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本文对泉州市区域地壳结构、地质构造、构造应力场和地震活动性进行了综合分析。结果表明,泉州市在第四纪中更新世之前位于环太平洋中、新生代构造一岩浆活动带中,地壳运动频繁而又强烈,地质构造复杂;现代处于菲律宾海板块对欧亚板块挤压形成的“台湾动力触角”影响区,但区内的断裂不具全新世活动性,新构造运动不强烈,有史以来未见≥5.0级地震记载,属于地壳相对稳定区,未来遭遇6.0级地震的危险性不大,其地震破坏性影响主要来自周边孕震区,特别是东部海域,与“台湾动力触角”的作用和滨海断裂带的活动有关。  相似文献   

中国大陆地壳应力场与构造运动区域特征研究   总被引:25,自引:16,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
系统研究了1918~2006年间中国大陆及其周缘发生的3115个M4.6以上中、强地震的震源机制解,得到中国大陆地壳区域应力场的压应力轴和张应力轴空间分布的统计结果.探讨了大陆应力场的结构,以及周围板块运动对中国大陆应力场影响作用范围及其界线.结果表明,中国东部的华北地区受到太平洋板块向欧亚板块俯冲挤压的同时,又受到从贝加尔湖经过大华北直至琉球海沟的广阔范围内存在的方位为170°引张应力场的控制.华北地区大地震的震源机制解反映出,该区地震发生为NEE向挤压应力和NNW向张应力的共同作用结果.印度洋板块向欧亚板块的碰撞挤压运动所产生的强烈的挤压应力,控制了喜马拉雅、青藏高原、乃至延伸到天山及其以北的广大地区.在青藏高原周缘地区和中国西部的大范围内,压应力P轴水平分量位于20°~40°,形成了近北东方向的挤压应力场,大量逆断层型强震集中发生在青藏高原的南、北和西部周缘地区以及天山等地区. 本文结果表明,正断层型地震集中发生在青藏高原中部高海拔的地区.证明了青藏高原周缘区域发生南北向强烈挤压短缩的同时,中部高海拔地区存在着明显的近东西向的扩张运动.根据本文最新结果,得到了华北、华南块体之间地壳区域应力场的控制边界线,发现该分界线与大地构造、岩石圈板块构造图等有较大差异,特别是在大别及其以东地区, 该分界线向东南偏转,在沿海的温州附近转向东,最终穿过东海直至琉球海沟.台湾纵谷断层是菲律宾海板块与欧亚板块之间碰撞挤压边界,来自北西西向运动的菲律宾海板块构造应力控制了从台湾纵谷、华南块体,直到中国南北地震带南段东部地域的应力场. 地震震源机制结果还表明,南北地震带南段西侧其P轴大约为NNE方向,与青藏高原的P轴方位一致.南北地震带南段东侧其P轴大约为NWW方向,与华南块体的P轴方位一致.因此,将中〖JP2〗国大陆分成东、西两部分的南北地震带南段是印度洋板块与菲律宾海板块在中国大陆内部影响控制范围的分界线.  相似文献   

Based on the concept of "active blocks" and spatial distribution of historical earthquakes with surface ruptures as well as major and subordinate active faults. The Sichuan-Yunnan region can be divided into four first-order blocks. They are the Markam block (I), the Sichuan-Yunnan rhombic block (II), Baoshan-Pu'er block (III), and Mizhina-Ximeng block (IV). Cut by sub-ordinate NE-trending active faults, the Sichuan-Yunnan rhombic block (II) can be further divided into two sub-blocks: the northwestern Sichuan sub-block (II1) and the middle Yunnan sub-block (II2), while the Baoshan- Pu'er block (III) can be further divided into three sub-blocks: Baoshan sub-block (III1), Jinggu sub-block (III2), and Mengla sub-block (III3). A quantitative study of offset landforms is carried out and the basic types of active faults and their long-term slip rates along the major boundaries of active blocks of different orders in the Sichuan-Yunnan region are determined, through slip vector analysis, the motion states of the active blocks are clarified and the deformation coordination on the block margins is discussed. It is suggested that the tectonic motion of the blocks in this region is a complex or superimposition of three basic types of motions: southeastward sliding, rotating on vertical axis, and uplifting. The Markam block (I), the northwestern Sichuan sub-block (II1), and middle Yunnan sub-block (II2) have a southeastward horizontal sliding rate of 1-5 mm/a, clockwise rotating angular rate of 1.4-4(/Ma, and uplifting rate of about 1 mm/a. The Baoshan-Pu'er (III) and Mizhina-Ximeng (IV) blocks have also been extensively clockwise rotated. This pattern of motion is a strain response to the collision between the Indian and Eurasian plates and the localized deformation and differential slip on the block margins associated with the northward motion of the Indian Plate. Because a set of transverse thrusts between the blocks absorbs and transforms some components of eastward or southeastward sliding motion, the eastward escape or extrusion of the Tibetan Plateau is limited as "imbricated thrusting transformation-limited extrusion model".  相似文献   

龙门山断裂带形成过程及其地应力状态模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文



The distribution of earthquakes from 1973 to 1982 in the South China Sea, Indochina and their vicinity was studied using the data from I. S. C. It was found that the earthquakes are mainly concentrated along the boundaries of plates. Beside, some of shallow eartqhuakes are distributed in west part of Burma and the boundary between Burma and China, a few of earthquakes occurred in South China Sea. The features of Benioff zone along the boundaries between India plate, Philippine Sea plate and Eurasia plate were studied. The plate do not coupled well under the Java trench and the Philippine trench. The subducted India plate under Burmese range, Andaman—Nicobar arc moves NNE. The fault plane solutions of earthquakes were studied using the first motions of P wave. The stress state on subduction zones and within the area were deduced from the fault plane solutions and the fault movement. It was found that the direction of principal compression axis of stress is in the NNE in west part of Burma, in S—N in south and middle part of Bruma and Thailand, and in NNE or S—N in the South China Sea. It was also found that the stress state has close relation with the interaction of plates. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,13, 129–137, 1991.  相似文献   

On the basis of the textual research on the historical earthquake data and the field investigation of Wudu earth- quake occurred in 186 B.C., we suggest that the earthquake parameters drawn from the present earthquake catalogs are not definite and amendments should be made. The heavily-damaged area of this earthquake should be located between Jugan township of Wudu County and Pingding township of Zhouqu County. Its epicenter should be in the vicinity of Lianghekou in Wudu County with a magnitude of about 7~7 41 and an intensity of about IX~X. The major axis direction of the heavily-damaged area should be in the WNW direction that is approximately consistent with the strike of the middle-east segment of Diebu-Bailongjiang active fault zone, and the origin time should match up to that of the latest paleoearthquake event [before (83±46) B.C.] obtained by the trench investigation. Certain seismic rupture evidences are still preserved on this fault segment. Therefore, we propose on the basis of comprehensive analysis that the causative structure of the M 7~7 4/1 Wudu earthquake in 186 B.C. should be in the middle-east segment of Diebu-Bailongjiang active fault zone.  相似文献   

A migration model of magmatism based on the granite ages in Southwest Japan is proposed to explain the ridge subduction beneath the Eurasia continent as the cause of the along-arc and across-arc youngings of the granite ages and the very high activity of the magmatism in the Cretaceous. For the construction of the magmatic model, the localities of the granite age samples are denoted by the cartesian coordinates X and Y, which are measured along and normal to the Median Tectonic Line (MTL), respectively, and their ages are set corresponding to the coordinate Z vertical to the X–Y plane. The age trend is then formulated by a regression plane of Z on X and Y, which inclines in both directions along and normal to the MTL, and approximates the ages with the very high multiple correlation coefficient 0.91. Evaluating the magmatic trend by such a method, various characteristics of the activities can be taken easily; for example, the isochronous line of the magmatism, which is an intersection of the regression plane and an arbitrary horizontal plane, is found to extend landward obliquely across the continental margin. The migrating rate of the isochronous line along the MTL is also taken to be 2.8 cm/year as a reciprocal of the inclination of the along-arc younging. The isochronous line is speculated to be the out-cropped manifestation of the subcrustal linear heat source. Such a migrating linear heat source is probably due to the subduction of an active ridge, the Kula (or Izanagi)–Pacific ridge in the Cretaceous. The migration model of magmatism harmonizes very well with the plates and the ridge motions in the East Asia area during the late Mesozoic. The ridge subduction is one of the important phenomena that explain the unusually active arc magmatism and the migrating slab window; it is important to grasp dynamically the geological messages issued from the system.  相似文献   

根据对历史地震资料的考证和实地调查,论证了公元1219年宁夏固原地震应为一次地震,而不是二次或三次地震。现行地震目录所给的地震参数宜做如下修正:发震时间为8月7日11时左右;地震重破坏区(Ⅷ度区)位于固原、平凉和隆德一带,极震区介于三者之间的固原附近;震中烈度ge;Ⅸ度,震级可达7级左右。本次地震重破坏区长轴方向为北北西向,大致与该区的六盘山逆掩推覆构造带的走向相吻合,其新构造活动导致了1219年固原地震的发生。   相似文献   

On the basis of textual research on the historical earthquake data and the field investigation of 1219 A.D.Guyuan earthquake,we suggest that there is only one strong earthquake occurred in Guyuan area in 1219 A.D.,instead of two or three strong earthquakes.We further suggest that the earthquake parameters recorded in the present earth-quake catalogs are not definite and should be modified.The occurrence time of this earthquake should be about 11 am,August 7,1219 A.D.and the heavily-damaged area of this earthquake,the VIII intensity area,should be lo-cated among the regions of Guyuan,Pingliang and Longde county cities.The epicenter area should be near Gu-yuan city.The magnitude of this earthquake is about 7 and it has intensity about larger than or equal to IX within the epicenter area.The major axis direction of the heavily-damaged area strikes in north-northwest that is ap-proximately consistent with the strike of the Liupan Shan thrust fault zone.The new tectonic activity of the Liupan Shan thrust fault zone resulted in the M7 Guyuan earthquake in 1219 A.D.  相似文献   

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