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L. P. Pellinen 《Journal of Geodesy》1962,36(1):57-65
A calculation of quasigeoidal heights and plumb-line deflections according to Molodensky formulae was carried out under elimination
of the effect of topography from gravity anomalies. After the masses of topography had been removed a smoothed-out surface
passing through astronomical and gravity stations was considered as representing the physical surface of the Earth. Thus it
has been practically rendered possible to use the first-approximation formulae of Molodensky, and, in many cases, also the
“zero-approximation” formulae analogous to the formulae of Stokes and Vening-Meinesz. The effect of the restored masses of
topography was then added to the quantities found; the said effect was expressed as the effect of topography condensed on
the normal equipotential surface passing through the point under investigation, plus a correction for condensation. Following
some transformations, the resulting formulae (13) and (18) were obtained which formulae differ in their “zero-approximation”
(15) and (20) from traditional formulas in that they contain terrait reductions added to free-air anomalies. Moreover, in
the calculation of plumb-line deflections directly in mountain regions a correction for differing effects of topography before
and after its condensation is to be introduced.
A tentative expansion of terrain reduction in terms of spherical harmonics up to the third order is given; it can be seen
therefrom that the Stokes series in its usual form is subject to a mean arror about 15–20%. It is also shown that the expansion
of free-air anomalies in terms of spherical functions contains a first-order harmonic with a mean values about ±0.3 mgl. The
said harmonic practically disappears in the expansion of the sum of free-air anomalies and terrain reductions. 相似文献
J. Y. Chen 《Journal of Geodesy》1982,56(1):9-26
Summary The application of combined data (satellite and terrestrial data) to the practical computation of height anomalies or the
deflections of the vertical was originally suggested by (Molodensky et al. 1962). This idea usually leads to the modification
of Stokes' or Vening-Meinesz' functions in the integration procedure. In the recent decade there were various suggestions
in this regard especially for the computation of height anomalies. For example, a considerable mathematical insight into the
modification of Stokes' function and the truncation of its integral has been provided by (Meissl 1971, Houtze et al. 1979,
Rapp 1980, Jekeli 1980).
Five different methods for computing deflections of the vertical by modifying Vening-Meinesz' function are studied and compared
with each other. The corresponding formulae, the values of the coefficients in each method and the estimations of their corresponding
potential coefficient error and truncation error are given in this article.
This paper was written at the Institut f. Angewandte Geod?sie, Technische Universit?t Graz, Austria. 相似文献
Sources of errors in the precise leveling influencing the results of measurements especially strongly in mountains are considered
in this study. Data are given on new error sources, including (1) the difference in temperatures of invar bands of rods and
of the air; and (2) displacements of rock bench marks during diurnal variations in temperature of rocks. The ranges of possible
total systematic error in leveding are estimated. 相似文献
不同卫星定位加权方法的比较与分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
测量值随机误差加权模型是卫星定位的重要组成部分,它能够更加合理地分配各卫星在解算中所起的作用大小,并获得更高的定位精度。该文对目前基于卫星仰角与载噪比或信噪比两大影响因素的多种主流定权方法进行了系统阐述与讨论。通过GPS实测定位实验,对9种不同定权模型的效果进行了综合比较与分析。实验结果表明,各加权模型基本均能够在不同程度上提高定位精度,其中综合考虑仰角与载噪比或信噪比的加权模型具有最优的性能表现。另外,当定位条件较差时,由于测量值误差构成更为复杂,因此期待更加有效的加权模型与方法。 相似文献
机载激光雷达是近年来发展迅速的高新测绘技术,具有机动性高、数据覆盖量大、作业效率高和精度可靠等特点。针对当前山区沟壑且有大量植被覆盖区域进行传统测量作业较为困难,危险性大的问题,采用机载激光雷达技术获取研究区原始点云数据,在此基础上,对比分析四种滤波算法的点云分类效果,得到适用于密林沟壑区的点云滤波方法,进而通过人机交互和地面点内插实现了测区高精度数字高程模型(digital elevation model,DEM)的构建,最终获得的DEM高程中误差为0.09 m,满足实际测绘生产需求,生产效率大大提高。研究结果表明,机载激光雷达技术应用于复杂危险地形测绘具有极大优势。 相似文献
Iterative vector methods for computing geodetic latitude and height from rectangular coordinates 总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4
J. Pollard 《Journal of Geodesy》2002,76(1):36-40
Two iterative vector methods for computing geodetic coordinates (φ, h) from rectangular coordinates (x, y, z) are presented. The methods are conceptually simple, work without modification at any latitude and are easy to program. Geodetic
latitude and height can be calculated to acceptable precision in one iteration over the height range from −106 to +109 m.
Received: 13 December 2000 / Accepted: 13 July 2001 相似文献
Stijn Hantson Emilio Chuvieco 《International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation》2011
The recent free availability of Landsat historical data provides new potentials for land-cover change studies. Multi-temporal studies require a previous radiometric and geometric homogenization of input images, to better identify true changes. Topographic normalization is one of the key steps to create consistent and radiometricly stable multi-temporal time series, since terrain shadows change throughout time. This paper aims to evaluate different methods for topographic correction of Landsat TM-ETM+ data. They were assessed for 15 ETM+ images taken under different illumination conditions, using two criteria: (a) reduction of the standard deviation (SD) for different land-covers and (b) increase in temporal stability of a time series for individual pixels. We observed that results improve when land-cover classes where processed independently when applying the more advanced correction algorithms such as the C-correction and the Minnaert correction. Best results were obtaining for the C-correction and the empiric–statistic correction. Decreases of the SD for bare soil pixels were larger than 100% for the C-correction and the empiric–statistic correction method compared to the other correction methods in the visible spectrum and larger than 50% in the IR region. In almost all tests the empiric–statistic method provided better results than the C-correction. When analyzing the multi-temporal stability, pixels under bad illumination conditions (northern orientation) improved after correction, while a deterioration was observed for pixels under good illumination conditions (southern orientation). Taken this observation into account, a simple but robust method for topographic correction of Landsat imagery is proposed. 相似文献
1 IntroductionThefastFouriertransform (FFT)techniqueisaverypowerfultoolfortheefficientevaluationofgravityfieldconvolutionintegrals.Thankstothegoodcomputationefficiency ,theFFTtechnique ,inthemid_1 980s ,begantofindwidespreaduseingeoiddetermination ,whencompar… 相似文献
采用麻省理工学院开发的GAMIT/GLOBK软件,将2015年-2016年全球347个IGS站观测数据分七个子网解算,得到一个固定的参考框架来解算云南及周边地区的35个全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)基准站的坐标,测站坐标均方根误差水平方向在0.7 mm以内,垂直方向在0.3 mm以内,水平方向的坐标重复性精度在5 mm以内,垂向坐标的重复性精度大多数在2.5 cm以内;与在ITRF2014下解算的测站坐标、基线长度、水平速度场结果对比表明:测站坐标存在系统误差,水平方向上的差异在8.5 mm以内,垂直方向上在3 cm以内;基线长度差异在2 mm以内,水平速度场在数值上存在毫米级的差异,方向上基本一致. 相似文献
D. Arabelos 《Journal of Geodesy》1985,59(2):109-123
The evaluation of deflections of the vertical for the area of Greece is attempted using a combination of topographic and astrogeodetic
data. Tests carried out in the area bounded by 35°≤ϕ≤42°, 19°≤λ≤27° indicate that an accuracy of ±3″.3 can be obtained in
this area for the meridian and prime vertical deflection components when high resolution topographic data in the immediate
vicinity of computation points are used, combined with high degree spherical harmonic expansions of the geopotential and isostatic
reduction potential. This accuracy is about 25% better than the corresponding topographic-Moho deflection components which
are evaluated using topographic and Moho data up to 120 km around each station, without any combination with the spherical
harmonic expansion of the geopotential or isostatic reduction potential. The accuracy in both cases is increased to about
2″.6 when the astrogeodetic data available in the area mentioned above are used for the prediction of remaining values. Furthermore
the estimation of datum-shift parameters is attempted using least squares collocation. 相似文献
I. N. Tziavos 《Journal of Geodesy》1987,61(2):177-197
Mean gravity anomalies, deflections of the vertical, and a geopotential model complete to degree and order180 are combined in order to determine geoidal heights in the area bounded by [34°≦ϕ≤42°, 18°≦λ≦28°]. Moreover, employing point
gravity anomalies simultaneously with the above data, an attempt is made to predict deflections of the vertical in the same
area. The method used in the computations is least squares collocation. Using empirical covariance functions for the data,
the suitable errors for the different sources of observations, and the optimum cap radius around each point of evaluation,
an accuracy better than±0.60m for geoidal heights and±1″.5 for deflections of the vertical is obtained taking into account existing systematic effects. This accuracy refers to the
comparison between observed and predicted values. 相似文献
There exist three types of convolution formulae for the efficient evaluation of gravity field convolution integrals, i.e., the planar 2D convolution, the spherical 2D convolution and the spherical 1D convolution. The largest drawback of both the planar and the spherical 2D FFT methods is that, due to the approximations in the kernel function, only inexact results can be achieved. Apparently, the reason is the meridian convergence at higher latitudes. As the meridians converge, the ??,?λ blocks do not form a rectangular grid, as is assumed in 2D FFT methods. It should be pointed out that the meridian convergence not only leads to an approximation error in the kernel function, but also causes an approximation error during the implementation of 2D FFT in computer. In order to meet the increasing need for precise determination of the vertica deflections, this paper derives a more precise planar 2D FFT formula for the computation of the vertical deflections. After having made a detailed comparison between the planar and the spherical 2D FFT formulae, we find out the main source of errors causing the loss in accuracy by applying the conventional spherical 2D FFT method. And then, a modified spherical 2D FFT formula for the computation of the vertical deflections is developed in this paper. A series of numerical tests have been carried out to illustrate the improvement made upon the old spherical 2D FFT. The second part of this paper is to discuss the influences of the spherical harmonic reference field, the limited capsize, and the singular integral on the computation of the vertical deflections. The results of the vertical deflections over China by applying the spherical 1D FFT formula with different integration radii have been compared to the astro-observed vertical deflections in the South China Sea to obtain a set of optimum deflection computation parameters. 相似文献