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哈密翼龙化石的发现对探讨翼龙习性、起源与演化具有重要意义.但随着保存环境的变化,化石骨骼产生了明显的开裂剥落等风化现象,严重威胁化石保存.本文利用X射线荧光光谱法(XRF)等多种方法对骨骼化石进行测试,以探讨其风化机理.分析表明,翼龙中空骨骼内的填充物主要是方解石,夹杂少量石英和长石等碎屑颗粒.骨骼化石的主要成分是羟基...  相似文献   

Honeycomb weathering has been observed in a Carboniferous sandstone at a coastal location near Ballycastle on the north coast of Northern Ireland. Specimens of this sandstone have been analysed by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and energy dispersive spectrometry. Results reveal that calcium sulphate (gypsum) is the only salt present and is found only at and immediately below the rock surface. SEM observations suggest that crystallization of salts in pores could easily dislodge quartz grains to promote granular disintegration, whilst etching of quartz grain surfaces attests to chemical weathering activity within the rock However, the reason for the development of the honeycomb pattern is not known.  相似文献   

地震动态触发机制的初步研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
提出地震的动态触发模式。用三维非线性动态有限元方法研究了地震的动态触发的可能机制。模拟结果表明,应力波在反射后发生半波损失,压缩波可以转变成拉伸波,反之亦然。因此,动应力包含有拉伸应力。拉伸波叠加或干涉形成较大的动态应力,减小围压,因此减小了内摩擦力,从而触发地震,研究表明断层形态会影响动态应力,认为地震触 发的位置与孕震体边界形状有关。本文还结合有关地学理论和资料,对以上结果进行了相应的分析并给出物理解释。  相似文献   

Xianglushan-type iron deposits are one of the new types of iron deposits found in the Weining Area of Western Guizhou. The iron-bearing rock system is a paleo-weathered crustal sedimentary(or accumulating) stratum between the top of the Middle-Late Permian Emeishan basalt formation and the Late Permian Xuanwei formation. Iron ore is hosted in the Lower-Middle part of the rock system. In terms of the genesis of mineral deposit, this type of deposit should be a basalt paleo-weathering crustal redeposit type, very different from marine sedimentary iron deposits or continental weathering crust iron deposits. Based on field work and the analytical results of XRD Powder Diffraction, Electron Probe, Scanner Electron Microscope, etc., the geological setting of the ore-forming processes and the deposit features are illustrated in this paper. The ore-forming environment of the deposit and the Emeishan basalt weathering mineralization are also discussed in order to enhance the knowledge of the universality and diversity of mineralization of the Emeishan Large Igneous Province(ELIP), which may be a considerable reference to further research for ELIP metallogenic theories, and geological research for iron deposits in the paleo-weathering crust areas of the Emeishan basalt,Southwestern, China.  相似文献   

动态应力作用与地震机制的初步研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
运用三维非线性动态有限元计算仿真方法研究了动态应力的作用及其与地震机制的关系. 结果表明地震产生的冲击力在加载与卸载过程中形成的应力波,在遇断层时多次反射并发生半波损失,反射的应力波叠加或干涉而形成的动态应力使围压减小和波动. 地震动态应力使围压产生低值波动,一方面使围压减小、摩擦力减小;另一方面,使裂纹串通、介质松动、接触面变平,降低摩擦系数、减小剪切强度. 由此均导致抗剪强度降低,从而触发地震. 动态应力作用时间短,触发地震大小与动态应力大小成正比、与距离成反比,触发地震位置、过程与孕震体断层产状有关.  相似文献   

2021年5月21日21时48分在滇西苍山西麓漾濞地区发生MS6.4(MW6.1)强震,相关地震活动表现为一个典型的前震-主震-余震序列.本研究分别就该地震序列的构造背景、M1.0以上地震的双差定位、主要地震的矩张量反演和破裂传播方向、应力场反演及断层滑动趋势以及潮汐作用等方面进行了初步分析.矩张量反演结果表明,矩心深...  相似文献   

CO2 concentrations at depths of 15,30, and 50 cm were determined over a one-year period in six karst soils in the Malay peninsula. Evidence suggests that the highest single CO2 value (MAXCO2, per cent) recorded at each site/depth provides the best estimate of conditions during groundwater recharge events. Soil depth (cm) and bulk density (BDEN) are the best predictors of MAXCO2, with the equation loglo(MAXCO2) = 1·146 (BDEN) + 0·00698 (DEPTH) - 1·227 accounting for 86 per cent of the variation. This equation is used to model MAXCO2 at seven, more remote sites. Soil throughflow patterns and groundwater recharge points are estimated from slope pantometer and soil depth surveys in order to assess the CO2 concentration with which soil waters ultimately equilibrate before entering the limestone. Limestone weathering seems to be predominantly of the open system type, the overall mean MAXCO2 of 1·65 per cent corresponding with a weathering potential of 167 ppm CaCO3. Weathering potentials vary markedly, ranging from 62–82 ppm on rocky hilltops to more than 280 ppm on certain tower karst footslopes in Selangor and the Kinta Valley and on moderate hillslopes developed in impure limestones in the Boundary Range.  相似文献   

The Cretaceous Normal Superchron is a period of great interest to investigate global scale variations of the geomagnetic field. Long periods of single polarity are still a matter of debate: up to now there are two contradicting theories, which try to relate geomagnetic field intensity and reversal rate. We aim to shed light on the geomagnetic field strength during the Cretaceous Normal Superchron because data are still scarce and of dissimilar quality. To obtain reliable, absolute paleointensity determinations we investigate volcanic rocks from the Western Cordillera of Colombia. Several age determinations allow relating the samples to an age of about 92.5 Ma. To characterize the samples, we investigate rock magnetic properties and determine the characteristic remanent magnetization behavior. To determine paleointensities, we use a multimethod approach: first, we apply the classic Thellier-Coe protocol, and then, the relatively new multispecimen method. Rock magnetic measurements indicate magnetite as the main ferrimagnetic mineral, a stable magnetization revealed by reversible and nearly reversible thermomagnetic curves, and grain sizes that are either in the pseudosingle domain range or a mixture of single and multidomain grains. Alternating field and thermal demagnetization are rather complex, although we observe a few vector diagrams with a single, essentially uni-vectorial component with a small viscous overprint. Paleointensity determination with the Thellier-Coe protocol was unsuccessful, while with the multispecimen protocol we obtained four successful determinations out of 20. The failure of the Thellier-Coe protocol can be attributed to multidomain grains, which were observed during demagnetization and in rock magnetic experiments, and to the inhomogeneity of the volcanic rocks. Our multispecimen paleointensity determinations support low field strength at around 90 Ma during the Cretaceous Normal Superchron.  相似文献   

Namurian sediments at Mam Tor, Derbyshire are cut by a major landslide and a geological fault. Both channel oxygenated waters into fragmented pyritic shales. Pyrite is rapidly oxidized to sulphuric acid, 1.5 g being destroyed by each litre of water passing through the fault-crush. More than 99 per cent of the acid, however, is immediately consumed in clay-mineral transformation and carbonate dissolution reactions. The typical acid-sulphate ‘ochre’ springs thus retain less than 1 per cent of the acid generated in the crush zone. These very rapid and large scale chemical transformations probably contribute to the slide's continuing activity.  相似文献   

刘军 《华南地震》2005,25(3):64-68
在计算地震荷载时,计算的依据是常规反应谱理论,然而,当质点间出现刚体移动时,用常规反应谱理论计算会出现奇异点.如利用相对加速度进行计算,将常规反应谱理论进行修正,所得结论将更加安全,又弥补了常规反应谱的不足.  相似文献   

A preliminary study of precipitable water over Brazil is attempted. Mean values for January are presented in this paper. A regression equation connecting the surface dew-point temperature and the precipitable water was computed along the lines of studies made by Reitan (1963), and the results are presented.  相似文献   

Confocal scanning light microscopy is a valuable new method for examining the nature and progress of stone weathering at a level of resolution between optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Not only is it non-destructive, but it can also create three-dimensional images.  相似文献   

Geochemical study of boron isotopes in the process of loess weathering   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Different types of sedimentary rocks and magmatic rocks show significant variations in their boron isotopic composition, with d 11B values usually within the range of -40? 30塠1]. The boron content of the continental crust is approximately 10?0-6, with …  相似文献   

Landslide dams commonly form when mass earth or rock movements reach a river channel and cause a complete or partial blockage of the channel.Intense rainfalls can induce upstream flows along a sloping channel that significantly affect downstream landslide dams.If a series of landslide dams are collapsed by incoming mountain torrents(induced by intense rainfall),large debris flows can form in a very short period.Furthermore,the failure of these dams can amplify the magnitude and scale of debris flows in the flow direction.The catastrophic debris flows that occurred in Zhouqu County,China on 8 August 2010 were caused by intense rainfall and the upstream cascading failure of landslide dams along the gullies.Incorporating the role of outburst floods associated with the complete or partial failure of landslide dams is an interesting problem usually beyond the scope of analysis because of the inherent modeling complexity.To understand the cascading failure modes of a series of landslide dams,and the dynamic effect these failures have on the enlargement of debris flow scales,experimental tests are conducted in sloping channels mimicking field conditions,with the modeled landslide dams distributed along a sloping channel and crushed by different upstream flows.The failure modes of three different cascades of landslide dams fully or partially blocking a channel river are parametrically studied.This study illustrates that upstream flows can induce a cascading failure of the landslide dams along a channel.Overtopping is the primary failure mechanism,while piping and erosion can also induce failures for different constructed landslide dams.A cascading failure of landslide dams causes a gradually increasing flow velocity and discharge of the front flow,resulting in an increase in both diameter and percentage of the entrained coarse particles.Furthermore,large landslide blockages can act to enhance the efficiency of river incision,or conversely to induce aggradation of fluvial sediments,depending on the blockage factor of the landslide dams and upstream discharge.  相似文献   

文中讨论了我国火山灾害准确预报的可能性,对与火山灾害有关的一些重要问题,如高风险火山区的评估预测,火山灾害的预测评估的分期界定等进行了讨论。  相似文献   

选取呼包鄂区域11个宽频带地震台站记录的156个远震事件,使用剪切波分裂软件,对所选远震波形数据进行处理,求取并分析震中距85°—110°范围内同时被各地震台站记录的远震震相SKS的各向异性参数,即快波偏振方向及慢波到时差,结果表明:呼包鄂区域地下深层介质存在各向异性,快波偏振优势方向为ESE,慢波延迟时间为0.87—...  相似文献   

A laboratory simulation of salt weathering was used to ascertain the effects of sodium sulphate and sodium carbonate under ‘Negev’ conditions using a single immersion technique. Three main points were addressed: what are the grain size and textural characteristics of the debris liberated from limestones and a sandstone, what do scanning electron microscope observations of the weathered samples tell us about the decay processes involved, and how does the rate of debris liberation change during the course of 100 cycles? The grain size characteristics of the liberated debris tended to be multimodal and were related to the original petrological characteristics of the rock. Large amounts of fines were produced which are believed to be analogous to the ‘rock flour’ of arid areas. Blistering was also observed. Scanning electron microscope analysis revealed differences in the style of attack for different rock types and salt treatments, and revealed the pattern of salt crystallization in pores and the nature of cracking. The rate of debris liberation tended to decline or remain constant through time. The reasons for this remain obscure, but it is evident that diurnal cycles of temperature and humidity change can cause continuing rock weathering long after the initial input of salt to the rock has taken place.  相似文献   

太湖定振波的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张文华 《湖泊科学》1992,4(4):23-28
初步分析研究了太湖定振波的变化规律,结果表明:(1)东、西太湖有各自的振动周期,东太湖变化范围在181—292min,平均为243min;西太湖在120—540min,平均为400min。(2)观测到的最大振幅(1/2波高)为120—130mm。(3)用差分法对定振波的特征值进行了近似估算,其周期误差为20min。(4)定振波引起的湖流相当大,当振幅为100mm时,最大流速可达±20cm/s。(5)定振波振幅的突变与气压场、风场和降水分布不均匀并在短期内发生突变有关。  相似文献   

Preliminary study on weathering and pedogenesis of carbonate rock   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
South China is the largest continuous distribution area of carbonate rock in the world. The origin of the soils over the bedrock carbonate rock has long been a controversial topic. Here further exploration is made by taking five soil profiles as examples, which are developed over the bedrock dolomitite and limestone and morphologically located in upland in karst terrain in the central, west and north Guizhou as well as west Hunan, and proved to be the weathering profiles of carbonate rock by the research results of acid-dissolved extraction experiment of bedrock, mineralogy and trace element geochemistry. Field, mineralogical and trace element geochemical characteristics of weathering and pedogenesis for carbonate rock are discussed in detail. It is pointed out that weathering and pedogenesis of carbonate rock are important pedogenetic mechanisms for soil resources in karst area, providing a basis for further researches on the origin of soils widely overlying bedrock carbonate rocks in South China. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 498330003) and National Key Basic Research Project (Grant No. 95pre-39).  相似文献   

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