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The eastern part of the North China Craton suffered significant lithospheric thinning since the Mesozoic,and petrogenesis of the Dagushan adakitic diorite porphyries provides an excellent opportunity to investigate the lithospheric thinning mechanism and geodynamic setting.The zircon LA-ICP-MS U–Pb geochronology reveals that the representative Dagushan adakitic porphyry was formed at 120.5 ± 0.5 Ma.The Dagushan diorite porphyries are characterized by the relatively high contents of SiO2(64.25–65...  相似文献   

The discovery of the Early Mesozoic basic granulite xenoliths in the Harqin area of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (for short Inner Mongolia) is reported for the first time in this paper. According to the mineral assemblage the xenoliths include two-pyroxene granulite, clinopyroxene granulite, and hypersthene granulite. Their protolytes are mainly gabbroite rocks. The zircon U?Pb age of the granulite xenoliths is 251 Ma, and K?Ar age of the hypersthene is 229 Ma. They represent the times of metamorphism and cooling of the granulite facies respectively. The host rock of the xenoliths is Early Mesozoic biotite-quartz diorites, whose whole-rock K?Ar age is 219 Ma. This discovery confirms existence of an Early Mesozoic underplating in the North China Craton, which is of much importance in research on the Early Mesozoic mantle-crust interaction in the concerned area.  相似文献   


华北克拉通是世界上最古老的克拉通之一.我们利用布设于华北中部的ChinArray计划461个宽频带地震台阵的连续波形资料, 基于背景噪声成像技术, 获得了克拉通中西部5~45 s的Rayleigh波群速度频散曲线, 并利用线性反演方法获得了研究区地壳上地幔顶部的S波速度结构.密集流动地震台阵使我们能够揭示研究区精细的地壳上地幔顶部速度变化, 以深入探讨华北克拉通中西部深部结构及其对岩浆和地震的控制作用.8 km深度的S波速度切片显示低速与高速异常分别与地表的盆地和山脉对应良好.不同经度和纬度方向的S波速度剖面均表明, 西部克拉通地壳大致可以分为上、中、下地壳三层.克拉通西部鄂尔多斯块体的下地壳S波速度介于3.7~3.8 km·s-1, 暗示其下地壳以长英质岩石为主.大同火山区下方的S波低速异常从中地壳延伸至上地幔顶部, 推测源自软流圈的地幔热流提供了近垂直的主干上涌通道, 并控制了该区新生代岩浆活动.强震集中分布在上地壳高速体内部或高低速相间区, 其下地壳乃至上地幔顶部都呈现明显的低速异常, 推测源自上地幔/下地壳的深部热流沿地壳尺度的陡深断裂上侵, 诱发上覆高应力刚性块体发生蠕动破裂与应力释放, 进而诱发大震.



收集华北克拉通地区188个宽频带流动台站观测资料进行处理.通过背景噪声面波数据和接收函数双重资料约束联合反演,得到了研究区沉积层厚度、地壳厚度及地壳S波速度结构.结果显示:(1)沉积盖层厚度与地质构造相对应,盆地区与隆起区分界明显.(2)研究区地壳厚度变化范围约29~46 km,自西向东逐渐变薄.(3)中、上地壳华北盆地S波速度偏高,可能与新生代以来多次沉降所造成的相对高的岩石强度有关;(4)下地壳S波速度显示研究区主要存在三个低速区,分别是唐山—天津周边、张北及太行山造山带地区;华北盆地存在显著高速异常,推测可能是由于华北盆地经历下地壳拆沉后,大规模的伸展作用相伴随的幔源基性铁镁质岩浆底侵至下地壳结晶所造成的.(5)多个发生过强震的区域表现出沉积层下方存在较大范围的(约10 km)高速体,并且高速体又被其下低S波速度包裹,壳内岩石强度的差异为应力积累及地震发生提供条件.


本文利用宽频流动台阵记录的远震波形资料和接收函数波动方程叠后偏移方法,获得了华北克拉通东北部边界及其邻近地区的地壳和地幔转换带的间断面结构图像.结果显示研究区域的地壳厚度存在显著的横向变化:以南北重力梯度带为界,西北部的兴蒙造山带地壳较厚(~40 km),东南部的燕山带、松辽盆地和辽东台隆地壳明显较薄(30~35 km).这有可能反映,研究区南北重力梯度带两侧地壳在中-新生代区域构造伸展过程中经历了不同程度的改造和减薄.地幔转换带成像结果显示,研究区410 km和660 km间断面结构存在横向差异.经度121°E-122°E之间,上地幔底部出现双重间断面,深度分别为660 km和690 km.经度122.5°E以东(北黄海地区),410 km间断面有5~20 km幅度的下沉,660 km间断面有5~15 km幅度的抬升;该地区地幔转换带厚度相对全球平均偏薄10~20 km,指示着该地区较热的上地幔底部温度环境.我们认为太平洋俯冲板块可能停滞在研究区119°E-122°E经度范围的地幔转换带中,但未延伸至118°E以西;而俯冲板块在124°E以东可能局部穿透了上地幔底部而进入下地幔,同时引起小尺度的地幔对流,导致北黄海地区下地幔物质的上涌.  相似文献   

Constraining the processes of deformation during tectonic switching from compression to extension is difficult because of the scarcity or absence of associated sedimentary and magmatic rocks and weak metamorphism. The east margin of the eastern North China Craton experienced Early to Middle Jurassic compression and Early Cretaceous extension. However, the period of tectonic quiescence lasting ~13 million years(between 153 and 140 Ma) during which this transition occurred is poorly understood. This paper reports the identification of small-scale N-S-trending thrust and sinistral strike-slip faults(TSS) and NWtrending thrust and dextral strike-slip faults(TDS) in the Tongyuanpu-Aiyang region, which is part of the northern Liaodong Peninsula. Calculation of the tectonic stress field using striations, fault planes and kinematics reveals a NW-SE-oriented maximum principal axis(σ_1), and sub-horizontal σ_2 and σ_3. Assemblages of N-S-trending TSS and NW-trending TDS were arranged with right stepping and resulted in local uplift and erosion at the junctions between fault terminations, which partitioned the Early and Middle Jurassic basins into residual smaller volcanic-sedimentary basins. These basins were unconformably overlain by small Early Cretaceous volcanic-sedimentary basins, such as those at Tongyuanpu and Fangjiaweizi. Magmatic ages and the timing of basin formation constrain the initiation of tectonic switching to 156–153 Ma, and its termination to 140–139 Ma. We suggest that R-R' Riedel shears controlled the formation of the N-S-trending TSS and NW-trending TDS. The R-R'shears were produced by continued sinistral strike-slip and northward growth along the Bohai Bay segment of the Tan-Lu fault zone during the Late Jurassic to early Early Cretaceous, simultaneous with a gradual weakening in the tectonic stress field during a switch in the direction of subduction of the Palaeo-Pacific plate from NW-ward to NNW-ward. This tectonic switching might have promoted the dissolution of gold and migration of gold-bearing fluids.  相似文献   

利用共转换点叠加方法研究华北地区地壳结构   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
武岩  丁志峰  朱露培 《地球物理学报》2011,54(10):2528-2537
利用华北地震台阵L测线的35个台站记录的895个远震数据进行了接收函数的计算,并利用H-κ叠加方法得到华北克拉通西部陆块东侧和中部陆块内基岩台站下方的地壳结构.利用得到的基岩台站下方的地壳结构和通过波形模拟方法得到的渤海湾盆地的沉积层结构作为背景模型对测线进行共转换点(CCP)叠加成像.在渤海湾盆地,通过增大CCP叠加方法中的共转换点单元,使得由于沉积层基底反射信号过强而难以识别的Ps转换波信号得以增强,获得渤海湾盆地下方的地壳结构.由CCP叠加的结果可以看出:华北克拉通地壳西厚东薄.西部陆块东侧的吕梁山下方地壳出现了地壳的突然减薄,减薄幅度约3 km.在减薄处的西侧,地壳逐渐加深,由44 km左右加深至46 km左右,之后在减薄处突然减薄至43 km左右,推测该减薄处可能是西部和中部陆块在深部的分界点;中部造山带地区的重力梯度带的西侧,地壳较为平缓,厚约42 km左右,山西断陷盆地下的地壳出现了略微的上升,幅度为2 km左右.大同盆地东侧下方的台站出现了Moho面的不连续,可能是地幔物质上涌的通道.在太行山前缘的重力梯度带内地壳迅速变浅至33 km左右,渤海湾盆地内地壳厚约32 km左右,冀中坳陷带下方地壳变浅,最浅可达29 km.沉积层基底的深度与地壳厚度呈负相关关系,可能与渤海湾盆地受到的拉张剪切作用力相关.  相似文献   

华北克拉通地壳结构及动力学机制分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

本文对布设在华北克拉通三个陆块的199个宽频带台站记录的远震数据进行了接收函数计算.利用H-κ迭代方法获得了该区域基岩地区的地壳结构,平滑处理后作为背景结构模型中的基岩地区地壳结构;利用相邻算法对沉积层地区的接收函数进行了波形拟合计算,获得了沉积层结构,平滑后作为背景结构模型中的沉积层结构;结合前人的研究成果,完善了研究区域的背景结构模型.以此模型为基础,对接收函数进行了CCP(Common Conversion Point,共转换点)叠加成像,获得了Moho面成像结果,对比沉积层的成像结果发现:西部陆块中鄂尔多斯块体东部地区地壳厚度较大,约为42 km,泊松比较低,小于0.24,为长英质含量较多的地壳层;位于中部陆块的山西地堑地壳厚度小于鄂尔多斯块体,且变化较大,西侧地壳厚度约为40 km,东侧重力梯度带附近地壳厚度迅速减薄至36 km左右,张家口-怀来-大同一带出现了地壳的局部抬升,地壳厚度等值线基本以北北东方向为主,与构造带方向基本一致,地堑内泊松比约为0.26~0.28,前人对此区域的层析成像研究结果表明太行山隆起和阴山隆起存在壳内低速层,推测为地壳部分熔融以及上地幔物质上涌造成的;东部陆块中渤海湾盆地的地壳厚度较薄,约为32 km,部分地区小于30 km,其中冀中坳陷带地壳厚度最薄,约为28 km,沉积层基底分布与Moho面分布呈镜像对称趋势,沉积层较厚地区的地壳较薄,推测东部陆块在太平洋板块俯冲作用下,存在北西-南东向的拉张作用,使其内发育了大量断陷盆地.


华北克拉通北缘—西伯利亚板块南缘(张家口—中蒙边界)的深地震测深剖面长600 km,跨越华北板块、内蒙造山带和西伯利亚板块.沿测线采用8个1.5t的爆炸震源激发地震波,使用300套数字地震仪接收,取得了高质量的地震资料.通过资料分析和处理,识别出沉积层及结晶基底的折射波(Pg)、上地壳底面的反射波(P2)、中地壳内的反射波(P3)、中地壳底面的反射波(P4)、下地壳内的反射波(P5,仅在镶黄旗—苏尼特右旗下方出现)和莫霍面的反射波(Pm)等6个震相.采用地震动力学射线方法(seis88)得到的地壳速度结构表明:(1)在华北板块与内蒙造山带之间,内蒙造山带与西伯利亚板块之间,上地壳中存在明显的高速度局部变化,在地表发育大量的古生代花岗岩体、超基性岩体.(2)在中下地壳华北板块南缘的地震波速度大,为6.3~6.7 km/s,西伯利亚板块北缘的速度小,为6.1~6.7 km/s,且界面比较平缓.原因是在内蒙造山带内地壳的缩短和隆升造山引起了中下地壳界面的剧烈起伏,不同海陆块的拼合和物质交换导致了不同区域速度的不均匀性.(3)莫霍面在赤峰断裂带(F2)以南和索伦敖包—阿鲁科尔沁旗断裂带(F4)以北较为平缓,平均深度为40~42 km.在F2—F4之间呈双莫霍面,莫霍面1明显上隆,深度为33.5 km,层速度为6.6~6.7 km/s.莫霍面2明显下凹,在西拉木伦河断裂带(F3)下方,最深达到47 km,速度达到最大为6.8~6.9 km/s,这可能是由壳幔物质混合引起的.依据莫霍面的特点,本文认为双莫霍面以南为华北板块北缘,以北为西伯利亚板块南缘,拼合位置在赤峰断裂带(F2)与索伦敖包—阿鲁科尔沁旗断裂带(F4)之间的区域.  相似文献   

We investigate the mantle dynamics beneath the North China Craton (NCC) and surrounding regions based on a synthesis of recent P-wave mantle tomographic data down to depths of 600–800 km and their correlation with the surface geological features, with particular reference to the Paleoproterozoic tectonic events associated with the incorporation of the NCC within the Columbia supercontinent amalgam. From the tomographic images, we identify a hot corridor in the mantle transition zone beneath the central region of the Western Block of the NCC sandwiched between two cold corridors. This scenario is similar to the donut-shaped high-velocity anomaly surrounding a region of low-velocity anomaly in the lowermost mantle under the Pacific and suggests that the cold regions might represent slab graveyards which provide the fuel for the plumes rising from the center. A tomographic transect along the collisional suture of the NCC with the Columbia supercontinent, covering the Yinshan-Ordos Blocks in the Western Block through the Central Orogenic Belt and into the Eastern Block of the NCC reveals a ca. 250 km thick lithospheric keel below the Ordos Block defined by a prominent high-velocity anomaly. We identify slab break-off and asthenospheric upwelling in this region and suggest that this process probably initiated the thermal and material erosion of the tectosphere beneath the Eastern Block from the Paleoproterozoic, which was further intensified during the Mesozoic when a substantial part of the sub-continental mantle lithosphere was lost. We visualize heat input from asthenosphere and interaction between asthenosphere and overlying carbonated tectosphere releasing CO2-rich fluids for the preservation of ultra-high temperature (ca. 1000 °C) metamorphic rocks enriched in CO2 as well as high-pressure mafic granulites as a paired suite in this region. We also identify a hot swell of the asthenosphere rooted to more than 200 km depth and reaching up to the shallow mantle in the tomographic section along 35°N latitude at a depth of 800 km. This zone represents a cross-section through the southern part of the NCC. The surface distribution of Paleoproterozoic Xiong’er lavas and mafic dykes in this region would indicate that this region might have evidenced similar upwellings in the past. Our study has important implications in understanding the evolution of the NCC and suggests that the extensive modification of the mantle architecture and lithospheric structure beneath one of the fundamental Precambrian nuclei of Asia had a prolonged history probably dating from the Paleoproterozoic suturing of the NCC within the Columbia supercontinent amalgam.  相似文献   

华北地区壳内磁性构造与地震的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张先  刘敏  赵丽 《地震》2000,20(4):50-56
通过带通滤波技术对华北地区航磁异常进行处理,分离出深、浅部磁性层异常, 然后运用视磁化强度反演方法和程序,对组成上下磁性层的构造块体进行了圈定, 并结合人工地壳测深及深部流体研究进行了讨论,认为地震是构造块体相互作用、应力积累、能量释放的结果,深部流体为多层次滑脱构造的生成及地震能的积累提供了可能。  相似文献   

邵媛媛  郑需要 《地震学报》2014,36(3):390-402
提出了利用人工爆破P波走时反演地壳介质方位各向异性参数的方法. 在假定介质是弱各向异性介质的情况下, 使用扰动理论得到了线性化的反演公式, 其中待反演的弱各向异性参数是P波走时的线性函数. 如果在反演公式中参考走时取相同震中距接收点的P波平均走时, 那么所获得的弱各向异性参数与参考介质速度的选取无关. 反演得到的弱各向异性参数可以看作是不同震中距和不同深度范围内介质的等效弱各向异性参数. 等效弱各向异性参数在一定程度上反映了不同深度范围内水平方向相速度随方位的变化. 这种变化可能是不同时期构造应力作用的结果. 2007年中国地震局在首都圈怀来地区实施了一次大吨位人工爆破实验, 以爆破点为中心, 布设了高密度的地震观测台网和台阵. 台站相对于爆破点具有360°的全方位覆盖, 所得到的地震记录数据为研究怀来、 延庆地区地壳介质P波方位各向异性提供了必要条件. 我们通过走时反演获得了与水平方位相关的弱各向异性参数, 并对弱各向异性参数进行坐标变换, 得到了能够直观描述岩石弱各向异性的具有水平对称轴的横向各向同性介质, 给出了对应的3个独立弱各向异性参数及其对称轴方位, 讨论了介质各向异性与构造应力场的关系. 结果表明该地区地壳介质存在明显的方位各向异性, 其最大值约为4.6%.  相似文献   

地震层析成像在华北克拉通地区的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了地震层析成像方法在华北克拉通地区的研究成果,探讨研究中存在的问题及其研究前景.近年来很多层析成像方法在该地区获得了高分辨率的地壳、上地幔的速度结构,为研究构造运动以及深部的动力学过程提供了线索与约束.许多研究针对发震构造以及华北克拉通破坏等科学问题做了深入的探讨.地震层析成像技术仍然面临很大的挑战.比如速度间断面...  相似文献   

华北克拉通岩石圈三维密度结构   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
显生宙以来华北克拉通岩石圈遭到破坏,这一现象的科学问题已受到世界地学家广泛关注.本文首先将地震层析成像反演得到的P波速度扰动转化为密度扰动,以此作为初始密度模型,然后利用布格重力异常反演得到了华北克拉通岩石圈高分辨三维密度结构.为了避开大型稀疏矩阵求逆计算,提高计算效率,我们将代数重构技术用于密度反演解算.反演结果表明:华北克拉通岩石圈密度在横向和纵向上均存在明显的不均匀性,密度分布形态与地表构造格局有很好的相关性;研究区地壳整体表现为低密度异常,地壳以下岩石圈部分则以高密度异常为主;鄂尔多斯块体地壳范围内以低密度异常为主,80~120 km深度上为呈南北两端集中分布的高密度异常,并分别与秦岭造山带和阴山造山带的高密度异常分布相连,这暗示了鄂尔多斯块体可能受到了来自其南北两端造山带深部动力学过程的影响;80~120 km深度上,华北克拉通东部地区呈现出显著的南北向非均匀的高密度异常,这表明遭到破坏后该地区上地幔物质分布具有强烈的南北向非均匀性.  相似文献   

华北克拉通破坏的重要标志是岩石圈减薄、地幔性质转变以及伸展构造活动.长期以来这一重大地质事件发生的时代备受关注,目前已有大量地质、地球物理和地球化学研究结果,但对于华北克拉通破坏的准确时代,尚存争议.本文试图从地磁学的角度为华北克拉通破坏时代提供可靠约束.选取位于华北克拉通北缘的燕山造山带中段—承德盆地作为研究对象.磁性地层学研究结果表明研究剖面记录了三个磁极性段:下部正极性段(N2)、中部负极性段(R1)和上部正极性段(N1),与2004年地磁极性年表对比并结合129~128 Ma的火山岩同位素年龄(与B. Schoene 私人通信),认为剖面下部正极性段(N2)对应于M3n,负极性段(R1)对应于M1r,上部正极性段(N1)对应于M1n,由此得出承德盆地袁家庄剖面沉积作用起始年龄约为128 Ma.作为华北克拉通重要断陷盆地之一,承德盆地的沉积年龄可以为华北克拉通破坏时代提供有力约束.岩石磁学研究结果表明,研究剖面火山岩的剩磁载体十分复杂,可能与伴随华北克拉通破坏峰期出现的地壳变形、岩浆活动、地幔上涌、下地壳重熔等深部动力过程密切相关.综合分析结果表明,华北克拉通破坏的峰期为128~125 Ma.  相似文献   

华北克拉通岩石圈有效弹性厚度及其各向异性   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
郑勇  李永东  熊熊 《地球物理学报》2012,55(11):3576-3590
华北克拉通是典型的克拉通破坏的区域,研究该区域的岩石圈有效弹性厚度(Te)及其各向异性特征有助于了解华北克拉通的强度构造及破坏机制.我们根据空间分辨率为30″×30″的地形数据和由自由空气异常解算得到的完全布格重力异常数据,利用Fan小波分析方法计算了两者之间的相关性,并基于Forsyth理论和正交各向异性薄板模型计算了华北克拉通地区的岩石圈Te和其各向异性分布情况.结果表明:(1) 从各向同性Te分布来看,华北克拉通岩石圈在东部、中部和西部存在着明显的差异.鄂尔多斯地块、河淮盆地的Te值均较高;中华北克拉通、南北重力梯度带及鲁西隆起Te值较低,约10~25 km;郯庐断裂带两侧Te有非常大的差异,西侧的Te明显小于东侧,推测郯庐断裂带在华北克拉通破坏过程中起着非常重要的作用.(2) 从Te的各向异性来看,不同块体Te各向异性的大小或方向存在差异,并且研究区内地震大多分布在Te各向异性大小或方向转变的区域.(3) 从地震波SKS各向异性和Te各向异性的比较来看,在华北克拉通西部阿拉善块体岩石圈变形趋于垂直连贯变形模式;鄂尔多斯地区各向异性源自历史构造事件的"化石"各向异性;山西裂谷带地区Te的弱轴方向和SKS的快波方向平行,而在山西裂谷带南部的秦岭—大别区域,SKS快波方向和Te弱轴方向相垂直,这可能与地幔热物质上涌等作用有关.此外,Te各向异性与现今构造应力场间的相关性不明显,体现出华北克拉通复杂的构造应力特征.  相似文献   

杨彦明  陈婧  熊峰  张云  马援  贾昕晔  贾彦杰 《地震》2019,39(2):97-109
收集了2010—2011年华北克拉通西部块体北缘及邻区布设的36个流动地震台和2009—2016年内蒙古自治区数字地震台网17个宽频带固定地震台站的远震事件波形数据, 采用接收函数H-κ算法分析获得了53个基岩台站下方的地壳厚度和泊松比结果。 此外, 结合已有的81个台站的研究成果, 给出华北克拉通西部块体北缘及邻区地壳厚度与泊松比分布特征。 综合分析认为, 研究区地壳厚度在整体上呈现自东向西渐变的特征, 最厚的地方出现在华北克拉通西端的阿拉善地块(~48.7±3.0 km)。 研究区平均泊松比为0.27, 泊松比高值异常出现在河套断陷带, 意味着可能具有较高的地壳温度或者存在壳内部分熔融。 研究区内不同构造单元呈现出显著的地壳厚度和泊松比分布特征的差异性, 意味着在华北克拉通构造演化过程中, 不同地区经历了不同的地壳改造过程。  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of secondary ion mass spectrometry(SIMS) U-Pb dating of rutile within eclogitic xenoliths from the Early Cretaceous adakitic rocks in the Xuzhou-Huaibei area of China and discusses the geological significance of these new dates. The dating of rutile from pargasite-bearing eclogite and garnet clinopyroxenite(retrograde eclogite) yielded ages of 209 ± 25 and 132 ± 7 Ma, respectively. The former is consistent with the timing of the first stage of exhumation of the Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt and provides evidence of crustal thickening within the southeastern margin of the North China Craton during the early Mesozoic, related to subduction and collision between the Yangtze and North China cratons. The latter age is similar to the timing of emplacement of the hosting intrusion and indicates that the rutile U-Pb system was triggered after uplifting by the intrusion of the hosting magmas. It implies that garnet clinopyroxenite was previously at the depth where the temperature was above the rutile U-Pb closure temperature.  相似文献   

The North China Craton(NCC) experienced strong destruction(i.e., decratonization) during the Mesozoic, which triggered intensive magmatism, tectonism and thermal events and formed large-scale gold and other metal deposits in the eastern part of the craton. However, how the decratonization controls the formation and distribution of large-scale of gold and other metal deposits is not very clear. Based on a large number of published data and new results, this paper systematically summarizes all the data for the rock assemblages, chronology, geochemistry and petrogenesis of Mesozoic magmatic rocks, as well as for the mineralizing ages of gold and other metal deposits and the evolution of the Mesozoic basins in the eastern NCC. The results are used to restore the extensional rates of Mesozoic to Cenozoic basins and the strike-slip distance of the Tanlu Fault, to ascertain the location of the Paleo-Pacific plate subduction zones during the Mesozoic to Cenozoic, and to reconstruct the temporal and spatial distribution of Mesozoic gold and other metal deposits and magmatic rocks in the eastern NCC. It is obtained that the magmatism and mineralization in the eastern NCC westward migrate from east to west during the Early to Middle Jurassic, but they eastward migrate from west to east during the Early Cretaceous. The metallogenesis of these deposits is genetically related to magmatism, and the magmas provided some ore-forming materials and fluids for the generation of metal deposits. The geodynamic mechanism of decratonization and related magmatism and mineralization is proposed, i.e., the westward low-angle subduction of the Paleo-Pacific slab beneath the NCC formed continental magmatic arc with plenty of porphyry Cu-Mo-Au deposits in the Jurassic, similar to the Andean continental arc in South America. The mantle wedge was metasomatized by the fluids/melts derived from the subducting slab, laying a material foundation for hydrothermal mineralization in the Early Cretaceous. While the rollback of the subducting slab with gradually increasing subduction angle and the retreat of the subduction zones during the Early Cretaceous induced strong destruction of the craton and the formation of extensive magmatic rocks and large-scale gold and other metal deposits.  相似文献   

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a new method to monitor the crustal deformation for earthquake prediction.Now a four-dimensional crustal deformation monitoring network applying GPS techniques has been established in North China,which is an important seismic monitoring area.Results with high precision have been achieved in the first measurement since a series of advanced methods and measures were adopted,and thus a good foundation has been laid for future researches on earthquake prediction and geodynamics.  相似文献   

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