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面向地貌学本源的数字地形分析研究进展与展望   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
数字地形分析(DTA)是地理信息科学(GIS)研究的热点。但是,当前基于数字高程模型(DEM)的数字地形分析在地貌学研究中存在重形态轻机理、重现象轻过程、重地上轻地下等问题,急需从单一的地貌形态分析,迈向面向成因、过程与机理等地貌学本源问题的研究转变。据此,本文系统梳理了面向地貌学本源的数字地形分析的相关研究现状,并从地貌学本源认识、地貌形态建模、地形因子提取、以及其他地形分析方法等研究进行了系统的回顾、梳理与分析。研究表明,基于DEM的数字地形分析虽具有地貌特征分析的潜力与优势,但是,数字地形分析存在数据表达与分析模式上的先天缺陷,亟待通过基础理论与关键技术的突破,实现理论与方法的创新发展,实现从“坡面”走向“区域”,从“形态”走向“过程”,从“地形”走向“地貌”。而当今地球系统科学的研究发展态势也到了数字地形分析研究从重视地貌形态走向揭示地貌学本源的关键阶段。因此,本文从DEM数据模型增值、地形因子及其地形空间关系、以及宏观地形分析等侧面展望了面向地貌学本源的数字地形分析研究。当今基于DEM的数字地形分析研究,正像当前的GIS是否能够真正支撑地理学发展一样,已经处于一个非常关键的十字路口。面向地貌学本源的数字地形分析研究思路可望成为地理信息科学领域理论与方法创新的一次重要探索与实践。  相似文献   

我国数字高程模型与数字地形分析研究进展   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
汤国安 《地理学报》2014,69(9):1305-1325
数字高程模型是最重要的国家基础地理信息数据,基于GIS的数字地形分析的理论、方法与应用,是当今地理学、地貌学界,特别是地理信息科学研究的热点问题。本文从DEM的数据模型、数字地形分析的不确定性、分析方法、尺度效应、高性能计算方法以及地学应用等方面,对我国学者在该领域的研究情况,特别是研究成果进行较全面的梳理与分析。综述显示,我国具有一批从事数字高程模型与数字地形分析的高水平研究力量,研究方向紧跟国际前沿,并取得了丰硕的成果,部分研究内容具有显著创新,年轻一代科学家正加速成长。在黄土高原、青藏高原的区域数字地形分析方面更彰显我国科学家的优势与特色,在国际学术界产生了重要的影响。  相似文献   

Geomorphometry, the science of digital terrain analysis (DTA), is an important focus of research in both geomorphology and geographical information science (GIS). Given that 70% of China is mountainous, geomorphological research is popular among Chinese scholars, and the development of GIS over the last 30 years has led to significant advances in geomorphometric research. In this paper, we review Chinese progress in geomorphometry based on the published literature. There are three major areas of progress: digital terrain modelling methods, DTA methods, and applications of digital terrain models (DTMs). First, traditional vector- and raster-based terrain modelling methods, including the assessment of uncertainty, have received widespread attention. New terrain modelling methods such as unified raster and vector, high-fidelity, and real-time dynamic geographical scene modelling have also attracted research attention and are now a major focus of digital terrain modelling research. Second, in addition to the popular DTA methods based on topographical derivatives, geomorphological features, and hydrological factors extracted from DTMs, DTA methods have been extended to include analyses of the structure of underlying strata, ocean surface features and even socioeconomic spatial structures. Third, DTMs have been applied to fields including global climate change, analysis of various typical regions, lunar surface and other related fields. Clearly, Chinese scholars have made significant progress in geomorphometry. Chinese scholars have had the greatest international impact in areas including high-fidelity digital terrain modelling and DTM-based regional geomorphological analysis, particularly in the Loess Plateau and the Tibetan Plateau regions.  相似文献   

数字高程模型(DEM)在表达地貌形态、认知地表过程、揭示地学机理等研究中发挥着基础性的作用,是重要的地理空间数据模型,广泛地应用于地学分析与建模中。但是,传统DEM具有属性单一的天然缺陷,难以支撑面向地学过程与机理挖掘的地球系统科学研究。亟待在传统DEM的基础上实现其数据模型的增值,服务于新地貌学研究范式和新对地观测技术背景下的数字地形建模与分析。立足于以上问题,本文构建了DEM增值的理论框架,主要包括DEM增值的概念、内涵、内容、类别、不同增值类别之间的相互关系,以及此理论框架的研究意义和应用范畴。提出了DEM增值的构建方法,包含:① 强调地上地下一体化、时间空间相耦合的DEM空间维度和时间维度增值方法;② 重视地下、地表和地上物质构成,形态属性耦合的物质属性和形态属性增值方法;③ 顾及自然过程、人工作用的地物对象、地貌形态的地物要素和形体要素增值方法。最后,分别以数字阶地模型、数字坡地模型和数字流域模型为例,阐释DEM在面向地貌学本源问题时的不同增值方法及应用场景。期望通过对DEM进行维度、属性和要素3个层面的增值,实现现代对地观测技术背景下数字高程模型表达方法的突破,并支撑知识驱动的数字地貌问题分析。  相似文献   

数字地形分析的理论、方法与应用   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
数字高程模型自20世纪50年代首次被提出以来,就以其简洁的数据组织方式、对地形的直观表达、简单高效的地形因子解译方法而显示了其在地学领域应用的巨大潜力。本文在全面检索和分析前人相关研究成果的基础上,首先将数字地形分析 (Digital Terrain Analysis,简称DTA) 的各种分析方法总结为四类,即坡面地形因子分析、特征地形要素分析、地形统计分析以及基于DEM的地学模型分析,并简要总结了每种分析方法的主要内容;其次,探讨了数字地形分析的精度及尺度问题,指出尺度效应、最适宜尺度选择以及尺度转换是DEM地形分析中的基本尺度问题;然后,论文介绍了DTA在地貌、水文、土壤、地质灾害、农业等领域的应用现状;最后,提出了数字地形分析发展方向,指出数字地形分析的概念框架亟待完善、模型构建精度有待提高、地形分析方法需要扩展,尤其是实现DEM模型嵌入的一体化分析方法,以求得到与现实世界地理环境更为接近的模拟。  相似文献   

Geomorphometry,the science of digital terrain analysis(DTA),is an important focus of research in both geomorphology and geographical information science(GIS).Given that 70% of China is mountainous,geomorphological research is popular among Chinese scholars,and the development of GIS over the last 30 years has led to significant advances in geomorphometric research.In this paper,we review Chinese progress in geomorphometry based on the published literature.There are three major areas of progress:digital terrain modelling methods,DTA methods,and applications of digital terrain models(DTMs).First,traditional vector-and raster-based terrain modelling methods,including the assessment of uncertainty,have received widespread attention.New terrain modelling methods such as unified raster and vector,high-fidelity,and real-time dynamic geographical scene modelling have also attracted research attention and are now a major focus of digital terrain modelling research.Second,in addition to the popular DTA methods based on topographical derivatives,geomorphological features,and hydrological factors extracted from DTMs,DTA methods have been extended to include analyses of the structure of underlying strata,ocean surface features and even socioeconomic spatial structures.Third,DTMs have been applied to fields including global climate change,analysis of various typical regions,lunar surface and other related fields.Clearly,Chinese scholars have made significant progress in geomorphometry.Chinese scholars have had the greatest international impact in areas including high-fidelity digital terrain modelling and DTM-based regional geomorphological analysis,particularly in the Loess Plateau and the Tibetan Plateau regions.  相似文献   

数字地形分析在滑坡研究中的应用综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高效的数字地形分析(Digital Terrain Analysis,DTA)是滑坡预测与评估研究的重要手段。文章综述了DTA在滑坡研究中的应用现状,基本内容包括地形因子分析、地形形态分析、地形单元划分以及DEM与滑坡模型的结合分析。地形因子分析的应用多而广,主要思路是在地形因子与滑坡发育的关系研究基础上分析其滑坡敏感性,进而构建滑坡预测和评估模型;地形形态分析是滑坡识别的重要手段,加强地貌形态和滑坡发育的关系研究有助于对潜在滑坡地形的识别;地形单元划分能为滑坡研究提供统计和分析单元;DEM与滑坡专业模型的结合方式多样,程度各异。同时,从尺度选择与转换的角度探讨了DTA滑坡研究的尺度问题,分析了DTA的局限性,指出DEM不能提供完备无误的地形信息,DTA不能完全取代常规的地形分析。最后,基于以上论述对未来的研究趋势提出了展望。  相似文献   

地形元素(如山脊、沟谷等)是地表形态类型基本单元,通过地形元素的不同空间组合可形成更高级别的地貌类型。现有的地形元素提取方法大多依靠地形属性计算,难以克服地形元素的空间相关性表达与局部地形属性计算存在不对应的矛盾,Jasiewicz和Stepinski提出的Geomorphons方法——基于高程相对差异信息进行地形元素分类,可避免这一问题,但Geomorphons方法本质上是在单一分析尺度上选择地形特征点用于判别,易受局部地形起伏的影响而造成误分类。针对这一问题,设计出一种多分析尺度下综合判别的地形元素分类方法。应用结果表明:相比Geomorphons方法,利用该方法得到的地形元素的分类结果更为合理。  相似文献   

栅格数字地形分析中的尺度问题研究方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
秦承志  呼雪梅 《地理研究》2014,33(2):270-283
栅格数字高程模型(DEM)固有的尺度特征给以栅格DEM为基本输入的数字地形分析带来各种尺度问题。对栅格数字地形分析中涉及的尺度进行梳理,以分辨率和分析窗口为重点,对栅格数字地形分析中的多尺度表达、尺度效应、适宜尺度选择、尺度转换等尺度问题及其相互关系进行阐述;分别介绍各类尺度问题的现有定量研究方法,尤其对尺度效应定量刻画和适宜尺度选择方法,根据不同方法计算定量指标所利用的信息类别进行分类归纳;最后讨论了其中有待进一步开展研究的几方面工作。  相似文献   

Visual interpretation of aerial photography suggests that certain geomorphological similarities exist between the hummocky terrain of central Alberta, Canada, and the Rogen terrain of Nunavut, Canada. This study statistically compares the two landform types based on measures of depression shapes and ridge orientations. Comparison of depression shapes indicates that two of three sample areas chosen from the hummocky terrain study area are statistically similar to those of the Rogen terrain study area. Analysis of ridge orientations indicates the ridge crests from two of three hummocky terrain sample areas, and ridge crests from within the Rogen terrain study site all exhibit a preferred trend. Variability in the process of formation may explain why only particular areas throughout the hummocky terrain exhibit patterns similar to the Rogen terrain and others do not. Statistical similarities in two-dimensional form between the hummocky terrain of central Alberta and the Rogen terrain of the Northwest Territories however, suggest that these landforms may have a common or similar origin.  相似文献   

In the field of digital terrain analysis (DTA), the principle and method of uncertainty in surface area calculation (SAC) have not been deeply developed and need to be further studied. This paper considers the uncertainty of data sources from the digital elevation model (DEM) and SAC in DTA to perform the following investigations: (a) truncation error (TE) modeling and analysis, (b) modeling and analysis of SAC propagation error (PE) by using Monte-Carlo simulation techniques and spatial autocorrelation error to simulate DEM uncertainty. The simulation experiments show that (a) without the introduction of the DEM error, higher DEM resolution and lower terrain complexity lead to smaller TE and absolute error (AE); (b) with the introduction of the DEM error, the DEM resolution and terrain complexity influence the AE and standard deviation (SD) of the SAC, but the trends by which the two values change may be not consistent; and (c) the spatial distribution of the introduced random error determines the size and degree of the deviation between the calculated result and the true value of the surface area. This study provides insights regarding the principle and method of uncertainty in SACs in geographic information science (GIScience) and provides guidance to quantify SAC uncertainty.  相似文献   

Multi-scale landform characterization   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Jochen Schmidt  Robbie Andrew 《Area》2005,37(3):341-350
One fundamental objective in geomorphometry is to extract signatures of geomorphologic processes on different spatial scales from digital terrain models (DTMs) and to describe the complexity of landforms as the synthesis of those individual imprints. We present an approach for characterizing land surfaces on multiple, spatially varying local scales. We approximate terrain surfaces locally to calculate surface derivatives at different window sizes. Local scale behaviour diagrams are used to define dominant scale ranges and multiple curvatures for each surface point. Multi-scale landform analysis leads to improved models of surface derivatives and new landform classifications, applicable in geomorphology, soil science and hydrology.  相似文献   

多尺度数字地貌等级分类方法   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
参考已出版的全国各级各类比例尺的地貌类型图的分类方案及图例表达,探讨了中国1:100 万数字地貌的等级分类方法,采用基于形态、成因、物质和年龄等地貌要素,综合反映地貌特征的等级分类指标和分类体系,初步构建了中国多个国家基本比例尺(即1:400 万、1:100 万、1:50 万、1:25 万、1:5 万)数字地貌等级分类方法,发展了由连续分布的多边形图斑反映形态成因类型,以及由离散的点、线和面图斑共同反映形态结构类型的数字地貌类型数据组织方式,构建了多尺度数字地貌类型的编码方法。该研究可为发展多尺度地貌类型图的编制提供方法基础,也可为当前正在进行的地理国情监测工程的大比例尺地貌类型信息普查提供分类规范和技术支持。  相似文献   

吴江  高宇 《中国沙漠》2019,39(6):23-29
基于无人机低空摄影测量获取到的高分辨率数字正射影像图/数字高程模型(DOM/DEM),选取榆林榆阳区岔河则乡附近一片较为典型的风沙草滩为研究区,分别对沙丘地形因子(坡度、地形起伏度、地表粗糙度、剖面曲率)、斑块形状指数及植被覆盖度进行提取并构建稳定性评价体系,然后利用GIS空间分析功能对该区域内的沙丘稳定性进行了评价。结果表明:(1)无人机航测以便捷高效的特点,可生成高精度地形数据并实现小尺度沙丘地形特征提取;(2)在人工飞播固沙和风沙缓慢侵蚀的双重作用下,研究区已体现出较为稳定的风沙草滩区特有地貌环境特征;(3)该区域已经拥有一定程度的抵抗力稳定性,但不具备恢复力稳定性。  相似文献   

典型黄土地貌类型区的地形复杂度分形研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
龙毅  周侗  汤国安  刘学军 《山地学报》2007,25(4):385-392
黄土高原地貌形态与地形复杂度自南向北有序变化,构成了举世瞩目的独特的地理景观。选择陕西省南北剖面六个典型黄土地貌样区为基本实验区,以其1∶1万栅格DEM为数据源,探讨典型黄土地貌类型区的地形复杂度分形与空间分异特征。首先提出的元分维模型方法,以计算得到的DEM元分维值作为特征指标,研究样区的地形复杂度问题。这种通过滑动窗口的扩展分维分析方法,既可以用于分析该区域不同尺度下的地形复杂度变化情况,也可以探讨区域的局部单元复杂程度及其空间分布,从而不再局限于对全区域的单一分维评价。以此为基础,进一步应用元分维谱方法,研究地貌网格单元的元分维分级分布情况。实验结果表明:以绥德和延川为代表的黄土峁状丘陵沟壑区最为复杂,以宜君和甘泉为代表的梁状丘陵沟壑区居中,而以淳化为代表的黄土塬区和以神木为代表的风沙黄土过渡区最为平缓。实验进一步证明了扩展分形方法在黄土地貌研究中的可行性。  相似文献   

New remote sensing techniques, such as airborne laser scanning (LiDAR), have led to a dramatic increase in terrain information, providing new opportunities for landform analysis. A major advance in using LiDAR‐derived high‐resolution topography (HRT) is the capability to provide an accurate and detailed terrain morphology. This study aims to use LiDAR HRT to identify palaeochannels of the Manawatu River (New Zealand) using an automated procedure based on the statistical analysis of landform curvature. The approach can provide rapid assessment and classification of floodplain topography. The proposed analysis is crucial, especially for intensively used floodplains requiring effective flood management and mitigation.  相似文献   

中国地貌区划新论   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
地貌区划是研究自然环境空间分异的基础,在区域地貌研究中具有十分重要的地位.本文分析总结了国内外地貌区划的相关研究成果,系统探讨了地貌区划的具体步骤与方法、地貌区划的原则、各级地貌区划的依据和标准,提出地貌类型组合和地貌成因类型的基本异同是各级地貌区划的依据.本文以中国1:400 万地貌图等新资料为基础,应用GIS 方法,结合中国三大地貌阶梯及其内部地貌格局的特点,通过分析我国各地基本地貌类型组合的差异及其形成原因,将中国地貌区划分为东部低山平原大区、东南低中山地大区、中北中山高原大区、西北高中山盆地大区、西南亚高山地大区和青藏高原大区6 个地貌大区,并分别简要论述了各大区的地貌特征.各大区内部又据次级基本地貌类型和地貌成因类型及其组合差异进一步分区,全国共划分了38个地貌区.  相似文献   

论DEM地形分析中的尺度问题   总被引:13,自引:8,他引:5  
DEM及其地形分析具有强烈的尺度依赖特征。本文以黄高原地区的研究为例,结合地学建模和地学模拟的需求,重点讨论DEM地形分析中的尺度问题。文中从DEM建立与应用出发,首先建立了DEM地形分析中的尺度概念体系,剖析了各类尺度之间的关系,其次讨论了尺度所引起的各种地形分析效应问题,最后探讨了DEM地形分析中的尺度转换类型和方法。  相似文献   

DEM 点位地形信息量化模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
董有福  汤国安 《地理研究》2012,31(10):1825-1836
针对DEM 点位, 首先应用微分几何法对其所负载的语法信息量进行测度, 其次根据地形特征点类型及地形结构特征确定其语义信息量, 然后基于信息学理论构建了DEM 点位地形信息综合量化模型。在此基础上, 以黄土丘陵沟壑区作为实验样区, 对DEM 点位地形信息量提取方法及其在地形简化中的初步实例应用进行了探讨和验证。实验结果显示, 所提出的DEM 点位地形信息量化方案可行;基于DEM 地形信息量指数的多尺度DEM 构建方案, 具有机理明确、易于实现的特点, 并通过优先保留地形骨架特征点, 可以有效减少地形失真, 从而满足不同层次的多尺度数字地形建模和表达要求。对DEM 点位地形信息进行有效量化, 为认识DEM 地形信息特征提供了一个新的切入点, 同时为多尺度数字地形建模提供理论依据与方法支持。  相似文献   

The geomorphological environment is one of the most fundamental variables af-fecting the development of human society.The mission of geomorphological environment research is to explore the most basic environment and features of our Earth’s surface mor-phology.The results can be applied to resource evaluation,environmental protection and reducing and preventing geological disasters.Thus,it can serve to help achieve sustainable development.This paper examines the Shenzhen east coastal zone as a case strongly in-fluenced by urban expansion.We use modern geomorphological theory and methods,along with GIS and RS techniques,to reveal key characteristics of the geomorphological environ-ment and landform classification.Furthermore,coastal ecosystem evaluation and regional resources sustainable utilization should be considered relative to the corresponding geo-morphological environment.Based on this study,we conclude that modern geomorphological theory and methods,supported by "3S" techniques including GIS,RS and GPS,can play an important role in resolving the environment,resources and population problems as well as sustainable development challenges facing humankind at present.  相似文献   

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