus, and Betula are also important pollen taxa. Both pollen assemblages and principal component analysis indicate that pollen data from surface lake sediments and topsoils can be used to differentiate the main vegetation types of this region(desert, steppe, meadow and forest). However, differences exist between modern pollen assemblages of the two types of sediments due to the different relevant source areas of pollen and degrees of pollen preservation. For example, the larger relevant source area of surface lake sediment results in a higher abundance of Betula in pollen assemblage from surface lake sediment, whereas the tendency to disintegrate thin-walled pollen types in topsoil leads to a higher proportion of resistant pollen, such as Asteraceae. Linear regression analysis indicates that the Artemisia/Chenopodiaceae(A/C) ratio in pollen assemblages of surface lake sediments can be used to indicate humidity changes in the study area. However, the A/C ratio in topsoils should be used carefully. Our results suggest that pollen data from surface lake sediments would be better references for interpreting the fossil pollen assemblages of lake cores or lacustrine profiles.  相似文献   

Quantitative paleotemperature records are vital not only for verifying and improving the accuracy of climate model simulations, but also for estimating the amplitude of temperature variability under global warming scenarios. The Tibetan Plateau (TP) affects atmospheric circulation patterns due to its unique geographical location and high elevation, and studies of the mechanisms of climate change on the TP are potentially extremely valuable for understanding the relationship of the region with the global climate system. With the development of biomarker-based proxies, it is possible to use lake sediments to quantitatively reconstruct past temperature variability. The source of Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers (GDGTs) in lake sediments is complex, and their distribution is controlled by both climatic and environmental factors. In this work, we sampled the surface sediments of 27 lakes on the TP and in addition obtained surface soil samples from six of the lake catchments. We analyzed the factors that influence GDGT distribution in the lake sediments, and established quantitative relationship between GDGTs and Mean Annual Air Temperature (MAAT). Our principal findings are as follows: the majority of GDGTs in the lake sediments are bGDGTs, followed by crenarchaeol and GDGT-0. In most of the lakes there were no significant differences between the GDGT distribution within the lake sediments and the soils in the same catchment, which indicates that the contribution of terrestrial material is important. iGDGTs in lake sediments are mainly influenced by water chemistry parameters (pH and salinity), and that in small lakes on the TP, TEX86 may act as a potential proxy for lake pH; however, in contrast bGDGTs in the lake sediments are mainly controlled by climatic factors. Based on the GDGT distribution in the lake sediments, we used proxies (MBT, CBT) and the fractional abundance of bGDGTs (fabun) to establish calibrations between GDGTs and MAAT, respectively, which potentially provide the basis for paleoclimatic reconstruction on the TP.  相似文献   

The origin of boron in boron-rich salt lakes in the Tibetan Plateau is highly controversial.In this study,we carried out a detailed study on boron geochemistry and isotope composition of lake sediments collected in Zigetang Co,central Tibet.Evaporites had high boron concentrations of 172.3–418.6 lg/g and δ~(11)B values of-8.2%to-3.3%,suggesting a non-marine origin for the saline lake.The boron isotopic fractionation factor,a,between evaporite and brackish water(a_(evaporite–brackish))decreased systematically with depth,from 0.9942 at the top of the drill core to 0.9893 at the bottom;the linear variation between α_(evaporite–brackish)and depth reflects boron isotopic fractionation associated with progressive crystallization.The positive correlation between δ~(11)B versus[B]and δ~(11)B versus depth in the evaporite phase reflects pH and boron speciation in the solution control on the adsorption of boron,and B(OH)_3 species incorporated preferentially into Mg(OH)_2 precipitation at high pH.  相似文献   


The systemic analyses have been carried out in this paper to the paleolake shorelines, paleolake sediments and paleoclimatic proxies of 20 lakes, in which there were 12 kaBP dating data on the Tibetan Plateau. The results showed that the paleolake level had apparently risen during 14-11 kaBP, the glaciers melting period, in the Tibetan area and Northwest China. Especially, much more increasing amplitude supplied by thawy glaciers water occurred than in the best period of Holocene. The temperate-humid climate around 12 kaBP appeared in the Tibetan area and even in the whole China. This event may be compared with the Bolling/Allerod warm period which was reflected by Europe and Greenland ice core records. It showed that the B/A event was not a regional one in the North Atlantic area.


Diatom assemblages preserved in continental sedimentary successions of the southern Pampas (Argentina) can provide useful indicators of past environmental changes. Ecological data, however, are scarce. In order to provide modern data for diatom-based paleoenvironmental reconstructions, sediments from shallow lakes and streams of the region were analyzed. A total of 131 diatom species were identified. Canonical correspondence analysis was used to identify the physical and chemical environmental parameters that best explained the distribution of taxa. Cocconeis placentula, Hippodonta hungarica, Navicula veneta, Cyclotella meneghiniana and Nitzschia amphibia were the most widely extended species. The highest percentage variance in diatom data was explained by conductivity and nutrient concentrations. Diatom assemblage composition was more variable in shallow lakes than in streams, which is in agreement with the different hydrological and geomorphological characteristics of these environments. The results obtained in the present work provide useful analogues for paleoenvironmental reconstructions of water bodies in southern Pampas.  相似文献   

西藏纳木错表层沉积物中正构烷烃的来源与空间分布特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过测定纳木错现代植物和表层沉积物样品中的正构烷烃,结合主成分分析方法,明确了表层沉积物中烷烃的主要来源,并初步分析了它们在湖泊中的空间分布特征.研究结果显示,沉水植物所含烷烃以n-C21-C25为主,具有n-C23的峰值;陆生植物主要含n-C27-C33烷烃,具有n-C29或n-C31的峰值;但垫状点地梅(Androsace tapete)和香柏(Sabina pingii)的主峰碳却是n-C33烷烃,这在以往研究中鲜有报道.在纳木错表层沉积物中,正构烷烃具有典型的n-C31和n-C23双峰分布形式,来源于低等菌藻类、沉水植物以及陆生植物,其中碳数小于C20的短链烷烃主要来源于低等菌藻类,其空间分布均一,由低等菌藻类的浮游生活型所决定;长链烷烃主要来源于高等植物,含量从滨岸到湖中心逐渐减少,这与其在运移和沉积过程中受微生物的持续降解作用有关,此外,来源于陆生植物的n-C27-C33烷烃因河流汇水面积和流量不同而存在空间差异,这值得重视和进一步研究.  相似文献   

A large number of gases are releasing from the medium-high temperature geothermal fields distributed along the large-scale strike-slip fault zones in the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau.In this study,11 hot spring water and the associated bubbling gas samples were collected along the Xianshuihe-Anninghe fault zones(XSH-ANHFZ)and analyzed for chemical and isotopic compositions.The δ18H_(2O) and δDH_(2O) values indicate that hot spring waters are predominantly meteoric origin recharged from different altitudes.Most water samples are significantly enriched in Na+ and HCO3 due to the dissolution of regional evaporites,carbonates and Na-silicates.3He/4He ratios of the gas samples are 0.025-2.73 times the atmospheric value.The 3He/4He ratios are high in the Kangding region where the dense faults are distributed,and gradually decrease with increasing distance from Kangding towards both sides along the Xianshuihe fault zones(XSHFZ).Hydrothermal fluids have dissolved inorganic carbon(DIC)concentrations from 2 to 42 mmol L-113CDIC from -6.9‰ to 1.3‰,δ13CCO_(2) from -7.2‰ to -3.6‰ and Δ14C from -997‰ to -909‰.Combining regional geochemical and geological information,the CO2sources can be attributed to deep-sourced CO2from mantle and metamorphism of marine carbonate,and shallow-sourced CO2from the dissolution of marine carbonate and biogenic CO2.The mass balance model shows that 11±6% of the DIC is sourced from the dissolution of shallow carbonate minerals,9±8% formed by pyrolysis of sedimentary organic matter,80±9% derived from deep metamorphic origin and mantle-derived CO2.Among them,the deep-sourced CO2in Anninghe fault zones(ANHFZ)is merely metamorphic carbon,whereas ca.12% and ca.88% of the deep-sourced CO2in the XSHFZ are derived from the mantle and metamorphic carbon,respectively.The average deep-sourced CO2flux in the Kangding geothermal field is estimated to be 160 ta-1.If all the hot springs in various fault zones in the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau are taken into account,the regional deep-sourced CO2flux would reach ca.105 ta-1.These results show that the deep-sourced CO2released from nonvolcanic areas might account for a considerable proportion of the total amount of global deep-sourced carbon degassing,which should be paid more attention to.  相似文献   

The Eocene palaeovegetation landscape and palaeoclimate reconstructed from the pollen records in the Jiuquan Basin, northwest China provide some important information on the early uplift of the Tibetan Plateau and the origin and evolution of the aridification in northwest China. The records show the arid-semiarid scrubs with open forest palynofloras controlled by the subtropical high existed in northwest China during the 40.2–33.4 Ma. Four pollen assemblages are found: Nitrariadites-Cheno-podipollis-Pinaceae assemblage (40.2–37.9 Ma) is followed by Chenopodipollis-Nitrariadites assemblage (37.9–34.6 Ma), Pinuspollenites & Abietineaepollenites-Chenopodipollis assemblage (34.6–33.9 Ma), and Chenopodipollis-Nitrariadites assemblage (33.9–33.4 Ma). The percentage of thermophilic types is in anti-correlation with that of the dry types, which means the palaeoclimate is relatively warm-wet or cold-dry during most of that time. Such aridity may be related to the water vapor reduction and the planetary wind system movement northward in response to the cooling caused by small-ephemeral ice-sheets. Supported by the National Key Program for Developing Basic Sciences (Grant No. 2005CB422001), the National Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40334038, 40421101) and the President Fund of Chinese Academy of Sciences  相似文献   

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