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Voluminous (3·9 x 105 km3), prolonged (18 Myr) explosivesilicic volcanism makes the mid-Tertiary Sierra Madre Occidentalprovince of Mexico one of the largest intact silicic volcanicprovinces known. Previous models have proposed an assimilation–fractionalcrystallization origin for the rhyolites involving closed-systemfractional crystallization from crustally contaminated andesiticparental magmas, with <20% crustal contributions. The lackof isotopic variation among the lower crustal xenoliths inferredto represent the crustal contaminants and coeval Sierra MadreOccidental rhyolite and basaltic andesite to andesite volcanicrocks has constrained interpretations for larger crustal contributions.Here, we use zircon age populations as probes to assess crustalinvolvement in Sierra Madre Occidental silicic magmatism. Laserablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry analysesof zircons from rhyolitic ignimbrites from the northeasternand southwestern sectors of the province yield U–Pb agesthat show significant age discrepancies of 1–4 Myr comparedwith previously determined K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar ages from thesame ignimbrites; the age differences are greater than the errorsattributable to analytical uncertainty. Zircon xenocrysts withnew overgrowths in the Late Eocene to earliest Oligocene rhyoliteignimbrites from the northeastern sector provide direct evidencefor some involvement of Proterozoic crustal materials, and,potentially more importantly, the derivation of zircon fromMesozoic and Eocene age, isotopically primitive, subduction-relatedigneous basement. The youngest rhyolitic ignimbrites from thesouthwestern sector show even stronger evidence for inheritancein the age spectra, but lack old inherited zircon (i.e. Eoceneor older). Instead, these Early Miocene ignimbrites are dominatedby antecrystic zircons, representing >33 to 100% of the datedpopulation; most antecrysts range in age between 20 and 32 Ma.A sub-population of the antecrystic zircons is chemically distinctin terms of their high U (>1000 ppm to 1·3 wt %) andheavy REE contents; these are not present in the Oligocene ignimbritesin the northeastern sector of the Sierra Madre Occidental. Thecombination of antecryst zircon U–Pb ages and chemistrysuggests that much of the zircon in the youngest rhyolites wasderived by remelting of partially molten to solidified igneousrocks formed during preceding phases of Sierra Madre Occidentalvolcanism. Strong Zr undersaturation, and estimations for veryrapid dissolution rates of entrained zircons, preclude coevalmafic magmas being parental to the rhyolite magmas by a processof lower crustal assimilation followed by closed-system crystalfractionation as interpreted in previous studies of the SierraMadre Occidental rhyolites. Mafic magmas were more probablyimportant in providing a long-lived heat and material flux intothe crust, resulting in the remelting and recycling of oldercrust and newly formed igneous materials related to Sierra MadreOccidental magmatism. KEY WORDS: ignimbrite; rhyolite; Sierra Madre Occidental; Tertiary; U–Pb geochronology; zircon; antecryst; crustal melting  相似文献   

A hybrid pyroxene-bearing Weinsberg type granitoid of the SouthBohemian batholith (Austria) consists of two independent mineralassemblages that were formed during two different magmatic events.The older, inherited assemblage forms unevenly distributed millimetre-sizedmulti-grain patches of quartz + mesoperthitic alkali feldspar+ andesine/bytownite + clinopyroxene (XMg = 0·50–0·54)+ orthopyroxene (XMg = 0·35–0·42) ±ilmenite ± accessories. It is interpreted to representremnants of a mangeritic igneous rock with a superimposed granulite-faciesre-equilibration texture characterized by unzoned pyroxenesand plagioclase. The enclosing younger assemblage with alkalifeldspar + oligoclase/andesine + quartz + biotite ± accessoriescrystallized from a biotite-bearing granitic melt with feldsparsexhibiting typical magmatic zoning. Coexisting with the inheritedassemblage are zircons with a characteristic typology (S23 toD, mean J4). Zircons belonging to the granitic assemblage, onthe other hand, show a distinctly different typology (L2 toS5, mean L4) or are anhedral. A Cambrian age of formation andsubsequent re-equilibration of the inherited assemblage is inferredfrom a mean U/Pb and 207Pb/206Pb evaporation age of 523 ±5 Ma for the J4 zircons. Granitic L4 zircons show a mean 207Pb/206Pbevaporation age of 355 ± 9 Ma, interpreted as the ageof zircon growth during a Carboniferous partial melting eventin the lower crust. Granite emplacement at 345 ± 5 Mais inferred from U/Pb analysis of the anhedral zircon population.The comparably low radiogenic common Pb isotope compositionof megacrystic alkali feldspars suggests that at least somedomains of these crystals are inherited from the older, pyroxene-bearingmineral assemblage. Rb/Sr whole-rock dating is thus severelyjeopardized by the presence of the inherited alkali feldsparcrystals, leading to widely scattering data points and errorchronages of no geological significance. KEY WORDS: Austria; Bohemian Massif; geochronology; granites; Pb–Sr isotopes  相似文献   

A Complex Petrogenesis for an Arc Magmatic Suite, St Kitts, Lesser Antilles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
St Kitts forms one of the northern group of volcanic islandsin the Lesser Antilles arc. Eruptive products from the Mt Liamuigacentre are predominantly olivine + hypersthene-normative, low-Kbasalts through basaltic andesites to quartz-normative, low-Kandesites. Higher-Al and lower-Al groups can be distinguishedin the suite. Mineral assemblages include olivine, clinopyroxene,orthopyroxene, plagioclase and titanomagnetite with rarer amphibole,ilmenite and apatite. Eruptive temperatures of the andesitesare estimated as 963–950°C at fO2 NNO + 1 (whereNNO is the nickel–nickel oxide buffer). Field and mineralchemical data provide evidence for magma mixing. Glass (melt)inclusions in the phenocrysts range in composition from andesiteto high-silica rhyolite. Compositional variations are broadlyconsistent with the evolution of more evolved magmas by crystalfractionation of basaltic parental magmas. The absence of anycovariation between 87Sr/86Sr or 143Nd/144Nd and SiO2 rulesout assimilation of older silicic crust. However, positive correlationsbetween Ba/La, La/Sm and 208Pb/204Pb and between 208Pb/204Pband SiO2 are consistent with assimilation of small amounts (<10%)of biogenic sediments. Trace element and Sr–Nd–Pbisotope data suggest derivation from a normal mid-ocean ridgebasalt (N-MORB)-type mantle source metasomatized by subductedsediment or sediment melt and fluid. The eruptive rocks arecharacterized by 238U excesses that indicate that fluid additionof U occurred <350 kyr ago; U–Th isotope data for mineralseparates are dominated by melt inclusions but would allow crystallizationages of 13–68 ka. However, plagioclase is consistentlydisplaced above these ‘isochrons’, with apparentages of 39–236 ka, and plagioclase crystal size distributionsare concave-upwards. These observations suggest that mixingprocesses are important. The presence of 226Ra excesses in twosamples indicates some fluid addition <8 kyr ago and thatthe magma residence times must also have been less than 8 kyr. KEY WORDS: Sr–Nd–Pb isotopes; U-series isotopes; crystal size distribution; petrogenesis  相似文献   

Garnetite xenoliths from ultramafic diatremes in northeasternArizona provide insights into hydration and metasomatism inthe mantle. The garnetites contain more than 95% garnet, someof which has complex compositional zonation related to growthin fractures within grains. Accessory minerals include rutile,ilmenite, chlorite, clinopyroxene, and zircon. Zircon grainsin one rock were analyzed in situ to determine U–Pb agesand Hf isotopic compositions. Most U–Pb analyses ploton or near concordia in the range 60–85 Ma but a few arediscordant. The range in 176Hf/177Hf is about 0·2818–0·2828,with grains zoned to more radiogenic Hf from interiors to rims.The garnetite protolith contained zircons at least 1·8Ga in age, and garnet and additional zircon crystallized episodicallyduring the interval 85–60 Ma. The garnetites are interpretedas mantle analogues of rodingites, formed in metasomatic reactionzones caused by water–rock interactions in Proterozoicmantle during late Cretaceous and Cenozoic subduction of theFarallon plate. Associated eclogite xenoliths may have beenparts of these same reaction zones. The rodingite hypothesisrequires serpentinization in the mantle wedge 700 km from thetrench, beginning 5–10 Myr before tectonism related tolow-angle subduction. KEY WORDS: garnetite; Lu–Hf, mantle; rodingite; metasomatism  相似文献   

The origin of large-volume Yellowstone ignimbrites and smaller-volumeintra-caldera lavas requires shallow remelting of enormous volumesof variably 18O-depleted volcanic and sub-volcanic rocks alteredby hydrothermal activity. Zircons provide probes of these processesas they preserve older ages and inherited 18O values. This studypresents a high-resolution, oxygen isotope examination of volcanismat Yellowstone using ion microprobe analysis with an averageprecision of ± 0·2 and a 10 µm spot size.We report 357 analyses of cores and rims of zircons, and isotopeprofiles of 142 single zircons in 11 units that represent majorYellowstone ignimbrites, and post-caldera lavas. Many zirconsfrom these samples were previously dated in the same spots bysensitive high-resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP), and all zirconswere analyzed for oxygen isotope ratios in bulk as a functionof grain size by laser fluorination. We additionally reportoxygen isotope analyses of quartz crystals in three units. Theresults of this work provide the following new observations.(1) Most zircons from post-caldera low-18O lavas are zoned,with higher 18O values and highly variable U–Pb ages inthe cores that suggest inheritance from pre-caldera rocks exposedon the surface. (2) Many of the higher-18O zircon cores in theselavas have U–Pb zircon crystallization ages that postdatecaldera formation, but pre-date the eruption age by 10–20kyr, and represent inheritance of unexposed post-caldera sub-volcanicunits that have 18O similar to the Lava Creek Tuff. (3) Youngand voluminous 0·25–0·1 Ma intra-calderalavas, which represent the latest volcanic activity at Yellowstone,contain zircons with both high-18O and low-18O cores surroundedby an intermediate-18O rim. This implies inheritance of a varietyof rocks from high-18O pre-caldera and low-18O post-calderaunits, followed by residence in a common intermediate-18O meltprior to eruption. (4) Major ignimbrites of Huckleberry Ridge,and to a lesser extent the Lava Creek and Mesa Falls Tuffs,contain zoned zircons with lower-18O zircon cores, suggestingthat melting and zircon inheritance from the low-18O hydrothermallyaltered carapace was an important process during formation ofthese large magma bodies prior to caldera collapse. (5) The18O zoning in the majority of zircon core–rim interfacesis step-like rather than smoothly inflected, suggesting thatprocesses of solution–reprecipitation were more importantthan intra-crystalline oxygen diffusion. Concave-downward zirconcrystal size distributions support dissolution of the smallercrystals and growth of rims on larger crystals. This study suggeststhat silicic magmatism at Yellowstone proceeded via rapid, shallow-levelremelting of earlier erupted and hydrothermally altered Yellowstonesource rocks and that pulses of basaltic magma provided theheat for melting. Each post-caldera Yellowstone lava representsan independent homogenized magma batch that was generated rapidlyby remelting of source rocks of various ages and 18O values.The commonly held model of a single, large-volume, super-solidus,mushy-state magma chamber that is periodically reactivated andproduces rhyolitic offspring is not supported by our data. Rather,the source rocks for the Yellowstone volcanism were cooled belowthe solidus, hydrothermally altered by heated meteoric watersthat caused low 18O values, and then remelted in distinct pocketsby intrusion of basic magmas. Each packet of new melt inheritedzircons that retained older age and 18O values. This interpretationmay have significance for interpreting seismic data for crustallow-velocity zones in which magma mush and solidified areasexperiencing hydrothermal circulation occur side by side. Newbasalt intrusions into this solidifying batholith are requiredto form the youngest volcanic rocks that erupted as independentrhyolitic magmas. We also suggest that the Lava Creek Tuff magmawas already an uneruptable mush by the time of the first post-calderaeruption after 0·1 Myr of the climactic caldera-formingeruption. KEY WORDS: Yellowstone; oxygen isotopes; geochronology; isotope zoning; zircon; U–Pb dating; caldera; rhyolite; ion microprobe  相似文献   

Rhyolite pumices and co-erupted granophyric (granite) xenolithsyield evidence for rapid magma generation and crystallizationprior to their eruption at 15·2 ± 2·9 kaat the Alid volcanic center in the Danikil Depression, Eritrea.Whole-rock U and Th isotopic analyses show 230Th excesses upto 50% in basalts <10 000 years old from the surroundingOss lava fields. The 15 ka rhyolites also have 30–40%230Th excesses. Similarity in U–Th disequilibrium, andin Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic values, implies that the rhyolitesare mostly differentiated from the local basaltic magma. Giventhe (230Th/232Th) ratio of the young basalts, and presumablythe underlying mantle, the (230Th/232Th) ratio of the rhyolitesupon eruption could be generated by in situ decay in about 50000 years. Limited (5%) assimilation of old crust would hastenthe lowering of (230Th/232Th) and allow the process to takeplace in as little as 30 000 years. Final crystallization ofthe Alid granophyre occurred rapidly and at shallow depths at20–25 ka, as confirmed by analyses of mineral separatesand ion microprobe data on individual zircons. Evidently, 30000–50 000 years were required for extraction of basaltfrom its mantle source region, subsequent crystallization andmelt extraction to form silicic magmas, and final crystallizationof the shallow intrusion. The granophyre was then ejected duringeruption of the comagmatic rhyolites. KEY WORDS: U-series; zircon; ion microprobe; volcano; geochronology  相似文献   

The caldera-forming 26·5 ka Oruanui eruption (Taupo,New Zealand) erupted 530 km3 of magma, >99% rhyolitic, <1%mafic. The rhyolite varies from 71·8 to 76·7 wt% SiO2 and 76 to 112 ppm Rb but is dominantly 74–76 wt% SiO2. Average rhyolite compositions at each stratigraphiclevel do not change significantly through the eruption sequence.Oxide geothermometry, phase equilibria and volatile contentsimply magma storage at 830–760°C, and 100–200MPa. Most rhyolite compositional variations are explicable by28% crystal fractionation involving the phenocryst and accessoryphases (plagioclase, orthopyroxene, hornblende, quartz, magnetite,ilmenite, apatite and zircon). However, scatter in some elementconcentrations and 87Sr/86Sr ratios, and the presence of non-equilibriumcrystal compositions imply that mixing of liquids, phenocrystsand inherited crystals was also important in assembling thecompositional spectrum of rhyolite. Mafic compositions comprisea tholeiitic group (52·3–63·3 wt % SiO2)formed by fractionation and crustal contamination of a contaminatedtholeiitic basalt, and a calc-alkaline group (56·7–60·5wt % SiO2) formed by mixing of a primitive olivine–plagioclasebasalt with rhyolitic and tholeiitic mafic magmas. Both maficgroups are distinct from other Taupo Volcanic Zone eruptivesof comparable SiO2 content. Development and destruction by eruptionof the Oruanui magma body occurred within 40 kyr and Oruanuicompositions have not been replicated in vigorous younger activity.The Oruanui rhyolite did not form in a single stage of evolutionfrom a more primitive forerunner but by rapid rejuvenation ofa longer-lived polygenetic, multi-age ‘stockpile’of silicic plutonic components in the Taupo magmatic system. KEY WORDS: Taupo Volcanic Zone; Taupo volcano; Oruanui eruption; rhyolite, zoned magma chamber; juvenile mafic compositions; eruption withdrawal systematics  相似文献   

Large volumes of silicic magma were produced on a very short timescale in the nested caldera complex of the SW Nevada volcanic field (SWNVF). Voluminous ash flows erupted in two paired events: Topopah Spring (TS, >1,200 km3, 12.8 Ma)–Tiva Canyon (TC, 1,000 km3, 12.7 Ma) and Rainier Mesa (RM, 1,200 km3, 11.6 Ma)–Ammonia Tanks (AT, 900 km3, 11.45 Ma; all cited ages are previously published 40Ar/39Ar sanidine ages). Within each pair, eruptions are separated by only 0.1–0.15 My and produced tuffs with contrasting isotopic values. These events represent nearly complete evacuation of sheet-like magma chambers formed in the extensional Basin and Range environment. We present ion microprobe ages from zircons in the zoned ash-flow sheets of TS, TC, RM, and AT in conjunction with δ18O values of zircons and other phenocrysts, which differ dramatically among subsequently erupted units. Bulk zircons in the low-δ18O AT cycle were earlier determined to exhibit ∼1.5‰ core-to-rim oxygen isotope zoning; and high-spatial resolution zircon analyses by ion microprobe reveal the presence of older grains that are zoned by 0.5–2.5‰. The following U–Pb isochron ages were calculated after correcting for the initial U–Pb disequilibria: AT (zircon rims: 11.7 ± 0.2 Ma; cores: 12.0 ± 0.1 Ma); pre-AT rhyolite lava: (12.0 ± 0.3 Ma); RM: 12.4 ± 0.3); TC: (13.2 ± 0.15 Ma); TS: (13.5 ± 0.2). Average zircon crystallization ages calculated from weighted regression or cumulative averaging are older than the Ar–Ar stratigraphy, but preserve the comparably short time gaps within each of two major eruption cycles (TS/TC, RM/AT). Notably, every sample yields average zircon ages that are 0.70–0.35 Ma older than the respective Ar–Ar eruption ages. The Th/U ratio of SWNVF zircons are 0.4–4.7, higher than typically found in igneous zircons, which correlates with elevated Th/U of the whole rocks (5–16). High Th/U could be explained if uranium was preferentially removed by hydrothermal solutions or is retained in the protolith during partial melting. For low-δ18O AT-cycle magmas, rim ages from unpolished zircons overlap within analytical uncertainties with the 40Ar/39Ar eruption age compared to core ages that are on average ∼0.2–0.3 My older than even the age of the preceding caldera forming eruption of RM tuff. This age difference, the core-to-rim oxygen isotope zoning in AT zircons, and disequilibrium quartz–zircon and melt-zircon isotopic fractionations suggest that AT magma recycled older zircons derived from the RM and older eruptive cycles. These results suggest that the low-δ18O AT magmas were generated by melting a hydrothermally-altered protolith from the same nested complex that erupted high-δ18O magmas of the RM cycle only 0.15 My prior to the eruption of the AT, the largest volume low-δ18O magma presently known.Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Palaeocene (c. 55–58 Ma) adakitic andesites from the Yanjiarea, NE China, are typically clinopyroxene-bearing sodic andesitescontaining 60· 9–62· 2% SiO2 and 4·02–4· 36% MgO, with high Mg-number [100 Mg/(Mg+ Fe) atomic ratio] from 65· 5 to 70· 1. Whole-rockgeochemical features include high Cr (128–161 ppm) andNi (86–117 ppm) concentrations, extremely high Sr (2013–2282ppm), low Y (10–11 ppm) and heavy rare earth elements(HREE; e.g. Yb = 0· 79–1· 01 ppm), and mid-oceanridge basalt (MORB)-like Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositions[e.g. 87Sr/ 86Sr(i) = 0· 70298–0· 70316,Nd(t) = +3· 8 to +6· 3 and 206Pb/ 204Pb = 17·98 – 18· 06], analogous to high-Mg adakites occurringin modern subduction zones. However, mineralogical evidencefrom clinopyroxene phenocrysts and microcrystalline plagioclaseclearly points to magma mixing during magma evolution. Iron-richclinopyroxene (augite) cores with low Sr, high Y and heavy REEcontents, slightly fractionated REE patterns and large negativeEu anomalies probably crystallized along with low-Ca plagioclasefrom a lower crustal felsic magma. In contrast, high Mg-numberclinopyroxene (diopside and endiopside) mantles and rims havehigher Sr and lower HREE and Y concentrations, highly fractionatedREE patterns (high La/Yb) and negligible Eu anomalies, similarto those found in adakites from subduction zones. The Yanjiadakitic andesites can be interpreted as a mixture between acrust-derived magma having low Mg-number and Sr, and high Yand HREE, and a mantle-derived high Mg-number adakite havinghigh Sr and low Y and HREE concentrations. During storage and/orascent, the mixed magma experienced further crustal contaminationto capture zircons, of a range of ages, from the wall rocks.The absence of coeval arc magmatism and an extensional tectonicregime in the Yanji area and surrounding regions suggest thatthese Palaeocene adakitic andesites were formed during post-subductionextension that followed the late Cretaceous Izanagi–Farallonridge subduction. Generation of these adakitic andesites doesnot require contemporaneous subduction of a young, hot oceanicridge or delamination of eclogitic lower crust as suggestedby previous models. KEY WORDS: magma mixing; adakitic andesites; Palaeocene; NE China  相似文献   

沽源-红山子铀成矿带河北沽源张麻井铀-钼矿床赋存在张家口组第三段流纹岩与流纹斑岩、石英斑岩的接触带附近,主要受隐爆角砾岩控制。研究表明,张麻井铀-钼矿床赋矿流纹岩、流纹斑岩和石英斑岩的锆石具有清晰的环带结构,Th/U比值高,属典型的岩浆成因锆石。SHRIMP锆石U-Pb测年结果显示,流纹岩12颗锆石的206Pb/238U年龄变化范围为136~144 Ma,加权平均年龄为(138.6±1.4)Ma(MSWD=2.4);流纹斑岩11颗锆石的206Pb/238U年龄变化范围为136~145 Ma,加权平均年龄为(140.2±1.6)Ma(MSWD=2.2);石英斑岩11颗锆石的206Pb/238U年龄变化范围为132~147 Ma,加权平均年龄为(136.2±2.9)Ma(MSWD=1.8)。由此可见,流纹岩、流纹斑岩和石英斑岩的同位素年龄在误差范围内一致,指示火山喷发和斑岩就位发生在早白垩世早期,与滨西太平洋成矿域以火山岩为赋矿主岩的热液型铀矿的围岩形成时代一致,沽源-红山子铀成矿带早白垩世早期次火山岩与同期火山岩的接触带附近是寻找铀矿的有利空间。  相似文献   

Mangakino, the oldest rhyolitic caldera centre delineated in the Taupo Volcanic Zone of New Zealand, generated two very large (super-sized) ignimbrite eruptions, the 1.21 ± 0.04 Ma >500 km3 Ongatiti and ~1.0 Ma ~1,200 km3 Kidnappers events, the latter of which was followed after a short period of erosion by the ~200 km3 Rocky Hill eruption. We present U/Pb ages and trace-element analyses on zircons from pumice clasts from these three eruptions by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) using SHRIMP-RG instruments to illustrate the evolution of the respective magmatic systems. U–Pb age spectra from the Ongatiti imply growth of the magmatic system over ~250 kyr, with a peak of crystallisation around 1.32 Ma, ~100 kyr prior to eruption. The zircons are inferred to have then remained stable in a mush with little crystallisation and/or dissolution before later rejuvenation of the system at the lead-in to eruption. The paired Kidnappers and Rocky Hill eruptions have U–Pb zircon ages and geochemical signatures that suggest they were products of a common system grown over ~200 kyr. The Kidnappers and Rocky Hill samples show similar weakly bimodal age spectra, with peaks at 1.1 and 1.0 Ma, suggesting that an inherited antecrystic population was augmented by crystals grown at ages within uncertainty of the eruption age. In the Kidnappers, this younger age peak is dominantly seen in needle-shaped low U grains with aspect ratios of up to 18. In all three deposits, zircon cores show larger ranges and higher absolute concentrations of trace elements than zircon rims, consistent with zircon crystallisation from evolving melts undergoing crystal fractionation involving plagioclase and amphibole. Abundances and ratios of many trace elements frequently show variations between different sectors within single grains, even where there is no visible sector zoning in cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging. Substitution mechanisms, as reflected in the molar (Sc + Y + REE3+)/P ratio, differ in the same growth zone between the sides (along a-axis and b-axis: values approaching 1.0) and tips (c-axis: values between 1.5 and 5.0) of single crystals. These observations have implications for the use of zircons for tracking magmatic processes, particularly in techniques where CL zonation within crystals is not assessed and small analytical spot sizes cannot be achieved. These observations also limit applicability of the widely used Ti-in-zircon thermometer. The age spectra for the Ongatiti and Kidnappers/Rocky Hill samples indicate that both magmatic systems were newly built in the time-breaks after respective previous large eruptions from Mangakino. Trace element variations defining three-component mixing suggest that zircons, sourced from multiple melts, contributed to the population in each system.  相似文献   

Establishing the petrogenesis of volcanic and plutonic rocksis a key issue in unraveling the evolution of distinct subduction-relatedtectonic phases occurring along the South American margin. Thisis particularly true for Cenozoic times when large volumes ofmagma were produced in the Andean belt. In this study we havefocused on Oligo-Miocene magmatism in central Chile at 33°S.Our data include field and petrographic observations, whole-rockmajor and trace element analyses, U–Pb zircon dating,and Pb, Sr, and Hf isotope analyses of plagioclase, clinopyroxene,and zircon mineral separates. Combined with earlier dating resultsthe new zircon ages define a 28·8–5·2 Maperiod of plutonic and volcanic activity that ceased as a consequenceof flattening subduction of the Nazca–Farallon plate.Rare earth elements patterns are variable, with up to 92 timeschondrite concentrations for light rare earth elements yielding(La/Yb)N between 3·6 and 7·0, and an absence ofEu anomalies. Initial Pb isotope signatures are in the rangeof 18·358–19·023 for 206Pb/ 204Pb, 15·567–15·700for 207Pb/ 204Pb and 38·249–39·084 for 208Pb/204Pb. Initial 87Sr/ 86Sr are mostly in the range of 0·70369–0·70505,with two more radiogenic values at 0·7066. Initial Hfisotopic compositions of zircons yield exclusively positiveHfi ranging between + 6·9 and + 9·6. The newlydetermined initial isotope characteristics of the Oligo-Miocenemagmas suggest that the mantle source lithologies are differentfrom both those of Pacific mid-ocean ridge basalt and oceanisland basalt, plotting in the field of reference values forsubcontinental lithospheric mantle, characterized by moderatelarge ion lithophile element–high field strengh elementdepletion and high 238U/ 204Pb. A Hf model age of 2 Ga is estimatedfor the formation of the subcontinental mantle–continentalcrust assemblage in the region, suggesting that the initialSr and Pb isotope ratios inferred for the source of the Oligo-Mioceneparental magmas are the result of later Rb and U enrichmentcaused by mantle metasomatism. A time-integrated model Rb/Srof 0·039 and µ 16 are estimated for the sourceof the parental magmas, consistent with ratios measured in peridotitexenoliths from continental areas. Evolution from predominant(>90%) basaltic–gabbroic to andesitic–dioriticmagmas seems to involve a combination of (1) original traceelement differences in the metasomatized subcontinental mantle,(2) different degrees of partial melting and (3) fractionalcrystallization in the garnet- and spinel-peridotite stabilityfields. The genesis of more differentiated magmas reaching rhyolitic–graniticcompositions most probably also includes additional crystalfractionation at both shallow mantle depths and within the crust,possibly leading to some very minor assimilation of crustalmaterial. KEY WORDS: calc-alkaline magmatism; Oligo-Miocene; U–Pb dating; Sr–Pb–Hf isotopes; central Chile  相似文献   

Petrogenetic models for the origin of lamproites are evaluatedusing new major element, trace element, and Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopedata for Holocene lamproites from the Gaussberg volcano in theEast Antarctic Shield. Gaussberg lamproites exhibit very unusualPb isotope compositions (206Pb/204Pb = 17·44–17·55and 207Pb/204Pb = 15·56–15·63), which incommon Pb isotope space plot above mantle evolution lines andto the left of the meteorite isochron. Combined with very unradiogenicNd, such compositions are shown to be inconsistent with an originby melting of sub-continental lithospheric mantle. Instead,a model is proposed in which late Archaean continent-derivedsediment is subducted as K-hollandite and other ultra-high-pressurephases and sequestered in the Transition Zone (or lower mantle)where it is effectively isolated for 2–3 Gyr. The high207Pb/204Pb ratio is thus inherited from ancient continent-derivedsediment, and the relatively low 206Pb/204Pb ratio is the resultof a single stage of U/Pb fractionation by subduction-relatedU loss during slab dehydration. Sr and Nd isotope ratios, andtrace element characteristics (e.g. Nb/Ta ratios) are consistentwith sediment subduction and dehydration-related fractionation.Similar models that use variable time of isolation of subductedsediment can be derived for all lamproites. Our interpretationof lamproite sources has important implications for ocean islandbasalt petrogenesis as well as the preservation of geochemicallyanomalous reservoirs in the mantle. KEY WORDS: lamproites; Pb isotopes; mantle Transition Zone; subducted sediment; anomalous mantle reservoirs  相似文献   

New SHRIMP U–Pb zircon, Rb–Sr whole-rock, and 40Ar–39Ardata are presented for the Jurassic silicic volcanic rocks andrelated granitoids of Patagonia and the Antarctic Peninsula.U–Pb is the only reliable method for dating crystallizationin these rocks; Rb–Sr is prone to hydrothermal resettingand Ar–Ar is additionally affected by initial excess 40Ar.Volcanism spanned more than 30 My, but three episodes are definedon the basis of peak activity: V1 (188–178 Ma), V2 (172–162Ma) and V3 (157–153 Ma). The first essentially coincideswith the Karoo–Ferrar mafic magmatism of South Africa,Antarctica and Tasmania. The silicic products of V1 are lower-crustalmelts that have incorporated upper-crustal material. The geochemistryof V2 and V3 ignimbrites is more characteristic of destructiveplate margins, but the presence of inherited zircon still pointsto a crustal source. The pattern of volcanism corresponds inspace and in time to migration away from the Karoo mantle plumetowards the proto-Pacific margin of Gondwana during riftingand break-up. The heat required to initiate bulk crustal fusionmay have been supplied by the spreading plume-head, but thinningof the crust during continental dispersion would also have facilitatedanatexis. KEY WORDS: Antarctic Peninsula; ignimbrites; Jurassic; Patagonia; U–Pb; zircon  相似文献   

Two apparently distinct, sub-parallel, paleo-subduction zonescan be recognized along the northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau:the North Qilian Suture Zone (oceanic-type) with ophioliticmélanges and high-pressure eclogites and blueschistsin the north, and the North Qaidam Belt (continental-type) inthe south, an ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic terrane comprisingpelitic and granitic gneisses, eclogites and garnet peridotites.Eclogites from both belts have protoliths broadly similar tomid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) or oceanic island basalts (OIB)in composition with overlapping metamorphic ages (480–440Ma, with weighted mean ages of 464 ± 6 Ma for North Qilianand 457 ± 7 Ma for North Qaidam), determined by zirconU–Pb sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe dating.Coesite-bearing zircon grains in pelitic gneisses from the NorthQaidam UHP Belt yield a peak metamorphic age of 423 ±6 Ma, 40 Myr younger than the age of eclogite formation, anda retrograde age of 403 ± 9 Ma. These data, combinedwith regional relationships, allow us to infer that these twoparallel belts may represent an evolutionary sequence from oceanicsubduction to continental collision, and continental underthrusting,to final exhumation. The Qilian–Qaidam Craton was probablya fragment of the Rodinia supercontinent with a passive marginand extended oceanic lithosphere in the north, which was subductedbeneath the North China Craton to depths >100 km at c. 423Ma and exhumed at c. 403 Ma (zircon rim ages in pelitic gneiss). KEY WORDS: HP and UHP rocks; subduction belts; zircon SHRIMP ages; Northern Tibetan Plateau  相似文献   

A combined set of U–Pb and Lu–Hf in situ laser ablationICP-(MC)-MS zircon analyses were obtained from orthogneissesand granitoids in the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt, whichcomprises the Beit Bridge and Mahalapye complexes. The resultsindicate that by combining the two isotope systems primary magmaticzircon domains can be distinguished from those formed duringlater metamorphic events, even if the distinct zircon domainsunderwent multiple Pb loss and the texture–age relationships,as obtained by cathodoluminescence images and U–Pb analyses,are ambiguous. Furthermore, the applied technique allows distinctionof zircon grains formed in juvenile magmas from those generatedby melting of older continental crust or affected by substantialcrustal contamination. The combined U–Pb and Lu–Hfdata reveal that the Sand River gneiss suite of the Beit BridgeComplex was emplaced at 3283 ± 8 Ma and formed from meltingof an older Archaean crust, which was derived from a depletedmantle source at around 3·65 Ga. The hafnium model age(TDMHf) is significantly older than those obtained from zirconsfrom numerous Neoarchaean granitoids of the Beit Bridge Complex,comprising the Singelele gneiss (2647 ± 12 Ma), the Bulaigranite (2612 ± 7 Ma), the Regina gneiss (2649 ±9 Ma) and two samples of the Zanzibar gneiss (2613 ±6 Ma). These granitoids show initial Hf(t) values between +0·5 and –7·1, which correspond to initialTDMHf between 3·46 and 3·01 Ga. These variableTDMHfinitial and Hf(t)initial values are interpreted to be theresult of different mixtures of reworked 3·65 Ga Palaeoarchaeancrust with juvenile magmas extracted from the depleted mantleduring the Neoarchaean at 2·65 Ga. This conclusion issupported by results obtained from the Mahalapye Complex, whichwas affected by migmatization and granite intrusions duringthe Palaeoproterozoic at 2·02–2·06 Ga. TheMokgware granite (2019 ± 9 Ma) contains zircon xenocrystswith Pb–Pb ages of 2·52–2·65 Ga and2·93 Ga and hafnium model ages of 3·0–3·4Ga, indicating that this granite is derived from remelting ofArchaean crust. In contrast, uniform TDMHfinitial ages of 2·61–2·67Ga obtained from a diorite gneiss (2061 ± 6 Ma) of theMahalapye Complex indicate that its protolith may have beenformed from remelting of a Neoarchaean juvenile crust. VariableHf(t)initial values from –3·7 to +6·3 ofzircon cores (2711 ± 11 Ma) in an adjacent leucosomealso support a model of mixing of juvenile mantle derived matterwith older crust in the Neoarchaean. KEY WORDS: Archaean; Palaeoproterozoic; Limpopo Belt; zircon, U–Pb dating; Lu–Hf isotopes; LA-ICP-MS  相似文献   

Zircon ages are reported for three Moldanubian amphibolite grade orthogneisses from the southern Bohemian Massif obtained by conventional U/Pb analyses. For two of these orthogneisses, conventional U/Pb data are supported by ion microprobe single zircon ages or single grain evaporation data. The amphibolite grade orthogneisses, occurring in three small tectonic lenses within the Varied Group close to the South Bohemian Main Thrust, are of tonalitic, granodioritic or quartz dioritic composition.Conventional bulk size fraction and ion microprobe analyses of nearly euhedral zircons from a metatonalite, erroneously interpreted as a metagreywacke in a previous study, yielded an upper Concordia intercept age of 2048 ± 12 Ma. The well preserved euhedral grain shapes of the zircons suggest crystallization from a magmatic phase, and the upper Concordia intercept age is now interpreted as reflecting a magmatic event at that time. The age of this rock is compatible with the conventional zircon data and the (207Pb/206Pb)* single grain evaporation result from two further orthogneisses providing intrusion ages of 2 060 ± 12, 2 104 ± 1 and 2 061 ± 6 Ma, respectively. For one sample a concordant U/Pb age for sphene of 355 ± 2 Ma defines the age of amphibolite facies metamorphism. The upper Concordia intercept ages of three orthogneisses constitute the first direct evidence for the presence of early Proterozoic crust under the supracrustal cover in the southern part of the Bohemian Massif. Correspondence to: J. I. Wendt  相似文献   

This paper presents field, geochemical and isotopic (Sr, Nd,Pb) results on basalts from the Antipodes, Campbell and ChathamIslands, New Zealand. New 40Ar/39Ar age determinations alongwith previous K–Ar dates reveal three major episodes ofvolcanic activity on Chatham Island (85–82, 41–35,5 Ma). Chatham and Antipodes samples comprise basanite, alkaliand transitional basalts that have HIMU-like isotopic (206Pb/204Pb>20·3–20·8, 87Sr/86Sr <0·7033,143Nd/144Nd >0·5128) and trace element affinities(Ce/Pb 28–36, Nb/U 34–66, Ba/Nb 4–7). Thegeochemistry of transitional to Q-normative samples from CampbellIsland is explained by interaction with continental crust. Thevolcanism is part of a long-lived (100 Myr), low-volume, diffusealkaline magmatic province that includes deposits on the Northand South Islands of New Zealand as well as portions of WestAntarctica and SE Australia. All of these continental areaswere juxtaposed on the eastern margin of Gondwanaland at >83Ma. A ubiquitous feature of mafic alkaline rocks from this regionis their depletion in K and Pb relative to other highly incompatibleelements when normalized to primitive mantle values. The inversionof trace element data indicates enriched mantle sources thatcontain variable proportions of hydrous minerals. We proposethat the mantle sources represent continental lithosphere thathost amphibole/phlogopite-rich veins formed by plume- and/orsubduction-related metasomatism between 500 and 100 Ma. Thestrong HIMU signature (206Pb/204Pb >20·5) is consideredto be an in-grown feature generated by partial dehydration andloss of hydrophile elements (Pb, Rb, K) relative to more magmaphileelements (Th, U, Sr) during short-term storage at the base ofthe lithosphere. KEY WORDS: continental alkaline basalts; lithospheric mantle, mantle metasomatism; New Zealand; OIB, HIMU; Sr, Nd and Pb isotopes; West Antarctica  相似文献   

We describe an in situ method for simultaneous measurement of U–Pb–Hf isotopes and trace element compositions of zircons using a quadrupole and multiple-collector inductively-coupled-plasma mass spectrometer (Q-ICP-MS and MC-ICP-MS, respectively) connected to a single excimer laser-ablation system. A laser-generated zircon aerosol was split behind the ablation cell into two transport tubes via a Y-shaped connector and simultaneously introduced into the two mass spectrometers. Hafnium isotopes were measured on the MC-ICP-MS instrument, while U–Pb ages and trace element compositions were determined using the Q-ICP-MS. The precision and accuracy of this method was evaluated using six well-known and widely used zircon standards (91500, Temora-2, GJ-1, Mud Tank, BR266 and Monastery). Analyses were carried out using spot sizes of 32, 44 and 60 μm. For the 44 and 60 μm spot, the resulting U–Pb ages, Hf isotopic and rare earth element (REE) compositions of these six zircons agree with recommended/reported values within 2σ error. The difference in relative standard deviations (RSD) of 206Pb/238U ages between split-flow measurements and those obtained separately on the Q-ICP-MS is within ~ 20% for 91500, Temora-2 and GJ-1, and ~ 60% for Mud Tank (due to its lower U and Pb concentrations). Our method provides a precise approach for determining the U–Pb age and the Hf isotopic and trace element compositions of zircon within a single ablation event. This is in particular important for analysis of zircons that are small or contain complicated zoning patterns. Finally, the REE composition of zircon BR266 is more homogeneous than other zircons and could be a suitable standard by which to benchmark new standards for microprobe analyses of zircons.  相似文献   

Different lithologies (impure marble, eclogite and graniticorthogneiss) sampled from a restricted area of the coesite-bearingBrossasco–Isasca Unit (Dora Maira Massif) have been investigatedto examine the behaviour of 40Ar–39Ar and Rb–Srsystems in phengites developed under ultrahigh-pressure (UHP)metamorphism. Mineralogical and petrological data indicate thatzoned phengites record distinct segments of the PT path:prograde, peak to early retrograde in the marble, peak to earlyretrograde in the eclogite, and late retrograde in the orthogneiss.Besides major element zoning, ion microprobe analysis of phengitein the marble also reveals a pronounced zoning of trace elements(including Rb and Sr). 40Ar–39Ar apparent ages (35–62Ma, marble; 89–170 Ma, eclogite; 35–52 Ma, orthogneiss),determined through Ar laserprobe data on phengites (step-heatingand in situ techniques), show wide intra-sample and inter-samplevariations closely linked to within-sample microchemical variations:apparent ages decrease with decreasing celadonite contents.These data confirm previous reports on excess Ar and, more significantly,highlight that phengite acted as a closed system in the differentlithologies and that chemical exchange, not volume diffusion,was the main factor controlling the rate of Ar transport. Conversely,a Rb–Sr internal isochron from the same eclogite yieldsan age of 36 Ma, overlapping with the time of the UHP metamorphicpeak determined through U–Pb data and thereby corroboratingthe previous conclusion that UHP metamorphism and early retrogressionoccurred in close succession. Different phengite fractions ofthe marble yield calcite–phengite isochron ages of 36to 60 Ma. Although this time interval matches Ar ages from thesame sample, Rb–Sr data from phengite are not entirelyconsistent with the whole dataset. According to trace elementvariations in phengite, only Rb–Sr data from two wet-groundphengite separates, yielding ages of 36 and 41 Ma, are internallyconsistent. The oldest age obtained from a millimetre-sizedgrain fraction enriched in prograde–peak phengites mayrepresent a minimum age estimate for the prograde phengite relics.Results highlight the potential of the in situ 40Ar–39Arlaser technique in resolving discrete PT stages experiencedby eclogite-facies rocks (provided that excess Ar is demonstrablya negligible factor), and confirm the potential of Rb–Srinternal mineral isochrons in providing precise crystallizationages for eclogite-facies mineral assemblages. KEY WORDS: 40Ar–39Ar dating; Rb–Sr dating; phengite; SIMS; UHP metamorphism  相似文献   

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