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Regional metamorphic zones, based on mineral assemblages in pelites, are presented for the Dalradian rocks of Aberdeenshire and Banffshire, in the type area of Buchan metamorphism; electron microprobe analyses of cordierite (C), staurolite (S), chlorite (Chl), biotite (B) and white mica (Ms) are reported for rocks from the classic sections of the Banffshire coast and the valley of the Ythan.A low grade biotite zone, separates two NE-SW trending sets of higher grade zones, in which the sequence s defined by the entry of cordierite, andalusite (A) and (in the west only) staurolite. The zones are characterised by the assemblages (with quartz and muscovite) B-Chl, C-B-Chl, A-C-B and S-A-B.The western sequence contains a transition towards higher pressure, Barrovian type, metamorphism. The isograds arise from continuous reactions affecting rocks of restricted bulk composition (M/FM). With increasing grade, there is a regular trend towards more magnesian ranges of composition for the assemblages C-B-Chl, A-C-B and finally (as P increases in the west), S-A-B. The isograds form when these assemblages intersect the most Fe++-rich rock compositions present which occurs in each case when the biotite M/FM=40. A complex of divariant equilibria, derived for the system KFMASH, is used to model the natural reactions.  相似文献   

David R.M. Pattison   《Lithos》2006,88(1-4):85-99
Graphite-bearing slates and phyllites (0.4–1.2 vol.% graphite) are progressively metamorphosed in the 3 kbar aureole of the 425 Ma Ballachulish intrusion, Scotland. Two major dehydration reactions are crossed: the chlorite-out reaction at ca. 550 °C (forming cordierite + biotite), and the muscovite-out reaction at 625 °C (forming Al2SiO5 + K-feldspar). Graphite persists to the highest grades and shows no significant variation in abundance with grade, except for a possible decrease in the highest grade rocks. Variable graphite abundance in rocks at the same grade reflects primary sedimentological heterogeneity. Texturally, graphite grains and aggregates in the rock matrix become coarser grained and more widely separated as grade increases. These thermally induced textural modifications of graphite are superimposed on mechanically induced features, such as graphite segregations along cleavages and crenulations, that formed prior to contact metamorphism. Mass balance modelling, assuming internal fluid generation, shows that the amount of graphite consumed during contact metamorphism in the aureole ranges between 0.1 and 0.3 vol.%, depending on the amount of chlorite and muscovite in the protolith. Because the amount of C dissolved in a C–O–H fluid decreases with increasing pressure, and the Ballachulish aureole is at relatively low pressure, these results are a maximum for regional metamorphism, suggesting that graphite will persist through a regional metamorphic cycle if it is initially present in volumes > ca. 0.2 vol.%.  相似文献   

The exceptional andalusite–kyanite–andalusite sequence occurs in Al‐rich graphitic slates in a narrow pelite belt on the hangingwall of a ductile normal fault in NW Variscan Iberia. Early chiastolite is replaced by Ky–Ms–Pg aggregates, which are overgrown by pleochroic andalusite near granites intruded along the fault. Slates plot in AKFM above the chloritoid‐chlorite tie‐line. Their P–T grids are modelled with Thermocalc v2.7 and the 1998 databases in the NaKFMASH and KFMASH systems. The univariant reaction Ctd + And/Ky = St + Chl + Qtz + H2O ends at progressively lower pressure as F/FM increases and A/AFM decreases, shrinking the assemblage Cld–Ky–Chl, and opening a chlorite‐free Cld–Ky trivariant field on the low temperature reaction side. This modelling matches the observed absence of chlorite in high F/FM rocks, which is restricted to low pressure in the andalusite stability field. The P–T path deduced from modelling shows a first prograde event in the andalusite field followed by retrogression into the kyanite field, most likely coupled with a slight pressure increase. The final prograde evolution into the andalusite field can be explained by two different prograde paths. Granite intrusion caused the first prograde part of the path with andalusite growth. The subsequent thermal relaxation, together with aH2O decrease, generated the retrograde andalusite–kyanite transformation, plus chlorite consumption and chloritoid growth. This transformation could have been related to folding in the beginning, and aided later by downthrowing due to normal faulting. Heat supplied by syntectonic granite intrusion explains the isobaric part of the path in the late stages of evolution, causing the prograde andalusite growth after the assemblage St–Ky–Chl. Near postectonic granites, a prograde path with pressure decrease originated the assemblage St–And–Chl.  相似文献   

Monazite petrogenesis in the Nelson contact aureole is the result of allanite breakdown close to, but downgrade and therefore independent of, major phase isograds involving cordierite, andalusite and staurolite. The development of garnet downgrade of the staurolite and andalusite isograds does not appear to affect the onset of the allanite-to-monazite reaction but does affect the textural development of monazite. In lower pressure, garnet-absent rocks, allanite breakdown results in localized monazite growth as pseudomorphous clusters. In higher pressure, garnet-bearing rocks, allanite breakdown produces randomly distributed, lone grains of monazite with no textural relationship to the original reaction site. Fluids liberated from hydrous phases (chlorite, muscovite) during garnet formation may have acted as a flux to distribute light rare earth elements more widely within the rock upon allanite breakdown, preventing the localized formation of monazite pseudomorphs. Despite these textural differences, both types of monazite have very similar chemistry and an indistinguishable age by electron microprobe chemical dating (157 ± 6.4 Ma). This age range is within error of isotopic ages determined by others for the Nelson Batholith. Garnet from the garnet, staurolite and andalusite zones shows euhedral Y zoning typified by a high-Y core, low-Y collar and moderate-Y annulus, the latter ascribed to allanite breakdown during garnet growth in the garnet zone. The cause of the transition from high-Y core to low-Y collar, traditionally interpreted to be due to xenotime consumption, is unclear because of the ubiquitous presence of xenotime. Accessory phase geothermometry involving monazite, xenotime and garnet returns inconsistent results, suggesting calibration problems or a lack of equilibration between phases.  相似文献   

Fluid inclusions in quartz veins within Proterozoic metamorphic rocks in the Black Hills, South Dakota, were examined by microthermometry and Raman spectroscopy to assess the evolution of fluid compositions during regional metamorphism of organic-rich shales and late-orogenic magmatism, both of which were related to the collision of the Wyoming and Superior crustal blocks. Fluid inclusions occur in veins that began to be generated before or during regional compression and metamorphism that reached at least garnet-grade conditions, and in veins within the aureole of the Harney Peak Granite (HPG), where temperatures reached second-sillimanite grade conditions. Early veins in the schists have undergone recrystallization during heating and deformation that modified the composition of early CH4 or CO2 and N2-dominated inclusions. These fluids were apparently trapped under conditions of immiscibility with a saline aqueous fluid phase. They are interpreted to represent components generated during maturation of organic matter and dehydration of phyllosilicates during incipient metamorphism at reducing fO2 conditions. Most inclusions in the quartz veins are, however, secondary CO2-bearing. They imply a transition to higher fO2 conditions with increasing temperature of regional metamorphism. The fO2 conditions may have been controlled by the mineral assemblage in the host metapelites. The prevalence of bimodal distributions of trapped CO2-N2 and aqueous endmembers in the biotite and garnet zones also suggests that two immiscible fluid phases existed during the regional metamorphism.In the aureole of the HPG, graphite was evidently consumed by influx of magmatic fluids. CO2-H2O fluid inclusions dominate, but they have significantly less N2 than inclusions at lower metamorphic grades. All inclusions define secondary trails in mostly unstrained quartz. The bimodality of inclusion compositions is not as well defined as at lower grades, with many inclusions containing intermediate CO2-H2O compositions. This suggests that a single fluid phase existed at the high temperatures in the granite aureole, but then unmixed during cooling. A set of late quartz veins with graphitized and tourmalinized selvages in the granite aureole contains CH4-bearing inclusions with little N2. The existence of CH4 in these inclusions is attributed to complexing of magmatic B with hydroxyl anions taken from the CO2-H2O fluid phase, effectively causing reduction in fO2 and promoting precipitation of graphite.  相似文献   

张智礼  曹立君 《地质通报》2001,20(3):252-258
通过对塔里木盆地阿瓦提-巴楚地区10口探井的石炭系-下三叠统的大孢子进行研究,建立了石炭纪-早三叠世大孢子组合5个(包括早石炭世、晚石炭世、早二叠世、晚二叠世及早三叠世大孢子组合各1个),并对国内外相关层位的大孢子组合进行了对比,讨论了其所在层位的地质时代.笔者为首次报道该地区早石碳世和二叠纪大孢子组合,对本区及邻区今后开展地层古生物研究及油气勘探研究意义重大.  相似文献   

Pollen analysis of a radiocarbon-dated core from a shallow basin in volcanic hills in eastern Scotland revealed the existence of Late Devensian and Flandrian deposits. Much of the vegetation history of the Flandrian proved to be missing due to a hiatus in the profile. The Late Devensian pollen record included anomalous arboreal taxa of three possible origins: contamination, long-distance wind transport and reworking of interstadial material. Because of lacking information on Late Devensian climates and the location of thermophilous arboreal refugia in Europe a re-examination of supposedly contaminated British Late Devensian pollen records might well be rewarding.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wurden Kalifeldspäte aus Orthogneisen, Paragneisen und Glimmerschiefern des westlichen Tauemfensters (Hohe Tauern, Tirol) mit optischen und röntgenographischen Methoden im Hinblick auf ihren Strukturzustand untersucht.Es zeigte sich, daß in den Randbereichen des Tauemfensters in Gesteinen der Grünschieferfazies weitgehend geordneter Mikroklin mit einem optischen Achsenwinkel 2 Vx 80°, Auslöschungswinkel Z (010)=15–20°, Doppelbrechung nz-nx= 0,0065, Triklinität=0,90-–0,95, ca. 0,88 Al auf T1O-Position und einem Ab-Gehalt von ca. 5 Gew.% auftritt. Dagegen wurden in Gesteinen der schwachtemperierten Amphibolitfazies des zentralen Bereichs Orthoklase bis intermediäre Mikrokline mit stark schwankenden optischen Eigenschaften, mit Triklinitäten zwischen 0 und 0,7, 0,8 bis 0,9 Al in T1-Positionen, 0,45–0,8 Al auf T1O und Ab-Gehalten von ca. 10 Gew.% festgestellt. Die Kalifeldspatkristalle zeigen ungleichmäßige Auslöschung mit Winkeln von Z (010) zwischen 0 und 15°, 2 Vx zwischen 50 und 75° und nz-nx=0,005 bis 0,006. Teilweise ist Zonarbau mit geringerer Triklinität am Kornrande erkennbar. Diese undulös auslöschenden Kalifeldspäte enthalten einzelne schmale Lamellen von maximal triklinem Mikroklin mit Z (010)=15–20° und nz-nx= 0,006–0,007.Die Grenze zwischen dem Verbreitungsgebiet von maximalem Mikroklin einerseits und Orthoklas bis intermediärem Mikroklin andererseits verläuft in den westlichen Hohen Tauern ungefähr konform mit der Albit-Oligoklas-Grenze (Morteani &Raase, 1974) und mit der aus Sauerstoff-Isotopen-Untersuchungen bestimmten 500° C-Isotherme (Hoernes &Friedrichsen, 1974).
The potassic feldspar in orthogneisses, paragneisses, and mica schists from the western Tauernfenster (Hohe Tauern, Tyrol) were studied by optical and X-ray methods with regard to their structural state and in relation to grade of metamorphism.In the peripheral region of the Tauernfenster in greenschist-facies rocks highly triclinic microcline occurs with an optic angle 2 Vx of about 80°, extinction angle Z (010) =15–20°, birefringence nz-nx=0.0065, triclinicity=0.90–0.95, approx. 0.88 Al in T1O-site, and an Ab-content of about 5 wt.%. In the central area with rocks of the low-grade amphibolite facies, on the other hand, orthoclase to intermediate microcline with highly variable optical properties, triclinicities in the range of 0–0.7, 0.8–0.9 Al in T1-sites, 0.45–0.8 Al in T1O-site, and an Ab-content of about 10 wt.% was recognized. The K-feldspar grains have nonuniform extinction Z (010) scattering in the range of 0–15°, 2 Vx in the range of 50–75°, and nz-nx= 0.005–0.006. Sometimes a zonal structure with lower triclinicity exists at the rim. These undulatory K-feldspar grains usually contain small lamellae of highly triclinic microcline with Z (010) =15–20° and nz-nx=0.006–0.007.From the occurrence of maximum microcline and of orthoclase to intermediate microcline in the Hohe Tauern area an isograd was defined that is approximately conformable with the albite-oligoclase isograd (Morteani &Raase, 1974) and with the 500° C isotherm based on oxygen isotope analyses (Hoernes &Friedrïchsen, 1974).

Résumé Les feldspaths potassiques d'orthogneiss, de paragneiss et de micaschistes de la Fenêtre des Tauern occidental (Hohe Tauern, Tirol) ont été étudiés du point de vue de leur état structural.Dans les roches du faciès schistes verts de la région périphérique de la Fenêtre des Tauern les microclines sont caractérisés par un angle des axes optiques 2 Vp =80°, un angle d'extinction ng (010)=15–20°, une biréfringence ng-np=0,0065, une triclinicité= 0,90–0,95, 0,88 Al dans le site T1O et par une teneur en albite d'environ 5%. Au contraire, dans les roches du faciès amphibolite à faible degré de la région centrale, ont été observées des orthoses allant à des microclines intermédiaires avec des propriétés optiques très variables, un degré de triclinicité de 0 à 0,7, 0,8–0,9 Al dans les sites T1, 0,45–0,8 Al dans T1O et avec une teneur en albite d'environ 10%.Les cristaux de feldspath montrent une extinction irrégulière avec des angles Z (010) variable de 0 à 15°, 2 Vp de 50 à 75° et ng-np=0,005–0,006.On peut voir quelquefois une structure zonée avec une triclinicité moindre au bord des cristaux. Ces feldspaths potassiques contiennent de minces lamelles de microcline à triclinicité maximum, avec ng (010)=15–20° et ng-np 0,006–0,007.La limite entre les régions à microcline maximum d'une part, et à orthose ou microcline intermédiaire d'autre part, suit, dans les Hohe Tauern, sensiblement l'isograde albite-oligoclase (Morteani &Raase, 1974) et, l'isotherme de 500° C telle qu'elle fut determinée les isotopes de l'oxygène (Hoernes &Friedrichsen, 1974).

, ( , ) ., 2 Vx80°, Z (010)=15–20°, nz–nx=0,0065, =0,90–0,95, 0,88 l T1O Ab 5 .-%. , 0 0,7, 0,8-0,9 1 T1 l 10 .-%. Z V (010) 0 15°, 2 Vx 50 75° nz–nx=0,005–0,006. . Z V (010) =15-20° nz–nx=0,006–0,007. , Morteani & Raase (1974) 500° , Hoernes & Friedrichsen (1974).

A study of certain small-scale fluted moraines, all less than 4m high but up to 400m long, in the Torridon area has shown that they are subglacial features composed of a clast-rich till, and formed in the Loch Lomond Stadial beneath ice with a maximum depth of 100-200m. The evidence from lithological analysis of till samples from the fluted moraines suggests that they were formed by subglacial deformation of a pre-existing till with little in the way of net down-glacier movement of the material.  相似文献   

Abstract Cordierite-anthophyllite rocks and related cordierite-rich, talc-rich and chlorite-rich rocks occur in the Rosebud Syncline, north-west Queensland, Australia, as part of a Proterozoic metasedimentary sequence. Field relations and rock compositions attest the sedimentary origin of these rather unusual metamorphic rocks. Their chemical composition is comparable to that of unmetamorphosed, alkali- and Ca-poor pelites, which are associated with some evaporite deposits. Other occurrences of cordierite-anthophyllite rocks have commonly been interpreted as metamorphosed chloritic alteration products derived from mafic or felsic volcanics. A comparative chemical study, using analyses of cordierite-anthophyllite rocks from such alteration zones and analyses of unmetamorphosed magnesian pelites, demonstrates the general chemical similarity between these two rock groups of entirely different origin. However, distinct differences in major element relations help to distinguish these two genetic groups. Particularly useful are Al2O3–FeO–MgO plots, in which evaporitic pelites occupy the Fe-poor side. The highly magnesian metamorphic rocks from the Rosebud Syncline fall entirely into the compositional field of evaporitic clays and shales. Furthermore, analyses of relatively immobile trace elements give supporting evidence for the sedimentary origin of these cordierite-anthophyllite rocks. The correlation with trace element ranges of clays and shales is very good. However, the correlation with trace element ranges of mafic and felsic volcanics is poor, and major discrepancies occur with Cr, Ni, Co, Nb, Sc, Th and Ti. Thus, the magnesian metamorphics of the Rosebud Syncline appear to be derived from evaporitic clays rich in magnesian clay minerals, such as palygorskite, sepiolite, chlorite or corrensite. The complete metamorphic rock assemblage of interlayered calcareous, aluminous and magnesian rocks is interpreted as a metamorphosed carbonate-evaporite-pelite sequence.  相似文献   

A petrogenetic grid for metapelites in the system NKFMASH is presented. The P–T range is investigated in three sections: (1) The high‐ and ultrahigh‐pressure range is discussed in the system NFMASH because phengite is the only stable potassic phase. (2) The transition region is characterised by four NKFMASH‐invariant points that separate high‐pressure glaucophane‐bearing from medium‐pressure biotite‐bearing metapelites. (3) The medium‐pressure range contains the fifth NKFMASH‐invariant point. The univariant reactions of this point terminate the stability range of paragonite, which breaks down to form staurolite or kyanite and plagioclase during decompression and/or heating. As the growth of albitic plagioclase by decomposition of paragonite via continuous reactions may be conspicuous already before these staurolite‐ or kyanite‐producing reactions are reached, such albite porphyroblast schists are typical indicators of a former high‐pressure metamorphic history. Considering the preservation of high‐pressure metapelitic assemblages, those crossing the NKFMASH‐transition region during exhumation commonly dehydrate and preservation is unlikely. Three types of metapelites have a fairly good survival potential: (1) low‐temperature metapelites (up to c. 540 °C) with an exhumation path back into the chlorite + albite stability field, (2) assemblages with chloritoid + glaucophane, and (3) the relatively high‐temperature glaucophane + kyanite and jadeite + kyanite bearing parageneses, that are relatively dry at the onset of exhumation. A comparison with data from the literature shows that these rock types are the most abundant in nature.  相似文献   

Garnet zoning and metamorphism of the Barrovian type area,Scotland   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A microprobe investigation of the high grade metamorphic zones from the Barrovian type area in Angus, Scotland, shows the importance of local zones of retrograde cation exchange between garnet, staurolite and biotite. The interpretation of this zoning, established during a slow cooling history, is critical to any study of metamorphic reactions or conditions. The extent and intensity of these diffusion effects are dependent on a number of parameters including grainsize, fabric orientation, heating and cooling history, and the modal abundance of the phases. Increasing diffusion within garnets with metamorphic grade, and the subsequent retrograde effects are modelled using Temperature-Time-Transformation diagrams and provide information on the activation energy for Fe-Mg diffusion in garnet.  相似文献   

在阿拉善和华北陆块南缘结合部位的牛首山地区,出露一套连续的中—上泥盆统陆相沉积组合。该套沉积组合的沉积相和沉积物源区的变化特征,可帮助理解阿拉善和华北陆块及相邻地区晚古生代构造演化。根据野外研究结果,该套沉积组合在牛首山南麓石峡沟地区呈现河流相、湖泊相和小型冲积扇相共同发育的沉积面貌,可分为河道、堤岸、河漫平原、滨湖、浅湖、扇根、扇中和扇端共8个沉积亚相。其中,中泥盆统石峡沟组总体呈现由河流沉积向湖泊沉积过渡,而上泥盆统老君山组则呈现下部为扇根、扇中、扇端亚相与河道亚相的粗碎屑沉积,上部由滨湖沉积向浅湖沉积过渡的沉积组合变化特征。牛首山地区老君山组砾岩层数、厚度及砾石砾径分别呈现向南逐渐减少、减薄和减小的特征。古水流分析结果显示,石峡沟组下部碎屑沉积物来自于北东东—东向物源区,上部沉积物主要来自于南东向物源区,而老君山组沉积物主要来自于北东向物源区。结合前人对老君山组古水流的系统测量、石峡沟组和老君山组砂岩碎屑锆石研究结果以及区域地质资料综合分析,认为中—晚泥盆世时期阿拉善地块东南缘总体具有北高南低的古地理格局,且该时期的沉积物为一套具有向南水体逐渐加深的陆相沉积组合,沉积物源区主要位...  相似文献   

Morphological mapping and stratigraphical investigations have identified surface and buried relict marine features in the inner Moray Firth area. The features consist of a buried gravel layer formed during the Loch Lomond Stadial, a buried beach of early Flandrian age, and surface beaches and estuarine flats of mid-late Flandrian age. Analysis of the altitudes of morphological features has identified two buried and five (possibly six) surface glacio-isostatically tilted raised shorelines. The steepest shoreline is associated with the buried gravel layer and slopes down towards N20°E at a gradient of 0.20m/km. Younger shorelines have lower gradients between 0.16–0.03m/km. The shoreline sequence combined with published data defines relative sea-level movements in the area during the last 11000 years. The inner Moray Firth shorelines are correlated with similar features in other areas of Scotland which include the Main Lateglacial, Main Buried and Main Postglacial Shorelines.  相似文献   

Ba diffusion in feldspar   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

分布在汪清县六道崴子地区的碱长花岗岩,研究后认为是A型花岗岩。其特征是具晶洞构造,钾长石是中正微长石,斜长石为钠长石(An=1),SiO2、K2O、Na2O质量分数较高,CaO、MgO质量分数较低。∑REE质量分数为139.3,δEu为0.14,亏损十分明显,是非造山期拉张构造环境形成的碱性花岗岩。  相似文献   

Recrystallized grain sizes, subgrain sizes and dislocation densities of quartz grains in quartzose mylonitic rocks have been examined using optical and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The samples come from the Moine Thrust zone in the Assynt district, Scotland. They had been studied previously and described in detail with respect to their structural position in relation to the various thrusts in the region and to their preferred orientation. Stresses were derived from these samples using empirical and theoretical equations relating flow stress to the scale of the microstructures. The stresses determined, 43–244 MPa from recrystallized grain size, 9–13 MPa from etched subgrain size, 50–95 MPa from TEM-scale subgrain size and 75–147 MPa from dislocation density, are not constant in individual samples. Simultaneous formation of the quartz fabrics and of the dynamically recrystallized grains during the period of mylonitization may have occurred under flow stresses ranging from 43 to 244 MPa. A later dynamic recovery event reset subgrain sizes and dislocation densities to a constant-value for each microstructure throughout the area. There is insufficient empirical information available on the flow stress/subgrain size relationship and on the effects of annealing recovery and annealing recrystallization to allow for a more detailed interpretation. Recrystallized grain size is still the most easily measured microstructural feature and the relationship of recrystallized grain size to flow stress has a sounder experimental basis than subgrain size or dislocation density. The effect of chemical environment on the behaviour of all the microstructures is still unknown.  相似文献   

西藏仁布地区上三叠统重矿物组合与物源分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用重矿物组合和指数方法对西藏南部仁布地区上三叠统朗杰学群和涅如组的物源进行了分析。结果显示:该区上三叠统常见的重矿物主要为锆石、磷灰石、金红石、锐钛矿和电气石;重矿物组合ZTR和ATi指数均高,MZi指数较低但多见,GZi指数低且多为零;郎杰学群的ZTR和ATi指数成反比关系,涅如组的ZTR增加时ATi基本不受影响。仁布地区上三叠统的物源主要来自火山岩,次为中酸性岩浆岩,少量来自变质岩和超基性侵入岩;涅如组的物源可能来自南边;朗杰学群的物源则可能来自北边,向郎杰学群提供物源的可能是拉萨地块。涅如组和郎杰学群在重矿物组合及其指数上的异同的成因有待进一步工作  相似文献   

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