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当前海外园区已成为中国与“一带一路”沿线国家开展经贸合作的重要平台,在“一带一路”建设中发挥着愈来愈重要的作用。目前国内外关于中国海外园区的研究多聚焦园区的经济功能,而其制度和文化平台功能有待深入探讨。基于制度和文化的视角,本文以柬埔寨西哈努克港经济特区为案例,剖析海外园区的运行机制和建设模式,揭示海外园区对中国中小企业对外投资的促进作用。研究发现,西哈努克港经济特区通过构建多层级协调机制、打造优良投资环境、促进信息与资源共享以及释放集聚经济效应,为入区企业提供了优质的制度环境和充足的跨国发展空间,帮助入区企业更好地适应东道国投资环境,为大量中小企业对外投资实现路径突破和路径创新提供了更多可能性。基于案例研究,本文认为海外园区对于中国中小企业对外投资起到了重要的促进作用,为它们海外投资克服制度与文化差异提供了缓冲空间和发育土壤,起到了“投资花园”的作用。  相似文献   

The development of overseas industrial parks is a key component of the Belt and Road Initiative and a practical way of promoting inclusive globalization by introducing new forms of cooperation between China and the host countries. In this paper, the Thai-Chinese Rayong Industrial Zone(TCRIZ), and the China-Indonesia Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone(KITIC) are discussed in the context of the evolving development strategies and trajectories through three interrelated conceptual lenses – policy mobility, actor networks, and partnerships. The actor-network theory provides a lens to analyze how policy mobility and partnerships develop for two industrial zone case studies. The development, which involves a multi-scalar process, is shaped by the interactions among the national states, the regional governments and corporations against a background of globalization. Three types of transnational actor partnership networks have been identified, namely, hierarchical partnership, spontaneous partnership, and hybrid partnership. A highlight of the study is the role that the partnerships play in the process of policy mobility when it comes to the overseas industrial zones. It is argued that the partnerships are the key to achieving technology transfer on a cross-national basis, and the effectiveness of the technology transfer is dependent on partner selection and the roles of the actors in policy mobility.  相似文献   

进一步利用国际农产品市场、世界农业资源和拓展对外农业合作潜在空间,是保障新时期中国粮食安全和优化国内粮食消费结构的有效路径。本研究基于分国别潜在耕地和粮食自给率的估算,并结合上述两个指标对中国海外粮食合作国家进行分类,从而初步刻画其空间格局。结果显示,中国的粮食进口目标空间主要位于澳大利亚、北美、南美、东欧和中亚;中国粮食企业"走出去"的目标空间重点应在撒哈拉以南非洲和拉丁美洲的北部区域。研究提出,在维持好与美国、加拿大、巴西、阿根廷和澳大利亚等传统粮食贸易关系的同时,中国可以面向"一带一路"沿线国家拓展粮食合作空间:可加大从俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦和乌克兰等东欧中亚国家的粮食进口量,粮食企业"走出去"的重点方向可以是撒哈拉以南非洲。  相似文献   

The railway is an indispensable feature of a nation's infrastructure, and the gauge is an internal and objective technical regulation of the railway. In the large-scale regional space, the track gauges reflect the development differences, historical relations and mutual influences between countries and regions. This makes the railway, originally as a regional connection, have special social, political, military and other multiple attributes. Based on this, the paper, from the perspective of railway gauge, takes the Eurasian continent as the case region to explore the spatial pattern, formation mechanism and organizational mode of communication of the Eurasian continental railway geo-system. The results show that 11 kinds of railway gauge structures exist in Eurasia, which respectively belong to three types of wide-gauge, standard-gauge, and narrow-gauge, but the mainstream gauge only includes 1520 mm, 1435 mm and 1067 mm. Considerable variation in the coverage length and space range of different gauges is apparent, which provides a physical and technological basis for railway system differentiation and network fragmentation, which leads to the formation of eight railway geo-systems. Due to different modes for railway transport management in different geographical locations, the geographical pattern and geographical relationship of four transport organizations are formed. What especially important is the emergence of "1435 gauge space" and "1520 gauge space", as well as the railway geo-space confrontation between them, on the Eurasian continent. Besides, we also find that the railway geo-system of Eurasia is mainly affected by the technology dissemination, path dependence, geopolitics, national defense and the colonial expansion of military latitude, and on this basis, five geo-modes of railway gauge propagation are formed.  相似文献   

以情感地缘政治为切入点,以三部中国海外军事行动题材的影视作品以及观众在"豆瓣电影"论坛影评为主要分析对象,通过视觉分析、叙事解构与NVivo分析的方法,探究了影视作品中的地缘政治叙事以及观众对于这类电影的情绪性"阅读",尝试解构这类电影如何影响"情感"在地缘政治关系的认知中发挥作用。研究结论包括:首先,此类影视作品与现实中的地缘政治话题相契合,影视作品通过对地缘政治事件的改编与重塑将地缘政治情感放大与传递;其次,全媒体时代下影视作品正成为一种新的主流价值观的传播媒介,通过观众与影片叙事情节的互动产生意义,并作用于"情感"这一维度;最后,身体是民族情感重要的载体,影视作品的视听刺激以及观众网络媒介下的评论互动是唤醒与维持民族情感、生产地缘政治力量的重要方式。  相似文献   

Land is the root of rural revitalization, and its core is to reinvigorate land resources through the building up of land capacity. Since the late 1990s, land consolidation efforts have been widely extended to all parts of China. Land consolidation has served as an essential instrument for reinvigorating stock land, strengthening intensive land use, timely supplementing cultivated land, and promoting agricultural modernization, as well as urban-rural integration. This study uses a typical poor village(Dadao Village) in a state-designated impoverished county(Fuping County, Hebei Province), to analyze the socioeconomic benefits and eco-environmental impacts of land consolidation. With the aid of first-hand data from questionnaire surveys, face-to-face interviews and the visual interpretation of land use and land cover changes(LUCC), we found that: 1) the barren hilly land consolidation(BHLC)helps to promote the transformation of resource-advantages into asset-advantages in poverty-stricken areas. In 2017, 60.16% households in the study area gained the additional transferred-income with an annual average of 2843 yuan, while 19.11% households received the wage-income with an annual average of 9871 yuan. 2) Land consolidation inspires farmers' enthusiasm to participate in village government and helps alleviate rural poverty. From 2014 to 2017, land consolidation has helped 585 poor in the village out of poverty. Meanwhile,by land consolidation, most farmers' attitudes towards land consolidation have shifted from"not caring" to "have great concern," and their identity cognition has gradually changed from being bystanders to becoming decision makers and supervisors. 3) Further analysis demonstrated that land consolidation could not only increase the quantity and quality of arable land,but also have a certain impact on eco-environment. During 2014–2016, the BHLC in the study area transformed 242.12 ha unused barren hilly land and open forest land into well-facilitated arable land, and increased the average arable land by 0.19 ha per capita. Also, the index of land use intensity increased by 27.01% between 2014 and 2016. Farmers' perceptions of environmental awareness have confirmed that such high-intensity LUCC were significant enough to make two-side impacts on eco-environment. We appeal to establish a combined organization and encouragement mechanism of rural land consolidation, to take the full breadth and depth of farmers' participation into consideration, and to formulate more scientific and sustainable land consolidation planning. Also, we put forward some suggestions and notes for the implementation and promotion of BHLC model. These findings can provide beneficial references for those involved in policymaking and planning in the areas of land consolidation and poverty alleviation in China, as well as other developing countries around the world.  相似文献   

分析港口毗邻效应,论述石臼港与青岛港、连云港的合理分工,并就石臼港发展方向提出建议。  相似文献   

为了开展气候风险管理,近期学者们提出了气候承载力的概念。本文在分析气候承载力的概念内涵及其影响因子的基础上,从当前气候天然容量,城市气候压力和城市协调发展潜力3个方面构建城市气候承载力综合评价指标体系。以上海市为例,采用构建的城市气候承载力评价方法分析上海市2004-2013年气候承载力变化特点,并利用主成分因子分析法确定气候承载力的主要影响因子。分析结果如下:(1)当前气候天然容量指数表明上海市的气候条件劣于基准年,在研究期间呈波动状态;(2)城市气候压力和城市协调发展能力呈稳步增长状态,但协调发展能力的增长速度低于城市气候压力的增长速度;(3)总体来说,研究期间上海市气候承载力远低于基准年,且气候承载力值因受气候条件变化影响较大而处于较大波动状态;(4)基于主成分因子分析方法确定城市人口密度、人均GDP、单位生产总值能耗、工业总产值、环境保护投资、科技经费支出以及人均绿地面积为主要影响因子。结果表明,该气候承载力评价方法是可行的,它可以描述某一城市气候承载力在时域上的变化,也可以对区域气候承载力开发利用过程中存在的问题进行甄别,并可作为气候预警响应的依据,为我国建立气候安全管理机制提供技术参考。  相似文献   

石油作为现代工业社会的血液和全球性重要的战略资源,被广泛用于交通运输、化工、医药、制造等各行各业。加强石油资源流动研究,有助于理解石油在产业内部以及其他产业之间的流动过程。石油资源流动分析框架及测算方法研究是开展石油供需研究的基础与前提,同时也是石油产品二氧化碳排放评估研究的基础。鉴于此,本文构建了石油资源流动分析框架,把石油资源产业流动过程划分为4阶段,3种流,3种库和2个过程,归纳总结了石油资源流动测算分析方法。以中国为例开展实证研究,研究结果显示:(1)过去二十年中国石油生产、消费和出口量迅猛增长,快速正价的需求和有限的供应能力导致中国石油进口来源呈现多元化,从而实现国家层面上的石油安全;(2)终端消费掉多数石油产品,应该特别关注石油炼制过程中的损失情况;(3)除去原油,不同部门之间的石油产品流入量已经发展了巨大变化,在交通运输和生活消费部门呈现明显的上升趋势,而工业消费量呈现下降趋势。(4)石油资源流动的CO2排放而言,从1993年的4.56亿t上升到2013年的15.17亿t;与此同时,二氧化碳排放的前三名从工业、运输业(包括运输业、仓储和邮政业)、火力发电业转变为交通运输、工业和生活消费。此外,石油资源产业流动需进一步加强系统边界、数据库和针对非能源消费的石油资源流动模型研究等。  相似文献   

受城市功能定位、旅游消费驱动等因素影响,旅游城市餐饮产业空间布局具有其自身特征。通过对互联网电子地图POI数据的挖掘,并结合ArcGIS最近邻分析、标准差椭圆、核密度分析和缓冲区分析工具,本文分析了高原旅游城市拉萨市主城区餐饮业空间分布格局特征及其影响因素(基于道路交通、旅游资源和人口视角)。研究发现拉萨市主城区餐饮业空间分布总体呈现集聚特征,主要集中在交通发达和旅游资源密集区周边地区;常住人口集聚区域餐饮点同样集中布局,餐饮点密集区与实时人口密集区高度重叠。针对拉萨市城市空间结构、功能定位和旅游发展,文章进一步提出拉萨市餐饮业空间布局优化措施。  相似文献   

As an innovative mode of China's foreign direct investment, China's overseas industrial parks are not only the main content of the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI) but also the practical carrier of policy transfer. However, most of the academic literature on the policy transfer of overseas industrial parks has regarded the host country as a passive learner and seldom considers the two-way interactions between the host country and the home country. Using the Malaysia-China Kuantan Industrial Park(MCKIP) and the "Two Countries, Twin Parks" model as case studies, we discuss the applicability and innovative development of the policy transfer theory of China's overseas industrial parks under the background of BRI. This article systematically analyzes the developmental background of the MCKIP and the cooperative framework between the governments. We consider the problems encountered in the policy transfer process and the solutions, as well as the two-way interactions between China and Malaysia in terms of the flow of people, logistics, capital, information, and technology. The study sheds light on the construction of the "Two Countries, Twin Parks" overseas industrial park.  相似文献   

在传统村落长期除水害、兴水利的营建与发展过程中,通过适应天然水体和利用地域水系形成了一整套成熟的策略,有着朴素的理水生态智慧。本研究从村落水系格局梳理、空间特征计算、水环境量化三个方面,对江西流坑村的理水策略和效果做出定性和定量的分析,探索村落理水研究的技术方法和潜力。研究结果表明,流坑村具有源头引水—中程排水—末端调蓄的层次清晰的水系格局:通过三维点云计算可知,其选址精确利用了微地形,采用多水源理水策略,形成了一个有机的水系格局,为村落各类需求提供了充足水源;采用双水源理水策略;村中塘湖可容纳83.0%的雨水,且植被面积约占村落总面积的34.7%,具有较高的地表渗透率,中程排水效果甚佳;通过水环境质量检测可知,其塘湖水体环境质量良好,末端调蓄功能较强。该研究旨在填补以往对传统村落理水非量化研究的空缺,挖掘传统村落隐没的信息和价值,加深人们理解传统村落水利统筹、布局和营建的生态智慧,实现传统村落水利文化遗产保护与现代利用的双赢,为我国村镇聚落发展建设过程中妥善处理雨洪问题、实现水资源可持续、保护生态环境提供有益启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

罗志伟  王敏 《热带地理》2022,42(7):1169-1179
当前世界地缘政治经济格局发生深刻变化,全球化发展正面临重大挑战。在此背景下,建设海南自由贸易港既是中国深化改革开放的需要,也是在全球治理语境下中国积极重塑地缘政治经济格局的重要举措。以海南自贸港为对象,采用话语分析和网络民族志方法,探讨基于国家品牌的地缘政治实践,审视政府、媒体和国内外普通受众如何参与海南自贸港地理意义的(再)生产,并讨论了其背后的地缘政治运作机制。研究发现,国家品牌建设涉及国家、媒体和普通受众之间的互动,政府利用媒体工具构建宏大叙事,塑造国内外受众对海南自贸港的地理想象,进而支持和强化中国作为全球治理的建设者身份。然而,不同社会文化背景的受众群体形成了差异化的情感体验,普通受众对海南自贸港的认同等积极感知支持了国家身份叙事,质疑和感到威胁等情感则对自上而下和由内而外的话语营建提出挑战。不同行动者的建构和表征作用使国家品牌意义不断被想象、表达和重塑,导致基于国家品牌的地缘政治运作复杂化。  相似文献   

Urban carbon footprint reflects the impact and pressure of human activities on urban environment.Based on city level,this paper estimated carbon emissions and carbon footprint of Nanjing city,analyzed urban carbon footprint intensity and carbon cycle pressure and discussed the influencing factors of carbon footprint through LMDI decomposition model.The main conclusions are as follows:(1) The total carbon emissions of Nanjing increased rapidly since 2000,in which the carbon emission from the use of fossil energy was the largest.Meanwhile,carbon sinks of Nanjing presented a declining trend since 2000,which caused the decrease of carbon compensation rate and the increase of urban carbon cycle pressure.(2) The total carbon footprint of Nanjing increased rapidly since 2000,and the carbon deficit was more than ten times of total land areas of Nanjing in 2009,which means Nanjing confronted high carbon cycle pressure.(3) Generally,carbon footprint intensity of Nanjing was on decrease and the carbon footprint productivity was on increase.This indicated that energy utilization rate and carbon efficiency of Nanjing was improved since 2000,and the policy for energy conservation and emission reduction taken by Nanjing's government received better effects.(4) Economic development,population and industrial structure are promoting factors for the increase of carbon footprint of Nanjing,while the industrial carbon footprint intensity was inhibitory factor.(5) Several countermeasures should be taken to decrease urban carbon footprint and alleviate carbon cycle pressure,such as:improvement of the energy efficiency,industrial structure reconstruction,afforestation and environmental protection and land use control.Generally,transition to low-carbon economy is essential for Chinese cities to realize sustainable development in the future.  相似文献   

农村宅基地是农村土地系统中极其重要的组成部分,是农村衰落、农村空心化等各种问题表征的重要载体。农村地区发生巨大变化的同时,农村宅基地也发生着深刻的转型。本研究在总结国内外对于农村宅基地多功能分类的基础上,根据实地调查问卷,从宅基地功能提升的角度划分并界定了宅基地的人口承载功能、资产以及居住功能。通过协调转型度模型对农村宅基地的功能及协调转型度进行了分析。结果表明:(1)2000–2017年鄱阳县农村宅基地功能转型度在整体上有了明显提升。(2)北部山地丘陵区及环鄱阳湖区主要分布着协调转型度的高值区,近县城的平原区主要分布着协调转型度的低值区。(3)区位条件与资源禀赋较好的区域,人口、资本等要素非农化的支撑条件也比较好,相应的非农化趋势也更为明显。应根据不同区域农村宅基地转型的差异化情况提出针对性的发展建议。  相似文献   

Frequent extreme weather events like drought, etc. in the context of climate change present huge challenges to agricultural production. To find out if farmers have taken measures against them and identify governments' impact on their response measures are the foundation of and key to further improving relevant policies and farmers' responsiveness. Taking the North China Plain as an example, the study analyzes farmers' responses to frequent climate change-induced drought, and assesses the impacts of governments' earlywarning, policy support and other factors on farmers' responses based on questionnaire survey data and an econometric approach. The results show that:(1) Farmers are responsive to drought, and they are more likely to take measures as the degree of drought deepening.(2) Governments' regulation affects farmers' responses, although only part of its regulation measures has remarkable effects. Governments' early-warning messages can increase the possibility of farmers' responding to drought, however, only when they get the early-warning in all the processes including before, during, and after disasters can the effects be significant. Currently, as the primary channel through which early-warning information is released, television cannot change farmers' behaviors significantly. Early-warning is most effective when spread via two or more types of channels. In addition, governments'(especially town and village level institutions') policy support has certain impacts on farmers' responses to drought, yet with less prominent effects in disaster years than in normal years; to provide subsidies, as a regulation measure, can encourage farmers' initiative a lot in adopting response measures, but most of the farmers haven't got support from any institutions. Both the structure and strength of government regulation need to be improved.(3) Farmers with different conditions respond differently. Farmer households in irrigation areas, those whose farmland is lower fragmented, and those with numerous agricultural family members tend to take response measures. The study can provide scientific reference to the making of relevant regulation policies under the background of acidifications.  相似文献   

本文采用问卷调查和访谈的方式,对中国社会科学院研究生院快递包装废弃物的情况进行分析。调查结果表明:(1)校园吸纳了大量的快递包装,而且包装废弃物也非常多;(2)快递材料主要有纸包装,塑料袋,胶带和缓冲填料四种类型;(3)学生和学校在快递包装废弃物回收方面表现不佳;(4)本文研究的样本可以通过聚类分析分为四类,由此得出女大学生比例较高的大学应更加重视快递包装废弃物的回收问题。根据上述研究成果本文提出了一些建议:(1)建立校园垃圾回收系统是解决快递包装废弃物问题的最有效方法;(2)社会应该倡导绿色包装,从废物产生的源头进行管理,因为大多数快递包装材料不易自然降解,对人类健康和环境存在巨大的隐患;(3)学校应培养学生的环保意识。如果教育和惩罚结合实施,包装物回收制度将能更好的运行。  相似文献   

Rice(Oryza sativa L.) is the most important staple crop of China, and its production is related to both natural condition and human activities. It is fundamental to comprehensively assess the influence of terrain conditions on rice production to ensure a steady increase in rice production. Although many studies have focused on the impact of one or several specific factors on crop production, few studies have investigated the direct influence of terrain conditions on rice production. Therefore, we selected Hunan Province, one of the major rice-producing areas in China, which exhibits complex terrain conditions, as our study area. Based on remote sensing data and statistical data, we applied spatial statistical analysis to explore the effects of terrain factors on rice production in terms of the following three aspects: the spatial patterns of paddy fields, the rice production process and the final yield. We found that 1) terrain has a significant impact on the spatial distribution of paddy fields at both the regional scale and the county scale; 2) terrain controls the distribution of temperature, sunlight and soil, and these three environmental factors consequently directly impact rice growth; 3) compared with the patterns of paddy fields and the rice production process, the influences of terrain factors on the rice yield are not as evident, with the exception of elevation; and 4) the spatial distribution of paddy fields mismatched that of production resources due to terrain factors. Our results strongly suggest that managers should scientifically guide farmers to choose suitable varieties and planting systems and allocate rice production resources in the northern plain regions to ensure food security.  相似文献   

水资源过度利用对流域水资源实现可持续利用及生态环境具有很大的影响,量化水资源的开发利用程度对水资源合理利用具有重要的指导作用。基于此,本文提出了水资源利用极化概念旨在定性分析水资源利用是否存在超采;依据ER指数、TW指数以及方差的偏离度构建水资源利用极化指数模型,用来量化水资源利用的超采程度。并以黄河七个二级流域区为例,分别计算了地表水以及地下水资源可利用量、超采量、极化指数。结果显示:2012年黄河流域地表水资源可利用量为344.9亿m~3,占地表水资源总量的56.21%;地下水资源可利用量为58.4亿m~3,占地下水资源的58.74%。而且在黄河流域中下游水资源极化严重,其中黄河兰州至头道拐流域、龙门至三门峡流域段极化度最高,极化指数分别为:19.88、11.81。龙羊峡以上以及头道拐至龙门段不存在极化现象。总体而言,黄河流域水资源利用极化指数是7.95。水资源利用极化度的计算可为黄河流域水资源可持续利用提供重要的理论支撑。  相似文献   

As the improvement of international status and the implementation of China's neighboring diplomacy, the development of border regions and the security of border cities, as well as their spatial structure and regional differences are gaining more attention from academic circle. Based on the interdisciplinary perspectives of urban geography, regional economics and geopolitics, this paper explores the regional differences of border geo-cities in China and the surrounding countries with the help of remote sensing information acquisition and Arc GIS spatial analysis. Three primary results are found as follows:(1) The border geo-cities in China and surrounding countries are divided into five geographical regions: geo-cities in South China Sea, geo-cities in Southeast Asia, geo-cities in South Asia, geo-cities in Central Asia and geo-cities in Northeast Asia.(2) In the spatial structure system of China's border geo-cities, the importance of geo-cities in five major regions is fairly different. In terms of the security and economic development, the rank of priority is geo-cities in Northeast Asia, geo-cities in South China Sea, geo-cities in Central Asia, geo-cities in South Asia, geo-cities in Southeast Asia.(3) Considering China's geo-setting for the development of border geo-cities, the east region is significantly better than the west, and the north region is slightly better than the south.  相似文献   

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