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We have investigated properties such as speed, angular width, location, acceleration and occurrence rate of narrow CMEs (defined as having angular width ≤20°) observed during 1996–2007 by SOHO/LASCO. The results obtained are compared with those of normal CMEs (angular width >20°) from the same time interval to find whether there are any real differences between the two populations. Our study of 3464 narrow CMEs from the online SOHO/LASCO, CME catalogue leads us to conclude that (1) the fraction of narrow CMEs during solar minimum is 38% and during solar maximum 19%, (2) during solar maximum narrow CMEs are generally faster than normal CMEs, (3) the maximum speed of narrow CMEs is much smaller than that of the normal CMEs, (4) during solar maximum narrow CMEs appear at all latitudes similar to normal CMEs, (5) narrow and normal CMEs have unequal deceleration and (6) the occurrence rate of narrow CMEs remain constant after 1998 until the beginning of 2006 while the normal CMEs occurrence rate seems to follow solar cycle variation until 2004. Thus narrow CMEs and normal CMEs have some differences, in disagreement with previous studies.  相似文献   

Gopalswamy  N.  Cyr  O.C. St.  Kaiser  M.L.  Yashiro  S. 《Solar physics》2001,203(1):149-163
We report on a coronal shock wave inferred from the metric type II burst of 13 January 1996. To identify the shock driver, we examined mass motions in the form of X-ray ejecta and white-light coronal mass ejections (CMEs). None of the ejections could be considered fast (> 400 km s–1) events. In white light, two CMEs occurred in quick succession, with the first one associated with X-ray ejecta near the solar surface. The second CME started at an unusually large height in the corona and carried a dark void in it. The first CME decelerated and stalled while the second one accelerated, both in the coronagraph field of view. We identify the X-ray ejecta to be the driver of the coronal shock inferred from metric type II burst. The shock speed reported in the Solar Geophysical Data (1000–2000 km s–1) seems to be extremely large compared to the speeds inferred from X-ray and white-light observations. We suggest that the MHD fast-mode speed in the inner corona could be low enough that the X-ray ejecta is supermagnetosonic and hence can drive a shock to produce the type II burst.  相似文献   

吴宁  李燕  沈呈彩  林隽 《天文学进展》2012,30(2):125-158
从理论和观测两个方面来介绍和讨论出现在太阳爆发过程中的磁重联电流片及其物理本质和动力学特征。首先介绍在理论研究和理论模型中,磁重联电流片是如何在爆发磁结构当中形成并发展的,对观测研究有什么指导意义。然后介绍观测工作是从哪几个方面对理论模型预测的电流片进行证认和研究的。第三,将介绍观测研究给出了哪些过去所没有能够预期的结果,这些结果对深入研究耀斑一CME电流片以及其中的磁重联过程的理论工作有什么重要的、挑战性的意义。第四,讨论最新的与此有关的理论研究和数值实验。最后,对未来的研究方向和重要课题进行综述和展望。  相似文献   

The eruption of limb prominence on 21 April 2001 associated with two coronal mass ejections (CMEs) is investigated. Hα images reveal two large-scale eruptions (a prominence body and a southern foot-point arch), both showing helical internal structure. These two eruptions are found to be spatially and temporally associated with the corresponding CMEs. The kinematics and the study of geometrical parameters of the prominence show that the eruption was quite impulsive (with peak acceleration ≈470 m s−2) and has taken place for relatively low pitch angle of helical threads, not exceeding tan θ≈1.2. The stability criteria of the prominence are revisited in the light of the model of Vršnak (1990, Solar Phys. 129, 295) and the analysis shows that the eruption violates the instability criteria of that model. Finally, the energy stored in the prominence circuit and the energies (kinetic, potential, and magnetic) of the associated CMEs are estimated and it is found that there was enough energy stored in the prominence to drive the two CMEs. S.S. Ali is on leave from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 202 002, India.  相似文献   

Observations of an eruptive prominence were obtained on 1 May 1996, with the SUMER and CDS instruments aboard SOHO during the preparatory phase of the Joint Observing Programme JOP12. A coronal mass ejection observed with LASCO is associated temporally and spatially with this prominence. The main objective of JOP12 is to study the dynamics of prominences and the prominence–corona interface. By analysing the spectra of Oiv and Siiv lines observed with SUMER and the spectra of 15 lines with CDS, Doppler shifts, temperatures and electron densities (ratio of Oiv 1401 to 1399Å) were derived in different structures of the prominence. The eruptive part of the prominence consists of a bubble (plasmoid) of material already at transition region temperatures with red shifts up to 100 km s-1 and an electron density of the order of 1010cm-3. The whole prominence was very active. It developed both a large helical loop and several smaller loops consisting of twisted threads or multiple ropes. These may be studied in the SUMER movie (movie 2). The profiles of the SUMER lines show a large dispersion of velocities (±50 km s-1) and the ratio of the Oiv lines indicates a large dispersion in electron density (3 x 109cm-3 to 3x 1011cm-3). The CME observed by LASCO left the corona some tens of minutes before the prominence erupted. This is evidence that the prominence eruptions are probably the result of the removal of the restraining coronal magnetic fields which are in part responsible for the original stability of the prominence.  相似文献   

<正>太阳大气中时刻发生着各种各样的爆发活动现象,例如耀斑、暗条爆发、喷流、日冕物质抛射以及各种磁流体力学波动现象等.过去的大量观测研究表明,太阳磁场在各种爆发活动现象中都起着决定性的作用.由于许多太阳爆发活动现象都会对地球空间环境和人类生活产生巨大影响,对太阳爆发活动现象的研究和预报都具有非常重要的现实意义.另外,太阳是距离地球最近的恒星,也是人们唯一可以近距离观测的恒星.太阳爆发活动现象的研究,对其它恒星的研究也具有重要的参考价值.  相似文献   

The nature of three-dimensional reconnection when a twisted flux tube erupts during an eruptive flare or coronal mass ejection is considered. The reconnection has two phases: first of all, 3D “zipper reconnection” propagates along the initial coronal arcade, parallel to the polarity inversion line (PIL); then subsequent quasi-2D “main-phase reconnection” in the low corona around a flux rope during its eruption produces coronal loops and chromospheric ribbons that propagate away from the PIL in a direction normal to it. One scenario starts with a sheared arcade: the zipper reconnection creates a twisted flux rope of roughly one turn (\(2\pi \) radians of twist), and then main-phase reconnection builds up the bulk of the erupting flux rope with a relatively uniform twist of a few turns. A second scenario starts with a pre-existing flux rope under the arcade. Here the zipper phase can create a core with many turns that depend on the ratio of the magnetic fluxes in the newly formed flare ribbons and the new flux rope. Main phase reconnection then adds a layer of roughly uniform twist to the twisted central core. Both phases and scenarios are modeled in a simple way that assumes the initial magnetic flux is fragmented along the PIL. The model uses conservation of magnetic helicity and flux, together with equipartition of magnetic helicity, to deduce the twist of the erupting flux rope in terms the geometry of the initial configuration. Interplanetary observations show some flux ropes have a fairly uniform twist, which could be produced when the zipper phase and any pre-existing flux rope possess small or moderate twist (up to one or two turns). Other interplanetary flux ropes have highly twisted cores (up to five turns), which could be produced when there is a pre-existing flux rope and an active zipper phase that creates substantial extra twist.  相似文献   

Eit and LASCO Observations of the Initiation of a Coronal Mass Ejection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We present the first observations of the initiation of a coronal mass ejection (CME) seen on the disk of the Sun. Observations with the EIT experiment on SOHO show that the CME began in a small volume and was initially associated with slow motions of prominence material and a small brightening at one end of the prominence. Shortly afterward, the prominence was accelerated to about 100 km s-1 and was preceded by a bright loop-like structure, which surrounded an emission void, that traveled out into the corona at a velocity of 200–400 km s-1. These three components, the prominence, the dark void, and the bright loops are typical of CMEs when seen at distance in the corona and here are shown to be present at the earliest stages of the CME. The event was later observed to traverse the LASCO coronagraphs fields of view from 1.1 to 30 R⊙. Of particular interest is the fact that this large-scale event, spanning as much as 70 deg in latitude, originated in a volume with dimensions of roughly 35" (2.5 x 104 km). Further, a disturbance that propagated across the disk and a chain of activity near the limb may also be associated with this event as well as a considerable degree of activity near the west limb.  相似文献   

Andrews  M.D.  Wang  A.-H.  Wu  S.T. 《Solar physics》1999,187(2):427-448
We present a qualitative and quantitative comparison of a single coronal mass ejection (CME) as observed by LASCO on 5 October 1996 with the results of a two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model. This event was selected as a clear example of a CME that is not caused by the disruption of a helmet streamer. This CME occurs against the background of multiple bright streamers on the west limb. The CME is first seen as a brightening of the entire west limb. The CME has a bright, sharp front that moves outward with no significant change in shape. The CME moves outward with roughly constant velocity that is approximately twice as fast at high latitude as near the streamer. The measured CME mass is 1.2×1016 g. There are two parts to the MHD model. The pre-event corona was calculated using a 2-dimensional bi-modal model. The CME is simulated using a time dependent perturbation at the base of the corona. The model successfully reproduces the observed morphology, velocity profiles, and change in coronal mass. The observed velocity asymmetry is a natural consequence of the structure of the pre-event corona. Animations have been generated from both the data and model to illustrate the good agreement between the observations and simulation. These animations can be found on the CD-ROM which accompanies this volume. Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1005178630316  相似文献   

Geoeffective Analysis of CMEs Under Current Sheet Magnetic Coordinates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using 100 CME–ICME events during 1997.01–2002.11, based on the eruptive source locations of CMEs and solar magnetic field observations at the photosphere, a current sheet magnetic coordinate (CMC) system is established in order to statistically study the characteristics of the CME–ICME events and the corresponding geomagnetic storm intensity. The transit times of CMEs from the Sun to the Earth are also investigated, by taking into account of the angle between the CME eruption normal (defined as the vector from the Sun center to the CME eruption source) and the Sun-Earth line. Our preliminary conclusions are: 1. The distribution of the CME sources in our CMC system is obviously different from that in the ordinary heliographic coordinate system. The sources of CMEs are mainly centralized near the heliospheric current sheet (HCS), and the number of events decreases with the increment of the angular distance from the CME source to the HCS on the solar surface; 2. A large portion of the total events belong to the same–side events (referring to the CME source located on the same side of the HCS as the Earth), while only a small portion belong to the opposite–side events (the CME source located on the opposite side of the HCS as the Earth). 3. The intense geomagnetic storms are usually induced by the same–side events, while the opposite side events are commonly associated with relatively weak geomagnetic storms; 4. The angle between the CME normal and the Sun–Earth line is used to estimate the transit time of the CME in order to reflect the influence of propagation characteristic of the CME along the Sun–Earth direction. With our new prediction method in context of the CMC coordinate, the averaged absolute error for these 100 events is 10.33 hours and the resulting relative error is not larger than 30% for 91% of all the events.  相似文献   

The inner coronagraph (COR1) of the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) mission has made it possible to observe CMEs in the spatial domain overlapping with that of the metric type II radio bursts. The type II bursts were associated with generally weak flares (mostly B and C class soft X-ray flares), but the CMEs were quite energetic. Using CME data for a set of type II bursts during the declining phase of solar cycle 23, we determine the CME height when the type II bursts start, thus giving an estimate of the heliocentric distance at which CME-driven shocks form. This distance has been determined to be ~1.5R s (solar radii), which coincides with the distance at which the Alfvén speed profile has a minimum value. We also use type II radio observations from STEREO/WAVES and Wind/WAVES observations to show that CMEs with moderate speed drive either weak shocks or no shock at all when they attain a height where the Alfvén speed peaks (~3R s?–?4R s). Thus the shocks seem to be most efficient in accelerating electrons in the heliocentric distance range of 1.5R s to 4R s. By combining the radial variation of the CME speed in the inner corona (CME speed increase) and interplanetary medium (speed decrease) we were able to correctly account for the deviations from the universal drift-rate spectrum of type II bursts, thus confirming the close physical connection between type II bursts and CMEs. The average height (~1.5R s) of STEREO CMEs at the time of type II bursts is smaller than that (2.2R s) obtained for SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) CMEs. We suggest that this may indicate, at least partly, the density reduction in the corona between the maximum and declining phases, so a given plasma level occurs closer to the Sun in the latter phase. In two cases, there was a diffuse shock-like feature ahead of the main body of the CME, indicating a standoff distance of 1R s?–?2R s by the time the CME left the LASCO field of view.  相似文献   

We present a qualitative and quantitative comparison of a single coronal mass ejection (CME) as observed by LASCO (July 28–29, 1996) with the results of a three-dimensional axisymmetric time-dependent magnetohydrodynamic model of a flux rope interacting with a helmet streamer. The particular CME considered was selected based on the appearance of a distinct ‘tear-drop’ shape visible in animations generated from both the data and the model. The CME event begins with the brightening of a pre-existing coronal streamer which evolves into a ‘tear-drop’ shaped loop followed by a Y-shaped structure. The brightening moves slowly outward with significant acceleration reaching velocities of ∼450 km s-1 at 30 R⊙. The observed CME characteristics are compared with the model results. On the basis of this comparison, we suggested that the observed features were caused by the evacuation of a flux rope in the closed field region of the helmet streamer (i.e., helmet dome). The flux rope manifests itself as the cavity of the quasi-static helmet streamer and the whole system becomes unstable when the flux rope reaches a threshold strength. The observed ‘tear-drop’ structure is due to the deformed flux rope. The leading edge of the flux rope interacts with the helmet dome to form the typical loop-like CME. The trailing edge of this flux rope interacts with the local bi-polar field to form the observed Y-shaped structure. The model results for the evolution of the magnetic-field configurations, velocity, and polarization brightness are directly compared with observations. Animations have been generated from both the actual data and the model to illustrate the good agreement between the observation and the model. These animations can be found on the CD-ROM which accompanies this volume. Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1004923016322  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate the possibility of transient growth in the linear perturbation of current sheets. The resistive magnetohydrodynamics operator for a background field consisting of a current sheet is non-normal, meaning that associated eigenvalues and eigenmodes can be very sensitive to perturbation. In a linear stability analysis of a tearing current sheet, we show that modes that are damped as \(t\rightarrow \infty \) can produce transient energy growth, contributing faster growth rates and higher energy attainment (within a fixed finite time) than the unstable tearing mode found from normal-mode analysis. We determine the transient growth for tearing-stable and tearing-unstable regimes and discuss the consequences of our results for processes in the solar atmosphere, such as flares and coronal heating. Our results have significant potential impact on how fast current sheets can be disrupted. In particular, transient energy growth due to (asymptotically) damped modes may lead to accelerated current sheet thinning and, hence, a faster onset of the plasmoid instability, compared to the rate determined by the tearing mode alone.  相似文献   

We present the results of charged particle orbit calculations in prescribed electric and magnetic fields motivated by magnetic reconnection models. Due to the presence of a strong guide field, the particle orbits can be calculated in the guiding centre approximation. The electromagnetic fields are chosen to resemble a reconnecting magnetic current sheet with a localised reconnection region. An initially Maxwellian distribution function in the inflow region can develop a beam-like component in the outflow region. Possible implications of these findings for acceleration scenarios in solar flares will be discussed.  相似文献   

Watari  Shinichi  Watanabe  Takashi 《Solar physics》1998,180(1-2):427-438
A giant post-flare arch observed on 2-3 November 1991 was analyzed using the soft X-ray telescope (SXT) on board Yohkoh and the Mark III (MK3) K-coronameter at the High Altitude Observatory/Mauna Loa Solar Observatory. The rising arch was observed in both soft X-ray and K-corona observations. The estimated rising speed from the MK3 observation was approximately 4 km s-1. A V-shaped depression area was observed on the south side of the giant arch. Change in the K-corona observations was faint while the arch was rising. According to the solar wind observations by the Pioneer Venus Orbiter and the Interplanetary Cometary Explorer, this giant arch event may have been associated with an interplanetary shock.  相似文献   

Images of an east-limb flare on 3 November 2010 taken in the 131 Å channel of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory provide a convincing example of a long current sheet below an erupting plasmoid, as predicted by the standard magnetic reconnection model of eruptive flares. However, the 171 Å and 193 Å channel images hint at an alternative scenario. These images reveal that large-scale waves with velocity greater than 1000 km?s?1 propagated alongside and ahead of the erupting plasmoid. Just south of the plasmoid, the waves coincided with type-II radio emission, and to the north, where the waves propagated along plume-like structures, there was increased decimetric emission. Initially, the cavity around the hot plasmoid expanded. Later, when the erupting plasmoid reached the height of an overlying arcade system, the plasmoid structure changed, and the lower parts of the cavity collapsed inwards. Hot loops appeared alongside and below the erupting plasmoid. We consider a scenario in which the fast waves and the type-II emission were a consequence of a flare blast wave, and the cavity collapse and the hot loops resulted from the break-out of the flux rope through an overlying coronal arcade.  相似文献   

This work aims at investigating unstable modes of oscillation of quasi-vertical two-dimensional current sheets with sheared magnetic fields under physical conditions typical for the solar corona. We use linear magnetohydrodynamic equations to obtain sets of unstable modes related to the longitudinal inhomogeneity of the current sheet. It is shown that these modes of current sheet oscillations can modulate the current sheet thickness along the polarity inversion line. Based on the obtained results, we propose a scenario which can naturally explain both the quasi-periodic pulsations of hard X-ray emission and the parallel movement of their double footpoint-like sources along the polarity inversion line observed in some eruptive two-ribbon solar flares.  相似文献   

In order to study the solar corona during eclipses, a new telescope was constructed. Three coronal images were obtained simultaneously through a single objective of the telescope as the coronal radiation passed through three polarizers (whose transmission directions were turned 0°, 60°, and 120° in the chosen direction); one image was obtained without a polarizer. The telescope was used to observe the solar corona during the eclipse of 1 August 2008. We obtained the distributions of polarization brightness, K-corona brightness, the degree of K-corona polarization and the total polarization degree; the polarization direction, depending on the latitude and radius in the plane of the sky, was also obtained. We calculated the radial distributions of electron density depending on the latitude. The properties of all these distributions were compared for different coronal structures. We determined the temperature of the coronal plasma in different coronal structures assuming hydrostatic equilibrium.  相似文献   

Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) are important phenomena in coronal dynamics causing interplanetary signatures (ICMEs). They eject large amounts of mass and magnetic fields into the heliosphere, causing major geomagnetic storms and interplanetary shocks. Geomagnetic storms are often characterized by abrupt increases in the northward component of the earth’s field, called sudden commencements (SSC) followed by large decreases of the magnetic field and slow recovery to normal values. The SSCs are well correlated with IP shocks. Here a case study of 10–15 February 2000 and also the statistical study of CME events observed by IPS array, Rajkot, during the years 2000 to 2003 and Radio Astronomy Center, Ooty are described. The geomagnetic storm index Dst, which is a measure of geo-effectiveness, is shown to be well correlated with normalized scintillation index ‘g’, derived from Ooty Radio Telescope (ORT) observations.  相似文献   

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