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Structural and petrological analyses on the Alì Unit, in the Peloritani Thrust Belt, document the first evidence for Alpine exhumation associated with syn-orogenic extension in this part of the Calabria-Peloritani Arc. The Alì Unit displays ductile structures occurred during three Alpine deformation phases (Da1, Da2, Da3). Da1 and Da3 developed in a contractional context, whereas Da2 was generated in an extensional regime. The present-day tectonic contact between the Alì Unit and the overlying Mandanici Unit is interpreted as a low-angle extensional detachment responsible for the metamorphic break between the two units. Structural overprinting relationships indicate that the development of Da2 structures and related tectonic exhumation occurred during syn-convergence extension, and were followed by further nappe stacking in the Peloritani Belt. To cite this article: R. Somma et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

Forward logistic regression has allowed us to derive an earth-flow susceptibility model for the Tumarrano river basin, which was defined by modeling the statistical relationships between an archive of 760 events and a set of 20 predictors. For each landslide in the inventory, a landslide identification point (LIP) was automatically produced as corresponding to the highest point along the boundary of the landslide polygons, and unstable conditions were assigned to cells at a distance up to 8 m. An equal number of stable cells (out of landslides) was then randomly extracted and appended to the LIPs to prepare the dataset for logistic regression. A model building strategy was applied to enlarge the area included in training the model and to verify the sensitivity of the regressed models with respect to the locations of the selected stable cells. A suite of 16 models was prepared by randomly extracting different unoverlapping stable cell subsets that have been appended to the unstable ones. Models were finally submitted to forward logistic regression and validated. The results showed satisfying and stable error rates (0.236 on average, with a standard deviation of 0.007) and areas under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUCs) (0.839 for training and 0.817 for test datasets) as well as factor selections (ranks and coefficients). As regards the predictors, steepness and large-profile and local-plan topographic curvatures were systematically selected. Clayey outcropping lithology, midslope drainage, local and midslope ridges, and canyon landforms were also very frequently (from eight to 15 times) included in the models by the forward selection procedures. The model-building strategy allowed us to produce a performing earth-flow susceptibility model, whose model fitting, prediction skill, and robustness were estimated on the basis of validation procedures, demonstrating the independence of the regressed model on the specific selection of the stable cells.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of meteoric water in Sicily, Italy was investigated from May 2004 until June 2006. Samples were sampled monthly from a network of 50 rain gauges. During the same period 580 groundwater samples were collected from springs and wells to obtain insight into the isotopic composition of the water circulating in the main aquifers of the area. The mean weighted precipitation values were used to define the weighted local meteoric water line for five different sectors of Sicily. The use of Geographical Information System tools, coupled with isotopic vertical gradients, allowed designing an isotopic contour map of precipitation in Sicily. The defined meteoric compositions were highly consistent with most of the groundwater samples in each sector. However, in some areas fractionation processes occurring during and after rainfall slightly modify the isotopic composition of the groundwater. The obtained data set defines the present day isotopic composition of meteoric water in the central Mediterranean area and provides baseline values for future climatic and/or isotope-based hydrology studies.  相似文献   

The reported data present the stratigraphy of several sections across a Middle-Late Jurassic Radiolaritic Unit, well exposed in different thrust sheets pertaining to the Maghrebian chain of Southwestern Sicily. The aim was to define the chronostratigraphical distribution of the Jurassic biosiliceous sedimentation in the Sicanian palaeogeographical zone, a deep water basin belonging to the Southern Tethys continental margin. The radiolarian biostratigraphy indicates that the switching from carbonate to siliceous sedimentation in the Sicanian Basin is referable to the Bajocian, as shown by the section of Campofiorito, near Corleone. The biostratigraphical dataset allows the correlation between the onset of biosiliceous sedimentation and the fall of biodiversity in the Sicanian basin with the carbonate productivity crisis, indicated by the highest eutrophication that affected Western Tethys during Middle Jurassic times. Editorial handling: J.-P. Billon-Bruyat & M. Chiari (Guest)  相似文献   

Mineralogical and geochemical studies were undertaken in the volcanic area of Biancavilla (Catania, Italy) with the aim of explaining the nature of the high As and F contents of the area’s rocks. As and F contents in soils and groundwater were also investigated. The metasomatised benmoreite lavas show fluorine and arsenic concentrations up to about 3,000 and 1,000 mg/kg, respectively. Mineralogical analyses show that fluorine occurs mostly in fluoro-edenite and apatite-(CaF) crystals, both abundantly present in the altered rocks, while As is exclusively attributed to the apatite-(CaF) crystals. Specifically, arsenic was observed only at the borders of these apatite crystals. Leaching tests and sequential extraction procedures were carried out to evaluate the potential remobilisation of As and F by the mineral phases and the eventual risks induced by their spreading. The results of the leaching tests suggest that As is almost totally associated with the ‘easily reducible’ fraction and that it is released by the preferential dissolution of the arsenic enriched rims of apatite-(CaF) crystals. In soils, As concentration is relatively low (about 15 mg/kg, on average), while F ranges from 236 to 683 mg/kg. The underground waters supplying the town of Biancavilla show As and F contents lower than the allowed limits for drinking water, (As:10 μg/L, F:1–1.5 mg/L). The limited distribution of these rocks and the relatively limited mobilisation by the minerals both contribute to maintain low As and F values, in soils and groundwaters, despite the high values in metasomatised lava samples.  相似文献   

Cultrera  F.  Barreca  G.  Burrato  P.  Ferranti  L.  Monaco  C.  Passaro  S.  Pepe  F.  Scarf&#;  L. 《Natural Hazards》2016,86(2):253-272

The Gulf of Patti and its onshore sector represent one of the most seismically active regions of the Italian Peninsula. Over the period 1984–2014, about 1800 earthquakes with small-to-moderate magnitude and a maximum hypocentral depth of 40 km occurred in this area. Historical catalogues reveal that the same area was affected by several strong earthquakes such as the Mw = 6.1 event in April 1978 and the Mw = 6.2 one in March 1786 which have caused severe damages in the surrounding localities. The main seismotectonic feature affecting this area is represented by a NNW–SSE trending right-lateral strike-slip fault system called “Aeolian–Tindari–Letojanni” (ATLFS) which has been interpreted as a lithospheric transfer zone extending from the Aeolian Islands to the Ionian coast of Sicily. Although the large-scale role of the ATLFS is widely accepted, several issues about its structural architecture (i.e. distribution, attitude and slip of fault segments) and the active deformation pattern are poorly constrained, particularly in the offshore. An integrated analysis of field structural geology with marine geophysical and seismological data has allowed to better understand the structural fabric of the ATLFS which, in the study area, is expressed by two major NW–SE trending, en-echelon arranged fault segments. Minor NNE–SSW oriented extensional structures mainly occur in the overlap region between major faults, forming a dilatational stepover. Most faults display evidence of active deformation and appear to control the main morphobathymetric features. This aspect, together with diffused continental slope instability, must be considered for the revaluation of the seismic and geomorphological hazard of this sector of southern Tyrrhenian Sea.


The Gulf of Patti and its onshore sector represent one of the most seismically active regions of the Italian Peninsula. Over the period 1984–2014, about 1800 earthquakes with small-to-moderate magnitude and a maximum hypocentral depth of 40 km occurred in this area. Historical catalogues reveal that the same area was affected by several strong earthquakes such as the Mw = 6.1 event in April 1978 and the Mw = 6.2 one in March 1786 which have caused severe damages in the surrounding localities. The main seismotectonic feature affecting this area is represented by a NNW–SSE trending right-lateral strike-slip fault system called “Aeolian–Tindari–Letojanni” (ATLFS) which has been interpreted as a lithospheric transfer zone extending from the Aeolian Islands to the Ionian coast of Sicily. Although the large-scale role of the ATLFS is widely accepted, several issues about its structural architecture (i.e. distribution, attitude and slip of fault segments) and the active deformation pattern are poorly constrained, particularly in the offshore. An integrated analysis of field structural geology with marine geophysical and seismological data has allowed to better understand the structural fabric of the ATLFS which, in the study area, is expressed by two major NW–SE trending, en-echelon arranged fault segments. Minor NNE–SSW oriented extensional structures mainly occur in the overlap region between major faults, forming a dilatational stepover. Most faults display evidence of active deformation and appear to control the main morphobathymetric features. This aspect, together with diffused continental slope instability, must be considered for the revaluation of the seismic and geomorphological hazard of this sector of southern Tyrrhenian Sea.  相似文献   

Marco Bonini   《Tectonophysics》2009,474(3-4):723-735
The relations between earthquakes and the eruption of mud volcanoes have been investigated at the Pede–Apennine margin of the Northern Apennines and in Sicily. Some of these volcanoes experienced eruptions or increased activity in connection with historical seismic events, showing a good correlation with established thresholds of hydrological response (liquefaction) to earthquakes. However, the majority of eruptions have been documented to be independent of seismic activity, being mud volcanoes often not activated even when the earthquakes were of suitable magnitude and the epicentre at the proper distance for the triggering. This behaviour suggests that paroxysmal activity of mud volcanoes depends upon the reaching of a specific critical state dictated by internal fluid pressure, and implies that the strain caused by the passage of seismic waves can activate only mud volcanoes in near-critical conditions (i.e., close to the eruption). Seismogenic faults, such as the Pede–Apennine thrust, often structurally control the fluid reservoirs of mud volcanoes, which are frequently located at the core of thrust-related folds. Such an intimate link enables mud volcanoes to represent features potentially suitable for recording perturbations associated with the past and ongoing tectonic activity of the controlling fault system.  相似文献   

In ancient times, the name “Peloro” was used to indicate an anthropic area that gradually developed around the first known human settlement on the Sicilian shore near the Straits of Messina. Since the 5th century BC, historians have documented that numerous naval armadas landed for long periods at Peloro. However, the present-day morphology of the Peloro Cape Peninsula does not have any protected inlet that would offer a location to repair hundreds of ships, as has been documented by historical sources. To address this discrepancy, geomorphologic data were collected and analyzed to verify whether historical documents were consistent with the palaeotopography of the area. This approach is based on the analysis of the morphotectonic evolution of the coastal lowland that resulted from regional uplift over the Quaternary and Holocene. The results indicate that the harbour was located in the basin of the Pantano Piccolo salt marsh, and was large and deep enough to have sheltered up to 320 ships.  相似文献   

The southernmost sector of the Italian peninsula is crossed by an almost continuous seismogenic belt capable of producing M ∼ 7 earthquakes and extending from the Calabrian Arc, through the Messina Straits, as far as Southeastern Sicily. Though large earthquakes occurring in this region during the last millennium are fairly well known from the historical point of view and seismic catalogues may be considered complete for destructive and badly damaging events (IX ≤ I o ≤ XI MCS), the knowledge and seismic completeness of moderate earthquakes can be improved by investigating other kinds of documentary sources not explored by the classical seismological tradition. In this paper, we present a case study explanatory of the problem, regarding the Ionian coast between the Messina Straits and Mount Etna volcano, an area of North-eastern Sicily lacking evidence of relevant seismic activity in historical times. Now, after a systematic analysis of the 18th century journalistic sources (gazettes), this gap can be partly filled by the rediscovery of a seismic sequence that took place in 1780. According to the available catalogues, the only event on record for this year is a minor shock (I = VI MCS, M w = 4.8) recorded in Messina on March 28, 1780. The newly discovered data allow to reinstate it as the mainshock (I = VII–VIII MCS, M w = 5.6) of a significant seismic period, which went on from March to June 1780, causing severe damage along the Ionian coast of North-eastern Sicily. The source responsible for this event appears located offshore, 40-km south of the previous determination, and is consistent with the Taormina Fault suggested by the geological literature, developing in the low seismic rate zone at the southernmost termination of the 1908 Messina earthquake fault.  相似文献   

High arsenic (As) concentrations, >900 μg/L, were measured in Ca–Mg–SO4 waters from springs and drainages in the village of Pesariis in the Carnic Alps (NE Italy). Oxidation of the outcropping arsenian marcasite ore deposits of the area is proposed as the mechanism for As release into oxygenated waters during runoff. Nevertheless, the limited extension of the ore deposit and the relatively low As content of the mineralization suggest that sulfide weathering might not be the only process responsible for the highest As concentration in groundwaters. An additional mechanism involves As adsorption onto ferric iron particulate during oxidation, the drawdown in reducing environment at depth during water infiltration, and the release of ferrous iron and sorbed arsenic to the water columns by reductive dissolution of hydrous ferric oxides (HFO). This yields the observed Fe–As correlation. Newly formed HFO precipitates when groundwaters discharge to aerated conditions, leading to the removal of As, which strongly partitions into the iron-rich sediments, adsorbed onto the surface of amorphous Fe2O3·xH2O. The calculated and measured As concentration in sediments exceeds 10% by weight. Furthermore, geochemical and isotopic data indicate that the As-rich reservoir partly mixes with shallower aquifers, commonly tapped for drinking supply, representing a natural hazard for inhabitants.  相似文献   

The Neogene succession in the studied area is represented by seven formations (Serikagni, Euphrates, Dhiban, Jeribe, Fatha, Injana, and Muqdadiya formations). The area of study is located in the Unstable Shelf within the Low Folded Zone and the north part of the Stable Shelf (Mesopotamian Zone). This study included the geohistory analysis of the Neogene succession and interpretation the changes of the accumulation and subsidence rates and compared them with the space available to explanation the basin development. At The Early Miocene (Aquitanian age), the Sirekagni and Euphrates formations was deposited during a major transgression with high rates of subsidence and accumulation in the Himreen, Makhul, and north of Tigris subzones, while the Chemchemal–Arbil and Butmah–Mosul subzones were positive areas. This period ended with a sea withdrawal to the southeast to generate the Dhiban lagoonal basin which was characterized by low accumulation and subsidence rates. During the Early Burdigalian, the Jeribe Formation was deposited during another sea level rise that covered the area except the Chemchemal–Arbil and Butmah–Mosul subzones representing the uplifted positive area. The sea level rise continued to the early Langhian age where the transition beds for the Fatha Formation was deposited to mark the maximum flooding surface covering all the study area. The Fatha Formation was deposited at the Late Langhian to the Early Serravallian during sea level stillstand with high accumulation and subsidence rates in the Himreen subzone and the Chemchemal–Arbil subzone. This period ended without a clear tectonic activity. The period from Late Miocene to Pliocene was characterized by high tectonic activity and sea level fall where fluvial–lacustrine environment prevailed to deposit the Injana and Muqdadiya formations. The Injana Formation was deposited during the Late Serravallian–Tortonian in the Himreen and Chemchemal–Butmah subzones; in addition to the northern part of Tigris subzone. The areas of high rates of accumulation and subsidence were located near Jambour while the southwestern part was affected by an uplift generating the Himreen structure. The Chemchemal–Butmah subzones was characterized by a high uplift in the southeast part where Kirkuk and Chemchemal structures were forming, while The northeastern part (from Bi Hassan to the borehole Kirkuk-117) was with low accumulation and subsidence rates. The linear region between these parts (Khabaz oil field) showed an abnormal values for accumulation and subsidence rates (very high); this region corresponds to the location and direction of Anah–Fatha–Qalat Dizah Fault which suggest that the fault was active during that time. The tectonic activity continued to uplift all the north of the study area as well as the West and the East during the Late Tortonian to the Piacenzian where the Muqdadiya Formation was deposited in the area between Jambour to Khabaz oilfields. Then the succession was deformed and uplifted to approximately 800 m above the sea level as in the present day.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to analyze the susceptibility conditions to gully erosion phenomena in the Magazzolo River basin and to test a method that allows for driving the factors selection. The study area is one of the largest (225 km2) watershed of southern Sicily and it is mostly characterized by gentle slopes carved into clayey and evaporitic sediments, except for the northern sector where carbonatic rocks give rise to steep slopes. In order to obtain a quantitative evaluation of gully erosion susceptibility, statistical relationships between the spatial distributions of gullies affecting the area and a set of twelve environmental variables were analyzed. Stereoscopic analysis of aerial photographs dated 2000, and field surveys carried out in 2006, allowed us to map about a thousand landforms produced by linear water erosion processes, classifiable as ephemeral and permanent gullies. The linear density of the gullies, computed on each of the factors classes, was assumed as the function expressing the susceptibility level of the latter. A 40-m digital elevation model (DEM) prepared from 1:10,000-scale topographic maps was used to compute the values of nine topographic attributes (primary: slope, aspect, plan curvature, profile curvature, general curvature, tangential curvature; secondary: stream power index; topographic wetness index; LS-USLE factor); from available thematic maps and field checks three other physical attributes (lithology, soil texture, land use) were derived. For each of these variables, a 40-m grid layer was generated, reclassifying the topographic variables according to their standard deviation values. In order to evaluate the controlling role of the selected predictive variables, one-variable susceptibility models, based on the spatial relationships between each single factor and gullies, were produced and submitted to a validation procedure. The latter was carried out by evaluating the predictive performance of models trained on one half of the landform archive and tested on the other. Large differences of accuracy were verified by computing geometric indexes of the validation curves (prediction and success rate curves; ROC curves) drawn for each one-variable model; in particular, soil texture, general curvature and aspect demonstrated a weak or a null influence on the spatial distribution of gullies within the studied area, while, on the contrary, tangential curvature, stream power index and plan curvature showed high predictive skills. Hence, predictive models were produced on a multi-variable basis, by variously combining the one-variable models. The validation of the multi-variables models, which generally indicated quite satisfactory results, were used as a sensitivity analysis tool to evaluate differences in the prediction results produced by changing the set of combined physical attributes. The sensitivity analysis pointed out that by increasing the number of combined environmental variables, an improvement of the susceptibility assessment is produced; this is true with the exception of adding to the multi-variables models a variable, as slope aspect, not correlated to the target variable. The addition of this attribute produces effects on the validation curves that are not distinguishable from noise and, as a consequence, the slope aspect was excluded from the final multi-variables model used to draw the gully erosion susceptibility map of the Magazzolo River basin. In conclusion, the research showed that the validation of one-variable models can be used as a tool for selecting factors to be combined to prepare the best performing multi-variables gully erosion susceptibility model.  相似文献   

The Azraq basin (the Badia region in NE-Jordan) is rich in its industrial rocks and minerals. Most of the commodities are concentrated in one area, which is the Azraq depression (El-Qa’). The climatic changes (wet and dry) of Azraq closed lake contributed in the formation of industrial rocks and minerals in the El-Qa’. Basalt, pyroclastics, zeolites, diatomaceous earth, bentonite, palgorskite, porcelanite, saline brines, chalk, limestone, and gypsum are the potential industrial commodities. The basaltic rocks are of high alkalis content and good homogeneity and are of good potential use in constructions and cast basalt. The scoriaceous pyroclastic material proved to be of excellent properties for use as lightweight aggregates, cultivation purposes, and for the production of pozzolanic cement. Smectite-rich beds (bentonite) from Ein El Badia could be used as binder, absorbent, and additives for feeding farm animals. Palygorskite is potential for use in drilling mud, paint, pharmaceuticals, and as a filtering medium. The diatomaceous earth deposits are Moler type and could be used as filter aid and absorbent. Zeolites are efficient for agricultural purposes, animal waste, and wastewater treatment plants. Saline brine is exploited in the Azraq mudflat area for table salt. Porcelanite could be used as an absorbent of hazardous elements, abrasive, and filler. The softness and high purity of chalk enable its use as filler and in the lime production. The large limestone concretions are of high quality for use as a building stone. Gypsum (gypcrete) could be used after the removal of the undesired chert impurities. The Badia region is a highly potential area for future exploration and mining industry in a manner that achieves the required outcomes and minimizes impacts on ecosystems.  相似文献   

The ongoing debate about the Messinian salinity crisis in the Mediternean is fuelled in part by the lack of an adequate time control. The most accurate and, at the same time, detailed constraints are nowadays provided by the astronomical dating technique. Here we present an astronomical age model for the cyclically bedded Tripoli diatomite Formation on Sicily (pre-evaporite Messinian, Italy) based on an integrated stratigraphic study of three key-sections, Falconara, Gibliscemi and Capodarso. Characteristic sedimentary cycle patterns allow (i) the sections to be cyclostratigraphically correlated, the 'bed-to-bed' correlations being confirmed by high-resolution planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy, and (ii) the Tripoli cycles to be calibrated to the astronomical record. Despite minor misfits the correctness of the tuning is evident from the match between precession-obliquity interference in the astronomical target and its reflection in the sedimentary cycle record. The tuning provides absolute astronomical ages for all sedimentary cycles and planktonic foraminiferal events. The base of the Tripoli is astronomically dated at 7.005 Ma, indicating that the onset of diatomite formation is diachronous in the Mediternean since it started 300 000 years earlier on Sicily than on Gavdos, south of Crete. The top of the Tripoli, and thus the onset of the salinity crisis proper on Sicily, arrives at 5.98 Ma.  相似文献   

In the Rocca Busambra area (mid-west Sicily, Italy), from November 1999 to July 2002, 23 water points including wells and springs were sampled and studied for their chemical and isotopic compositions. Two rain gauges were also installed at different altitudes, and rainwater was collected monthly to determine the isotopic composition. The obtained results revealed the Rocca Busambra carbonate complex as being the main recharge area on account of its high permeability value. From a chemical view point, two main groups of water can be distinguished: calcium–magnesium–bicarbonate-type and calcium–magnesium–chloride–sulphate-type waters. The first group reflects the dissolution of the carbonate rocks; the second group probably originates from circulation within flyschoid sediments. Three water wells differ from the other samples due to their relatively high Na and K content, which probably is to be referred to a marked interaction with the “Calcareniti di Corleone” formation, which is rich in glauconite [(K, Na)(Fe3+, Al, Mg)2(Si, Al)4O10(OH)2]. In accordance with WHO guidelines for drinking water (2004), almost all the samples collected can be considered drinkable, with the exception of four of them, whose NO3 , F and Na+ contents exceed the limits. On the contrary, the sampled groundwater studied is basically suitable for irrigation.  相似文献   

Summary A wide range of relatively undifferentiated lavas, ranging in composition from quartz-tholeiites to ankaratrites, were erupted in the Iblean area (SE Sicily) during the Upper Miocene-Lower Pleistocene. New Sr-Nd-Pb isotope analyses, presented in this paper, have been used to constrain the petrogenesis of the Iblean magmas, and to characterise their sources. The results (87Sr/86Sr: 0.70271–0.70328;143Nd/144Nd: 0.51325–0.51291;206pb/204Pb: 19.25–20.00) indicate that the Iblean lavas are mantle-derived anorogenic melts, involving DM+HIMU mantle components. Isotope and trace element data suggest that magmas formed from a heterogeneous mantle source that equilibrated in the spinel-peridotite field; the Iblean melts were thus formed within the subcontinental lithosphere. The mantle source region, was originally characterised by a depleted isotopic signature (DM), and was repeatedly and variably impregnated (refertilized) by metasomatic agents of sublithospheric origin characterised by a HIMU signature.
Mantel-Quellen für den känozoischen Vulkanismus des Iblei-Plateaus (Südost-Sizilien, Italien): Sr-Nd-Pb Isotopen-Daten
Zusammenfassung Eine Vielfalt von relativ undifferenzierten Laven, die in ihrer Zusammensetzung von Quarz-Tholeiiten bis zu Ankaratriten reichen, wurden in dem Iblei-Gebiet (Südost-Sizilen) während des Oberen Miozäns — Unteren Pleistoziins eruptiert. Neue Sr-Nd-Pb Isotopenanalysen, die hier präsentiert werden, ermöglichen es, die Möglichkeiten petrogenetischer Deutung der Iblei-Magmen einzuschränken und ihre Quellen zu charakterisieren. Die Resultate (87Sr/86Sr: 0.70271–0.70328;143Nd/144Nd: 0.51325–0.51291;206Pb/204Pb: 19.25–20.00) zeigen, dass die Iblei-Laven anorogene Schmelzen aus dem Mantel sind, die DM+HIMU Komponenten umfassen. Die Isotopen- und Spurenelement-Daten zeigen, dass die Magmen aus einer heterogenen Mantelquelle stammen, die im Spinell-Peridotit-Feld equilibrierte. Die Iblei Magmen haben sich daher innerhalb der subkontinentalen Lithosphäre gebildet. Ihre Ursprungsregion im Mantel war durch eine abgereicherte Isotopensignatur (DM) charakterisiert und wurde wiederholt und in verschiedener Weise durch metasomatische Einflüsse sublithosphärischen Ursprunges imprägniert, die durch eine HIMU Signatur charakterisiert waren.

With 4 Figures  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Quaternary carbonates in SE Sicily were deposited in seamount and short ramp settings during glacio‐eustatically driven highstand conditions. They provide an excellent opportunity to investigate the depositional and erosional aspects of cool‐water carbonate sedimentation in a microtidal marine water body. The derived ramp facies model differs significantly from modern‐day, open‐ocean ramp scenarios in projected facies depth ranges and in the preservation of inshore facies. A sequence stratigraphic study of the carbonates has confirmed many established aspects of carbonate sedimentation (e.g. production usually only occurred during highstands). It has also revealed several new features peculiar to water bodies with little tidal influence, including ‘catch‐up’ surfaces taking the place of transgressive facies, second‐order sequence boundary events being most important as triggers for initiating resedimentation and a virtual absence of sediment shedding to the basin during the terminal lowstand. Production in the carbonate factory lasted for about 0·5 Myr. Despite this, carbonate production was considerable and included both bioconstructional and bioclastic‐dominated facies and the production of abundant lime muds. A model for eustatically controlled cool‐water carbonate production and resedimentation in microtidal marine water bodies is presented. This is considered to be more applicable to Neogene and Quaternary strata in the Mediterranean region than are current open‐ocean models.  相似文献   

Summary The metabasites of Montiggiu Nieddu occur as a lenticular body in the Hercynian migmatite complex of NE Sardinia and consist of two major lithological associations: ultramafic amphibolites and plagioclase-banded amphibolites, which are genetically related by processes of cumulate differentiation of an original tholeiitic magma. The ultramafic amphibolites consist of relics of igneous phases (anorthite, olivine, orthopyroxene, and clinopyroxene) and metamorphic minerals (orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, plagioclase, garnet, chlorite, and amphibole) in variable proportions. Based on the distribution of the relics of igneous minerals three main compositional layers (A, B, C) have been identified in the ultramafic amphibolites. The plagioclase-banded amphibolites consist of dark-green and white bands made up of plagioclase, amphibole, garnet, and rare pyroxene in variable proportions. No relics of magmatic minerals were observed. The trace element patterns of the Montiggiu Nieddu metabasites are characterised by selective enrichment of incompatible elements of low ionic potential, such as Sr, Rb, Ba, and Th, and low abundance of K, Cr, Ni, and elements of high ionic potential (from Ta to Yb), which define a relatively flat trend similar to MORB composition. Ti, Y, and heavy rare earth elements are all positively correlated with Zr. This correlation suggests that no significant transport of these elements took place during metamorphism. The metabasites of Montiggiu Nieddu are characterised by low Ti, Ti/V, and Ti/Zr content, low rare earth and high-field strength element concentrations, and moderate selective enrichment in large-ion lithophile elements. They also show geochemical features similar to those of supra subduction zone tholeiites. The CaO-MgO diagram displays a segmented trend, which provides powerful evidence in favour of crystal-liquid separation during magmatic evolution. Received December 4, 2000; revised version accepted January 29, 2001  相似文献   

Here the authors present results of an isotope study on precipitation collected during a 2-a period from a rain-gauge network consisting of 6 stations located at different elevations in the Hyblean Mountains (HM) region, in south-eastern Sicily. The slope of the local meteoric water line (δD = 6.50 δ18O + 9.87) obtained for the region suggests that precipitation is affected by evaporation during rainfall events. The main variations in rainwater isotope composition are due to seasonal effects and elevation. An average 2H excess value of +21.2‰ was found for precipitation events less affected by evaporation (i.e. when the rainfall was >65 mm/month). The spatial distribution of O isotope composition of precipitation shows a negative gradient from east and south to the inner areas. The depositional rate of Cl, used as a tracer of the origin of air masses, is highest at the coastal rain-gauges (SR and MRG stations) and lowest on the northern flank of the HM region (SC station). Based on these findings, a model is proposed for the origin of precipitation in the HM region, which assumes that a Mediterranean-derived component is the main source of moisture in the studied area. D/H and 18O/16O ratios of inferred meteoric recharge waters were also compared with the isotope composition of waters collected from the main local springs and wells. The best linear fit of the δ18O vs δD relationship for Hyblean groundwater is δD = 4.85 δ18O–2.01. The enrichment of heavy isotopes in Hyblean groundwater is probably due to evaporation occurring after precipitation events or to a recharging contribution from surface waters (lakes or rivers) enriched in heavy isotopes.  相似文献   

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