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The stability properties of magnetized discs rotating with angular velocity Ω = Ω( s ,  z ), dependent on both the radial and the vertical coordinates s and z , are considered. Such a rotation law is adequate for many astrophysical discs (e.g., galactic and protoplanetary discs, as well as accretion discs in binaries). In general, the angular velocity depends on height, even in thin accretion discs. A linear stability analysis is performed in the Boussinesq approximation, and the dispersion relation is obtained for short-wavelength perturbations. Any dependence of Ω on z can destabilize the flow. This concerns primarily small-scale perturbations for which the stabilizing effect of buoyancy is strongly suppressed due to the energy exchange with the surrounding plasma. For a weak magnetic field, instability of discs is mainly associated with vertical shear, whilst for an intermediate magnetic field the magnetic shear instability, first considered by Chandrasekhar and Velikhov, is more efficient. This instability is caused by the radial shear which is typically much stronger than the vertical shear. Therefore the growth time for the magnetic shear instability is much shorter than for the vertical shear instability. A relatively strong magnetic field can suppress both these instabilities. The vertical shear instability could be the source of turbulence in protoplanetary discs, where the conductivity is low.  相似文献   

It is well known that adiabatic shocks in ordinary gases are stable to both tranverse and longitudinal perturbations, but this need not be true if there are significant thermal effects due to chemical reactions or cooling processes. For example, detonation waves in gases are observed to form cellular structures if the chemical reaction is sufficiently temperature sensitive and a similar instability occurs in radiative shocks in the ISM if their speed exceeds 150 km s–1. This means that interstellar shocks will be subject to this radiative instability in many cases. The temperature sensitivity of the nuclear reactions in Type I supernovae is also such that we would expect detonation waves in these objects to have a cellular structure.  相似文献   

The coupling of thermal and ideal MHD effects in a sheared magnetic field is investigated. A slab geometry is considered so that the Alfvén mode can be decoupled from the system. With the total perturbed pressure approximately zero, the fast mode is eliminated and a system of linearized equations describing magnetic effects on the slow mode and thermal mode is derived. These modes evolve independently on individual fieldlines. One of the main features of this approach is that the influence of the dense photosphere can be included. A variety of different conditions that simulate the photospheric boundary are presented and the different results are discussed. A choice of field geometry and boundary conditions is made which removes mode rational surfaces so that there are no regions in which parallel thermal conduction can be neglected. This provides a stabilizing mechanism for the thermal mode. Growth rates are reduced by 30–40% and there is complete stabilization for sufficiently short fieldlines. The influence of dynamic and thermal boundary conditions on the formation of prominences is discussed.  相似文献   

Basic properties of accretion disk instabilities are summarized. We first explain the standard disk model by Shakura and Sunyaev. In this model, the dominant sources of viscosity are assumed to be chaotic magnetic fields and turbulence in gas flow, and the magnitude of viscosity is prescribed by so-called model. It is then possible to build a particular disk model. In the framework of the standard model, accretion disks are stationary, but when some of the basic assumptions are relaxed, various kinds of instabilities appear. In particular, we focus on the thermal limit-cycle instability caused by partial ionization of hydrogen (and helium). We demonstrate that the disk instability model well accounts for the basic observed features of outbursts of dwarf novae and X-ray nova. We then introduce other kinds of instabilities based on the viscosity model. They are suspected to produce time variabilities observed on a wide range of timescales in close binaries and active galactic nuclei.  相似文献   

The investigation of instabilities in a penetrative atmosphere discussed in our earlier paper (Pandeyet al., 1979) is extended to include thermal dissipation in a more realistic approximation. It is shown that the convective modes are not very sensitive to the presence of an overlying stable layer. The overstabilization of gravity modes is, however, found to occur under very stringent conditions, while the acoustic overstability is enhanced by the presence of an overlying stable layer.  相似文献   

The observed spin periods of the primaries in intermediate polars require the presence of torques additional to the standard expectation of material and magnetic torques from an accretion disc. In an extension of earlier work by Wickramasinghe, Wu and Ferrario, from rates of mass transfer deduced from optical and X-ray fluxes, and assuming surface magnetic fields similar to those observed in the most rapidly rotating low mass main sequence stars, it is shown that the magnetohydrodynamic torque between the partially shielded primary and the secondary is sufficient to account for the observed spin periods. It is further found that there is a range of magnetic moments and mass transfer rates in which synchronized rotation of the primary can occur even though it possesses an accretion disc. This may account for the structures deduced for V795 Her and V2051 Oph.An analysis of the observed outbursts (or lack of) in the intermediate polars shown that wheres many systems are explainable in terms of the standard theory of -discs, in some systems the magnetic structure is supressing expected outbursts and instabilities that are as yet not understood appear in their place.  相似文献   

Charged boson stars and vacuum instabilities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We consider charged boson stars and study their effect on the structure of the vacuum. For very compact particle like “stars”, with constituent mass m* close to the Planck mass mPl, i.e. m2* = O(m2Pl), we argue that there is electric charge Zc, which, primarily, is due to the formation of a pion condensate (Zc 0.5−1e, where is the fine structure constant and e is the electric charge of the positron). If the charge of the “star” is larger than Zc we find numerical evidence for a complete screening indicating a limiting charge for a very compact object. There is also a less efficient competing charge screening mechanism due to spontaneous electron-positron pair creation in which case Zc −1e. Astrophysical and cosmological abundances of charged compact boson stars are briefly discussed in terms of dark matter.  相似文献   

Instabilities produced by finite-resistivity effects in a plasma are of great interest in connection with research in fusion devices, solar flares, and geomagnetic substorms. We elucidate here the physical mechanism of this instability, and in particular, identify the tendencies in the system towards the instability and the tendencies opposing it, if any. As an illustration, we consider the example of the so-called gravitational interchange mode wherein a plasma with a statically stable vertical density gradient is situated in a vertical gravitational field and a sheared horizontal magnetic field. The physical picture developed here may be useful in sorting out phenomena that appear when more subtle properties of the resistive modes in a plasma are considered.  相似文献   

At the end of their birth process, neutron stars can be subject to a magnetorotational instability in which a conversion of kinetic energy of differential rotation into radiation and kinetic energies is expected to occur at the Alfvén timescale of a few ms. This birth energy conversion predicts the observed large velocity of neutron stars if during the evolving of this instability the periods are of a few ms and the magnetic fields reach values of 1016 G.  相似文献   

In this paper we review the possibilities for magnetohydrodynamic processes to handle the angular momentum transport in accretion disks. Traditionally the angular momentum transport has been considered to be the result of turbulent viscosity in the disk, although the Keplerian flow in accretion disks is linearly stable towards hydrodynamic perturbations. It is on the other hand linearly unstable to some magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) instabilities. The most important instabilities are the Parker and Balbus-Hawley instabilities that are related to the magnetic buoyancy and the shear flow, respectively. We discuss these instabilities not only in the traditional MHD framework, but also in the context of slender flux tubes, that reduce the complexity of the problem while keeping most of the stability properties of the complete problem. In the non-linear regime the instabilities produce turbulence. Recent numerical simulations describe the generation of magnetic fields by a dynamo in the resulting turbulent flow. Eventually such a dynamo may generate a global magnetic field in the disk. The relation of the MHD-turbulence to observations of accretion disks is still obscure. It is commonly believed that magnetic fields can be highly efficient in transporting the angular momentum, but emission lines, short-time scale variability and non-thermal radiation, which a stellar astronomer would take as signs of magnetic variability, are more commonly observed during periods of low accretion rates. Received October 12, 1995 / Accepted November 16, 1995  相似文献   

Weak upstream overdensities or underdensities lead to the corrugation of R-type ionization fronts. The propagation velocity of the R-type front varies as a result of the different line-of-sight emission measures, and is also decreased because of the obliqueness of the front. The transition to D type occurs earlier in some parts of the front, and the resulting non-linear instability of the front leads to the formation of dense clumps and tails within the H  ii region.
In this paper, we discuss criteria for the development of this instability. In developing numerical models of this process, we have encountered numerical artefacts that have to be treated with care in high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations of H  ii regions. We discuss the application of our results to the structure and development of H  ii regions.  相似文献   

The normal mode spectrum for the linearized MHD equations is investigated for a plasma in a cylindrical equilibrium. The equations describing these normal modes are solved numerically using a finite element code. The ballooning equations that describe localized modes are manipulated and a dispersion relation derived. It is shown that as the axial wave numberk is increased, the fundamental thermal and Alfvén modes can coalesce to form overstable magnetothermal modes. The ratio between the magnetic and thermal terms is varied and the existence of the magnetothermal modes examined. The corresponding growth rates are predicted by a WKB solution to the ballooning equations. The existence of these magnetothermal modes may be significant in the eruption of prominences into solar flares.  相似文献   

Parameteric instabilities in the relativistic plasma are considered. It is shown that in the electron relativistic plasma (T em 0e c 2) the electron mass oscillation in the external electrical field leads to the instability of Langmuir and low frequency aperiodic oscillations as well. In the case of the hot electron ion plasma with relativistic electron temperature the low frequency aperiodic and periodic oscillations are studied. The wave increments for all considered cases are obtained.  相似文献   

Resistive instabilities in a context referring to the solar corona are rigorously investigated. Various equilibrium configurations are considered, differing, among other things, by their behaviour with respect to fast, ideal instabilities. The computations presented cover in a unified scheme all known regimes of resistive modes and allow one to determine the fastest timescale over which resistivity can play a role. Comparisons with previous work as well as possible extensions are presented.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the possibility of constructing time-independent solutions to the collisionless Boltzmann equation which depend on quantities other than global isolating integrals such as energy and angular momentum. The key point is that, at least in principle, a self-consistent equilibrium can be constructed from any set of time-independent phase-space building blocks which, when combined, generate the mass distribution associated with an assumed time-independent potential. This approach provides a way to justify Schwarzschild's method for the numerical construction of self-consistent equilibria with arbitrary time-independent potentials, generalizing thereby an approach developed by Vandervoort for integrable potentials. As a simple illustration, Schwarzschild's method is reformulated to allow for a straightforward computation of equilibria which depend only on one or two global integrals and no other quantities, as is reasonable, for example, for modelling axisymmetric configurations characterized by a non-integrable potential.  相似文献   

Growth rates for both the RH- and LH-modes of an EM wave propagating along a magnetic field through an isotropic loss-cone plasma have been obtained. It is found that growing modes can exist, and are found to depend critically on the mirror ratioR, and the specific details of the distribution function of the energetic component. To study the energetic-particle distribution observed at low energies by satellites within the magnetosphere, an isotropic double-humped loss-cone velocity distribution is then studied with a view to determining whether the secondary hump can introduce an instability not present for monotonic distribution. It is found that such a distribution can be unstable in a mirror geometry if the energetic component is sufficiently monoenergetic. Within the magnetosphere, nearly monoenergetic fluxes are observed, peaking in the energy range 1–10 keV, depending on the McIlwain parameterL. It is possible that the initial injection of monoenergetic particles may have been much more sharply peaked than the one presently observed, and, as a result of wave-particle interactions, subsequently relaxed to the presently observed distribution. It is seen here that the EM waves within the magnetosphere can contribute to the relaxation of such an initial injection.  相似文献   

For the two-dimensional MHD equilibria, the system of ideal MHD equations is reduced to a single nonlinear equation of the magnetic potential as a Sh—Gordon equation. A set of analytical solutions is presented which are adequate for describing parallel filaments of a diffused magnetized plasma suspended horizontally in equilibrium in a uniform gravitational field.  相似文献   

A model is discussed for a possible type of thermal instability in the outer layers of the Moon. An estimate is made for the temperature differential driving the instability. It is suggested that such an instability may have been involved in the formation of the lunar maria.Paper dedicated to Prof. Harold C. Urey on the occasion of his 80th birthday on 29 April 1973.  相似文献   

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