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A theoretical model is proposed for interpreting the coherent emissionmechanism of solar radio moving type IV bursts. Energetic electrons produced in flares captured by an expanding and rising magnetic flux tube exhibit a beam-like distribution of velocities on the top of the flux tube. These excite beaming plasma instability and directly amplifies O-mode electromagnetic waves. The instability growth rate sensitively depends on the coronal plasma parameter, ƒpece and the beam-temperature Tb. This can qualitatively explain the high brightness temperature and high degree of polarization as well as the broad spectrum observed in this type of solar radio bursts.  相似文献   

The space geodetic technology requires an accurate model of correction of refraction delay by the neutral atmosphere that varies from one observing station to another, and from one azimuth to the next. It is pointed out that under the present condition the astronomical refraction can not yet be directly determined, any correction model because of its high dependence on the assumed atmospheric distribution, is incapable of achieving the required accuracy or of improving the cut-off altitude. In this paper, based on the special properties of the lower latitude meridian circle at Yunnan Observatory and our experience of determining atmospheric refraction therewith, a new method is proposed for improving the accuracy of refraction delay correction. Namely, the measured data of astronomical refraction of an observing station from near zenith to low altitudes in different azimuths are used to evaluate the refractivities and the parameters of the mapping functions, thereby establishing a model of atmospheric refraction delay correction that varies with the observing station and the azimuth. Since it is unnecessary for the new method to adopt any atmospheric distribution model, application of this new method will improve correction accuracy of refraction delay to better than 1mm at zenith and to centimeters at low altitudes, and improve the cut-off altitude to below 5 degrees.  相似文献   

针对空间大地测量技术对中性大气折射延迟改正精度的要求,阐述了折射延迟改正值应随测站和随方位而异的必要性.指出,在尚不能直接测定天文大气折射值的情况下,现有的各种改正模型对大气分布模型的依赖性,不能达到预期的精度和降低观测的截止角.根据云南天文台低纬子午环的特殊结构,和测定大气折射的实践,提出了提高折射延迟改正精度的新方法,即:利用各观测站不同方位从天顶附近直到低地平高度角的天文大气折射实测数据,求解得到折射率差和映射函数的参数,从而建立随测站和随方位而异的大气折射延迟改正模型.这一新方法的实施,将能在不需采用大气分布模型的情况下,把天顶延迟的改正精度提高到1 mm以内,低地平高度角的折射延迟改正精度提高到厘米级,并且把截止高度角压缩到5°以内.  相似文献   

An algorithm for detecting outliers and cycle slips in single-frequency GPS using a 3rd order polynomial model of the Kalman filter and for estimating the ambiguity by using optimal wavelet is presented in this paper. It is applicable to the carrier phase measurement with sample rate of one per second. The results of calculation with the GPS data aboard satellite Topex on 1995 June 22 show that the algorithm is so efficient that it can accurately estimate the ambiguity even for signals interrupted by a few seconds.  相似文献   

望远镜静态指向模型的基本参数   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张晓祥  吴连大 《天文学报》2001,42(2):198-205
对地平式望远镜静态指出模型的基本参数进行了讨论,给出了一种参数较少,模型稳定的望远镜修正模型,与常用的球谐函修正模型相比较,基本参数模型具有对观测资料分布不敏感,模型的系随资料分布变化较小和修正精度较高优点,并且其残差序列服从正态分布,基本上能够满足高精度定轨的需要。  相似文献   

Starting from Bernstein's principle of magnetohydrodynamic energy, a general analysis is presented for the stability of a kind of 1-D force-free magnetic fields with singular current density surfaces and a single parameter in cylindrical coordinates. It is found that in the parameter space of this kind of force-free magnetic fields there simultaneously exist stable and unstable regions. Their stability is solely determined by the radial distribution of the magnetic pitch in the neighborhood of the cylinder axis, and is independent of the presence of singular current density surface at the boundary of the field.  相似文献   

The basic structure of comet nuclei is an aggregation of grains, with a size distribution that extends over several orders of magnitude and a similar distribution of pores. Although attempts have been made to assess the effect of porosity on the thermal conductivity, the effect of pore size distribution has been ignored. Modeling a porous structure with a wide size distribution would require a very fine 3-D grid, so as to accommodate the smallest and largest voids. In order to circumvent this difficulty, we adopt a hierarchical procedure. Thus we assume a random and fractal porous structure and use a 3-D Monte Carlo model. The basic configuration is a cube made of unit cells of two types, (ice) filled and void, randomly distributed. Their relative number corresponds to a prescribed porosity. We solve the heat transport equation for this cube until a steady state is obtained, and from this solution the effective thermal conductivity is derived. The calculations are repeated for a range of porosities and temperatures, since the ice conductivity is temperature dependent. The basic cube serves as a unit filled cell in a larger cube, and in this way the hierarchical structure of the medium is built up.We find that the thermal conductivity is lowered by several orders of magnitude at high porosities. The correction factor, obtained as a fit to the results of our calculations, is expressed as a smooth function of the porosity, which tends to zero as the porosity approaches the percolation threshold of the solid. If only the porosity of the medium is known, this correction is not uniquely determined, but rather a range of values is possible. Only if the size distribution of the pores is known does the correction become uniquely determined.  相似文献   

The observed CME (coronal mass ejection) is its projection on the sky plane, and this leads to certain discrepancies between the observational and true parameters of the CME. For example, the observed velocity is generally smaller than the true velocity. The method of making projection correction for the CME velocity based on the conical model is utilized to analyze the velocity distributions of the 1691 CMEs which are only correlated to flares (called the class FL CMEs for short) and the 610 CMEs which are only correlated to filament eruptions (called the class FE CMEs for short) before and after the projection correction. These CMEs were observed with the Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronograph on the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory from September 1996 to September 2007 (close to a solar cycle). The obtained results are as follows: (1) before and after the projection correction the velocity distribution of FL CMEs is quite similar to that of FE CMEs, and before and after the projection correction the mean velocities of the two classes of CMEs are almost the same; (2) before and after the projection correction, the natural logarithm distribution of the FL CME velocities is also very similar to that of the FE CME velocities.  相似文献   

We calculate the spectrum of the diffuse cosmic gamma ray in the single and double leaky box models for several galactic distribution laws of cosmic rays and hdydrogen. The results show that LI Ti-pei's distribution law for the cosmic rays is the best and that the number of interstellar hydrogen molecules should be less than Gordon's value divided by 1.7. The observed spectrum of gamma rays can be reproduced by a suitable choice of the galactic distributions within certain ranges.  相似文献   

In this paper the observed 1.4–1.6 s quasi-periodic oscillations in the spike radiation of the microwave outburst of 1981 May 16 are analysed in teras of MHD waves. We point out that the fast magnetoacoustic waves (“sausage” mode) propagating inside and outside a loop can modulate the magnetic field and the pitch angle distribution of the electron beams in the source region. The growth rate of electron-cyclotron-maser instability is then affected to give rise to the quasi-periodic oscillations. Quantitative estimates of relevant physical parameters are given.  相似文献   

In this paper, we idealize the actual solar atmosphere as a multi-isothermal-layer system so as to obtain the energy transmittance of the linear Alfvén wave that propagates through such a system in presence of a uniform oblique magnetic filed. The results indicate that the two-layer model is essentially different to the three-layer one. In the two-layer model, the temperature jump acts as a high pass filter. In the three-layer model, resonant transfer will take place and the transmittance undergoes oscillation as the trigonometric function terms dominate its behavior. For actual solar atmosphere, the result reveals that the lower parts of solar atmosphere are more suitable for those Alfvén waves with period of seconds to transfer their energy.  相似文献   

In this paper we make a theoretical analysis of multi-wavelength photometric data on the infrared continuum of BN Object. Adopting a spherically symmetric, optically thin shell model we derive its optical thickness, its infrared emissivity as a function of wavelength, its radial distributions of density and temperature and its total mass.  相似文献   

First generation stars are the oldest stars that were formed in post-big bang, primitive gas, containing no elements heavier than carbon, with ages greater than 14 Gyr and having undergone no evolution so far. Observations over a long time have confirmed that, up to now, no stars with zero metallicity ([Fe/H]) or with [Fe/H]≤ −6 have been found in the Galaxy. To explain this absence, we shall make a theoretical calculation of the probability of detecting first generation stars using Tsuiimoto et al.'s model of chemical evolution of the galactic halo and assuming an initial mass function of the Miller-Scalo form. We use all the observational data on the halo stars to constrain the parameters. Our result is that, if the mass of the cloud that formed the stars is 106–107 M, then the probability of detecting first generation stars is 6.14×10−4–6.14×10−5.  相似文献   

For four selected fields in the Catalogue of IRAS Faint Sources we have calculated the two-point correlation function of the galaxies and the correlation fractal dimension. The results show that the galaxies in all the fields are clustered on small angular scales. On larger scales, the distribution can be well expressed by a multi-level fractal. On still larger scales, possible typical scales can be detected using un-normalized pair counts. The average results for the four fields are consistent with previous results for the all-sky IRAS point sources and other sky surveys.  相似文献   

Using a complete non-local convection theory, we carried out the theoretical calculations of 7Li depletion of the solar convective envelope models with different convective parameters c1 and c2, and got a model of the solar convection zone consistent with the observed 7Li abundance and the depth of the solar convection zone determined by helioseismic techniques. The overshooting distance of effective non-local convective mixing of 7Li is very extensive, which is about 1.07HP or 0.09R. However, the super-radiative temperature zone is much narrower, and it is only 0.20HP or 0.016R.  相似文献   

By taking magnetic stress in place of viscosity as the mechanism for angular moaentum transfer, the effect of frozen magnetic field on the structure of a geometrically thin accretion disk is examined. It is shown that the disk is quasi-Keplerian and its total luminosity is twice the luminosity in the standard disk model. In the inner region, there exists a narrow cool region and the highly collimated jet is formed under the action of the azimuthal component of the magnetic field. Also, we discuss the possibility that a magnetized corona be formed near the surface of the accretion disk and a wide band radiation issuing therefrom. The model suggested here can easily and reasonably explain the major AGN properties such as the radiation variation, the “bumps” in the optical, ultraviolet and soft X-ray ranges, etc.  相似文献   

目前观测的CME(日冕物质抛射)是其在天空平面的投影,这就导致CME的观测参量与真实参量之间存在一定的差异,比如说观测到的CME速度一般要比CME的真实速度小.运用基于锥状模型对CME的速度进行投影改正的方法,分析1996年9月到2007年9月(将近1个活动周)SOHO/LASCO日冕仪观测到的1 691个仅与耀斑相关的CME(简称FL类CME)和610个仅与暗条爆发相关的CME(简称FE类CME)投影改正前后的速度分布,得到如下结果:(1)投影改正前后,FL类CME和FE类CME的速度分布非常相似.且投影改正前后,两类CME的平均速度几乎相同; (2)投影改正前后,FL类CME和FE类CME速度的自然对数分布也非常相似.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of equal power spectrum filtering in image restoration is analyzed via digital simulation. We start with a gray-scale map of concentric rings with different grey values. To obtain a dirty image, the original image is first transformed via a linear space-invariant system. Then, white noise is mixed into the image. The equal power spectrum filter is then used for the image restoration. The signal to noise ratio (SNR) and a defined steepness of the steps, together with the visual impression, are accepted to characterize the performance of the image restoration. It is concluded that a satisfactory restoration can be realized when the SNR > 15. When SNR < 5, the image is completely un-restorable. The effect of system's transfer function on image restoration is also discussed. The effectiveness of the presented model of equal power spectrum filter is confirmed by applying it to the restoration of an actual astronomical image. Finally, a typical application of the equal power spectrum filter is given.  相似文献   

Based on the relativistic model of the apparent superluminal motion and under the condition that the center of mass of a superluminal radio source remains in motion relative to the observer, the equation of the apparent velocity between nucleus and component is derived. Assuming that the directions of jet and movement of superluminal radio source are opposite, then, supposing that the velocities of nucleus and components of SLS are equal and the nucleus is fixed, the equations of real velocity are respectively derived. With the data of Vapp and θ substituted in the equation of real velocity, the velocity of the components of SLS is obtained. Comparing the real velocity with the velocity of Hubble redshift of SLS, it is concluded that the movement of SLS has no influence on the velocity of components.  相似文献   

In principle, all active galaxies are capable of producing jets, but infiltration of medium into the nucleus may cause some jets to decelerate so much as to disappear. This is a possible explanation of the observed fact that jets are only seen in some active galaxies and may amount to a useful step in building a unified model of the structure of active galactic nucleus.  相似文献   

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